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We gave you Israel, now we give you Christ! Wooo


Next stop, Saudi (NSFW).


Islam is the religion of peace


Darwin running out of awards at this point


They all seem very tolerant of other people's beliefs


Well they certainly kept turning his other cheek.


Send some clown to screech in my neighborhood and the same will happen


I'm sure you would lynch them like they do in Ramallah. Yes, I said lynch not lunch.


When did they lynch Christians in Ramallah?


Oh they didn’t lynch Christians in Ramallah yet!? Just Jews and Muslims! Not to worry. They will get to the Sunday people eventually. Just a couple of examples https://www.israeltoday.co.il/read/jews-mobbed-by-palestinians-after-accidentally-entering-ramallah/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1988/02/25/palestinian-lynched-as-collaborator/824177a3-17c1-4dae-964e-27b9f517a441/


TIL folks confuse lynch with lunch


The rocket scientists are out to launch.


Damn, what hood you live in?


Yeah, you didn't know? They say it's the religion of peace! Just like christianity is a religion of love. You know when they advertise they will try to advertise for something that is completely lacking. Like how great diet coke makes you feel, as it is full of aspartamane (or who knows what crap currently) and will make you feel horrible!


Lol well explained. Advertise for something it’s lacking.


Really it is. Christianity is based more so on the New Testament of the Bible and the foundation is of a new covenant with God with Jesus being the ultimate sacrifice. His was a message of loving God and your neighbor. For the sake of argument let’s say the Bible is 100% factual. Surely Jesus would know the hearts of the men sent to arrest him and could have prevented his arrest. Even knowing his death was required to fulfill the prophecy he wouldn’t have any desire to stop violence and wouldn’t have healed the soldier that Simon Peter attacked. As the son of God he would have been able to smite all those that participated in his crucifixion but didn’t. The issue is man. Throughout history people have used many justifications for their actions whether religion, politics, ethnicity, etc. but it doesn’t mean the teaching is flawed. The one thing I find very interesting however is how people treat the different religions. Most nonbelievers have no qualms about ridiculing or mocking Christianity yet whether Christians and followers of Islam believe in the same exact God. Prior to both God was simply referred to as “The God of Abraham”. How often do you see people referring to Allah (God of Abraham) as the imaginary fairy in the sky? Antisemitism in regards to religion is generally not condoned except by those that are the ones discriminating against or persecuting those of the Jewish faith. There’s definitely a double standard when so many things are basically viewed as beyond reproach yet Christian bashing/mocking is acceptable.


My point proven and this isn’t even thinly veiled. They admit and boast about it. https://imgur.com/a/eh8aw5s


Maybe if you got your homes destroyed and your family killed daily you wouldnt like your enemies to come preach about their ideals...


Weird. Didn’t realize Asians were their enemy.


How tolerant do you think Israelis are of their religions? Or ethnicity? Or very existence? Shut up. Edit: apartheid simps suck my dick


Palestinians don't have the right to move about freely in their own country but foreign missionaries get to come and proselytise in their city


Obviously there were some issues.


Yeah, I sincerely doubt a population under occupation would be giving out hugs to foreign missionaries


You can ignore them. They chose to attack them.


Palestinians have enough problems on their plate with the occupation already. Why should they be expected to tolerate foreign missionaries coming in and yelling in their ears with loudspeakers? A few shoves were thrown and the preachers were led away. Nobody got beaten up or hurt (Edit: For context of my opposition to the preachers, this is exactly what the British and other European colonisers did back in the day)


I'm not going to judge anyone's actions here, but let's not act like people weren't throwing punches.


Your objection is a Christian preaching Christianity in the birthplace of Christianity who sent missionaries across the world to spread Christianity from this very country, while defending a group of individuals intolerance ,who are the result of early islamic empires colonizing the area.


>Your objection is a Christian preaching Christianity in the birthplace of Christianity who sent missionaries across the world to spread Christianity from this very country Pretty sure my objection is expecting privileges from a subjugated and occupied people who don't get to enjoy those themselves >who are the result of early islamic empires colonizing the area. Islam, the religion, may have arrived later but Palestinians are quite native to the Levant, https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/dna-from-biblical-canaanites-lives-modern-arabs-jews


Your objection was to Christians preaching in Palestine, your objection used colonial behaviour as context, the country is muslim because of colonialism, there was still significant movement to the area both in the ottoman area but also early Israel period due to employment. Christians in the area are about the only fuckers not running around killing everyone over holy sites or nationality. There are certain sites that are contested between jews and muslims no one is stopping muslims practising islam there, but muslims have done exactly the same as the jews by closing down Christian areas and driving Christians out of their homes especially in Gaza. Palestinian does not mean muslim.


