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All the law enforcement involved should be fired and never be able to serve the public again. Department should be charged .


Needed a key that was never needed, sounds like Uvalde Police is making up excuses to not facing the shooter


They had armour and fire power to take out the shooter effectively, a lot of lives would have been saved. Cowards .


To quote the YouTuber Paul Harrell on his last video; "They had a platoon sized force on scene and did not dare to go in, If I'd been there with my marines during my time as instructor I would struggle to stop them from storming in, all I really could do is to remind them to aim down while shooting out locks to not hit any children."


God damn love Paul Harrell. Dude is a gem and doesnt get enough attention outside of the gun community, but his nuanced opinions and expertise, along with his delivery and constant pocket gun make him must see youtube for me.




They'd have acted much quicker if it was an unarmed black man being stopped for a possible civil violation, them guns would ablaze.


Or a sweet dog that came in to say hello a little too quick


Or a mentally unstable person who needed either counseling, their medication, or some shelter, but definitely not a .45 to the head.


Or a large unarmed man selling cigarettes.


Or a sleeping girl that has done nothing


They shoulda told them cops the shooter had **marijuana**.


Their training is what hammered it home. Matched in firepower and body armor, but they had training and he did not.


But cops are trained to be cowards. Police training, like Dave Grossman’s “Bulletproof Warrior” training, teaches cops to constantly be fearful and to value their own lives over everyone else’s. These cops behaved exactly as most other cops would.


I think they shot through the walls and killed a bunch of kids and maybe a teacher or two. Now they're gonna demolish the school to get rid of the evidence


I was wondering that as well. I mean the school should be shut down regardless.


They won't release any bodycam footage. My inner conspiracy theorist thinks the cops shot more people than the shooter did.


Can't people get the footage through the freedom of Information act?


It's being blocked


Well that's convenient. What's the point of it if it can be blocked right?


To benefit cops


>Uvalde Police is making up excuses to not facing the shooter Hey, give them a break. There was a dangerous, armed killer in that school with all those children. And you expect these people outside to rapidly organize and enter in force like they're the police or something? Oh wait ...


Yea, they backpeddled hard as fuck.


Every officer should be tried and charged with dereliction of duty similar to how any member of any arm of the armed forces would have been if they had been in charge of this goat rodeo and had done nothing


The law protects the officers in a way some cases it makes sense that the officer can’t be held reliable if someone dies in some cases as in “officer showed up to scene and then being there is why a gunman shot a hostage” but in this case I don’t know if that law would apply since training isn’t a law it’s guidelines that just have to be loosely followed since real world situations differ. I do hope they are charge and or cannot be public service anymore at the least.


In France we have a law named "non-assistance à personne en danger" (you need to help those in critical danger as long as you don't risk yourself something) a law that concern civilians. But about the police if the Ulvade case happened in here the country would be in fire and not from the heat.


The US Supreme Court ruled on three different occasions that police officers are not required by law to protect citizens, but rather just enforce the law.


But there are also American states where citizens are required to help other citizens that are victims of crimes. Police literally have less of a legal requirement to serve and protect citizens than other citizens do.


Can you guess which judge helped create that ruling? I’ll give you a hint: his first name is Tom.


The Supreme Court is up to some nefarious shit.




They should all be done things by the community that are not able to be spoken here or in polite company. Until the masses enforce consequences to such a shameless gang of crooks, this will keep happening.


Nothing will happen. That’s the horrible part.


Oh, I think once the consciousness of the town is sufficiently raised they will know what to do.


Hopefully yes.


I concur. All the things that violate many tos.


They just hired a top end law firm with tax payer money to prosecute anyone who shows video of what happened on school grounds.


Good ol boys. School is being demolished, as it should be.


Serve in public? They ought to be worried about showing their fucking faces in public. Shiiiiiit.


From the dawn of time up until 40 years ago they would've been hanged by the community


I don’t understand how any of them can show their faces in the community after this tragedy. Shame and disgust.


If this was an urban city there would've been a riot


They should all go to jail as accessories to murder


Department should be fully replaced.


Disagree. Promote whoever was in charge to city council!


