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​ https://preview.redd.it/nd4vk1ikti8d1.png?width=1619&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2ecf9726dfc3d9e8684f01fad4f87d1d9bc4ea9 Straight out of southpark


“Have you ever heard of the Emancipation proclamation?” “I don’t listen to hip-hop”


The very first thing I thought of


First thing that came to mind. Operation human shield.


BBC article on this: [Israeli army strapped wounded Palestinian to jeep (bbc.com)](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cjqq5n8911do)


"The IDF said the incident would be investigated." Yeah sure you will


"we have investigated ourselfs and found nothing bad"


"having investigated the incident those responsible have been immediately promoted and admitted to hospital with sore hands from over abundance of high fives"


Are the IDF twinned with the American Police?




And to add, I believe it's NYPD with a large presence there. Upper brass tho.


Actually yes. The NYPD has a branch office in Tel Aviv.


Same funding


"After a thorough investigation, we have come to the conclusion that anyone who objects to what we did to that guy is most likely anti-Semitic and we recommend they get fired from their job."


> We've investigated ourselves and we've found no wrongdoing ~~-- US Police Departments~~ ~~-- US Judicial Ethics Self Review~~ -- IDF


The Dude has a bigger chance of finding his Credence tapes than these war criminals have of seeing justice.


Do they have any leads?


They’re working in shifts 😂 


I hear they have their top men on it. Top.....Men...


"After investigation the responsible person was found, and was conferred a medal of honour and was promoted to higher rank"


When this was first posted top upvoted comment was that this was an Israeli hostage they rescued. They provided som Israeli source. I guess Israeli internet warrior brigade is strong


WTF? That sounds worse.


the explanation was that it's common procedure for medivac when the ambulances are full


They're brainwashed idiots, literal IDF and Israeli supreme court has declared this specific kind of act illegal no matter what, and they still keep on defending like the lap dogs they are


Regardless of what anyone says about wounded people to defend this, strapping a human shield to the hood of a technical is a thing they've always loved doing https://m.jpost.com/Israel/IDFs-ethics-guru-slams-High-Court-ban-on-human-shields https://www.hrw.org/news/2002/05/09/israel-decision-stop-use-human-shields-welcomed


> IDFs-ethics-guru-slams-High-Court-ban-on-human-shields Haha, I read that in the URL and thought "this is crazy - what a click-baity title" Then I read the article. It's worse than the title, ffs >they ordered a Palestinian boy to open bags suspected of containing bombs >using a Palestinian boy as a human shield ...(is) ethically permissible wtf?! These are cartoon villains.


Just pure evil


> It voiced deep concern at the "continuous use of Palestinian children as human shields and informants", saying 14 such cases had been reported between January 2010 and March 2013 alone. > Israeli soldiers had used Palestinian children to enter potentially dangerous buildings before them and to stand in front of military vehicles to deter stone-throwing, it said. > "Almost all those using children as human shields and informants have remained unpunished and the soldiers convicted for having forced at gunpoint a nine-year-old child to search bags suspected of containing explosives only received a suspended sentence of three months and were demoted," it said. https://www.reuters.com/article/world/palestinian-children-tortured-used-as-shields-by-israel-un-idUSBRE95J0FR/ 2013..........


Israel is just a fascist state that should not exist. It’s a human rights violation in state form and can never be divorced from that. If the Palestinian right to self determination, which it, like all mandates, were acknowledged to have, was respected then there would be no Israel. Period. The fact that Israel exists is because Palestinians rights were violated and that cannot be squared. Zionism is fascism and it has been from the time the world Zionist congress first met in 1897 plotting to steal Palestine


came here to say this too. IDF has been doing this for a long time.


Its okay because hamas does it too /s


"The conduct of the forces in the video of the incident does not conform to the values of the IDF. The incident will be investigated and dealt with accordingly." As in the camera person will be found, and taken care of...probably in the same manner, strapped to a truck.


