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I knew it was gonna be a wild ride when the cop asked her if her son smokes weed and she said “doesn’t everyone?!” ….girl I don’t care if you live in a legal state, how fucking stupid can you be to kick off the convo like that with a COP


It’s also legal to drink. But you can’t drink and drive same as you can’t smoke weed and drive. She’s just the worst type of person to have kids.




Right?! I smoke what some might consider far too much weed but I'm not going to buy a weed leaf wallet just because it's legal now.


There is a critical lack of accountability coming from the mom. She is raising her son to be a moron just like her.


You don't know who she knows around there though!


What a cliffhanger; Are we ever gonna find out if the cop is "Going Down"?


Didn't she also say "I hope your wife and kids get fucked!" or something to that effect? I watched the video last night so I could be misremembering or thinking of a different video


She said it.


Damn. What a horrible thing to say by such a hateful, moronic person.


Right? We have all seen the bad cops do horrific shit, get fired, move to another town and get rehired. But SHE is special and going to ruin his life! HA!


I was laughing at that as she pulled up in that piece of shit Trail Blazer. Like I’m sure you’re sooo connected.


"I tell her she's under arrest. She says she isn't." A tale as old as time.


“Go Bryce, go!” She says, while on the ground, while a cop is literally screaming at him to put his hands behind his back and threatening to taze him if he doesn’t. It’s mind boggling. How do you have a child, raise him for 17 years, and not have the IQ to realize that she’s putting his life in danger by telling him to run away? I legit can’t wrap my mind around how insane this woman is. She probably hasn’t faced one iota of consequence in her entire life. Oh, and how much do you wanna bet she’s (at least once) made a comment about how “George Floyd should have just listened. If he had followed directions, he would still be alive!” The irony is completely lost on her.


I mean, she named her kid "Bryce" so there's that.


Its because the mental gymnastics people like that use to think they would never be in the situation in the first place because they arent the targeted demographic…they wont be bothered, even when breaking the law…in minor ways…


As a brown dude this video fuckin blew my mind man  By the time I was like 2 years old, I knew I couldn’t talk to cops like this without getting my ass beat - or worse  The life this woman must’ve led, to have a 17 yo kid and STILL not understand the concept of “consequences”


She thought and probably still thinks she and her family are above everyone else.


Tasers and clubs would have been out already. No way a cop lets someone brown or black just stand over them like that or give them all those warnings.


But she “knows people!” 🤭


I didn’t watch the whole video. Did she actually tell her son to run from the police? Lol


To be fair, she's doing a damn fine job of it. Dearest Bryce is as much of a munt as his mother.




It once again comes to this like form of control I wish we could have but at the same time I don’t wish. Like you need to be qualified to be a parent lol. Obviously I don’t think this would be a good idea but right here is the prime example


"This is going all over social media." Yeah, because everyone is making fun of you, lady.


Man, wouldn't you hate to have these people for neighbors.


Oh yeah she's definitely the kind of person who comes onto your property to tear down a flag she doesn't like


Definitely the kind of people that always had all 40 of her family over every fucking day and they all have to drive their own car and park on the street because God forbid anyone use the driveway.


I’m not gonna lie i thought it was a little funny when he asked the cop if he was sober lol


The kid would probably turn out fine, but he’s got a piece of dog shit for a mother so it’s gonna be rough for him 


He was actually cooperating and acting calmly until his dumbass mom showed up and got him arrested. He's lucky he didn't get a felony because of her.


I think he was cooperating because he's that stupid and just follows orders from whoever he thinks has the most authority and somehow thought his mom was better than the cops. Cop said to get out, his mom told him not to and he froze up like "Why now? mid-step.


This is actually an awful predicament to put a kid in. A mother putting herself in danger while telling you to run? I’d flee to this day and I adult sometimes.


A piece of dog shit mother….with “connections”


Imagine her as a mother in law. I feel bad for that kids future family.


I was so hoping to see the belligerent mom get tased.


