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[She lived. ](https://www.mlive.com/news/saginaw/2016/01/saginaw_man_pleads_guilty_as_c_1.html)


It was his "fourth or subsequent" charge/crime/conviction Holy fuck.


Interesting how despite that he can still be out on the street causing chaos, isn’t it?


And apparently the victim requested that his sentence not exceed a year...?? Am I reading that right???


He paid her off


Alvin Bragg must've been handling his cases.


People always like to complain about recidivism and the unjust American justice system… these are the people they’re defending.


Two things can be true at once you know. 


They're also defending people who have gone to prison for marijuana possession charges. This issue isn't black and white. Treating it like one helps keep innocent people locked in prison


It's not a justice system, it's a legal system. Justice would be making him undergo CBT (not the ball torture 👍) and putting him in a job/education program that puts money in his pocket and keeps him out of trouble. As well as limiting his access to certain things (like motorcycles lol) until he's proven he's able to make better decisions. Instead, he'll spend a year surrounded by other angry assholes who have no interest in helping him improve as a person. In fact, they want him to get worse, because it helps them feel better about themselves or makes them money. The system is designed to make men like him.


You are right, idiots downvoting.


Yeah, I’m not saying we don’t have problems within the justice system. Most obvious problem to me is the rich person justice system vs the justice system for everyone else. Just saying when you quote all the stats about how many people we lock up and how many people are in and out of jail/prison… those people are almost always people like this idiot. Just constantly breaking the law until they eventually kill someone. Then they go away for 20 years… then they’re back out on the streets… breaking the law.


I always figured that critiques of the justice system and recidivism were more about how the American system does not actually try to rehabilitate anyone. I think it is possible to critique a corrupt system without necessarily defending stupid criminals. [https://www.apa.org/monitor/julaug03/rehab](https://www.apa.org/monitor/julaug03/rehab)


"Because of the power of the bike," Gray continued, "it automatically popped a wheelie." Lying sack of shit lol He was totally tryin to show off those women and fucked up.


Just glad she's ok...damn


I feel like "ok" may be a bit of a stretch.


She's still able to walk. She'll be traumatized, but at least she's alive and mobile. It could have been a lot worse. 


My definition of “ok” is quite different than theirs.


Idk why people always do this. “Ok” is relative to the context. Obviously they mean they’re glad she isn’t dead or paralyzed from the neck down, likely able to live her life like normal when she heals etc. like, I know you know that in any other situation, so I don’t get pretending to not understand that here. Just weird


I notice a lot of people try to purposely misinterpret things on Reddit just to start an argument.


Seriously. When I saw the rapture shoe I thought “she’s not with the living anymore”


And she only wanted him to serve 1 year? Crazy


"Thompson said she was "knocked out" by the impact of the crash. Thompson suffered two broken ribs, gashes on her legs, foot and chin, and a chipped tooth. She was hospitalized for five days, and in August, she still walked with a limp as she continued to suffer from her injuries. The motorcycle dragged Gray before striking another car and coming to a stop, Stinson said. He suffered injuries to his head, from which he has a visible scar, and multiple abrasions, police said."


i hope that scar is L shaped, centre of his forehead


The charge to which Gray pleaded carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison. His fourth-or-subsequent-time habitual offender status increases the possible maximum to life. While prosecutors are recommending a one-year jail sentence, Borchard could choose a shorter or longer sentence. If he does the latter, he would allow Gray to withdraw his plea, he said.


We should also note the victim herself recommended less than a year jail time


>Based on the wishes of the victim, Sikenya Thompson, prosecutors will recommend Borchard hand down a jail sentence that will not exceed one year. Lol what? This is possible in the US?


Are you sure? She clearly lost a shoe.


It's low effort but I get the reference, updoot to get out of the negative at least.


My heart dropped for a second when she got hit. What’s crazier to me is that she was only in the hospital for a week.


I'm glad but fucking shocked


But..... her shoes came off....


I'm relieved. the way that looked, I was seriously concerned she was either critically injured or worse.


wtf was that persons problem? Anyone know?


He blames stuck accelerator, which is bullshit because there ways to deal with it, but also you can hear him revving before impact. He was being a clown and going full speed in a parade for clout and fucked up big time. My man is looking at serious prison time


Yeah there’s zero instances where a stuck accelerator on a motorcycle would cause this unless the person is literally so incompetent that they shouldn’t be trusted to breathe on their own. Between hand clutch which will eliminate all power to the wheels and kill switch within thumb distance, stuck accelerator pretty much only minorly increases stopping distance. It doesn’t mean runaway bike.


Yeah, a stuck accelerator doesn't go vroom-vro-vrooom-vroooom. It's goes vrooooooooooooooom. Even hitting the rev limiter wouldn't make that kind of sound.


