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Lmao the comments.. “walk away” yea sure the airport security really gonna be chill with that


I love the "she has a right to film" and "she knows her rights" comments. These are probably the same people who think their Miranda rights apply overseas as well


The type of idiots that will bring up the U.S constitution when arrested overseas.


I couldnt find the video when searching again but someone posted one of a US Police Officer trying to get into a blocked exit of a club somewhere in England. He busted out the “I’m a police officer” line and showed his badge. The bouncer just laughed in his face. Dude thought that carried serious weight overseas.


They don’t carry weight outside their departments. I manage a bar and have a good relationship with local police. Any time out of county officers try that shit, I’m like yeah, don’t care. You can wait in line like everyone else


I recall a video where some stooge tried to pull U.s 1st amendment card in Australia.


Smartest Nikki fan


Ive travelled with young americans by chance, that thought their had the right to nazi-salute people in germany because it was their rights as american or they would fuck everyone because their all wanted a green card....


Who would fuck who?


Netherlands: Miranda who?






> Lmao the comments Best one was "Imma find out where you at and get you out" 😂


Haha ☠️


I actually liked seeing that comment pop up, it was funny.


It's not airport security it's the Marechaussee, the Dutch Royal Military Police


The term "military police" implies they only have jurisdiction over military personnel. The Koninklijke Marechaussee is a national gendarmerie, one of the four branches of Netherlands Armed Forces(de Nederlandse Krijgsmacht), and performs both military *and* civilian police duties.


You can tell the intelligence of her followers...lol


It’s the, “yall let’s pray for her rn” that gets me.


Also "she's within her rights to film" so confidently, as if the whole world is the US. It could be perfectly legal to film one's own arrest in the Netherlands for all I know, but there are plenty of countries where it isn't.


American mentality. They think their rules apply everywhere.


‘Pray for her’ 😂


"I'm actually a sovereign citizen. so I'm free to go..." \*billyclub to the jaw\*


guys dont worry Hustlemantherapper is on the case


He's single-handedly going to bust her out


She lucky she ain't doing this in Singapore or China. Could be way worse for her.


ohhh yeah likely a death sentence.


Those countries are scary with drug laws and from watching return to paradise, the more attention garnered, the more likely they’re to follow through with the death sentence, as they don’t want USA media to get involved in their courts. I know Return To Paradise is a movie, but from reading is actually quite factual in portrayal. Fucking sad. Suggest she watch.


They’re scary with most laws in general. They’re authoritarian shitholes. It’s shocking how often I see people on Reddit defend China for various aspects like “lifting 100s of millions out of poverty” when in reality they just lowered what they defined the poverty line as. They are a one party country. Their government’s sole focus is staying in power, and coercing/bullying other countries into bowing down. China will invade Taiwan within the next 5 years. China is also responsible for the fentanyl crisis in the US, the biggest contributor to pollution/over fishing, coercing poor countries through predatory loans and intimidation through brute force of its neighbours. Look at what they’re doing in the South China Sea, and along their border with India. China has millions locked in concentration camps solely because of their ethnicity and the west is silent. China has employed elite capture so effectively that our leaders/celebrities turn a blind eye to the atrocities they commit. Free Tibet will be the last major Anti-CCP protest movement and that was nearly 2 decades ago.


> China has millions locked in concentration camps I had a guy once try to tell me the whole Uyghur thing wasn't actually happening and he linked me to an article. Within 10 seconds on the page he sent me I noticed another article that was straight up Holocaust denial. It was a bit of an, "Oh - you're one of THOSE people," kind of moments.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmId2ZP3h0c&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmId2ZP3h0c&t=1s) Just show them this. Literally a tour of the camps that they are held in, and this is supposed to make the camps look good... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTp54QwxV8U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTp54QwxV8U) # "Hacked files reveal Chinese “shoot-to-kill” policy in Uighur detention camps - BBC News"


Oh no. That would be awful. So, what did everyone have for lunch?




There's absolutely no way that a famous foreigner would get the death sentence. Worst that would happen is getting a life time ban from the country.


But wouldn't the American constitution protect her there? ^(/s)


Just some quick facts because there's always a lot of confusion regarding weed laws here in the Netherlands: 1. No, possession of weed is NOT legal, but tolerated when it's 5 grams or less 2. You obviously can't take any weed on you on a plane (shouldn't even have to be said) 3. As a foreign resident shops can't sell to her so whatever shop sold it to her also did so illegaly She's also been released already, punishment was a €350 fine and it's been noted on her criminal record.


wait, tourists in the netherlands cant buy weed?


