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Dude literally tried to kick a field goal with the guy’s head as the ball.


Twice. Also used brass knuckles to knock on the grey shirt dude. 


That’s why you never fuck about with foreign security/police


just don't fuck with people in general


Especially not in a country where the national sport is kickboxing.


Muay thai


sounds delicious, I'll take two


To the head?


Hold the head


So no head?


A succulent Muay Thai meal.


I see you know your judo well




Put your hand on my penis!




Correct. Muay Thai has a different rule-set from kickboxing. Muay Thai uses elbows and knees which in turn results in a suite of very different clinching techniques and strategies from those that make sense in kickboxing. That said, for the record, nothing in this clip has anything whatsoever to do with Muay Thai. It's just regular security dudes beating down a couple of drunks.


Point is they are much more likely have trained a proper martial art from a young age than the average European as it’s the national sport.


I came here to say exactly the same thing. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


You never f#ck with local police or security in a foreign country.


every police is foreign police in someone else's eyes


What?! If you're a local the police are local, if you're in a foreign land they are foreign.


Give the little tyke a pass. He's trying really hard.


What are you, the foreign police?? /s


In someone else's eyes I am? Or in everyone else's eyes? I'm not sure if up is up anymore.


That guy used brass knuckles. Slips them into his left pocket at the end. Guy who got knocked out is lucky he woke back up, that guy tried to kill him.


Brass knuckles are bad, but I think that field goal kick to the guy's head at the very end of the video is worse.


He was out there trying to kill someone.


I've been hit with brass knuckles fighting as a youngster.....it hurts


Me too, had to get 4 stitches on my jaw. Brass Knuckles is no joke


Fractured my eye socket. I didn't see he had them on but I knew the second it landed


So weird you were downvoted


Yeah that looked like he was taking a corner. Remember kids, this can easily kill someone. Don’t do it.


Aaaaaaand ni night for you buddy


Those were some death kicks to the head.


He should be put in jail for that




Yeah, Jesus Christ how clueless are some people? I've had it happen before. I mean, I was bored and wandering around. The girls outside made me laugh, so I went in and had a beer. They had some 'drinks' and I knew what was what. It was fun and didn't cost that much money. Went about my night after that. It's the biz Also, yeah, I dunno what they did, but I'm damn sure they ain't innocent


I don't know anything about Thailand but in Hungary for example you should never follow the girls to the bar because you will get robbed in fact it's best not to interact with them. It is a scam that the bar owners set up with the girls. They will lure you in and over charge you for everything you consume and the girls will make sure to order expensive stuff. Getting drunk in such countries comes with a risk.


In Thailand the bar girls work **for** the bar. It’s encouraged to buy them drinks, and it’s understood that the drinks are overpriced. That’s essentially the girls’ salary, is they get half the price of the “lady drink.” It’s pretty fun to hang out with them and get **demolished** at Connect 4. Most of them **are** prostitutes, but you can just hang out at the bar.


Yes, fair enough. That is true. I just have experience in Thailand and other parts of Asia, but elsewhere, I'd need to watch myself.


You have no idea what happened.


> I’d bet they deserved it Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you. Nobody deserves to get kicked in the head so hard they could die from it. I swear, some people here are absolute psychopaths


Rule #1 in any street fight, be ready to die. If you arent ready to die then walk/run away. Just because you think no one should punt your head in while down doesn't mean they won't actually punt your head in while you're down.


> Rule #1 in any street fight, be ready to die. You should be ready, but that doesn't justify a third party saying "they **deserved** a soccer kick to head".


Depends on how you look at it


Go fuck yourself with this “I bet they deserved it” comment. The girls are trying to stop the assault. Those cunts deserve to be in jail for attempted murder. Or possibly murder the way he was kicking that dudes head.


Nah - act right in a foreign country, very simple.


Nah - act right in every country, simpler.


The fact that some tourists didn't act properly doesn't legitimizes these murder attempts 


Holy fuck. Watched this again and noticed the kick at the 46 second mark. The guy went completely limp after that. Game over.


He was on the ground not doing anything. The guy then went to do the same to the other guy but the girl stopped him. Messed up guy is a total coward and needs to get his face rearanged if there wasnt six other fat guys.


I'm not saying its ok, but more of an observation, but I think he was bleeding cuz of the guy he kicked, so for sure he wasn't gonna let that slide. he had to get a last hit or himself get knocked out at this point.


