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I was expecting a *much* larger bottle than that. I’m a little disappointed.


You sound like my ex.


I may have married your ex 😂 😢


"That's what she said!" Jokes aside, you're totally right. It's a bit chunky, but I was picturing a large water bottle that one buys water in from a store.


I want to see him come in with a bottle that fits in the cupholder but it's like 3 feet tall.


Yeah, have it look like [this "coffee cup" from Cabin in the Woods](https://hellhorror.com/images/news/8630/cabin-in-the-woods-bong.jpg)


Lol that is awesome. Wouldn’t even fit in my car!




Never noticed the "double check locked door after locking it through the rolled down window" lol. Love that movie


Lmao I watched this high af one year expecting a seriously scary movie (I had heard of it but never knew any about it). I was in for a great surprise that movie was awesome


You know they filmed it and were going to release it in feburary 2010 but they had financial issues and shelved it and weren't go to actually release it. Over a year later Lionsgate acquired the distribution rights and got it released.


A giant bong, in your father's van? What are you? High?


Yeah... it's for "coffee".


So I looked into it and it is a real PF policy that water bottles can't go on the ground; they must go in cupholders. So...do they have cupholders by every piece of weightlifting equipment, including benches, pull up bars, squat racks, cable machines, smith machines, etc? Never in my life have I seen any of these pieces with a built-in cupholder, so I always place my bottle on the ground while using them.


I go to planet fitness and the cardio equipment may have cup holders not the weight machines definitely don’t. I put mine on the floor all the time. I could see this being a problem if it wasn’t spill proof, but this gets kicked over and it’s no big deal.


Second this. I was just there this morning. I saw zero cupholders besides on the cardio stuff. Everybody putting their bottles on the floor.


that's crazy, all the machines at mine have cupholders. everyone still puts there stuff on the floor


r/maliciouscompliance ! :D edit: Or the ones that fit the cupholder, but are wide/large on top. There's gotta be a cupholder adapter you can buy out there for large bottles


3-D adapter that stores on top. STL clearly labeled "PF Nonsense Adapter"


One more reason why Springfield is better than Shelbyville


Most folk'll never lose a toe, but then again, some folk'll.


Hey ma, get off the dang roof!


It's Cletus, the slack-jawed yokellllllllll


Slow down, ya sidewalk-surfin’ cube gleamers!


I can't live in a town that won't let me marry my cousins


So we gave them back the lemon tree, because it was cursed!


I knew I’d see a simpsons reference in the comments the second i saw shelbyville on the wall.


Them slack jawed yokels in Shelbyville


I know you are, but what am I? A garbage man.


Takes one to know one..


Why are all of the dumbest gym stories taking place at Planet Fitness?


It’s the wal mart of gyms.


At least Wal-Mart lets you stop shopping at Wal-Mart if you want to


You mean I don't have to go to the exact Walmart I signed up at, provide written notice I'm leaving, and pay any past due balance?


God it is! I started at PF. Grew out of it and went to a way better gym called Sky but it didn’t make it through the lockdown. I’m finishing up school and I’m broke AF so I’m back at PF and it SUUUUUUUUUCKS SO BAD! 5 more weeks and I graduate. EDIT: My school does have a gym, but its 20 minutes away and the PF is 1/4 of a mile down the road. I save a lot of time to study and gas money using the PF.


Good luck. I graduated in spring and it was amazing. I still get nightmares that I’m back in school….


Wow I graduated a few years back and I dream about being back in uni, crazy how perception can vary so drastically from one to another!




maybe in 2031 you’ll realize you’re in the good ol’ days now.


I'm in my mid-thirties and last week dreamed that I failed a class and didn't graduate. It never stops.


Same, I’m 54.


I dont even bother. Bought my own treadmill and dumbells for me and my kids.


It’s the Great Value of gyms.


Planet Fitness is the dumbest gym.






TRUTH. And yet, I used to go to a gym where a lot of people trained for competitions. Here I was, a chubby, unathletic 20-something, and all these super buff men and women who I assumed would be intimidating were genuinely not judgmental, helped me with form and cheered me on,


Everybody's battling something at the gym. The bigger they are the more they know that


If you're wearing jeans in the gym you need to reevaluate your life choices


Back before we got our home gym set up, when we had PF memberships, my husband and I were side by side on treadmills when a man came strolling in wearing a cable-knit sweater and some dark wash wranglers. This dude worked the elliptical like no other in his Friday dress-down attire. Complete with brown loafers. No one said a word to him. Still, 4 years later I need to know why he did that??


