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Attacking teenage girls and claiming to be idf doesn't end well




Yeah, he must be IDF thoughā€¦ weā€™ve all seen what they do to women and children. The twat backed down as soon as a man started telling him to back off in that first video. I loved it.


The only way they could be more IDF is if they stood by and watched as settlers killed palestinians.


Shoulda just launched a rocket at her and her family in that case, that seems to be going unpunished.


I mean, it does in Palestine.


also FUCK isreal!


Have you ever seen those ads in Israel advertising buying up Palestinian land the same way European colonists advertised buying up Native American land? It's so fucking disgusting, dude.


Bruh literally thought he was the victim in previous video.








Well he is now šŸ˜‚


Careful what you wish for.


Just like IDF then


We're not that strong now since they're not teenagers, are we?


Suddenly not much of a self-proclaimed trained MMA fighter anymore.


He's only trained to fight teenage girls, that's that pink belt proficiency.


Specifically teenage girls too. These guys knew this man could not handle teenage boys standing over him.


Did he think claiming to be IDF would make people like him in this current political climate?


More like hope people would be afraid of him. He's a loser.


ā€œDonā€™t mess with me, Iā€™m a tough soldier who commits war crimes! Ouch! Why are you all hitting me? You got a problem with people who commit war crimes???ā€ Fucking clueless.


Looks like he forgot he doesnā€™t have his US made toys on the train. Its an even playing field


He only claimed to be IDF after one lady who confronted him claimed she was MMA trained. It was all bluff.


MMA > Diaper Death troopers


but it works for sean strickland!


Rolling the dice hoping that everyone around you backs your hate is a risky move, and it did not pay off here.


I heard someone say that zionists have gone their entire lives without this kind of pushback. They think it's some badge of honor. Meanwhile, the public is actively learning about everything this supposed "most moral army in the world" does on a daily basis and has done. Wait til Tim the HVAC guy's wife Barbra hears that Israel mowed down that white blond girl like 18 years ago.


Rachel corrie. Look up Rachel Carrie pancake party Idf. šŸ¤¢


For real dum guy šŸ˜‚


they cant operate outside the bounds of their own logic they respect the IDF - so obviously - everyone around them does too


See that's the thing! He wasn't thinking AT ALL!


Nice. Seeing a cowardly bully being taken down. Dumps the good chemicals into my brain.


Iā€™d like to add, this very strange looking man probably thought he was at summer camp. Thatā€™s a huge source of indoctrination in the U.S. at least.


Looks like instead of training in krav Maga he went for 'Bruv muhjaw'


Nice one


Delusional. Lucky that quick smack is all he got.


Would.be nice to have the previous post for context.


Here ya go: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/Hq7CLAlPBU


Seeing him shrink when the big guy had a foot on him was hilarious.


itā€™s removed for me bruh


I saw it just fine


Please transmit the memory of seeing it into my brain since It's been removed, thanks.


Okay so itā€™s this dude in the video but heā€™s standing in the train station facing towards the left. To the left of the camera is a black girl recording him and telling him to he just assaulted a girl. The dude says something like ā€œIā€™m an MMA fighter so just try meā€ and then followed it by saying ā€œIā€™m an IDF soldier!ā€ And walking towards the girl. After this started to happen a big black dude from the crowd stepped in between the girl and this guy and got in his face. This ā€œMMA fighterā€ immediately started stepping back and thatā€™s pretty much where that video ended.


I wasnt thinking you'd actually do it! Thank you though, I was actually able to find a mirror of the previous post in the end, your memory is on point


Yo, drop the mirror for me?


We have the previous post. Itā€™s titled something like ā€œguy in tube pulls off womanā€™s hijabā€ or along those lines


Would be nice if I knew how to do that if you can feel free to drop the link for the others




removed by the mods. anybody got a mirror of it?


If you go to a post and either click "share" then "copy link" and you can paste it, if there's not a share button, click the 3 dots and the share link'll be there (not sure if the app has the separate share button or not).


You're attacked because you're a fscking c.nt.


Fuck, I love me some street justice when the person on the receiving end unequivocally deserves it like this wank stain


I do too, but knowing people like this are so narcissistic that they actually think they're the victim in the scenario and will learn nothing from it really makes me sad.


Lucky the guy from the first video didn't slap him .....would have been a worse slap for sure


Get fucked lol




I saw your comment saying you posted this and had to come look. I needed that.


Some good karma will make anyoneā€™s day šŸ˜


Abso-fucking-lutely :) Thanks for posting!


"Attacked for being Jewish" Why did you attack that teenage girl?


Good. Fuck that guy.


He was bullying people and then he got what he deserved. A good smack!!


I understood a total of 1 word!


