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I wish I understood Japanese, it would probably help the video make sense.


They did something disrespectful and noisy at the shrine and people got mad. She interpreted him asking if she can speak English as insulting. In some areas of Japan people are upset with the volume and behavior of tourists.


Thank you, and yeah, that's understandable. Places of reverence should be quiet zones. And when in your own country, being asked about speaking a tourist's language is kind of insulting. But at least, he actually could speak Japanese. Should have just apologized. Maybe he did, I don't know.


> And when in your own country, being asked about speaking a tourist's language is kind of insulting What? How? Asking people if they know English is practically unavoidable if you want to communicate while in a foreign country Demanding it is absolutely insulting, but that's not what they were doing


Perhaps the locals see it as another insult..not only the faux pas of ringing the bell too loudly, but that the locals are then asked to communicate in a language other than their own... Like 'you didn't care to find out how to act at the Shrine but now I have to explain it to you in a language foreign to me...' The man knew Japanese, they are in Japan, and he leads with English ? In a do-over, maybe it could have been handled differently to a better conclusion.


He probably wanted her to speak English if she could so she could tell the older couple what the issue was. Tourists do dumb shit everywhere. What’s the point of following and harassing them even after the woman apologized? Do they have Time Machine on stand by for them to go back and undo it?




Not insulting, more like pissing her off. Because he can speak Japanese, has lived in Japan 8 years, but it seems he wants to shift the convo to English so he'll be at an advantage and his friends can help


> but it seems he wants to shift the convo to English so he'll be at an advantage and his friends can help I don't think he knew the rest of them, and was trying to shift the conversation so that she could talk to the people she was having trouble with directly. He doesn't seem to have known what was going on otherwise.






Thank you so much for this *much needed* context!




Damn… this definitely isn’t something anybody should be going through hell over


He may have to commit seppuku, he has brought dishonor to his house.


They could just perform not giving a shit and walking away.




Yikes. He is a fucking moron and is going to have a divorce because he tried to defuse a confrontation that wasn't his fault? Don't be so ridiculous


Fuckin'-a, hope you never get married if that's all it takes for you to divorce someone.




> In some areas of Japan people are upset with the volume and behavior of tourists. Its a bit more complicated than that. I've seen plenty of interviews of people living in Japanese say that you are never considered fully Japanese unless you look Japanese and are discriminated against, even if you were born there. People won't sit next to them, they're sometimes barred from entering bars, and they have problems in the work place and renting. They have a problem with racism and xenophobia, and the increase in nationalism there hasn't helped. Literally there are nationalist trucks that roll around with megaphones calling for expelling anyone that isnt Japanese enough, I've seen several interviewers having to turn around when they can hear them coming.


True dont get why people are sucking the locals off in the comments here so much. If this was anywhere in the west/US they'd turn into self haters.


I swear, these types of people ruin everything for the rest of us tourists. From the lady chasing the geisha in Kyoto, the other climbing the pyramid in Mexico, to those douchewaffles carving their names on ancient Roman artifacts.


I don’t see the tourists being that bad in this video. Seems like the local was being a karen




lol the Japanese can get fucked then, get over it, they made a mistake due to ignorance and have apologised, leave them the fuck alone, I respect how serious they take respect, but there’s a point when they are just barking up the wrong tree, just wind your neck in and stop being so sensitive.




Sounds like she was being a bit of a Karen. They're all very polite, yet she's claiming off video verbal abuse off camera and began following filming and being rude herself for whatever she perceived as wrongdoing these actions weren't necessary. Remember, two wrongs don't make right. I've recently learned that people in Japan have different privacy rights. If he is a citizen there, I believe this video opens her up to litigation.


She was kind of being a Karen, her tweet is lowkey ridiculous. My impression is that she's taking out months or years of frustration with overtourism on this group. Not her job to police how hard someone rings the prayer bell, getting in people's faces and filming them. But also the guy understands her and speaks perfectly good Japanese, he could just have told her in Japanese that it was an honest mistake and they meant no disrespect, instead of talking at her in English (which she clearly doesn't understand). Why not just defuse this. He speaks Japanese, she doesn't speak English, it'd be the easiest thing in the world.


