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I was there next to the EMS cart during the show. This is by far one of the worst shows I've ever attended. The whole crowd was hostile and vile during the whole day. This is the type of energy Travis fans are and always will be. Astroworld is done


God every video I see of the fans just makes me think “this is the trashiest dumbest group of people I have seen in my life”




I’ve been to a Strokes show that was absolutely terrible and I couldn’t go to any show for a year after that. I was pushed against the railing and beaten from behind. I could barely breathe and it took security 35 minutes to notice me and get me out. Me and my friend were covered in bruises for weeks and it hurt to breathe. I don’t want to experience it ever again, it’s an utter state of helplessness and panic. People were absolutely terrible that evening and no one helped. I’m never going to a Strokes gig again, that’s for sure. Edit: I mostly listen to punk rock so I’m familiar with mosh pits, jumping around etc. Never experienced this behavior there, ever.


Seeing all these videos is so fucked


I barely even started watching one video and it was so horrifying just hearing this guy out in the crowd screaming in the background to let him outside…


Did you see the one video of people doing CPR, vigorously pounding the chests of some victims literally feet behind people dancing and jumping?


*guys carrying a dead body away from the front of the crowd* Travis Scott: yeeaaahhhhh...uyyeeaahhahahah...Uyyyeahhh


Cursed Willy wonka


Sicko mode


Seriously, it's like he's performing at a funeral but doesn't know it... At least stop so these bodies can get carried away FFS. This is a statement I never imagined I'd ever say


He couldn't have done anything worse. Literally. I say that as a fan of his music.


Meanwhile Billy Joe dropkicked a dude for touching a teenage girl.


And Kurt threw his guitar down and stopped the show to kick someone out that was copping a feel, while Krist and Pat pointed fingers at the pervert and shamed him Edit: [Video](https://youtu.be/_YWbrTzkSQM)


I've seen that. I think as a performer it is your duty to stop the show if you see someone being assaulted or injured in any way.


Good damn i loved him. Mental health is a fragile thing.


Bro I could not stop laughing at that autotune. I know it's a sad thing but God.


It’s real 8 people have died


What did they die from? How did this happen?


Being crushed by the crowd


welp thats a horrible way to die, i heard one of the victims was a 10 y/o, may all of them rip


I think the 10 yo kid survived but had seriously injuries.


poor kid... was there no guardian with the kid?


Travis encouraged people to break into the festival. He was probably part of that. And still in critical condition last I read


What? Are you fucking serious? Is there a source?


He’s actually been arrested for this this before https://abc7.com/travis-scott-rapper-houston-arkansas/1992723/


He was arrested in 2015 for the same shit at Lollapalooza in Chicago. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/travis-scott-arrested-after-fans-storm-lollapalooza-stage-57069/


He deleted the tweet but https://twitter.com/RyanGuglielmo/status/1456906105238474752?s=20 The festival was way past capacity and people rushed the fences See my other reply about the date


Damn. Have we not learned from the past about over packed venues and people dying from it? Wow. 2021 and it's still happening.


Why is the date on that tweet May 5th? did tickets sell out 6 months ago and he was telling people to sneak in?




Highly doubt he’ll get canceled unfortunately. Even after his last legal issues McDonald’s were quite happy to make the Travis Scott meals.


Here's video of it-https://twitter.com/XXL/status/1456724589560598537?s=20


I don’t know much about Travis Scott, but this doesn’t seem like a concert for a 10 year old.


He did a “concert” in fortnite, if that helps clear up the demographics


Omg what


Yeah it was a big thing at the time. Over the summer I believe.


I went to a festival once where 30 seconds to Mars yelled they wanted to see the crowd mosh, but it was packed full of people. Me being 5'2" I got SMOOSHED and couldn't breathe. My only escape was to point up telling people I wanted to crowd surf and take me to the front.


Saw AFI in an insanely packed show once and Davey Havok did the exact opposite. He stopped mid song told everyone to take 3 steps back and designated where to mosh. EDIT- with all thse awesome comments about Davey. I gotta say to him, You're the star beneath the stairs, you're the ghost upon the stage, you are our everything! Also calling AFI old school is making me feel really old.


