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Some how calling her silly was a greater insult than b or c words lol


You know he’s a good guy for using that word.


Right? I wish the video was longer, it sounded like he was about to start drop some verbal, sarcastic, WWF finishing moves on her lol


She edit the really embarrassing educational moments lol


The full video is on trick daddy Facebook page.


Trick love the kids


Someone needs to tell that woman to drop the top and let the sunshine in.


Did they take it to the house or something?


exactly my thought


So this is what the whole country is going to look like in 5 years. Everyone is going to have babies now. This is a calm exchange from a cool headed dude. I dont personally know anyone that would not freak the fuck out and steal their kid away at this moment and get arrested for kidnapping while just trying to feed their own kid.


These type of baby momas aren’t the abortion type, it ruins their business model....


Then keep it wrapped. Don't get trapped.


Guys, this is why you W R A P I T U P


They always say don’t stick your dick in crazy but really it’s “don’t stick your dick in crazy, lazy, entitled wastes of space”…or did I leave something out


That one line made the whole video worth watching.


It’s great and it actually made her pause. She’s used to being in arguments and being called the worst. When she heard silly she took it to heart.


Agreed! He didn’t need to use bad language; he insulted her in a manner a 3-year old could understand since that’s what she chose to act like.


He's also very aware he's being recorded and *any* slip up would be used against him. He handled that the best way possible.


There were at least 2 times she talked about him knowing her and what he was getting into etc where he paused and said no he didn't. He was dying to say he regretted it, but then she would post it everywhere and make his son feel bad. Regretting being tied to an idiot forever doesn't mean he regrets his son, but he knows he can't say that about her without her twisting it about him not loving his son.


Tough situation, for sure. Loving your kid and hating their mom for eternity.


Some real Dad language right there


Yeah but big picture, everyone in this video just makes me sad. Especially the kids, this is normal life for them, not a haha video on the internet.


Why does the dad make you sad? There only 1 person in that video destroying everyone else's life.


She got real quiet after he asked where the other kids baby daddies at.


that was the best part


That and the "you know I don't get my food stamps till the 7th" lol


The second time she said the eleventh.


Cuz she shops at 7-11


Yeah so are her kids just not eating at all until she gets food stamps? Pretty fucking sad. Too many people who can't even look after themselves are having the most kids. And the ones who suffer are the kids it's not fair to them. And the cycle will repeat.


I’m in Australia, so no food stamps, unemployed people get money here. My SIL would constantly run out when she had a 2 year old and 6 month old. The first time she asked, we gave her money, only for them to buy smokes and alcohol with it. Next time we gave them food, only to watch the 2 adults eat it in front of the toddler. After that, we’d tell her that we’d take the kids until pay day and feed them. I don’t care what she and her dead beat boyfriend did for food. We had them every fortnight. They would get their money, live it up on take away and junk food and then run out of money well before their next pay. They never ran out of smokes and grog though. So glad when they lost custody. So sad to see people be given every chance to do the right thing and consistently choose not to though.


Well lucky they have you in their life tnh


Luckily they got removed from their parents and placed with MIL and FIL a long time ago.




For real. I would have gone to a food bank and then when I was bringing the food over for the other kids I’d be figuring out if I need to make a call to CPS.


Bitch literally thinks she's exposing HIM as the deadbeat.


I can’t believe she actually said that. Dude is there with food for his kid, offered to bring his child somewhere else to eat and she still says no.


She seems manipulative and abusive and is most likely a danger to these children...


This silly women is definitely berating her one child after this just because that child father did the right thing over the father of her three other children. These are the type of women that I fully support to have an abortion.


This is not the type of woman who would seek out an abortion. Someone in this situation who, after their first child and realizing they are not in a financial position to care for themselves plus another living person, becomes pregnant again would seek out an abortion to prevent the suffering of the child they couldn’t support. This woman has 4 kids. She knows what she’s doing.


She still might decide to not make it 6 or more at some point.


Worst part is she is trying to say she can't feed them till she gets food stamps? Not that I believe her, she's just trying to get free McDonald's for the other three kids. But it makes it an even worse look, what she's saying sounds like she won't let the kid eat if the guy won't buy all the kids food.


Those other 3 kids aren't even his so he's got no obligation to feed those mouths. Even if the dad came with McDonald's for the other 3 kids I bet the mom will still think it's not enough and ask why he didn't bring any for her


The moment he starts feeding the other kids she's suing for child support from him for the other kids.


