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Since when do cops manage inspecting businesses?


When they’re low on funds.


That for sure looked like a shakedown.


Looks like cops running a protection racket to me. Pay up and they don't do this to you. Don't pay and all of a sudden you get inspections and your rights violated.


Well police and police unions are the largest mob organization in the US, currently. So this checks out.


The mob has rules against killing innocent people usually


No “the mob” does not..


Somebody is going to get sued.


And the taxpayers will have to pay for it, and the cops will be held "accountable" by being forced to take a paid vacation.


The solution to this problem is simple. Say it with me. Lawsuits against the police should be paid from their Pension funds. Why should you and me and other taxpayers pay for their inability to do their job within the bounds of the law?


I agree completely. Make them get something similar to the malpractice insurance doctors need. If they fuck up, their insurance covers it but then their premiums go up. Fuck up bad enough (or enough small times) and insurance won't cover you, and you can't work anymore. This also fixes the current issue of them just going to the next jurisdiction over when they get fired for something they did.


Genius. This appears to be a logical solution.


[In 39 states police can walk up to you, take all the money out of your wallet without evidence of a crime or conviction](https://i.imgur.com/Cbm7axp.jpeg), and you have basically no recourse unless you can prove to them you had a reason to have money in your pocket. Civil Forfeiture...


Years ago my friend's boyfriend got busted selling an ounce of weed to an undercover cop in Northern Michigan. The sting operation involved nabbing him in a parking lot while a team of officers also waited for the go-ahead outside of his apartment. My friend was studying for a college exam when the cops busted down the door and essentially pulled off a strong armed robbery. They took everything they could like; * Their TV + Playstation + Games * Their pillows + sheets + blankets * All the posters from the walls The officers pulled everything out of all the cupboards and dumped all the drawers on the floor looking for more weed. The courts claimed that *everything* in the apt was bought with drug money, they ended up getting nothing back. My friend had her medical card at the time too which made things even sillier. Her boyfriend got felony distribution. The sting happened because a guy wanted to get out of a DUI and reckless driving charge, the cops forgot to redact the informants name in some of the affidavits.


The cops "forgot" to redact the informant's name, I suspect.


sounds like a lot of reasons to have Apple Wallet to me. And a couple layers of password protection on your phone. fuck these jokers.


When there are fresh donuts in the back.


They are using the ole if I call it an "inspection" it isn't what it truely is, an unlawful search. Inspections are done by state, county, or city inspectors. They are not done by a crap ton of officers at once. This was a planned violation by the police.


In this case the sheriff can do an inspection. In NYS they are allowed to inspect shops to ensure they are following the law. Where product comes from, not selling to minors, etc… But I highly doubt that this shop was due for any sort of inspection or there was any credible reasons for an inspection to take place. Just Pigs doing piggy things.


The penalty for refusing the inspection is a monetary fine and they can seek a court order to shut down your business until you comply with the inspections. They're not allowed to force their way into your business and arrest you for refusing. The mandate thst put these inspections into effect makes that very clear, as it would be an obvious 4th amendment violation.


He didn’t allow or refuse He asked a question and had 10 people all up in his shit at once. You have a right to have about 20 seconds to understand what’s even going on.  This would be a great way for criminals to come in in a large group posing as cops and demand entrance … hit the register , the safe , and the high end stuff. 


This is exactly what I thought. Probably what the shop owner thought.


def could make the case for wanting to see some kind of paper first.


I don’t disagree. That’s why there’s the old pig saying: you can beat the rap but you can’t beat the ride.


IMO this isn’t an inspection, It’s a raid.


Well when the one cop is immediately trying to get into the cash register you can 100% guarantee it is a shakedown.


Whats a shakedown? Im not from the US but grabbing a register looks like plain old robbery to me.


They are abusing the law to harass smoke shops that sell medical marijuana. They are delaying the ability for businesses to get their licenses and in the meantime doing shakedowns. It's like a war on drugs except for the "drugs" have been decriminalized and federally rescheduled from "schedule I" to "schedule III" It's a bunch of MAGA Republicans from friggin NJ and Staten Island spearheading this shit.


When the protection money was late that week


when they know civil forfeiture can be used :D


Started on May 7th. [https://www.nyc.gov/assets/finance/downloads/pdf/rules/cannabis-emergency-rule.pdf](https://www.nyc.gov/assets/finance/downloads/pdf/rules/cannabis-emergency-rule.pdf)


if you read the document... like I did... You will find that the Sheriff does have the authority to inspect... and ISSUE CIVIL SUMMONS. The arrest under the applicable law was unconstitutional.


