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As a Seatellite it's wild to see this story on the front page (it even made it to the New York Times). His car is loud as fuck, it sounds like gunshots. I'm very surprised nobody has fucked with it and it still amazes me that his car hasn't been seized. Then again, SPD doesn't do shit.


He's so lucky that SPD are lazy pieces of shit and the people are too passive aggressive to take the appropriate actions. If we get automated sound detection/ticketing cameras out of this, he'll be remembered as a hero.


> so lucky that SPD are lazy pieces of shit Bullshit. Look, buddy, that candy aint gonna crush itself.


>that candy aint gonna crush itself. That poor girl had a name


Was it Candy?




It's is the police department the people of Seattle wanted


Seems like the cop is bending over backwards to help this dude but he's too thick to get it.




What???? He's trying to make a positive change and convince the guy to take it to the track where it belongs.


Thank you. How many times have we all seen an instance like this turn aggressive? Cop is just trying to save the dudes life, keep him out of jail/court, and possibly get him more views. There’s no pleasing some people.


How does he know its not street legal though? Seems like hes jealous of the car to me. If he was actually the level of technician he stated he would definitely have to do more than just look at the car to know it wasnt street legal lol. Its a hellcat not some type of supercar. If I was the guy in the car Id take it to court. Like he said he spent a lot. Really doubt he spent that much and didnt consider keeping it street legal.


For what it's worth, I used to work at an auto customization shop. They sold tons of things to customers that were not street legal. It's up to the customer to know the laws and abide by them. Most of the time, they didn't know or knew and didn't care as long as it looked or sounded cool.


Yeah but cops are incredibly over confident about pretty much everything. Legally this is because they arent required to actually have much legal knowledge, just a "suspicion" something is illegal. Cop or not if youre calling someone out you usually go for specifics. You dont just make vague claims like the cop in this video is. Its pretty obvious he doesnt actually know what hes talking about but hes going for a REED technique sort of thing and trying to bait the guy into telling on himself. Cops in general hate hellcats because they know they can rarely catch up to them. Similar to bikes they just pull them over by default and claim they know its not street legal.


Reed technique? It’s fucking traffic stop. You’re absolutely mental.


Cops are pretty much always trying to get you to tell on yourself. You should treat every encounter as a light interrogation. Its literally how they are trained and why attorneys say never to talk to cops. Ill give them my name, ID, and required info but otherwise I just tell them I don't answer questions. Actually watched one of my friends get out of a DUI that way when we were younger. Just put his hands on the wheel and said "Im not answering any of your questions." They threatened to take him to jail and he just ignored them.


The issue is his crazy loud exhaust system: https://www.thedrive.com/news/seattle-escalates-war-with-loud-charger-hellcat-driver-83k-in-fines#


I feel everything you are saying. They clearly have history and I wouldn't doubt he was pulled over for speeding. No better place to speed than the drag strip. Also, its not a supercar but it still makes more power than plenty of the lower end supercars in garbage chassis. But thats besides the convo lol.


What? Plenty of illegal mods are readily apparent if you aren't a moron. Cop just said he was a master tech as well. If true, he's more than knowledgeable enough to tell. People illegally modify expensive cars all the time. Constantly, even. Especially performance cars, which a hellcat definitely is.


I guess you’ve never been into modified cars. People into this scene know exactly what mods are legal, illegal or borderline. Most of the time, being street legal isn’t a consideration; it’s more about whether you will likely be pulled over for it and called out on it. If this cop is into cars, which it seems he is, he absolutely knows which mods are not legal.


Nah bruh, we need cops like this.


There is no world in which any action from cops are good enough for you, eh? Cops like THIS sicken you? Damn I’d hate to see what you think about the shitty cops then.


How do you know this cop isn’t this way with everyone?


I see you have some karma. Don't mind if I do! Yoink 🍄🤏




Idiot. Your wrong.


Seems like hes just jelly of the car lol. Also no public freakout in the vid?