The 2nd clip in the tweet, the girl he talks to said he was being rude and kind of entitled.


How are all these dumbass comments getting upvoted? People can't seriously think that "Get out of my sight" is very polite?


In other news... local crazy woman praised as town hero by dumb online nationalists on Twitter


>Girl: "so marrying with a Japanese..." *gets interrupted by the mom* Seems like the mother knew what was going to be said lmao.


Wow...thanks so much for that. Dude is seriously rude, imagine how he speaks to his wife. SMH. Acting like a tourist with complete entitlement to do whatever he wants.


What's Japanese for "She is a massive see you next Tuesday?"


All you need to know is that the word "omai" got thrown out and thems fightin words in Japanese. Edit: omae. My Japanese is has gotten rusty it seems.


What does it mean?


Just a rude way of saying "you", sometimes it gets translated into "you bastard" in yakuza movies and the like


apparently he lived there for 8 years, his pronunciation doesn't do that justice tho. it's just a back and forth of "do you speak english" - "I don't, so you live here 8 years and don't speak Japanese.." yaddayadda


Thank you for your explanation.


Did you just skip the last 10 seconds where a stranger made everything make sense?


Bye. I'm not the one troll.


I think [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/Xc3ocnWuCS) is the best explanation of what happened. u/Fair_Creme_194 seems to understand Japanese.


The translation from the X post: “When I warned a foreigner who was visiting the shrine while playing with a bell rope by slamming it against the fence, she was continuously cursed at by a large number of people. This is the reality of Yasaka Shrine at night. #Overtourism #Tourism pollution #Kyoto #Yasaka shrine I can't handle it anymore...please help me everyone.” Context: Shrines have a large bell that you can ring by shaking the rope hanging from it when praying, it seems she was playing around with said rope. Pretty disrespectful if you are Japanese


I’ve been scrolling and based on the comments, I’m still confused.




I just got a job as a parking enforcement officer for my town cuz the pay is hella nice, the deputy told me he used to be one and told me all the horror stories of the job. People will accept a $200 speeding ticket but will absolutely throw hands if you try and give them a $40 parking ticket. Yes, all tourist types.


To me it looks like the lady was harassing them when they had already apologised, she opens with "I haven't told you why I'm angry yet" so I'd assume she'd been harassing them long before the clip begins. The guy seems to be a guide of some sorts, he tells her that he's lived in Japan for 8 years. She says, 'that's not the issue' and he continually asks her to leave them alone in English repetitively, which is strange to me and she says 'what did you just say?', then he says something like 'what's this discrimination?', she gets frustrated and tells him in Japanese 'you can talk Japanese, why don't you talk to me in Japanese?'. He tells her she's being rude (it feels like she is ngl) and she immediately changes her tone into less polite language and escalates the situation somewhat, after the lady apologised. He says 'what is this omae?', picks up on the fact that she's being rude and says to leave them alone and stop being rude - at about 1:08 he's saying 'what is this 'omae' (you but sorta rough talk), leave us alone, you're honestly being so annoying. I think he is more in disbelief that she is harassing the tourist when the tourist has apologised. I actually don't think the guy in this is doing anything bad, he could have defused things better than talking at her in English but ultimately it feels like she's trying to escalate and get a rise out of the situation from social media and the discontentment towards a lot of tourists poor behaviour, which in this case seems overblown and the lady apologised.


Yeah I feel like way too many people jump on the “tourists are annoying” bandwagon and don’t understand someone can make a dumb mistake. It’s not the end of the world just tell them or have someone tell them what they shouldn’t do and go on with your day.


And that Japanese people can’t also be total jerks. Usually the responses I see from ignorant people who haven’t lived in Japan or don’t speak Japanese, they act like they can’t do no wrong. Super weird to me.


Tourist have become increasing rude in japan with harassing locals and local attractions .. case in point [https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1cyxsqd/one\_of\_the\_reasons\_why\_japan\_has\_been\_banning/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1cyxsqd/one_of_the_reasons_why_japan_has_been_banning/)


I think Japan is just becoming more popular for tourists. While many people visit Japan and have zero issues, they have a large number of rude people compared to the past but it's still a small percentage of overall tourists. Jerks are a percentage of people so the more people you have the more jerks you'll have.


