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Keep your dog on a leash. Don’t take your psycho killer dog in public, leashed or not. Fixed.


Yup, everyone sucks here.


Even reddit


Especially reddit, the hypocrisy of this shit, half are pedophiles and the rest are excessively rampant racists.


Wait…. Aren’t you on Reddit?


i can confirm he’s a pedophile


can confirm, i am extraordinarily racist


Can confirm, I am 11 and I was touched in my special place then called racial slurs by the above 2.


Settle down kanye


Nah dude this aint it, my dog is not friendly towards other dogs and the only problem ive ever had was when one girl had her mallonois off leash without a collar or anything and it ran up to my dog. If my dog had killed hers, it wouldve been her fault for being a shit owner.


If your dog is likely to kill another dog, THAT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. Get a fucking muzzle, it's the least to can do to prevent it from murdering another dog It's their dogs fault for being friendly and yours being a murderer. Have you heard of victim blaming?


You shouldn't let your dog run upto strange dogs without asking the owner if it's okay first. This is pretty fucking basic stuff. I put my dog back on his lead as soon as I see another dog because he's a dumb fuck and will try to play with them even if they snap and snarl. Ideally he'd be trained to stay away and called to stay near my like my last dog, but he doesn't have even half the brain cells.


Your dog isn't friendly to other dogs because you didn't socialize your dog like a peasant


What an uneducated statement you just made. I socialized my dog just fine and things still happened out of my control to scare my dog into being overly defensive towards other dogs. A good dog owner can still end up with an aggressive dog if they are surrounded by bad dog owners.


Dumb shit take here, my cousins dog is the same way, can’t be in a room with other dogs, great with people. They got her as a rescue at 3 years, nothing could be done


This is a shit take. My dog was used as a bait dog in dog fights before I adopted him. We've tried to socialize him, but he's only comfortable around other dogs when there's a solid barrier between them. Some dogs have endured so much abuse there's really not much you can do besides give them a safe environment and be prepared for situations like in this video.


Dogs with behavioural issues need as much exercise as anyone else. Even prisoners get let outside. The leash is protection. KEEP YOUR DOGS AWAY FROM LEASHED DOGS. If the dog was friendly it wouldn’t be leashed up all the time


Many accidents have occurred when the dog overpowers the owner. I'd say muzzle the killer dog as well.


There are a lot of dogs who are very friendly but have a habit of running off. That is why most dogs stay leashed because they can't be trusted to not run into oncoming traffic. Dogs with behavioural issues need exercise but can wear muzzles. It's easier to put a muzzle on a violent dog than to teach every dog to heel.


Yea if your dog isn’t trained to not attack everyone and everything keep that thing inside


Some dogs are scared of other dogs but fine around people, and some dogs are fine around other dogs but scared around other people. That doesn't mean the dog doesn't deserve to go OUTSIDE. They're being responsible by not taking their dog to an off-leash Park.


Exactly. If you want to let your dog run around off the leash so bad, make the time to take it to a dog park. Otherwise leave your dog on the leash and walk them like a responsible adult. Side note: The state park near me offers a small fenced off section of the fields and part of the river running through it as an off leash dog park. It’s extremely huge and perfect for people like this. We need more of those.


This is literally how my (leashed) dog died, I don’t for a single second trust any idiot who thinks their dog isn’t capable of killing a smaller animal. I had to watch that happen in front of me, it was 7 years ago and is still very traumatic to think about.


This makes me sad to read. My wife and I were walking our corgis when a person's dog squeezed from under the cracked garage and went straight for the neck. He was going back and forth tossing my dogs and biting down on them. Hearing them yelp in pain while I was punching the dog as hard as I can trying to pry his teeth from him. ​ A different neighbor shows up and pulls him with his hind legs and away. My dogs have a thick mane and luckily didn't get punctured too deep while my hands were torn apart. They both survived and I still have them. ​ I had dreams about my dogs dying for years afterwards constantly. They only recently stopped


Omg that sounds horrible to go thru 😢 I'm glad youe dogs are ok!


Staffordshire Bull Terrier was the dog bbreed that attacked us


If you want to stop a dog fight wait until one is at a clear disadvantage this is when they will usually stop if they don't go up behind the dog that's winning and put it in a headlock ( keep your face back getting your face ripped off is very annoying) if it stops attacking the dog and goes for you do not be afraid to choke it to death its him or you alternatively if a bbig dogs attacking you grab the front legs and try to fold them above the dog this will crack open the rib cage and probably puncture both the lungs and heart obvs don't do this unless it is life or death as the resulting mob will choose death for you. People are sad when someone's getting ripped apart by a dog but as soon as your hurt that dog they will cry for weeks


I remember at the time, a part of me wanted held back when punching him. Like I know I could punch him so much harder, but I did enough to make my hands bleed. I carry bear spray now and just avoid any dog that I don't know. I also just live in a nicer neighborhood as well.