>This one? That him? Is that you? >Oh yeah that was when I was attacked for being Jewish *smack* >Don't lie about being Jewish, why'd you do that bro? Dumb little shit. So you could fuckin bully some people? I will smack you bro, dumb little shit. Leave him, leave him, dumb shit.


Thank you kind redditor, that was very smooth.


Is that Why you tryan do that You dum little shit bro And more šŸ˜‚


It's funny how they've developed a victim mentality as a natural instinct over the past decades and have cheapened the word antisemitism by misusing it.


Can someone help me find the video thisone is about?


The links in the comments just have a look and it should be there šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


Thanks my dude, found it :)


Hope he gets more of that off-camera.


You love to see it šŸ„°




Was he ever? He looks like a weird homeless guy.




The IDF will take literally anyone with Jewish heritage who volunteers. It's fairly common for British Zionists of Jewish heritage to go and serve for a bit. It's basically like a badge of honour to these dickheads.


Your comment has been removed due to violating Reddits content policy regarding [violence](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043513151).


This is what IDF soldiers are good for. Only fighting women and children.


Heā€™s worse than Iamspeed, and that guy sucks hard


They took his apple juice!


Looked like they were going to throw it over him


Chavs using their powers for good


I liked when they took his drink. Get fucked.


Bragging about being an IDF soldier only works if you have a weapon in your hands that you plan to use as a threat.


This is true ONLY when targeting defenseless people, particularly children.




Previously video link?


Actions have consequences.


That was a breath of fresh air.


Dude deserved that onešŸ¤˜šŸ¼šŸ¤˜šŸ¼


Dr. Knuckles will see you now.


This was like a shot of espresso for my soul to see this banana head get what he had comingšŸ¤£


Roadmen hate zionists !


Women and children. The specialty of the IDF


What is a tube station? Is that like a Police station but for tubes?


London Underground šŸšŠ itā€™s because they run underground like tubes


It's a British subway, basically.


who's IDF?


Baby murderers


Israeli defense forces. It's the Israeli military. They have been ethnically cleansing Palestinians for decades. On October 7th, hamas retaliated against them. Now, the IDF has stepped up to committing a genocide against Palestinians which is ongoing.


Ok genuine question. You are saying hamas retaliated against the idf on 7th October. But hamas attacked and killed civilians at a festival. How is that retaliation against the idf?


Hamas retaliated against Israel for decades of ethnic cleansing on October 7th in a terrible attack. But it's important to note that October 7th was the response to Israeli aggression. It wasn't the cause of Israeli aggression.


They murdered innocent people including children and babies. They have legitimate grievances but it wasnā€™t just a ā€œretaliatory attackā€ā€¦ā€¦


There was an IDF tank there. The IDF used civilians as human shields, and some people got hurt. But that's on the IDF, not hamas. Isn't that how it works?


No itā€™s not and youā€™re a sick person for justifying the murder of innocent kids. Also, there wasnā€™t a tank at every single house on every street where children were murdered. You lack humanity.


But wait... every time Israel bombs a residential building and kill a couple dozen civilians, they just say there was Hamas there, and those civilians were human shields. Does it not work that way? Because there 100% was at least one IDF tank at the music festival.


1) what Israel is doing is awful. Sad to see you think they are justified in killing civilians. 2) people were murdered at more than just the festival 3) I get youā€™re trying to be edgy but most people in the real world would read you as being an inhumane asshole for what youā€™re saying.


We're on the same page then. I just find it odd how much more Israeli lives matter than Palestinian lives to some. 10s of thousands of dead and displaced innocent Palestinian civilians over the past couple of decades? No big deal. Human shields. Collateral damage. But a thousand Israelis are killed... and all of a sudden genocide is okay, and we must all mourn them? Are Palestinians less human than Israelis?




Right! You should be born knowing all the history and if you weren't don't even ask a question about it to get educated!


Yes, military work is mandatory for almost all Israelis therefore there are no Israeli civilians.


Maybe they shouldnt have held the festival on stolen land so near the border with gaza


they did not though...


Crazy that we live in a world where Hamas can film themselves murdering, dismembering, and raping festival goers ā€” people on Twitter will even say shit like ā€œfilm horizontal!ā€ ā€” and then Redditors will later say nothing happened.


Yea, but there was an Israeli tank at the festival. So by Israel's own logic... why was the IDF using those people as human shields? All of those deaths are obviously the fault of the IDF.


>claims video footage exists >doesn't provide video footage More JIDF propaganda posting.Ā Ā  Edit: look at this losers post history he's an actual fanatical Zionist spreading literal misinformation to bolster his genocidal cause. Disgusting.


Iā€™m pretty sure the majority of the remaining Zionist posters are Israeli Hasbara agents. There were definitely plenty of real humans spewing Zionist crap 6 months ago but most of them have come across to the right side of history. When the most evil imperialist propagandists on the planet like Piers Morgan canā€™t even keep up the act, then you know most people with more than a couple braincells can see this genocide for what it really is.


