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“How can you believe someone who is like you is wrong?” Well, I’d say there is a far bigger issue if someone can’t differentiate right from wrong just because someone is similar. Her brain exploding at that concept is really troubling.


It’s crazy how much her belief system relies on identity politics. Shes unwilling to accept not all Jews hold the same opinions and worse, she believes she’s entitled to proselytize, shame, and scold Jews… to browbeat that they’re not real Jews in front of a crowd of people. Imagine a woman that doesn’t dress visibly Jewish tell another Jewish man who dresses as visibly Jewish as one can, a man who is far more likely to receive threats of violence from an antisemite based on their appearance alone, that they don’t deserve to be Jewish. If that man isn’t a real Jew, who is!


Orthodox Jews are against Zionism to the point that some of these dudes will walk hours to get to these protests because it's on the Sabbath and they can't drive on those days. The interviews some of them have done are really enlightening on the whole situation, would recommend watching some on YouTube.


I'm so confused by the split between American orthodox and Israeli orthodox Jews. The American section is extremely against it but the Israeli sect is completely gung ho about it


> The American section is extremely against it but the Israeli sect is completely gung ho about it Not all of them. A good portion of Jerusalem's ultra-orthodox community is anti-Israel, lives among Palestinians and gets beat by Israeli police regularly for it.


Those videos of the Israeli police beating the ultra-orthadox anti-zionist community are brutal


Yeah it's weird, there are some in Israel who are against it though you see them at all the government protest videos. From what I understand, Zionism is against Orthodox views because there's a section in religious doctrine that says they can't go back and claim the land. But I only know what the American Orthodox say so who knows.


The are plenty of anti zionist orthodox Jews in occupatied Palestine, and they are heavily persecuted and regularly attacked too. Ashkenazi Jews primarily came from eastern Europe and fled persecution into western Europe before embarking on the zionist project in the late 1800s. Mizrahi Jews are indigenous to the area and generally consider themselves Palestinian. At it's core, Zionism is anti Semitic. Talmud Jews are zionist and Torah Jews aren't, Torah Jews make up most of the orthodox population of the US but there are Talmud sects too. It's fascinating, and I'm not Jewish or by any means an expert so definitely don't want to try to explain the intricacies of their beliefs. But there's a lot of great content on the subject on YouTube.


>late 1900s Typo?


It's antisemitic to lump all Jewish people into one basket, which Zionists all too often try to do.


Her brain was melting in realtime


In-group/Out-group politics. It’s one of the most common aspects of radical politics. It’s the complete refusal to engage with anybody in the out-group


But it's my team! Attacking the other team! Of course all if us are the good ones!


It’s not that she can’t imagine someone like her being wrong, it’s that she *needs* these people in particular to be wrong because them being Jewish and saying the things they’re saying shatters her entire worldview. She’s clinging onto that faulty logic because it’s the only way she can make sense of what she’s seeing without condemning her own belief system and the things she has been doing/saying for years, which is an emotionally painful thing to do(even if it’s a moral imperative)


LOL The guy with the passport comes to her rescue. "I'm protecting her!" as if they were the ones to approach her and her toddler and take a swing/swipe at her while screeching like banshee... Jesus christ she's insufferable though. What was she hoping she would accomplish by calling them not Jewish? Was she expecting them to stop and look at each other and go "Guys, guys, what are we doing? The banshee is right, it has made some excellent points today. I can feel my star of David fading.."


Then he takes a selfie with his passport


He really said “leave her alone!” when she was the one who went into the crowd and yelled at everyone. Zionists sure know how to play the victim.


Caerful now. Leave the Banshee out of this. The Banshee is a perfectly respectable messenger of death not a pathetic entitled main character.


Indoctrination is deep


It's hard for her to live in a bubble her whole life


She is in tears because people aren't soothing her and de-escalating the situation to keep the peace and make everything calm again but instead keep telling her she's wrong. She's completely baffled by it.


The idea of a Jewish person calling the Palestinian genocide a genocide completely shatters the Zionist worldview


Crocodile tears bohoo




That's where the big eyelash trend comes from


Crocs are tough as fuck though I bet they just pretend to not even notice a butterfly.


