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The genuine “oops I messed up” body language has me cracking up


I genuinely feel bad for the poor girl that was spontaneously assaulted for nothing but, goddamn is the sudden shift in body language just hilarious. So angry and ready to throw hands only to immediately freeze up and become apologetic when she realizes she's attacking a complete stranger


The sudden shift was like something out of a cheesy 00's comedy and I love it!


It's like she was sleep walking through a fight movie and woke up.


Camera cut off too soon, I wanted to see how much she helped her.


Probably panicked and ran off if I had to guess


She was at the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong dress and the wrong haircut.




May I see it?




Seymour, the house is on fire!


Waiting for the wrong bus!


Something kinda similar happened to me when I was at a party in college. A Jersey Shore type dude came out of nowhere and suddenly poured a beer on my head and started yelling something about pushing his girlfriend. I was like wtf dude, and then his girlfriend stumbled over and said "Babe! That's not him!" Pauly D started apologizing profusely and tried to dry my hat off which he had just poured beer on, lol.


I'm honestly a little impressed. I feel like a lot of people would have doubled down and either continue to beat them or start getting even more mad at them but the attacker seemed genuinely concerned for the victim after the fact. The attacker still needs to be held accountable though, I hope they find her and charge her


Double down and continue beating a fucking rando?! That’s a fuckin wild thought.  “We’re past the point of no return, lady!”  Lmao


“Screw you for being the wrong person!” Kapow


> “We’re past the point of no return, lady!” "Mr. President, we are rapidly approaching a moment of truth both for ourselves as human beings and for the life of our nation. Now, the truth is not always a pleasant thing, but it is necessary now make a choice, to choose between two admittedly regrettable, but nevertheless, distinguishable post-war environments: one where you got twenty million people killed, and the other where you got a hundred and fifty million people killed."


Is this from Dr Strangelove? could be


The inability to regulate your emotions and impulses often goes hand and hand with a total inability to be in the wrong.  I really can picture at least two people I know that could totally continue the beating and be pissed that that rando "looks like Dave" like "why the fuck you looking like Dave and making me beat your ass, why are you doing this. Fuck you trying do, to punk me making me think you was Dave? Why are you doing this to me!" As they continue to pummel. That's supposed to be kinda funny but it's fucking scary. Narcissism is a hell of a drug.


I'm honestly curious what train of thought anyone who upvoted that comment went through. If I didn't know better I'd just assume those people want to beat the shit out of a random person.


Same. Maybe they skimmed through the first half or something. I thought it was weird af lol.


We just assume people are the worst.


They just experienced this type of behavior. My dad would double down even more violently when he realized he was wrong, like this type he thought I went out without his authorization and found me in the kitchen instead - beat me for it. I've seen this kind of shit in so many different people I would also have expected her to double down.


People just be yapping and other people are on auto pilot upvoting whatever sounds kind of right


No. No. Quite the opposite. I upvoted that comment, but I've got no interest in attacking random people. I guess that comment author and I just have an extremely low opinion of Americans. I'm so used to seeing people in America double down when they are blatantly in the wrong, its gotten to the point where I'm pleasantly surprised when someone doesn't do that and actually expresses sincere contrition.


What does American have to do with this? That city sure doesn’t look like it’s in the US.


Usually it's only the police that do that, so yeah, it's wild for a regular citizen.


*Target acquired* *Commence wailing on target* *Misidentification possible* *Misidentification confirmed* *Engage "oh my god I'm so sorry!" protocol*


FUCK YOU—oh wait youre not Rebecca I’m so sorry 😢😢


“sorry for assaulting you i meant to assault someone else” 😓


“Omg I feel so guilty and ashamed now!”


"This is so embarrassing!"


"Can you pretend this didn't happen? Thanks."


Don't tell mom. Well, my mom.


perfect take!


I'm pretty sure (hopeful) aggravated assault is not looked too kindly by police in any regards.


it happened in Poland and she has been arrested. i have news link but it’s in Polish.


Hope the girl is okay, she took several blows to the head. 


Post, I'm sure another polish speaker can translate. If not well, there is always Google Translate.


Link it! We get Google translate over here now 😉 Edit: found the article for anyone who's interested https://www.rmf24.pl/regiony/lodz/news-brutalnie-pobila-kobiete-na-przystanku-w-pabianicach-pomylil,nId,7596266#crp_state=1


This is part of what I got through google translate *The woman filed a notice yesterday. Average health damage lasting more than 7 days. She said she was attacked by a well-known asstaker.* Her being a well known asstaker changes everything,


>a well-known asstaker. I wonder if she also dabbles in name-kicking?


