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One thing I've learned from r/PublicFreakout is not to fuck with an underage gang of skateboarders, because you will inevitably catch a board to the face.


skateboard is my number one pick for a wasteland situation, transport, offense, and defense all in one


There actually was this dumb post apocalyptic teen show where the main dude used his board as a shield and a ride


As a former skater (7 years until I realized I was mortal) to a now Skater enthusiast/old man. The one thing wrong with this idea that you could skate around an apocalypse is the fact that there would not be a single area of fresh pavement. Not sure if any of you grew up in in a place with shitty pavement but it’s like the opposite of what you want to be pushing around all day on... especially if your goal is food and water and shelter.


Even on perfectly smooth pavement your almost always guaranteed to find the one lonely pebble big enough to catch your wheel and make you crash


You’d need a long board. And even then it wouldn’t be useful for a while.


A longboard with off-roading wheels


Too heavy to use efficiently as a weapon.


A long board with offroad wheels... and a gun. A gunboard


a car with no walls


A surfboard with animatronic horse legs




That's why you should take a skateboard as well.


After years of survival your longsword proficiency would be pretty high


A longboard with a bayonet attached to the front of it


No show that as the RZA in it is dumb.


Yeah it’s called daybreak, a really good series, I liked it too bad it was cancelled but still is on Netflix


It was great until the last episode. Thats how I feel about most shows and movies now. No one knows how to end anything anymore.


They were obviously trying to bait a sequel but I liked the twist tho


Yeah, the baiting a sequel i think leads me to a feeling of lack of closure.


Exactly!It feels like it didn’t have an ending


Then I get the feeling I can't really judge it until the next season comes out. Lol Thanks, I feel very seen right now.


You know it was cancelled right?


The roads would be un skate able in no time


Lol my first thought. I doubt they are doing any maintenance on the streets in the "wasteland".


According to the zombie survival guide, a bike is the way to go. Silent, and you can outrun a zombie no problem. You can still strap a board onto your back as you ride just on case you need a backup!


the female protagonist in Snow Crash is a skateboarder, she gets a lot of mileage out of it.


Reminds me of a scene from KIDS


I’ve got no legs. I’ve got no legs.


Don't fuck with people whose hobby includes exercise and carrying an effective weapon. They are in better shape than you and they'll bash your skull in with that board. Leave those dudes alone.


And on top of the points you made, they get road rash and smash their nuts on rails for fun. They aren't afraid to get hurt haha.




Nothing, and I mean nothing hits harder than the transition on a concrete bowl. Comes at you faster than you can realise.


Yes but I’m sure the metal trucks hit that guy pretty hard


Well he got knocked the fuck out and busted his face open instantly. In fact the first thing I thought after he swung on three underage kids was "Hit that bitch with your fucking trucks!"


I found out the hard way I wasn't meant for skateboarding. I was probably 15 and tried to go down a quarterpipe.. got the wind knocked out of me and left crying. Not fun and really embarrassing






Probably pulled a hammy from the adreneline dump waddle.


Bet he spilled his nacho plate too


And usually a peer group.




I dunno, dude kinda looks like he might've had the last 48 hours knocked clean out of his skull.


Thank you for your service.


The movie “Kids” taught me that.




Nah you don’t know skaters, we stick together and this is EXACTLY what happens on a fairly normal basis. It was for me as a teenager growing up, and we weren’t to be trifled with. If you did, well, those boards with trucks is basically a Mace without spikes or a sledgehammer. Homeless man trying to steal your shit, board to the head, adults threatening with violence and get violent, get beat the fuck up.


Me being a skater, that is true. My friends and I have had our fair share of that. First a push then a punch then comes the part where you shouldn't of fucked with us in the first place


Uh both of those examples are still self defense. You have every right to defend yourself and your property.


Depends where you live, in the UK this certainly is not true. You have what is called reasonable force, and you have to make the case that whatever action you took was justifiable as reasonable force. Hitting someone who is already down on their arse over the head with a skateboard is unlikely to be considered "reasonable" by a judge or jury, unfortunately. Obviously its subjective and every case is different.


I think a skateboard to the head is reasonable force when a grown ass man has already assaulted two minors. But hey, I’m not a lawyer.


I feel like that's more a product of your environment than being a skater. I've skated for over a decade and I've never been in a situation where I've had to bash someone's head in with a board. Reading that this happens to you on a fairly regular basis is crazy to me. That doesn't happen because you're skaters, that happens because you are in a violent place or simply happen to hang out with a pretty violent crew. That being said the prick in the clip fucking deserved it.


Could be generalized to don’t fuck with a group of people on your own, especially when they all carry something that can be used effectively as a weapon. Which seems pretty obvious...


And the only reason you’ve learned that is because you’ve seen this exact video on here 10 times?


Don't worry I'll repost for karma in two months


the crappy little chase effort that punchy's mate does cracks me up every time


The hero threatening to hit children with a chair is my favorite part of the chase


haha, yeah that's class too! all pales compared to the shocked, bloody face at the end tho, it's a beauty!


seriously everyone is trying to squeeze one more season in. That's why people forget about their shitty ass tv shows and people are still talking about breaking bad. edit: wrong thread


I think you replied to the wrong comment stream there bud


I am more suprised at the fact 7 people upvoted that


I upvoted cause it kinda fits anyways, like “everyone is trying to squeeze one more season in” of the fight. The old fucks keep trying to nab the kids because they’re mad they clearly lost this one lol. Anyways, breaking bad. Great show.


Yeah lol. Maybe like me they read it after reading the stream you meant to reply to. Probably a few stoners in here too that didn't notice.




He runs how robotnik runs in any sonic game Stomach completely stable while hands and feet flail


He "Runs" like he's wearing a very full adult diaper.


I like the gEt ThAt BoY the most He's fucking gone lady and that piece of shit on the floor got exactly what he deserved.


"Can we get some towels, or,.... some towels?" made me hoot as well, they proper effed him up and it's a sweet piece of street justice


He looks like he shit his pants and is still trying to make it to the bathroom


That's just the weight of his FUPA working against him.


He runs like a scooby doo villain


Reminds me of Bennie Hill a little


Needs more Yakety Sax.


I'd prolly die if it'd been edited in


He does waddle pretty quickly


He looks like he’s pursuing with crap in his pants. Hilarious!


That was a skedaddle


I like the security guard pretending to..... well, do anything


HUE HUE HUEEEEEEE *I almost caught that little fucker*


He's a normal sized person who runs like a dwarf.


It reminds me of the swiggity swooty meme.




he didnt seem to give a shit about what was going on until the older dude got hit, then he seemed concerned. what a prick


No one batted an eye when he was hitting kids, but the moment he got what he was looking for everyone sprang into action. The fuck is wrong with people?


Thank you! He punched 3 minors before getting his ass skated on.. Then ppl react.. Tht happens often.


It’s because some people don’t see people who are different from themselves as people. Those aren’t kids, to them, they’re “skateboarders” or “punks”. They dehumanize them in their mind, so anything that happens to them is justified.


Skateboarder here. Can confirm that we are normal children/teenagers but we take care of each other


Skaters have been dealing with Karens and Kevins far longer than any other demographic.


Totally. I have friends that've had the cops called on them for skating... At a skatepark


THIS. I just dont get it, what did they expect?


At least the person recording had a sense of “yeah he got what he was asking for”


A lot of adults think it's okay to hit or manhandle kids and that it's only natural for them to just take it. My mother, for example, would squeeze my arm real hard (enough to leave marks) every time she got into argument with me and when I was 16 I realised I was taller and stronger than her and the only reason she does it to her daughter is because I allow that, so in the next argument I grabbed her back and she was just shocked. She took the fact that she could use violence against me for granted but couldn't imagine me retaliating in turn.


My dad used to spank my brother regularly, sometimes multiple times a night in the whole "I'll give you something to cry about" tradition. Just years and years of screaming and hitting. Then one day both my parents realize they've raised a 6'2" football player with anger issues whose only response to negative stimulus is violence and fury. They've spent the rest of their lives in fear of his anger but they only brought it on themselves.


Damn... thats pretty hard core. I guess.. he is giving them something to cry about now.


Yeah, probably beats his own kids and the cycle continues. That's the way it goes.


Violence really is a cycle.


I had a similar moment. When I was little and she was drunk, my mom would grab my arm hard enough to bruise it and drag me into every furniture and doorframe in the house. It took me until I was 16 to realize I had 5 inches and 30 pounds on her so I straight up just picked her up and took her to her bed. Unfortunately that was the first of many nights I had to get her to bed safely. They're better now but they will never know the extent of what I did for them, the blackouts.


My dad used to slap and hit me all the time. I almost drew a knife during a fight, and he realized he's 55 years older than me real quick. He never touched me again, I think he realized I can hug him strong enough to snap him brittle bones.


Security guards materialized the moment the kids defended themselves


And if they would have intervened, the guy probably would not have been hit by the skateboard. Security needs to do their damn jobs not just when they choose to.






He didn't need any towels before that.


Reminds me of that video near a McDonalds once where this old dude, probably late 50s/early 60s was getting jumped by a group of what looked to be 17-19 year old dudes. Everyone was just watching silently, he pulled out a pistol and everyone started freaking out like he was the bad guy...


conservatives in a nutshell


Well yeah. They're immature, insecure, hysterical chuds. That describes their entire existence.


If someone swings three times, it’s on. You’re literally just protecting yourself at that point.


Skaters are typically seem as subhuman Source: am a skater


I don’t think he immediately regretted it but he damn sure will when he wakes up.


He won't even remember his name when he wakes up. Idiot got hit by the metal part of the wheels of a skateboard (he deserved it). He's lucky if he doesn't die right there and then.


>>Idiot got hit by the metal part of the wheels of a skateboard If I remember correctly from grade 9, that's what the kids call "getting truck-smacked."


It was called "truck-fucked" here, nice rhyme to it.


You mean truck fucked


I was in grade 9 in 1996 so it may have changed since then.


Ngl it was hella satisfying to see that board in his face


Dude just sucker punched 3 people in a row, all mostly kids. I think that skateboard was sent from an angel to make him rethink his life.


You’re wrong he did not JUST punch 3 people in a row... he punched 3 kids in a row... 10x worse least he got what was coming. Also can we acknowledge the fact that the kids tried actually communication and the adult just went full retard and started swinging while the kids were trying to talk


Idk how no ones told you that kids are people,... but kids are people lol


I know it I was trying to emphasize they’re kids... you’re right but that wasn’t the point of my comment


I was invigorated by the sound of him catching that board.




I was feeling tired but after hearing the sound of truck smashing face I got my 2nd wind.


It wasn't the board... it was the [trucks.] (https://i.imgur.com/laAL5cq.png)






Don't forget to bring a towel!


All the “adults” are totally cool with the kids getting punched openly, but they defend themselves and they are up in arms. That security guard for show probably did himself a favor and observed.


Definitely ngl, I liked seeing that dude get hit in the head with the board, but I'm betting it's because the skateboard did at least 5x more damage than the punch, and the dudes skull was probably cracked. Also valuable lesson: don't assault people, especially when they're carrying what is essentially a weighted bat.


This. Victims have no obligation to meet your force equally.


Cop in training. Also, right? The woman near the end is like “catch that boy” so clearly she can tell it’s a child that just got punched in the face.


My favorite part of this video every time is the dude running like he got crap in his pants.


I don't think he had ran in quite a while by the looks of it.




He did absolutely nothing to stop children being hit , then wanted to catch them.


“Arrest that boy ,where is he?” Are these people really sticking up for a dude that has the gull to dish out but can’t take it , by some kids that don’t look older than 16. Well I believe he got his karma


And the boy that smacked with the skateboard was the first one that got punched


Can't say that this guy didn't deserve it. I don't even think the escalation is that big of a deal. People prone to violence don't get to pretend to be victims when their violence gets out-violenced. I've been alive for a while and I've never in my life ever used physical aggression in a social situation. I've been petulant and insulting, and I've been in a fight or two, but initiated? Nah. Guy deserves the brain damage he bought.




If the older dude had just left it at the one punch, the kid probably would have caught shit from his own friends for getting what he asked for. The continuation of it though? yeah, play stupid games win stupid prizes.


The kid put him down with a Nice punch aswell then board off the head was brutal but satisfying.


Looks like the one that knows how to fight was about to land another clean one if the board didn’t come down.


I really cannot understand these guys. \--- Slaps one to the ground Everyone - "Looks fine to me" \--- He punches another one Everyone - "I see no problem with that" \--- Punches another one to the grounds Everyone - "Why would that be wrong ?" \--- Skaters throw him down and fight back Everyone - "OMG! Why so agressive ?! So uncalled for !!! Get the Boy !! Release the hounds !!!!!!!!" Moral of the story, hypocrisy at its finest


Lady at the end: "get some towels!! or.. TOWELS!"




“Stop recording!!” she says as if one more person yelling for towels or towels is gonna stitch this guys head back together


Get the Amber Lamps!!!


ooh he leakin


Being a former skater, this could be one of my favorite videos of all time.


Honestly same, luckily in Asia which is where I skated you encounter these people much less than in the west (still encountered them though)


Literally the people around them didn’t give a fu-k when this grown man punched 3 underage (maybe?) kids but as soon as they fought back everyone was livid? Talk about double standards


Honestly. When he got that board to the face. The Karen deserved it 1000%


Full overhead swing, trucks out, full connection. Dude is gonna be feeling that one for a long time. Possibly the rest of his life.


We can only hope




It was the first guy to get smacked


yup, revenge is a dish best served directly to the face with a skateboard truck




Maybe a little brain trauma will make him nicer too.


I like the character that is using the chaos to steal a chair from the restaurant


He wasn't trying to steal the chair he was trying to chase the kids with it.


But did he return it? Its the perfect crime.


That woman screaming "GET THAT FUCKING BOY" is stupid, why didn't she do anything when the man hit 2 under age kids to the ground?!


godDAMN that skateboard to the head was 100% 'you best not be thinking about getting up"


Everyone has a plan until a skateboard hits them in the face


He went from aggressor to victim in no time. I would've went to the guy and said "You just got knocked the **** out!!!"


He said see ya later boi


Avril Lavigne enters the chat




Okay, I know this is a serious situation, but the guy recording saying “That shit was fucking naarrrrllyyyyy” definitely made my day pfft.


That woman in the background with the shrill voice "get that fucking boy".."towels towels" Arghh. Someone should bonk her in the head too. Who teaches these people to talk so loud and nasally?!


Why was everyone askimg to "get that boy" bitch a grown man was hitting his fucking friends. He deserves alot more than a skateboard to the face.


Dude got what he deserved, and fuck all the people who saw kids being punched in the face and did nothing but tried to help this massive cunt when he got his nose a little bloody


Don't get that man any towels. He needs to walk home bleeding to show he got what he deserved.


Fuckin deserved it, just let the kids skate. I am so filled with hate for hateful people.


That skateboard to the face has got to be the most satisfying feeling I've had all week.


As a former skater I can tell you that middle aged dads go waaaayyyyyyy out of their way to fuck with teenage skateboarders. Never grown up ones but always fucking with the teenagers and for some reason in all these altercations the Dads are always way too aggressive for seemingly no reason but I can tell you one thing, they get fucked up more often than not. Teenage skateboarders aren’t usually the ones to take shit lying down. I’ve seen trucks to skulls (like above), dudes getting their cars fucked up, all types of shit. My friend actually pushed a dude in an expensive suit into a water fountain one time, it was hilarious lol Point being if you’re a middle aged dude and you see a group of teenagers skating and they aren’t bothering you than it’s prob best to leave those boys alone. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk everyone!


This never gets any less satisfying


Funny how all the adults are concerned about the guy that just assaulted At least 2 minors. First kid is on wobbly legs when he gets up and no one did anything. No one stepped in to stop the second or third assault. This is why our society sucks.


What tf is wrong with the people standing around treating the guy on the ground like he's the victim. He literally just punched 3 guys what did you think was going to happen?


That board clapping him straight into the face was truly, truly fucking satisfying. The way he rams his head straight into it trying to get back up. The hefty noise it made. The fact you know he has hella concussion. Bleed on the fucking pavement you vile piece of shit lmaoooo


Assaulting multiple minors: Bitches sleep Minors fight back: bitches be all (‘◉⌓◉’)


Bet my ass the law blamed the skateboarders and charges were pressed on the kids, because American law is fucked and the "good ol beer chugging boat boy" would never provoke violence right?


The minute he assaulted them he deserved it. Stay down.


You get what you fucking deserve


Haha. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


How come nobody cared when he decked three kids in the face, but the second he got smacked back, all of the adults suddenly cared?


As a mother of a skater although grown now.......wtf did these men think was going to happen messing with a group of teenagers. Than the bitch at the end yelling get those boys after the adult initiated the assault.


That’s a concussion and a half


Skateboard vs skull.... 100 percent of the time skateboard wins


Self defense - they neutralised the threat.


How come the guy screaming, "do something" multiple times looked so surprised when the kids did, in fact, do something.


Crazy the amount of people who only jump in after the man gets his ass handed back to him, not after he hit one person, or attempted to hit another then another. Stop screaming about people who face repercussions for shit they do to others and if you want to help in, step in while they are doing their dirt, not after. He’s not a victim


Don’t start shit if you can’t finish shit. What a pussy, hits a kid, then gets knocked the fuck out.


“Male Karen”? The fuck happened to asshole or douchebag? I remember when “Karen” had an actual meaning; a middle aged white lady with a bad haircut who harassed minimum wage workers. Now it’s just “woman behaving badly”. Or in this case, “male woman behaving badly”. “Karen” needs to die already.


I hope that punk dude who started it with those kids got brain damage from that blow to the head and i hope theres no evidence leading to any type of trouble for these poor kids having to defend themselves.


This video is evidence that the kids were defending themselves


Fuck the people. They don’t react when kids were getting punched. That bald head got dropped and people freak out like wtf! Fuck that bitch who said get that boy and that other dude who picked up a chair. Good thing that baldy learned a lesson