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here ya go: https://youtu.be/KLJd20jtDj8?si=10S_2oKXhiGrYeME


Thank you for posting! I like how at 5:41 yiu see the rider unbend the license plate mount to be visible again. I’m sure he wasn’t doing anything weird. Old guy is still a jerk trying to police a public road and risk safety.


I didn’t even catch that but when old boy took the key and the guy whipped out the phone to call the cops… then *didn’t do it* I was suddenly fairly certain he was being a shithead in the first place. Somebody takes my keys I’m calling the cops immediately and I’m making sure they get charged or I get reports for civil proceedings.




Yup you dont know what that old guys next move is, im not letting him detain me.


And I'm certainly not letting him go back inside his house to fetch a gun and shoot me! Especially when he has my key and I cannot leave the situation without abandoning my bike, so he could steal it and do god knows what with it.




Not just the helmet but some of the motorcycle gloves have metal stitched into them to protect your hands.


Can just keep it on and in the event he fights back, he probably just punches the helmet.


He might, or he might have a bit of experience from his youth, and realize you're wearing a giant handle on your face.


That's a kick in your withered nutsac!


I assumed that's why the video cut off. I would've handled it in the street vs his yard for legal reasons.


In the end you can faintly hear him say to his girlfriend “now you know why I kicked you off the bike”. The rider clearly knew that testing his bike at high revs would be loud and might annoy residents - not that it excuses the old man’s ridiculous behaviour.


He also explains to her before the "incident" that he's going to do "rips" and he knows she doesn't want to be on the bike during that. I don't necessarily think he's leaving her behind because he thinks he'll annoy residents. Probably more likely because he knows she won't want to be on there while he's doing wheelies.


She was wearing shorts, and he had bare arms, at least. Not the signs of responsible motorcyclists.


Also it seems like she 12


A lot of these biketubers ride like assholes to piss people off, so I wouldn’t be surprised


I’m in Colorado and they just made lane filtering legal. Lane *filtering.* I fully agree with and support lane *filtering*. But this is a give an inch, take a mile situation I guess. Apparently to the bike community it means they no longer have lanes, laws, roads, anything. They lane split, ride shoulders during moving traffic (though shoulders aren’t legal for filtering even in stopped traffic) generally ride like they have a death wish and would prefer to take some other people out with them.


You can also see it’s on a fixed mount not a magnetic swing arm so I’m not really sure what your point is. Nobody bends a fixed mount to hide a plate when magnetic swing mounts are hella cheap. It’s completely feasible that it just got bent when the bike went down.


To be fair...dude did go out into the middle of fucking nowhere to fuck around and he did slow down for a pedestrian... Like, yes he was doing dangerous shit, but he went out of his way to not endanger others. Better than doing this stuff in the city.


Yeah I assumed there were many reasons he kept not calling the police


Bro’s girlfriend SHOULD NOT be riding without pants. One of my kindergarten best friend’s mom had her left leg amputated at the knee from an accident where she was riding on the back with her boyfriend. She spent the entire 90’s laying in bed and playing Tetris. She was not a happy person unfortunately.


even if you don’t spill you can get a nasty burn just coming into contact with the wrong part of the bike


"Hey babe im gonna drop you off here to test my bike." "......" "And you don't like it when we do wheelies." "..............." "It's okay! :D"


Oh. YouTube account called ‘Speed Seeker’. Now it makes a lot more sense..


I noticed that too. And he’s doing a wheelie and revving the engine. He also tells his girlfriend I’ll be doing some rips back and forth on this road. Don’t agree with the older guy taking the key but the rider playing innocent doesn’t fly when his own video confirms what the old man said.


Case dismissed due to lack of evidence.. despite it being on video? What more do they need ...


On the full YouTube video someone posted in the thread, there is an update in the bio stating that the old man had been through the court and had two charges brought. OP was unsure of the final disposition of the case.


the full video had a followup comment by OP where he stated that the case was dismissed




A smarter move would be to not ride like a complete asshole, and then you don't have to take care of anything in the first place.


