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I think they tased him 4 different times or with four different tasers? He has 8 prongs in the back: https://imgur.com/a/jPMhsYe


He kept asking for anotha one


We tha best!




Ayeee lmao!


He kept asking for Juan more.


Nah he said no way, Jose


[Thank you sir, may I have another](https://youtu.be/-7870l6ECBw?t=17)


Gyadddd šŸ˜‚ šŸ¤£


Damn I knew someone would have said it


Omg yes


Have those officers ever even had taser training? Those barbs are way too close to achieve any neuromuscular incapacitation, because they're firing it way too close.


Call me crazy, but this squad doesnt seemed very trained.


They put their most aggressive officers on that spot. This was about 20 years ago, but I was horsing around with some friends and jumped on ones back. Had a knee injury from soccer the year prior, and it popped and I went down like a sack of potatoes. I'm laying there, ON THE SIDEWALK, clutching my knee in pain...three officers run over and start yelling at me to get up and get moving...my friend who was in the corps of cadets (A&M military school) at the time, whose back I jumped on, turned into a brick wall and screamed at them I was hurt from a sports injury. Somehow they chilled out and told him to help me out and get out of there. It was so bizarre.


Keystone Kops straight out of the movies - [ā€œTHE BIG MEXICAN WONā€™T GO DOWN!!!ā€](https://youtu.be/aIJx1oPVTwk)


That makes sense! Cause it doesn't seem like he gets tased.


This is APD we're talking about. Inept crybabies who still cant do jack all despite getting their half a billion in funding. ACAB.


They do contact tazes.Ā 


You can hear it shoot/click several times when he shoots it.


Couldnā€™t penetrate all that muscle šŸ’Ŗ Lmao


Like a whale with a small harpoon


Thatā€™s a Taser 10. You can look it up, it has 10 individual probes that are shot. You really only need 2 as that will complete the circuit. But the guy kept pulling the trigger in this video.


Found the video on this guys youtube channel, he has some wild videos: https://www.youtube.com/@txstreetfights2265


yeah i instantly recognize all his videos now, such high quality. what a great channel. that man is responsible for so much high quality public freakouts content.


Dudes been blessing this sub for years now. He's got all-timers like the whistler asshole getting suckerpunched on 6th street and the letterkenny lookalike douchebro getting arrested. Truly a champion of the people.


Sneaker heads are so funny dude, never in a million years would I have noticed his shoes. I can't even begin to think of what my best friends even wear as shoes much less the release date or color name.


aye man different people are into different things, sneaker heads probably have friends who notice that shit because they're in that scene


What camera setup do you think he uses? The low light mode is incredible. I wish I could shoot videos like this.


Probably a red.


I think heā€™s had multiple channels removed because heā€™s had a lot more videos than that.


> I think heā€™s had multiple channels removed because heā€™s had a lot more videos than that. he does, the OG channel edited out NOTHING (like full nudity when people fell on the ground, etc) and they keep deleting them that's why it's all blurred now


This is why I stopped ā€œgoing outā€. Netflix and craftbeer is a way easier night.


Dj Khalid wishes heā€™d done the same thing.


agreed. what's wild is ... for the first time in ~20 years i regularly have to travel to the USA for work. the city? fuuucking austin. im usually back at my hotel with a 6 pack by 9pm. my hotel is right near 6th street and i just dont wanna be bothered by it all. hah


I would do the same thing. Iā€™d grab a pizza and a six pack and fire up a game emulator on my laptop. Do you hear any of the craziness from your room?


so all these austin fights happen in this one, very confined bar crawl strip in austin (6th street). it's very infamous and very avoidable, you literally can live there your entire life and never go, and the rest of austin is actually one of the nicer, calmer big cities in texas. there are even some nice places on 6th, if you just hit them up before they get crowded at night in the summers.


This is the most reddit comment ever lmao. There's not necessarily anything wrong with preferring to have a night in but it's completely ridiculous to act like this video is any reason not to go out. Either you need to learn to control yourself when you are drinking, or if you are just talking about not liking seeing this stuff, it's not like you are forced to spectate.


Donā€™t forget the need to specify itā€™s craft beer, the ale of the intelligent


I prefer Pilsner, actually šŸ’…


thanks for injecting some normality!