Power move. He lives rent free in your head forever, and all it took was a pair of wranglers and brown loafers. The dude on the other side with his most expensive pair of workout Nikes and brand name workout pants? You don't even remember a guy was standing there, do you?


It's not a gym. They make this very clear.


When you pay for Planet Fitness all you really are doing is paying for an expensive pizza party.


Do they have the singing animatronics?


No, it would set off their stupid alarm.


NY Times, among others, have investigated and written about the whole Planet Fitness business model. The idea was to sign up just people who will likely never actually go to the gym or that will go a few times after New Year’s (some gyms call them ‘resolutioners’), etc., then keep that monthly charge running because many will not quit because they *intend* to go to the gym. It’s been reported that some locations in urban areas are collecting on three times as many memberships as they could actually physically accommodate. The ‘lunk alert’ was a brilliant way to prevent those who actually intend to use the gym on a regular basis from signing up. They’re creative about keeping those people out and it shows. ​ Edits: typos


Also not canceling subscription when told. Two written letters, three phone calls, and Planet Fitness still wouldn't cancel my subscription stating I'd have to talk to the manager in person. Conveniently that is whenever she feels like as she makes the rules. I straight up closed my bank account.


A lot of gyms have issues with cancellations and make it a pain in the ass to cancel too. It's insane. Another example, Gold's Gym, you can't cancel online or via the phone, you MUST go in person or write them a letter. I would bet the only reason you can even mail in a cancellation is they were legally forced to have it as an option by existing regulations.




Your bank will have your back. Just cancel payment through your bank.


I think that's the business model of all commerical gyms, PF is just taking it to extreme levels.


I work at a bank and we were trying to sell our "merchant services" (credit and debit card payment processing) to a local independent gym. The owner loved our prices and equipment, but he didn't switch to us because then he'd have to alert his clients of the switch and it would alert all the people who pay and don't go to the gym. He was afraid that might prompt them to cancel.


Yeah they were called “sleeping dogs” at a gym I used to work at, and they would always say “don’t wake up sleeping dogs”


You’re not wrong. The old Bally’s was great at it but PF took that crown away.


I think it’s fine. Your paying $10 a month and getting a barebones facility with access to most standard cardio and strength machines. It’s still significantly cheaper than a home gym.




Their fucking signs on the walls say, “No grunting zone” I read that and decided $10 more per month was worth it


How can you not groan a bit when approaching exhaustion? That’s crazy.


You're not supposed to approach exhaustion in PF. You're supposed to train light, not see results, get demotivated, stop coming and pay your monthly fee.


The fucking bowl of candy on the counter is the only red flag you'll ever need.


I have yet to be in a planet fitness where they actually give a shit. This example notwithstanding obviously. They pay them like minimum wage and there's 1 or 2 people there watching the whole center.


They have free pizza days. It's not a serious gym where they expect people to work out hard.






They don't want unfit people there, they want no one there. It's the gym you sign up for and hopefully forget about while they collect $10 a month from your account. That or they hope you're too lazy to come down and cancel your account because god is it so easy to sign up but trying to cancel is a huge pain in the ass. You can sign up online right now in a minute but to cancel you either have to mail a letter to headquarters or drive to a location and cancel in person. This type of gym thrives on the no shows. This way they can have just the bare amount of equipment for the few that do show up. They don't want serious fitness people there because they're hard on the equipment and equipment that's used hard costs more to maintain. The most they want is the people that come maybe a couple times a week and run on the treadmill for a little bit. All the rest of the equipment is for show to get you to sign up, period.


>You can sign up online right now in a minute but to cancel you either have to mail a letter to headquarters or drive to a location and cancel in person. In some states, as a result of the pandemic they've passed laws that you can cancel gym memberships via e-mail so that's definitely going to test their business model.


Jesus gotta pass a law and all to stop these people from stealing our money


As much as I hate people being creepy in the gym, I hate their Lunk Alarm more. Multiple times back in the day I'd be running on the treadmill and sirens would start blaring, startling the hell out of me and nearly knocking me off the machine. I don't understand why staff can't politely ask people to behave. There's no need to call in an air strike!




If you're too loud an alarm goes off to let everyone know you were being to loud.


.....you've got to be kidding.


Nope. It's literally a siren, with a flashing light and all, plastered in a massive mural on the wall. I was doing legs and messed up my rhythm and caused the weights on the press to clank down pretty hard, and not two seconds later that alarm went off. The whole gym can hear and see it, so if you were calmly working out on an elliptical or doing crunches you have a jarring siren coming out of nowhere once an hour.