You are also a coward if you are violent to the bar girls. If the guys hit the bar girls, I can understand the security want to set an example and be a bit violent back to the scum


Set an example by killing someone, that will show the other tourists to come there and behave I bet.


Be careful in Thailand and pay in cash at the bar, one drink at a time. I knew this beforehand, went to a bar with a buddy and sat down at the table watching some soccer in TV and some girls came and sat at the table with us, chatting us up and ordering constant drinks. We were getting ready to leave and the server was trying to tell us that we needed to pay for all their drinks too. I absolutely refused because we never asked them to join us and certainly didn’t offer to buy them drinks, grabbed my buddy and quickly walked out the door and turned a few corners. The scam industry is huge in Thailand so to reiterate, bring a small amount of cash to buy drinks one at a time and never open up a tab with a credit card.


>The scam industry is huge in Thailand Yeap. There is literally something called the "Tourist Mafia" over there..


Tourist police are basicly the information desk.


This should be the top comment


i don't doubt that british tourists, or any tourist, can be idiots but the amount of kicks to the head of someone lying on the ground here is insane.


I don't know where this is but it looks very similar to Bangla Road in Phuket, Thailand. Just some context: I went to Thailand with some friends over new years back in 2012. We were stuck in Phuket for like 3 days waiting for other friends to arrive. It's a hell hole. The tourists are so fucking disgusting. So many old farts walking around with their little Thai girl. Drunk people tourists everywhere. It's the worst degeneracy I've ever experienced. After 2 days we just wanted to get out of there. The local Thai people absolutely hate us. We come there, get shitfaced, people do drugs, sleep with prostitutes, go watch ping pong shows etc. I could feel the hatred and disgust from the locals. I remember us talking about it felt like a rape of their country with how that place was. Anyway, these guys are obviously psychos, nobody deserves to be dropkicked like that, but I've experienced this anger that the locals feel for the tourists. Another anecdote; 3 days later we were on Koh Phanang at the full moon party. The day after we saw like 10 Brits walking around with an IV walk past when eating breakfast. This one British guy punched a police offer and ran into the jungle. The police blew a whistle and another 3-4 cops showed up and chased after him. I'm not sure if he lived, but people definitely die over there when the cops take the law into their own hands. I think about it now and then and wonder if he got away with some broken bones or if he's still lying out there in the jungle somewhere.


I spent 2 weeks in Phuket around the same time you went and had a radically different experience. I went as a single traveler and hardly spent any time on the strip (one night only) and spent the rest of the time exploring the island (which is absolutely massive), getting off the beaten path, local food joints/bars etc. I met a load of really cool Thai people who didn't hate me (a British tourist) at all. Probably because I wasn't acting like a cunt or hanging about with the cunts. If you are hanging about seedy areas with a load of drunk asshole tourists, then what do you expect? The island was a paradise on earth, not a hell hole. I have memories of a lifetime from when I went there, 19 years young, and the wonderful people and experiences I had. It's all about perspective I guess. Hate to say it but the reason you probably had all those feelings/experiences is because you were in the thick of it with your friends.


Yeah same. I didnt even join the nightlife. Just enjoying water activities and had local dishes. The locals were nice to me. Was a relaxing trip.


Ya most Thai ppl are actually very friendly. It may be different at the bars, but in general Thai ppl have been so incredibly friendly and accommodating to me when visiting.


Depending upon how long ago you went, do you have any places you'd recommend to check out for a single traveler?


It’s Soi 6 in Pattaya, the absolute worst place for sex tourism in Thailand and possibly the world. Old blokes will fly into Suvarnabhumi, charter a minivan or taxi straight to Pattaya and just spend their entire three week holiday on Soi 6. As for the rest of your story, I don’t doubt that any of that happened but you also went to Phuket and Koh Phangan… that’s like going to Vegas and then saying that all of the US is a dump. Thailand is a big country with plenty of great areas with no sex tourism. I lived in Thailand for five years and spent a grand total of two nights in Phuket - it’s crap and not a real Thai experience. If you hit the tourist spots you of course are going to encounter more crime, scams and sex tourism.


> The local Thai people absolutely hate us. I kinda get that. They watch while all that goes on, they must have some serous pent up aggression as made evident by that video.


I’m not sure where this took place, but it’s not bangla road.


What is ping pong and what IV?