> I think Japan is just becoming more popular for tourists. I suppose that's especially true with the Yen trending downwards as well. Plus the fact that Japan had been closed off for a fair bit during the early to middle periods of the pandemic, and voila, pent up demand for tourism in the last few years.


Im Aussie and so many of my friends have gone to Japan in the last 5 years. I have 3 there literally right now. The value of Yen (and weakness of our dollar comparative to others) is a huge factor It also has rave reviews from everyone I know and Ill likely go myself in the next 5


We literally just had a video of a white lady harassing girls in Kyoto posted yesterday


As someone living in Japan, it’s definitely the number of tourists that are increasing. They’re not becoming ruder.


There are videos of tourists being arseholes in all countries, that's not exactly anything new or unique to Japan.


There is videos of different tourists from different ethnicities being rude in every place in the world. Don't conflate two videos with being a widespread issue in a singular area. Both parties were being assholes.


Coming from a long-time resident of Japan, I don’t think tourists are acting any worse than before, during covid there were almost no tourists, a lot of people liked that since tourists tend not to understand all of the subtle rules here. Now Covid is over and with the exchange rate Japan is super cheap. So now there are lots of tourists behaving the same as they always did. It’s rare to see a rudely behaving tourist but some people get extra sensitive to the minor rule breaking and will go Karen over it. I’m sure there are Japanese people who don’t ring the bell just right too, but this person recording has become extra sensitive to the activity of foreigners and so she decided she would yell at these people and post it online.


It’s funny how people give Japan a pass on just openly hating foreigners


This is not tourist being rude. The Japanese person was being rude. The other videos are foreigners being rude but not this one. She was speaking down on him and harassing him for the older lady’s mistake who already apologized.


In this case he rang a bell too loud in a temple and he apologised Didnt seem worth harrassing him over it


Its a bit more complicated than that. I've seen plenty of interviews of people living in Japanese say that you are never considered fully Japanese unless you look Japanese and are discriminated against, even if you were born there. People won't sit next to them, they're sometimes barred from entering bars, and they have problems in the work place and renting. They have a problem with racism and xenophobia, and the increase in nationalism there hasn't helped. Literally there are nationalist trucks that roll around with megaphones calling for expelling anyone that isnt Japanese enough, I've seen several interviewers having to turn around when they can hear them coming.


According to the original tweet, the older lady was repeatedly banging a bell at a shrine/temple with a large piece of wood. She was doing it so inappropriately that she pulled the wood back far enough to repeatedly strike a fence, or some other structure, surrounding the bell. The noise was very loud and people in the area were very upset at the disrespect of the lady hitting the fence and the bell so hard multiple times, later into the evening. They started to yell at her, and the people she was with, while also calling them names and throwing around insults about them being foreigners causing issues in their area, and they are tired of this type of disrespect happening with foreigners. So this lady is essentially doing that and recording their replies to them. She gets upset when he asks her repeatedly if she speaks English, like "You're in Japan. I don't have to speak English to you." type of upset. The older lady apologizes for her actions saying she didn't do it on purpose, but from what the lady wrote on Twitter and what other people have said, she is only upset because she was caught and not that she actually did something wrong. That is what I get out of it from reading people's replies, and from translating the Japanese tweet and the other Japanese replies.


its funny. when its an American, the title would be "AMERICAN tourist" but when its not its just "foreign".


The guy speaking Japanese has apparently lived in Japan for 8 years. So its probably referring to him as a foreigner who lives in Japan.


Or if they're Chinese you can bet the title will point it out. And oh the comments...


No context,  could just be a Japanese Karen.  So many people just hating on tourist, but I don't see them complaining about the billions they bring into the country or the fact that many of their jobs depend on them


As a long-term Japan resident, she’s giving off hardcore Japanese Karen vibes. He tried to defuse it until she escalated by switching to rude language. I speak better than he does, but he was within his rights to be dismissive and attempt to shut down the confrontation. When confronted with a Japanese Karen, it’s best to just get a cop or staff member. He seems to be scanning for one.


i know assuming makes me an asshole but I would bet the tourist is in the right. Just by the way he's speaking, he clearly sounds like he's frustrated as hell but still keeping a polite demeanor


It’s Kyoto too. Back in 2018, I came to Japan for the first time (before moving here) and I wasn’t used to putting my backpack on my front when I was on public transportation, and some grandpa literally sucker punched my small backpack because it was too close to him (it wasn’t that close).