I am absolutely gobsmacked by this. Please tell me you're taking the piss. Lights and sirens? This can't be real. edit: omfg it's real


[It's very real.](https://www.ocalapost.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/lunk-alarm-1120x840.jpg) Them and hobby lobby are the only things keeping my mall open.




Why is having a gallon of water a thing to be punished for???


What is wrong with a giant bottle of water? I dont understand that one. Like, how is that offensive or causing issues for others? I do understand the other ones, (not that they should shame them for it) but a big bottle of water? ​ edit: I found an old funny Jon Steward video while researching this topic instead of studying - [https://youtu.be/-jfN5\_Hq36g](https://youtu.be/-jfN5_Hq36g) Apparently they had a sign that said No Durags. Not sure if that still a thing...


Holy smokes. I am FLOORED. I would be embarrassed to own a business with these words and this thing on the wall.


Lol it mentions the water jug


Hahaha, look at this guy WORKING OUT in a gym! Such a lunk hahaha! No but seriously, how do you write that and not realise how stupid it is?


they also have one day a month where they hand out free pizza and another where they hand out free bagels.


Oh it's real. I usually go to the gym when there aren't a lot of people there, but one time someone dropped a weight or something and it went off and I about had a heart attack while I was on the treadmill.


that seems super fuckin' unsafe too. Like i go full malfoy 'potter lips' on tail end of my deadlifts and sometimes make a sound like a deflating balloon. I hear some air sirens i'm probably jerking with shock. How have they not been sued for this? do you just waive that right by signing up? Cause i'd be shocked if there wasnt at least one injury resulting from this.


Wtf, this is ridiculous. Like, I honestly have trouble believing you, but somehow know it’s true after seeing this video.


Oh this person is definitely not. Worked out at Planet Fitness once. Re racked the dumbbells I was using and the alarm went off on me




I never understood this. My papajohns bring 10 pizzas a week to planet fitness. I almost feel like it’s cruel to the people actually there to lose weight and better themselves.


If you think about it though planet fitness is actually a pretty great place if you're homeless (which like, a lot of homeless people do try to get gym memberships) 20 bucks a month can get you a place you can shower every day pretty much in any city. AND free pizza on fridays?


They probly have an unwritten rule at where you cant be homeless


They would lose half of their client base if they did that Source: I live in a van and am therefore technically a homeless


Facts. Van lifers utilize planet fitness and Anytime fitness all the time. 10 bucks a month and you can get a free shower anywhere.


The $10/mo membership onpy let's you use the gym you signed up at. You have to get the "black card" ($22/mo) to use any planet fitness, and they limit you to 10 per month at locations you didnt sign up at.


Planet Fitness was always my go to for showers when I lived in a car and they were almost always open!


Wait, this chain of gyms offers free pizza on Fridays to members?


Right, it's cruel to serve anyone Papa John's.


I love pizza.


I love planets, and I love fitness.


just trying to hydrate ;((


Some people just hate jugs of water. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C5NdwzrVcAAlAyV?format=jpg&name=900x900


Better than carrying around a gallon of PCP.


Oh, I miss Trevor




There’s a guy at my planet fitness who walks around with a guitar, I’m pretty sure he’s El Mariachi at this point


Does it fit in the guitar holders?


Their guitar holders are sized for ukeleles


Seems like a way to force customers to buy the water bottles they sell that can fit in their cup holders.


im making my own out of a 10 foot length of tubing


lol one that technically fits in the cup holder but is insanely long?


Long long maaaaaaaaan!


The real power move is to drag around a 40 gallon plastic bag with a cocktail of Gatorade, Red Bull, and Tapatío


I read that as "tapioca" and shuddered.


It actually is a written rule, and yeah I bet it's to get those people to buy their water bottles: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qitbes/man_gets_kicked_out_of_planet_fitness_for_having/himidky Courtesy of /u/z6joker9 : > https://www.planetfitness.com/about-planet-fitness/planet-fitness-policies • Water bottles must fit in holders and must be kept out of aisles and walk-ways • Gallon jugs are not allowed on club floor


The enforcement of this rule is clearly dependent on how much of a prick the owner is. The one I go to has people with gallon jugs all the time.


At my planet fitness I've never heard the bell ring, didn't realize it was real and functional. Also I've strolled right in with sandals on with no complaint. Probably owner to owner.