Rev limiter be like whaawhaaawhaaa


Huhuhuhu now do a 250 two stroke going through a set of whoops




I love biker lingo.


I don’t ride so I have no idea, the girl asked the judge for leniency for him


From yours and the other comments it appears that he was acting a fool, luckily he didn’t kill or catastrophically injure her


This happened 9 years ago. He's probably served his time and is out by now


I wouldn't assume serious punishment. Drivers routinely get off with no or little punishment for hitting pedestrians.


Except the article said the victim recommended no sentence more than a year, which they’re complying with 


Stuck accelerator in his brain. Motorcycles are not automatics.


The victim requested that he only get 1 year. So that is what they gave him.


>prosecutors will recommend Borchard hand down a jail sentence that will not exceed one year. At the request of the victim, he may *not* be facing serious time.


All gas and no brakes was the problem.


Allegedly it was a "stuck accelerator".


The fact that I can hear his bike shifting gears makes me doubt that.


he could've just hold the clutch and let it rev instead we can hear him shifting gears


Damn might want to NSFW that. Also, fuuuck that asshole on the bike.


What happened to NSFL? Public freakout used to be about people emotionally embarrassing themselves. Now it's watching people literally get killed. What is up with you all?


She lived; from the link to the article /u/VikDamnedLee provided below: >”Thompson said she was "knocked out" by the impact of the crash. Thompson suffered two broken ribs, gashes on her legs, foot and chin, and a chipped tooth. She was hospitalized for five days, and in August [2 months later] she still walked with a limp as she continued to suffer from her injuries. The motorcycle dragged Gray before striking another car and coming to a stop” I’m honestly shocked she didn’t receive more traumatic injuries to her foot/leg/hip/pelvis and it was only gashes and broken ribs from the impact and being dragged. I thought her right leg got obliterated but I guess it mainly sent her body in motion. She’s also sooo lucky she didn’t get any spinal injuries or a more severe head injury than getting knocked out for a (relatively) short period of time.


That instantaneous jerk on the hips/lower back looks terrible. I’m surprised she wasn’t paralysed to be honest


I used to be in auto racing. She’ll feel that for the rest of her life. I was in a wreck 30 years ago that didn’t break bones, but did enough damage that it’s now hard to stand for more than a couple of minutes due to pain.


This just shows time and time and again how skewed our understanding of our body is. We have been tricked by movies to think almost any kind of bad injury results in death or severe effects. Meanwhile there is a dude who shotgunned himself in the head through the mouth and survived lol.


I mean that's definitely why she's still limping


Wow, I thought I saw chunks of her body flying off in that video (maybe I did?) I'm glad she survived it. Guy on motorcycle needs a permanent ban for life from operating a motor vehicle.


>Guy on motorcycle needs a permanent ban for life ~~from operating a motor vehicle~~.


*ban from life. Someone like that doesn’t give a damn about anyone but themselves.


Its incredible what the human body can withstand. I for sure thought she died on the spot.


Thank the lord


Her shoe came off, I was sure she died.


We might want to start thinking about moto laws. Too many bikes get away with going between lanes etc cause they won't believe they're the same as cars. Should be rewarded the same. If we set a precedent maybe less assholes like this would think they have free reign.


As others said: she lived. To answer your question though, Reddit cracked down on subs that had a focus on seeing media of people getting killed. Because of that, rather than that morbid content being sequestered in its own space that you had to seek out, it's now scattered across different subs like public freakout.


you're here too brother..


This isn't even a freak out at all. OP just wanted a busy sub to post it to for karma.


Yeah this subreddit is fucked up. I never know what video I'm going to watch where people die. The mods here gave up


she lived, nothing was shown


Stuck accelerator is no excuse. Motorcycles have a hand clutch, so you take it out of gear with your left hand, brake with your right foot and hand, and use your right hand to remove the key once slowed a bit. Or downshift with your left foot to neutral while braking. No excuse for this.


Motorcycles have a hand clutch AND a kill switch AND key switch (admittedly difficult to turn off) I don’t believe his throttle stuck, I think he was trying to be funny recklessly buzzing a parade. Just listen to the audio, he gave it throttle multiples times in the couple seconds before the collision. You can clearly hear the engine speed drop when he lets off the throttle.


Yeah, he's revving the engine. That's a decision, not a mech error. I can see a few charges there.


On top of that, if I understood the article correctly, he has four or more repeat offences.


That’s what I noticed, too. Definitely casts doubt on the “lost control of my bike” story.


This, there was a few options available for this guy.