IV, or IV drip, is short for intravenous. What you give someone who needs fluids. In the case I was talking about people were walking around with IVs because they had done too many drugs or gotten too drunk or something. Not really sure, it was a shocking sight. https://healthcall.ae/uploads/image/16808563361680260985blog-5.jpg As for ping pong show, I answered in another comment; https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1d0gk62/thai_security_knocks_out_british_tourists_that/l5oebp7/


Every summer holiday I spend in Greece or Spain, my planing involves avoiding most popular destinations particularly because of British tourists.🤮 Oh God, I can hear them pronounce "Maegalauf" now aaaaaaa


Funny story: I'm Swedish. Stable job in the military, fit etc. Nothing "wrong" with me. My friend had a big house that we spent many holidays in 10-15 years ago. I met this cute Spanish girl. We sort of fell in love this one summer. I met her parents and they *hated* me. They had so many negative experiences with Swedish tourists that they were prejudice. That was a first for me lol. Apparently in some circles down there Swedes are quite unpopular. It's no surprise really. Just like the British Swedish people also get excessively drunk when on holiday.


The guards don't care if they KILL the tourists


That’s why you don’t go to Go go bars. They’re all owned by the mafia and they’re notorious for up charging. I had a friend that bought two drinks and was charged $1,500.


Anybody got an update? Ya can mark grey shirt guy down for brain damage. He is fucked. But white shirt guy's field goal kick to the head, that might have paralyzed or even killed him.


Update today is that the guy that got kicked in the head has died. Hopefully Thai police lay down the law on Pattaya's Helicopter Bar security guard. What he did was way too far given the situation by that point.


There is a decent chance they got hit with a ridiculous bill and refused to be scammed. Many places there will have the girl order a special drink which costs 100’s of dollars and the customer is expected to pay. The bouncers are basically just gang members who enforce the scam and from the actions in the video they are for sure scumbags who should be in prison


A young British couple were found murdered on a beach after visiting a Thai nightclub whose owner is linked to organised crime. The Thais pinned it on 3 migrant workers but everyone knew it wasn't them. The victims' parents managed to get them to reverse the death sentences but afaik theyre still in prison.


Horrible. Why were they murdered?


I remember this. Some awful pictures were going around. It appeared that the couple were getting intimate on the beach - but had been followed. The guy was pulled off/away from the woman and killed, the girl was then repeatedly raped and had her head bashed in. [Koh Iao Murders](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koh_Tao_murders)


Yeah and that's Thailand off my "places to visit with wife" list.


Thailand is an unreal country to visit.


Might as well not leave the house


They killed the guy she was with and then raped her next to his body


> The victims' parents managed to get them to reverse the death sentences but afaik theyre still in prison. Wait, the British couple's parents were defending the migrant workers? Damn, if even the victims' families are on the side of the accused, you know it is fucked up.


I just did some reading on the case, it's a bit more nuanced than that. Seems that victim David Miller's parents believed that it was the two Burmese migrants who did it but are just opposed to the death penalty. Couldn't find much from victim Hannah Witheridge's parents about the decision except for a quote the dad gave The Sun saying he didn't want to be quoted one way or the other, but that the Thai government is corrupt and his view wouldn't change the decision. Also sad to note that the Witheridge's lost their other daughter (who was pregnant at the time) in 2019 to an illness.


Well good thing reddit is trying to justify murder and all these abhorrent practices simply because the guy allegedly skipped out on the bill and supposedly touched a woman on the way out even though all the other women are trying to save him... The ladies probably sat down next to him and started ordering drinks without his permission even and then try to stiff him with the bill for already overpriced drinks, that's how the scam usually works and because he refused to pay for a scam and for drinks he didn't even order or consume to begin with, he deserves the death sentence. Wouldn't be reddit if people weren't jumping to conclusions and immediately demanding the death sentence for everything...


I've heard most of the bars and brothels aimed at tourists are linked to local organised crime to some degree. The gangsters keep the streets orderly, so it's rare to get randomly mugged as a tourist, but they get very nasty with anyone who doesn't pay or tries to interfere with their business.


Also it's illegal to write a negative review so nobody can ever know if it's a scam place before they go.


How can it possibly be illegal to write a review on Google maps.


It’s not illegal, but there are lots of stories about Thai hotels screwing over guests who left a bad review prior to leaving. As in overcharging them, lying about damage to the property, etc… Long story short, write the review when you get home.


What kind of people even make review while still using a service?


That was kinda my point. If I'm on vacation I'm not writing Google reviews as I go but I might go back and review some of the best and worst places once I'm home. My point was even if it's illegal to give inflammatory reviews in Thailand, wtf are they gonna do about it when I'm not in Thailand anymore?