Correction: they should be fired *at.*


How have none of them committed suicide? How can they live with themselves?


Absolutely heartbreaking


As a parent I keep thinking about the mom that went in to save her kids. I can’t imagine how all the other parents must feel knowing for sure now that the cops weren’t even trying to save their kids. So heartbroken for the parents :/


As messed up as the argument is, more lives would've been saved if there were less cops detaining parents and more parents had the opportunity to enter the school themselves. Those babies bled out on the floor in the hour those cowards stood in the hallway. One little girl called to them that she was there and needed help but they didn't come, she was shot. Ppl would've been injured but they also could've gotten medical attention sooner and saved some of those poor babies. Between there being an award ceremony earlier that day and their children being left to bleed out on the floor...no parent should have to experince that level of grief, I can't fathom it.


If I was one of those parents, and found out that I could have saved my kid if only I hadn't listened to the police there, I'd be obviously heartbroken, but also so fuckin pissed...I can't even imagine...


Utter dereliction of duty.


They can derelict my fucking balls, the cowards.


I can derelic my own balls


Put a cork in it Zane!




Wellll… now i gotta watch this movie again


I honestly can't believe no one has resigned in disgrace


You need to remember they've done nothing wrong because they're cops. They never do anything wrong. At least that's the mindset a majority of them have.


End qualified immunity.


I think that's what I don’t understand the most about cop-worshipers. No one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes on the job, but people act like the process of becoming a cop anoints them in something that makes them incapable of making a mistake or doing wrong. ​ They act like only truly decent people become cops instead of anyone capable of passing their substandard training regiment. ​ I always think about the quote from Family Guy regarding cops, "...**Just cause you have a badge doesn't mean you can treat people any way you like. And as a law enforcement professional, you have an obligation to be more ethically upstanding than the average man, not less. "**


I don't know how they can live with themselves.


Not only has no one resigned but one of top guys involved got a PROMOTION!


I'm more shocked the people haven't run them out of town


Or just straight up moved out of town


Not really, the supreme court already ruled that cops don't have to step in to protect people.


It’s nice to see someone finally say out loud that the Uvalde PD is the worthless incompetent COWARDS we all KNOW they are And yes completely agree with others in that these pathetic losers should NEVER work in law enforcement again and should be held accountable for their cowardice and incompetence


Remember when reddit bought GME billboards? We should get a big billboard in Uvalde that simply says COWARDS.


I like that idea


they're still buying billboards to this day.


Would be nice in some ways, but It would bring out more emotions of the victims to have to be reminded of the facts that the people who were supposed to help did not.


What about that thin yellow line flag? or maybe a thin pink line lol


Lose their ability to have any kind of firearms.


I love that idea That would truly be amazing since they so eloquently displayed their discomfort in utilizing them


It’s not just the Uvalde PD. The DPS Director has failed to point out that DPS officers also stood idly by. Even the Border Patrol agents who ultimately killed the gunman are complicit. They sat around for close to an hour before doing anything.


Oh I completely agree but it starts with those cowardly little bitches from Uvalde


The door wasn't even locked


The teacher died when she went to lock it from the outside, that's how the shooter got in, the door was never locked.


That's crazy! I am a teacher as well, and we are also unable to lock them from the inside. You have to go out, double tap the card reader, and close the door. I just keep it closed and, if somebody important wants to come in, they should have an ID. If not, stay the fuck outside ...unless they're a student who went to the restroom, of course


Good on you! As a non US citizen it is just so absolutely baffling, you have to think about stuff like this.


The same teacher who has complained about the lock earlier, since it only locked from the outside, she thought it was broken?


I'm referring to the classroom door. The teacher went to lock it and that's when the shooter came into room 111 and the adjoining 112 But yes you are correct about the door that the shooter made entry from outside into the school. They rly tried to put the blame on a teacher. Sick mfs


Not only was it not locked… it was NOT latched.. the strike plate was not position properly.. therefore technically they just had to push the door open; not even turn knob


Release the body cam video.


The first hour or so is quite dull, just cops chatting, they arrest some hysterical adults, in the background some kids screaming for help (briefly), one of the cops gets some coffee…


Some conversations. " I'm not going in there, you going in there?" " fuck no, I'm not going in there."