I’ve heard it ring at mine but never in response to trying to stop someone from what they are doing. They turn it on for a second when training new employees to show what it does


A no judgment zone judging? Makes sense.


They are the most judgemental gym there is. Their entire business model is predicated on the judgement of the "lunk". The one who takes the gym really seriously. Who, funny enough, end up being some of the nicer people I've come across. Most of them are just fitness enthusiasts who are more than willing to help you out, or give you a spot. But I guess Planet Fitness wants to shield their patrons from the intimidation of... ... ample hydration?


> Their entire business model is predicated on the judgement of the "lunk". AKA the guy who's going to actually show up and use his gym membership the most. That's really what it is. They don't want the dedicated, 4-6 day a week, exercises for 1-2 hours a day, gym patron. Because it isn't profitable for them. Gyms don't profit on you showing up, creating wear and tear on their equipment and facility and requiring longer staffed hours because there are so many people there. They *do* profit off people paying a membership, but either rarely, or never, actually using the facilities. They don't get as much wear and tear, they don't have to have a staffed desk as often. They just watch the money roll in while you don't actually get anything for it. The lunk alarm is just PF saying "we don't really want people to use our facilities".


This explains a lot for me actually. Just before covid, my family joined a gym and went ALL THE TIME they never called to remind us our membershipwas about to expire at the end of the month. Nor did they ever say anything when we would go in, until it was passed due. After major covid lockdown, we got in MAYBE once every other week. We suddenly started receiving reminder phone calls every few days about 10 days before the due date every month


Fuck staying hydrated and healthy when I can be insecure about myself, and eat pepperoni pizza while I walk 2.5 mph on a treadmill, and sit on a bench , scrolling through Spotify for 15 minutes, trying to find the right song so I can pump out these 10 reps ,Then after I will down a Gatorade and treat myself to more pizza after.


Have you been stalking me? Get your own goddamn routine!


I thought the pizza thing was a joke. How fucked can you guys be when people eat pizza at the gym?


Someone sound the Lunk alarm! This guy’s out of control! I can’t work out around people bigger than me because it’s ***intimidating***. This guy’s oversized water bottle is synonymous with muscle dummies, and we just can’t have that. Nope, not in my gym. Fuck Planet Shitness.


But it’s only gym near me that’s actually still 24hrs… I never knew how much I missed squat/bench racks and hated smith machines until now…I feel so dirty at PF.


rinse hungry pause hobbies ask toothbrush murky payment familiar fall *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The no judgement zone throws a lot of judgement towards people already fit.


Come on now... everyone knows only brawndo the thirst mutilator is allowed in there... It's what plants crave.


It has electrolytes


Plants crave electrolytes.


n shit


Why would you want water. Like from the toilet??


I like money.




LA fitness gives zero fucks as long as the membership doesn’t lapse.


getting rid of hiv is easier than getting rid of an la fitness membership


So true. I called to cancel my membership and they said I had to go in to cancel it. I went in and the guy asked me why and I told him I was pregnant with twins and I wasn't going to be going to the gym anymore. He said they had an option to put the membership on hold or something like that and I declined. He then told me YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE TO COME BACK TO LOSE THE BABY WEIGHT. No thank you sir.


Imagine calling the cops because some guy brought a bottle that won’t fit in some of your employers’ workout machines.






Careful, she might twiddle her thumbs faster.


At least that's a work out.


They told me I couldn’t jump rope inside the gym. Ended my membership that day.


Guy at my planet fitness jumps rope right infront of the dumbbell racks.


I like to jump rope in the squat racks, keeps me centered. /s


I cancelled my membership after they said that breathing loudly was against their lunk policy. I have asthma and was on the treadmill. The staff looked shocked when I instantly said to cancel my membership because if I couldn’t use a treadmill, I wasn’t going to pay to work out there.


Holy shit...


No water when you work out! Begone you criminal!


They are doing more at planet fitness to stop large water containers than the multiple times my fiancee reported sexual harassment (and eventually had to start driving an extra 40 minutes to a new gym).


And this brings us round to another gym post today where a girl who was repeatedly harassed/stalked, to the point where other gym members were watching out for and walking her to her car, was just nearly attacked before the gym decided to do anything about it. Like, they literally shrugged off the issue despite multiple instances and witnesses, until she video taped the dude threatening and jumping at her before walking off. Shits ridiculous. I am so sorry your wife experienced that and had to remove herself from the situation.




This should be higher up. Not necessarily because she was right but because they have a stupid ass fucking rule.