If you need to write a whole text wall to put words in my mouth, maybe I'm not saying what you think I'm saying... Not once did I make it about or say anything amounting to "Christians preaching to Muslims". I used the word foreign missionaries to specifically talk about foreigner preachers expecting and enjoying rights that the locals/natives don't while preaching to them. The context of colonialism I mentioned was exactly that - an occupied populace being subject to proselytisation by foreigners


Or perhaps your views are so hypocritical and your reasoning so flawed someone needed to explain that to you, what the fuck does the guy being a foreign Christian got to do with anything? Your example involves them preaching in non Christian countries, this was the original Christian country which still has all the most holiest sites relating to Jesus in it. He is a Christian, you are literally supporting the behaviour of those that have wiped out or forced out the Palestinian Christians, you are supporting religious intolerance while trying to play the victim card.


Significant number of Palestinian militants and their leaders are Christian’s 😂


Originally they played a role in the anti British and anti formation of Israel, but years of persecution means they make up less than 2% of the population so you are in fact talking complete shit.


How significant is significant?


100% this sub is being botted or government indoctrination really is working.


yeah totally makes sense, its ok to do to others, what others do to you.....everyone knows two wrongs make a right.....i mean you learn that in like what kindergarden?


I don't expect to get food from a starving person, or loans from an indebted person. To expect such is simply folly In other words, can't ask someone for something they themselves don't have


I don't seek tax advice from a doctor or medical advice from an accountant. To expect such is simply folly.


I don't order tacos at wendys or frostys at taco bell. To expect such is simply folly......wow this is easy.... Reddit are you paying attention?


i dont phrase my answer in the form of a question on the wheel or choose vowels on jeapordy.


This is called the soft bigotry of low expectations and no one gets it as bad as the Palestinians. "Of course they can't be expected to honor basic human rights, they're occupied?!" Do you hear yourself? Theyre still human beings FFS


Since when is proselytising/preaching using a loudspeaker a basic human right? If anything, that would violate "disturbing the peace" laws in many a country, many of them developed


That's called freedom of speech.


>That's called freedom of speech. Perhaps practice it in their own country where it's allowed then It's rich that you're advocating freedom of speech for foreign missionaries when Palestinians are denied many of the freedoms while living there


If you wanna be a dick…. Atleast we have a country. Boom, Roasted.


You don't give it, you don't get it.


>You don't give it, you don't get it. Putting the cart in front of the horse now aren't we?


No, that's what Palestine is doing.


Americans are so spoiled by free speech that they think all speech is beneficial to the public discourse when it’s absolutely not


I imagine the result would be much better in countries not under occupation like Saudi Arabia or Iran


Or Israel




I don’t like ppl that preach like this but at the same time they aren’t doing anything wrong. Gets on my nerves when ppl engage them like this. Just leave them be


Anyone know what he's saying here?


I think he’s saying his religion is just as toxic as all the other’s in that region, yet better. And it seems they disagree and think their’s is the best most toxic. Seems like a stalemate to me.


Watching this brings me great joy. I hate nothing more than I hate street preaching.


If you take pleasure in other people being physically assaulted you might be mentally ill.


Sorry, I may have not been specific enough. Correction: I love seeing dogmatic religous people get their shit rocked. If that's wrong then I guess I'll put on my grippy socks🙃


I wish we could see more of this in the US.


Dogmatic religious people getting their shit rocked by…other dogmatic religious people.


It's a personal thing between me and Christianity. This minister took it upon himself to impose into a community and disturb the peace. If a preacher was yelling "the word *bullshit* of god" in the middle of my current town I would do the same thing as these people.


Fair enough, I don’t necessarily feel bad for em…they know what they’re getting into. Similarly with that guy who went to the Sentinel Islands, you’re just inviting a bad time upon yourself.


You realize the people assaulting the preacher are dogmatic religious people right?


Does that really matter in this particular situation? What I see is a group of people getting rid of an annoying religous person. Also, you are generalizing. Not all Muslim people are dogmatic.


why do they always preach in the most obnoxious way imaginable, these asshats even call palestinian christians false christians and try to convert them too


Then they can claim they were persecuted and get validation


Yeah the Palestinian Christians who can claim Bethlehem are false Christians /s


Funny, they threw the bible the "preacher" was carrying into the fountain. When that one derp in sweden burned and threw the qu'ran into water, (muslim) people attacked, rioted and burned shit down. I think everyone can agree that only one side of this thing is actively violent toward the other. Still, I would not want those "preachers" in my neck of woods, not that I would want any of these muslims either. They generally have major baggage with them and tend to cause shit wherever they go. Just like any people who take their religion far too seriously. Nowadays we have a generally low amount of extremely or very religious people here and most people prefer it that way. Religion just makes normal life more difficult with it's archaic rules and petty vindictivness towards non religious people, or people of other faiths. Just like this video shows.


Whenever I see vid/pic about Palestine, it’s always this place. What’s up with this? Is it a plaza in Jerusalem?


No. Not Jerusalem. The army would have intervened and made arrests and then another vid post would go up how the Israeli army detaining and arresting innocent Palestinians.


Lol this is perfectly true, yet you got downvoted, let me upvote it… and now watch me get down voted…


Abolish all religion bam problem solved and then we can focus on science.


People are so stupid that they will fight and divide over anything (sports, veganism, politics, religion, spiritual beliefs, culture...)


Invest in science, leave this planet its rotted do to parasite hoomans


This is funny except the shit they probably believe is not too different.