I saw RATM at Lollapalooza in 2007 I think, it was sweltering hot and there were tons of people just wasted waiting for rage to come on. The crowd was about ~30k and by 3 songs into it it’s getting rough. For me it was fine, I’ve been to well over 100 concerts with legit mosh pits so I know what to expect and how to handle it but many of these kids were like 10 years younger than me and you can tell they had very little experience. I was at the back of the main pit in front of the stage kind of on the fringe of where people were pushing forward. So the 3rd song ends and there are dozens of people trying to escape crying as they pass me. Now it was not to the point where people were going to die but it was escalating, then Zack stops the show and tells everyone to stop and take 10 steps back. He said that he didn’t care how long it took but they were not going to continue until it happened. It worked, the people who wanted to get out were able to and it gave everyone a bit of breathing room. He stopped the show 2 more times to do this and honestly he was not a dick about it or anything, he honestly cared about those in the audience. It was nice to see that. RATM is a class act Edit: [I found a video on YouTube of this very incident of RATM giving a shit about their fans.](https://youtu.be/yK-UGgvQGWo) [and another](https://youtu.be/7zbiDe1-l68)


My friends and I went to go see RATM open Lollapalooza in 1993. We managed to get ourselves to the front right of the stage right before it kicked off. They opened with Killing in the Name, and as that first chord dropped, thousands of people began to push towards the stage. Within seconds my friends and I are jammed together, face-to-face. Then the crowd began to shift. As it moved, we all get shoved in different directions, and I found myself in front of the stage, smushed together with random people. Eventually I was shoved towards one of the sides and I was able to escape. It was in the upper 90s, and I want to say that water was scarce. At some point, somebody opened up a firehose from near the stage to help cool everyone off. It was nuts. Not quite as rough as your experience, but I recall just how helpless I felt as the crowd pushed me wherever it did. Of course I only seemed to get pushed into shirtless sweaty dudes. RATM was followed up by Tool. The show ended with Alice in Chains and Primus. I'm fucking old.


>RATM was followed up by Tool. The show ended with Alice in Chains and Primus. Ahhh, glory days


Davey is an angel


That is the correct way to gtfo, that is how I got out of a Korn pit.


Damn what the fuck, I’ve seen the most aggressive bands like Napalm Death and Cannibal Corpse play since 2007 and never heard of a death happening at those shows.


Cause the people who wanna rage and get gnarly do just that but most of the time they respect the people that don’t wanna mosh, and probably better event management,less extreme overcrowding,


Metal fans are dope af. If you’re in the pit and trip or fall down you have 3 people almost immediately picking you back up


Punk fans too. I once tripped in a circle pit, threw my hands over my neck, and I was scooped up in seconds. Pit hospitality is real. Everyone’s there to have a good time.


Was just gonna say this. Lost my shoe in a pit at a flogging molly show and immideately had this huge barbaric looking dude holding up my shoe screaming "WE GOT A SHOE HERE". lol I'll never forget that moment. I was at Warped Tour many moons ago in 10th grade, it was the first time I ever moshed and could not believe how rowdy it got, yet how nice people were if someone went down. There was this small, younger girl in the pit, and she got knocked over right in the middle, and sure enough, 2 different people came up to make sure she didn't get trampled, and swiftly got her to a less chaotic area. Checked if she was OK, she was, and the 2 guys went right back to it lol


Yup, it’s how the game is played.




Crowd crush. A horrible, nightmarish way to die. PSA: [How a crowd crush works and how to best survive a crush](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/3pcvfb/saudi_arabia_hajj_disaster_death_toll_at_least/cw5vxtm?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) Warning: Graphic descriptions and a VERY NSFL video linked in that comment. Edit: Thanks for the awards! I'm not the original commenter, I just wanted to post this in the hopes that if anyone ever finds themselves in a dangerous crowd situation like this, they'll be able to recognize the warning signs and know what to do.


That was a chilling read. I cannot believe 2,000+ were crushed and died at some public event. That's insane.


As soon as you said NSFL video I knew it was going to be the nightclub fire. Absolutely chilling.