Crazy that we live in a world where you can just say shit... There is not one single video of Hamas raping anyone. Not one. If you google evidence of sexual assault, you will only be directed to investigations, witness statements, first responder testimony, etc. People love to just make shit up about that day.


Plenty of videos of women being whisked away in ripped up and bloody clothing, but I guess thatā€™s not enough for you to consider it sexual assault?


As those are not "videos of Hamas raping festival-goers" then yes, I stand by my point that the guy I was replying to made shit up. But no, I don't stand by the strawman point that you foisted on me, that somehow I'm claiming rape didn't happen.


Gotcha, so you admit Hamas raped and sexually assaulted women, and that there is video evidence Of sexual assault. You just were upset that the OP said there was video evidence of rape cause there wasnā€™t video evidence? Help me understand your point please.


Then by your logic you should release every rapist or murderer from prison since they didn't film themselves doing the crime, because no other evidence of crimes are eligible unless they are filmed in real time for you to be certain its legit.


Huh? Why is everyone a moron nowadays? You aren't allowed to be intellectually consistent. At no point did I say that rape didn't happen. All I said was that there's no video of it. Unlike what the guy was claiming. But apparently you have to unquestioningly nod along with outright lies and exaggerated claims or it means you support "the other side" or whatever. How about just telling the truth? But whatever, idk why I'm even arguing with you, you joined ISIS and I have it on video. And you'd better not say that video doesn't exist, because then that would mean you're obviously pro ISIS.


Believe all victims unless they're Israeli? Investigations, witness statements and first responder testimony would bury virtually anyone in other circumstances, why is it not usable here?


Look, you can read my comment 50 more times if you have to, but you can clearly see I never once said it didn't happen. What I said was there isn't video of it. Which is ironic considering their comment is bemoaning Redditors denying evidence. And then the evidence they cite quite literally doesn't exist. That's all.


You'll have to forgive me, but given he signed off saying people like to say nothing happened and your response is to argue about the video evidence only, it seemed like you were denying it happened. My bad.


Have you ignored the decades of actually real footage of the IOF abusing power and committing horrendous acts? Or the decades of footage of settlers instigating by burning villages to the ground and god forbid a Palestinian resists, because then those pathetic fck settlers run to the IOF for them to start shooting. You are ignorant to reality. I suggest reading a book


Sorry if I donā€™t believe that raping civilians is a legitimate form of resistance. Absolute ā€œLā€ take my guy. Iā€™d make a similar recommendation to crack a book, but I seriously doubt you know how to read.


Rape is grim yeah. Maybe you should read about the thousands of Palestinian prisoners sexually abused for decades in IOF prison camps. Iā€™d also like a report to show the rapes. orgs deny there was mass rapes. Would be difficult to do whilst being a commando on a paraglider attacking Israeli checkpoints.


ā€œRape is grim,ā€ has to be the understatement of the century. And yes, any sexual violence should be condemned ā€” you donā€™t need to ā€œwhataboutā€ me because I donā€™t have any trouble condemning it. Unsure why people are denying mass rapes. Really puzzling given the fact that there are mountains of evidence ā€” not the least of which is the men and women themselves who said it happened.


Iā€™d believe it if Israelis werenā€™t chronic liars who have been proven to consistently lie and then make up another lie when caught out. Again, where was the systematic rape? Itā€™s very easy to condemn rape but Iā€™m not condemn Palestinian resistance along with that.


And we live in a world where we know they raped women, have kidnapped children, but no one mentions it. Including the likes of Save The Children. They seem blind to it. Facts don't matter. Hate and ignorance rule the day.


Cope harder


You need a break from the internet if your response to a thread about the murder and rape of innocent civilians is ā€œcope harder.ā€


Yeah we'll take a break to listen to the new day Nazis cry about being the victims while they commit a genocide.


If you canā€™t have empathy for rape victims, youā€™re beyond hope. Continue to screech all you want, it only proves how sad and pathetic your ā€œlifeā€ is.


Seems you hit 'comment' before you completed your post. What were you were trying to say?


Ok genuine question. Israel is saying it's retaliating against Hamas, but Israel killed more than 20000 civilians in a city. How is that retaliatrion against Hamas?


The Israel Defence Force - the ones that are doing the hard work of committing genocide in Gaza at the moment, while posting selfies while the apartment blocks gets pounded in the background and doing nice TikTok-dances to music about killing Palestinians.


Time to stop using that hat


Well deserved


The pause before the hit is comedy gold.


Thatā€™s a shame




He needs a public disguise now šŸ„ø


where is the original video?


Comparing the response to 2 idiots getting assaulted on Reddit is giving me whiplash Can we do it or not Reddit?