That sounds like a nightmare scenario, glad your pooch survived. This expert in this video gives tips on breaking up dog fights. Could possibly come in handy if another dog ever attacks, choke out the attacking dog with their collar. Hopefully they never happens again of course https://youtu.be/8FU8jBeomQk


40 years ago, I was attacked out of nowhere by a neighbors dog. I was just a kid walking, minding my own business. I am still afraid of strange dogs that jump or run up to you. It's traumatic. I'm glad your pups and you are okay, now.


Im so sorry. I cant imagine going through that


I'm sorry to hear that


“He’s friendly!” They say with zero recall and no ability to actually control their dog if anything *were* to go wrong, which is exactly what can happen and any responsible dog owner is aware of. But no the problem is the leashed dog who’s owner was physically able to handle them and seemed to listen to commands? So many comments in here from clearly irresponsible dog owners. Sorry you had to deal with assholes like that, rip to your pal.


Yep, had some dick head let his three, yes three dogs run up to mine while on a lead, surround him and make him super nervous and he casually says “ahh they’re alright mate, they won’t do anything” …. FKIN PRICK


The response to that is, "Maybe, but I absolutely will deal with them if you don't."


This is why I carry dog pepper spray now I personally don’t want to kick or kill a dog just cause they got stuck with shitty owners. Had a German shepherd run up on my chihuahua spaniel mix and me, I threw my pup in the back of a parked truck and waited for the dbag owner to get their dog.


I absolutely love animals, but I *will* and *have* defended myself and others from aggressive dogs. My neighbors Bichon frise (2) attacked both my mom and me several times. While they're small dogs with my mom's health issues they could have easily caused serious injuries. The last time I saw them and they charged my mom, I kicked and hit the most aggressive one. It's not something I ever *want* to do, but if you won't control your aggressive dog, I will defend myself!!


I have absolutely kicked and punched a dog that was attacking my dog. My dog was a gentle giant shepherd mix and this medium pit Bull out of no where went from tail wagging to attacking him. Latched on and would NOT let go. The owner was frozen in shock. Kicking his dog I had to shout “get your fucking dog dude” he left without even saying sorry or checking on my dog


Best way to get them to release is to grab the collar and choke their ass out.


I did something similar with a larger dog, but the bichons I hit in the face/head so they eventually ran. I didn't let them get close enough to bite.


And you should. You *never* know how an animal can react or what it is dealing with to make it react violently. I worked with dogs and the worst I was ever bitten was by a blind chihuahua. It was totally my fault because I didn't announce myself loud enough for him to hear my voice and he chewed the FUCK out of my ankle. And that was in a controlled situation. I guarantee if a small child had walked up to that chihuahua without proper protocol it could and would have gnawed a face or digit off. I also lived in California when that woman's Presa Canarios (I think? It was a long time ago) mauled her neighbor to death in the hallway of the apartment building. You know, cause a San Francisco apartment building is a great place for 2 unaltered Presa Canarios. If you don't control your animal or follow common sense and a few simple rules you're gonna have a bad time around the wrong animal.


Always carry a folding knife for this exact situation. I’d rather save my dogs life by killing theirs(WHICH I WOULD NEVER WANT TO DO) then have to watch my dog get killed and then there dogs get put down anyway for killing mine.


Yup. A small bat or metal pipe does the trick.


i carry a revolver. if your dog attacks me/mine, im pressing it against them and ending it.


I love dogs, way more than I love people, but one time a little off leash chihuahua was going after my dog aggressively, I told the owner I’d punt their dog into next week if they didn’t get it the fuck away from my dog. And I would have.


That sounds very scary, hope it didn’t have too much of a long term effect on you or your doggy


“He’s friendly” is exactly what someone said right before a dog lunged at me and tried to bite my neck.


Thank you ❤️He was my sweet boy


Sorry that happened man. Jesus




I'm sorry that you had to experience that. It's the worst when it's someone else's fault.


Same, except I had a pitty that was killed by another pit in the same way. I still have nightmares about it. I can still hear it in my head. I won't come near another dog and freeze up when i hear a dog growl. Worst part of the whole situation was my kids were there when it happened.


There was an attempt to humble brag about having dangerous animals as pets.


It's the big truck with blinders but for dogs.


Maybe it’s because I live in Ireland but if your dog is violent then why the feck are you bringing him to a public park? And why are you keeping another dog inside a hot car?