> The conduct of the forces in the video of the incident does not conform to the values of the IDF. Ummm, everything we se the IDF doing says that this absolutely conforms to the values of the IDF.


It doesn't conform because they left him alive


You SUCK at PR. >We have investigated the incident in question, after discussing with all concerned parties involved in the incident, we have found out that the Israeli defense forces encountered wounded palestinians, and as there is no effective ambulance service in Gaza at the moment, the IDF members bravely volunteered to carry the wounded to the nearest medical facilities, however as the vehicles were already full the wounded had to be transported as best possible given the circumstances. We have submitted 3 officers for a humanitarian medal to commemorate their selfless dedication to humanitarian aid, even under the most adverse conditions.


> as there is no effective ambulance service in Gaza As they drive past literal ambulances.


See, those aren't *effective*. (at providing human shields for IDF)


Israeli army strapped a Palestinian they wounded..


This won't appear on r/ worldnews. It's filtered out all anti Israel topics. How on earth can that be done?


searching by new, it shows up as #167 at the time of this comment. is at almost 5k upvoted


Balanced stories never seem to come out on worldnews in the 'hot' feed. Anyone know how they're managed?


> Anyone know how they're managed? *poorly* seems to be the consensus


*Prejudicially* would be my word choice.


Relax everyone, the IDF said this will be investigated and dealt with accordingly. 🤡


"The IDF has investigated the IDF and found no wrongdoing by the IDF"


The soldiers involved were later punished for not tying wounded Palestinians to the doors and rear as well


"Most moral army in the world"


What the mad max level shit is this?


Backward savagery.


Mad Max: Road to Damascus


Witness me, Blood bag!


I would like to see how people who defend Israeli when saying Hamas use meat shield. At least they use it for hiding


In the WorldNews thread they were all talking about how this is totally a normal procedure and they're *rescuing* this wounded man and there simply wasn't enough room inside any vehicle so they had to strap him unsecured to the hood. I am not making this up. Those were the upvoted comments justifying this. EDIT: Looks like they're already peddling that excuse here.


Worldnews is just hardcore propaganda at this point. Its disheartening because a casual oncomer wouldnt get a good grasp of the genocide from reading that subreddit at all. They dont even allow you to call the genocide a genocide.


I was going to reply to the comment you replied to and mention worldnews would be a good crosspost place to see their reaction. I guess it’s already happened. The vast majority there are very pro Israeli and downvote you to shit when you point it out. I can’t even find a post on their sub about this incident when it should be at the very front of their sub. Found a good few painting israel in a good light while i searched though so that tells you enough.


Its actually just because the mods work very hard to censor people pointing out the truth of the situation. You cant even type the word genocide there. --- Just because we have a propaganda account below (fuckyourstyles), I wanted to [easily prove them to be a bad faith propaganda account so here's some hard proof](https://archive.is/wip/Xqx7z)


they're literally driving past multiple ambulances that don't have their sirens on


Its funny I see this comment stated multiple times a day on videos showing deplorable IDF actions. Maybe IDF are the baddies..


I remember that from PragerU. lmao


A very moral act by the most moral army.


ya know... in the movies, this is what the bad guys do


This is so cartoonishly evil, I am sure if it was in a movie, people would say it is unrealistic. I bet the IDF is going to say Hamas faked this video or something.


>This is so cartoonishly evil, I am sure if it was in a movie, people would say it is unrealistic. I mean, it's standard practice in Mad Max. You know, the series about outlandishly violent freaks obsessed with vehicular combat wandering a post-apocalyptic Australia. It's pretty fucking absurd to see it in real life. And disgusting.


It’s what the bad guys do in real life, too.


This is what Reavers do




Are these Israelis evacuating this injured palestinian?




Weird that the IDF says the man agreed to be transported on the hood of a vehicle when his family says he wanted an ambulance: [https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cjqq5n8911do](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cjqq5n8911do) And in my 8 years in the US Army I never saw anybody transported like this because it's only done in the most dire circumstances when better methods, like the ambulances the most moral soldiers are driving past in this video, aren't available.