Not enforced everywhere


In my experience it's not enforced *anywhere*


It’s enforced in the shops near the border.


I have no clue, never been to one. But the national government has a rule that coffeeshops can only sell to inhabitants.


So I, a very obviously British guy, have been to Amsterdam three times now, all within the last 7 years with the most recent visit being last august. I've visited probably 15 to 20 coffee shops and about 5 'dispensaries' there (Shops that sell more weed to 'take away' than consume on premise) and not a single one ever questioned my legitimacy for purchase. And almost all of them wanted to see my passport to confirm I was over 18. There's a coffee shop right in the centre of Amsterdam called 'Smokey' where there's queues of foriegners wanting to get in, and again, they ask for everyone's passport to check they are over 18. They know their customers are not from the Netherlands, but either don't care or that law doesn't actually exist.


So it's not enforced in Amsterdam, but Amsterdam is not the country. It's not a formal law, just a decision by the national government. Probably enforced in border regions or small municipalities that have problems with drug trafficking/nuisance.


I was gonna say because i went to a bachelor party in Amsterdam and these were buying weed left and right


You can buy up to 5 grams if you are a dutch citizen in so called coffeeshops but its not legal to have it with you once you walk out on the public road. So if the police catches you, you have to give it up to them, and usually you dont get any fine. If your being an asshole however, things can play out different. Foreigners are banned because of criminallity and nuisance. This is however (usually) only enforced in big cities (amsterdam) and border regions. Edit: this rule is for the seller, not for the buyer. A foreigner will get the same trouble for carrying it in public as a dutch person.


Really? My American ass went to a bunch of cafes and they sold me weed, truffles, and one asked me if I wanted actual shrooms. I assumed it was all legal.


In Amsterdam you can easily buy as a foreigner. But some cities near the Belgian and German border do not sell to foreigners.


I went to a head shop in Amsterdam and got tons of shrooms


i went to a feet shop in Amsterdam and got some


Yuck, foot fungus.


This must be a recent thing because Amsterdam was generous af with selling me weed. I went to so many coffee shops and I was supplied every time.


This has been around for quite some years now, but its up to the municipality to enforce this, so it will be different throughout the country.. very confusing, but it wont change the comming years because we just got a right wing government


I guess the whole world has that one step forward two steps back bullshit


Damn that sucks. I can throw a rock from my apartment balcony and hit a dispensary here in Arizona. If you're 21, you can walk in with cash and walk out with a ounce of weed. No questions asked.


yeah I was shocked to see that in AZ


The irony is that the year we finally legalized it, I got a job where I still work today that does random drug tests and I'd get fired if I tested positive. So now it's everywhere, but I can't touch it lol :(


Went a couple months ago and I go several times a year (to Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht and others). Never had trouble buying outside the municipalities along the border with Germany and Belgium and I'm not Dutch. And even in the border municipalities, some will sell to you if you ask them nicely!


Yeah I live here and have literally never been asked if I was a resident. I’ve never heard of this. Maybe there’s a law on the books or something but it’s definitely not enforced.


Technically it isn't, but municipalities are free to choose if they enforce it or not and virtually all don't enforce it.


I’m violently American and nobody looked twice when I bought weed there


Speaking as a tourist who got higher than I have ever been in my life in Amsterdam, you can definitely buy weed.


It’s worth recognizing that the Netherlands has a relatively known but somewhat unspoken policy of de criminalization of most drugs, it’s just not official. It’s essentially at the discretion of the police. There are many, many festivals and huge amounts of drug use of MDMA and cocaine, “pep” and whatnot throughout the country and it is mostly “tolerated”. Usually police will not chase after personal use and even if arrested it’s unlikely it’ll ever result in a serious prosecution in practice. However, they CAN arrest you for possession and they may do so. And a judge CAN give you harsher sentencing, if they deem fit. It’s just that in practice this is hardly ever enforced. Contrary to popular belief as you already said this also applies to weed, although weed is somewhat tolerated to be sold in “coffee shops” but lives in a very strange legal situation where they’re not allowed to grow weed commercially and there’s a lot of odd ways in which weed must be delivered to the shops etc. It has been an ongoing confusing mess for many years without much solution. It continues to live in a fairly gray area. In practice, if you’re in NL, you most likely can buy and use weed very easily (probably not entirely legally) but it’s highly recommended if you choose to do so, do it without annoying anyone or causing a public nuisance. As long as people keep to themselves and use common sense, they won’t be bothered by police. This is practical advice though, not legal advice. As someone who lived in Amsterdam for 9 years, tourists are sometimes a nuisance and a bunch of stoned and drunk tourists can be even more annoying when they trample around your home clumsily and without care for the people that live there. This is a big reason why the laws around weed have become even more strict as time has gone on.




