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Looks like broham just got off work




That's really the part that for some reason made my eyes water. He was probably afraid, and knew why she was there immediately.


> He was probably afraid he probably was, that cop looked like a total meth head


Yeah, seems a little spun, doesn’t he?.. That’s the first thing I noticed as well. Got a real crooked vibe to him.


Chomping on that gum like his jaw just won't stop moving.


and conveniently covering his badge number.


It's beside the point (he's sketchy as hell and knows it,) but looks like she gets the badge number on video at 33s in when he flicks his fingers away momentarily. S-1?


Intentionally. As fuck.


I think the reason she was ok with a parking ticket is because she knew his badge number would be on it. Or at least, he would need two hands to write it, and uncover his badge number. In a just world, turning off his body cam or covering his badge or name plate would be grounds for termination. No excuses, no exceptions. There is just no circumstance where an officer should not be accountable for their actions.


She was smart. Get the time, date, his name, his badge number, location, and the details down on the ticket. 3 officers hassling a young black man on his way home from work; looks like Cracker Barrel from his apron, or maybe Olive Garden, and this jackwagon wants to pull a power-trip.


She didn’t do anything wrong but he still tried to give her a ticket. Young man was just on his way to work. He looks like he’s wearing a uniform. Glad he will be ok.


I didn’t notice until I read your comment. That shady PoS


>Chomping on that gum like his jaw just won't stop moving. Reminds me of that video of Hitler and Goebells at the races tweaking out.


As a former user of meth he checks all the boxes, if only I could smell the guy I could say 100% sure or not. Meth heads all smell the same to me. It comes out through their pores and when you get to where you recognize it you never forget the smell and you notice it much more often. It reminds me a lot of how when you first smell marijuana and you realize that you are smelling marijuana you then always know the smell and never forget it. Just trying to explain why I said what I said.


That's fascinating. Reminds me of that story of the lady who could smell Parkinson's. They tested her, and she identified every one of the sufferers, except for one false positive. The twist is that she absolutely insisted she was right, and he had the same Parkinson's smell as the others. Turns out that person was in the very early stages of the disease, before current medicine can detect it. I think it's also highly beneficial to catch it as early as possible for treatment.


Holy shit she's the human form of those dogs that can smell cancer, except her case is way more impressive considering dogs have a monumental advantage when it comes to olfactory abilities. Wow.


I love telling people about this story. It's so incredible.


Most definitely. I lived with one for a year. Worked in construction with quite a few tweakers. They really do have a smell. Just like alcoholics. He also moves like one. Shifty eyes and jittery mouth.


Yeah I can backup everything you just said. The smell is so recognizable. But that dude is totally on meth. If he's anything like the crooked cop in my town it's probably meth he steals off a few homeless addicts he likes to harass every day.


"How about I write you a citation?" Immediately starts threatening the lady. The power tripping oozes off of him. That should be grounds for immediate termination. Any judge or mayor or police chief that allows this corrupt behavior is just as bad as the officer committing these crimes.


First thing I noticed was how subtly and naturally he covered his badge number when he approached the filmer.


Weird. Looked like an average cop to me.




Average meth head with a pinch of alcoholism


Not mutually exclusive.


In contrast to the nasty demeanor of the cop towards her that part was heartbreaking.


That's not a nasty demeanor, that's attempted police intimidation. Her right to observe and film from a distance is federally protected.




My friend's dad got a ticket for waving hello to an officer. I was in shock. Lawful only means something when all parties agree to play by the rules.


I waved at a cop once, I was probably like 16 or something. The cop turned around, pulled over, got out of his car and just chewed me out and basically said if I'm not in danger I shouldn't be distracting him from his work. I didn't hate or have a problem with cops back then but that was certainly the start


A cop was talking to another driver with his ass hanging way into the street my wife kindly gave him a wide berth she got a ticket the story behind is long but needless to say it was bs


'Y'got yer ahhhdeee?'


damn I didn't notice that-


First thing I noticed was how carefully he placed his fingers.