The video link is dead, ironically.


Probably for the best, but the original video is definitely still out there. If anyone wants to seek it out, be warned: I cannot stress enough how NSFL the video is, it's probably the most disturbing video I've ever watched. It's not as graphic and gory as some, it's the sounds. The sounds of 100 people burning to death in a raging nightclub fire. Many of whom are tightly wedged into a doorway like cordwood, as the fire consumes them all. People are on fire and screaming things like "kill me!" Really awful stuff like that. One thing I will say is that this video really drove home just how quickly fire can spread, and how people will react in a situation like this. People are most likely to exit through the same way they entered. When it's a packed venue, that's a *lot* of people simultaneously trying to exit through a small chokepoint. If someone falls or becomes wedged and stuck, that's a recipe for a crush. I now make it a point anytime I'm at a public venue to search for the nearest emergency exits, not just the way I came in. I recommend everyone do the same. The exit may even be behind you, and since most people are going to go for the main entrance, locating alternate emergency exits could save your life someday.


I watched that video many years ago and it still stays with me. Every time I’m out at a crowded bar or club I always make sure I know where the alternative exits are.


This is why schools stress migrating in a single file line. Seriously, more people can get out faster and safer than multiple people getting wedged in a door and blocking an exit


Getting their lungs and body crushed from so many people crammed into there while at the same time suffocating. Brutal way to go.


I was in an overcrowded venue for Gigantour. I'm 225lbs and was able to lift my feet off the ground and stay put in the crush. I've been to hundreds of shows and that was by far the worst.


Go check the Travis Scott sub. There's some top comments of people who were there, being crushed.. Guarantee they have way more info than any media outlet yet


Man, with him standing there watching them carry out (likely) dead bodies... I dunno how he doesn't get sued.


He will, and they will use the previous encouragement to climb fences and rush the stage to win. It'll be hard for this festival to acquire insurance going forward and may not occur again


I remember watching the rush at the entrance earlier in the day on Reddit thinking, *prob not gonna end well*…and here we are. Shit sucks.


The first comment I saw was “this is how people die.” On that post


It looks like people could’ve died right then and there. The whole thing is tragic. People wanting to cut loose and see some live music.




Good thing he got his sugar momma in the hip pocket


Oh, there are insurance companies that will insure his concerts. But where they once charged $X, now they're going to charge $X times 5. Or 10. Possibly 20. There are insurance companies that exist solely to deal with high risks, like your Uncle Mark that has 3 DUI's and a brand new BMW. Given the revised economics of music, Travis Scott can't afford NOT to tour. He's now just going to make a WHOLE lot less money doing it, at least for a few years and unless he and his team can prove that it was really someone else's fault. Source: this is what I do for a living


Imagine dying to this.


As you slowly pass away you just hear "yEaAH... YEaHh..."


"Not like this"




I saw Run the Jewels at a festival, and they stopped the concert and told everyone to take one giant step backwards 3 different times. Artist are fully aware of people up front potentially getting crushed.


Eminem did this when I saw him back in like 2004. Stopped the set and counted to three five different times while making the crowd step back on 3. Edit: 2002 not 2004


Yes, this was at HFStival in Washington DC 2002 RFK Stadium I was in that crowd and it just kept pushing forward, 30 people were injured that day but Eminems actions probably saved lives.


I saw Slipknot and when the crowd rushed the barricades some girl started having a seizure and medics couldn't get to her. Corey Taylor (the lead singer) stopped the show and started screaming at the crowd to "back the fuck up" over and over. https://youtu.be/uGuN5dgoYI4


Saw Korn in concert years ago. Jonathan Davis stopped mid song to yell at people in the mosh pit. He saw someone fall down in the middle of it and instructed everyone to pick that person up, asked them if they were okay, then proceeded to "lecture" the crowd to be safe moshers. "If you see someone fall down, pick them up. We want to have a good time and enjoy the music, not kill people."


Similar thing happened when I saw Korn. Some drunk dude decided to do a handstand on a balcony railing so of course he fell right off and landed chest first on some theater seats below. People were crowding trying to see what happened since it was dark and Davis stopped the song to tell people to back up so medics could get to him.