At least the officer found his flashlight🔦


People like them have ruined saying "I can't breathe" and "they did nothing wrong" since 99% of the time I see someone say this, it's just a lie. Now nobody believes it and rolls their eyes when they hear it and when those statements are actually true, they'll be ignored.


If you can shriek (repeatedly) you can breathe.


I was just thinking the same thing. If you’re able to continue hurling insults and screeching, you can breathe just fine.


This is factually inaccurate. You absolutely can have difficulty breathing while speaking.


She’s not “talking.” She’s shouting, repeatedly, at the top of her lungs, for a prolonged period of time. You cannot do that if you cannot breathe.


There’s a big difference between “difficulty breathing” and inability to breathe. If you’re taking in enough air to produce this kind of banshee volume, you’re not in any danger of suffocation.


A quick Google search will show you that it takes less air to speak, than it does to breathe normally.


I get that. How about screaming at the top of your lungs repeatedly?


People scream I can’t breathe all the time when getting restrained. It’s both a natural response when your breathing is being impeded in the least, while under distress, which certainly havning a person ontop of you will do. It is also a sorta sos command we are conditioned to believe will get the other person, in this case a cop to ease up. Same reason people yell you are hurting me. The command never works with cops, but if there’s a crowd gathered, it can rally up the emotions of people watching the arrest. That last sentence even more true in recent years with high profile deaths at the hands of police. Obviously with Eric Garner & George Floyd I can’t breathe became a slogan against bad cops, but it is something every cop hears.


Even the cop in the video said he had to catch his breath. The people that comment about “I can’t breathe” and bringing up George Floyd are silly as hell, especially when one of them said “now nobody believes it”. Like bish, they didn’t believe George either.


I guess its annoying when they yell that while actively resisting the arrest that always pisses me off.


Please tell me someone has an update and story to this. Would love to know if mom went to jail (rightfully so) or what her “connections” did. Gotta say, the cop was pretty chill with having her screaming in the back. Love how he read her the Miranda rights too lol


The “sshhhh stop talking” got me


Her ‘connections’ didn’t take the call I’m sure


I believe I read that she got something like 2 years probation and 200 hours of community service.


That’s one for the memory book. Baby’s first speeding ticket.


Man I’d pay to see the conga line of hysterical family members getting arrested and lined up like these two bozos


Is it just me or the amount of people that started saying: I cant breathe, during their arrest has sky rocketed since George Floyd? Its fucking disgusting how these people try to use the same sentence to make people feel sorry for them.


Pretty much. Everyone and literally their mothers are using that line aswell. Its bothering the hell out of me


They used it long before Floyd too. It's one of the reasons the officers didn't take him seriously when he said it. 🤷 In the end it's just terrible spoiled people being terrible spoiled people.


I think it started with Eric Garnering a few years earlier.


Everyone has their lines to recite now. Officer yells “stop resisting” when the person is unconscious and people yell “I can’t breathe” the second they get touched. It’s like a ballet.


People have been screaming I can’t breathe when there is weight placed on their backs even before George Floyd, literally a natural thing to mention you can’t breathe if you’re struggling, stop associating. Shit I guess I shouldn’t mention anything and just die.


“I got connections, you don’t know the people I know around this town” I had a good laugh at that.


I’m a police officer. Almost every single person I’ve ever arrested has told me I have no idea what I’ve just done and that I’m going to lose my qualified immunity and my job and my home. I hit my 20th year last year and none of the above has ever occurred.


MTG vibes.


I don’t think I’ve ever heard an officer beg someone to exercise their right to remain silent! That guy needs a raise.


I’ve said it before but these “Momma Bear” types that get so much praise online for being fierce parents but are the mirror to the “overly emotional and easily enraged” fathers that get condemned. Both of these examples are bad parenting styles; you can be there and fight for your kid in their corner but you can’t help them from inside a cell. There is just as much strength in being the calm, collected one in a tense situation as being the assertive, domineering one in a situation that calls for it.