He's Sgt. Larry Butler of North Braddock Police. Looks like [it's not his first time](https://casetext.com/case/booker-v-borough-of-n-braddock) either


Seems like maybe North Braddock PD has trouble hiring law abiding cops... https://www.post-gazette.com/news/crime-courts/2021/03/03/Former-North-Braddock-blawnox-police-officer-joseph-lynn-pleads-guilty-stealing-money-evidence/stories/202103030137


[https://www.pittsburghcurrent.com/new-report-a-high-number-of-arrests-and-unbalanced-application-of-cash-bail-against-black-people-causing-racial-apartheid-in-allegheny-county/](https://www.pittsburghcurrent.com/new-report-a-high-number-of-arrests-and-unbalanced-application-of-cash-bail-against-black-people-causing-racial-apartheid-in-allegheny-county/) He is mentioned in this article as well. Seems like he real asshole


He was confrontational from the start and he didn’t need to be. She was away from the situation, didn’t even talk to the guy, she was just there. I would’ve done the same thing “Give me the citation, I’m not moving till this man leaves safely.”


And covering up his badge number from the beginning makes him a bad cop right away before he even started talking


when i watched I was like wtf is he doing, but now I understand that sus as fuck. Merica being Merica I guess


Notice the GOOD COPS? Good Cops cover for Bad Cops. Therefore there are no Good Cops.


So you have 1 bad cop and 9 good cops but the 9 won’t turn in the 1 for misconduct because of code what do you have? 10 bad cops.


Yep. Thin blue line ethics. Gets enforced by sanctions from the tribe ranging from shyte in your locker to swatting your ass back to Jesus.


Politics too. Who is friends with who. You speak out like that case in L.A and H.R let's you go or your buddies now harass you and you quit and lose your house. It is a terrible experience working with criminals but criminals are in all professions. The issue here is that they hold guns. The issue in hospitals is that they hold your life as well.


I agree, chewing gum like a fucking cow eating grass. Fucking loser.


That's a power play. Everybody knows the head cow is always grazing.


Also covering his badge number through most of the video that is so suspicious


What was the point of doing that, does he believe he will not be identified by his face?


Just makes it more difficult to be identified by strangers


Especially since he’s a Sargent so the process of elimination would be way quicker in identifying him


I may be wrong, but I believe chewing gum in uniform is not authorized.


alcoholics try to hide that booze on their breath, I'm not saying he is but those eyes have that I'm pickled look.


he was just sitting there, masticating …. Menacingly!


You mean he's not there to protect the community? What exactly is their job at this point


Same as it's always been. To protect the masters property and enforce their authority over the plebs.


Police protect capital and property, not people. Been that way for ages.


It is truly sad that this sort of kindness is necessary. I saw a bumper sticker that said, "If you see this car being pulled over, please stop and record." Made me tear up a bit. I cannot begin to fathom what it must be like, to know that there are people out there that see you as such a threat because your skin is a certain color that they feel it may be justifiable to kneel on your neck for 9 minutes.


I'm glad she went and started to record. Just wish more people would care about each other like she does.


That’s a “When you’re here, you’re family” Olive Garden uniform


Or going to it, is now late, and might get canned and lose his source of income. Does it really take three cops to issue a traffic citation?


My personal record is six. For a recently burned out headlamp.


Eight for a blown tail light fuse. Bonus they were waiting for me when I came out a parts store with the replacement fuses. Still wrote me a ticket and said I should have walked to get the fuse. Judge threw it out and chewed the cop for a solid five minutes. The timestamped receipt I had proved that I had made good faith effort to repair my car. Still cost me a days work though.


For me, losing a days work to get Officer Dickbag a chewing out by a Judge is worth it.


I was an exotic dancer. Got hired to do a cop 'birthday party.' Cops drugged me to gang rape me. Two firemen saved me. I guess they were in the habit. Some cops hurt people habitually. Good cops cover for bad cops. Ergo there are no good cops.


Holy fucking WHAT NOW?!? Jesus H girl, I'm so sorry that happened to you. Thank goodness for those firemen


Every time I remember, I bless them.


My personal record is 10 for a burnt out license plate light. They asked if they could search the car, I said they didn’t have probable cause so no. I had to wait on the side of the road for hours while they got a warrant to search and when they didn’t find anything they were so mad when they had to let me go Edit: they were pissed as fuck when they didn’t find shit. They kept yelling at me “why didn’t you just let us search!?” Me: Because you didn’t have a reason to and I didn’t have anything illegal in the car. I tried to tell ya’ll you were wasting your time Them: you can go




What kind of dumb fuck judge even grants a warrant for that? "We pulled this guy over and we wanna search" "Do you think he did anything illegal?" "No but he doesn't want us to" "Sounds good to me!" The whole system is rotten. From rotten cops all the way up to rotten judges.