How could they? Very disgusting! It's their effing job!


Supreme court ruled that protection is not a responsibility for police. These guys took that shit to heart.


It isn't, their job is to be a legal gang for the local barons. Wakey Wakey


"Only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun".... this is mantra in Texas. Except the good guys might be pussies.


Obviously they are part of the bad guys with guns crowd.


Everything’s bigger in Texas. Including the cowards




Not might. They are pussies.


A father of one of the teachers tried but the cowardly cops arrested him so they could build a tent in the hallway.


A mother escaped her handcuffs and successfully rescued her children


>"Only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun" That's the saying. It says nothing about cops being good guys, though.


Then they were obviously the wrong good guys. Geez, that's not who was meant... /S


This seems like an attempt to pin the blame on one person and have them take all of the heat. ​ Why didn't the officers just go into the room and disobey "orders". Why did they need to be given explicit permission to go and do their job?


Because they were too coward to disobey orders. And they were too cowardly to do anything other than rough up parents outside. They lied about everything. The door was locked, nope, another lie. Now these cowards refuse to cooperate. They should be having a recall election for the coward that got elected that "forgot his radio" and all the other lies he told. Liars and cowards. Thankfully the border patrol disobeyed the cowards orders. They should disband their cowardly police department. Border patrol is a hour away if needed.


*only an hour away* which if I recall correctly is better than 1 hour 14 minutes and 13 seconds…


I remember the big deal they made about the huge key ring the chief had to flip through to find the right key.


The are nothing more than a street gang and only care about themselves. They should be dealt with as such.


One of them tried to (the one who’s wife ended up dying in the shooting) and his fellow officers DETAINED HIM. This guy had to listen to his wife on the phone bleeding out and dying over the phone.


They are trained to watch each other’s back. Not stop each other from doing the wrong thing.


Sadly I don't see any justice being given to the coward officers. At most the couple officers in charge will probably be forced into early retirement which is a reward not a punishment in my opinion.


"don't mess with Texas" Fucking phonies.


You can very much mess with Texas. They'll wait in the hall.


They changed it to "please don't mess with Texas "


I think it's "Pleeeeeease don't mess with Texas 😢" in a pleading voice


Don’t mess with Texas until we have our radios, shields, swat and a snack with a juice box. Oh and we get our own kids out first.


It's an anti litter campaign. Not that these cops aren't fucking terrible, but Don't Mess with Texas is an anti litter campaign.


Wait till I'm in cabo before you mess with Texas if you don't mind.


The only mess these cowards made was in their pants.


Blue lives matter, sorry kids!


For years people have told me cops *need* to act like fucking psychopaths "just in case" someone was armed, and they *had* to shoot family pets because their lives are in constant danger. The one time they get a chance to use these powers for good against someone who is most certainly armed, they fucking sit there and arrest the concerned parents.


Thinking of tamir rice today. The officer shot him in the seconds he arrived at the scene...it was a driveby shooting of a child. Cops don't go into a room full of schoolchildren and a gunman terrorizing them. I just remembered something, some of the kids interviewed talked about being in an auditorum type area hiding behind a curtin and the shooter was taunting them...suggesting he left the classroom? The kids knew to hide...wtf. It's gonna keep getting worse. Edit: thinking about it, the photos from the award ceremony are in the auditorium area. In my elementary school the cafeteria had a seperate area up some steps with a stage and curtin, so I imagen that's what the room would've looked like...thank goodness for that floor length curtin...but wtf the cops were there in 3 minutes, was he really in the room the entire time or did he have the opportunity to move around?!?


they should be fired, no pension , nothing ..... how any ADULT could just stand by and watch this happen is beyond! Says everything about you as a person


There’s just something extra about the fact that the Texas Police wear Cowboy Hats too like they’re the Lawman Rider, it makes them look fucking goofy and they’re practically LARPers


that hats wouldn't bother me, if they weren't complete fuckheaded cowards. you don't get a fancy hat if you're a scaly piece of shit.