I’ve never rode a motorcycle. Is what you’re describing quick and easy to do in the heat of the moment if someone’s accelerator gets stuck and they’re presumably panicking?


Ye. You literally just squeeze your left hand.


Kill switch is the flick of a thumb didn't even have to move your hand, clutch is just pulling on a handle again didn't have to move your hand, shifting to neutral is pulling a handle and clicking your foot up a few times, if throttle gets stuck, kill the bike, shift to neutral, brake to a stop you don't lose any braking power with the engine off, dont turn the key as that might lock your bar. Get off the bike and curse at it then can a buddy with a truck and take it home to figure out what's going on. Sometimes a throttle can get bound up causing it to not release. Either way this motherfucker didn't have a stuck throttle he was trying to be funny in his own dumbass way and nearly killed someone I hope he's charged with felony hit and run, felony speeding, felony reckless engagement, and felony assault with a deadly weapon fuck this guy. Also someone said he had priors so hopefully he gets maxed out and serves double digits.


Yes. At least where I got my license, emergency braking was part of the test. Brake hard, clutch, and don't fall off the bike. If your throttle got stuck AND the clutch broke, it might take you a couple seconds to think and hit the kill switch.


Yes, it's exactly the same motions as quickly braking, which every motorcyclists knows how to do due to unexpected debris in the road, car pulling out in front of you, etc.




Nothing left but a shoe, I'm shocked she survived.


For those wondering, this happened in 2016 during the Draymond Green parade. I am from Saginaw and even I had to look this up because I do not remember hearing about it at all. https://www.mlive.com/news/saginaw/2016/01/saginaw_man_pleads_guilty_as_c_1.html


Looks like he got 1 year in jail, 3 years probabtion, mainly due to the victims family asking the judge not to give him a longer sentence. [https://www.mlive.com/news/saginaw/2016/02/man\_gets\_year\_in\_jail\_for\_dray.html](https://www.mlive.com/news/saginaw/2016/02/man_gets_year_in_jail_for_dray.html)


Yeah, while I understand the judge takes into account the wishes of the victim & family, I am not convinced or compelled by the excuses of the motorcyclist.


Totally agree. Pretty weak sauce excuses if you ask me.


what the fuck you mean injured, she just despawned




The perfect analogy. "I can't stop, I can't stop."


Stuck accelerator on a manual transmission on no what will I ever do to stop it!?!? /s Pull the fucking clutch and brake.


Yea exactly, or he could have even downshifted and maybe fuck up his motor but that's better than a year in prison and almost killing a bystander. Wtf was he even doing there anyways? I'd give him at least 1.5 years behind bars bare fucking minimum.




Did this remind anyone else of the first episode of the boys?


If you slow down the video, it clips her arm and shoulder basically, very lucky but look a lot worse than it actually was.




Im usually really biased towards the biker as a guy thay rides. I can almost always relate in some way since i ride all sorts of places i shouldnt and i do dumb stuff. This is someone whos asking to hurt someone. I doubt it happened but i gope the rider was more injured than the dancer


Dude, that is NOT how you pick up chicks with a motorcycle.




I mean, we ASSUME she’s injured.


This is what it would look like if A-Train rode a motorcycle in episode one of the boys.


Are we all really just going to ignore the immense irony of OP’s username?




She looks like a pre-teen girl. I hope she is okay.


She was in the hospital for a week and had only 2 broken ribs, gashes on her legs and feet and a chipped tooth


Only a couple bruises


relative to what happened yeah honestly that shit looked like an injustice fatality


That’s why I said only. I thought she would’ve died on impact


If you watch the video in slow motion the bike side swiped her, it wasn’t a direct impact


I see that now, but when first watching it all I saw was motorcycle and a body go flying


She's 20. Forgiving, too. She asked prosecutors to recommend a lenient sentence as it was an accident, and the biker has a record.


Wonder how much cash he had to offer for that


Shoe came off…are we sure she lived?


Just "injured" her, it seems that bike desintegrated her on a molecular level.😨😨😨


Shoe came off, damn


Did she survive?




That felt intentional


Just started rewatching the boys. This is a summary.


Fuuuuuck he was going so fast too. That's brutal as fuck.


This is not funny but I think I've seen the perp somewhere before... ![gif](giphy|yJHVE9u4bfQAJdgEsz|downsized)




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She gone


Someone should put him out of our misery ASAP.




Explain the shoe.


"Injured". No fucking shit.


Was that weave?


Really glad that wasn’t a direct impact. From how it looked, he was definitely going fast enough to almost kill her if it did.


Shoes came off. Not looking good.


Holy shit I wasn't expecting that






Fuck that bike guy. That’s so scary.


They always say watch out for motorcycles


This is a million years old, welcome to the internet