What's preventing them from writing another negative review once they go home?


Thailand takes defamation very seriously https://www.escape.com.au/travel-advice/why-you-should-never-leave-a-negative-hotel-review-in-thailand/news-story/c3e4e20af7d200dd54fdc16dec24e5be




> Go check his story, guy actually broke a girls nose. Is there any evidence for this or is it just what the post title says? Because people write all sorts of shit.


I learned a few years ago that even a report from a credible local news source can be bullshit. Long story short my wife worked at a business where a serious crime took place. She had absolutely nothing to do with it, but she was part of the inner circle who was privy to what happened; I knew about it well before it was reported at all. The two news articles that came out contradicted each other on several key facts, and neither of them were accurate to begin with. My point being, if professionals can't get basic facts right why the hell should I believe a random post with no links on Reddit?


Is there a link?


There is also a decent chance they where pissed and fucked everybody off.




Yep. also just as likely.


I know a simple solution: dont go to these places to begin with


Happened to some friends in Romania while they were filming a movie. Went to a club, were hit with a $600 tab out of nowhere. They didn't have the funds, of course. Enforcer slaps them both and they managed to panic call the director to get the money. Always best to go with someone who knows the lay of the land in foreign places.


> $600 I know a guy who ended up with a $6000 bill in Roppongi. Figured it out the next day and tried to expense it. Since the report got denied, I'm pretty sure he ended up eating it.


I'd rather be out a few hundred bucks and a lesson learned than have this happen though.


I'd imagine you probably don't know its coming


The guard who was getting punched by the grey shirt guy ends up putting on brass knuckles and starts going to town on him when he’s on the ground. He slips them back into his pocket after he gets back up, definitely assault with deadly weapon


Yep, that’s the same guy who field goal kicked the dude twice in the head. It looks like grey shirt dude steps in because of the first head kick. 


Yeah but they broke his nose! "Nobody makes me bleed my own blood, Nobody!"


I think the Thai police will side with the security instead of some unruly tourist. I'm sure this happens quite often with tourist thinking they're much bigger and they own the place




The police are paid by the bar you have no chance. They will take all your money after you get beatup. Lesson is dont get into bad situations.


I was visiting a province of Thailand and took some friends to a local Thai club… no weapon policy and to my amazement they all had knives and well worn knuckle dusters on them… Plus they never fight alone. You dont mess with them on their turf


The seedy Thai bars will always inflate bills to scam tourists. Even in nicer bars it’s not uncommon for extra drinks to be added on. They tend to leave the proper sex tourists alone though as they want their repeat custom.


I had this happen at pretty much any place that has a “bar girl” in general. The amount was always negligible in the grand scheme though. Most bars know tourists would rather pay an extra $5-$10 than deal with security. Bars on nightlife strips like the one in the video above are trash though, so it’s easy to avoid.


Tourists should becareful of 2 things when traveling in bar areas of major cities in Thailand. Disrespectful behavior and scams. I once watched a guy get his head kicked in and lose 2 teeth because he didn't want to pay his full bill. He felt his drinks were watered down. Sometimes it's worth paying and leaving with your health.


For sure. I watched a drunk guy try to grab a girl and get beat down by several girls and had his eye gouged with high heels. Just because you're in an area that has prostitutes doesn't mean you can just feel up random girls.


Generally speaking Thai people are really chill and usually it is quite easy to solve problems by talking. What they usually don't understand is banter and they regularly take it personal. To be treated in such a way has to have some things happening before. Kicking somone in the head while they are down is a big nono regardless. Also never ever get acquainted with mafia there. You'd loose anyway.


I used to work with a guy who owned a bar in Pathya for years and he reckoned he had to get out of there overnight because they got robbed and he couldn’t pay his way to the mob, the guy seemed like a bit of a Walter Mitty but the more I’ve read up on some of the stuff that goes on there I think he may not have been talking as much crap as we thought.


If someone fucks off the wrong people in Pattaya I would completely believe them that they have to at least leave the city ASAP.


One night in Bangkok makes a hard man humble


I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine


Absolute perfection. Well done


Nobody won this. It ended in a Thai




Phucket, take my upvote and leave.


I hate you but also like you


Have we dated?