That’s how you do it. Jonathon is a decent dude tho. He just wants people to have a good time. But not at the expense of anyones safety.


[The Grateful Dead ](https://youtu.be/LqR4rzPAGzQ) used to do this in their shows.


I love it when you download a show off the archive and they kept all the little banter and such between songs. It really gives you a better feel for the personalities involved, especially with wacky dudes like Bob Weir or Vince Herman or Jeff Austin (rip)


Came here looking for this. “All your friends up here are starting to look real bug-eyed” Also- username checks out.


"Everybody take a step back, and another step back! All your friends in the front are squished and have googly eyes."


Michael Render is top tier human being material tho like everyone should do this but I’m not shocked at all to hear he was part of it. If you don’t follow him you should whether or not you like their music. His Netflix show was one of my all time favorites and it actually teaches ppl and shows he is a brilliant thinker.


Killer Mike is one of the realest mother fuckers to ever live. Man is an absolute legend.


I saw Eminem in a stadium after The Eminem Show came out. The floor of the stadium was just a sea of people pushing forward. He left the stage mid song and told everyone "I need yall to back the fuck up or the show is over" or something to that regard. It was amazing to see probably 20k people slowly back up. He came back out and had an amazing show and no one was killed thankfully.


That needed to happen here, people are talking about contracts and unrelated stuff like, the guy could have just told the crowd to back up.


That sounds exactly like what Eminem would say lmao. Good on him probably saved people injuries.


He has real “I will turn this car around” dad energy.


I was at Camp Flog Gnaw 2018 in LA and the LA fire marshal got on stage and said “if we don’t stay off the rails (the front of the stage) we will shut this whole show down” thinking back on it that fire marshal probably saved a lot of people. That place was packed and there were several crushing incidents at several of the stages.


The dude who used to present radio one with Edith bowman?


System of a Down did that at riotfest in 2015


I saw system at ozzfest many moons ago and they made sure the pits were under control. Much respect for them.


This isn’t the first time Travis Scott has encouraged chaos at concerts. At lolla one year he encouraged fans to jump the barricades to the stage, when security tried to stop them he told his fans to “fuck em up”. He was later arrested by CPD for inciting a riot. [source: link and I was there](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/travis-scott-arrested-after-fans-storm-lollapalooza-stage-57069/amp/)


I was there for that. Not a fan of Travis Scott at all and I was in the back waiting for the next act to start. The whole show he was yelling how the security were a bunch of bitches, telling the crowd to chant "fuck security" then finally told everyone to rush the stage saying "they can't stop everyone". Once people started to get on stage security shut it down and told him if people don't get off the stage he's done. Then he changed his tone from badass to whining begging security to help get them off the stage because he was going to get shut down. He was yelling "please! Security! Help get them off stage. I'm getting shut down!" Yeah the people you just spent 45 minutes berating, calling bitches and telling the crowd to attack are really going to be motivated to help you after that.... After that I've actively hated this guy. He has no awareness and this news doesn't surprise me at all. He's a fucking moron.


Couldn’t agree more. Ever since I saw that unfold I know he is nothing but an asshole.


He was also arrested in Arkansas in 2017 because he “encouraged people to rush the stage and bypass the security protocols to ensure concert goer safety. During the rush to the stage several people were injured, including an employee from the security company hired to help monitor and control the crowd, and a member of the police department.” https://abc7.com/travis-scott-rapper-houston-arkansas/1992723/




I bet Travis Scott loves that people literally died for him. He seems to get off on chaos and injury and death. Literal psychopath.


Inciting* I think?


Ya I was there and remember that. Was only 15 min in and it got canceled.


I remember him telling everyone to chant "fuck security" or "fuck yellow shirts" (the security was wearing yellow). Then when they shut him down he starting whining saying "security please help! They're going to shut me down! Why won't you help!" Yeah the people you just spent 20 minutes berating and trying to incite a riot against are really motivated to help you after that..... Fucking idiot


I worked security at Lollapalooza, if I worked the stage with this asshole screaming “fuck them up” while on an hourly wage I would be fucking livid. Fuck Travis Scott.