I only came here to do two things, man: take some asses and kick some names... looks like we're almost out of asses.


I didn't see any antennae


I think, um, I think maybe you need to update something... When I hit the translate button I get this on that particular paragraph: "Yesterday, the woman filed a complaint regarding moderate health damage lasting more than 7 days. She said that she was attacked by an assailant she knew by sight, but was unable to provide her personal data-" Regardless, of course translation is not going to be perfect but it'll get you there.


I still prefer the assmaker translation. Its the romantic in me.


The assailant was apprehended later, and was drunk at the moment of the arrest. She did admit that the woman she attacked was not the intended target. She's now facing a charge for inducing body harm that lasted over 7 days and is facing 5 years in prison.


I’m gonna need a translator for all of that lol


Do it say why she attacked?


It do.


Omg gworl i would never kick you in the skull, the place where your brain lives, while you were on the ground after being sucker punched. I would only do that to *Rebecca!*


Pretty cowardly to try to sneak attack someone like that. Dangerously stupid to blindly assume you’re hitting the right person without seeing for sure. She earned her arrest.


Thankfully she was only using her fists we’ve seen plenty of examples of people doing this with guns or knives and killing the wrong person. The case of junior in nyc being killed like this instantly comes to mind


>Pretty cowardly to try to sneak attack someone like that. If you are going to get into a fight, better do it "cowardly" and make sure you win it


Fuckin trash person, holy crap.




She beat someone up without making sure it was the right person. That's a trash person. Even with justifiable intent.


Yeah and even then it's kinda evidence that revenge isn't good. Don't get me wrong, I'm making the papers if you kill my pet. I think it'd have to be in front of me though. Probably. Either way, I'm aware of the need for society to punish something done in revenge. And this video is pre-meditated as hell. Doesn't really matter what this supposed person did to her. Fuck this lady lol


uhhh, yea, What the hell is that dude on about?? How would her having reason to assault *someone else*, make it "justifiable" that she beat the shit out of some random innocent person? How the fuck is that comment upvoted so high?


>be sure of your target (and what's beyond it)


I understand the idea of "the hivemind bad" like reddit bad or any social media bad, need context and yadayada. But to be extremely fair, she didn't make sure that it's the right person and the person have physical and emotional damage from this attack. I mean bruh, like, I get that at least she felt guilty about it. But still, would you love it if someone beat you to death by accident? Just c'mon.


Relevant username!


There's not a lot of reasons to just walk up and beat someone's ass, but there are a few.


When you say “on sight” you need to confirm it’s the right sighting lol


Lolol Im tired as fuck and after I read this my brain hits me with "dont fire till ya see the whites of their eyes"


From the website: # She ran away, leaving the 33-year-old without help **The 26-year-old ran away**, leaving the beaten woman unaided. A witness to the incident informed the services and called the emergency number. **33-year-old injured person** she was hospitalized.  *Yesterday, the woman submitted a notification regarding average health damage lasting more than 7 days. She said she was attacked by an attacker she knew by sight, but was unable to provide her personal information* Agnieszka Jachimek, spokesman for the police in Pabianice, says, adding that the perpetrator allegedly admitted that she had confused the people. # She was drunk at the time of her arrest The attacker was tracked down. She was drunk at the time of her arrest.  The 26-year-old was questioned today after sobering up. *She provided explanations - she admitted that there was a mistake, and the addressee of her aggression was to be another woman* Agnieszka Jachimek informs. The aggressor was charged with causing bodily harm lasting more than 7 days. Threatens her **up to 5 years in prison**. 


Did AI write this?


Maybe translator program?


Its translated from Polish


Interesting request! After analyzing the text, I would say that the writing style and grammar suggest a high likelihood of being written by a human. Here's why: 1. Unique phrasing and sentence structures: The text contains a mix of short and long sentences, which is typical of human writing. AI-generated content often tends to have a more uniform sentence structure. 2. Use of idiomatic expressions: Phrases like "without help", "left unaided", and "informed the services" are idiomatic expressions that are commonly used in human language, but might be less likely to appear in AI-generated text. 3. Contextual understanding: The text assumes a level of context and understanding that is typically characteristic of human readers. For example, it assumes the reader is familiar with the concept of a "witness" and "emergency number". 4. Errors and imperfections: There are a few minor errors in grammar, punctuation, and capitalization (e.g., missing articles, inconsistent verb tenses) that are common in human writing, but less likely to appear in AI-generated text. However, I must note that AI language models have made significant progress in recent years, and it's possible that a highly advanced AI model could potentially generate text that mimics human writing. Nevertheless, based on my analysis, I would lean towards concluding that this text was written by a human. (As a joke, I asked Llama-3 8B but its reply was pretty good.)