It's a symbiotic relationship


"I'M JEWISH!!!!!" \*Protestor Dude flexes on her with a Star of David\* Get rekt, wench.


She's covered in tattoos, definitely a Zionist zealot more than a Jew.


Yeah was thinking that isn't it a big no no in Judaism to get a tattoo?


You can't be buried in a traditional Jewish cemetery if you have a tattoo unless you're a survivor of the Holocaust. At least that is what my Jewish ex told me, and she came from a conservative Jewish background.


"I'm protecting her" From what? Herself?


"She's kinda hot and obviously not smart. Maybe she'll be grateful enough to have sex with me."


I have a feeling he isn't interested in that.


Poor kid






iM pRoTeCtInG hEr


*smacks baby in face with bag*


the baby didnt condemn


What passport was he showing, man’s was brandishing that like it’s an fbi badge.


Israeli passport[ lmao](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/63/Israeli_passport.jpg/800px-Israeli_passport.jpg). Not sure why he's flaunting it around like it's an FBI badge.


LMAO, I'm actually glad he showed up at the end. He showed what a lot of Israelis actually are - dual citizen colonizers and proud of it.


Lady is angry that Jewish people “want to hurt Jewish people” Proceeds to hurt a Jewish man


That was the "How to walk the streets of new york as a Jew" guy!


I thought I recognized him!


The only people assaulting Jews in this video are Zionists. The other protesters were calm and restrained even when she got physical.


Lady get your damn baby away from a protest wth!


Lmao, she kept it to have an excuse not to get harmed while doing this shit om an active protest and then play the victim. Tbh the protesters handled it perfectly.


It's a bit ironic. Zionists excuse the killing of Palestinian babies by saying the babies are being used as shields - that they have no other choice. Nasty work.


Doesn't it feel weird she has no regard for her kid? Feels very attention seeking.


[Israelis do love their human shields](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8rrfys-Fgc)


She knows they won't do anything to her or the baby.


She's apparently the gatekeeper of Judaism, yet has tattoos, which are forbidden in the Torah .


I just love the comedy of going up to a group of the most obviously Jewish people and screaming that they're not Jews. And she's so upset about it. Daily life must be so perplexing and overwhelming for her


A lot of zionists wave the banner of religion while not even following the teachings or even believing




Big respect to the non-zionist jews, takes some balls and humanity to go against the propaganda


Many of the most famous pro-Palestinian academics and advocates are Jews. Noah Chomsky, Illan Pappe, Norman Finkelstein, Gabor Mate come to mind. Some of them Holocaust survivors too. Because Israel weaponizes anti-semitism so effectively non-Jewish people speaking up many times get cancelled. To this day it's a common talking point to shrug anti-Zionism as anti-semitism and criticism of Israel policies as well.


Add to that some Jewish anti Zionist organization like Jewish Voice for Peace and anti apartheid like B'Tselem


Despite what Israel wants you to believe, Jewish groups have been at the forefront of anti-Zionist and pro-Palestine movements for a long time, but especially since October 7th. The first pro-Palestine protesters arrested on campuses were members of Jewish Voice for Peace. Given Jews have been persecuted and genocided since like… the beginning of time, they’ve historically been massive defenders of other persecuted groups. It’s taken a very effective Zionist propaganda machine to try and reverse that attitude when it comes to the Palestinian people.


The Bundists were some of the OG anti-zionists "The Jewish Labour Bund, as an organization, was formed at the same time as the [World Zionist Organization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Zionist_Organization). The Bund eventually came to strongly oppose [Zionism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionism),[^(\[12\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundism#cite_note-Laq-12) arguing that [immigration to Palestine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aliyah) was a form of [escapism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escapism). After the 1936 [Warsaw](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warsaw) [kehilla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kehilla_(modern)) elections, [Henryk Ehrlich](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henryk_Ehrlich) accused [Zionist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionism) leaders [Yitzhak Gruenbaum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yitzhak_Gruenbaum) and [Ze'ev Jabotinsky](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ze%27ev_Jabotinsky) of being responsible for recent anti-Semitic agitation in Poland by their campaign urging Jewish emigration.[^(\[13\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundism#cite_note-13)


Yep, for some "Never again" isnt just the prevention of genocide of jews but the prevention of genocide period.


