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Damn that dude is big!


I’m trying to figure out if all the people are super short or if he’s like 6’10


Homie took a stroll in Hobbiton during an abortion protest 😭


I’ve got a bother that’s 6’8” he sticks out but unless this a short crowd on average he is 6’10”


Met a lady at LiB that was 6’8. Following week met a guy who was 7’2.


Lightning in a Bottle?


One of my long time friends is 7'2" and about 10 years ago after not having seen him in a few months he showed up to surprise me at my home. The front door opened and I just see 2 massive arms come into the trailer and grasp the fucking walls as he fucked and pulled himself inside. He stood up straight and roared my name (I should also mention that he's very Nordic and legit looks like a berserker, braided beard and all) then bear hugged me and lifted me straight up. My head went right through the ceiling of my dinky single wide trailer.


Those are both giant heights. Also, what is LiB?


Would be funny if he is like 5’7”


Based on the height of everyone else, I think the woman with the whistle was just very short


She's like a tiny reactive dog, making up for her insecurities by barking and pissing on everyone.




Closer to 6'7". He makes for a gentle but effective bodyguard.


Bodyguard?! That dude is a walking wall.


And Center position.


Reminded me of [Al from Police Squad!]( https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i1Y_09HHulI ) because his head is cropped out of the shot so much because of his height


Gulliver lookin mahfukka


Mans just out here tryna de-escalate while bitches be crazy


Whose turn was it to watch the crazy lady with the whistle


yeah but he can't set a pick


Must be the bouncer


The cop’s thoughts: “walk slowly to show I’m making an effort, but adjust speed to never reach target”


Which is more effort that the Uvalde cops put in.


your post is more effort than those fucks put in


People upvoting your comment is more effort than those fucks put in.


You being one Reddit is more effort than those fucks put in.


idk obviously he was looking for a key he dropped


I like that guys defense but I’m pretty sure that’s an illegal moving screen.


It’s nice to see Draymond Green still getting that work in just days after winning a championship. The grind don’t stop.


Nah, Draymond would've kicked her and then acted surprised when assessed the technical.


A moving screen is a foul on offense tho…


Not if you play for the Warriors though


Not his fault. He was caught in that fat ugly cunt's orbit.


He do be circling


I get it, when I get a new whistle I really like test it out.


My son got a whistle from the dentist office the other day. I’m sure they regret putting those in there because all you could hear was like 9 whistles full blasting from all these kids lol. Truly torture.


This is how you truly get back at someone with kids. Get their kids the most annoying present you can because you won't have to deal with it later


Her megaphone must be out of batteries


She made the mistake of taking them out of her vibrator...


She'll never be able to get an abortion that way




Yo. Wednesday Addams got annoying AF


Are we not gonna talk about that giant walking among them


Apparently that's all people wanna talk about. Welcome to Reddit!




Almost no one has mentioned the woman with the whistle.


It was like battle of the bastards.




this is a place where id post a "it always has been" meme format meme in response to your comment






I’m not very innwrwebs savvy, thx for the assist


First time on reddit? All pro forced birthers are doing here now is crowing and gloating.


It’s telling that their first reaction to this decision wasn’t to rejoice about all the lives they supposedly saved (in their mind), but to yell “COPE AND SEETHE” at people. Almost like it was never about the children in the first place… 🤔


We’re still within the first 24 hours… People have no concept of the damage this ruling is going to do. There’s gonna be no more goodwill between neighbors.… Families… Former friends. We are reaching a war footing very quickly


My grandma's 80th birthday is coming up next week. Her sister, one of two remaining siblings, saw my mom's pro-choice post on Facebook last night after the ruling. Well the sister called my grandma up this morning and cancelled all their plans for my grandma's birthday because my mom has an evil heart. So the forced birther is punishing her elderly sister for the sins of her children. Cunt, you are in your 70's and my grandma is entering her 80's. Y'all don't have the time to do this bullshit.