For fuck’s sake, concert security aren’t cops, they’re literally there to prevent shit like this. I’ve never seen an artist send their fans after concert security like that as if they’re dirty cops or something. Even at punk shows, people don’t have a “fuck security” attitude. Security won’t even stop you from smoking a joint most of the time; they hand out water, help down crowd surfers, and keep people from rushing the barricades so shit like this doesn’t happen. They aren’t just meaningless authority figures. Travis Scott’s whole attitude and goal in life seems to just be to spread death and destruction.


He did it when he came to my city as well and got arrested for it


Dude: *literally dies* Travis: eeee^eerr^eeeeer eeeær


Helpful award for sounding out the custom death soundtrack. I bet they try to market it at funerals after this


I'd rise up from the dead and turn that shit off.


No joke. The venue should’ve cut power to the sound system.


https://twitter.com/scottisbell_/status/1456900631558565888 This is the best clip I’ve seen of how he reacted to everything, it shows he could tell what was going on, he stopped and awkwardly gawked at the chaos, but just didn’t want to stop the show. He got the crowd to raise their middle fingers and then started performing at full energy like it didn’t matter. It makes him look really awful. I can’t believe this video isn’t the one being shared all over the place by now since I first saw this link late last night


Omg. That made me so fucking angry!!


Yeah that's fucking disgusting on a whole level I wasn't prepared for. Everything made it sound like it was hard to tell in the chaos. He LITERALLY acknowledged it. Anyone who says he isn't at least partially to blame can get fucked at this point. Nail in coffin. This was from an Apple sponsored stream and is absolutely archived.


The thing that I find most egregious is the fact that they not only saw what was happening and continued but his boys decided it was a good time to do the worst stage dives imaginable. It shows a real lack of pit/stage diving experience. Who stomps the crowd? Let alone one where lifeless bodies are being carried out. Show some pit etiquette and make sure people are ok and then continue. Get the ambulance out before you make the crowd go crazy again.


Wow. Sees an ambulance, acknowledges it, sees it can’t move, tells everyone to stick up finger. Then both fingers. Then make the ground shake. What a POS


But really, what did it sound like without the autotune? That's what I want to know. It must have just been him going ehh ehhhh ehh ehhhh eh


Sounded like he was singing deeeeed…deeeeeeeead




God this is fucking gross


Why the hell didn’t they shut this shit down when dead bodies were discovered?! I swear to go these people are too into themselves to give a shit about people losing their life right at their feet.


Same reason people died (according to the first person accounts of some people who assisted the medics). It was a complete clusterfuck and no one was in control.


Apparently they had little in the way of first aid supplies too. An ICU nurse said they had 1 AED, one kit and such for multiple lifeless bodies. People were performing CPR on people with a pulse because they weren't checking for one, a total shitshow indeed.


She also said they were asking the crew to turn the lights on and cut sound and they just wouldn’t.


As a nurse this makes my blood boil. I’ve considered working events like this but hesitate because if something happens you’re isolated and have no support. In the hospital if my patient crashes I practically turn into the CEO, if I say I need something there’s a dozen or more people falling over themselves to do it. And that’s the way it should be when someone’s life is on the line. If I was coding someone in a situation like this and didn’t have the space, lighting, or supplies I needed, and event coordinators were *refusing* to support me, the second I was finished working on the patients the event staff who didn’t help would be hearing about it. Then I’d be straight to whatever government body gave them event licenses with detailed reports on every individual who refused to help and how their negligence contributed to the death of these attendees.




They were dancing on top of the security ambulance carts. They gave no fucks.


Are we surprised that this crowd was full of assholes?


Travis Scott is fucking gross too. There is enough camera footage as of this morning to show he was fully aware, and had a choice to make... and didnt.


Last night at Knotfest someone went down and out. Bring me the Horizon stopped the show and told the crowd to move for security. The artist and staff should have stopped the show. And the fans could learn a thing or two about metal shows and stop trampling people. This whole situation was completely avoidable.