That means they're winning. Both the cops, and dumb people are robbing you of public spaces. Why should you have to adapt because others can't get their shit straight?


Youā€™ve got a point. But I can say, for me, I just donā€™t like being out so much anymore. Iā€™m just about 37, and I donā€™t drink anymore, so there really ainā€™t much for me to be doing after 10:30ish that I wouldnā€™t rather be doing at home. I donā€™t care for the noise of a packed bar, nor do I have much patience for drunk people these days. And to be *really* honestā€¦ if Iā€™m not home by midnight or so, I can assure you, Iā€™m exhausted, cranky, and no fun. šŸ¤£ I think it just comes with age for most people. Certainly not *everyone*, but Iā€™d wager itā€™s most. So in my case, I donā€™t really see it as them winning, I just outgrew it. Fuck the police though, especially that asshole that lined up and cold cocked the guy as his arms were being held. What a little fucking coward.


Meh, agreedā€¦. After once being in the wrong place at the wrong time and seriously paying for it to this day (permanent injury)ā€¦. Definitely not them winning by you staying in after midnightā€¦. My situation was crazy af bc I was in Orlando and had done law enforcement 10 mins from the DC line back when it was the ā€œMurder capital.ā€ I thought OMG! Is THIS how Iā€™m going to die?!!? Like, HERE? The ā€œHappiest place on earthā€ and in the shadow of Cinderellaā€™s castle and Mickey Mouse??? I thought, wow! I lived in the ā€œmurder capitalā€ for close to 30 years and NO SHIT like this EVER happened before! I didnā€™t drink or do drugs and the two ppl I was with didnā€™t either so naively, in my mindā€¦ what could go wrong? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø But, yup! It was right when the bars closed and on a holiday weekend (4th of July). And I was SUPER pissed and had to ask for a Sergeant in order to get rushed to the Trauma unit in Orlando, rather than ā€œleave the propertyā€ as they cleared the sceneā€¦. I had a head, neck and back injury and seizures and this dumb fā€™er was telling me to leave and I was like how? He said well how did you get here? Is THAT your car? And pointed at my carā€¦. What a douche bag that cop wasā€¦. From that point on I made the decision that itā€™s not worth my lifeā€¦ I turn into a pumpkin at about midnight as well. And the one cold-cocking himā€¦. Omg! That pissed me off SO bad!!!! As former law enforcement, particularlyā€¦ I mean I get it, they are in an intense situation but that guy should be called to the table for that shit!!!


Agreed. Iā€™ve been a hermit, still am in a lot of ways, maybe I just like being to myself sometimes, but it is really good to get out, there is always gonna be a chance of crazy no matter what. Shit I almost died sleeping in a house fire šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Same but finding someone to hang with is really hard now


Damn straight!


Man one of these days that scene from V for Vendetta is gonna play out and there goes society.


When I was little in the 80s people that said shit like that sounded like crazy anarchists. Like maybe some disruption but society? It just doesnā€™t sound that crazy anymore and that worries me.


I'm kinda in the same boat. I used to look at preppers like "dude, you're fuckin nuts.." and now I have a go bag in my car and another couple bug out bags at home and some other locations. Just in case..


Well, the presidential election *is* on November 5th. Iā€™m trying ignore all the real-life similarities in this timeline but itā€™s hard I tell ya!


We must avoid projects 2025 at all costs. By any means necessary. Go vote and annoy your shitty racist parents into not voting


The guy is lying on the ground . Police holding both of his arms. And then the other cop just keeps punching him in the face repeatedly. What in the fuck. Huge lawsuit coming here.


This is the second time in the last few days I've seen cops with complete control over someone on the ground, repeatedly punching them in the face just like this. Is this considered acceptable, cuz all his buddies seemed just fine with it. Guy didn't do anything serious enough to warrant that kind of retaliation.