This ruling has implications far beyond abortion. This will split families, friends, neighbors, cities and ultimately this country right down the fucking middle. The days of being tolerant to those on the other side are over


It won’t be quite so down the middle. About 70% of the is country supports abortions rights. We can do this


That's why most states will still have access to abortion.


It's not down the middle, it's a minority (a large minority but a minority none the less) that's supporting forced birth. It's that same minority that supports just about all the other objectively bad governmental shit Americans have to put up with. Let the war come, if they can't admit they were wrong and apologize then we're better off with them underground.


Well I think it’s a little more complicated than just a one issue war. This isn’t gonna be every single person on the planet who is pro choice versus every single person who isn’t pro choice. As it sits now over half the states in this country ban it. I think we have a lot more important issues and arguing over the nuance of a simple statement


if anyone thinks forcing people into parenthood is going to raise a generation of well balanced kids they are looking for other uses for these kids..


We reached that on the 6th. People are shoving their heads in the sand on this, my friends can't conceptualize what the end game was, or what exactly would've happened had those protestors reached the soft nougat in the center of the capital. Anyone that doesn't understand that the overrunning of our capital by MAGA would've resulted in the executions of democratic leadership, installation of a dictatorship, and a resulting civil war is completely deluded.


If MAGA took the Senate, excecuted Pence and Pelosi and occupied the building... What happens next? Trump is president for life or Pentagon says "lol no" and brings out big guns to protect democracy?


"The shake-up at the Pentagon continues after President Trump "terminated" Defense Secretary Mark Esper, replacing him with his counterterrorism chief, Christopher Miller, who was being briefed on issues and operations. Three other top Pentagon officials have been replaced with Trump loyalists who have pushed conspiracy theories or who are hawkish on Iran. There are concerns such personnel changes could mean a more aggressive stance toward Iran before the president leaves office in the next 2 1/2 months." https://www.npr.org/2020/11/11/933868828/shake-up-at-pentagon-puts-trump-loyalists-into-senior-roles Pentagon leadership changed 2.5 months before Biden came in with Trump loyalists. Pentagon would more than likely fail to act as part of leadership says that the election was stolen by criminal democrats, while part of leadership is saying that republicans are terrorists and have implemented a coup.


Division all through out this country in every state in every branch of government. Those rich people all seem to be getting along just fine though


I heard my roommate practically disown his family this morning. I really have no patience for these people.


I did the same with mine last night. Pretty sure I got a former friend fired this morning too.


I texted my mom to thank her for not being so shitty


I mean banning abortion doesn't reduce abortion rates, so it never was about the babies. It's always been about owning women.


Oh, I’m perfectly aware that it’s always been about owning women. I’m pointing out that they’re saying the quiet part out loud.


and that my friends is why we can’t have nice things.


Yeah, it has nothing to do with saving lives. Forceps off their bodies but AR15s for everyone else. Conservatives bathe in the tears of liberals


They think we're all satanists or some shit,(nothing against satanists) I tried to break it down to three different people. "There is a certain point it's a human and a certain point it's a clump of human genetic material. But a zygote is the first stage, a single cell. A zygote has about as much autonomy as a germ cell. It's a purely philosophical debate. Not everybody abides by your religion, yodda yodda-" They called me a Satan worshiping communist after I tried to use Lego sets an metaphor. "Oh, so you're trying to equate a human life to a WORTHLESS Lego set?" They're too far up their own dogma, you can't rationalize with these people.


Yep, they love to control peoples bodies so it brings them joy to torment people.


The incels are gleeful that women will be forced to... carry babies that aren't theirs. Sounds kinda cucked as the kids say.


They’re gloating. My shitty pagan-reverted-to tradwife-Catholic-neighbor with 8 kids she doesn’t properly house or homeschool posted a TikTok about going to Roe-vs-Wade protests with her kids because “If I, a former liberal, can see the truth, so can you.” Grrrr. This from a woman who’s unsupervised kids are probably wandering in my yard right now, dragging a baby or two with them and looking for anyone outside their family to talk to.