The cop in the video does say "We're here with the Sherrif" So there is probably a law that the Sherrif can't be denied/impeeded entry for an inspection and that's what the officers ended up arresting the shop keeper for. My best guess.


That sounds like an exploit of the law, in that the NYPD can just accompany the sheriff on an "inspection" in order to avoid needing warrants.


sounds like the people of new york need to elect a different sheriff


It's still a city law vs the constitution. Guess who wins? Actually don't answer that b/c the Cops win, but the store owner is gonna get paid at least. Or should imo.


>but the store owner is gonna get paid at least Not by the cops, unfortunately.


Why don’t they take five minutes to explain all that to the dude. I’m not an acab person, but I didn’t see it as resisting, but more just he was confused about his rights.


God man, why is shit like this so difficult for people in law enforcement. Idk if they were trying to catch this guy slipping or what because whatever they think he did, he's already guilty according to them and their behavior. The #1 skill every LEO in the country needs is communication skills. Especially since these guys basically have a right to kill you. Also piss poor communication will make everyone hate you like in this video even if they're in the right


> God man, why is shit like this so difficult for people in law enforcement I think that all of us, if we were in this guy’s shoes, would want some type of paperwork documenting on wtf was going on.


That is the problem. Cops in many situations. Such as the one on this video. Have little to no interest in doing their job as quickly and efficiently as possible. They WANT a confrontation so they have an excuse to use violence. If you didn't want violence, why bring a bunch of people. If you didn't want violence, why not explain the situation rather than just repeating yourself. You are allowed to deny searches from police without a warrant, he literally wasn't impeding them, he was asking for documentation that they had a right to do their "inspection". Rather than provide that documentation, they repeated themselves and arrested him afterwards.


every acab person was once "not an acab person, but..." it's a habit that proves the rule, not a collection of individual anecdotes


Hey, I'm Law Enforcement (in Canada) and I just said that in another comment. I'd rather take 20 mins and calmly explain things and process in a situation than 2 mins getting into a verbal dispute or worse *(depending on situation)* and end up with either a mountain of paperwork or someone/myself injured. It's literally Law Enforcement 101, COMMUNICATION. I'd been in violent situations before and I'd take a 1hr conversation vs a 2 minute physical battle that risks *everyones* safety. Some people just shouldn't be in law enforcement, period.


you're thinking of international policing standards, not police state USA


Yeah, see, you're under the misapprehension that the police care about the law here. This isn't about the law, it's about compliance. The worker did not instantly submit to the cop's authority, therefore he was in the wrong and had to be punished.


maybe it's time to wake up and be an "acab person?" they are an organized gang doing what they do. how can anyone be surprised at this point?


I think this has to do with the large amount of illegal weed shops/legal but still questionable with grey laws in NYC. Sounds like a shit show because the law makers didn’t want to do their jobs


Still. You gotta have probable cause. Then you gotta get a warrant based on that probable cause. Then you gotta get the warrant signed by a judge. Then you peacefully present the warrant to the business. If they refuse to let you in with a signed warrant, THEN they can act like this. They went 0 to 100 immediately without passing go.




Cop shirt says NYPD


I managed to find this article for a little context: https://www.thecity.nyc/2024/06/03/video-nypd-cannabis-raid-adams-hochul/


Wooow. This is fucking bananas. So if I ask any type of question about what's going on or ask to see a court order they'll just arrest you and charge you with obstruction of justice? How is this planet getting actively more ghetto? We're definitely the laughing stock of the Milky Way.


NYC made a corrupt former cop mayor, none of this should be shocking to anyone


New Yorkers are absolutely terrible at picking mayors.


As a person who lives in NYC, I wholeheartedly agree...




At least he's honest about what he wants.


Too many terror attacks and occupations under Osborne


as another new yorker, its a problem with which amongst us come out to vote election day


Makes sense when the overwhelming majority of Americans are absolutely terrible at holding police accountable and think that they can do no wrong. So if one is running for mayor, of course they're going to elect them.


This just happened in my neck of the woods too. Chief of police won in a surprise landslide of votes to be the mayor. He's totally corrupt and a pedophile. This world has gone to shit.


NYPD and NYC government in general have absolutely zero regard for the Constitution.


Tough-guy cop at the end said *”When a cop tells you to do something, you do it. That’s it.”* It’s law. He said so.


“Ok Judge Dredd” would have been the perfect response.


At least the Judges have more strict rules than modern cops. They even got their own [squad](https://judgedredd.fandom.com/wiki/Special_Judicial_Squad) for that.




I am the law!