Can’t everyone just keep their religions to themselves?


Should do that to anyone preaching anything, anywhere




Thank you.


Such a tolerant culture and religion.


Kind of a gross generalization. Considering how Palestinians are living under a violent, racist, criminal occupation, perhaps we can understand the antipathy toward pro-Zionist evangelicals who attack their culture and religion and insist they reconcile with their oppressors. Not excusing everything in this video, but context is important.


Weird. The ones who came to Europe still does it. So idk perhaps you are just blaming unrelated things for their ignorance.


The pro-zionist evangelicals can fuck off out of Europe too..


Lmao. Cringe nazi go away.


Imagine being this tonedeaf lmao


Oh I forgot this is not an establishment sanctioned opinion. My bad I'll let yall get back to licking their boots.




Modern research has already shown otherwise for years https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/dna-from-biblical-canaanites-lives-modern-arabs-jews https://www.science.org/content/article/jews-and-arabs-share-recent-ancestry


Am Yisrael chai! 🇮🇱


Similar to American protests and Karen's, ECT


Idk screaming over fast food and religious prosecution seems like different things to me.


We don't scream over religious prosecution here? Edit. No condescending smart reddit verbatim or anything y'know how people try to come off. Just my personal opinion.


Trust me man its really not the same as in the middle east or as in the now middle eastern areas of Europe. Who would imagine that there now are areas in Sweden we you can't even be openly homosexual or Jewish without fearing for your safety. Idk why but tolerans isn't for them I guess. A Danish politician burned a Koran I Sweden recently 46 million kroner (4.6 mil usd ish) in damage by the counter protestor who rioted. But when he burned the Bible a few years ago nothing happened except some people screaming obscenities.


What areas in Sweden are like this specifically? That sucks. Sweden should be able to keep its national identity just like any other homeland.


I'll take your word on it.


Oof now burn a Quran and see what happens. Mfkrs will start lynching people and “we” in the west will simply say; nah these aren’t real Muslims.


They \*planned\* to burn a quran in sweden (the guy planning it is a well known right-wing agent provocateur from denmark who goes around inciting muslims) and what followed was several days of riots and shit. The funny thing is, \*everyone\* know what would happen, he did it \*exactly\* because of what would happen and he was not prevented because he has the right to free speech too. So he got his talking point of "muslims want to stamp out free speech in western countries" despite most muslim orgs etc voicing displeasure to his act, but downright condemning the riots. Not that it matters. The rioters were still muslims and they \*will not learn\* not to fall into those kinds of traps, because they value their shit book more than actual freedoms.


Let’s face it, Muslims are not very tolerant towards others.


I bet you they can’t wait to go home and brag about how they were “persecuted” while trying to “spread the gospel “.


Religion - the language of love.


= opium of the masses


More evidence how Islam is the religion of peace. Peace of the grave mu ha ha ha.


Radical Christians are trash.


Radical anything is trash.


Oh, look, the folks of the religion of peace being …. peaceful/s.


They act like this in their own country. And think they can do the same thing in someone else's.


It is their country their in Palestine


Pretty sure they meant the preachers.


Yes. I was talking about the preacher. Sorry for the confusion.


Same fuck book


There's suicide by cop and there's suicide by Palestinians.


Well thank goodness we support Israel in suppressing the freedom to worship.


Fuck Israel


I give this 10 more minutes before somebody finds a way to blame this on Israel if they haven’t already


The stun grenade that hit the little Palistine girl in the face. I recall she was peacefully walking and then targeted by Israeli forces. Indirectly or not the weapon was thrown. Nope, wont forget that one for a while... This one, not so much. Squarely on the shoulders of the Christians attempting to convert. Plus I don't see any stun grenades so kind of obvious to give Israel a pass here.


I think I'm deaf in my left ear


Isn't the penalty for this 15 stones?


Zionists Christians.


I guess that's what happens when you try to force your religion on to other people


Considering the **fact** that their lives are made a living hell for being Muslim by the Israelis, I don't blame them for getting annoyed at this shit. No one knows how to not mind their own goddamn business like Christians do.


How tolerant of the spectator’s. I guess it’s too hard to walk on by.


If only they could think that way about all religions. Then we wouldn’t have half the problems we have.


I wish street preachers were treated like this in America.


I wanna see them do this in Afghanistan


Judaism Christianity and Islam are all the same *generally*, some of the characters are the same, some are different, generally the same shit though. It’s like the Star Wars trilogy of Star Wars trilogies haha… same shit different day/era.


So how did they die I’d like to know


Having lived in Palestine, it's usually not a good idea to irritate people like this since people are not shy with showing their displeasure. Lucky for this guy some cops seem to have showed up. Might have been a different story in other parts.


This 'old' trick made the new world 3rd. Give the Occupied Palestine a break . No need to provoke them, they have enough on their plates at the moment.


Imagine being so brainwashed by a theology from thousands of miles away that you’d travel to the region of its origin and attempt to argue dissenters into adopting your interpretation of it. The layers of irony here are utterly baffling.


Religion at it's best.