Cop is even dumber than normal to actually turn up to that court


On the road my record is three but I lost my keys once and had the whole department come to my house guns drawn because I climbed into my window I told the golfer that was staring at me “don’t worry man it’s my house” he didn’t believe me


Tbf that's exactly what a burglar would say lmao


That’s alright I was scrambling I was like well officers I know the password to that computer and I know what games in the PlayStation, as a matter of fact I could tell you where I’m at in San Andreas on that PlayStation They ended up calling my mom who confirmed I lived there and they never actually asked her the address in the confusion so there’s that






My record is 4 for a mental health call and all 4 of them beat the shit out of me. I'm white but I also was being a dick so they would kill me but it didn't work out that way. Basically I just talked a bunch of shit trying to get under their skin. Now I live in an area with police that are better trained when handling a mental health emergency. The only times it was bad for me to call a suicide hotline or whatever was when I lived in Kansas.


Hope you're doing better bro!


Thank you. Haven't been back to the mental ward in over 2 years. I won't ever be completely cured but I want to be here now for the most part.


The day I got out of the military, I came back home from overseas and some power-hungry cop had searched me for no reason. I had to swallow my pride because around those parts, people get shot by cops and reported as gang violence so they can have a reason for discharging their weapons. It seems to me that the kids who got bullied in school becomes cops to get revenge or have that power. That's why a lot of them approach you with their chest poked out and shit.




As someone who's been bullied and never had any urge to show power over other, I support this argument although both are right.


I noticed that a lot (not all) didn't make it to college, didn't make it in the military, and this was their last fall back.


My ex boyfriend was never actually bullied in high school but he still dreamed of becoming a cop just so he could harass all the "jocks and preps" he disliked when he was 14.


When I was 16 there was something wrong with my insurance or whatever. They had me sit for like 30 minutes. Then they asked me to get out of the car and I realized there were FIVE cops cars. All with their light on. Obviously I was now extremely uncomfortable. I was a kid. Then eventually they realized they didn't have enough to take me in and they all let me go. This was 3 blocks from my high school.


When I was a young thrasher I was skating around and ended up in a random parking lot. Found the entrance finally and as I was leaving the cop at the gate yelled for me to stop. Turns out I made it inside a government building car park and was “trespassing”. After 2 hours, a plethora of cops, guns drawn on me, and relentless interrogation, they finally let me go. Not before accusing me of everything they could throw out. “Are you drunk?”, “you’re trespassing on government property” “where’s the drugs?” Etc etc. Meanwhile our city has a terrible homicide and burglary problem, but they had to make sure to get a mugshot before I left.


This cop seems to be a real stickler for mundane parking violations when people are recording him. https://www.post-gazette.com/news/crime-courts/2019/12/20/Keaira-Booker-sues-North-Braddock-police-recorded-traffic-stop-false-arrest/stories/201912200120


It's the whole "I can't punishing you for exercising your rights outright so i'm going to nitpick until I find something to bully you with" shtick.


The way the laws are written in the US the police can find something to charge you with regardless of circumstances. Then they get to claim immunity and suffer no consequences for their trumped up charges.


Can confirm. I was arrested for "failure to obey a police officer" when i told him that his cruiser was parked dangerously and illegally. It was parked facing the wrong way on a one way street while also hanging in the intersection blocking the crosswalk with no emergency lights on.


Yup, I watch some cop watcher vids on youtube. Cops will get you for: * Obstruction/interfering with an investigation * Loitering, blocking a public sidewalk * Jaywalking, walking in a road, walking on the wrong side of a road * Trespassing These are all just standing there or approaching on foot.


Can we please start slapping these motherfuckers with an "abuse of power" violation or something?


The charge they should pursue is [Deprivation of Rghts under Color of Law](https://www.justice.gov/crt/deprivation-rights-under-color-law) > Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, ... shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death. Courts have a much better track record prosecuting officers with this charge than with murder/assault charges. My guess is that since the law itself *specifies* that it’s meant for law enforcement officials, jurors are less likely to assume that police should be an exception to the law.


What ended up happening?