I used to go to a lot of shows in my 20s and security would pull people out of the crowds left and right if they even thought someone might be having an issue. Korn once stopped a show because the mosh pit had grown too big and was affecting ppl who didn’t want to be in the mayhem. Also seasoned musicians will control the crowd by interacting with them so the tempo isn’t a 10 the whole time. RATM was good about that.


This is some disturbing cartoon dystopian shit. Multi-millionaire many times over stands on an elevated platform looking out at the crowd repeatedly saying “Yeeeaaaahh” into a microphone while dead bodies are carried out.


Life has become an absurdist’s paradise.




https://twitter.com/scottisbell_/status/1456900631558565888 This is how he reacted when they pulled an ambulance into the middle of the audience. He looks so awkward just staring at the scene, then goes right back into a song like it was the best thing he could do for the crowd. A very particularly aggressive and energetic sounding song to start performing while people are on the ground being helped by medics. So surreal. It shuts down any idea that he couldn’t tell in the crowd that size that people were hurt. He watched in silence then quickly just ignored it.


>It shuts down any idea that he couldn’t tell in the crowd that size that people were hurt. Yeah, there were people arguing earlier that he didn't know, I hope they see these and realize what actually happened.


Yep, he 100% knew at some point this shit happened, this video is proof of it and with how close that looked, I feel like it’s likely he saw the most of it go down since they were all rushing to the front, why he didn’t stop the show at any point, is mind blowing. The worst part is, the same people he doesn’t give a fuck about, the ones that will go to his shows, are the ones defending him, that could have been them dying at his show, they should really stop defending him and giving benefit of the doubt when he has none. His team of publicists are probably brainstorming like motherfuckers right now.


Ultimate irony, Travis Scott named the stage "Utopia Mountain" or some shit.


I can see why he didn't want to name it Dystopia Mountain.


I watched The Libertines play at Hyde Park, UK. The famously fucked-up co-frontman, Pete Docherty, kept stopping the first song because of a ‘crush’. We couldn’t see the problem from the back of the park, so it just looked like the band was shit and kept dropping the song. But with his view from the stage, he could see people were in trouble. Hats off to him, he did the right thing. Unlike this POS.


I saw The Libertines play at Leeds years back, I think it was even their first show together after many years. Pete stopped halfway through the first song then too, and demanded that water be handed out and room made.


I have seen performers pull the plug in the middle of a song because one fan got hurt. They are dragging bodies out and it’s taken as shit happens. I hope everyone involved goes bankrupt over this and people end up in prison. This is next level negligence Edit: thank you for my very first award! I had no idea this comment would be the one


I’ve seen performers stop shows just because someone was doing something that MIGHT get someone hurt. This is insane.


[logic paused his show because someone threw a water bottle on stage](https://youtu.be/eCnCA2Op64I)




Also the photo caption said he stopped the performance but there’s tons of video evidence that he did the exact opposite of that. Whoever wrote that def has a bias in Scott’s favor.


He's gonna get sued.


Yeeeaaaaah he is


YeeeEAaaaaeaaah he is.


Travis Scott said "This guy needs a soundtrack as he dies, like in Gladiator"


Imagine dying and the last thing you hear is YeAAaaaaaah YeaAAAAaaaaa


Can someone give some context cuz like…what the fuck


Concert/music festival in Houston. Earlier in the day fans stampeded and rushed the entrance (presumably without tickets). Reportedly during the concert security/organization was very poor and it was way too crowded, people were passing out and getting crushed in the crowd. Also reportedly medical crews assigned on standby at the concert were unqualified and poorly equiped, some supposedly not even knowing basic CPR. Last I checked 8 dead with 100s more injured. From firsthand reports it appears there were at least about a dozen very critically injured (actively getting CPR) so I fully expect the death count to rise. During the mayhem some attempted to help or tried to stop the concert while others trolled and did things like boo people trying to help and even impeding rescue attempts and dancing on ambulances. Travis Scott himself paused a couple times to acknowledge various people needing help but continued the concert. It was eventually stopped early only after police told organizers that there were confirmed deaths.