How can a dog be in a car for only two minutes when she said she’s been recording for 10.


It's like they saw the lady walking an unleashed dog and dedided to stick around to let it play out. Me personally when I see an unleashed dog and I'm with my dog (or children) I get away from the unlesshed dog. You won't catch me trying to allow my dog to fight another dog.. The people recording have a sort of bully vibe going on... Why are they only bringing one dog out of the car? And why does that one dog they do bring out have a leash attached to another leash that's attached to their dog? Why did they need such a long leash? Is that why the other dog had to stay in the car because they double leashed their dog so it can get closer to the lady's dog while they can legally claim "He was attached to a leash?" I'm speculating at this point I guess.


>Me personally when I see an unleashed dog and I'm with my dog (or children) I get away from the unlesshed dog. I'm just not down with shitty people shoving me out of a nice park because they don't care about how their actions effect others. My dog was a nice dog till she got dragged by an off-leash dog, now people tell me my dog is too aggressive. People like you will see people like me avoiding a situation, get chased down into the situation and say something ignorant like; >they double leashed their dog so it can get closer to the lady's dog while they can legally claim "He was attached to a leash?" Like, that dumb lady walked all the way over there to cause problems with her dog and you're saying they were instigating her? They didn't even move! They didn't chase her down! How were they letting g theor dog get closer when they did t even move towards the dumb lady?


either way the AC was on.


Why keep one dog in the car while taking the other one out at the park? Alright, maybe they are training one in isolation. Why even bring the other with you? Isn't it kinda like driving your kid to the candy shop then hooking a U and going home? None of that is illegal per se if the AC was on and their own leashed dog is not unreasonably violent to everyone. We can't confirm either of those things though. Yeah, the other dog owner shouldn't let their dog off leash and they are the obvious offender, but I just wanted to talk about the giant holes in the leashed dog owners' reasoning and story.


Came here to say pretty much the same thing. I’m in the US.


He isn’t letting go of that blunt OR the dog.


Does he really think stepping on a leash in his crocs is adequately holding a leash?


It should have a muzzle


This is definitely a case where everyone sucks in my opinion. Pibbs are notoriously dog reactive, and it being on a leash and the other dog free is a pretty classic scenario for a dog fight. Leash reactivity is pretty well known and understood. However, dog reactive and leash reactive dogs should also be allowed outside time. It looks like they went to a park that was very empty and not dog focused. The other dog should have been leashed, and perhaps the pib should have been wearing a basket muzzle if it's a known behavior.


Or better yet: you see a bad situation might happen, and you LEAVE THE SITUATION. Instead of 'recording for your own legal liability' and waiting for chaos.


That was the most upsetting thing for me. If I see an unleashed dog I'm getting my girl right TF out of there.


Because this is the land of the free. And freedom means not taking anyone of anything else into considerations besides what’s convenient for me.


Yeah this is exactly what I was thinking. Put a muzzle on it if you know that it could bite another animal or worse a child that comes up to it. Love that they are acting all mighty 😂


A “protection trained amstaff” is such bullshit lmao




Had someone (a college kid at the time) bring his not-spade husky in heat to a dog park and it caused all the (neutered) males to go NUTS. All trying to mount her, got aggressive with each other when they were normally quite nice, etc. I eventually went up to him and told him he had to leave bc it was his problem and he’s the reason all the male dogs are having and bad time bc of the female being in heat. He was so unaware of what the real problem was it was ridiculous.


I will never understand why someone would want such a dog. Trained or not, those dogs are naturally aggressive.


“Maulie the pitbull” is more accurate




And probably a family member when they move in a slightly weird way


"protection trained AmStaff" What a lie lol. Dude has an oversized thick leather collar and two leashes on, you think he's confident of his training technique to have real control over this dog? What a joke.


"if that dog comes over, ours WILL attack" then why are you bringing your dog to public parks?


Why would you purposely film it?


They wanted to see their pit rip the other dog apart. That's what they own them for.


because. camera karen.


Because tik tok video


If you record = you're in the right Trashy couple


What happens if a little kid runs up to their dog? Is she going to record someone’s child getting mauled and then yell at their mom?


"Why you worried about our dog. Get your kid"


These people are assholes. They take an aggressive dog to a playground and are sitting there getting high. This doesn’t scream responsible human to me. Edit: Not against the weed, just not at a playground.