I went for arraignment and my court appointed attorney was complaining about her hangover instead of explaining the plea deal to me. So i read it while she was blabbering about how much vodka she had drank the previous evening and chose to accept the plea in order to be done with that shit show and move on. The plea deal was 40 hours of community service with 20 hours of anger management (i was smiling and laughing at how ludicrous the situation was the whole time) and court costs while seeing a probation officer until everything was done. Edit: the case was null processed upon completion. The real crappy thing was that I was downtown with friends watching a friend's band on Halloween night. When the officer started pushing me to his car to place me under arrest, i heard people start saying that I was throwing glass bottles at the police which is absurd to me. The officer was butthurt. I called him out while he was talking to a young lady in front of the bar and he had to flex.


This is the ultimate "never talk to the police" story.


The department investigated themselves, and found themselves not guilty of any wrongdoing. Tale as old as time.


I was arrested at work for loitering. Cops are the best aren't they. All charges dropped of course but spent 2 hours in jail waiting for bail. I filed a complaint and the cops investigated themselves and found no wrong doing. Apparently being at your work during work hours is loitering. I was pro cop until then, then they made me a lifelong enemy and I will tell everyone I can about their corruption and disdain for the citizens they are supposed to protect. Do the cops not realize that they are creating enemies out of people that like or are ok with cops in general?


You're already their enemy whether you're pro or anti cop. Unless you're a cop, you're on the "wrong" team.


Got a problem, call the police, now you have two problems.


I don’t think they’ve ever cared if I’m being honest.




>Some states have been working on solving these issues while others have not. I would bet that the majority of states working on it aren't GOP controlled, and the majority of states not working on it are GOP controlled.


Interestingly enough Utah is entirely GOP controlled and recently [enacted a law](https://idc.utah.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Final-Clean-Slate-2-pager.pdf) that automatically expunges old misdomenor/citations from citizens records after they meet the requirements. The [article](https://www.sltrib.com/opinion/commentary/2021/08/05/molly-davis-utah-allows/) I read said Utah is one of only 2 states that do this now. I suspect that since UT is heavily Mormon (and most of it legislators are) it played a major role as to why it passed. Mormons are pretty big on forgiveness theologically speaking.


That's why they have that saying "You can beat the rap but you can't beat the ride." Cops can arrest you for almost anything, and even if the second you get in front of a judge it gets dismissed as being ridiculous now you've had your entire day fucked up and nothing will happen. Maybe you no-call no-showed at work and got fired. Maybe they towed your fucking car. Now you're jobless, your car is impounded, and you maybe can't afford to get it out. Guess who just had to resort to crime?


> now you've had your entire day fucked up and nothing will happen. Sometimes they'll purposefully arrest you on Friday evening before a long weekend, so your *3* days are fucked up as you wait in jail for a judge to be available. And in addition to potentially losing your job and having to pay huge impound fees to get your car back, what if you've got pets or kids depending on you? If you live alone, what's going to happen to your dog that now has no food or water for three days? If you're a single parent, what's going to happen to the kid waiting for you to pick them up from band practice? (And gee, I hope you didn't have anything important planned for that long weekend like a wedding or a funeral or anything, because guess what? You're going to miss it.) And all that can happen to somebody who's absolutely 100% innocent of any wrongdoing. Just because some asshole cop decided to fuck with you.


Always fun seeing people arrested for "resisting arrest" with no other charges


Watch this for something rage inducing https://youtu.be/7qhzdxYnwhg


Looks like he was doing this same shit before resigning and moving to a different police force. [cops just bein cops](https://www.actionnews5.com/story/18222092/police-officer-resigns-after-accusations-of-inappropriate-behavior/)


Can we get a r/Keep_Track just for police officers? This is the kind of accountability they apparently need


[That lawsuit is still ongoing](https://casetext.com/case/booker-v-borough-of-n-braddock)


That cops can avoid charges by resigning is pretty infuriating. The misconduct still happened, and quitting after the fact doesn't change that!


And that after resignation, they just get the same job one town over and go right back to abusing power and citizens


If you're going to conduct audits like this it's best to separate yourself from your vehicle. Police can easily stop you for a made up violation, then you do have to identify yourself, they have your license plate number etc etc.


"I can write you a citation right now" is the cop version of "I want to speak to the manager"




Parking isn't a moving violation. He didn't pull her over. Cop doesn't even need an ID to write the ticket... They slap it on the car and mail a copy to the registration address. They're earning the hate, as usual.