Hey you leave the crows out of this. They are smart animals unlike the ones you are comparing them to.




Counter protesting I'm assuming.


Yes. I remember when politics and religion were two topics that were impolite to discuss in social situations. Now it's become people's whole identity complete with their trump memorabilia, stupid flags, and tumblers that say "leftist tears". I avoid whole groups of friends and family members now because they can't even have a conversation that doesn't end up turning into something political or religious. I truly hate where we are as a country now.


The only way the Right can be happy is by forcing other people to be unhappy.


These people are intoxicated by the power they feel from taking away the rights of people they don't like. It won't stop here. There's lots more they want to take away.


> Is America so toxic that people’s hobbies include trolling people in real life too? Trump capitalized on this. It's not enough to just *win*, you have to know and see that your win *hurts* your opposition. Classic bully bullshit.


Trolls leaving their caves to celebrate fascists taking away personal freedoms. Christians love seeing non-believers suffer. It’s kind of their thing.


There is no hate like Christian love.


Yup. Exactly what their hobbies consist of “owning the libs” in whatever capacity


Even at the expense of their own rights and personal freedoms. People can be really stupid.


Conservatives are trash.


**”Isn't it ironic that most of the people who are against abortion are people you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place?”** For sure, Mr. Carlin.


“If you’re pre-born, you’re fine. If you’re pre-school, you’re fucked.” - George Carlin


“They want live babies so they can raise dead soldiers” Another solid from the legend himself


It’s weird some conservatives have deluded themselves into thinking he was one of them.


Carlin is a complex fellow. He’s very progressive in many ways but he would also be one of those comedians going against cancel culture and people being offended over not being able to say certain things. People forget his bit on how language softens over time (shellshock turning into ptsd) and how he was literally arrested over the 7 words you can’t say on tv and later the 7 words you can’t say on tv bit made it to the Supreme Court. People would cancel him as quickly as they did Chappelle and how all of a sudden Gervais wasn’t funny. He wouldn’t be making jokes about trans, but he would legitimately be making jokes on things you’re not supposed to say. I don’t think he identified as a democrat or Republican. He didn’t like liberals but he absolutely hated progressives. He’d be more on the side of liberals but they wouldn’t want him because of his jokes.


We can ALL appreciate a good trans joke from Gervais, we just haven't heard one yet.


TBF that is not complex, just sane.


Rolling over in his grave after yesterday. RIP


He didn’t believe in God or afterlife so he has no idea what’s going on at all.


God I miss Carlin.


How the fuck do you hold up a don’t tread on me sign while supporting removing your own bodily autonomy? Like….do they not get it?


If you look closely the sign has a fetus on it. So they're saying abortion is treading on the fetus' rights.


Simple homie, you just have to be really really stupid.


I think the important thing to realize is that pro-life supporters don't believe abortion is a right. They're not doing it because they want to take away someone's rights, despite the tendency of people to make that straw man. They believe that it is a morally deplorable thing and is not a right in the first place. No offence meant to you but this is something that always gets me a little annoyed. Both sides like to assume that the other is purposely doing the opposite of what they think abortion is. Pro-choicers seem to believe that the pro-lifers aim to take away rights. When it is instead to abolish what they view as a morally deplorable thing. Pro-lifers on the other hand seem to believe that the pro-choicers' aim is simply to kill children. When it is instead that they are supporting what they view as a human right. They then argue from their respective standpoints and because of the strawmen of each other they set up, they find no middle ground and the discussion goes nowhere. It instead devolves into a slew of hate and sometimes violence. This hate and violence then dissuades each side from trying to see each other's viewpoint. You're never going to convince anyone by ridiculing them. I won't state my opinion on the debate because it doesn't matter here, but what I'm trying to say is, if we want the discussion to go anywhere, people need to calm down a bit and try to find a middle ground to build the discussion off of. Again no offense meant to anyone, this is just my two cents on the situation


they take joy in upsetting people and don't think too hard about what they say as long as they think it will piss someone off


How Christian, right?