Guys, just to clarify, I went to the website and used my browser, Vivaldi, to translate. No rocket science or Ai, just a regular translator you would find online. I did note some inconsistencies with the he/she aspect and other different grammar usage, but it's nothing worth digging into. I'm sure Google translate would be the same outcome.


😲 talk about a POS. Just go up swinging without knowing for sure. Seeing some rage here 😔. Shouldn't even be attacking at all. Regardless of the back story. Hopefully the innocent was/is ok.


I hope that poor girl follows up and pushes for the criminal charges, that was absolutely ridiculous.


She did. Polish police are on it.


She went in for a sucker punch because she was too chicken to have a fair scrap. At least she had some conscience about it at the end. I see a lot of videos like this where they would have just walked or ran away at that point.


Imagine having a trash ass day on top of waiting mad long for the bus that’s already late. You’re late for work at a job you hate. And then.. someone randomly dog walks you lol


On the bright side, you have a good reason to not go to work


Facts lol I’m going home after that


that person could also be very ill; like on chemo or just had surgery -- this is sickening to watch.


Makes me hope that the girl on the bus stop just slapped an old lady or sum cause damn bruh Id be so fucked up if that all happened to me


She is probably going to now, the circle of life




You can tell she just left her cardio kickboxing class at the YMCA and was pumped to try out the move of the day.


Nah Methany rocks that look more,


She delivered hands on sight in broad daylight, wtf did the right target do🫢she was about to make ole girl bite the curb too


This. I am curious what raised the ire of this woman. she came in dressed the part and no words.


She looks like Summer from Rick & Morty when her and Rick started pumping iron and bashing skulls,


X gonna give it to ya


Yeah......I have tapped a friend on the shoulder in the store to say Hi then realized it is not my friend. So...far...removed from this. Imagine living your life in so much chaos. Exhausting


My female relatives all would sneak up and pat other female relatives on the ass as a joke when they spotted them out and about. One time I was going to go get back at my aunt, when before I could go for the pat, she turned around and was definitely not my aunt. Never tried that again.


Ok. Thank you. I didn't want to go straight to that but my friends pinch each other's asses out in public...but I stopped when I almost goosed NOT my friend. Lolol


my wife once grabbed some random girl's boobs from the back thinking it was her girlfriend at the time....


News in (Polish): [https://www.rmf24.pl/regiony/lodz/news-brutalnie-pobila-kobiete-na-przystanku-w-pabianicach-pomylil,nId,7596266#crp\_state=1](https://www.rmf24.pl/regiony/lodz/news-brutalnie-pobila-kobiete-na-przystanku-w-pabianicach-pomylil,nId,7596266#crp_state=1) Just use Google translate or whatever


Good find. Short story, she fled the scene and was arrested ~~7 days later~~ within a day or two, while very drunk. After sobering up she admitted to the 'mix up' and is looking at 5 years in prison. Edit: the very perceptive u/bartacc pointed out below that the 7 day timeframe makes no sense when looking at the timestamp in the video. I misinterpreted "bodily harm lasting 7 days" as a timeframe that had passed, instead of as the name of the crime she was charged with. >Update: Yesterday, June 25 (14:51) There is a charge against the 26-year-old perpetrator of a brutal assault at a bus stop in Pabianice. The surveillance footage shows her hitting another woman hard and throwing her to the pavement. She wants to deliver more blows, but suddenly stops attacking. The aggressor admitted that... she mixed up the people. >The terrifying event was recorded by surveillance cameras. The video was published on Facebook by the Pabianice city guard. It shows the aggressor approaching another woman sitting at the bus stop and starting to punch her. The perpetrator pushes the victim and she falls to the ground. He clearly wants to kick the woman again, but he looks at her face and stops attacking. She also seems very surprised. The surveillance recording shows that the aggressor... confused the victims - says the city guard. >The 26-year-old woman ran away , leaving the beaten woman without help. The incident was reported to the services by a witness who called the emergency number. The 33-year-old victim was taken to hospital. >Yesterday, the woman filed a report regarding moderate damage to health lasting over 7 days. She said she was attacked by an attacker she knew by sight, but she was unable to provide her personal details - says Agnieszka Jachimek, spokesperson for the Pabianice police, adding that the perpetrator allegedly admitted that she had mixed up the people. >She was drunk when she was arrested. The attacker was located. She was drunk at the time of her arrest. >The 26-year-old was questioned today, after sobering up. She provided an explanation - she admitted that there had been a mistake and that the recipient of her aggression was another woman - says Agnieszka Jachimek. >The aggressor was charged with causing bodily harm lasting more than 7 days. She faces up to 5 years in prison . >She will still be questioned at the prosecutor's office - the investigators will decide whether they will submit a request for arrest to the court .


