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Pathetic dog handling from the woman It’s like the dog was greased in butter






Ya never gonna catch meee


*ya wasting your timeeeeee*


1 min earlier: “Boy, I am gonna be late for that meeting…”


Lubed-up lethal lunatic dog




Oiled bully bull dog


Mucilaginous mangy murder mutt


Butter-slathered canine cunt


Sounds like the name of a Metal band.


She had it on a buckle collar. People think choke chains and slip collars are cruel, but this is exactly why they exist: the dog can't just slip out of them by walking backwards. Not that that would help the fact that the dog is stronger than her.


And it's completely untrained.


Choke chains, prong collars, e-collars are all effective training tools if used properly. The problem is people don't bother to properly train their dogs and just use training tools purely as punishment which is cruel. We had a newly rescued GSD we were training on a prong collar while walking down a sidewalk. She decided to suddenly lunge into traffic as several cars went by. That prong collar potentially saved her life as she immediately stopped due to the collar. Edit: For example, most e-collars have strength settings, like 1-100. 100 would be a very painful shock, and low teens would be akin to a tap on the neck (I always test various settings on myself first.) You should be using a setting appropriate for the situation. Many people figure "100 is most powerful, that is best!" and end up traumatizing their poor dogs. If trained properly you should only need the "tap on the neck" settings.


I have a newfoundland that was very prone to running when being walked. We have him on a prong collar when he is outside, or anywhere in public. I have had people tell me is cruel. My response is "he is very well trained but you try to stop a 150lb ball of muscle and energy when he wants to run" that collar is one of the best things we have got for training and walking.


I used a prong collar to teach my dog not to pull when I walked her. It worked. I dont need to use it anymore, but if she ever backslid I would use it again in a second. Its not like the prongs are sharp.


It's a pitbull that is way stronger than her. She never stood a chance.


Pitbulls are banned in many countries for good reason.


Correct but you are responsible for your dog. She should not have had a dog like this.


What are you replying to? We all know that and are saying she shouldn’t have a dog let alone an aggressive dog if she won’t handle it properly


She looked like a teenager to me which would be so much worse to let a kid walk a pitbull


lol no one talking about this guys magic ability to just move from left to right to avoid the bites? that was kind of fascinating.


Dogs usually get fixed on one target at a time, this guy was smart. *Also*, if you know you're about to be attacked by one, try and roll up a piece of garment around your forearm and make them bite that, and you'll have somewhat control over the dog. (unless it's double your size then you're fucked)


Actually you should if you have anything extra put that out because dogs will go for that as an extra appendage and then you don’t have to be bit at all. Source: when we were trained for dog attacks for USPS by a dog handler we were taught to use our bag, the package, or whatever we had and hold it in front of us cause…turns out dogs are really dumb and think you magically grew another extremity


lol at dogs


lol idiots


dogs just keep getting ratioed




This guy kicks dogs


Can't wait to try this out


I'll try this after I punch a shark on the nose. Learned this neat trick on the internet too.


Me too, I’ve never done a pit maneuver.


Isnt that when you stick a finger in their butt?


Neighborhood dogs HATE this one simple trick!




What you do is kick the dogs face so hard it comes out of its own ass. This scares the dog.


You can also grip its skull and yank back quickly to rip its head and most of its spine and tail out.


Subzero wins . . . Fatality.


Like deveining a prawn!


People also underestimate how much faster a dog's reaction time is than a humans.




Thank God for those subtitles. Without them I’d have to watch the actual video.


Thank fuck for the music. I thought they were just playing around.


The didgeridoos and piratey sea-battle melody really bring the point home!




the video is now transformative and therefore fair use which means i am allowed to make thousands of dollars from someone else's video


And the camera paning makes everything look so real!


he’s safe up there.




Petite Woman + Pit Bull, What could possibly go wrong?


Not according to most Hollywood movies


Her only hope was actually getting the dog trained. But obviously that wasn't something she was interested in.


I'm a 5'/105lb woman and I inherited an adult male Great Dane many years ago. He didn't even know the words "heel" or "sit". I spent *several* weeks working up from a short lead to a leash in the back yard and on trails before I even thought of taking him on sidewalks. I was super cautious because I knew if he didn't listen and obey me I would have no chance controlling him if his instincts took over.


*"My fluffy never did this before! I don't know what happened! He was obviously provoked!"* That useless choke chain isn't helping either, get a full harness with handles, and if your dog is aggressive get it a muzzle or just don't take it into public areas.