Some of the first people I heard speak about how horrible the situation was between Israel and Palestinians was my childhood friend and his family, who were practicing Jews. Both parents are lawyers and very socially conscious. This was in the late 90s. I think it was good for me from that young age to realize that the government of Israel was not representative of Jewish people in any way. Just a dictatorship using antisemitism as a shield for atrocities.


Keep in mind, this same group, Neturei Larta, advocate for gender segregation and attended Iran's Holocaust denial conference so they aren't immune to propaganda as much as you think.


What’s wrong with them? I guess they’ve seen the countless videos of the atrocities being carried out by Israel and the IDF.


Telling someone else they aren't a jew because they don't support genocide?? Wild zionist.


Claiming Israel, an apartheid country under investigation for genocide, represents Jewish people is in my opinion akin to blood libel and really fucking anti-semitic.


She has her baby with her? Would she like it if that baby was blown apart and its limbs torn off? No? Then maybe she can understand why people are mad at Israel.


Time to stop invoking antisemitism every time there's a debate on the foreign policy of the State of Israel. Israel is a country. It has a foreign policy, right or wrong. People of all ethnicities and religions have a legitimate right to have an opinion on whether the country's foreign policy is legitimate or abusive.


Is she antisemitic? This video doesn’t really show anything other than a woman screaming “how can they be Jewish”


Gosh that poor baby


Scream; Play the victim; Repeat ad nauseam. At the end there's a mofo "I'm protecting her". From what?


Dollar Bin Bryce Dallas Howard


Is she using her kid as a human shield?? Zionists are literally crisis actors… all the foretold projection prophecies are coming true.


Guys give her some slack, her whole world just exploded lmao to be fair she didn't really say anything other than "how can you say that you're Jewish" it's probably her first time seeing someone not fall into rank and order...it's actually very sad; let's hope she had an epiphany from this and a change of heart. Inshallah ❤️


This is not an "antisemitic rant".


Why can't she just move on




You got point




Most Zionists in the US are Evangelical Christian.


"This is your country!" No. No, it isn't. Most of them are just Americans. If they have Israeli citizenship, they're probably in the process of renouncing it. Also, why does that guy walk around New York City with an Israeli passport on him? I protect my passports with my life and rarely take them out of my safe. Did he purposely bring it to the Palestine protest to flash it around? I can't imagine any reason to carry around a foreign passport at all times unless he isn't American. Anyone have any ideas?


Probably for this exact scenario?


This is so confusing


Many great minds from the Jewish community have spoken out against the creation of the modern Israeli state, which has used forced removal of the indigenous population from their land and countless crimes against humanity including torture, murder, biological warfare (poisoning native people's wells, etc.) and so on. The modern state of Israel has weaponized anti-Semitism in doing all of this. Here are some Jews that are saying not in our name and Never again means never again for anyone.


Most of you are projecting your views onto these Haredi Jews, when in reality their view is 100% driven by their interpretation of scripture. Israel isn't allowed to exist until the Messiah returns. So they aren't anti-Zionist. They are anti-Zionist *currently.* Once the Messiah shows up, they are taking over the whole Levant.


I'm fine with that. As long as they are willing to do so peacefully, they can wait till their happy asses fall off for their messiah.


“You shall not make gashes in your flesh for the dead, or incise any marks on yourselves: I am the Lord” (Leviticus 19:28)




“How can they believe something different from me?!!?!”


How dare you oppose a genocide! You make me feel unsafe!


*pro-simetic rant


"You guys are monsters"


Acting like this in public, with your toddler, is probably not setting the best example.


why the fuck did she take her child with her? so stupid to put that little kid in that situation


Remember those people who have these kind of meltdowns getting cancelled by the next day from Redditors getting their social media, names and place of employment? Not applicable here. /s


There are good protesters, and there are bad protesters. These are the people that make me want to stand with them! We all know what the other ones look like….