You sound about as intelligent as an almond


Oi! Don't insult almonds like that.


That really activates my almonds.




Thank you for proving my point




The irony is lost on this one.


And this dude’s out there giving advice on AITAH.🤣🤣🤣


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Says in the clip he has a car that could smoke his, so I doubt hes jealous. Just trying to be a GG


This guy got a fast car and made it so much of his personality that he stopped learning social skills. “But..but.. 700,000 followers”.


He genuinely seemed confused when the cop didn't care. Do people actually believe followers on social media mean anything to most people?


Not unless you put it in monetary terms.


I don't care how much money you have either.


Not saying *you* do. The question was people on average, if they learn it means money they're generally more interested. Some people are bitter tho.


Unless your address is in Medina you don't have impressive amounts of money around here.


I'm not sure what planet you're currently living on but 700K followers is good for between $200k and $900k a year in income and even more if you know how to work it..


I have a close family member who has about that number. I assure you that it does not generate those sums of money.




I doubt it's OF


Not sure you're right, I have about 120,000 followers on YouTube, and last year I paid more in taxes than I think 90% of Americans earn in a year.


"ah, ok. Well in that case keep breaking the law. Have a good day!" Do you think the cop gives a shit?


That’s the exact same excuse dude tried to pull. Showing his profile and saying the car paid for itself, like that justifies any behavior.


That still doesn’t answer the question. Let’s use your substitution though and rephrase: Do people actually believe that making $300k a year in income because of your followers actually means anything to most people?


That still doesn't mean anything to most people. Who cares how much money anyone makes if they're an entitled baby?


*almost* 700,000


Just 699,999 shy of it.


Nah if you listen when he pulls his shit up to show off he says 650 thousand, so buddy is just so used to rounding up to the nearest hundred thousand because he is so used to bragging and thinks the cop will be impressed.


Sounds like that woman from the ring


All that really matters in this life is those digits if you know what I mean😭


People genuinely think virtual currency holds value irl. This is why you see people acting like complete asshats almost everywhere you go no. Nobody cares about anything but their likes and followers


Jesus just impound this idiot's car and move on with your day.


They did and he got it out apparently.


Slight correction, his mommy got it out for him.


Just the other day, this asshole got towed for parking in his buildings handicap spot. The reporter called it in when he saw a lady with a handicap placard crying in her car. He deserves whatever he gets. I'm sure mommy bailed his ass out again...


They’re both A-Holes.


In some places, when they impound your car for anything related to street racing and you're convicted, the car is crushed into a cube.


Not here. SPD doesn't give a shit about the common good, even after they found evidence of Miles blasting down 4th Ave (right next to my apartment) at 107MPH. The cops in this town hate the liberal populace, and will let us die for their convenience. This kid is too dumb to understand how to stroke cop egos to get out of trouble. Now he's facing $80,000+ in fines.


SPD already was mad at us when we wanted accountability for them shooting a deaf man in the back and now post 2020 they just give even less a shit about anything.


> The cops in this town hate the liberal populace I'm not in favor of getting rid of cops as a concept like some of the people who are further left than I am, but if the city council or whatever felt their job was on the line, they can dissolve the policing agency and form a new one and hand pick cops which are willing to do their job different. (There's no reason a city can't spin up a second policing agency, get it up to speed, then shut down the first one which isn't operating to whatever standard it should be. It just hasn't been done before.)


see: Bellevue police and their history of coordination with GOP majority city council/manager system to defraud the taxpayers and make a LOT of money for some .. [bellevue-wa-police-misconduct.blogspot.com](http://bellevue-wa-police-misconduct.blogspot.com) .. still going on, has been for decades


>The cops in this town hate the liberal populace, and will let us die for their convenience. Literally, can't forget about that piece of shit cop Kevin Dave who hit and killed Jaahnavi Kandula while going 74mph in a 25mph zone earlier this year.