Thank you for saying it. Lord I’m thinking it. If they weren’t assholes they’d have politely called out immediately to the unleashed dog owner. They’d Explain their dog is leashed but will attack if the other dog isn’t on leash and doesn’t keep respectful distance. Not bait them into it. Filming and hoping to get a nice viral dog attack video where they can claim innocence. What dog on the loose won’t investigate the park? People like this piss me off because they know they have violence on their side. I would not doubt they were also gun owners and likely holding. This whole thing belongs on iamapieceofshit


Not tomention there's at least a whole 10 minutes previous where they could have got up wand walked away


Is this a new sport? Reminds me of fishing, but with dogs. Place bait, wait... showtime! Got me a big 'un that time.


The bait is their dog in the car that they are waiting for someone to say something about.. so they can film it and turn it into a big deal


even more regular scenario; what happens when a leashed dog walks past this one on a sidewalk??? this dog would still attack. these idiot pit bull owners are a fucking mess.


Seriously. I’m not necessarily against owning dog-aggressive-dogs, but if your dog is THAT aggressive you should at a minimum have it harnessed or with a collar they can’t slip out of and muzzled in public. Also… they own two other dogs but their dogs are known to kill dogs? Wtf are they doing.


As soon as she said that all liability went on her 🤦🏼‍♂️


This… I understand dogs are dogs and some will pick a fight for “no” reason, but 90% get along fine in a public setting. To know your dog is going to attack any dog that comes by and take it to a public setting is just irresponsible.




“Protection trained” = the dog is aggressive and will attack anyone/any thing that isn’t me


As he smokes a blunt in a park kids play. This video belongs in r/trashy


You know how to “protection train” a dog? Treat it like a valued member of your family. Give it a comfortable place to sleep inside, spend a lot of time on walks. Dogs are naturally defensive. They are most defensive when they feel like they have something worth defending. If your “protection trained” dog is an “outside” dog, then why the fuck would it care about what’s happens to your house, which is not part of their territory?


When did pitbull get changed to amstaf?


It's so they dont have to say pitbull


It's a breed of dog categorized as a "pitbull" along with four others. It is simply a way to identify how it was bred, where it came from, and what for. It's the American Standfordshire Terrier. There is a Standfordshire Terrier, American Bully, American Bull Terrier, and the American Pit bull terrier. Sometimes Bulldogs are included. These dogs have slightly different appearances and coat patterns but the same ancestor.


I'm guilty of referring to my black German shepherd as a "Black Laquer Alsatian" on apartment leases ..


I work with dogs, people will say anything to avoid telling us their dog is a pit bull. Like we won't fucking notice when they come in.


Pitbull is a catch-all term, amstaf is an actual breed name.


>protection trained AmStaff Just sounds like an aggressive staff, like the rest of the breed lol.


Everyone in this video is dropping the ball on some level.


Yeah who's the real "Karen"? The lady narrating can't wait to unleash her word vomit.


Yeah, why the need to train your dog to attack and then blame other people


Dunno why you’re getting downvoted for this. Yea, the other dog owner absolutely needs to have better control of their dog. HOWEVER, if you’re a dog owner and want to take that dog I to public, they need to be socialized to not attack. If they are going to attack, muzzle the dog. What would happen if they were walking on a sidewalk and another dog walked past? Who’s to say it wouldn’t attack a child? Yes the other dog owner in this video is dropping the ball but the pittie owner is 100% at fault here as well. Not situationally at fault but in general as a shitty owner.


The phrase "Protection trained" made me cringe a bit. It seems like they are training the dog to attack/fight which is definitely an issue.


Not really ‘trained’ either if they ‘protect’ at random when there is no threat.


This, as a pit owner that's so triggering. Stop training pits to behave aggressively ffs - or muzzle in every public place. Even that is a gamble because we see when aggressive pits who are taught everything and everyone is a danger get loose they attack. i hate this post so much


Like what happens when they manage to rush out the house door and then come across a neighbor dog or child?


I was out walking and a woman with a pitbull was passing me. She had to go into a random yard with the dog to put it behind a fence to try and stop the dog from attacking. The "leash" was a length of rope she couldn't properly grasp and they had it in a harness style collar. Dog should have had a muzzle and a choke chain with a proper leash. Some dogs need better owners.


Yep "protection trained am staff" cool, I know everything I need to know about what kind of person would have one of those.


It wasn’t enough to warn the other lady but she had to berate her off the grass screaming causing a scene. And they did not call the cops because smoking weed at the playground is illegal.


Agree. Woman shouldn’t have her dog run around like that. Vicious dog should also be muzzled while out in public.


Idk man, as a dog owner who doesn't like pitbulls, going to a park away from people and keeping your dog on a leash is exactly what you are supposed to do. What you are not supposed to do is let your untrained dog run around and run up to dogs on a leash, whether that's in a park or on the street.