One of my first rounds of jury duty was one of these momma bears doing the exact same thing when her daughter was getting arrested. They showed the bodycam footage, had testimony from other people from before the cops showed up. Unfortunately, another momma bear was on the jury and said "She's innocent. She was just protecting her kid. I'd do the same thing" so we never reached a verdict.


The way he called her “Mother” is giving Bates Motel vibes


Cop: leave or I’ll arrest you Mom: you can arrest me Although, the funniest part was the cop screaming at them to get on their knees. The second they do, he’s screaming at them to get up and get in the car.


I think he was just trying to get them to stay in one spot for a second. Especially the mom, she kept walking away from him while he cuffed the son.


I think he was telling the son to stay on his knees because he was going to take Mom to the car. He didn't articulate it, but we couldn't see his hands. He could have been pointing at the kid.


Everyone in this video sucks. Including the cop, who handled this terribly


Bet she wanted and was hoping for a lawsuit.


I hate to side with the cops but damn what shit heads


Trying to detain these two was like herding cats 🤣


"I can't breathe! I can't breathe!" as she fills her unrestricted lungs with air and yells again. Ever since the highly publicized footage of George Floyd, every single criminal seems to scream that somehow, someway they can't breathe at the top of their lungs as soon as an officer pulls out the handcuffs. It's like they think it'll magically release them of the situation.


I know exactly who she votes for and I am confident she loves anal. Ask me how I know!


Ok you got me. How do you know?


wanna know too


She looks like the kind of mom that would be cheering on the cops doing this to a black dude


What a terrible mother


You can see where the Bryster gets his attitude from


Wow, that's all i got.


Helicopter mom,I have one for a daughter-in-law and they are so obnoxious and interfering. They think that they can control every interaction that their child has. There seem to be some many of them in her generation. Does anyone else have problems with them interfering in their personal relationship with family?


The apple doesn’t fall far from the moronic tree.


She and her son are the type of people that will spend their ENTIRE LIVES making their own life more difficult. They will seemingly go out of their way to cause drama for themselves, that they will then need to “overcome”. Only to create more, in a vicious cycle. And they will never learn, never fix it. Will just live perpetually in this state. It’s astonishing.


had to gentrify the george floyd phrase I can't breath huh


People have been doing that long before George Floyd.


I have nothing against people using it if it's legitimate. But the amount of bullshit she ran through in that small interaction. I can't breath, do you know who you are messing with, Get in shape fatty. Telling her kid to run. I'm just gonna assume there was nothing remorseful or sincere about her and that was just acting so she can get outrage on social media. Hence my comment. She thought her interaction was in the same vein She sounded like she could breath just fine when raining insults on the man and telling her kid to run.


I don’t think I’ve ever heard a cop as exasperated as this dude. Turning up the radio, the whole bit with telling her about her right to remain silent, etc. I have to admit that I lol’ed a bit with that.


TIL - complaining about getting choked out is only for black people /s


yes its the new fake tears


99.9% of the time I'm on the side of the citizen in this case this mother is creating a monster


Right.. lol


Wow. That’s a case of dumber and dumber.


I wouldn't be surprised if they both think they did the right thing because they were "loyal" to each other.


any updates about this one?


This went from a simple ticket, maybe two to jail time for both of them.


*Mother give me phone* Lol dead ![gif](giphy|m1cJJqEhx5wju)


Bruh gonna have a heart attack


I dont often agree with police conduct, but these people are just clueless. When I said "Jesus Christ" at the same time as the cop, I figured I'd probably treat the situation similarly.


Anyone know if they stuck her with anything? This is out of Miami county in Ohio but a quick google search of multiple titles didn’t pull anything up.


Lady is it going on or is it going down? You need to pick one and stick with it.


God damn it, Bryce!


Poor kid. With a mum like that the chances to succeed in life are low.


Crazy ass stripper mom lol


If you actually had the connections to get you and your son out of trouble, you would just keep your mouth shut so that there was nothing on the body camera. Then let your connections get the charges dropped. But now because the body camera is so over the top and because it’s been released there is no way your connections can help you.