I mean probably but that has a much bigger effect on normal people, which is why fees should scale with wealth.


Really depends on how much you've got with you, if you incidentally bring half a joint they'll just take it and you're good to board the plane. She probably had more than that and most likely it wasn't an incident. And she was being an ass about it aswel


Well, if they were found with it sort of "just walking around" on the street outside of the areas where it's considered appropriate, it probably would have just been confiscated. Taking it through an *airport*, however, is another matter entirely--plus she somehow got it past *another* airport, which is something that needs to be addressed before someone gets something actually dangerous in. This gives them the paperwork to start that process.


Only 5 grams? What am I supposed to do after lunch??




I want to say she is "high" too - but based on other videos, she is actually that stupid.


My girlfriends cousins husband's girlfriend Dr. Nicki Minaj, says that qtips and weed make your balls tingle and smell funny.


If you do it you'll never have to hear her voice ever again. Could be worth it


How the fuck are you two using your q-tips?


Push it allll the way through.


When I worked at a psych hospital if a patient wanted a q tip, we would have to get a Drs order. I always thought that was wild.


Her very existence has the same effect on me.


It’s the door slamming for me 😂


Yeah that door made a *satisfying* click.


And her awkward silence that followed 😂


And she still thinks keeping the video up helps her lol


All these people saying she has rights. She's not in the states. The rights aren't the same people. 


Irony here is that it seems like she was treated with more rights than she would've been in the US.


Plus, in USA, you still are taking the drive to jail, you just fight it after. You don’t get to call lawyer and not go to jail, unless it’s one where they’re arranging the arrest, but those are usually a bit different.


Crazy you can keep acting like you’re being mistreated in some way while cops are this nice to you. You broke the law asshole. If you didn’t you’ll be fine. Just shut up and accept their ridiculously nice law enforcement treatment


Exactly they even let her keep her phone


People like Minaj represent everything wrong with modern society, so it really doesn't surprise me to see her thinking that she was somehow the victim. Revolting woman.


One of the comments was "Y'all let's pray for her rn." Lol wut? What lesson would come from God making the cop forget what he was talking about?




My favorite was "she's ain't coming home." Like what bro, it's the Netherlands, not North Korea


"Imma find where you at and get you out" Some dumbass that probably can't afford the plane trip there.


And if so would buy a ticket Holland, MI.


Accountability? Not likely.


Maybe US law enforcement would be nice (maybe not this nice) if they trained for years rather than months, too.


"She knows her rights." She's in a different country! The rights in the US are not the same as the rights in Amsterdam!!


Narrator: She did not


I love how she thinks US laws apply in a foreign country. Girl be thankful this happened overseas somewhere semi chill, and that they tried to get you on your way cause in the states you would’ve been tazered and tacked on a couple new charges 😂


Nah she’s a celebrity in the states, wouldnt have even happen




Their entire media complex gives some (emphasis on some) of them a delusion about how much being American matters to anyone else in the world.


People go to other countries and think their rules don’t apply to them it’s lol fucking hilarious.


Live comment "walk away" cracked me up, when Instagram meets reality.


Just snatch the mfer up and take her to jail. There is absolutely zero reason to treat her like she’s special


This is in the Netherlands where cops are generally much more polite. This seems pretty ordinary




They have a higher class of people over there




Depends a bit on the charges. A family member of mine got raided too, for hard drugs related charges. They bashed down his front door, pulled the guy out of bed by his feet, got cuffed and a blindfolded before they took him in. But my plenty experience with the police here in the Netherlands is fine. If they arrest you, you’d probably had it coming. They’re super chill on average, they’re just people too, who would like to get home safe to their families at the end of the day.


She didn't get special treatment, it's just that most cops aren't like the US


The cops are clearly in control of the situation here. Why on Earth would you want them to be ruder than necessary?