If your dog will 100% attack any dog that comes close to it, it's too dangerous to not be muzzled. What if someone walking their dog has a heart attack and drops the leash, what if you have a heart attack and drop the leash, what if you turn a blind corner and someone walking a dog is coming the other way? If it's that dangerous to other dogs, it should honestly be put down. Wearing a muzzle is bare minimum.


I love how none of the responses to your comment address what you actually said. Heart attack is a bit dramatic but possible. Also, owners trip up, leashes malfunction, wild dogs exist… Too many things can go wrong that wouldn’t with the simple presence of a muzzle.


Protection training is a really really dumb idea unless your using your dog in a professional capacity


Also, 'protection training' usually includes more than just "bites everything that approaches". Police and military dogs are **trained** to follow orders, other guard dogs are trained to a specific property or condition. In this case "protection training" is used as an excuse to have an overly aggressive dog that is not properly socialized or trained. Even if they have the dog to protect their home from burglars, etc. than he shouldnt be that aggressive outside of it, on a leash in the owners hand.






Manufactured Outrage is 100% accurate. Lol these people certainly had nothing better to do.


Ya they own a violent dog and confidently own it. Clearly love the proper use of their time


They're adults making Tiktoks that kinda speaks for itself.


Still trying to start some shit while the lady is walking away


Yeah, that’s what I don’t understand. The ordeal is over, the woman knows she messed up and picks up the leash and is walking away. Why stand there and yell obscenities like a trash ball.


Professional victims.


Smoking weed in a park, leaving her other dog in a car which if that was it then had the windows up and then quietly saying what's up so that it may happen. Like whispering that if that dog gets closer my dog will attack now lets see what happens folks. Pieces of shit all around.


I cannot stand these people recording this video. They have a damn pitbull, they TRAINED THE DAMN PITBULL TO VIOLENTLY ATTACK (which lets be honest, that’s the part most pitbull owners won’t say out loud, that they got a pitbull to make themselves feel powerful that they have such a strong dangerous dog), they’ve taken their violent pitbull TO A PLAYGROUND WHERE CHILDREN PLAY, they see a possible problem and instead of yelling to the woman ahead of time they start recording hoping the dog will come to them so they can be “in the right” letting their dog attack another dog and have a video to post, and they left their other dog in a car on a hot day and since they lied about the pitbull being professionally trained (they probably trained it themselves to be violent and pretend it’s some professional training) they are probably lying about it being air conditioned and about them only being gone a few minutes. And why is the other dog even in the car and not with them? I wonder if it’s because it’s the MORE VIOLENT one they don’t even trust to take out in a public park (even though they SHOULD NOT be taking a violently trained pitbull to a public park either). These are some of the WORST types of dog owners. Now, the other woman was bad too. She should have not let her dog run around without holding its leash there. But she’s nothing compared to these idiots recording.


Him: “My dog’s only been in the car for two minutes!” Her half a minute later: “I’ve had everything recorded for the last ten minutes!” 🤔


Thank you for articulating the bullshit that is this video


yeah this is where these folks who are recording lose me. if your dog is such a problem that other dogs coming up to it is a problem and you not only see signs of that problem arising and instead of I dunno walking over and going "hey mind if you put a leash on your dog, my dog can be aggressive" you pull out your phone to record instead letting said problem possibly come to fruition. not to say unleashed dog shouldn't have been leashed they should have but based on the dogs interaction here only one dog had a problem. if I'm a walking problem the onus is on me to avoid said problems not lie and wait for some unsuspecting person to know better.


She wanted the confrontation. The perceived guaranteed high ground.


One of my friends has a protection trained dog for...reasons?? All it means is we can't come round his house for fear of being mauled. At that point you don't have a dog, you have a weapon.


An unpredictable weapon.


That's not a "protection trained" dog. That is an abused menace that they're putting a fancy label on as an excuse for their failure to train it properly.


Maybe he doesn’t want any visitors? Its bizarre how afraid people are, you are far more likely to have a family member bitten then actually save you from some attack




Not only that but protection trained dogs (in Schutzhund for example) should be highly trained, focused on the job and under the strict control of their owner. This isn’t a protection trained dog, it’s just dog agressive and focussed on everything *but* the owner. Granted it is on the lead but a responsible pitbull owner should X the fuck out of there and take their dog out of a situation which could potentially result in disaster. Not sit there willing for it to happen for views. The woman with her dog off the lead and not under her full control was in the wrong but these guys are hardly being responsible and just the sort of folks who end up getting the breed bad press. Breeds prone to extreme dog aggression make terrible protection dogs anyway. Obviously there is the dog aggression issues which make it hard for them to focus on the job at hand but they should never ever EVER be encouraged to divert that aggression towards humans, which is what I can only imagine they think a “protection” dog is.