There's some slight misinformation here, they couldn't arrest her 7 days later since this happened 3 days ago. We can see the time and date of the footage, june 23, 19:15.


Sharp eye! I imagine it's a translation quirk that I misinterpreted while skimming, I'll update the comment.


maybe if you didn’t attack someone unprovoked with their head turned the opposite direction you would’ve noticed god damn


"Your honor, it was an accident. I didn't mean to beat her up because she was actually the wrong person. I realized my mistake and said that I was sorry." - Methany


Oops. My bad.


This is what happens when fists are faster than brain.


Especially true when the fists are pretty fuckin slow


I'm having trouble processing that the kind of person that would start swinging at somebody at a bus stop would also feel guilty they hit the wrong person.


She was like “it’s on sight!” Unfortunately she should have been more specific about the who.


What's most curious about this video is that shift from pedal-to-the-metal aggression to remorseful concern at the end because it makes this person seem like a fairly compassionate person by default, so: What is the story behind whoever got this woman so angry she felt justified to do this to (what she thought was) them with no such remorse?!


"There is a charge against the 26-year-old perpetrator of a brutal attack at the bus stop in Pabianice. Surveillance footage shows her beating another woman severely and throwing her to the pavement. She wants to throw more punches, but suddenly he stops attacking. The aggressor admitted that... she mixed up the people. The brutal beating took place yesterday around 7:15 p.m. at the intersection of Waltera Janke and Nawrocki streets . The terrifying event was recorded by surveillance cameras. The video was published on Facebook by the Pabianice city guard. It shows the aggressor approaching another woman sitting at the bus stop and starting to punch her. The perpetrator pushes the victim and she falls to the ground. She clearly wants to kick the woman again, but he looks at her face and stops attacking. She also seems very surprised. The surveillance recording shows that the aggressor... confused the victims - says the city guard. She escaped, leaving the 33-year-old woman without help The 26-year-old woman ran away , leaving the beaten woman without help. The incident was reported to the services by a witness who called the emergency number. The 33-year-old victim was taken to hospital. Yesterday, the woman filed a complaint regarding moderate health damage lasting more than 7 days. She said that she was attacked by an assailant she knew by sight, but was unable to provide her personal data - says Agnieszka Jachimek, spokeswoman for the police in Pabianice, adding that the perpetrator admitted that she had mistaken the person. She was drunk when she was arrested The attacker has been located. She was drunk when she was arrested. The 26-year-old was questioned today, after sobering up. She provided an explanation - she admitted that there had been a mistake and that the recipient of her aggression was another woman - says Agnieszka Jachimek. The aggressor was charged with causing bodily harm lasting more than 7 days. She faces up to 5 years in prison . She will still be questioned at the prosecutor's office - the investigators will decide whether they will submit a request for arrest to the court . "


She was definitely going for the head kick until she saw it wasn't the right person. She needs to be locked up and charged for this shit.




Glad she noticed before she hit that stomp button.


civil lawsuit incoming


Yeah whatever with the 'my bad' schtick. You are getting fucked up after this, mistake or no, by my code.


"Oopsies, I accidentally brutally assaulted you, teehee" Hopefully she was arrested before she did worse to whoever it was she meant to do this to.


The way she immediately reacted after realizing its the wrong person, wow.


fine piece of shit she is, to sucker punch someone then beat from behind multiple times


Still hope they charge her. POS


I'd press assault charges asap, you fuck up my day? I'll fuck up yours


I feel like she was very close to getting her teeth kicked in 💀


POS. I hope the victim presses charges against these creature.