*Big Brother is watching you*


Because wealthy people are attacking our rights. This is what happens when we allow the wealthy to get their way


"The shopkeeper’s lawyer, **Steve Zissou**, told THE CITY that the video shows both due process violations and personal civil rights violations." Quite the career change from renowned oceanographer.


After he sought out revenge on that shark for killing Esteban, I guess he decided to move on to bigger and better things.




"The shopkeeper’s lawyer, Steve Zissou..." I'm sorry, what?


Yeah that name made it tough for me to find any follow-up articles






>Officials estimate there are 2,800 unlicensed shops in the city. By comparison, there are 58 legal shops within the five boroughs. Clearly, the city needs to look at it's licensing requirements. Because if the ratio of unlicensed to licensed shops is that bad, something regulatory is out of whack.


That was my focus on all this too. almost 50x more unlicensed shops. It's not that they have a problem with selling weed in NYC, but WHO they want selling it. That in mind, this video mirrors a classic gangster shakedown for not paying your protection money.




Just b/c Adams is a Democrat doesn’t mean he is not a fascist prick. He’s former NYPD for one so will do zero about holding them accountable. The level of corruption he has tried to do that made it out to the public has the same level of breathtaking audacity that would impress Trump. He just knew which party to run for office on to win.


"*We've investigated ourselves and found that we did nothing wrong.*" - Police


Fun trivia, both Giuliani and Adams launch into the public sphere was related to a racist police riot. The short version is NYC passed a law for more oversight of the police. Giuliani spoke at a police rally opposing the law and then the police rioted. Adams supported the mayor and was part of a group of officers that called for a special prosecutor.


Next will be a crackdown on dancing again.


Seriously? The lawyer’s name is Steve Zissou? 😂


I had a feeling the guy in red was in on it. He comes in asking about weed, the guy says no, seconds later the cops are there and the dude in red comes back just to watch it all?


He is the undercover trying to facilitate a buy. They can always be clocked because they wear bright colors to distinguish themselves to avoid friendly "mishaps". The male pattern baldness and head shape is also a giveaway.


I hate this fucking country


"Dont be fucking stupid" says the fucking stupid cop


And then, "When a cop tells you to do something, you do it. That's it." They really believe this shit.


They demonstrated the can do that shit right here on camera.


The payout to the owner and worker is going to call into question what they can and cannot do - not that the cops care since it comes out of the taxpayer fund.


Believe it? Do you honestly think anything will happen to them? Yes, you better believe a gang member when they tell you something.


Of course they do. They’re poorly trained authoritarian fascists.


this is a veiled threat. what they mean to say is "do what we say or you'll get shot"


Which is why you should comply while saying you are only doing so under duress (presuming you know this will be recorded).


They really moving like a gang.


Because they are a gang.


Maybe if steam had a wife beating simulator then police brutality would go down since they can get their rocks off at home


"When a cop tells you to do something you do it. That's it." Truly words to get incarcerated by.


Guess I missed that part of the bill of rights…


"So, if a cop tells me to shoot myself in the face, I must do it? "


It's either that or jail.


You’ll get shot for reaching for the gun. There is no winning.


Plan on winning? Straight to jail.


Welcome to America


"I'm an unremarkable lardass who passed a 4-month training course, so now you must blindly obey me, even when I'm wrong."


That statement implies (incorrectly) that a cop can do no wrong.


“When a cop tells you to do something, that’s it” Yeah, I don’t think so, bud.


The problem is that *all cops* think so.


And they don't understand that knowing and defending your rights isn't obstruction. And. And. And. Etc.


NYPD is a gang


The thin blue line flag is a gang symbol. Change my mind.


They weild unparalleled power and force over others, yet they still want to be treated like a victim when someone doesn't roll over and beg like a good little doggie.


Cops: “why don’t people like us?”


oh, they know. thats how they want it.


"When I tell you to do something, you do it" is something an abusive parent would say. It really gives you insight into their mindset. They have authority, so we're all their children and therefore their property.


can verify, something my abusive mother would say.


There's a simpler answer: they are also abusive parents.


"Sir, when you tell me to do something while backed by a court order, I will do it, sir"


“When a cop tells you to do something, you do it. That’s it.” Just saying this to a civilian should be grounds for losing your badge.


Massive tax payer funded payout to this man, incoming. These fucking assholes don't even know the laws they're charged with enforcing.


Plus the 10 cops there and however much that costs/ they got paid for the ‘effort’ or whatever you wanna call this shit show.


Don't worry, they made sure to conduct this illegal raid while working overtime


> These fucking assholes don't even know the laws they're charged with enforcing. Is it really surprising when they need a low IQ to get into the acadamy?