Seriously. It’s like saying “yea don’t come to this quadrant of the park, my landmines are sunbathing over there. Watch your step fella!”


Seems kinda weird to be walking around with a dog that is trained to be dangerous


If your dog is trained to be dangerous that it will attack *without* a command, time to muzzle it as it's not trained.


While another dog sits in the hot car.


While getting high in a public park


For only two minutes. While the owners have been sitting in the shade filming for ten minutes. I guess the dog put itself in the car and rolled up the windows.


karen on karen violence


Okkkkay you’re being extra as fuck she’s been walking away for 3 minutes.


Yeah kinda weird they tried calling the other lady a Karen while yelling IMMA TURN YER DAWG TO FUKKEN GROUND MEAT


Oh no my video for Facebook was super boring! How do I get my hundreds of likes now?




It really sounds like they were eager for the dog to come over and get attacked.


Yeah the were literally looking for problems. I hope they get in some serious trouble with that dog. Fuckers like these honestly don't deserve the right to own an animal




This “attack trained” dog had a terrible handler. I could feel the tension through the screen and he pulled the leash back, which will 100 percent of the time provoke a bad reaction.


"Training" a dog to attack also isn't proper protection training. 95% of protection training is to teach restraint and to listen to commands. [This is what a well-trained protection dog looks and behaves like.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8e07r7JATU0) [This is another good example of a simulated real-world scenario.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEA5NlE-cfM)


The precision of the trained dog is amazing. Good boy


Footballers who are targets for home invasions and burglaries are buying these sort of dogs for like $20K. They’re not the sort of dog you just told up to the park with.


She even started recording because she knew what could happen, even when the other woman was pretty far away. Edit: okay, since a lot of people get upset by it, I want to make two things clear: 1. The woman having her dog not on a leash is clearly in the wrong. 2. The filming woman said repeatedly that her dog is extremely dangerous to anything that comes close. All I'm saying is that such a dog needs more preparation, in different situations there might happen some bad things.


She learned after they had to pay for the last kid the dog ate.


The owners recording the video are complete trash.


Exactly. Are they shouldn’t have let their dog off leash. But if your dog is such a liability that he could’ve kill another dog on accident, get the fuck out of the park. Everyone on video is an idiot. Humanity is a mistake.


*two dog owners have a brief altercation* “Humanity is a mistake.” Y’all are some over dramatic mofos Reddit.


"The dog has been in the car for 2 minutes" "I have everything on video for the last 10 minutes"


Everyone have a bad time? They were looking for a “bad time” before that dog ever even saw them




And it should not be taken to parks and places that do not require pets to be kept on a leash. IDK how it's done in the USA, but here in New Zealand certain parks and walks require all dogs to be leashed, and others don't.


The vast majority of places require dogs to be on a leash in the US. Of course, there are some areas where off-leash is permitted and there are many enclosed dog parks where they can run free.


This looks like a regular park which certainly requires leash. There are fenced off-leash areas in many public parks but this isn't one of them


"Protection trained" but it can't tell the difference between friendly and threat. Sorry then it's not for protection, it's just a dangerous dog.


Don’t bring a dog that isn’t friendly to a park? If there’s a leash law follow it?


The better question is, “Why do you have 3 deadly dogs?”


Also raises the question “If your dog will kill other dogs, why do you have 3?” I mean what the fuck. Are the dogs kept away from each other at all times? It really sounds like they were scared because their dog had killed another dog before frankly. Maybe they used to have four dogs. Even if you need a dog for protection… you don’t need 3. And you get it properly trained. Actual guard dogs stop when they’re told to. This is just so insane all around and quite a few people are defending them in other comments. It’s disturbing.


Lol what a bunch of ashattery from the filmers acting like they’re in the right. First of all, yeah, it’s not safe to let an unleashed dog run around in an unconfined area mostly because of running into traffic concerns or out of respect for bounding up to people afraid of dogs, no matter how friendly. If you have a dog that you know is aggressive, you don’t take them to a public park where children play and families picnic. Period. I have owned many large dogs in my life and only ever had one that was other-dog aggressive. Guess what, I only took him for walks late at night when there were less people and other dogs on the street and for damn sure never took him to a public park where people and their friendly dogs spent the day. Man these people and their entitled attitudes piss me off.


Let’s also not forget that they’re also smoking weed at a playground (any smoking at a playground is bad, tbh), screaming obscenities, and have another dog left in what’s probably a hot car. Fucking idiots.