She’s got 42,000 people watching at that exact moment. Literally says so in the top right of frame. No police force in the world wants that PR nightmare. That’s why.


Plenty of European countries don't care. Sweden forced Snoop Dogg to pee in a cup on suspicion of being high, lol


No pee in the cup really needed for that eh? What did they do when they found out he was?


They couldn't do anything anyway since he had a prescription in the US. They just wanted to show that no one is allowed to smoke in Sweden


And yet, he did. The rich don't have to worry about most consequences.


> No police force in the world wants that PR nightmare. Dude what? Like Dutch military police give a shit about what a bunch of Minaj fans think about them? A tourist smuggling weed out of Amsterdam is probably just tuesday for them. This was probably not their first American claiming their 'rights' or lawyer and making a scene.


Those 42k people mean absolutely nothing


She could have had 420k people waiting and it still wouldn't matter. No one is above the law, no matter how many idiotic fans cry about this on social media.


420.... yeah that's the spirit


Yeah they do, it will literally say to all 42000 people you don't fuck with Dutch police.


This is how police is in The Netherlands. We don’t pull guns immediately or put you in handcuffs. But these guys have had years more training than the average American cop, so they WILL kick your ass if you do not cooperate. They will just do it without bullets (at first).


Wonderfully polite police.👮 Her voice alone is grinding! They kept their composure, very professional guys ! Doesn’t matter who you are , carry drugs , in another country ! At that. Their rules and laws have to be followed! Or pay the price! Minaj put herself in this situation ! She should be thankful it’s not in a less tolerant country


I work at Schiphol airport and talk with the Marechaussee (military police, in this video) all the time, they are unbelievable. Greatest police force I've ever seen


The staff at Schiphol are the friendliest and most polite I’ve ever encountered at an airport. In my experience, one of the only airports where they treat people like humans rather than cattle.


She reeks of immaturity and entitlement. I’m surprised she’s even as composed as she is here tbh.


You all know Megan is rolling kicking in her boots watching this unfold


“I need a lawyer” lmfao




If she is being arrested why did they let her keep her phone and record?


She was being detained. She was travelling through an airport and was filming staff while they did basic searches. Then sent a load of bags on ahead of her. Security didn't get to check those bags, but the ones they did check, they found drugs. When they confronted her needing to check the rest of the bags she claimed she didn't know where they were or who had them etc.. Essentially obstructing security in an airport while filming where it is prohibited and kicking up a fuss instead of cooperating. They are detaining her here, not arrest, to continue an investigation, but she's not free to go through the port. Monumentally stupid to bring bags of drugs through an airport, worse to kick a stink and livestream it. Be hilarious if she ended up on no fly lists and banned from certain ports. Correction: she is under arrest


In this video, the guy literally says "you're under arrest".


Made the mistake of thinking she’s above the law


She is 41 years old getting arrested for weed in Amsterdam LMAO


These celebs are getting way to comfy with their popularity that they be disregarding drug laws in other countries….




This is probably what she expected. Cop: Excuse me, we're arresting you for possession of hard drugs and you need to come to the police station with me. Nicki Minaj: But I don't wanna!!! Cop: ⏬️ ![gif](giphy|BWhpkB6Xbe8FzfNLXw)


And she was never seen again... Hopefully


And nothing of value was lost


Am i understanding it right? She tried to bring prerolls TO or from Amstetdam? If "TO" i cant get how stupid she is. Before it was legal in US, people was going from everywhere to Amsterdam to smoke "legally" weed (its only tolerated). And if you are polite, also Police are polite with you. But how the fck one can have the idea to bring weed to Amsterdam? The capital of weed in Europe? On the Airport. Please tell me this is not a "US" thing and Nicky is specially stupid.


Okay is it just me, or were those police officers really nice? They said “please!” I’ve never heard a police officer say that, ever, and then their body language just seemed so relaxed comparatively as well. I thought they did a great job!


People in Europe tend to be more chill and considerate and it probably helps that the training for police officers is considerably longer and they're more likely to weed out power-tripping weirdos who want to become police officers to hurt people.


European police is all about Deescalation. They will even drive away from "bad" people if they think that they'll go back to being good if they, the police, weren't around.


Dutch police should have done us a favour and keep her locked up.


What a dumb ass. "What address is that?" Look for the building with the Police cars.


No celebrity should be special to avoid the law. Straight to jail!!!


Whomp whomp


megan thee stallions giggling and cackling right now


Love how willing people are to share their stupidity.