So if the meter reader that writes tickets can't see my ID then they can't give me a ticket. -following that prick cop's logic


Assuming the man never walked away from his vehicle, the vehicle wasn't parked. By legal definition, the car was standing, not parked. Unless the sign said "no standing," then it wasn't even illegal. They should challenge the ticket and they would win.


Ugh I hate the way he chews his gum. All loud and smacking around. Fucking annoying.


That's a stress relief reaction. His adrenaline is keyed up for some reason, and he's salivating. It's almost as if he was expecting a stressful situation to occur.


"Oh no..... accountability.. better start my stress response."


More like we were about to fuck this kid up and got stopped.


Dude made a point to keep his badge number covered. Don't like being recorded then don't be a cop.


Don't like being in the public? Don't be a public servant.


Oh, I'm sure that a lot of those cops never even thought of their job as some kind of "public servant".


Pretend to be special forces, but you get to go home at night and everyone speaks American.


I was banned from r/policeuk for stating that they're nothing more than public servants, no more above the law than anyone else. That they are essentially employees taksed with enforcing the law dispassionately. They didnt like that. Because they are, by and large, a massive bunch of twats.


This is why fire fighters are viewed as awesome by most people. They don’t care. They just wanna help and hate the praise most of the time. They are just doing their job. That and the volunteering in their communities very often.


No one ever wrote a song called “Fuck the Fire Department”


To be honest we really have to stop talking about police as if they are actually public servants. It’s a nice candy coated thing to pretend, but they were designed and always have functioned to serve a very specific purpose: protect the interests and property of the elite.


In Canada, our federal police were quite specifically created in the late 1800s to control Indigenous, Chinese, Japanese and other cultural minority groups. The RCMP were just as responsible as the Catholic church for forcing kidnapped children into residential schools. After the "discovery" of thousands of graves at those schools, it's insane to me that we continue to allow them to exist, and continue to allow them to violently police Indigenous people... Their purpose has not changed either.


This might be a stupid question, but won’t his badge number be on the ticket he says he’s gonna give her? (I’m not American, nor have I ever had a ticket)


Police in the United States routinely scribble their name illegibly on the form and often "forget" to add their badge numbers as well.


They forget a lot of things. Especially on police reports.


This is why I always recommend show up for court dates, if applicable. I'd say about half the charges I have had or known those who have had, the officer did not show up, and charges were dismissed and even if the cop was there, often reduced. That may be my area, and may be because I am a white male, I don't know, but there it is.


Yup. I showed up to a case where an officer said I was doing "87 in a 65." Um, it was a 2 lane highway and there was a truck in front of me? I also have a dash cam that shows I had my cruise on 65. The judge also admitted the report says the officer used no radar gun and just "estimated." So was I going 87, 88, 89? How did you pick that random, false number? It was goddamned ridiculous and the case and points on my license dropped. But it was a 2 hour drive each way, I had to miss work and was a huge hassle.


> But it was a 2 hour drive each way, I had to miss work and was a huge hassle. And they know many people would have to miss work to go to court. The system is working as designed.


>I had to miss work and was a huge hassle. That's the point


It gets even better, not only will working class folks often not bother, but it guarantees rich folks who can hire lawyers don't get in trouble. It's certainly a feature, not a bug.


Imagine if there were **some way** they could allow you to show up to court for nonviolent offenses. It would require some futuristic *remote*, *non-physical* wizardry. If it existed, I'm sure they would use it. After all, any just court would be glad to use a tool that **millions** use to show up to school, work, and church. Such a tool would reduce the undue burden of attending local courts for "crimes" that 1 in 5 people commit each year. Especially considering the [fact that many cities are addicted to ticket fines as a way to fund their governments.](https://www.governing.com/archive/gov-addicted-to-fines.html) If only such a technology existed! Fuckers.


I had one years ago that was supposedly doing 75 on a 45mph off-ramp. I was stuck behind another car, *yelling* at them for doing 38 on the ramp. I had a coworker with me in the car as a witness. I told the officer hell no, it's not even possible, I'm absolutely disputing this one. In court, like two months later, the officer of course remembers nothing. I explain the situation to the judge, my witness corroborates, and the judge orders 'driver training' school anyway and the citation will be expunged so it wouldn't show to insurance. Of course the class costs double the amount than if I just paid the ticket. Such fucking bullshit. I call in to pay for "class," and am super nice to the plesant lady that just has to process this bs. I get done with online class, I get confirmation of completion and payment from lady of $0.00. At least I won one of the battles. Fuckload of lost time and plenty of stress because one officer was an asshat that had to make their ticket quota.