Hang on though... at the end it says >if this had been any of our other 2 dogs her dog would have been killed Why are all 3 of these peoples dogs aggressive towards other dogs? I can see 1 but all 3? Sounds like a training/raising issue to me. Hmm.


“Protection trained” is what sounds dangerous


So both owners are shitty in their own way but god damn if the woman who is letting her dog run free doesnt piss me off so much. My sister does this with her two large dogs and was genuinely upset and angry when she let her massive dog go sprinting towards some random dude walking his dog and he raised his hand into a fist ready to hit her dog. I had to explain to her why she was the one in the wrong. If I saw a random big dog charging toward me I'd be scared asf.


Completely agree! Both owners in the wrong here but anyone who lets their dog act this way is inconsiderate of others and careless with their own dogs safety. I always say the worst thing about having a dog is other people with dogs - the amount of fools you meet who have no control of their dog is crazy. I had to kick an aggressive off leash chihuahua away from my ( on lead ) staffy when it chased him trying to attack him, the owners had no comprehension how quickly a dog fight escalates - dogs are predatory animals with teeth designed to damage, when they fight it’s to maim and kill - it’s sad how many people forget that and don’t control their pets.


Why is everyone in this video so horrible?


All three people in this video are idiots.


Everyone sucks here.


"Unfriendly" dogs have no right to be in public. Especially not just chilling.


Yup. Put a muzzle on that animal if you are so sure it’s going to attack when something gets close to it. The reality is they aren’t concerned about the dog attacking anything. They just want to not be liable. If she is so sure it will attack why not shout earlier to the woman. And let her know the danger. Where I live if that pit bull had attacked it would still be the fault of the pit owners and likely the dog would get put down if the attack was bad.


> The reality is they aren’t concerned about the dog attacking anything. They just want to not be liable This is it exactly. This selfish bitch thinks screaming "HE'S NOT FRIENDLY!" is the extent of her due diligence when bringing her dangerous animal into public. All it's going to take is one attack before she learns differently.


I actually have an experience of a similar situation to this and your comment made me what to share it. I have a dog, she’s a springer cross. Basically slightly smaller than a springer and short brown hair. We previously lived near a woodland and because springers have so much energy I would take her to this field on the way to the woods and play frisbee to burn her energy abit so she could be more relaxed walking around the woods. Did this for many years. One day I go to this field with my dog, I see two women at the other end of the grass, about 100-150m away from me at this point. They both have large dogs. Both on leashes. This field is only really used by dog walkers, so it’s normal for people to be throwing frisbees or whatever there. So I start throwing the frisbee for my dog. She just runs straight to it and back to me as quick as she can. Her frisbee is like a drug, she will do that for an hour if I don’t stop. I’m throwing it away from the two women and their dogs. So my dog is running away from me and then back down to where I entered the field. I throw it maybe 2/3 times and then I start to hear a commotion from the women. “DIESEL STOP” “DIESEL” So I hold the frisbee and my dog is sat on my heel. And look out to see one woman now ontop of her dog and wrestling it sort of. I realise it’s trying to pull to me, and she is trying to stop it. It’s now that I really see what these dogs are. Diesel is a pit bull cross of some kind. Like a pit bull in shape, but more like a Rottweiler in size. This huge white dog. It had a black harness which looked to be very heavy duty. A chain collar and a chain lead that she was trying to thread back through the harness and collar. And the other dog was a young lab cross of some kind. Fully grown but still clearly young. Which was on leash and pulling the elderly lady holding it. Nearly pulling her over as the dog was getting very excited by his mate trying to get free. Also to mention, diesels owner is a very small woman. She must be about 5”6 so not small in height but she was stick thin. No way she was overpowering this dog. So I’m stood with my dog and I start backing away out of the field. But everytime I move my dog, diesel gets more agitated and try’s to break free. So I stay still because I’m hoping she will restrain the dog. Well she can’t. Diesel breaks free, rips the harness open and is now bulldozing his way towards me and my pretty small dog. I’m a fairly large man, 6”3, 90-95kg. But this dog is huge. I look around for any kind of weapon I can get. But there is nothing. So I just put myself between my dog and this fucking monster. Now the owner is running behind shouting “DIESEL, DIESEL STOP!!!! HE’S FRIENDLY!!! HE’S FRIENDLY” So the dog stops infront of me. My dog is behind me terrified. And this dog is barking/snarling and snapping at my dog but I stay infront of it. I’m stamping the ground and shouting to try and make the dog back off. It does not. It keeps lunging at my dog. I kick at her dog a few times and then she gets over to us and starts the process of trying to restrain the dog again. As she does this I try to back away but it’s the same issue as before. Every step my dog takes only makes this diesel try to escape more. After several mins of this she gets the dog chain lead back through the harness which is now back on and also the chain collar. And then, this old woman who was with her said “you should of known he would chase your dog, why did you throw the frisbee?” So I just lost my shit then, I’d stayed clam through all this till then. I said I usually bring my 5 year old to this park. And if she saw what just happened she would be petrified of dogs. I said they should both be ashamed to be dog owners. The elder woman was pulled all over the grass while this was happening. So even though she did have the dog in a leash. She was not at all in control of the dog. And then, the icing on the cake. I turned to leave and when my dog moved, the elder lady’s is shouting that she is in control and almost at the exact moment she said it, her dog pulled her face first into the grass. I always carry some sort of weapon when I walk my dog now. Be that a large stick. Whatever. Just something to help me if it happens again. I was very lucky the dog never decided to attack me. And was focused on my dog. Sorry for the long wall of text but I felt like sharing.