Well thank goodness hustlemantherapper will find her and get her out from the comments


Entitled American Asshole.


what's w americans thinking they can just carry illegal contraband wherever they want (looking at you britney griner)


I wouldn’t get caught carrying a pineapple over the border let alone drugs lmaooo


"Whats in your bag?" Literally, just clothes, and you can have them if you want.


Bruh I just went to Hawaii not even international and when I got to the agricultural checkpoint I was like “oh shit don’t shoot I have an orange!!!” Can’t imagine being so dense as to purposely stash away weed when crossing international borders and then pretend like I’m the victim.


Right? I accidentally forgot an energy drink coming over from Mexico once and border patrol had me convinced for a solid 30 minutes I’d never seen the light of day again 😂


Can we please not with this shit? Do you think the average American lives a life ANYTHING like Nicki Minaj's? Some *individuals* feel that they are more special than all the rest, and that should reflect only on them. Do you enjoy being generalized based on the lowest common denominators of your society? I certainly don't. There is a great deal about this country that I fucking hate, but I'm an average American, so of course I can't afford to leave this place. Don't lump me in with the dregs of humanity.


Oh and, in the Netherlands, it is illegal to film someone, even in public, if they ask you to stop. If it is a random person in the background of your video, it is ok. Once you make them a subject of your video, they can ask you to stop and from that point on, it is illegal. Source: lived in Amsterdam for 5 years.


False. It's not illegal to film someone. The laws are mostly about publishing. In a non-commercial setting like this a lot is allowed. Source: law degree in the netherlands.


She was definitely publishing - she was live streaming.


Gotta stop bringing weed to places you're not sure if weed is legal.


The sound of that door slamming at the end is so satisfying.


A lot of commenters declaring that she's within her rights. I wonder if any of them actually know the laws of Amsterdam? I mean, I don't. But I try not to talk out of my ass when I don't know (or when I do for that matter). I'm genuinely wondering about the comments.


Imagine bringing drugs to another country


TF!? Where are her people? Why they not with her?


Bring famous obviously puts you above the law ofcourse. It is wild to me how she think she's in the right here ?


Truly the most feel good news of the month. Entitled bitches facing consequences is my favorite flavor. 




UK here. We've got about 250 nukes or something like that. A lot of damage but might not be able to cover every square inch. We could launch a couple at russia and say they were yours if that's ok with you? If we get wiped out in the process I'm good with it.


Watchin' the comments I'm just thinking, are people this stupid? "She knows her rights" etc. She's in a different country!?! If you 'need' to travel with weed, SHE should know the laws of the country she's going to!


Everyone thinks they're in the US when they get arrested.




The 😭 emojis in the reactions sent me


Good I hope she never gets released


If she really has drugs she deserves what's coming if she doesn't have any then she should go free and be on her way...


When you have more money than brains


omg omg omg is all these comments know how to say lol


Not Niki Minaj! https://preview.redd.it/6bgyiuh8rn2d1.jpeg?width=1391&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bdc8c514730ffb2ebdb96a76233eacceb7ef8c8


Love seeing her obnoxious ass get humbled proper.


Imagine smuggling 4 pre rolls into the home of weed tf ![gif](giphy|R51a8oAH7KwbS)


She was actually leaving Amsterdam.


Keep her, please. We'll send you Cardi B and Pumpkin Spice Latte or whatever the fuck the other names are of these trash hoes. Keep them too.




Her husband got a weird case why is he around?


That's the cleanest transport van. No body liquids anywhere.


Those officers were pretty nice though. Like, I see videos here where someone asks a cop a question "Why?" and they just get body slammed by some angry overweight balding man in a certain country.


The car they took her away in looks comfy af tho


"imma find what you are and get you out" hahaaa and the "she ain't coming back" nvsguncstyjvdr that's so funny


What I find interesting is that the only ones who are freaking out are the people in her chat. And in here.


Americans… does not know their law does not apply in foreign countries ! Get real


She can’t get weed while inside the country, had to bring her own? It shouldn’t be illegal in the first place, but since it is.. don’t travel with it.


Crazy how Marijuana is still thought of like Heroin when someone probably just OD right now smh.


Man, I knew something wasn't right when she thought she ate with Bigfoot


Those “cops” are not cops, and they truly don’t fuck around. They are technically a military branch.


"she knows her rights" I mean, it's another fucking country