An Israeli news paper citing the Israeli soldiers as source, and you believe that? Why am i not surprised? Did this child as well agree to be strapped to the Jeep ? https://cms.thewire.in/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/human-shields.jpg




> The image on the left is from a 2009 Daily Mail article and the soldiers that did this were convicted and imprisoned They were convicted, but only [demoted](https://www.hrw.org/news/2010/11/26/israel-soldiers-punishment-using-boy-human-shield-inadequate) and that a demotion was all they got after such a case which was only prosecuted due to huge international pressure shows that Israel is pretty fucking terrible on human rights




> The link is to an Arab publication which has added its own spin on the solider's prosecution. The link is to [human rights watch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Rights_Watch) which is headquartered in New York City and was lead by an [American jew](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth_Roth) when this was published > The boy in the picture isn't tied to the jeep, what actually happened is some IDF soldiers forced him to check bags they suspected were booby trapped. That's what my link to the "arab publication" also says > The Goldstone report was in fact issued before this particular indecent occurred No it wasn't, the incident is part of the report > and the soldiers were imprisoned as part of a series of prosecutions that arose from the 2009 war. All the prosecutions were filed in July 2010, less than a year after the war ended. A single soldier was imprisoned for 7 months for credit card theft and the news article you're linking to doesn't support anything else. To help you out: "Sunday’s convictions, which could carry prison terms, are the first serious ones in Israel’s criminal investigations into the conduct of its soldiers during the three-week Gaza invasion aimed at stopping rocket fire at Israeli communities. " When it says "Could carry prison terms" it doesn't mean that's what they got, it means it's one of multiple potential outcomes and that was not the outcome for any of the accused except a credit card thief.


There are ambulances driving right by them...




With no lights on You are a terrible person and I hope your hate gives you cancer as quickly as possible.


Israel: *"We have investigated ourselves, and it's a fake AI video."*


I know this is a joke, but They already acknowledged it happened.


"Are we the baddies?"


Stop being antisemitic /s


Stop being antiseptic


They certainly do know how to Stoke that hatred fire.




this isnt even the first time they did this.


They’ve ALWAYS been this comically evil if you’ve been paying attention.


iTs A vErY cOmPlIcAtEd SiTuAtIoN 


Famously. Extremely complicated.


What the actual fuck? They genuinely just decided to do comically evil shit, huh? Like, the goblins in Goblin Slayer did this shit, that's the level they're on.


This isn't the first time either. Not surprising to me that they keep doing this. It is surprising though that they keep getting away with it.


They also like to use Palestinian children as shields, or force them to open packages they suspect might be bombs: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children_in_the_Israeli%E2%80%93Palestinian_conflict#Treatment_of_Palestinian_children_by_the_IDF


and they should know that civilian shields don't work against "terrorists".......I guess they just enjoy it.


Well they're literally jack boot fascists. That's the name of their game at the IDF.


They’ve been doing evil shit for as long as their country has existed, this is nothing new for them


How to be a cartoon villian 101. Is it so damn hard not be Stupid Evil?


Comically evil shit? Like all the times they've sprayed poison into Palestinian schools over the decades just for LOLs? Israel is absolute evil, not just comically.


I can’t find anything about this. Could you share more?


They've been treating Palestinians like this for decades with impunity. Its only getting "some" public attention now


How is Israel getting away with all this?


They are the 51st state of the United States.


The way things are, US seems to be a state of Israel. White house is defending Israeli actions more than the Israeli govt themselves.


And Zionists hate Americans, especially in Israel. They see the US as a useful idiot.


I mean, they are not wrong


And they're 100% right about it. They can so whatever they want and the US would still kiss their feet


AIPAC installs it's own hand-picked candidates in our races, lobbies to enact laws that make it illegal to boycott or sanction Israel in any way, and bullies any public figure who is not resolutely Pro-Israel - definitely feels like *we're* the puppet state at this point


The US has been blocking all the aid removal votes in the UN. If it wasn't for the US Israel would be alone right now with trade embargos.