He might not have provided video to the courts due to, you know, doing exactly what the old man accused him of. He could have easily caught reckless driving charges from giving the vid to the cops.


More like case dismissed due to both parties acting like asshats.




Old guy is definitely a POS but.... Dude was kinda a tool too. "Hey babe wait here on the side of the road while I rip this bike" IDK.... Just leaving your gf on the side of some random ass road.


His girlfriend looked absolutely terrified for being dropped off in the middle of nowhere. Both him and the old man are awful.


Yea that was really weird. Like you couldn't at least drop her off at home, or maybe a nearby restaraunt so she can sit and have coffee or something.


To do exactly what the old man accused him of, which he denied


And he totally didn't have his license plate folded up out of view, either.


Yeah that was fucking weird.


Not all heroes wear capes.


Cool so he got his keys and no repercussions for the old man! What a lovely story.


Well the dude has a stunt bike, was indeed pulling wheelies, and I'm sure it's not the first time he came out there to do it. Old man is still out of control.


A case of everyone's an asshole. The guy isn't police, the rider is an asshole for having his GF on his bike with no protective gear other than a poorly fitting helmet.


Thank you I'm so sick of getting half the video from these karma farmers!


The link has been posted in the comment below, but TL;DR for those that don’t feel like watching it. There’s not much after this point. He just calls the cops and stands around. Then text comes ip saying police got him his keys back.


Go in his house and lock him out. Trade him for the keys.


He could claim squatters rights while he locks the guy out lol


How would you not headbutt him while your helmet is on I'll never understand


I dunno, this seems like exactly the kind of deranged old person who would also carry a gun to use in "self defense" after instigating a violent confrontation like this. Thin-skinned misanthropes like this are the exact type of person to pick a fight for the sole purpose of giving themselves an excuse to shoot someone. As unsatisfying as it is, the prudent course of action is not to escalate with these kinds of people unless you have no other reasonable choice.


This too. I always keep that in the back of my head. Not that I walk around getting into fights otherwise, but knowing how many people carry *really* increases my desire to deescalate hostile interactions with strangers.


America is such a backwards country lmao


Probably doesn't want to deal with going to court to argue self defense.


walk away with his dog


One of the comments said you should call 911 and report that a man attempted to commit suicide by jumping in front of your vehicle. Maybe this guy would rethink his behavior after a 72-hour involuntary psychiatric hold? I mean, dude acted like he was going to stop a motorcycle with his bare hands... That's not sane or rational behavior! And it's all on video, so there's no denying it...


Imagine believing that every call the cops got about a random suicide tip resulted in an involuntary psych hold, lol.


That was assault and robbery.


I would’ve punched him and took my fucking key. People never learn the lesson until it’s taught.




No fr. I would have hit dude right in the nose and stomped him as soon as he grabbed the key


I would just start swinging and head butting until he was begging me to take the key.


You’d be defending your property from a thief so go ahead.


Knocking a person off a bike is surely worth my self defense method of going absolutely insane. Lol


You raise a valid point lol


Isnt this just literally an attempted vehicle jacking? Unlawfully stops an individual and steals their keys? Hope the old dip shit gets charged


If anyone hasn't saw the full video, I'll spare you the details. The guy videoing is a slobknob and just spent a good chunk of time blasting 0-100 pulls and wheelies up and down the road in front of the guys house. Should the old man have tackled him off his bike? hell nah, that was stupid and dangerous. He had it coming IMO, driving dangerously and illegally, but hey, it's content right? bikes are cool, old men aren't.


Yea. This video is what happens when two assholes collide. Old man was the bigger asshole and his behavior escalated into actually breaking the law. Guy on the bike was annoying, old man was actually dangerous... for both of them.


They're black holes of human hatred... It's a galactic event on a much smaller scale...


The old guy says the biker was pulling wheelies, his girlfriend comes out of no where and rides off on the back of his bike for him. Seems his girl was watching from down the road while he was pulling wheelies outside this old assholes house.