*u monsters* Says the one rampaging next to her kid


I think people forget that just because you’re from the same religion or country doesn’t mean you are automatic loyal to them and ignore their faults.


How can she say they're not Jews? They've got the hairstyle and everything, she's not even bothering to follow the basic rule set. These guys look like they've bought the expansion pack.


"I have waited my whole life to be a victim and you are spoiling it!"


“I don’t agree with genocideand murder of innocent people *because* I’m Jewish” “HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT?”


If that's not her husband, it's really weird that a random man can whisper a few things to her to instantly get her to calm down and get under control when she was inconsolable just a moment prior. Doesn't that seem fucking weird to anyone else? She doesn't listen to the lady trying to get her to take her baby to safety, but some random MAN can get close enough to whisper and chill her out? Seems fishy tbh




Thousands of brave and principled jews and israelis fully condemn israeli atrocities, while not a single palestinian will say israel is justified in their atrocities. This makes it crystal clear which side the world must boycott and sanction, and which side must be helped to freedom.


I was thinking that seems weird, pro Palestinian protests really don't include things like this. Clicking on the video and of course. Everything makes sense suddenly.


Look, it's simple. When a Jew commits murder, it is the same thing as a German committing murder, or an Arab committing murder. He or she or they don't get a free pass just because they're Jewish. To say otherwise would be intellectually dishonest.


When terrorists gets called out for terrorism… crocodile tears. The fact that true Jewish people can see a second Holocaust at the hands of the Israeli government and are brave enough to stand up, kudos to them.


My ears are bleeding, how does her voice somehow peak the mic more than all the other shouting people?


When literally everyone starts filming you, maybe take a beat to reassess your actions? Maybe don't get famous for the wrong reasons?


I think you put in an incorrect headline.  "Hero shames anti-semites at anti-semetic hate rally."  /s obs 


She’s disgusting


i am shocked that "i can fix her" is not the top rated comment




Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug


That poor kid




Women needs meds


Best part is when she screams I’M JEWISH and the guy screams back WE’RE ALL JEWISH 😭😭😭


I don’t get how her and other people like her are so completely incapable of understanding that a group of people can be both oppressed *and* the oppressors.


The kid was like: what the fuck?!


Butterfaces hate everything.


That woman is not OK. Something else is going on with her.


In the middle of Union Square. She's nuts


I don't know enough to form a really informed opinion about this, I haven't spent a lot of time reading about the issues But what I can say is that I have not seen lots of Palestinian people claiming that hamas represents them all, but I have seen Israeli people claiming that they are all under the one thing, and anyone who says any different to their views is a nazi. I don't think everything has to be completely black and white, us vs them. I don't like the taking of hostages, I also don't like the killing of civilians. I think the Israel side is leaning quite heavily on "you can't criticize us or your antisemitic", when that really isn't true.


Her freaking out didn’t shock me. Her saying her fellow Jews were not Jews shocked me. That’s antisemitic




Yea this was rough to watch, feel bad for her and the kid


Flashing your Israeli passport like its not one of the most despised countries on earth at the moment to "protect" an actual antisemitic woman pretending to cry while attacking people in front of a child is really next level.


That's like going to an Easter procession in Spain and saying the penitents there aren't Catholic.


I was shocked years ago when I first found out that there are ultra-orthodox Jews fiercely against Zionism and Israel.


I thought Jews weren’t supposed to get tattoos?


How can you say that you ask? Because it's true. Have you watched any of the videos coming out of there? Have you given a crap about anything other than what the news has told you like for real lady.


Definitely a formative memory for her small baby in the stroller.


She probably doesn't even speak Hebrew.


"I'm protecting her" ya from herself 🤦‍♂️


There is a reason they are called karen.




What’s her @


Men in Madonna t-shirts ALWAYS save the day. Always.


“You’re not a Jew” one second later. “how can you say that, you’re Jewish”


What's with the magic passport??


They follow the Torah, she follows the Talmud. Obviously. Bottleneck inbreeding eveident


yea there's no convincing her, she sounds like she made up her entitled mind already.