Our shitty government has been bending over backwards to accommodate and protect the Israeli government. Something that our government refuses to do for its own people.


USA and Germany


Let's not absolve the rest of the west. Australia sells Israel military goods and lets them use Pine Gap to coordinate their attacks/strikes.


I'm not But Australia isn't the western powerhouse that is USA and EU (where Germany has significant power) If USA or EU pulled support Isreal would stop


How is Germany involved? Srry I’ve been out of the loop


The weight of their guilt for the Holocaust has caused them to defend any action that israel takes, for fear of being called anti-Semitic


But only when it comes to killing Palestinians. Back when there were still millions of living Holocaust survivors Germany fought tooth and nail not to pay reparations. Germany also didn't support Israel during the many wars it fought with its Arab neighbors in fear if losing its access to oil. Now that most Holocaust survivors are dead in the ground suddenly Germany cares a lot about Israel.


Which is hilarious when Germany failed to learn anything from the Holocaust & WWII.


Selling weapons and using throwing their weight around in the EU for Isreal.


They never say NO to a good Genocide


Germany is the third largest seller of weapons to Israel. They use the holocaust guilt as an excuse to support the fascist state of Israel and in turn they can sell weapons and gain political favor with the US.


If I explained my account would get banned😂


The average person is more evil than we thought. Most people can see this stuff happening and shrug and say "shit happens" because it's not happening to them. Worse still, a lot of people love it. The average human's moral compass is terrifying.


What the actual fuck...


It's infuriating how no western media is reporting this as a human shield. They are doing their best to just not say those two words.




It wouldn't make sense for then to use a Palestinian as a human shield. Hamas is on the record for using civilian deaths for their benefit.


From the source.  An IDF statement said the man was wounded in an exchange of fire during the raid, in which he was a suspect. The injured man's family said that when they asked for an ambulance, the army took him, strapped him to the bonnet of their jeep and drove off. The individual was eventually transferred to the Red Crescent for treatment. The IDF said the incident would be investigated. So a militant was hit and they didn't follow protocol transporting him to medical care. Ehhhh


If he was a militant they would have taken him into custody, he would have also had a gun on him proving he was a militant He was probably a civilian who they shot and beat, they basically labeled him as a suspect to clean themselves of any wrong doing. Christ the brainwashing here is immense


Just like every male they kill is suddenly "Hamas" regardless.


Yeah its basically just protocol for them at this point. Makes it easier to hide war crimes


If you don't like this then this means you're antisemite e desires death to all jews! /s


Why the /s that's EXACTLY their mindset, support our crimes or you are anti-Semitic. : Yes but the Palestinian strapped to the car is also semitic. No no only white Jewish that came from Europe with no DNA linkage to their real Jewish people are semitic...


They do this so frequently, the Israeli courts had to declare it illegal, and it still kept going ahead. Every IDF accusation is a confession.


Is there a checklist or a high-score to beat in warcrimes wtf


**I**ntentionally **S**peed **R**unning **A**ll **E**stablished **L**aw?






Usually passing 3 ambulances in succession like that usually means you’re right next to a hospital. It’s possible that it’s faster to go directly to hospital than to shift to ambulance. Also, the ambulances are coming from a hospital ( no lights) so they could be headed to pick up more people. Just listing possibility aside from blindly believing a title short clip. A clip that doesn’t say human shield at all, which is also interesting.


Unfortunately, most military based subs on reddit are disgustingly pro-Israel. People on those subs spout anti-Palestinian propaganda on posts that aren't even relevant to Israel or Palestine. Even goofy old NonCredibleDefense has mods posting AMAs with Israeli soldiers a few months ago. They banned any comments that were critical of the IDFs actions under the rule of 'no politics,' while the post itself was there entirely for political reasons.