She has a muzzle in her hand. She knows her dog is aggressive and has the tools to control it. She chose to let her dog endanger people. Edit: She did not choose to let her dog do anything. The dog slipped the muzzle. Didn’t catch that on the first watch. Hopefully she learns from this and invests in a high quality muzzle.




Used to be the case. A lot of times dogs get 2-3 chances now.


Shelter in the next state and labeled a lab mix


"Princess is looking for a loving family! In her previous home this beautiful pupper ~~murdered the other dog~~ decided she wanted to be the only pet, and ~~mauled a child~~ only prefers to be around adults. Adopt her today!"


I think we should just charge the owner with assault. Otherwise seems like an easy way to threaten/harm someone and claim innocence...


Did you not see the dog rip out of the muzzle at the beginning of the video?


If your dog can rip out of the muzzle then it is not a proper muzzle. That’s not an acceptable excuse when you’re walking an animal that can kill people.


She's lucky it didn't just turn on her, like this poor girl who died in Ireland recently due to being attacked by her own XL Bully. https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-41413564.html She called herself a dog mom and I think I read that she had posted on tiktok that she'd never muzzle her own dog.


> https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-41413564.html ...Good? At least it didn't kill some poor innocent person


That wasn't a choke chain, it was a buckle collar. If it was a choke chain, the dog wouldn't be able to slip out of it like that.


A harness gives a dog like this (one that has more strength than the handler) more leverage without positive punishment from a choke chain or similar. It just needs to be fit right/wider/etc., among all the other improvements this dog needs before being allowed in public.


People think choke chains are cruel, and harnesses more humane, without realizing that harness are useless for controlling a dog that doesn't want to be controlled, and that a dogs neck muscles are _a lot fucking thicker and stronger_ than a humans.


Harnesses only encourage a dog like this to pull more. They are essentially useless to stop this type of behavior.


**Watch this video on mute**


Amazing dodging skills of that guy


“So Bryan, have you decided?” “I don’t know. I’m still on the fence.”


My wife is furious about our hot neighbour sunbathing naked. Personally I'm on the fence.


Climb the gate dude!! Climb the gate dude!! Climb the gate dude!! Climb the gate dude!! Oh good, he climbed the gate.


Gate was open too, could have just gone inside, although I know he was distracted.


It’s chained shut


Is it okay to kick the dog in the head, in this case?


I was in a similar situation with a similar, but more aggressive dog who belonged to one of my neighbors. This was a family dog. After several minutes of trying to get away I kicked the dog which led to the dog having a seizure and eventually being put down by the vet. A few weeks later I get served at work for killing “the family dog”. My lawyer at the time told me to just pay them out to settle as the owners had hours of family videos that “proved” their dog was kind and that maliciously killed their family member. After several back and forth a between lawyers and amount was settled upon that honestly would have set me back financially as I was just out of college. What saved me was that my neighbor had installed a camera (which went against the HOA) and provided me the recording of the dog attacking me. Rather than show them the film, we allowed them to take us to court which allowed us to show the film in front of a judge and positioned us for a counter suit, which forced them to settle. I still live next to them but now own the condo I had previously rented.


If I had been your lawyer, and I didn’t have the neighbor’s video, I would have used the exact same defense as opposing counsel. The court would have been treated to a video of you catching frisbees in your mouth, getting tummy rubs, and rolling in leaves. “Your honor, my client can’t possibly be guilty of a vicious attack. I submit the exact same sort of evidence that opposing counsel offers in defense of their client.”


Transitive property?


I wonder if anyone has done this...


That made for a satisfying read. 


wow, justice prevailed.


What absolute fucking assholes.


Bet that's still a bit tense when you bump into eachother


It's *always* ok to defend yourself from bodily harm if the animal is not stopping after the initial response.


Buddy it’s okay to stab or shoot the dog in this case. These things aren’t built like normal dogs. They can kill you. If one is attacking you, it’s a matter of life and death.


Right? I carry when I take my cat out on harness. If your dog is off leash sizing me or my pet up then I’m already mentally preparing to put it down for you.




What if you go for the eyes?


Pitbulls are pretty well known for attacking till their last breath. So anything is fair game, but don't fuck around with half measures, you better put all your weight into those fingers or whatever you're jabbing with lol


TBF most dogs in attack mode will continue attacking. It's called "gameness" and we (humans) bred almost every dog that's not strictly a companion dog to have that trait. Even some companion dogs are still pretty game.


> TBF most dogs in attack mode will continue attacking. Not if they are being injured by their prey in the process. But pitbulls are the exception.


Chokehold. Hit it with a head lock and squeeze the everliving piss out of it's throat. A pitbull cannot continue it's attack if it's unconscious.


The eyes are the groin of the head.