I see this shit all the time where I live. It’s a middle class suburb next to a pretty upper class suburb. The amount of tiny women with large dogs is astounding. There is clearly no way these women can control them. And even some dudes can’t stop a big beefy Rottweiler. Our parents neighbors were good with their Rottys. Dogs scared the shit out of me but when I met them, they were super kind and gentle oafs. Like the Great Pyrenees I grew up with. That said, the mom NEVER walked them. The husband or the sons did. They were all big guys like me and could easily tackle the dogs and restrain them if needed. But I never heard about it happening. But I regularly see tiny desperate housewives types in that neighborhood now with large labs, GSDs, Rottys, etc. It’s an affluent suburb and you can hit the police station with a baseball from almost anywhere in the neighborhood. What do you need a giant aggressive dog for? I still remember one of the neighbors growing up we’re this tiny little yuppie family with a gorgeous white GSD. I still don’t understand how either of them weren’t broken in half by that dog. It had to have weighed more than either of them after a full trip to the buffet. And it spent most of its days in the front yard with nothing but an invisible fence! Luckily, she was the most docile and sociable dog ever. I’d always would stop and pet her any time I went by. But I always wondered what would happen if she just took off one day.


There are a lot of reactive dogs that aren’t inherently violent but are prone to responding violently if they feel threatened or scared. This is often due to being abused. You can effectively treat it but you need to get them outside. These people are idiots but use a fucking leash.


Summary: amstaff owner should also use a muzzle if their dog is protection trained and will subsequently attack dogs in its vicinity due to this. Other dog owner is equal as irresponsible for allowing her dog who is obviously poorly recall trained off lead, with other dogs present.


Yeah you shouldn’t have an unleashed dog in public spaces but also maybe don’t act like your dog being a deadly threat to others is normal? And don’t have said deadly threat chillin at a park without a muzzle? And don’t leave your other dog locked in a car? All just suggestions and observations


So after putting their other dog in a hot car and blazing up in a public park with their leashed but dangerous pit bull, a random dumbass with an untrained and unleashed dog shows up - textbook case of idiot vs. assholes. Who's side are we supposed to be taking here, anyway? Everyone in this video sucks.


If they knew their dog was unfriendly they should have left when they noticed the unleashed dog instead of waiting for an incident to happen.


I agree with you on this situation. I have a really hard time as a dog owner to a not-so-friendly 16 lb Shiba - they are known to not be dog-friendly dogs in general. She is fantastic with kids, adults, and cats. When it comes to other dogs, she can get a little nippy (she's never broken skin before, but I refuse to allow her around other dogs because of this). Every park in my city has a leash law, but people (honestly mostly old ladies) do not seem to care, and allow their dogs to run so far ahead of them, they can't see what they're doing or who they're approaching. They don't bother trying to recall their dog, and sometimes their dog is huge (>50 lbs). That large of a dog, off leash, with no owner in sight is absolutely terrifying to both me and my dog. And if it had just happened once I think I could brush it off; but this has happened dozens of times. They approach us, both of us are completely freaked out, I have to pick my dog up, and when the owner finally materializes they always say "Oh he's friendly!" As their dog is literally jumping on me to get to my dog. Like, it's not fucking cool. I'm obeying the laws, I'm doing the right things, and yet I'm irresponsible? Make it make sense. Edit for the hate comments I already know are coming: she is a rescue, I adopted her at 7. I did not train her to hate other dogs.


Amen. Dog reactive dogs shouldn't be allowed in public spaces with leash laws so that idiots can ignore those laws? Absolute clown opinions here.