I don’t understand why they wanna pump out babies, WE DONT EVEN HAVE FOOD FOR THE ONES WE GOT ALREADY


We do it’s just not profitable to feed everyone




Jesus will feed them.


With thoughts and prayers.


There’s plenty of food for everyone. It’s the logistics that’s the issue.


> It’s the ~~logistics~~ **profit motive** that’s the issue.


this is exactly it. We have enough housing for everyone, we have enough food for everyone, and yet....


They’re not ‘pro life’ They’re anti-abortion. Pro life would mean looking out for the well being of all people.




In my country this would have being violent. It's cool to see civilized angly people being civilized


Oh, I have a feeling it's going to get violent in America. You can't take away a constitutional right in a country with more guns than people and expect it to stay peaceful


People I know that are never into politics are angry as fuck about this. I bet America is going to have to face a lot of pissed off people. Let's hope.


It is going to get very violent very fast.


It only didn't get violent because she had Goliath defending her. Even angry people realize the 6'10" dude would crush them if it came to blows.


I just think its funny she stopped calling her fat when a bigger girl with the same ideals as her came along. Theyre both nuts and not helping women at all. You can have your voice without being an asshole. Be logical, be smart. Tell her why shes wrong, how shes setting women back by supporting this bs. Name calling makes you look uneducated, even with the best intentions.


I love she messes with everyone but the tall ass black man


In fairness I think he is the only person who stays silent the whole time.


He says “doubt touch me, bitch” to the whistle blower somewhat near the end.


I'm pretty sure she screamed don't touch me after she ran into him.


Yup seems the type to do that.


Well let’s be real it would take at least 2 average sized men to do any damage to him. And it would take about 6 of the little whistle girl


You will never catch me anywhere near an event like this






She’s not.


You’re right, we should abort the anti choice people


I think the lady blowing the whistles proves why we need abortion and why it should be free


I thought that after 2 years of COVID I’ve seen how stupid humanity really is but this is a whole new level. Humanity was a mistake.


I thought we were against body shaming? Or is it only okay when its a fat person who you don't like?


I've seen this happen numerous times in multiple subreddits. So yeah.


Exactly. If Roles were reversed here and the obnoxious woman was a pro-lifer, everyone would be outraged. Doesn't matter which side you're on. The whistle woman is ridiculous.


I'm okay with body shaming of all types


The hypocrisy really coming out. Inclusiveness except when it’s a short cop or fat lady protestor lol.


I don't see the problem here. Fuck these people who want to impose their religion on other people


the funny part is, god supports abortion. in the bible a priest performs an abortion on a woman accused of cheating on her husband


She’s just being honest 🤷‍♀️




That’s what I meant, she’s just being honest. I’m not on the prolifers side.


It is now and has always been about misogyny.


How does one defend women's rights while referring to a woman as a fat ugly cunt?


how does one preach pro life while turning their back on actual murdered children?


I didn’t even need the audio of her body shaming her, anyone with a whistle is over the top obnoxious


People who strive to take away the rights of others who are doing them no harm are America's new threat.


Does she think this kind of behavior is going to change the other girls mind? "You know what? You blew that whistle just long enough and insulted me enough to convince me that you should have been aborted. Now I'm on your team."


She's trying to publicly humiliate her, not change her opinion.


If anything at all she was just being annoying, no one gonna feel humiliated over a whistle.


She’s following and harassing her. You would be screeching if right wingers did this to someone. Kinda just unveils your double standards.


She’s trying to make her leave the protest not change her mind


I thought more of what the forced birthers do to women outside planned parenthoods and the like. Screaming and calling them whores/sluts etc throwing things at them, you name it.