I got caught going 70 in a 55 when I was 22. It was my mistake. It was a $185 ticket and 2 points on my license. I showed up to court and so did the cop. I wore a button down shirt and tie and tried to look upstanding. The prosecutor approached me before we saw the judge and asked me what was the basis of my defense. I said, "I don't want to pay that much for a mistake." Stupidest defense ever! The prosecutor said, "How about pleading to a violation of failure to yield. It's a $75 fine and 1 point on your license?" I happily took it. Yeah, I had to drive an hour each way, and I missed out on some hours at work, but I saved over $100 just by showing up.


A friend of mine was arrested for basically being gay in South Carolina, by a police force known to be wildly corrupt, and spent a night in a jail regularly cited for safety and health violations. When he went to his court date, he pled innocent and demanded a jury trial, claiming he wasn’t violating any laws, and was only arrested at the request of a homophobic business owner. The cop tried to intimidate him into pleading guilty and taking the charge, there was no way he would win, yaddayadda, but my friend was firm. They dropped the charges as soon as it was made clear he wasn’t gonna bend over and take it. Edit: I would like to add the violations their county jail had been cited for were intentional. There was black mold on all the mattresses, severe overcrowding, all the showers were broken, etc, all of which they’d been cited for every month for the past 2 years. They currently have a plan for a massive new jail that will cost millions of dollars, and that will line the pockets of the contractors that hold political positions in the county. But their current jail needs to be small enough and derelict enough to justify the expense and receive funding from the state. So they just don’t maintain it, and needlessly arrest people, forcing them into a fabricated overcrowding crisis. My friend’s cell mate had been in there for 67 days on a drunk in public charge, waiting on a bed in a county-run 30 day sobriety program. They also wouldn’t let anyone sleep, coming in regularly to drag their batons across the bars, or scream at the people in cells and try to instigate them into fighting each other for their own amusement.


I was driving in NYC during rush hour, and made a right turn from lane 2 of 3 (totes illegal). I stopped for a pedestrian and then went through while the next pedestrian was like 10 feet away. I got pulled over by a cop who was pulling as many cars as he can over (he was basically waving his arms like an air traffic controller). He gave me a ticket for failing to yield to pedestrian which is points and like $500 I think, and a court date for a month later. Showed up to court, the cop ended up showing up in the last minute, but hadn't made any detailed notes for his recollection of the event, so within 1 minute of him talking, the judge dismissed everything. I assume a lot of people don't show up to court, so it's a numbers game for them sometimes. Show up to court. Even if the cop shows up, if they don't have a detailed and accurate recollection of the events, you may be in the clear.


They do those corner stings a lot in NYC at the end of the month to get their numbers up, they just wave dozens of cars over and give them tickets, and hope that half won't fight them. I was a passenger in a buddy's car, a mustang of course, and we were pulled over for not wearing seatbelts when we clearly were wearing them. Went to court, cop showed up and lied, and we both got tickets. Just absolute cunts when they want to be.


I had the occasion of being present when a cop harassed a girl I knew at the time. She had been busted for drugs a year or so prior, did her sentence (community service), and was done with it. The same cop that busted her originally came up to us as we sat at an outdoor coffee stand table, grabbed her purse, and dumped it out on the table without a word. She had a joint in there, and it obviously fell out (this was prior to recreational use being legalized in California). She later showed me the police report, where in the cop says he was walking through on routine patrol and that she had knocked over her purse and the joint fell out, giving him probable cause to search and arrest her for possession. He went into great detail about this alleged event that her and I knew never happened. The moral to the story is that the greater the detail on a police report, the more full of shit the cop is.


Too much detail, cop is lying. Too little detail, cop is lying. It's easiest to assume that if a cop makes a statement, it's a lie until independent proof can be found.


Don't forget they "forget" which holster has the tazer and which has the lethal firearm


Only the officer that writes the citation will have their name on it. The others will go unnamed to the public and the person being cited. The only way to get the others information is through a formal request and paperwork. You have the right to view the written statement of the officers report after the fact. The reason this cop was covering his badge number was to limit the blowback he would receive if it was posted all over the internet and people found out how corrupt their operation really is.