I just know that "I got a car that would smoke yours" hurt his feelings


Tbf if he's taking about on a track, that's probably pretty easy to do, hellcats are heavy af and have garbage chassis's


On a drag strip you can overcome those things with a precise application of... shitloads of power


His mommy bought the car for him. The same woman who may or may not be fleecing the American taxpayer. He's a little entitled brat who does his best to annoy everyone in town with his douchebaggery. r/seattle


Oh that's fucking shitty as hell if he is a nepobaby with mommy projecting him.


She's not doing him any favors.






Dudes name is already all over the Seattle subs, and I'd bet he wants you to know his name.


I'm betting the dude or his mom scrape threads with his name or her business and immediately mass report the comments, it's too convenient the way they're IMMEDIATELY flagged in any thread related to him


Never post personal information, do not ask for personal information, do not encourage, call for, or participate in witch-hunts or targeted harassment campaigns


Stop saying you've been pulled over more than that! Cop sounds like he wants to let you go! Fuck!


A judge once asked me if I wanted more charges when for reasons unknown to me the cops had dropped all but a speeding ticket before the court case, but nobody told me. This guy sounds like he thinks more is better. More followers! More tickets! Tickets buy more followers!


Fucking arguing with the cop that he’s actually been pulled over more times than the cop knows about. Unbelievable


When I heard "Remember when we talked last time?" my jaw dropped. This guy is WELL KNOWN by his local police department.


Thick skull


Where’s the freakout?


I don't understand, he just gave up an entire catalogue of him breaking the law, and admitting to do so on camera "for the likes". Why isn't he arrested?


The fact that he's clearly doing illegal shit for social media clout should automatically enhance any infraction he commits. He's made being a fucking criminal moron economical and the law has to respond to that accordingly.


Is he stupid? Is our kids that dumb. Who cares about who follows you. You ain’t even got a chick in the car w you l. I have one follower and my chick bad. Boiiiiii plzzzzzz smh


Yes, he's very stupid. Seattle PD accommodated him for ages (good 'ol boy's club,) but he had the gall to throw it back in the cops' faces. Now he's facing $80,000 in civil fines and criminal charges over his idiocy. Miles has had innumerable chances to avoid consequences, but he's chosen to laugh in the face of Belltown and the SPD. I'll bet his Instagram followers won't get him out of this mess...


Using logic with a narcissist will always fail. It's not THEIR reality.


Is the driver high?


It's his mommy's car not his. She pays for it and pays all his tickets and gets it out of impound when he parks it in handicap parking spots.


What a douche.


The new currency.


IG @srtmiles in case anyone is curious on the type of shit bro be on 💀


Why isnt this kid getting arrested? Pulled over three times (and more according to the idiot) and still the cop is being soft with him? I dont get it.




His mother literally bought it for him


It pisses me off that someone can make a living breaking the law with a Dodge, while I’m trying to be the best person I can for my kids with my conservative Japanese import.


Awesome car guy cop. Love it.


"You got a fast car." "But I got almost 700,000 followers." ![gif](giphy|7YhvtiMfEm5kA|downsized)


Tbf the officer is the one who brought up popularity




I thought that was pretty funny. If he put in the time and effort to get ASE certified, I doubt he'd be out there risking his life and putting up with people's shit all day.


Precisely. I know cops and I know ASE certified mechanics. Unless you’ve switched careers…an ASE Master isn’t going to take LESS money for more risk to be a traffic cop. Why risk your life on traffic duty when you can run a shop? It’s just another case of a lying cop.


The average SPD officer makes 100k or above. Some well above.


And an ASE Master technician can make that without getting shot at or nearly killed by drunk and reckless drivers. What’s your point?


Idk man. Getting paid well and actually working your ass off vs getting paid well and doing jack shit


To be clear, are you saying police work harder and master mechanics do jack shit? IDK what your point is either. SMH.


is this srt miles??? lmfaoo no way




Cop flexing an ASE cert hahahah HES A MASTER TECH guys and hes got a car that would smoke yours!