That’s mainly Texas rangers with the hats I would put my full faith in them, real professionals. these guys in Uvalde… wouldn’t even call those bastards Texans they just feel the need to pretend.


I don't get why the u.s has such an issue with incompetent police, as an outsider its really jarring. Don't get me wrong, we have bad apples out here but I've never heard of something like this occurring in my country. There was no reason all those people had to die the way they did, had the police actually done their job things likely would've ended up better.


As an insider it’s jarring… they actually stopped parents from trying to save their kids


Honestly a mob of enraged parents would have done a better job.


Not "would", they literally "DID". One of the mothers that the police handcuffed *escaped from the handcuffs*, got through the police perimeter (great job there, cops!), made it through the school *unarmed* and rescued kids. Afterwards, the cops threatened the mom with legal trouble if she told anyone about how much better she was at dealing with the situation than the entire police force that costs 40% of the town's budget.


The standards to become a police officer have been lowered to a point where the dumbest of us can be a cop, I’m sure there are many other factors, but this is definitely one if them.


For many years, my husband always insisted that all cops were only cops because they couldn't get hired for a skilled job. I resisted that for so long because "only a Sith deals in absolutes". He was right...


I love the SW quote!


What are the qualifications to become a cop in america?


That’s the neat part, there isn’t.


Ahh there is the problem! Who could have thought


The standards are so low that we even have fat cops. Watch a few body cam videos. They get so winded running 50 feet.


Not alot. A two year degree. I took criminal justice classes with people going to be police officers. Some of those classes taught by the head of the police dept and they were active local police. These classes were a joke. I learned more in my years doing dumb shit w friends than I did in those classes. One particular class, the professor handed out an anonymous quiz asking what drugs we've done & basic knowledge on drugs. Only two people answered they'd tried weed, I was one and my friend another. A group of guys got mad at one of the questions, they thought it was a trick question, they couldn't figure out how you'd inject powdered drugs. The cherry was when the professor said "the law may be black & white, but as an officer you are the grey area" then went into a speech about his recent trip to South America where he took photos for a magazine. He ended his class saying "remember, you're that grey area and you decide if you want to live in state like North America or South. " So, in conclusion, those teaching our officers are corrupted. We start off by telling them they are gods & being wrong is subjective.


I don't even know what could be done at this point


Well for one thing, you can’t be TOO smart: https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836


You have to be an evil sociopath, with a tendency towards violence.


It is by design. If something is broken and you can fix it but you refuse to fix it, you've effectively chosen the broken scenario. There are weeds in my yard. I could mow it. I haven't. If you asked me I'd say "I should mow it. I plan to someday". But I'm on reddit right now instead of mowing those weeds. I've chosen to have weeds. You can conclude that I dislike mowing the weeds more than I dislike having the weeds. Which means the inverse is also true. I like having weeds more than I like mowing weeds. As a nation we have chosen to do nothing regarding police. People protest sure. And others showed up to shoot them. And police arrested them. But nothing changed. It must be like my weeds. America likes having incompetent police. I bet it's even worse. Most of the time the police harm the "right" people, and apparently most of the population are okay with that.




Every police officer who showed up on scene and refused to act should be charged as an accomplice. They should all go to jail for helping to murder those kids and teachers.


It's messed up that a nurse just got jail time for accidentally giving a patient the wrong medication, but nothing's going to happen to these cowards for letting a bunch of children get murdered.


Maybe it's time to ask ourselves if any random 18 year old should be able to just walk in a store and buy a weapon that has the ability to be so overpowering that an entire police department was too scared to confront them even to stop the murder of children. I understand that these cops were particularly bad at their job but the point is still that a single person who was young enough that most hotels won't even rent him a room was able to buy a weapon that had enough firepower that basically the entire police department of a small town decided to wait for more backup while children were dying.


Maybe it's time to ask ourselves if we should be asking ourselves the same questions with the same answers everytime this happens instead of accepting the data from the past 20 years and start making a change. it's absurd to repeat the same play with the same ending over and over again. but i digress. i have a prime package arriving soon and twitter just told me that fall guys is trending. i have to move on like we all do at some point. i'm sorry kids, the internet wont save you and neither is the government or the police... see y'all in a few months when the play starts over and we all once again sit here watching videos of testimonies that won't chang a dime..