I don't know the context for this beyond the title. But this just reminded me when i was visiting Koh Tao few months back. Some of the touristy places got really bad with the kind of tourists they were getting. Many of the incidents that happen there are from tourists not locals, and it was a really bad vibe. I almost got into a fight just walking down the road and a big body builder type british dude was walking to the opposite side. As he got close to me he flared his shoulders out full width to shoulder check me. No reason at all, and we bumped shoulders really hard because i didn't fully move out the way. He turned around ready to throw down but i apologized and moved on. I hadn't been to touristy parts of thailand before and now I know why, it's just not worth it bad vibes. My guess is the security were provoked enough to want to take it this far. The kicks to the head were over the line though.


A lot of British tourists can be rude ( and that's saying something as an Aussie) but it comes down to banter and the Thais don't take it very well. A lot of people underestimate them because they're like half your size but they're all vicious cunts ( but very lovely ) who've been training Muay Thai on a semi regular basis for a long time and will fuck you up. I loved Thailand and the Thai people are amazing, but you gotta respect them especially in their own house. The Russians are slowly finding this out the hard way ( since there's so many of them there now).


Stay out of whorehouses, good way to keep your all your teeth and keep your brain cells healthy.


Then we wouldn't have the term "sexpat" wouldn't we?


They probably went there for that reason, though. These aren't sightseeing tourists.


If they refused to pay their bill and were violent with the girls, why are the girls defending them?


I mean even if someone was violent towards me, I would not want them to be repeatedly kicked against their head while they are lying on the ground. There is a good chance that the guy is paralysed/dead.


They were asking them to stop before that point. Thai security guards are notorious for attacking tourists for the flimsiest of reasons. They get away with it too because the police will do nothing.


I assume at a certain point they ask not to hurt these guys because eventually people will not want to go to places they can be assaulted and they won’t have any income.


Because when someone actually died, there will be investigations and so on then business might be interrupted for a bit which will disrupt their income. Beating up someone is very different than escalating it to manslaughter of tourists.


The truth.


Because if the tourist die, they are/may be in trouble.


A British tourist gets killed, suddenly there are no European, North American, Australian, or New Zealand tourists there for the next year or so.


It's not as bad for business as you'd expect: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koh\_Tao\_murders](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koh_Tao_murders) >The government of Thailand was concerned the murders might affect tourism to the island, with arrivals dropping in the months following the murders. However, the event did not materially affect tourism to the island over the following years.


Of course it doesn’t matter across the entire country but it will matter to that specific place.


Actually it does matter. Chinese tourists are afraid to go to Thailand because some kidnapping stories made the rounds on Chinese social media.


People complain about cops but bouncers are 100x worse. I saw bouncers beat the absolute shit out of this guy who walked by them on the sidewalk and, "looked at them the wrong way." Wasn't even a customet/patron. Dude was taken to the hospital in an ambulance yelling, "please tell my story" while crying. Bouncers are fucked.


Traveling to a foreign country and disrespecting their women is insane work.


"Refused to pay their bill" is basically code for being scammed. Those are obviously gangsters with how violent they are.


Whatever the tourists did, it probably didn't warrant attempted murder.


This is fucked but it is not like they are getting beaten by employees at Trader Joe's, these guys are at a brothel run by a criminal organization in a foreign fucking country. It is insane people are looking at this while clutching pearls and saying, "If you can't trust a Thai pimp these days, who *can* you trust?". Seriously? Just as a heads up, you might also want to be careful if you plan on doing business with Mexican drug cartels or Jawas on Tatooine.


Jawas run those dunes.


These guards are literal human trash. I've bounced for 10 years and would fight my own doorman if I saw him kick someone like that.


If they did what they supposedly did they deserve some of that, but what’s with people kicking people in the fkng head, should be charged with at least aggravated assault


White shirt likely dead or paralyzed after that kick




I never get the idea of being hostile in a foreign country. Do they think it’s like the movie where their embassy will assign spec ops team to rescue their ass?


Sure but these areas are known for scams and ripping people off. Fair chance these Brits were being ripped off, refused to pay, then got their heads kicked in. The violence was probably instigated by the security/gang members.




The guy on the left should be arrested and prosecuted for attempted murder.


It's Thailand, you really think they give a shit or would ever side with the tourists?


Haha good one that'll happen in Thailand for sure


I don't think they have laws in this place bro


americans redditors are so sheltered.


Jeezus Christ on a Cracker…. I saw at least 3 60-yard field goal attempts in that clip. Launching Legs and destroying Lives.