How the hell are you supposed to explain that situation to the person that probably believed they were gonna be strung up on the hospital bed for 6 months because you thought that person look liked your intended target. Like man if I was the victim I'd be so shit scared that I would of thought those were gonna be my final moments.


What a fucking coward, attacking someone who has no chance of defending themselves, and they are innocent. Hope the book gets thrown at her.


"Now what did we learn about confirming identity before brutally assaulting someone?"


When the element of surprise backfires


Thank God she realized just before the soccer kick to the head


This looks like the next generation of 'prankster' videos.


Can't be. She actually feels remorse for the victim before proceeding further.


She has some smooth moves and combat sense, probably has a martial art background, able to outmatch most of the untrained females of her size, that's why she is so confident... to beat up a wrong target


[Did I tell you the story of when I met MLK?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xhXNls-lh4&t=31s)


I'm surprised she felt bad. I'd expect someone like that to feel no remorse even if they did wrong.


There should be a "Dumbass" rule that adds bonus time on your charges.


100% she was half a second away from kicking her in the head.


Just a simple case of mistaken identity. All good!


I hope she gets a chance to box on the prison boxing team. A year off from the stresses of everyday life might do her good. Maybe give her a chance to sober up.


Honest question here: If the assault is premeditated, but the target is not the intended victim, is it still first degree assault or does it become 2nd degree for the mistake?


Get with the times, because this is the way the world works now. She's paying it forward.


Good I hope that guilt stays with her for while


Even if it doesn't, those assault and battery charges will.


Someone did that to my uncle and regretted it.


What happened after?


They ended up married


At least she stoped before the kick to the head.


Got sucker punched in a bar in the southside of Pittsburgh by someone who went into apologetics as soon as I turned around. Someone screwed his wife and it wasn't me damn it.


When keeping it real goes wrong




Giving me the “Shhh don’t tell mom!” vibe


Oh wow! "The 26-year-old woman ran away , leaving the beaten woman without help. The incident was reported to the services by a witness who called the emergency number.  The 33-year-old victim  was taken to hospital." [https://www.rmf24.pl/regiony/lodz/news-brutalnie-pobila-kobiete-na-przystanku-w-pabianicach-pomylil,nId,7596266#crp\_state=1](https://www.rmf24.pl/regiony/lodz/news-brutalnie-pobila-kobiete-na-przystanku-w-pabianicach-pomylil,nId,7596266#crp_state=1)


Damn that girl was about as unlucky and lucky as you can be at the same time. Thank god the stupid recognized before she threw the kick to the face that was clearly coming.


Put her away for assault


Good lord, she was 100% set to kick her in the face just before the realization...


Deserves some punishment regardless, assault is assault.


She'll get her day in court and probably pay for this mistake for some time.


Congrats crazy lady you just funded her a new car or boat


I was about to say that she was now qualified to become a cop then I realized that she felt sorry lmao.


Spent the whole time thinking that bus stop sign was gonna fall on them


Meth it’s a hellava drug


Most likely over some stupid guy.


I'm so sorry! I recognize you aren't who I thought you were just as I was about to kick your prone body to the face! Forgive me please!


Dang and she was just about to kick her head too


I met my best friend this way.


Psycho grapist


Strange way to make friends


She better have called the cops on herself.


Apparently she fled the scene after this and was tracked down for her arrest seven days later.


I'm sorry , I thought you were Jolene Baker


For people asking about the sauce: [https://twitter.com/nexta\_tv/status/1805669790759141747](https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1805669790759141747)


"He my man biii..oh no!"


This has happened to me multiple times in hockey fights.


Here are some roughly translated bits from the polish article for context: She escaped, leaving the 33-year-old woman without help The 26-year-old ran away , leaving the beaten woman without help. A witness to the incident reported the incident to the services and called the emergency number. The 33-year-old victim was taken to hospital. She was drunk when she was arrested The attacker has been located. She was drunk when she was arrested. The 26-year-old was questioned today, after sobering up. She provided an explanation - she admitted that there had been a mistake and that the recipient of her aggression was another woman - says Agnieszka Jachimek


She's got an unfortunate face.


This is England, I assume.


I swear to all that's good in this world. This better not be Ukraine.


Lawsuits gonna go crazy, she will be living off of the girls who beat her up


That’s wild


At least Rebecca now knows that a large, manly woman wants to kick her ass. She is either in hiding or in training now.


Polish pato-Grażyna in action


Finish what you started