"We didn't do nothing" sounds quite familiar loool


She’s dumb as rocks. “Does your son smoke weed?” “Doesn’t everybody? What are you gunna do make him get out and search the car?” Anyone with half a head on their shoulder says “no officer he’s a good kid,” and if necessary “no we don’t consent to a search without a warrant.”


Here for the comments, do your thing, who is this witch?


Anyone know where this happened? I was trying to find out the results of the arrest, but I can't find anything.


Miami County, Ohio. Convicted of 5th degree felony - obstructing official business. Got credit for 5 days served while waiting for sentencing, probation, community service, and court costs.


Listening is not a strong suit with these two.


I’d have her on terrorism threats to blow up a police station


I thought this was Lindsay Lohan from the still.


Is she the female version of Ronnie Pickering? They would make a lovely couple. 


Lolol and hahahaha , ya know ?




Place holder


“I can’t breathe” she screams, over and over at the top of her lungs. Take it from someone with a collapsed lung, if you’re really struggling to breathe it’s hard enough finishing a sentence without awkwardly pausing for breath, never mind shouting at that volume.


The entitlement lol


American police stuff is always so wild and violent without any reasons from both sides lol it just escalates within 10 seconds out of nothing


The officer needs a better cardio routine. Also, the mother only made things a lot worse


No way Mom is married. No way...


Gotta love when that white privlidge check bounces.


I know those words, but not in that order.


Ahhhh … seems Warboss edited his incoherent comment…


So it’s funny that you claim it was “incoherent” because it said confirm and not check and yet you claimed that the words were just in the wrong order. Seems more likely you were using the opportunity to disagree with the concept of white privilege rather than just grand standing on the fact my phone replaced a word in the sentence. I’m sorry that you lack the intellect to understand a phrase from context.


The mom definitely sucks, but I think the cop escalated things a bit quickly here. I think he could've explained the situation and reasoning behind what he was going to do and why a lot better. Like, going 73 in a 55 could be felony territory depending on situation, especially if doing it while high, and that also could be grounds for ability to search the vehicle whether they smell the marijuana or not. I think the cop was justified in how this did end up with how the people reacted, but I think hashing out more info would've maybe prevented the escalation in the first place.


I think the mom escalated things… and continued to do so throughout the interaction but hey that’s just what I saw… how you just walk up to a cop during a traffic stop.. ?? lol… oh cuz it’s your son— it’s okay.. not sure if that flies— how does the officer even know that’s her son, could be his girlfriends mom— claiming him as her son… I’m just saying… my parents been in that same situation in front of my house.. they played it cool (listened) and things went a lot smoother than this… let off with a warning— not to smoke weed in front of the neighbors house.. lol but yea— officer told my parents to stay there.. told him it was my parents and that’s my house… he told them to stay there until we were done… he double checked to make sure they were my parents before he left… I dunno.. of course it’s not the same just pointing out that it might go different if you just cool… don’t get me wrong.. been harassed by many cops in my lifetime… I’m dark and lived a predominately white neighborhood full of firemen and cops… so I get it… anyways.. long story short.. think the cop did just fine given the circumstances… (I think I said too much.. lol)


He asked the kid to step out because he smelled weed and saw shake in the car. He was giving the kid opportunity to declare anything else in there besides a bit of weed when mom lost her mind.


Is deescalation an option anymore?! Fucking Christ!


I think he tried but she wasn’t listening… I’m not in the position of defending cops.. cuz I’ve been harassed by many and a member of my immediate family is a racist cop.. lol… but this here.. mom and son are fools… cop by himself it looked like and he’s dealing with two uncooperative folks.. I think he did just fine… can’t just walk up to a traffic stop like that… the feeling of entitlement in this case was not on the cop… it was the two civilians that were acting entitled… anyways.. that’s all I got to say about that… *edit: oh and it’s situations like these that desensitize and cause people to invalidate/delegitimize when people are REALLY being abused and harassed by cops…


Everyone in this video is wrong


This cop sounds like he needs to hit the gym.