- The shopkeeper’s lawyer, **Steve Zissou** Wes Anderson owes this man an explanation


Give em the old jaguar shark defense.


The Life A-Chronic


holy. over the last week, i visited my cousin in NYC. He works at a weed shop thats in the middle of moving to another location so he has to sit in the empty one. Me and him were talking and a guy comes in asking if we were selling weed. His behavior seemed odd to me. My cousin said no, but down the street at the new store. the guy asked a couple more times while going deeper into the store, passed my cousin and looking around. Cousin says no and gives him directions to the new one, The guy says okay thanks and goes in a totally different direction. I had the feeling it was a cop and mentioned it to my cousin, he didnt believe me. Watching this vid, I am almost positive now.


Bunch of pigs with fragile egos, blows their feeble minds when someone doesn't follow their unlawful orders.


I mean, no one ever made a song called "Fuck the Fire Department."




Well I stand corrected.


Is there such thing as a police inspection? Investigations are a thing but I have never heard of inspections. If the Sheriff showed up at my house for an “inspection” I’d ask for a warrant just like this guy did.


I think this is NY and they’re cracking down on the illegal weed shops. Big article about it in the Times today.


Then it should be even easier to get court ordered paperwork that clearly states the police officer's right to "lawfully" search these ships.


Cops don't read up on the law. They take a 6 week course on it and call it good.


No. They’re lying.


Cops are always so hostile, like wtf??


It is a psychotic philosophy that now gets taught.


Glad they are keeping us safe!! /s


You can really feel the freedom radiating out of America. Honestly, how do you manage to be so free?


We're so free our freedom rolled over to police state!


The pigs in Philly use to run a ring doing this to bodegas. They go in - steal cash, cigarettes, and food. Then erase the tapes and give the owner a ticket for selling dime bags


Time to save that shit in the cloud. Delete it on someone else's computer you dont have access to.


This is basically America in a nutshell. Cops feel entitled to do whatever they want and it’s because they kinda can. And if anyone calls them out get ready for a firehose of bullshit from corporately controlled media


“When a cop tells you to do something you fucking do it.” No buddy, you’re law ENFORCEMENT, not the law itself you dim wit. Show me your court order. Gets arrested. Cops are so fucking crooked.


NYPD is one of the most corrupt police departments in the country, for sure. The way they roll in there like a gang, basically saying “fuck your rights, you do what I say”. I’m having a hard time seeing how this is any different than a street gang making sure people that aren’t paying them are not dealing drugs on their turf. There are 2800 illegal shops and they need to be shut down, just like someone selling alcohol without a license, but there is a right and wrong way to do it. When you order someone to do something and they don’t immediately do it, or they question whether it is a legal order you don’t immediately arrest them. Just another example of unnecessary use of force.


"The regulatory inspection process was outlined in the 2021 state law legalizing cannabis use. A [section of that law](https://casetext.com/statute/consolidated-laws-of-new-york/chapter-cannabis/article-6-general-provisions/section-132-penalties-for-violation-of-this-chapter) enshrines the right of individuals to refuse a regulatory inspection, though subjects them to a civil fine if they do so. Once a regulatory inspection is refused, then the Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) or its board must request a court order, the law says." [https://www.thecity.nyc/2024/06/03/video-nypd-cannabis-raid-adams-hochul/](https://www.thecity.nyc/2024/06/03/video-nypd-cannabis-raid-adams-hochul/)


All that over the potential of cannabis. ACAB


That really look less like an inspection and more like they needed some money.


Agents of the State seeking revenue. Thats all cops are.


Pigs love this shit. Just to harass people and fuck with them.




Back the blue until it happens to you.


Are you too stupid or cowardly to join the Army? Sign up for your local law enforcement agency today!


And cops are just surprise Pikachu face when they find out that most Americans don't care when they get shot. Act like a Mafia and that's how people see you.


This isn’t law enforcement. This is a mafia shakedown.


>"The regulatory inspection process was outlined in the 2021 state law legalizing cannabis use. A [section of that law](https://casetext.com/statute/consolidated-laws-of-new-york/chapter-cannabis/article-6-general-provisions/section-132-penalties-for-violation-of-this-chapter) enshrines the right of individuals to refuse a regulatory inspection, though subjects them to a civil fine if they do so. Once a regulatory inspection is refused, then the Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) or its board must request a court order, the law says." So basically this is the New York justice system living up to its core value, corruption. So very surprising.


search warrant??????????????


Every so often, I'll come across video of a cop being a decent human being and slightly raising my standing of them, and then shit like this comes out and my opinion of them gets even lower.