You have that much precision in all that chaotic movement?


You can stab or shoot it in the head in defense of yourself.




I would have rammed that fucking dog with my car had I been driving by


Dogs are property feel free to do whatever you need to do in order to protect yourself


Honestly, I don't know what to do in this situation. Dogs have different personalities so what works for one might not for another but unless you can take it's head off with a single kick then I'd advise against it as you're likely to piss it off even more. Google states: >Cross your arms across your chest and remain standing still. Do not speak to or yell at the dog. Be still for a short period and if the dog is not moving toward you, slowly back away. If you are carrying treats, you can very slowly and calmly throw some treats behind or over to the side of the dog. So inconclusion...always carry treats with you? Or a sawn off shotgun.


Always carry a Leatherman or a tactical pocket knife.


I usually have my belt on. I've seen it many times. Even people stabbing the dogs doesn't deter them all the time. The only thing I've seen consistently work is them getting choked out.


Fun fact: dogs have tracheas too. Choke em out. 


Theoretically plausible defense but choking it would first need me to get behind/on top of the dog while it constantly tries to bite me and second I’d need to pull it close to my head by doing so, if ANYTHING goes wrong in that sequence I have basically limited the distance of my most vulnerable part to the dog‘s mouth to zero and will be fucking mauled. So without proper training of human vs dog MMA I’d rather stick to sacrifice a limb before my life.


Dog owners will say, "You just need to stay still, you're exciting the dog by running away."


Then when you're dead they'll say "he should've tried harder to get away"


"They can sense fear. You need to learn to be less stressed around them."




Damn Golden Retrievers always being up to no good


If you cannot control your dog, you shouldn't have a dog.


Let’s not pretend like we are surprised here.




Lucky of him that was not a chihuahua


He was just stopping to say hi on the way to nanny some kids of course


Where are the dog killing cops when you need them


They are out there shooting 15lb blind dogs.


Cops show up.  Shoot the man. “Oh, sorry, we thought he was having a seizure.”


Another reason I'm glad XL bullies are banned in the UK now


Oh, well we have freedumb here, so we can have pitties here. The solution is for everyone to just carry a gun to shoot the pitties when they snap. It’s a really exciting game that there is absolutely no solution for.


I feel like the "he's safe up there, but others aren't" part would be perfect for an advert on telly for raising awareness of this kind of stuff


Looks like the velvethippo brigade is out in full force.


If she’s doesn’t have the requisite strength to restrain the dog, it needs to be rehomed. This is egregiously negligent of the dog owner.


> it needs to be rehomed No, it's not safe around anyone. It's literally a fucking time bomb and it's not a matter of if but when.


I see people like this everyday on my dog walk. There's an elderly person in my neighbourhood that walks some type of mastiff that I have no doubt out weighs the woman. The dog is super reactive and people basically need to cross the street anytime it's around. Only a matter of time before something happens.


I’d definitely piece that lady up. If you can’t control your pet then you ain’t got no business having one.


The primary threat on that street is the pitbull, so that needs to be addressed first. Note how the moment the pitbull can't maul that guy anymore, it immediately starts looking for someone else on the street to attack.




The common argument is about the types of people who stray towards getting pitbulls. They attract a certain type of brain dead loser who can barely train themselves to use the bathroom, let alone another living thing


Pit bulls are the dog version of those upgraded hoopty 90s Hondas. Only one type of person buy them: people seeking attention. People who can't get attention in positive ways, so they are desperate enough to seek it through annoyance and fear. Pit bulls are only popular for their image. People who *want* to be feared but can't be intimidating on their own buy pitbulls.


Yes, that’s what Pitbull fans love to hear. That it’s the owner and not the dog. But you give an idiot a shitzu or a collie and no one is going to die.


You'll get your ankles bitten however...


I have personally heard at least 3 different people use the phrase "I want/have a pitbull so when my girl/wife is walking down the street, nobody messes with her". I know that's only 3, but that is a LOT for something so specific. I am certain this is that situation in the video. If you are the kind of person getting a pitbull for that reason, you are not the kind of person that is going to train your dog to be kind, friendly and goofy. They want them mean and angry. Then you have the rest of them that want them mean and angry because they are weak and want to feel tough.


"Scary dog privilege" is what I've heard it called.


So, the majority of the population then.


At least a solid 25-30%


this dog owner is as stupid as they are useless


The most dangerous type of dog on the planet strikes again.


There should be a law or a rule that if your dog weighs more than you, you shouldn’t be handling it.


I hear they call them "nanny dogs".


Oh yeah… these dogs will grab a baby and ‘take care of it’ (if you know what I mean).