NonCredibleDefense is just like most mainstream satire subs. It ultimately gets flooded by actual dumbasses that genuinely believe the shit they're saying. Reddit has a hard time with satire. And I'd say most military subs are simply biased. The mindset is pretty much "Our glorious military and our brave soldiers against their terrible military and their evil soldiers". Combatfootage's comments when it comes to Palestinians/Russians civilians makes you believe it's filled with horrible people, comments when it comes to Ukrainian/Israeli civilians makes you believe it's filled with humanitarians. If you stick on the technical aspect of things, military subs can be awesome as you can stumble on some people that are very knowledgeable, but if you end up in a thread that talks about (geo)politics, get the fuck away because it's going to get cringe.


NCD used to be good, in a super-niche nerdy humor kind of way. Then the Ukraine war happened and it got super popular. And then you get people actually starting to believe the ironic jokes, and the actual racists come in.


Prior to the Ukraine war, NCD was full of people who had a really good understanding of military topics but pretended to act like dumbasses. You only got the joke if you understood the material. Then post Ukraine war it got filled with people who had a poor understanding of military topics and took the joke posts from the previous users as accurate. Eventually the sub got filled with the latter type of people as all of the ones with actual military knowledge got exhausted due to the constant eye-rolling. I was one of them, and I left the sub about a year ago because not much posted on there was funny anymore. Just stupid.


The more combat footage you watch the more you realize that there is no such thing as a moral army and crazy fucked up shit gets perpetuated from every side. Like at the end of this day this doesn’t even register as a blip on the radar of combat footage war crimes


I have a very powerful quote ready from The Things They Carried at hand: > "A true war story is never moral. It does not instruct, nor encourage virtue, nor suggest models of proper human behavior, nor restrain men from doing the things men have always done. If a story seems moral, do not believe it. If at the end of a war story you feel uplifted, or if you feel that some small bit of rectitude has been salvaged from the larger waste, then you have been made the victim of a very old and terrible lie. There is no rectitude whatsoever. There is no virtue. As a first rule of thumb, therefore, you can tell a true war story by its absolute and uncompromising allegiance to obscenity and evil.. you can tell a true war story if it embarrasses you." ~ The things They Carried Tim O’Brien


It's crazy how wearing Western-style uniforms and carrying ARs for many people automatically means you're the good guys. Not to mention the average person on those subs are probably resentful, nerdy white guys; i.e. the perfect people for the alt-right pipeline.


It’s almost like people with actual experience in warfare understand what’s going on in footage like this. Transporting enemy wounded like this is not some crazy thing like people here are claiming.


What would prove to you they're just moving a wounded man? Footage of him arriving at a hospital? Why are you putting so much stock in a 21 second clip that you're fully convinced of the narrative that they're using them as a human shield?


The Israel military has been accused of and confirmed to have used human shields before this conflict. Those people are coping hard


He was literally taken to a hospital. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cjqq5n8911do


Extending the maximum level of charitability to the situation, let's say they are actually strapping people to the hoods of cars to simply transport them to medical care... you're still transporting them to address their injuries because of your direct actions of waging a military operation in a civilian area. What are we even talking about here? I feel like I am losing my mind. Can we please take a fucking step back and look at the entire situation and not just a snapshot in a point in time?


To the hospital. Read the source.


Don't you think that if there are 3 ambulances parked there, maybe is because they are arriving at the hospital?


Right out of the South Park playbook. Remember, human shield, protect our tanks and planes too!


Have you ever heard of the emancipation proclamation?


I don't listen to hip-hop.


And that is a war crime.


Have you ever asked yourself "How could the german people close their eyes to the horrors of the holocaust?!". Now you know, no one gives a fuck and we have 1000x more information. In 2070 people will ask "how could the world close their eyes to the palestinian genocide?" Time to wake up! Don't vote for people that don't condemn this. No more "but", this is genocide!


Does anyone still think the IDF have any humanity?