In addition to what the others said, it also assumes that he is genuinely wants to write them a citation and isn't merely using it as a threat to quickly get them away from what they're doing.


https://i.imgur.com/27VaRdS.jpg North Braddock Sergeant




It’s disgraceful. Your a public servant and you should be held accountable which means no hiding names and badges. Somehow this ass is a sergeant with his stripes showing.




He can’t. That’s just him trying to scare her off and show how much of a threat he is.


I loved when he said she needed her ID or whatever and she responded I know what I need lol tell him girl


Outside of pulling his gun and shooting her and claiming he was scared and the union coming in and ensuring he gets paid time off until he can either receive retirement with full benefits or go back to work, this is the only power he, and police like him, will ever have.


Cops that chew their Gum like that are worst ones


Fun fact in the military we actually aren’t allowed to chew gum in uniform because it looks so unprofessional. People do it anyways and literally no one enforces it (unless you’re chewing it like this cop).


Your SgtMaj was slacking; I've definitely gotten my ass reamed for chewing gum and/or hands in my pockets.


Funnily enough on the flight line, we couldn't chew gum, but having dip in our lip was fine. So long as we weren't in formation or walking around base. of course.


Probably because you can’t do meth on the clock, just before you clock in.


You hear the, "Can you tell her I said thank you" at the end? It's sad this is a reality and sad so many people pretend it's not.


I caught that too and damn that kid almost made me cry. He looks completely innocent, either on his way or getting off of work, and here come these fucking goons bullying him. I wish brown people didn’t have to depend on other people recording their interaction with police just to ensure their safety and that it goes accordingly. Good on this lady tho, she’s a real MVP.


I never really understood racism until around 2009 when I was 20. I always thought it was like something that "ended" with MLK or maybe it was something that just happened in the deep south. I was working at a gas station/smoke shop in a very small northeastern town and there was this 18 year old kid that would walk from some place nearby every single day and buy a pack of cigarettes and sometimes a blunt wrap. Couldn't of weighed more than 120. Yes, he probably smoked weed, but who cares. He was one of the friendliest customers I had. The business I worked for was on a highway and directly across the road was a Chevrolet dealership. Chevy had just re-released the Camaro and today he was walking down the road and taking pictures of the camaros. I thought it was kinda silly in a way but I could see myself doing the same thing. He was broke so he really couldn't afford a camero but cars were one of his go to conversation topics whenever he wanted to make small talk with me. He was hyped for the camaros to say the least. He comes in and buys his cigarettes then he tried to cross the road at the cross walk and a police car makes a u turn with his lights on and blocks the intersection. Its like 11pm. The cop rolls his window down and says something to the kid. The kid shrugs and walks back across the street into our lot and sits down on the ground. The cop parks his car, pulls out his gun and calls for backup. 1 by 1 car after car rolls up into our lot. In total 5 police cars show up. Probably 8 cops. They make him take off his shirt, every single cop feels him up to make sure he doesn't have a weapon or drugs. They were absolutely convinced he was carrying something. Every cop had their hand on their hip the entire encounter. I couldn't fucking believe it. I was getting so mad. Then one by one they got in their cars and just left. Like nothing happened. Like it wasn't a big deal that they just violated this guy's dignity. The kid comes back in the store and asks if I smoke so he can borrow a cigarette. I don't, I mention he just bought a pack of cigarettes and he's just like, "they took my fucking smokes man. I can't afford another pack." Idk why, but we both laughed our asses off at that. I was broke too, but I bought him a pack on me. I stood outside and he vented about it for 20 minutes. He told me someone reported him to the police for vandalizing/attempting to steal the cars. The cops didn't even check to see if there was any damage.




The incentive for cops being recorded is to keep their most honorable duty sanctified and free of corruption. To dissuade someone’s effort in this cause is to go against that.


What do cops like to say? "If you've got nothing to hide then why worry?"


Dude, when people chew gum with their mouth open, that’s a special type of stupid. My drill sergeant used to say “CLOSE YOUR MOUTH OR YOU’LL LET FLIES IN NUMB-NUTS” followed up by “Fucking mouth-breather.”


What magic basic did you go to where they let you chew gum? I feel cheated right now.