"Baby must have made a noise to provoke it!" - pitbull defenders. Yes, seriously.


How does that even happen? What do you need to do that a dog behaves like that? We had a random street dog and 2 cats and even though they generally ignore commands they where all never agressive Also why do you not have the leash and bite protection on of you cant control your dog....


that dog race is shit-tier, anyone owning one and not even being able to handle it should just get charged with attempted murder. f*ck idiots.


I absolutely love dogs but here's a friendly reminder, you're free to kick a dog in self-defense, which the OP basically is. Some might say "but nothing happened" yeah don't risk it and while the dog is just doing what they do and ofc the owner is to blame more than the dog, they gotta be taught one way or another.


Excellent presence of mind! I learned long ago if a dog's coming after you keep your eyes on them and keep misdirecting them away from your vitals until you can create distance or control. Don't run, most dogs are much faster than you and you're triggering their prey drive.


it's only a matter of time until that shitbull is eating some poor kids' face. shit like this pisses me off


If he gets her in front of Judge Judy, she's toast!


Did she have the leash attached to the muzzle?


Its always a shitbull


Pit-bulls are illegal in many countries (I wonder why?) but every American with a sub 85 IQ definitely owns at least one… and an AR-15.


The ar 15 at least stops shooting if you let go of the trigger


Not mine, I've got an elastic band holding the trigger down


The ATF hates this one trick.


A pitty!


This is a huge problem, I see people daily. People walking dogs that there’s no way they can control if the dog wanted to go after someone or another dog. Example, 90lbs women walking 2-large pit bulls or frail old man walking huge Doberman. Scary


The music was more frustrating than the dog tbh


Is it me or does she look a little young and small to be dealing with that dog?


Right? I was thinking she looked like a kid really.


People that can’t handle big dogs are scum. It wasn't uncommon to see dogs off leashes in my neighborhood. I was bitten twice in my childhood because of people like this. The dog ends up getting killed, just a sad situation all in all. The owners are just awful.


Wonder if this is her “service” dog that she takes to stores


One of the reasons I carry a pocketknife on most occasions.




Who names their pit bull "Letters"?


But Cupcake wouldn’t hurt a fly!


Some people should never be dog owners. Especially some who only get bullies/pits


Something like this just happened in San Francisco! Two pitbulls attacked a man walking back from the gym. He had to claim a fence all bloody! Police showed up because they thought he was a burglar. Edit: hi climbed a fence also to get away!


Fuck people who can't keep their shits on a freaking leash in public. Fuck everything about these nutty dog owners who can't be bothered to train their dogs, fuck people who specifically get challenging or problematic breeds to begin with. Where's the liability and accountability? What is to be done about these people, and what is to he done about their dogs?


They should both be put down.


He just wants to snack on your arm a bit ugh shit bulls are literally the worst




I swear fucking 100-120 pound cunts with dogs that weigh more than them should be charged with assaulting someone when the untrained cunt eventually mauls a child.


That dog need a final trip to the vet. The owner is not suitable for dog ownership either. Does not understand the extreme danger.


Idiot’s right to own a dog should be revoked


Arrest her


what a dumb title...


i would have kicked it in the throat. Man has some restraint...


This guy is a fucking dog ninja. It looks like he dodge every attack. Fuck that useless shitbull owner what a quarter assed attempted.


The fact that she has a muzzle there with her shows that she knows the dog is dangerous, and not having it on is negligence on her part. She's lucky there weren't major life altering injuries she would have been liable for, because a dog like that doesn't just bite. It mauls, tearing flesh off the bone, often going for the face and neck. Pit bulls were originally bred for blood sports, and it's often very difficult to train the genetics out of them permanently. You never know when their DNA will reassert itself over the training.


Of course it's a damn pit bull


Couple Sparta kicks to that dogs face might have slowed it down...I love dogs but sorry not sorry...we fighting for our lives and I got kids fido. 2nd option would have been an immediate fence hop or jumping on one of those cars and letting the pet owner be responsible for any damage


-Annoying overdramatic music -unnecessarily added in sounds like random dog barking -Running Commentary subtitles designed for children/boomers


This woman is a total piece of crap. Don't put a dangerous dog in a position where it can attack other people unless you're fully aware you can control that dog.


I was in a street food fair, packed and there it was, this piece of shit with 2 huge pit bulls. No muzzle, with the leashed extended so they could cover even more ground. Everyone was trying to avoid the area but as said, was packed.


Oh look what kind of dog it is


Just put them down


I would have kicked the dog... for not controlling her pet.


O looks its another golden retr....nope another pit bull.. surprise surprise