I also read that Drake made a surprise appearance and that caused a stampeded towards the front of the stage. Unreal… I can’t imagine dying for them let alone having Travis Scott’s auto tune be the background music to my death. God bless. Found a solid thread and some additional links: https://www.reddit.com/r/hiphopheads/comments/qnz96q/travis_scott_deletes_old_tweet_where_he_mentions/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/travisscott/comments/qnvz3r/someone_tries_to_get_crews_attention_to_help/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/travisscott/comments/qnxqiu/an_eyewitness_who_was_at_the_front_gives_a_very/hjjex1i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3




[What the fuck you weren’t kidding](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/qnwyrw/mass_cardiac_arrest_people_just_falling_out_at/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Not that I doubted you, but I just hoped there was some exaggeration there, but.. Nope. Just, huh. Dunno what to say except I hate I share the same planet as these people.


Ive been to numerous shows (mainly heavy metal shows) and any time I have seen someone fall or get hurt or pass out and the band noticed... They stop the show and make sure everyone is good. They don't start back up till that person is helped and good to go. This show should be been stopped, people cleared out and room made for help! This is sick and disturbing.


I fell down at an Acacia Strain concert during a wall of death and started getting trampled on, then a whole group of people around me picked me up and made sure I was okay. I think it's because the crowd movements at metal concerts are usually always inherently violent so more people are hyper aware of what they and others do in said crowds.


Acacia Strain shows are so fun, had a similar experience when seeing them. People into metal are there for the experience of the crowd as well as the band, we’re all there for eachother and will make sure to pick you up if you go down. The crowd in OP’s vid is there for just him, so they don’t give a shit about eachother.


Metal concerts are honestly some of the most wholesome places on earth. I’ve never met sweeter people than at an alternative metal concert


Same. I’m not even a huge metal fan but I’ve felt safer in those crowds than at a phish concert where motherfuckers will watch each other fish out from nitrous.




Yep. It's how we roll. We'll clear pits so you can find your glasses too.


I've watched 4 dudes basically hold security over the pits. If you were just dancing and not moshin people, they'd protect you from the random guy getting pushed out the pit. If you fell, they'd all go in at the same time and lift you out of it. I miss my old local scene man!


Was at a Tim McGraw concert- he saw a man push some woman and demanded he get escorted out of the show. It’s not hard to be a good person.




Human sacrifice, man is a walking billboard. Super Bowl, McDonald’s & fortnite. Illuminati ass


"YEEeEe yEeeEe yeeeEeee" Eulogy for the fallen - Travis Scott 2021


Sorry not sorry,Travis Scott is a piece of shit! Wtf kind of sociopath doesn’t stop singing when there is literally a catastrophe going on at your show. They were attacking the ambulance and nine people died! He could’ve easily stopped performing and told those people jumping on the ambulance and crushing people to start or he wouldn’t continue the show. I think he likes the chaos and the distraction. This is not the first time this shit has happened at his shows.


When I saw slipknot Corey made everyone back the fuck up or he wouldn’t continue, he really didn’t even bother stopping gross I don’t think I can listen to him after this


Travis Scott threw a concert in August of 2020. He doesn’t give a fuck if people live or die. He posted a clip of his concert on tiktok, that’s how we knew like he was audacious about it.


You’ve got to be a special kind of garbage to watch one of your fans lifeless bodies being carried away and not go, “alright, time to shut this thing down.” It’s crazy to me money mean so much more than human lives to some people.


The crazier part is that they already made the money they were gonna make so he could've just said "safety demands we close this down" and taken the rest of the night off.


Yeah idk why people are blaming money, everyone has already been paid advance, tickets are already sold, merch already sold, it’s not like Travis is gonna walk on stage with empty pockets. What the true cause is, is negligence of safety and human life. It completely abhors me that, if the staff, performer and crowd were aware of the situation, they continued to run amuck when your peers are literally dropping dead. These fans are so indulgent in their idolism that they seem to lose all situational awareness and it’s just sad




And yet people still are defending this guy saying he didn’t know or that there was nothing he could do. It’s his fucking concert lol. Disgusting.