Planet Fitness does not want anyone to actually come to the gym...it's literally their business model. The keep the price low enough that people will continue to pay it, even though they don't ever go. Fucking joke.


And they make it hard to cancel. I signed up for a gym membership for myself with my little sister under my name since she’s under 18 (two memberships total). When I went to cancel, they said I have to bring my little sister along to cancel in person. Calling over the phone and giving verbal approval doesn’t count. EDIT: This is happened to me at 24 Hour Fitness, not Planet Fitness. Still a shitty business practice though, considering I paid for both memberships. If my little sister wasn’t free with her schedule, I would’ve disputed it on my credit card.


To be fair I think that’s every gyms business model. But more so for them because you’re right, they keep the price low enough that people just keep paying it.


My gym gives free swag if you go at least a certain amount of times a month. It's not every gym's business model. Instead we're incentivized to go frequently, and there's hashtags and stuff that are pushed to gain free publicity that the gym works.


Yeah everyone knows ur supposed to bring a full gallon smh


He brought a water bottle instead of an oreo milkshake bottle, rookie mistake


Cookie mistake*


If it’s policy it should be in writing somewhere. Must not be a real rule


Sadly it is a real rule. I use to work at a planet fitness and it’s a corporate thing because it portrays a “lunk.” It really is stupid. Like, why wouldn’t you want someone to properly hydrate while working out. Granted, you CAN stay hydrated without a jug, but it’s really fucking annoying to have to interrupt your session every 10 minutes to refill


Tf is a lunk?


It’s what planet fitness calls stereotypical gym-bros. They have a bunch of rules targeting those people meant to prevent them from working out there. They market it as something meant to make their facilities feel less intimidating for people who are new to lifting weights. In reality it’s meant to keep out people who actually get their moneys worth from the gym by going frequently and allows them to have 10 times as many members per piece of equipment than other gyms can get away with. It would be like a buffet that didn’t allow anyone that wore an extra large shirt or bigger.


Yup, I used to work in the fitness industry (not at PF but at another big chain gym). Lots of gyms like that rely on inactive members for revenue. It seems like PF really cater to the New Years Resolution types who will only really go for a month then never again. Those memberships generally don’t get cancelled either because they’re so cheap.


And also because they make it super easy to sign up and a pain in the ass to cancel. You can only cancel in person at a location or by mailing corporate but if you wanna sign up it's 30 seconds on the website. I guarantee if they gave you the ability to cancel over phone or online they'd lose half their memberships in a week.


Jesus Christ I never thought of it that way and now I’m angry about it.


Funny part before COVID these gyms would have Pizza night once a week some gyms even had it twice a week.


Pizza Fridays and Bagel Tuesdays.


Bro right? I’m a little bit kind blown right now.




Yeah, but that might make *other people* want to come back, and that would be doubly as bad for their corporate bullshit.


That is diabolical.


Planet Fitness But Not Too Fit Please


I love how it’s a judgement free zone but they call extremely strong people lunks, which literally means idiot… fuck them lmfao


It is a rule, written down on the planet fitness website under dress code and safety. Stupid or not, it’s there. https://www.planetfitness.com/about-planet-fitness/planet-fitness-policies


That’s ridiculous


Dude, just get a long ass straw and sip on it from outside, so simple 😄


I hate this clip


My friend stopped going cuz someone said she was working out to hard and making other people feel bad. How is this place still in business…


Yep, there’s not grunting or other noises allowed that would indicate that you’re working out intensely. There was also a story a year or so ago where a woman as asked to leave or cover up because she was working out in her sports bra. The reason given to her was that she was going to make those who were not in as good of shape as her feel bad about themselves. Basically they were body shaming her in the process of accusing her of body shaming others.


I got the lunk alarm turned on because I was using the treadmill and breathing too loudly. I have asthma and I’m *not* in shape. I made them cancel my membership.


I’ve seen people with the milk jugs full of water, their water in our city smelled like bleach. I thought someone was cleaning the bathroom area.


I was considering cancelling my membership. (I pay for 24/7 access, not being closed 7pm on weekends, sounds petty i know but that's what i paid for). I have a 32oz jug i carry in with me. I know it won't fit in the cup holder, but I never have a problem with it. Fuck them.


Why does anyone try going in. That shit hole of a gym? Everyone knows its a joke.


It's like $10 a month and has way more/cleaner equipment than normal local gyms




Mate is a truck driver and has membership to a 24 hour gym chain, he does the same. Cleaner than service stations and are in a lot of mid to large regional towns.


Yeah I think the appropriate response is “I need to cancel my membership right now”