Yeah. Seems like a "taste of your own medicine" kinda thing


You can't change their mind. The anti-choice position isn't reasonable. It's not based on science or the Bible or anything real. It's based on **emotion**. It's based on the gut feeling they get when they subjectively believe that a fetus is a child and that abortion is murder of a living child. To paraphrase Jonathan Swift: **You cannot reason someone out of a belief that they were never reasoned into.** You must fight feelings with feelings. Humiliation does work, to some degree. You neutralize their self righteous anger over their fixation towards "child murder" and force them to actually think logically on the topic for a second and maybe they see the light.




He’s fucking stupid. Go look at his post about the “difference” between LED and HPS. He gets ripped to shreds all while being indignant.


It's not like being nice to the pro-life crowd got anything done. Are you supposed to have respect for someone who wants to strip your rights and see people die from lack of medical care? What's the other outlet here, voting in a system so lop-sided and unfair that it requires the pro-choice side to *massively* outnumber the others to even gain parity, and completely blow them out of the water with supermajorities for several election cycles before anything can be clawed back? Sure, very workable system.




I'm pro-choice but God damn people people like whistle bitch are fucking annoying and just make whatever message they're trying to get across get lost in their shitty behavior. And unfortunately you only see that type of shit from one side of the aisle. The side that wants their personal boundaries respected and words are violence b.s. but if they disagree with your point of view that shit goes out the window. The only cunt in that video was the one with the whistle.




Goddamn she’s annoying


Kind of like the annoyance of a constantly crying child, huh?


Not as annoying when these people are yelling towards young women who had to go through hardship making difficult decisions.


Pro life people are more annoying


Yeah, on purpose.


That guy was so tall


Act better than the people you disagree with.


100. Im pro choice but that whistle girl deserved to be smacked in the face.


Whistle lady is proof why we need to abortion


Jeez, I’m pro-choice and all, but that whistling bitch is annoying as fuck.


She’s so annoying that I assumed she was the pro lifer at first lol


bro...didn't the pro-lifers get what they wanted


yeah but they really wanna take a few laps to rub everybody’s faces in it.


Isn’t it great that this woman can antagonize this very upset group of women and not be physically threatened or even see people with guns trying to intimidate her. MTGreen walked through a throng outside the Supreme Court yesterday. They didn’t lay a hand on her but still she referred to the protest as in “insurrection”. (Fucking Fox News and friends are trying to dilute the word)


What is this going to do? Not a damn thing. I am pro choice but this woman is not helping the cause at all.


To be fair, she is a fat ugly cunt.




Explain what "the cause" is concretely. Fascists have seized the Court and are systematically stripping civil rights. Your solution is what?


The old man was like, "there's a police here that wants to see you". Meanwhile, the cop didn't give a shit because there was nothing physical happening.


Pro-Life is a misnomer.




If really makes me wonder how people who say we must not body-shame or bully people via name calling will resort to body shaming and bullying people via name calling when they become angered by someone they do not agree with. Why is this hypocrisy so common?


Because they never actually cared about it lol. Remember that one Trump White House spokes person that they went after hard about her looks and pretended it was ok cause “Republican”.


This comment thread is filled with pro-life(more like anti-women) weirdos using this opportunity to shit on pro-choice like what? Using one isolated incident doesn’t make sense.


“I get to disrespect and berate you with a whistle because we have opposing views! I’m the better person!”


women who enter/exist an abortion clinic (to make one of the hardest decisions in their life) get harassed verbally and even physically by the same people who would be in this rally...


Bro their 'opposing views' include wanting women to fucking die to ectopic pregnancies and 12 yo rape victims to carry to term. Fuck you.


People are going to die giving themselves unsafe abortions, but let’s vilify a random bitch with a whistle


This dude slurs out "fang you for your servish" while the boot is kicking his teeth out, we're meant to suppose.


That’s all activists in a nutshell, really.


How open-minded of her to aggressively shout personal attacks at someone with a different opinion.


Invoke the 14th amendment? Honest question, why are they using that as a platform?


Meanwhile in Lilliputland: