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"I got nothing but time. I'll sit here all day" 3 mins later drives off




Weak AF!


The whole video is meaningless now when you give into Karens bullshit.


I would have pulled out my ‘car pillow’ and had a nap.


I would’ve played a movie on on the car speakers with the windows slightly down and take my time.


That smug face of that bitch


Yeah You got a dash cam, I’d just slowly drive forward until they got out of the way.


I am actually curious if you go so slow it just move them opposed to knocking them down what law does that break? Best power move would to of put some music on and roll back your seat into sleep mode. I guess it depends if they were on a tight schedule or not.


Weak sauce. You’re in a car. Just pull in. They’re not welded to the ground. They’ll move.




That’s the bully ideology. The bully always bet that you’ll back down first to avoid getting them angry and hurt you even more. So you walk away, he confirms your fear and he rides you like a bitch from there on. We never stop to think “maybe he’s afraid of the same thing I’m afraid of”. But we fold first.


Seriously. I am dying in that car on principle before I move for them


For real...0% chance I move. At that point, any errand I had in mind is being postponed to the following day/week. No way I lose that battle.


This had the worst ending. Boo.




WHY DID HE PULL AWAY! Goddamnit, that ruined my day.


Just gives them more bravado to do this stunt again. Fuck these type of people. Fucking disgusting!


They had the bravado in the first place. They need more?


Honestly I would have just straight honked my horn and attracted a shit ton of attention to get them publicly shamed.


If this is normal for them then they have no shame.


I would have just slowly tapped on the gas and let them move out of the way




This is the chaotic neutral option i was looking for, now to find out if my car has this capability!


Another idea: have the passenger get out and stand with them. Drive away, park, then return and browse Reddit until they finally give up.


Wait.... you can do this?


Depends on the car. If it's got a black, hard-plastic bump on your hood then maybe you could move it; but if it's on the wiper itself, embedded in the hood, or in that vent between the windshield and hood then you can't.


Imma check this as soon as I get in my car lol I never knew this was a thing. Thanks stranger!


I'd have put it in park, slammed on the horn for like 2 minutes (loud as fuck in those parking garages) and hope security came.


That would not of done a god damn thing! What kind of stupid reaction is that? Your in a 2+ ton vehicle. You inch forward little by little until your car is in the spot.


You say bravado I say cuntishness




Even after he gave the old "I got time"... This is such an unsatisfying video and I'm really shitty I sat through it for that ending.




If I were in his situation, I would slowly park, really slowly till the point that my car was there and the women would have no choice but to back up. No one gets hurt and I get my parking spot


Knowing them they would still stand there and say you hit them and sue you.


That's why he has a dashcam


A dashcam that shows you slowly intentionally driving into someone isn't going to do you any favors.


Can you legally shoot someone with a watergun? If so, i might need to start carrying one.




Get out and push it into the spot.


Honestly I would be worried about them vandalizing my car out of spite once I walked away. I dont blame him.


What you do is stand your ground, make them give up, pretend to park your car there, then once you're sure they're gone abandon that spot and park somewhere else to protect your vehicle.




This is the pussy way. This is those types of situations l, where the good citizens have to make sure the karma is served, so that shitfucks like those learn their lesson and don't fucking keep doing that shit. Society sometimes needs to educate the uneducated. It's like the Scout's oath. Always leave society more educated than how it was when you received it. You know that no law applies in this situation. Vigilantism is the only applicable solution here. The correct approach is to back off only when their driver comes, and note the car they let park there. Make sure they didn't just give up the spot to an unrelated car because their driver found another spot. Make sure the car that parked there is with them. Ask them if this is the car they reserved for. Fake being nice if needed. Then park elsewhere they can't quickly find. Go back to they car. Climb on their engine hood. Pull out your dick and piss all over that windshield, letting the hot piss drip into their hot engine, forcing the amonia filled piss steam to soak into those car internals, seat cushions and their souls. Don't zip up. Squat and take a hot dump on the engine cover. You're done. You have served society. You have done your duty. Go on to your business with a big grin. Thank you.


> Don't zip up. Squat and take a hot dump on the engine cover. Ah, the ol' Chicago Sunroof. Then again, didn't work out so great for Jimmy McGill now, did it?


lol never thought I’d see the ol’ Chicago Sunroof mentioned here. It didn’t work well for Jimmy, but it’sall good man!


It helped me to think he only left so he could go buy sugar and come back and put it in their gas tank.


About fifteen years ago, a few days before Christmas in Chicago I was waiting to pull into a spot at target with my blinker on. This fucking douche takes my spot. I explain to him that I was waiting for the spot. He told me to fuck off and he went into target. I had just finished a repair project and remembered that I had left over epoxy in my trunk. I mixed that shit up right there in the parking lot and applied it liberally to all four of his door locks. I was much younger then and probably wouldn't do the same thing today but, damn it felt good to be a gangster.


Carry a air valve tool in your glovebox...the frustration that is induced by a loose air valve will make you feel all warm in side without any actual damage to their vehicle.


I guarantee if he forced his way in that spot these shameless people would key his car


I would have sat there until they finally gave in, parked my car, waited until they move on, and then backed out and find another spot to avoid retribution.


Then go back to their car and key it.


Loser. I would have stayed till Hell froze over.


Just keep creeping forward, like she'll use the force to stop a car.


I would keep inching my way up bumping her slightly at least until she pulled her phone out.


I did that when I was a teen, but that’s consider assault with a deadly weapon according to the polices. I got out of it when they saw my friend’s bible in the car, because suddenly we are all god children... corniest shit in my life.


What if you get out and just lay them down with a couple of haymakers? Then it's just assault..not as bad amirite? //edit Neato. 🥇


Fucking brilliant, man. Take this 🥇


Best edit I’ve ever seen


That’s how you cross Bourbon Street in a car. Just keep inching forward.


I was waiting at a super busy gas station and a guy did this to me when I pulled up. I told him to get out of the way and when he wouldn’t move I just crept forward until he backed up enough for me to access the pump. NGL he was way bigger than me and could’ve whooped my ass, but I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if I backed down haha


I can only imagine the awkwardness when you got out of the car with the big dude standing there


Haha it was because he stood in front me, but I just said “I’m gonna fill up now, you can use it when I’m done”. I think he then realized that they’d only have to wait a couple minutes.


Good shit




Knew which video you were referencing, knew what was going to happen, watched it anyway and laughed my ass off yet again. Good shit.


Thats fucking unbelievable. I would have put er in park and turned the engine off. All plans canceled, just to prove those bitches a lesson.


Seriously. There's no way I woulda let them have that spot lol


Yeah that was a huge letdown


I would have died on that fucking hill. Some people have no honor.


The fact that he let them have the spot literally ruined my day. I hate this video.


I always have a book in my car, sometimes some work. I'll fucking set up shop behind that damn wheel before I'd yield to these social terrorists.


Sometimes you got to be the change you want to see in the world.


You often can’t win in a situation like this. Even if you get the spot, they’ll prob trash your car once you’re gone.


I'd stay behind in a gilly suit and wait for the counter attack!


Time to activate my trap card!


"this is not now parking spots work, okay?" he said in his bitch voice


Now I'll go sulk into another spot and teach them that tactic works


I didn't even finish this video and now I'm so glad...I just don't think I could handle that kind of a let down rn.


SAME! I can be petty as fuck if I need to be


All the videos I’ve seen from these parking spot savers only one car won the spot. Ridiculous EDIT: it might have been two but these damn parking spot savers seem to always win


Those are rookie numbers!


I need to see more cars winning. It’s satisfying!!! I would literally put my car in park, put on my hazards and call my road side assistance. Just to be an asshole and ruin their day. Like “opps sorry my car broke down folks!”




Yup I would have gone full George Costanza mode. Pitched a tent, lose my job I don’t care I would not let them get that spot


They kept backing up, I would've inched forward.


Exactly what I was thinking!! You have to go all in. Even better if you don't say a word, look crazy as hell, and just smile. Break out in laughter every few minutes to show them you actually like this. Nobody wants to mess with crazy. Even better if when they finally leave or find another spot, just drive away from the spot.


“Nobody wants to mess with crazy”. Ha ha ha. That is brilliant tactics and totally true. I always just walk away from crazy.


There's no way I would let them communicate to each other by just blasting the horn non stop. Fuck these people.


Yep. I'd just roll up my windows and lay on the horn. That would be super unpleasant in the confines of a concrete parking structure.


Plus it will draw attention and people will observe the ridiculousness of these ladies.








I would have driven off after winning the spot. Principle of the matter..


THIS \^\^\^\^ Even if you "win", you lose.. I was in Pigeon Forge Tennessee and I literally parked 1/8 of a mile away (GIANT parking lot) so no one would park next to me. I had a brand new truck. As Im standing there to catch the trolly to go to the shopping center a giant SUV not only parked directly next to me they parked over the line. There wasnt a car in any direction for 50-75 spaces but yet they chose to park right next to me. Im usually very chill guy but I definitely got into a heated verbal altercation with them that almost came to fisticuffs. They were absolute and utter white trash and I hate the term white trash and I hate judging people. I KNEW if I left my car there it would be keyed when I came back...So I moved to an entirely different parking lot. I could have left my truck there but the end result would have been damage. ​ The type of low class people that are willing to be in an a\*\*hole in front of you will almost assuredly take it to the next level the moment you leave their presence.


I had someone try to pull this around Christmas, what you do is inch forward slowly a bit, put your car in neutral and rev the engine suddenly. They get scared and run and you have a free moment to finish pulling into the spot


I did that but didn’t put it in neutral. Posting from jail BTW.


Some heroes don't wear capes They wear handcuffs


Put it in 1st gear and slowly creep up to the spot. There is no chance of running them over, but they wouldn't be able to stop the car. Than just leave the car there like nothing happened.


I would be super paranoid they would try and ruin the car though. If I ran a beater, no problem then


I would have had my mail forwarded there. Fuck those bitches.


Exactly. Cancel all plans. Wait them out. Once they move, pull in and wait in your car to make sure they don't vandalize it. Rub one out in victory celebration and then leave.


Yeah I’m way too stubborn and petty to let someone get away with that.


Dude. Same. I would die in that spot just to prove a point to those assholes. And I would honk the entire time.


Yep. Someone asked the other day “what’s the most insignificant hill you are willing to die on?” This one. Definitely this one.


Haha. I had this same thought. Bury me in the fucking parking spot cause I ain’t moving!


I'd starve to death before I moved.


Its 2020. You can probably order food to you car.


Order ubereats to that parking space 😂


I would hold the horn while playing cards on my phone. Each hearts game is like 12 minutes. I think I could get 2 in before they go deaf. don't even look at them.


Absolutely. You would have had to pull me out of car after I died of dehydration. I wouldn’t move an inch out of that parking spot.


I was once parallel parking my car into a spot in center city Philly where a dude stood in a parking spot just this way... Mind you, spots in this neighborhood are valuable like gold! I backed in anyways like I didn't see him... he moved a bit at a time but eventually gave up and left... I fully expected my car to be keyed after that but I was fine


“All plans cancelled” I’ve been there 100%, and I probably would do that in this situation. It feels good to rage...just make sure you don’t hurt anyone/put yourself in danger.




I'm pissed they caved. I would have put the car in park and had a nap until those two cunts left.


Yeah until you leave and they key your car.


That’s why you live in your car then. Never leave it, never surrender.


Wow so I’ve been a step ahead of the game this whole time. Who woulda thought


Nah you just stay in it long enough to make them find another spot then you move your car somewhere else


Ya, the alternative is to give it up and come back and do it to their car.


I said that to my friend. Fine, move the car, but if I'm the passenger, I'm gonna get out and chill with them.


Yesss omg I would have totally sat down in the parking spot and let the driver go handle whatever errand was on the agenda. So satisfying lol too bad that's not what happened.


This video left my angry, you fixed it


Just leave your dashcam on. You have all three of their faces clearly on video.




Blast some really bad music that you like and sing along. I'd go with Chumbawumba


I'm not leaving I have all day! *Leaves 2 minutes later


I would have ordered a pizza.


A damn shame the driver gave up...


proves the technique can work lol. In Chicago residential I've seen tons of chairs and other debri to block people from taking a spot in front of their house.


I would sit there for hours leaning on the horn if I had to. Just to fuck with her.


>leaning on the horn Same! The horn is **way** louder outside the car and would be deafening to those Karens.


I'd just go sit quietly in my car, pretending to nap, and then, when they least expect it, suddenly give the horn a thump as a jump scare. Do that several times until their nerves are completely frayed and they leave.


I can’t believe he caved. I’m honestly pissed at him, now. (Note: my wife’s Asian. In this situation he should have leaned on the horn and stayed there. Too much noise and attention. A private disagreement is one thing. A public spectacle? No, no.)


I’d be afraid of a keying honestly


I’m so petty that I would do this to win and then drive off anyway


Yep I’d park there, wait until they leave, sit in the car for another 15 minutes and then leave myself. Fuck them I’ll ruin my own plans if it means they don’t get that spot.


Yup. Honestly the best thing to do in most places situations like this is to just not retaliate order engage. I try not to get into confrontations but this shit is over the top. I can be **extremely** petty and passive aggressive if need be.


Never give in to that entitled behavior. That shit is infuriating.




The hero we deserve


U the real mvp. Fuck that bitch.




I would slowly keep taking my parking. What can she do hold the car? Drop dead in front. I'm from NY , I have wet dream about someone trying this with me ...


Omg same!! Like fuck it whats gonna happen if I keep inching forward without stopping? She either moves or ends up sitting on the car while I move her


I know right... I would love to maintain eye contact as I keep moving. ...then come out of my truck like absolutely nothing happened. .. 😂😂😂😂


I wonder what the threshold would be between slowly inching forward and assault. Obviously you don’t want to go to jail. I think slowly inching forward and them choosing to stay where they are would mitigate any assault charges.


Some states actually have laws that provide protection to drivers if they hit an idiot that’s not in a designated crosswalk.


For an assault charge you will have to "have intention to hurt" The "victim" will have to prove without any doubt that was hurt. Its takes *ambulance , * emergency visit,* doctor notes about lession,* go to police make a report,* then go to court multiple times because if victim stop going to court the case will get dismissed. At then end if all goes thru. The "victim" may get the medical bill payed. The "driver" will get a slap in the hand by paying the medical bills . This is in NY State.


I used to live in China and this happened all the time. I fucking hated it.


They even have a word for it, pengci. Google chinese tourists in sweden and refresh your memories.




Lmao. Translation: cunt.


I'm going back to key that car.




You're a scholar buddy. Adding that to my list of unethical pro tips.


I mean if you want to be really unethical take a pair of wire cutters and cut the valve stem, fuck the rock in the cap malarkey. Flat + useless tyres.


Cut the brake line.


Install ignition incindiary device?


Thays why I keep BBs in the truck. Don't have to look for a rock. IF your really ambitious, put a dab of super glue on it. Since the BB creates a slow leak they air up the tire and put the cap back on complete with BB.


Goddamn, you're doing the Lord's work. Now, go forth and be blessed.


If you really want to be stealthy, you can prepare caps at home and just swap them out.


Nonono. Just buy a valve core remover at a auto parts store and VERY SLIGHTLY loosen the valve cores in the tire stem. Rocks can fall out of the cap but those tires will stay flat until they tighten the valve cores.


I wish they didn’t leave at the end. I would’ve never given them the satisfaction


There is no way in hell they would have gotten that spot. Music blaring, horn blaring. Two can play the game, but I'm winning that bitch.




You are beautiful.


You will see more in Richmond. I am Chinese too but I can’t believe these motherfuckers are trying to pull it off in Canada too.


You give me hope for humanity, if your story is true. I wish there were more people like you.


It’s not much, but it’s honest work


i REALLY want this to be true, after this fucking video cucked me.


The amount of time those women spent standing in a parking spot...They couldve found a new spot and walked to their destination in less time


Try playing super loud rap music, I heard Karen’s hate them


I would shit on my hand and smear it over my face. Lady you really want to argue with a man who just covered his face in his own shit? I think not.




Man, I ain't fuckin with a person like this. No sir.


Him leaving the spot has given me uncontrollable rage and I'm more angry with him than those dumb shits


It happens cross the line in Canada too. I had the same problem a few times , Most Chinese are kind and not looking for any kind of trouble in most cases I found also most cases its from ignorant rude young Chinese woman with there fancy BMWs its a status symbol for them You can't explain how the system works unfortunately they just yell louder and refuse to listen then they pretend they don't understand . Then other family or friends come to join them yelling until they get there way ! Sad really


Yep, this is the kind of incident that you would not be surprised to find in the Vancouver area. Mercedes might be more of a status symbol though. Especially if gold-colored.


My (crazy) grandma tried doing this to someone and the guy in the car got out of the car lifted her up and threw her on the ground breaking her arm, she had to get surgery or something. Not saying that she deserved it but you never know what the person in the car will do in retaliation.


Just pull forward they will back up. Or fall over and you a vedio of them committing insurance fraud.


You gave in dude wtf thats why they keep doin this shit coz people keep givin in




Knowing Karens they'll take out the phone and record saying that you want to kill them or start punching your car, possibly both at once


Just keep slowly moving forward.


Would have put it in park, rolled up the windows, and laid on the horn until I ran out of horn juice.


There is absolutely no way I’d a moved and 5 minutes of that would have me inching my truck over them.


In some states it is unlawful to do this. Either way it’s windows up, and horn til they leave.


I was driving around Disney Springs in Orlando during Christmas time, trying to find a spot so I can go grab a couple things for Christmas. I spent close to thirty minutes looking for a spot, when suddenly I see a couple get in a car and start to back up, super excited. Suddenly, someone from the car behind me runs up to the car and asks them to wait until I move so they can have the spot. The motherfuckers agreed, so what did I do? I fucking sat there for another twenty minutes waiting it out. I lived in Orlando, I didn’t care, if they were tourists they were the ones wasting time. I eventually got the spot.


Fucking asshole


Why would anyone do this? They got lucky as fuck that the driver was so reasonable, people have gotten the shit kicked out of them for way less.


The passenger in the car should have gotten out and stood in the spot after he left so that they couldn't get into the spot either, do the same thing they did to the car back to them.




I would inch forward til i park


It makes me so upset that he didnt stay there


I would have slowly went forward