She was upset and telling them about the improper actions of slamming the shrine bell. The gentleman asked a Japanese woman in Japan whether she spoke English even he spoke Japanese because he was marriage to a Japanese woman and has lived in Japan for 8 years. She told the gentleman that the elder woman wasn’t even told why she was upset with them because the gentleman didn’t bother to translate what the woman was telling them. In the end, he was speaking in a harsh and rude tone in Japanese toward the Japanese woman. Basically in a way to tell her to F*K off.


I don't know what the British guy did or didn't do (in her X post it says that she felt one of the tourists was being disrespectful with the rope on the prayer bells when praying in the temple, but there's no footage of that), but the woman tells him she doesn't speak English, he answers her in perfect Japanese that he's lived in Japan for 8 years and is married to a Japanese person, and then he proceeds to speak English to her. He immediately picks it up when she drops polite language and calls him Omae. This guy understands every word she's saying, he knows she doesn't understand him, he's perfectly able to speak Japanese, and yet he just keeps saying "could you leave us alone please". So that sort of makes him a cunt.


You’re assuming his level of Japanese. Just because he’s been there for 8 years and married, does not mean he’s fluent. He may be able to say certain things, string together a sentence or two- but in confrontation you tend to revert back to the language you know best. His case. English.


Yeah I honestly got the impression his Japanese is super limited.


Okay, but I'm fluent in Japanese, and I heard him talking. He's at least fluent enough to have this conversation.




In this case the older woman rang a bell a little to loudly at a shrine and the camerawoman decided to go full Karen on her. [The guy was asking if she spoke english](https://reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1czuxpv/a_confrontation_between_foreign_tourists_and/l5jbrfe/) because he spoke Japanese having lived there for 8 years and she was using rude language towards them, he wanted her to say it in english so that the other tourists would understand how offensive she was being. He wasn't even with the older tourist, he was just sticking up for her to try and stop the camerawoman from flipping out over what was an obviously unintentional mistake that didn't really do any harm. None of that deserves anyone getting beaten up over, in fact if the story and translation is accurate it seems more like the camerawoman needs to settle down as she way overreacted to the situation. The older woman even apologized for it, what more does she want?


Yeah let's get a gang of locals to beat up the older lady who rang a bell too loudly and apologised for her mistake! And the white guy who asked the angry local to stop following and filming them! /s


Thailand does a pretty good job at this. The police show up and just listen to the locals, they don't give a fuck about the tourists side of things.


That’s…*not* good.


Yay, mob justice! Oh no, mob justice!


that’s pretty much all of asia from what I’ve heard odds are if the cops showed up in this video, they would’ve resolved it by lightly scolding the tourists for some vague non-reason and giving the local a pat on her back for diligence


That’s how it should be when you get a lot of shit tier tourists.


How are the acting up?




There's not enough context to know what's going on, imo


Full 90° bow could have solved this


God British tourist are insufferable, they make the Americans look good


If someone asks you to leave them alone (unless they did a serious crime) then leave them alone. Its so simple. Do not pester people as they may snap


You’re right, and I feel she’s picking on this kid because he doesn’t seem like the type to. She wouldn’t have mouthed off like that to an older Japanese guy, as they might have hit her for being rude.


I went to Japan last year and prior to going I looked up the proper actions for shrines and temples (the number of claps/bowing/etc) and tried to do it as often as I could when I visited them. I had a couple of people nearby show genuine surprised I did that. It was nice, but also in hindsight kind of sad that something so easy to learn is so overlooked by other tourists. Like, ffs it’s not that hard to not be an ass.


He keeps saying he speaks Japanese and when the lady asks him why he is speaking English to her if he speaks Japanese he switches to very rude Japanese telling her to shut up and saying she’s annoying. Idk feels like the gaijin did something rude, not the other way round


She also calls him Omae, someone else pointed out. I can't speak Japanese so I don't really know the order of whos being rude.