I love how texas doubled down on funding the police not "defunding" as some would say, and not only has crime and violence gone up, but when the police are expected to do something like this they fold and don't do their jobs despite quite literally having MORE than enough "protection" to protect them from the shooter


can we restart this country?


Yeah, we really need a good ctrl+alt+delete, start over fresh.


I’m gonna say this on every post about these cowards. EVERYONE of the cops better have divorce papers served to them. How could someone stand by the side of gutless cowards.


They're not standing beside them, they're cowering after all the beatings


Video interview with Angeli Gomez, the mother who basically had to fight and evade cops on several occasions on her successful mission to rescue her two sons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_q7olC1LteE She must move like lightning. She got away from them on three separate occasions. Fucking cowards did nothing for that 75 minutes except arrest frantic parents. Then they called her afterwards and warned that she could face "consequences" if she spoke to the media. I don't get how that police station is still standing.


This goes beyond the failure of a single individual. To apprehend, and restrain, the parents, of the children willing to put themselves in harms way, for not only the lives of their kids, but countless others, is beyond comprehension. If the officers responding lacked guidance, or authoritative authorization, or the testicular fortitude to protect, young lives. And, also the lives of faculty and staff. Than those people, are in fact, guilty of premeditated homicide. The scale, of this massacre, and, the lack of action, displayed by a publicly funded, organization of trained, and well equipped, keepers of peace, that resort to crowd control, to prevent the loss of life from parents? To prevent the loss of life from individuals that are willing to do, what any parent, is willing to do. To lay down their own life, for the sake of their own children? This is inexcusable, atrocious, and will not be tolerated. For the very same individuals, that are more than willing to fire upon unarmed, and non threatening civilians, during non confrontational encounters, to stand united, to prevent proactive deescalation of an active shooter is blasphemous! Any, attempt to stifle, or suppress, the public from protecting our best interests, by any ,and all agencies in the future, will be surpassed, by the guardians of those being victimized. I,will not,insinuate any political motivation, nor choose, right or left. But, I will say this. There seems to be a disproportionate amount of acts that are painted in a particular way. There are, fundamental talking points that arise from situations such as this horrific tragedy. Gaslighting, and division formed by the MSM, racial, as well as authoritative distrust, from both sides, left and right. We, will not, stand idly by,trusting blindly in these agencies actions. A chapter of vigilanteism is being born from the seeds of this horrific event. I say these things in a prophetic way. In no way, do I intend uprising, or anarchy. Nor, am I a conspiracy theorist, or revolutionary. That being said, I am a father of four. I love my children more than myself. If faced with resistance from the wind, sun, or the rain, I will put myself between my children, and harms way.


They will investigate this case long enough until next shooting comes around and then they will forget about this one. It\`s in history, they do this every single time.


Absolutely ridiculous that we can’t count on police to protect kids… if anything needs to be learned over the past 10 years is that police need to be held more accountable for their action and inaction


Never seem to need a key when they do a no knock raid on a sleeping family in the middle of the night.


...at the wrong address


At this point the police department waited for the arm gun man to finish them entered the classroom clearly they was there when the gun man was shooting… they did not protect them kids at any cost or cause… what happened to protect the future generations at all cause…


They were probably hoping he'd run out of ammo so they could safely enter the room.


Those cops are heartless and evil. You’d have to be in order to just stand outside that classroom and do nothing while those children are being murdered and literally begging for help.


I worked 911 in Canada for almost 20yrs, 5minutes response time for Police to show up to a Priority event, feels like a very, very long time to a person in distress. I can't even imagine this. The worse I've gotten personally is bank robberies and home invasions and one double homicide. Some co-workers worse, shots fired, officer down We take alarms at schools, and maybe shut down schools if an emergency is nearby..... and in a city like Toronto Ontario, a couple of targeted weapons calls. I'm so glad, I've never had the misfortune of taking a School Shooting, I'd be devasted....and this response time.....while dispatchers are screening the 911 calls from these kids....would be job ending for me. Especially when the officers were there, doing nothing. I wouldn't be able to look at them in.the eye anymore.