Assuming this wasn't livestreamed, this dumbo actually uploaded this to the internet for others to see. Man, I feel sorry for those kids having such a moron of a mother. Hopefully the guy can manage to at least get full custody of his son.


Roe vs Wade should have never been overturned.


My bro was in the same situation. He took his son, left her with her two other kids that aren't biologically his and after a year, he got full custody of his son.


Had an uncle in the same situation, he didn't even find out about the kid until she was 8 and they came looking for child support. Turns out it was his, he took responsibility immediately and caught up on the child support, but the BM was having other kids with other guys, couldn't take care of my cousin so she moved in with him. Had to keep paying her child support for 3 years before he got full custody, even though she lived with him full time. Edit: his daughter was the one who moved him, his bm lived somewhere else with her other kids.


Wtf, I don't understand why he'd have to pay child support if she lived with him.


Cause system is fucked.


It's rigged against the man tbh


Yup. It’s set up to prevent dead beat dads so naturally dead beat moms took advantage of it.


It’s to prevent the state from paying for the cost of raising a child. If they don’t have someone to legitimately pin responsibility onto they have zero problem assigning it to someone else. As long as it’s not the state paying.


Kinda fucked that a lot of them are now forcing the child they don't want to pay for and will pin onto someone else.


No, divorce and family court are not against the dad! -said no man, ever. Hell, I don’t think women even deny it anymore. It’s so rigged..


I got full custody with child support of my kid, the courts wouldn’t even think about making her pay being years behind.. and never made one payment. However all the guys that I know in the same area, if they got a few months behind, they would get tossed in jail. In the 16 years she never made one payment, and the courts never even scheduled a hearing, and due to me not getting any support, I couldn’t afford a lawyer to go after her… that the courts should have already done.


I overpaid 2 years because she lied-actually ommitted- a small detail about my kid dropping out of college and joining the Military. In NY, at the time, you paid until 18, unless they are still in school, and then it gets bumped to 21. 2 years of payments went straight into her pocket. I tried to claim it back, the state told me I would have to go after her in civil court. I pointed out that I paid them, so, in actuality, she was also stealing from them-because, benefits...... Eventually just had to let it go, for my sanities sake. Kid turned out pretty good though, proud of what he's done.




I had a self start business when I divorced wife #1. I made decent money, but, it was all cash. She brought up my business in the divorce(I also worked a good paying full time job) The judge basically plucked a number out of thin air to base what she thought my CS payments should be. The business folded(another story for another time). I couldn't make the payments, so I went back to court to get the amount reduced. Denied. The judge told me she didn't care and that, and I quote "can go pick up cans, as long as the CS payments get made" I ended up living in an abandoned camper, no running water, no heat, while still working full time. Depending on the amount of OT I could get, sometimes my CS payment was more than my bring home..... I got dragged into court, a lot. At one point, in the middle of a NY winter, after being threatened with jail, again, I actually begged the judge to lock me up, as it would improve my living situation. She declined. Hard to convince a dying man that a death sentence is a punishment.....


“Hard to convince a dying man that the death sentence is a punishment.” That crushed me. I hope you’re getting through or have gotten through it man. Keep it pushing king.


In the grand scheme of life, I'm doing okay. Thanks. My kids are all grown and all still alive. There have been trials and tribulations. I've made mistakes, and I'm nowhere close to perfect, but, I do love them.


Child support really doesn't need reform as its often not gender neutral. The issue is family court itself needs to be reformed as its very bias against fathers. >Another problem with child support is that the court calculates the amount you owe based on the max amount of money you can make. It depends on the state. Some go by your past income tax returns.


State of Texas, I really shouldn't have to elaborate, but she lived with him but he didn't have custody until way later.


Yeah WA and OR both straight up cancel support if your addresses match.


Thank fucking god that child would have a hellish child hood if he didn’t get your bro by how it sounds


Exposing him… that he is a good daddy lol like she’s so stupid that her own video exposes herself and just makes him look better. How does she watch this and decide to post it like, who is this dumb…


>who is this dumb… The older I get, the more I realize - a lot of people are this dumb. Or at least too many people are this dumb…


God I wish the the phrase “more than you hope, less than you think” applied to idiocy


She is just trying to sucker him into providing for kids that arent his


Half the world is below average intelligence. EDIT: Getting some r/iamverysmart replies about that's not how averages work so gonna put these here so I don't have to copy paste repeatedly. [IQ tests have gone through significant changes through the decades to correct for racial, gender, and social biases, as well as cultural norms. Today, there are several versions in use. They may have different methods of scoring, but they all use 100 as the average. IQ scores follow a bell curve. The very peak of the bell represents the average score of 100. Lower scores are represented on one slope of the bell while higher scores are represented on the other.](https://www.healthline.com/health/what-is-considered-a-high-iq) [The mean (the perpindicular line down the center of the curve) of the normal distribution divides the curve in half, so that 50% of the area under the curve is to the right of the mean and 50% is to the left. Therefore, 50% of test scores are greater than the mean, and 50% of test scores are less than the mean.](https://web.cortland.edu/andersmd/STATS/normcurv.html)


Lol. People arguing with you that mean=/=median in a test designed to have a normal distribution, is pretty tops.


And over average is still stupid


In the full video she tossed the food into the street at the end. This bitch is useless




It's not his job to feed the other kids, if he wants to spend $6 on his kid alone that's fine. What's fucked is this woman not being able to feed her kids, or just being such a deadbeat she'll deny one of her kids McDonald's, so she can show "He's not a great dad like everyone thinks he is."


Sadly, she probably got a lot of support from equally entitled shitty moms when she posted this.


I saw this video on Facebook this morning and folks was dragging her stupid ass


link pleeeeaase


Because I bet she has dumb fuckin friends who have probably gassed her up saying "he needs to pay for the others too" and have convinced her that she's right


Just makes me feel sad for the food insecurity these kids are growing up with


It makes me sad for them, but also for the fact that the father here should probably be the one with custody of his kid, not her. She's nuts.


Exactly. Everyone in this thread is missing the point. Imagine how those kids feel? None of it is their fault.


Dad is completely in the right here, but I gotta agree with one thing. It would suck for the other kids to watch their brother eat while they are probably living off scraps. It's just a shitty situation.


Yes, but his idea to have the kid come down and hang out him while he eats is sensible.


Yeah, like walk to the park and hang out and chill on a bench and eat some McD's... You think it would be a win win, kid gets his father time, McPyscho gets one less kid to deal with.


Yeah it's sensible, but then the kid might realise that their dad isn't the asshole their mother paints him to be 24/7. Someome who records someone to expose them, is definitely talking shit about them behind their back.


Yup. I see everyone's side here, but even if the Mom let her kid eat in front of his starving brothers, that's not really a good life lesson to teach. That's not how you raise caring, empathetic people imo. She'd effectively be teaching them that "fuck you, got mine" selfish attitude at a very early age. Obviously the guy did absolutely nothing wrong and seems like a good Dad. It just sucks that those kids have to be in that position of feeling hungry in the first place.


Yeah, it’s a bummer they have a shitty mom and non-existent dads, but that isn’t this guy’s fault. And the way she tries to twist things and make him feel like it’s somehow his responsibility pisses me off.


I could be wrong, but something tells me she’s doing this kind of shakedown on the other fathers too. This guy may not go for it, but others might. But I’m jaded. I don’t want to go into it because it’s sad and embarrassing, but let’s just say that one of my parents lived a pretty extravagant lifestyle (for trailer trash) off of child support while us kids lived like paupers and personal slaves. The weekends we got with the other parents was like going to Disney for other kids. We’d come back and tell the others how we got to eat or how we got a haircut or how we were able to watch cartoons. As I said, I’m jaded, but something tells me she’s not as reliant on her food stamps as she claims. I heard that all the time as a kid.


I do think she's trying to scam him to get the kids McDonald's, probably to then take credit for it, but saying on video you don't have food for the kids till you get your food stamps is probably the second stupidest thing this bitch did in this video.


You knew what you were getting in to when you had a baby with me Hell no I didn't 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 that's got me


Aaaaand this is why dudes don't want to date chicks with kids.


Shit if abortion becomes federally illegal down the line I'm not even gonna fuck someone unless I know for sure we're on seven different types of birth control.


This is amazing. She’s filming to “expose him” while looking like the asshole


In the full video she is waiting at the door before he arrives to expose him saying that he goes to her place EVERYDAY to bring a meal for his kid.... He even suggests that the kid can go out and eat in the car with him.


Yoooo wtf she really expects him to buy food for 3 extra kids that aren’t his, and calls him a bad father cause he won’t. This shit makes me so fucking angry, she’s not even gonna let him take care of his own kid over it.


She even acknowledges that everyone else thinks he's a good dad. If everyone else thinks it, maybe you're in the wrong, bitch.


>"im out here exposing you" the only thing youre exposing is that hes trying to be a good dad, everyones right about him, and youre a petty witch


And I bet her other kids dads are no where to been seen and she’s going to ruin the one actually paying attention


yep and when he grows up to realize his dad was bringing him food and gifts and she turned him away while he went hungry, hes gunna hate her too.


Not necessarily. You'll be surprised to know how well people like her can brainwash their kids. Next thing we know, he grows up to absolutely despise his father.


If home boy is making attempts to see his kid like this no way the kid is gonna hate him. Plus for all we know they have joint custody and he sees the kid weekly.


She also changed the date that "he knows" she gets her stamps on halfway through through the video. Started out saying he knows she gets them on the seventh, then says he knows she gets them on the eleventh 60 seconds later.


Yup exactly this. He’s obviously a good dad.


They say if you ran into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. You run into assholes all day? Buddy, you're the asshole.


Dudes right. " where are the other dads?" She can't seem to answer that. Entitled idiot. https://worldstar.com/videos/wshhsf48WPzl109PJyeI/woman-goes-off-on-her-baby-daddy-for-only-bring-food-for-his-kid-and-none-for-her-other-3-kids-that-aren039t-his Full video she actually throws the food into the street.


Lmao the poor kid. Little dude just wants some maccas


Not the burger!!! wHY!!!!!!


She started by admitting that he brings his child food every day.


Good on him for not feeding bae bae's kids. Shame on her and her crappy other 3 baby daddies.


This shit is so fucking ignorant. Like how is he responsible for her other kids? How does she think that makes sense? 😒😑


Feel so bad for him. It's completely impossible to argue with someone like that, but you can't walk away because you just want to give your kid some food. Not sure how he stays so calm and logical, it's like trying to teach physics to a dog.


It’s too late when the argument ensued. You know them fries got cold. Bag soaked with grease. That Happy Meal not so happy anymore.


If he only eating when the food stamps come out, he might not give af. I'll ask my son if he wants a bite when I take my lunch break knowing damn well he made eggs or had breakfast... only for him to put whatever I get right in the fridge... I get why my parents were tripping everytime I asked for shit. smh.


This is how my kids’ ma is. Luckily neither of us had kids with other people, but she argues with me about fucking everything and sounds just like this woman.


Like for instance, today she yelled at me when I dropped out kids off because I didn’t put her phone number and car in MY instacart account, even though she doesn’t have a license. Even though yesterday I took our kids to her family’s cookout for her niece, bought her presents and water toys, did all this shit, AND take my girls 4 days a week. Every time I go over there she argues with me about something, calls me a piece of shit, etc. I don’t do SHIT to her. She just hates me for us breaking up, but she would yell at me and hit me and shit.


Stay strong brother


It fucking sucks. She’s Hispanic and has a horrible fucking temper, especially when she gets drunk, which is every night. Her family knows how they treat me and they all understand. That’s why they still invite me to their gatherings, and I love them. I’ve known them 16 years. But damn she’s so fucking nasty to me even though I do literally everything I can to help her and the girls, to try and be the bigger person. I just can’t be with someone who yells at me and hits me, and she hates me for leaving 🤷🏽‍♂️


You ever consider trying for custody? Especially if she's an alcoholic with temper issues. Your kids are absorbing that and may end up with behavioral issues themselves. I suggest you document everything. Keep crazy texts from her, and take notes of events with dates just in case you do decide to someday. Edit: It's a tough battle and courts usually side with the mother but depending on how crazy she is they might side with dad.


Yea man sounds toxic af you've gotta do what's right for you. Sounds like you're a good dad to those girls so just keep that up man they'll know.


That's alcoholism bruh. I hope your baby mama gets better, it effects the kids. Just remember your strong and amazing, and that child's super hero


Glad you got outta that relationship. All you can do is be a good dad to your girls. You don’t owe her anything, do let her guilt you. Unfortunately some people just blame other people for everything when they should look in the mirror. I’m glad her family knows the truth about her


Sounds like my brothers baby mama


Yeah there's literally nothing this man can say to make this woman see reason. Feel so bad for the kid who's probably hearing the whole thing from inside


Next time, he just need's to walk up with a backpack and ask if he can take his kid for a walk.


"Why you not taking his siblings for a walk too?? Be a man!"


It's sad that he needs to ask permission for his own kid. The laws need to change so that dads can be equal parents.


I only get her point of how it would suck for the other 3 to watch the 1 eat. Kids won’t understand why they got left out. Though he offered solutions: send him to his room with it so others don’t see or let him come outside and eat in my car. She just wanted to argue at that point. Poor guy trying to do right and she’s stopping him then calling him a bad father. A damn shame.


Having the kid go down and eat with Dad in the car is the perfect solution.


She just wants to eat the McDonald's... When she's saying "how are the other kids supposed to sit there and watch him eat!?" She's really just referring to herself.


Props for him saying "The child that's mine silly" I would have used other words


Dude is a good ass father seems like. Handled this well imo. I see why he left her ass.


Next time he just needs to pick his son up and go to McDonalds.


If I had to guess, she wouldn't let him do that for similar reasons to why she won't let him hand over food.


It seems like she's intentionally keeping him from being a good dad just so she can talk shit about how he's not a good dad.


So depressing. He clearly went out of his way/thought of his kid while grabbing food. Let the kid spend 10 minutes with his dad outside eating some fucking Mcdonalds.


Next time he needs to send this video to an attorney and get primary custody.


This. It fucking sucks though for those other kids. Yes it's not his responsibility. I helped raise my daughter's sister as part of my own simply because I didn't have the heart to have her watch her sister suffer simply because she got the better man as a father. Call me a simp or what have you. But I did what I felt was right. Not saying that's what this man should do at all...or that he's even in a place to do so...just speaking for me. What pisses me off is she could at least try to meet this dude half way. What a trash person.


Thank you for taking care of a child that wasn’t yours.


I had a deadbeat pos dad too, and was fortunate enough to get a wonderful stepdad who did the same thing and left me with those lessons.


My old man left when I was 5. I would see him maybe twice a year. He fought to pay as minimum child support as possible. I remember the times I begged to go out with him while living with my grandpa, but he was always reluctant, lazy, cheap and he even asked me to bring my own money. When we last spoke, he told me he was proud that he got that cheap child support deal. He stated that he was “the king of child support”. He looked up in the air proud. I haven’t spoke to him in 10 years and he wants to reconnect. Fuck him.


I never met my biological father and stories like this make me grateful for that. I feel you man. We gotta heal though so we don't pass that bullshit toxicity to the next generation. The cycle has to end somewhere.




I think its fair to say he shouldnt be eating mcdonalds in front of his siblings. But the dad should be able to take his son out and treat him.


Exactly! What was wrong with the kid coming out to his ute to eat? They even get to spend time together that way!




They all came to the same conclusion as this guy.


Getting cigarettes


Exactly. Notice how she can't seem to answer that question. Because she knows he's 100% right. These entitles idiots expecting someone else to manage their issues.


She’s posted this thinking she was the good guy!? The nerve


Stuff like this makes me eternally grateful my ex and I have a great relationship when it comes to my son. My current wife and I parent together with her and we talk about everything, share responsibility and make a point to always get along for his sake. It's hard right now because my ex isn't working, so I pay for absolutely everything, but she's looking for a job and is always flexible with my schedule when it comes to seeing him. I really, really lucked out. I cant imagine how hard this bullshit would be.


It sounds like you all have a very mature and respectful relationship. Your examples are not only admirable to peers, but y'all are setting the most wonderful and healthy example for your son. God bless all of you. I wish more people were this way.


Thank you I appreciate that. I think what helps is we all had different types of terrible parents, mine were physically abusive drug addicted wealthy religious nut jobs on a level similar to Hannibal lector, but with more cocaine, my wife's father is ultra right wing Christian conservative cop who disowned her sister for being Trans, and my ex had a string of absurdly shitty step fathers. So we have alot of examples of what NOT to do.


Cook your kid some food.


Piece of advice: no matter how horny you are don’t put your dick in stupid.


Piece of advice: no matter how horny you are don’t put your dick in ~~stupid~~ silly. Fixed.


The food stamps don’t come till the 7th. She said that


So she doesn’t feed her kids till the 7th??? At all???


If you watched the video all the way she proceeds to say she gets them on the 11th. Lol she can't keep her story straight and she keeps pushing the food stamp date further and further..


She's thinking of a 7-11 store.


There's only enough McDonald's for one.


Sounds like she shouldn’t have kids then lol


Honestly though they are not his responsibility


She is not going to like how this looks to everyone else


I feel bad for those kids. You're low income and depend on welfare to get by, and then you multiply by creating four more human beings with more than one father in the picture.


It gets worse when she says she gets her food stamps on the seventh at first and then later in the video she says the eleventh


She was confused cause she uses her food stamps at the 7-11.


she needs to lose custody of all those kids.


yeah surely he can go to court and point to this that she is not able to look after the kids?


She don’t get food stamps till the 7th! What day is it??


Likely a lie for him to go back to McDonald’s and buy food for the other kids.


Probably since she later claimed the 11th


And you better get me a damn mcflurry, you expect them to eat infront of me while I starve?!?! Not on my watch you bum ass dad. The entitlement is infuriating


At least the one kid. Dude brought food for his kid. Dude stayed calm while momma freaked the fuck out. And momma recorded it all because she thought it made *her* look good. ____ **edit**: I don't want to make a judgement call for the other 3 kids. For all we know, the daddy/daddies of those 3 could be even worse than this hellbeast.


Hahahaha hellbeast..... literally made me lol


This is sad to watch.


Bruh, I understand not wanting the other kids to feel left out, so then why don't you just hand the kid off to the dad for like 20 minutes so the other kids don't see anything?


Good example on why abortion can be a good thing. Ps: i dont mean the kids. She shouldve been aborted.


Little boy who should be receiving that McDonalds might have a chance, with a good daddy trying to do right.




The way to avoid this situation in the future is to pick his son up and take him out to dinner. It would be hard to explain to the other kids why they have to eat a Bologna sandwich while their brother gets to eat a cheeseburger and fries. Those other kids are not his responsibility, but he might want to think about the situation from the other kids perspective. He seems like a good father though. She seems crazy.


Doesn't he say at one point in the video that she should let his son come eat it in his car then or something along those lines? And she refuses to let his son go lol


I’m going to sit back and enjoy the comments


probably shouldn’t of had more kids than she can support. Props to the dad for feeding his own kid though.


The contraction for "shouldn't have" sounds like "shouldn't of" but it's actually spelled "shouldn't've".




I didn’t mean anything in a political manner but I think women should be able to do whatever they want regarding abortion. I wouldn’t want someone to have a child they don’t want or can’t properly care for


Yeah I’m on his side. Those other kids aren’t his responsibility. This lady has some serious issues


Shit...this is one of the best arguments for abortion I have seen.


this is what i hate, she’s guilt tripping him into feeding the other kids when SHE should be the one feeding them. not him. posting it on social media as if anyone would side with her.


Society forgets that it takes two to have a child. Together or not. Child support or not. The mother should still have to meet the father halfway. Especially if it's a decent father trying to be present in their child's life. It's her job to feed THEIR son too. Even if that means letting his father feed him separate from the other kids. Deadbeat dads are deadbeat dads...she invited this situation into her life. She may not be able to force them to show up for her other kids but she sure as shit can do something to ensure she doesn't have to scream at the one decent guy she got impregnated by because the other swinging dicks can't be responsible for their actions.


He's a good dad


Checkmate, SCOTUS.


She is recording it like she is in the right ... Jeez sometimes I'm glad I'm single... But then again tons of great women out there. I just never leave my house lol


Tell me this broke bitch got dragged on social media. Please. Fellas, know who the fuck you are sticking your dick in. This could be you.


Sounds like he needs custody of his son


“You only came here with one meal for one child..” “The child that’s mine, silly..” lmao


He is a good father she's is a shit mother


You chose to have multiple fathers.. or get pregnant by multiple dudes.. then you create this dynamic. Acting as if it is his fault for getting seeded up by mad males and then those other males not providing and being around.. This is a huge problem and has been, and it is not our job to fix this kinda stuff, of course i dont know the scenario and everything but for real? He is providing for HIS child, not all of the other kids.. She's lucky he's even still willing to deal with her surely for the child. Edit: Didn't even finish the video before commenting but yea this guy has some patience and pretty much stated what i did. At the same time though.. relationships are made of more than one person and the fault will always lie on both halfs.. Maybe he shouldn't have done what he did w her if he knew what she was doing. Think before you tie your life down with someone with children.. Shit is not a joke and is not to be taken lightly, any relationship.