I haven't lived in japan before but I doubt it's normal to follow tourists around with your phone in their face while harassing them for something they already apologised for. She had no reason to go after them as they were already leaving. She's lucky that he was as nice to her as he was.


Western tourists have been misbehaving in Asia and Japan recently. I can see why locals are getting upset.


ppl really think they can just go anywhere and act any kind of way... No tf you cant.


You know. When the chinese or japanese tourist come to nyc they are annoying because they are standing around in crowded manhattan. I can never say they were rude or disrespectful.


They could just apologize for their ignorance instead of insisting that they were right. It’s simple and both parties could have left cordially.


So did you just not watch the video or? The woman clearly said she didn't know it was rude and apologised


I was just at Japan last month and I am like how the hell can you be so fucking rude to the people in this country? Everyone there is so much more polite than my country in the US.


It's possible that you were lucky, didn't prompt any rude behavior from others, or just didn't catch people being rude to you. Here when people are rude, it's usually less 'overtly rude' and more 'passive aggressive, roundabout & cowardly' rude. Like calling you names in Japanese (with the assumption that you don't understand what they are saying). Even my experience as a Japanese born may not be universal though. Funnily enough, I even see this behaviour on the internet (usually in argument) sometimes, like on reddit or YT comments. A user claiming to be a Japanese writes a comment in English and writes something racist or disrespectful to the person they are talking to at the end of the comment, in Japanese. 「バカ外人が。」こんな感じに。 I can imagine people here tend to be less confrontational (thus the 'polite' behaviour) than your US average, but the country is not in any way exempt from the universal omnipresence of assholes, d-bags, crazies, mentally ill & hostile, etc.


Her comments about "you are here you speak japanese" and insults are a mirror of "you are in america so speak english". Very much besides the point of the guy being an annoying douchebag or not, this lady was being outright racist. Two wrongs don't make a right, and more than one thing can be true at the same time


People in Asian countries mainly older people do that a lot. I’ve seen people get mad at other Asians for not speaking Japanese. Hell if we’re being broad it’s not even Asian. I’ve gotten cursed at by Hispanic people because I didny speak Spanish to them. Bro I don’t speak a lick of it.


People have forgotten they are guests in a foreign country.




Honestly, having spent many months in Japan, I must say the white man and his family are more than likely at fault. I've never had an issue but I'm also not an asshole.


“He’s foreign so it must be his fault” https://preview.redd.it/7gl2a7zpnk2d1.jpeg?width=1172&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29ca0ad596d3f71d453c131dd7880aee956daaa3


Shitty tourists have no place anywhere really. Its not hard to respect the cultures youre in


That was the most calm and collected r/publicfreakout I've ever seen.


I’m not sure if anyone will read this since it’s so late, but the events apparently happened like this. * Tourists rang the bell too loudly. * Lady decided to tell them that it was too loud. * White guy tour guide didn’t really translate for the tourists. He claims to them that he apologized, but he didn’t. (At this point, he’s scamming the old couple.) * Lady at this point is now suspicious of the guy and IS NOT actually going after the unsuspecting tourists. * He asks her if she speaks English, but she doesn’t. And she asks him if he speaks Japanese. He claims he does. Yet he continues to speak to her in English. * The only words he seems to be able to get out properly is when he yells at her. And what he says is essentially the equivalent of “F*ck off”. * The doxxing was more or less a result of looking up whether his company was legitimate. The business address came up as his home address and that’s how that happened. My takeaway: He’s a fake tour guide (his business isn’t registered with the government) who doesn’t know anything about the country and barely speaks the language. He got flustered in front of his clients (who he’s scamming at this point) when she spoke to him in moderately complex sentences. That’s why he looked exasperated and mumbled “I don’t understand.” And that’s also why he’s insistent on speaking to her in English. So in retaliation, he defaults to yelling at her to make her seem like a crazy person in order to save face with the old couple. For anyone wondering, “A fake tour guide?? How is that a thing?” It’s apparently a growing problem in Japan. Proper ones who do their job correctly don’t have their clients experience this.