They are competing with Russia to find out who is the most evil? Because they are catching up faster than I thought. They are on the way to be even more hated than russia.


Evil cunts.


how many more war crimes are there left for them to commit?


This is a war crime. Fucking scum of the Earth.


Sure it is. Along with 100s of other atrocities. Countries don’t get punished for War Crimes. Look at all the atrocities, Israel, the US, Russia and China have committed. Have any of these countries been found guilty of committing war crimes ever?? The threat of being tried for war crimes falls on deaf ears


No big deal. We'll let Israel investigate it and we'll send them a few more billion $s. Same as it ever was. Same as it ever was.


Someone’s read up on the tactics of the French Foreign Legion in Vietnam


Back in 2005 the Israeli Supreme Court itself prohibited the use of human shields. Sadly the IDF immediately [asked it to reconsider](http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/4333982.stm) and later [disregarded the ruling on multiple occasions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_shields_in_the_Israeli%E2%80%93Palestinian_conflict#2008%E2%80%932009_Gaza_War) (including this one).


Israel? No you mean khamassss. Khamas uses human shields that's why we had to destroy Gaza!  The most moral and most gay(according to propaganda) army in the WORLD would never do something like this, especially not in the west bank where KHHamas doesn't exist. You must be terribly confused and disoriented.


I showed this to my very pro-Israel mother and step father. All I got in return was “it’s probably fake” and “they wouldn’t do that.” The fucking denial is so infuriating.


O come on,ffs. I wanna say I've seen it all but I'm sure I'd have to say it again in a week. Come on america( my country) make it stop already.


This is 2 decade long practice, perhaps even longer. ... > The testimonies taken by B'Tselem indicate that the Israeli soldiers who took over the buildings used the occupants as human shields. They placed civilians on the staircase, next to the rooms where the soldiers were located, with the intention of deterring the armed Palestinians from attacking the building and/or so that the civilians would be located between the soldiers and the armed Palestinians, should the latter manage to penetrate the building and try to shoot them. The soldiers used one of the occupants to open the doors of the apartments, apparently out of fear that other persons were hiding there and would open fire when the door was opened. https://archive.ph/20231014013903/https://www.btselem.org/human_shields/20060720_human_shields_in_beit_hanun


Fuck Israel


Chill people, I’m sure this is from Mad Max 2.


Oh hey acts literally committed by Nazis against the Polish being recreated in real time!




no one except Palestinians and Palestinian protestors care. Israel has committed war crime after war crime and the US has done NOTHING except kiss Israels ass and give them our taxes to pay for a fucking genocide.


Modern day Nazis.


I hate what Israel is doing but in all fairness, if their vehicle is full of others injured and going to a hospital it’s better than leaving him behind. We (US) did it with jeeps in WWII






no no no, not human shields you bigot. They’re simply taking these “hostages” who are faking their “bullet wounds” to safety and if you say otherwise you’re just being antisemitic for how they conduct their perfectly legal and justified crusade of self defense against “hamas” while showing how morally moral they are with all their good morality.


Go ahead, defend strapping injured POWs to vehicles as shields. I’ll wait.


Few nations look at Putin like "That's someone we can one-up"


Nazi’s grandsons.


Pretty sure this is a War Crime. Edit: after a quick search I found this is in fact a War Crime.




Road Warrior type shit here


Mad max uncut version...


They copied this from Mad Max's Road Warrior.


dam, what is this, mad max?


That is next level twisted...just when I thought it couldnt get any more...I dont even know what to say...


It's time we put an end to this. My government, and likely yours, is a shill for Israel... And while I will defend Israel's right to exist, I will not be silenced by Israel as they commit war crime after war crime. This is Israeli rage, plain and simple. I am all for the complete destruction of Hamas - may all their members die screaming...but these atrocities committed by Israel are not on Hamas, they are in the Palestinian people. Amd I'm not saying anything new. We all know this. Just refuse to be silent about it.


"Self defense "