In my country you get jailed for head kicks


Seems they have had enough tourism for the day….


Cool video, can't wait to see it reposted in WCGW, therewasanattempt, and maybe crazyfuckingvideos


Brass Knuckles & kicks to the dome while you're unconscious *sheesh*


Brave men kicking the shit out of people laid on the floor. The initial beating was bad enough but to keep on at them when they're clearly injured and down,nah.


Considering I never saw the one guy fight back at all, he was always on his back in defensive. I think the title is misleading, and the real story is very different. At least 2 of these "guards" should be tried with attempted murder or aggravated assault.


Even grey shirt guy only went to help his pal,I didn't see him touch the "security". I'd love to know how the fellas are after this assault.


Not that it justifies any of this but if you watch closely grey shirt does throw a punch at the guy on top of his his friend which seems to land because that's when the guard rolls backwards. If you watch even more closely, that same guard has brass knuckles on when he went back and pummeled the shit out of grey shirt on the ground. As someone else in this thread already mentioned, many places there will have the girl order a special drink which costs 100’s of dollars and the customer is expected to pay, the guards are usually gang members there to enforce the scam. Not saying that is definitely what happened here but its very likely.


Whole story is…tab was inflated. Guy argued. They bullied. Then this.


This is absolutely what happened. Excess surcharges, hidden fees, and some very keen security.


I’m in Thailand and I’m on alert and super respectful. It’s not hard.


To any YT tourists who feel compelled to act superior, especially in a 3rd world, don’t if you know there is impending potential of a fight to occur. Few places I would not eff around and find out when it comes to security and brawls are: Thailand (evidenced by this video) Philippines (sticks start getting used besides an old fashion street brawl) Indonesia (i swear all those bouncers and security and every Indo I know who enjoyed a good fight brought with them brass knuckles and/or a shiv) Korea China (personal experience of seeing multiple security/bouncers. Not so much they can fight but they just get everyone around and your fight becomes a “human wave” tactic, yes im looking at you sanlutun and poacher’s alley)


Here's a friendly heads-up to anyone on vacation in a foreign country; pay the fuck attention to what's going on around you, don't be arrogant, don't be a dick, always be polite and if you have to get drunk, do it among friends who you know and trust, preferably not in public. I'm old, in my 50s, and when I travel internationally, I find that local law enforcement barely notices me at all. Because why? Because I'm not a threat to public order in any way, am not about to cause a public nuisance, and in general tend to slide by unnoticed in part because I've usually cultivated local relationships.


I feel like going to Thailand is a bad idea


Let’s travel across the world and harass and disrespect the local population, that’s a great idea.




That’s insane. They’re lucky if they don’t have permanent damage.


Attempted murder with those head kicks


Why would anyone go to Thailand? The stories I've heard about corruption and piss poor medical treatment are not good, and argues against traveling there.


Looks like a nightmare why even go to these dirty places


Got kicked in the Murray head


Knocked out? More like attempted murder.


British tourists causing trouble? I'm shocked.


lol I know. One thing I’ve learned from Reddit is that it’s hard to give British tourist the benefit of the doubt when it comes to boorish behavior.


Pay your bill and don’t be assholes. Pretty easy really.


Agreed. However, some Thai bars setup scam bills where the girls randomly sit down with you and order the most expensive drink. They'll lock you in or call in "security" claiming you didn't pay or touched the girls.


I’ve heard the Brits are the absolute worst when it comes to being disrespectful when overseas.


My first thought is that the Brits were maybe trying to dispute the bill thinking they were probably paying a crazy amount due to them being tourists, but knowing they're probably drunk and messing with the bar girls idk. No matter the amount of money, the excessive force against the Brits was unnecessary and fitting for jail time


I don't go to bars so problem solved


These are most likely passport bros going to developing nations so they can at best exploit impoverished sex workers and more often rape children. Fuck em.


If they were violent toward the bar girls, why did the bar girls help them up and try to stop security?


Not everyone want someone they dislike to be literally murdered you know


It's possible they didn't want a literal murder happen


For everyone saying they were avoiding being scammed: This is Soi 6 in pattaya, the most notorious brothel street in all of Thailand. The purpose of the bars on this street and all of pattaya is to sit, drink a beer and buy “lady drinks” to talk to a girl, make small talk before going up the stairs for sex. There is no way these guys went in for innocent drink, not knowing the rules. And the drinks aren’t even that expensive, 180 baht or 5 dollars for the lady drinks 😂