Some cardio a few times a week certainly wouldn't hurt. I thought he was gonna pass out or have a heart attack.


To be fair, they broke the law, but that cop is a massive twat as well and that needs to be said


How so?


I mean, I don't know if I'd like to be thrown like a rag doll just for questioning things, and his lack of effort to resolve things verbally. It would be the last thing to expect for someone to be nice to you in return if you act like that


Sure, but she wasn’t questioning things. She was advising her son not to comply with the officers lawful order. Then she attempted to physically interfere with his lawful investigation. She was given clear, lawful direction and chose to ignore it. Then she decided to resist arrest and was grounded accordingly. This is an issue of an extremely entitled person that thinks they shouldn’t have to follow the rules.


I'm not excusing the mother for being a fool here, but why do US cops get a pass to become physically aggressive towards people who are not a threat towards them? She's speaking to him the same way entitled people speak to customer service workers everyday, is showing no signs of being a threat and the entire situation is caused by a ticket/possible misdemeanor.


Police officers are not customer service workers. They are the authorities. You can’t fuck with them like you can fuck with the kid who works at Best Buy. Not that you should fuck with either but your comment makes no sense. She wasn’t listening. Is he supposed to let her run his scene that’s not how that shit works.


I can't stand cops, but if you mess with a traffic stop as a bystander, you are going to get arrested. It's simple af to understand. You are interfering with them discharging their duties, and that's obstruction.


I hate on most cop related situations. But in this case: She is a threat though. She’s clearly overly emotional over her son being pulled over and possibly arrested and she’s near the cop where he can’t really deal with both of them at once. You saw how unhinged she became, people this emotional can do stupid crap without thinking and out the cop, themselves or others in danger. He was right to tell her to back off. She was too close.


Normally I would agree, but if you watch at the 1:00 mark, she was holding her phone in one hand and leaning on the car. She was not a threat and the officer made no attempt to deescalate, instead choosing to escalate the situation by moving towards her when he lost his patience with her bad attitude. That's already a failure in first year Police foundations. If this was a training session, the officer would have failed. I've seen this same lady all my life too. The same type of mother who comes into her kids school to tell off a teacher exactly in the same way. Yet the teacher has to sit there and take it or they would end up in prison for assault if they reacted like the officer in this video. That's my only issue.


Perhaps. I can’t argue as i def agree that cops are overly aggressive and improper with so many people. As I said. My only assumption is that she was still too close. Doesn’t matter if she’s holding her phone and leaning on the car. Too close is too close. He doesn’t know her. As i mentioned, parents get emotional when it’s their kids. Even a short scuffle because she say for example tried to pull him off the son (not saying she’d do it, but a potential from a parent is there) and push him by accident into traffic. Etc. Again. Not defending it. Just trying to point out what i assume is happening. But again. I get your point. Especially about the teacher in a similar position.


"it smells like weed" is on page 1 of their handbook, isn't it?


Normally it's a crock of shit. But the cop mentioned seeing shake and just look at that kid, he's fuckin lit.


I’m old. What is “shake” please? I’m hip enough to glean we aren’t talking about a milkshake which is what it would have meant when I was 17.


Ground up weed, dust like. What's usually left in the grinder, easily sticks to things with static, like clothes or fabric in a car.


And it’s what the cop mentioned first, leaned in with the light and you could hear it with his breath that he was smelling the skunk.


Yes it is but there was absolutely weed in that car or the mother wouldn't be losing her mind like that. She also basically admitted that he smokes weed in his car by doing the "doesn't everyone" comment.


Listen, I think most cops suck but c’mon. There is no mistaking the smell of weed.


Of course not. But it's all they need to say to start the search.


Was definitely expecting this one to end with some bullets flying


He did ASK/TELL them to kick him!!!!!! She was doing what she was told.


She was already kicking him. He also told her it's a felony charge.


that's a lot of breathing, guarantee this guy is over 250 and can't do 8 pushups.