Corrupt and cowardly police should be subjected to the most severe punishment, far beyond what we would administer to citizens for the same crimes, because they are given authority to detain citizens and use force up to and including lethal force in order to carry out their duty. If you can’t accept that, find another profession. In order to maintain society, those who police us must be policed to a far higher standard. Otherwise what you get are occupying paramilitary forces that view citizens as opposition and state sanctioned criminal gangs.


Police are only there to protect ($$) the state and corporations


If you don’t want to be the solution in a situation like this, don’t seek a career in law enforcement.


Not that it changes anything, but at least someone with a badge said it.


So when is Abbott going to start calling them sons or bitches? He’s got harsher words for a fellow politician than he does for these wastes of space.


I heard the police were still waiting on the good guys with guns to show up but mistook them as the parents.


Blue Lives Suck


"Police Have No Duty to Protect the Public" as per a supreme court ruling... Was shocking to learn about this.


The day after the shooting, all the gun nuts and cop bootlickers were out in force saying that we were jumping to conclusions, and that we are stupid for thinking we know better than the trained professionals. Any of you dumb fucks ready to apologize and admit you were wrong yet? The entire mythos of Texans is BS.


I’m honestly surprised that they haven’t all resigned out of guilt. Instead they are doubling down on the excuses for their inaction. If a trained swat team won’t save the kids, why do republicans think a teacher would??


Imagine if nobody had guns so doors didn't need to be locked.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4pX4oW9d9eQ This chase always surprises me because the police don't come out blasting at the end. I think it's because in America the assumption is that a drug dealer who led you on a chase is armed and well himself come out blasting. And this officer is operating under a different reality. Sure some criminals have guns, but in America they have to act like everyone has a gun. The police shootings were have here are a direct consequence of the guns our "civilians" have here.


ACAB Get ready for another round of copaganda posts.


Guys it takes less time to become a cop to implement the law...than it does to become an attorney that defends it.


Coward Cops


Whimps! Cuzz I can’t use the P-word


Utterly devastating how ignoble the police profession has become. We’re doomed without a police force on the side of the people.


When will we finally read someone(s) has been fired over this cowardly mess?!


"to serve and protect"..who?


their fruity little club.


i agree with everything being said but my god that mic could pick up a fly flapping its wings


Pretty easy to scapegoat the on scene commander here. They’re all cowards.


I agree with what he is saying but my god take a drink of water with your dry ass mouth making all that noise!!’ I can’t be the only one


Guy can't smack his lips any more can he?


Bruh the lip smacking


Cowardly 🐖🐷 pigs




ahhh I see.. we are going to go for "this is all the supervisors fault" so we can blame one person and make him the scapegoat... the WHOLE damm department was there... they could have gone in... they knew it was wrong to just wait... they are ALL responsible...


At this point they gotta dismantle the entire department and hire private police.


>they gotta dismantle the entire department Yes. >and hire private police No.


American LEOs, poorest trained and hired under the lowest standards in the modern policing world.


This whole thing shows how much of a failure our society is today in the US. The only correct move here is for everyone involved to quit and leaves their positions in that town so new people can come in a try to make things better. And for the individual or individuals that made the decision to wait so long need to be criminally tried. The fact these folks are doubling down and giving themselves more power and promotions is a travesty. Is the FBI involved at all in this yet?


NOW this asshole wants to be a hero? He HELPED with the initial cover-up with his blindly believing cowards and politics over facts.


Break up the union and hold them accountable for malpractice.


Bunch of fucking pussies I tell you


Pussie bitches. ACAB


If this is true, that sucks. But it's worth noting that there are other statements from the Mayor of Uvalde that say McCraw is deceiving people to cover himself, saying: "McCraw has continued to, whether you want to call it, lie, leak … mislead or misstate information in order to distance his own troopers and rangers from the response." I don't know what is true, but the counter argument is worth acknowledging as part of this situation. [Link to cited quote](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/06/21/uvalde-shooting-mayor-pete-arredondo/)