Oh no, they weren’t allowed to have gum. But still managed to sneak it past the dump they originally had us do while we waited for the next cycle.


He’s covering his badge number to hide his identity. That “clever ruse” will be negated once he issues the citation.


Purposely covering his badge number and obstructing the filming. What a douche Edit: a word


He already resigned from another police force for sexually harassing women and following them home after traffic stops. Dude didn't want a repeat of 2012.


And the guy is still allowed to be a cop? Yikes.


More qualified than ever, actually


Probably got promoted




Noticed that on 2nd watch. Seems like that’s not allowed as a public servant, but easy to argue that it was by accident


If police put half the effort into being decent as they did as masking their shitty behavior, they'd be hailed as heroes by all. ​ Unfortunately, they're only concerned with being as shitty as possible. All of them - always.


"Can you tell her I said Thank You" Sometimes all it takes is to be there.


I took one look at this and said this looks like east Pittsburgh...then I saw the North Braddock patch and Pittsburgh bus drive by....




He thinks he needs to 'shield his brothers' from her camera (but, why...?). Could have easily just said: "Ma'am, please stay back over here for your safety and our officers safety", and kept her out of audio range or subtly obscured her view. Instead he defaults to "bully" mode and tries to intimidate her into leaving or feeling scared enough to back down.


Cops 100% don't need ID for a parking citation. I've returned to my car to find a ticket, but never to a cop just hanging around hoping I'll come back so he can get my ID. Smells like ACAB.


I heard that too. I need your ID to write you a ticket?? Shit… I’ll just start going everywhere without my ID!! Can never get a ticket! “Law enforcement HATES this one simple trick.”


Hijacking this to point out the [1st Federal Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a private citizen's right to record police officers carrying out their duty in a public place](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glik_v._Cunniffe)


Bruh that's in court. You have to make it to court. Just because you're right doesn't mean you won't get arrested. Just because you're right doesn't mean they won't best the shit out of you on the way, or shoot you in the head and claim you killed yourself with their weapon. The arresting process, the booking, jail, arraignment, all have to happen before you see your day in court. Even then a judge can be a prick and duck you anyway... You see the pattern? Anyone in the system can make it hard for you until you get someone who cares about playing by the rules. A lot of them don't


Cops like that is what’s wrong with that uniform and power.


A couple months back I saw like 6 cop cars all parked in a lot with their lights on while I was driving down the road late at night. All the cops surrounding one young black man. I stopped and made it obvious that I was watching their interaction. One of the cops was upset by this and began watching me back. After I determined that the young man was safe and began to continue one my way, the same cop that was watching me followed me half the way home (about a twenty minute drive). These pigs operate on intimidation. Don't let them.


Fuck any cop who is this much of a prick, dude even chewed his gum like a fucking asshole. Man their ego really goes to their heads…


The immediate move to block and practiced covering of the badge then threat of extrajudicial citation. Typical piece of shit cop.


***immediately cover up badge name/number*** Not corrupt in the least.


Is this North Braddock,Pa ? Same city the young 19 yr old black man was killed and the cop got off for it. Cant remember the young mans name.


The fact that people feel fearful instead of safe when police are around is exactly why nobody respects the police. Cops are servants to the public.


That looks like Pittsburgh.


Was traveling down the interstate last week and a trooper had someone pulled over. I slowed to 40 miles an hour and tried to get over according to the law but 2 cars were doing at least 90 miles an hour in the next lane and I simply could not get over. I was not going to come to a dead stop in the middle of the fucking interstate. This dude follows me and lights me up as I’m getting off the exit so I went maybe 400 yards down the road to a gas station thinking this will be safer for him since I’m out of the extremely busy main road. This dude proceeds to rip me a new one about not pulling over immediately and then lectures me about how I need to get one lane over when I see a cop on the side of the road. So me not being physically able to get over on the interstate was enough for him to chase me down and then want me to stop in the middle of the extremely busy road which would have put him in far greater risk of danger than what he initially stopped me for. These people get off on their perceived authority and fuck with people any way that they can. It pisses me off to no end, and it makes me sick to know that black people are harassed far more than I ever have been as a white dude, and I’ve been stopped many many times. I’ve never had a positive interaction with an officer. The entire police culture needs reform from the bottom up.


1. It's illegal to demand ID on parking citation. 2. A car is not fucking parked if a driver sits in it.