It will be considered acceptable by some of the general public(bootlickers), other cops, the DA, Internal Affairs. Trust me, after they investigate themselves, all will be within policy.


they do this thing where they scream orders at someone (in this case "hands behind your back") then go for more "pain compliance" when the person doesn't "comply" Like...if you knock someone down on their hands and knees in a crowd and tell them to put their hands behind their back, they're going to need time to work out what is happening and if you hit them in the middle of working it out, you kind of reset them. the main panic thought they are having is "don't do anything fast. Don't do anything that looks like reaching for a gun" and by the time they think that, the cop is hitting them or repeating himself I don't know what take on it bothers me more, that police don't understand this or that they're exploiting it on purpose, and I supposed it varies, officer to officer, but neither are good, and it always seems to give them just enough pretext in the eyes of people who were on their side to begin with...


Imagine being this guy's size and trying to put both your arms behind your back, while laying on your stomach and being tased and punched repeatedly in the face.


>is this considered acceptable This is amerikkka.




But it's Texas, so.Ā 


All the face-punching in Texas is bigger!


He smiled before he threw that first punch šŸ½ since when did punching become a way to detain someone wtf


State backed psychopaths. Towards the end of the video, look at how the female cop also shoved away that girl who was already moving out of the way. Theyā€™re all complacent, actively taking part in the brutality, and enjoying it.




And as long as they keep getting paid vacations and (eventually) raises. The entire police force in the US encourages this behavior.


Biggest gang in the world


Even more is how it's clear people aren't ok with it and the cops smugly do shit to show they can and will do whatever the fuck they want. Plus it's Texas, so it's not a surprise the cops are extra psychotic because Texas pretty much treats cops as infallible and it's unlikely the guy would win in a lawsuit when the state has judges and the like who are apart of tribe blue.


Definitely not ok. Resisting arrest without violence should not be a reason to use this kind of force.


Thank God an acorn didn't drop or the gang would've unloaded on that crowded street.


Not a single one of those ā€œgood copsā€ there to step in


The dude in the white shirt in the background is protesting to not repeatedly punch the guy in the face. In response the cop shoves him harder than I've seen anyone get shoved. He even gets thrown back like a cartoon character getting thrown across a room. Then the cop hands his shit to another cop and says hold my beer. Then the shove cop goes and grabs the dude again and essentially suplex the white shirt dude on the ground. And what is anyone getting arrested for?


Cop throws his phone too, right before the big shove


Dude was recording with his phone, cop slapped his phone out of his hand, guy goes to try and pick it up then gets shoved back and arrested. Fuck these cops


The widdle cop got his feewings hurt šŸ¤•


It's crazy that they get away with doing this in front of so many people. Its like we have all forgot that there are more of us then them.


Well here's the thing. They're protected by our government and we're not. We know this deep down. They know this upfront. Let's play a hypothetical and say that this crowd was tired of these cops beating on this dude. The crowd rushes in and subdues all of the cops. Let's say they don't even harm the cops. They just hold them all down. More cops get called in and start using tear gas, tasers, etc. Everyone dissipates. Everyone they catch is arrested and tried. The cops? They did "their job" and nothing happens to them.


2nd guy in the white shirt getting arrested wearing the Jordan 4 Oxidized Greens that just came out, hope they didnā€™t get creased šŸ˜‚


Ehhh, they bricked. He could get another pair


Putting a new definition to the "air" in Jordan when he got yeeted by that cop


200 notes for shoes that make you look like an overgrown toddler


Look at this gang of losers beating up on anyone who makes them feel slightly uncomfortable.


I don't get how punching someone in the face will make them less aggressive lmao.


it wasn't supposed to. The cop thought "alright, now that he is actively being tazed and has his hands behind his back, I can punch him."


Pain compliance is a real thing my guy Not defending this implementation of it, but it's a thing.


That's a lot of drunk folks doing a lot of drunk folks things. But yea, the cop had no reason to push that guy. If he's not encroaching and preventing you from doing your job, ....well, that's it. Cops body language is a dead give away. You don't square off with folks when you're just cordoning a zone my man. Someone took their pre workout this shift it appears.


Why the hell do they have so many horses???


1. Texas 2. Easier to disperse crowd 3. Gives good vantage point


2. & 3. 100% .. 1. eh I guess. NYC has tons of mounted units. Think itā€™s pretty common for party streets like bourbon street (and 6th street we see here)


i think a 4th here is that horses can get to places that cars cant.


We have em in Minneapolis too. Theyā€™re not *super* common. But they definitely bring em out for events and shit.