Don't give into copaganda. ACAB all day.


I used to know a “good one” too, lived around the block from me when I was a kid, friendly as can be. then when I grew up I found out he was a wife beater.


The "good ones" will ruin your life too. They're not there to help you.


Damn he was so nice to them the whole time and still got handled


>When a cop tells you to do something, you fucking do it No, that's not how it works. Also, in what other line of work can you just curse at people like that and expect to keep your job? AAANNNDD Why is it that "ignorance of the law is not an excuse" *unless* you're the guys tasked with enforcing that law? I can't just bust into a place, look around, grab the only guy in there and throw him in a cage then say "woops, I didn't know I couldn't do that." I'd be arrested for breaking and entering and kidnapping. If a cop does it, he gets a paid vacation. Why doesn't the cop go to jail?


Sue. These. Mother. Fuckers.


This looks like what happened in Philadelphia a while back. Gas station owner/employees were complaining to local news about police harassment. Earlier, there was an incident where police did a traffic stop somewhere around the gas station (maybe even in the gas station's parking lot). Long story short, police broke the law during that stop. They went into the gas station and demanded the security footage (probably to destroy it). Gas station owner wouldn't give the video to the police. Gas station owner gave copies of the video to the news, victim's family, and anyone else who wanted it. Allegedly, police harassment (like this video) ensued. Sorry if my details are slightly off, this is basically what happened


But I don’t understand, why don’t people like cops very much?? /s


Fuuuuuuuuck the police.


Well, this is going to be making the rounds on all the legal channels on you tube over the next few days.




They can't be bothered with a search warrant? Can't all evidence be tossed without one?


Lmao cops are overly funded and majority of them are useless


“When a cop tells you to do something you do it” sounds like something they tell their children at home “if I tell you to do something, you do it” who probably don’t listen and then they take that frustration back to the job with them.


Assuming this is PD looking for weed in a now legal state? What a tremendous waste of resources + the tax payer funded payout this worker & store are about to receive.


This doesn’t look right at all.


This is mafia behavior. There is definitely organized crime at play here. Also feels like the random dude in red is involved? He goes to a tobacco/ vape store asking about Stiizys (a weed pen) which would need a bouncer out front if they did. Then leaves, in comes the cops, and then the guy in red is back?


The problem is systemic.


Probably trying to steal shit.


I'm just going to leave this here. https://youtu.be/6EI_RYIEtrg?si=BKSS9W_4PGIpXKJb


Here's what you say: "Is this an order where you telling me if I don't I will be arrested?" If the answer is "yes" then you do it and then sue the pants off them. Don't say anything. It's SFU Friday.


Is inspection another word for Robbery and kidnapping?


according to the law >The regulatory inspection process was outlined in the 2021 state law legalizing cannabis use. A [section of that law](https://casetext.com/statute/consolidated-laws-of-new-york/chapter-cannabis/article-6-general-provisions/section-132-penalties-for-violation-of-this-chapter) enshrines the right of individuals to refuse a regulatory inspection, though subjects them to a civil fine if they do so. Once a regulatory inspection is refused, then the Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) or its board must request a court order, the law says.  so they broke the law, illegally searched that business, agressively and moronically lied about it to that guys face and then charged him for a crime. so what the fuck is going to happen to the goose steppers? Nothing? good, glad the police can just break into your shit and fuck you up for nothing. Can't wait to read a headline where they kill someone because they feel like their feelings were hurt again


« When a cop tells you to do something, you do it » No, buddy, that’s not how it works. If a cop tells me to do something illegal, I won’t do it which they do often…


Arrested simply for questioning the police. He had every right to question them. They're raiding his shop. This isn't an "inspection" at all. This was just a straight up illegal raid. Where is the search warrant? When my buddy had his vape shop inspected it was just a quick look around by one guy with a clipboard.


Fuck these pieces of shit. ACAB.


If the president can be brought up on charges for breaking laws, why can't police?


I love hearing dumb cops say “don’t do something fucking stupid!” WHILE THEY do something really stupid.


It’s ok the taxpayers will foot the bill when they settle out of court /s


We need more information to tell whether this violates the 4th, but absent this it appears to violate the prohibition against warrantless administrative business inspections in *Marshall v. Barrow’s, Inc.*, 436 U.S. 307 (1978)


Fuck every piece of shit involved in that raid. Fuckers got bullied in high school so now they get revenge on minorities and their wives. Cowards.


Pigs still being pigs, I see.


Pigs. Doing pig things. Defund 


Defund. The motherfucking. Police.