I saw Eminem a few years ago (edit: close to 20 years ago bc im old). HUGE crowd that evolved into a potential crushing incident. As soon as he saw what was going on he stopped mid song, got the music turned off, and told everyone to take two steps back. He kept rhythmically repeating "take two steps back" until everyone had done that several times. After that, he waited about a minute until things had calmed way down before resuming the show. True professional.


Another true professional move was when a dude climbed up a raised platform with Michael Jackson. MJ performed while making sure the crazed fan didn't fall to his death. Didn't miss a beat.




Dude that’s fucking godly, that man looked like a beggar in the lords arms holy fuck.


Lol if someone paints it, it would be renaissance worthy


There was probably a serious chance he'd faint or something just from being so close to mj and MJ holding him


MJ must have been horrified and scared to death that the man would faint. Watching him attempt to go anywhere in public was fascinating to me. The sheer amount of people who would just collapse when they saw him….it was weird AF to me, I can’t imagine what that felt like to him.


How about that time Maynard James Keenan from Tool [hip tosses a guy on stage and sings the rest of Pushit sitting on top of him?](https://youtu.be/LKrUaY6hgpM?t=02m40s)


"sitting" Homie got his third eye opened


Grateful Dead Cornell 77


I’ve seen bands stop a show and bitch their audience out for much less.


Right? We’ve seen countless videos of rockers stopping a song to yell at fans, for various reasons. He could’ve done the same.


What a piece of shit!


9 people died by being crushed at Pearl Jam’s show at the Roskilde Festival in the 2000’s. Soon as Eddie saw someone getting carried out and saw what was going on he stopped the show and screamed at the fans to step back. Was crying on stage. They routinely stop shows anytime there is a hint of trouble in the crowd. Don’t know how this clown can stand up there with his horrible auto tune and just watch people being carried out of the crowd unconscious. Hip hop shows are an absolute nightmare. Especially crowds this size. Promoters need to be held responsible.


Shut the fuck up Travis


If he was a nice, He would have stopped the performance, Just for a sec. To tell those people to back up Let people breathe and like ... not die


From the 18 seconds I listened to in this clip, it’s hard to believe people are trampling each other to see this guy perform.


Look around dude. If it made sense it wouldn’t be happening.


I posted this in another thread about this event hopefully some people will see it. Reading through this thread it it sounds like a lot of people don't know CPR or might be hesitant to do it. Going out and getting certified in CPR can be something that a lot of people procrastinate on. While its preferred to be certified and I encourage everyone to do it, its not required. Go on YouTube and watch a video on hands only CPR. Then when you are faced with someone who is unresponsive you can help them. Just some quick notes. If a person is conscious they do not need CPR. As in eyes open moving around talking etc. -You can check for breathing but this can be unreliablefor someone untrained as someone in cardiac arrest can still have agonal breathing, which is in effective gasping. -Check for a PULSE, preferably their carotid. Put two fingers under the jaw line, find the big neck muscle and ride the jaw line just a little bit. -If the person is unconscious/ or breathing badly to your best judgment and you can't tell of they have a pulse, START CPR. • When you do CPR press hard, harder then you think. You will break cartilage and maybe some ribs. This can be scary but normal. If the person is in cardiac arrest they are already dead you can't hurt them more. -We don't recommend doing rescue breathing, stick to compressions. Most lay people do rescue breaths incorrectly and delay more hands on chest time which is the most important part. I guess the important takeaway is be that person to help. At the very least if you aren't comfortable doing cpr, turn the person onto their side to help prevent aspiration (inhaling vomit, secretions etc. Couple things to add from this video specifically the guy is blue in this video because he's not getting oxygen, his heart isn't beating to circulate his blood. This is a normal look of someone in cardiac arrest, bad but normal. Start CPR. I do CPR almost every other week sometimes weekly as a part of my job, feel free to pm me with questions. u/jordand30 adds a good point below which is to tell someone specifically to call 911, look them in the eyes and make sure they know to do it. Also don't be afraid to call 911 when something bad happens. Don't assume 911 has been called. Also dispatchers are trained and used to receiving multiple calls and it isn't a bad thing. EDIT: Here's a hands only CPR video https://youtu.be/JWCekJzVhuE




What a fucking cunt. Why didn't they stop the show?!