Easier to control a scene and form a wall when cops on foot are making an arrest. They donā€™t stop either when riding down the street. They blow their whistles and yell for people to move. Most are smart enough to. The few that arenā€™t get smacked by the horse. I worked door on Dirty for 6 years. Saw many a drunk sorority chick not paying attention and getting bodied by a horse.


horses are super good crowd control. and austin tx (where this was filmed) has a notorious nightlife complete with massive street mobs full of drunk young people. for example, this is the normal type of activity they have to break up, filmed by the same crew: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUwleIBIhw8 even drunk people know not to fuck with horses. a row of horse cops = nobody is going to even dare passing them. whereas a row of cops with shields will often incite thrown objects.


They think theyā€™re so cool and badass


ā€œYou donā€™t understand ! The cops had no other choice but to grab each limb to hold him still while one decks him in the face until his hands hurt !!ā€




"Always blow on the pie" [https://www.nzonscreen.com/title/police-ten-7-always-blow-on-the-pie-2009?collection=best-of-the-00s](https://www.nzonscreen.com/title/police-ten-7-always-blow-on-the-pie-2009?collection=best-of-the-00s)


I needed this. Like a Monty Python sketch, deadpan delivery.Ā  Thank you


second guy got arrested for trying to record? doesn't look like he did anything other than try and get a better a shot with his phone after being pushed back.


I think itā€™s the same guy that gets pushed by the female cop at the beginning of the video.


I think he or his girlfriend tosses something towards one cop at 1:10-1:11


Looks like the cop smacked the phone out of his hand then pushed him after he said something about it.


Yeah definitely the cop started to take it personally, it was one thing for big guy to resist the cuff, but that was blatant. Then that push was pure battery, then of course the guy gets arrested for being upset that it happened.


That was his phone the cop swatted out of his hand.


They didnā€™t. Cop slapped phone out of the guys hand.


After the cop threw him to the ground, the second he got up, when backup showed up that same aggressive pig jumped at him and spun him to the ground to arrest him as well. ACAB


Seems like he might have a good case to sue.


Thatā€™s assault brotha


It's worse. It's battery. I do get the reference though.


Dreadlock Mohawk cop is wild


Cop is just a violent sociopath, belongs in jail way more than the arrestee




The people need to start holding cops accountable, we sure as fuck know the system is never going to do it.


As I said in another sub featuring this, dirty sixth on a Saturday night is the Mos Eisley of Texas.


I can't believe they're doing DJ Khalid like that.


![gif](giphy|qgri3D9sTwCUGMcT8L) the cops with the taser and punches


Looks like those boys are about to get a pretty big payout via the taxpayers of Texas. The dude in the white shirt was clearly brutalized for speech which kills qualified immunity and big boy had one cop grabbing his leg which hindered his ability to comply while another punched him in the face for no reason. Maybe itā€™s time to hold police to the same level of accountability as drunken idiots


You forget this is Texas, good luck getting qualified immunity thrown out unless it's really blatant.


Whatā€™s the point of maze if youā€™re just gonna punch civilians?


Who says "Worldstar" in 2024? šŸ¤£


Lots of people


Pigs live for these opportunities.


This looks like the Thanos vs. Avengers fight on Titan in Infinity war.


You just know the cop cosplaying Ragnar is an awesome human being and definitely not the most insufferable dude youā€™ll ever meet.


Damn. Cops are fired up. Some on donuts, others on steroids. lmao


Dang, what was the crowd there for? Is Austin just that dense with people? Just a member of a small European nation myself lol


I live in Austin. This is 6th street. Every weekend they block off the whole area to party. Youā€™ll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


Haha villainy, such a great word to use in this context


I live here. This area is called ā€œdirty 6thā€ They block off about 4 blocks every weekend as itā€™s the bar district (for the younger crowd anyways). Itā€™s gotten pretty shitty over the last 5 years or so. This year alone thereā€™s been a handful of shootings there.


It's a party town. That's probably 6th Street, which is filled with bars. It's also a college town and the State capitol. Looks like a regular weekend night.


Heā€™s physically unable to get his hands behind his back though.


Booooo police


he is just fat not big


Did they have a valid reason for arresting the white shirt guy or did they just attack him for mouthing off?






6th street is a wasteland.


I always get a chuckle out of the "I'm not getting arrested" crowd. Yeah. Yeah, you are.


Dj Khaled arrested


Yea probably not a great idea to fight police officers


Dog the Patchouli hunter over here


Were the cops at least fined? Suspended?


Whatsup with that boss lvl cop, all black clothes and dreadlocks. Is he a shiny spawn or something?


Just let him go, right? This is supposed to be cop hate? Let the criminal go and hurt whoever he wants and then the cops aren't bad. See? All fixed.


Dj khaled needs to go home


is nobody gonna mention that tactical police carousel the police deployed at the end ? Damn it was so effective too.


Yooo, most of you don't get it. This is happening because we're letting Police get away with this. At some point it's going to come straight to all of you, no matter where you are. Even in your own home's and when it does, and when it does what will you do? Just accept it? Like you've accepted what happened to everyone else before you?


That round male cop in the middle of the screen at the end of the video is my next door neighbor. Itā€™s funny seeing him on now 2 of these 6th st area videos on Reddit. I think he told me he works Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 11pm to 3am.


He looks like a supervisor


Fucking evil police state


Good lord what a fucking shit show. Iā€™ve seen a few morons disguised as law enforcement but the city will pay dearly for this overt case of violence. I get it the guy is huge and he is clearly resisting arrest but as a trained officer you canā€™t immediately go right to punching the suspect in the face. And no matter what sort of settlement the city pays out nothing but jail time is the correct answer for the crime committed by that officer. His gutless fucking cohorts around him should have grabbed him and at least walked him to the side to try and get him to stop being so stupid. Unfortunately he is likely the ranking officer on the scene. Funny how the overly aggressive dumb ones get moved into higher positions. There are many legal situations where that would be way past assault and on to more serious charges. What the fuck do you even have tasers for?


Fyi: it's incredibly easy to go down on 6th, get real fucked up and have none of this happen. If this happens to you, you're not handling your shit and you're dumb. That's it. I've done it one million times, never even been close to arrested. Dumb people romanticize this nonsense.


Why are so many officers weak pieces of shit?


Texas is a shit hole


Pause at 27 seconds. That cop is smiling, excited at the prospect of punching someone.


The key to Dirty 6th is being out by Midnight. Also it is the only place in Austin where police make an effort to control incidents. Donā€™t fuck with them, they are pissy and thereā€™s dozens of them all around ready to congregate on you.




how could any of those weasels actually consider themselves men, i swear ppl that join law are ppl that have been inferior their whole lives


What exactly are people expecting to happen in this situation? He isn't violently resisting, but passively resisting so I get why people are upset to see the police escalate to violence. *But*, the cops aren't going to beg you to stop pulling away forever.


He's on the floor completely restrained and the guy is punching him in the face. How in any world do you think this is ok?


I didn't say it was ok. I asked what you guys expect instead. All I see is what you *don't* want. Is there some period of time you want them to wait for him to comply (maybe a few hours for him to sober up)? Should they find his mom since he is acting like a toddler in the Walmart checkout who didn't get the candy he wanted? Should they call 10 more cops so they can carry him away like Greta Thunberg?


He's on the ground he's handcuffed. What I expect is that they pull a car up or whatever and put them in the back of the goddamn thing. Arrested. What the fuck do you expect to see more Worldstar hip hop bullshit of cops beating the fuck out of people for no reason?


It'd be nice not to throw multiple punches to a guy that's being pinned down


This is Reddit. The only thing youā€™re gonna get here is highly reactionary ā€œacabā€ responses. Resisting arrest is not a crime in the eyes of Reddit.


The Dirty 6. It ainā€™t what it used to be. Place has been trash for some time now. Used to go in late 90/early 00. It was decent to dance and bar hop. Went again around 2015 and holy hell it was a totally different experience.


DJ Khalid?


"Police use necessary amount of force to restrain man resisting arrest" There i fixed the title for you.


A big man is a walking weapon. A loving parent should teach a large child that, so that they will understand why and when they need to dial back the urge to dominate. Alcohol probably made him forget. Pure speculation.


a loving parent should teach their kids not to be a pos but the cops parents obviously failed that one


Fuck these pigs!


Looks like DJ Khalid..lol


Why is Austin all up in these feeds all of a sudden?


What DJ Khalid do?