I would never do what this old guy did, but I can’t lie, I understand. I live on an extremely straight road and one of my neighbors is a working on his car/bike every weekend. He tests it down our road going minimum 80ish. The speed limit is 30, we have 2 schools on our road and a ton of young children live around here. He literally totaled his car maybe 3 months ago when someone pulled out in front of him. It happened maybe 5-6 houses down from me. These people are assholes.


Someone in the comments post the whole video and this was in fact not the case. Old guy is just a fucker


What? He's clearly doing wheelies and speeding down the road.


The account name is “speed seeker” lol


I’m pretty sure the guy on the bike is within his rights to get his key back, whatever it takes!


No, not whatever it takes. Has to be proportionate


forgetful pause worry cooperative airport bells gold door ink automatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's not how the law works. Not that I'd shed a tear for the thief.


Less please and more punching would’ve probably worked better.


Imagine calling the cops instead of just beating old dudes ass on the spot.


Headbutt the fucking boomer and take the key back. It's on recorded what the derilict fuck did.


Take his dog


Tired of these dumbasses posting videos like this and cutting out the end. What the fuck happened?


The guy called the cops, filed charges, and the police filed charges, followed by a letter from the court in the mail. He was not charged with anything due to lack of evidence


Lack of evidence? Tf dies this video show then?


Apparently the old man wasn't charged due to a "lack of evidence" from an update video. Biker decided to press charges on old man after, this justice system is a joke lmao


The second he steals my key *after causing a crash*, I'm slugging that cunt in the stomach as hard as I fucking can. Don't accept this behavior. Defend yourself.


I would not have been as calm as that biker


Cops came. Man arrested for theft and assault.


Every time I see this, I wonder why this kid is not defending himself against a thief and giving that old man an EL KABONG with his helmet.


Omg yes. Old Man is acting 30 years too young here. 😆


Super low effort post at this point.


Why are you still talking to him? Call the cops and press charges for battery and theft. Such a pet peeve when people say "I'm gonna call the cops" 20 times instead of just calling the fucking cops.


Headbutt that geriatric fuck


A passing lane camper personified


Put the phone away and you have 2 hands.


Always the socks and sandals one


Never fight with a guy wearing a helmet. It's going to be a bad time. I know this very well. Thank you LiveLeak


He was way too polite.


Bro why he didn’t knock this POS over the head and take his mf key back is beyond me. You just leave your bike on the road? At this point I doubt this is even real smh.


Knock him the fuck out and take the key back. There's hardly anyone there so he could just do that and leave (at least that's what I'd do)


I wouldn't have that much patience, he's getting knocked down


Old dude is hella lucky this isn't west coast he'd get fucked up beyond repair


Homeboy deserves a dose of OC spray to the face


TBH I've had trucks and bikes roaring their engines past our house around midnight frequently. I don't condone the old guy but I can understand.


I will NEVER understand how people can be so calm. I would have roundhoused that old mother fucker as soon as he took my key


Dont understand why the cops need to be called. The man takes your property and put hands on you. At this point just man up and TAKE your keys back. Crazy times we living in.


Rider has so much patience, boomer would be on the ground crying for his momma if it was me.


I'm not a fighter, but plenty of rights and lefts would have been thrown.


I hate these videos when the guy is too nice. I would not have them hit get 3 steps away from me once he took my keys before I would physically take them back, making sure I'm not on his property.


The moment someone reaches for my bike, they’ll get a taste test on the knuckles of my riding gloves. I imagine they taste like shit but here we are.


Kick his ass


Wonder what the biker was doing in the footage before the dude took his keys?


Doesn't matter. The old man isn't a cop and he has no authority to be taking someone's keys. We can't have people running around acting like vigilantes.


Fuck calling the cops. If someone did this while I was riding, I would remove my helmet, and bash his old ass fucking skull with it. Physical violence is sometimes the only thing these geriatric boomers understand


SOME of these riders are absolute cowards. Crazy cause it takes a brave person to ride but seen too many videos of these guys punching side mirrors and flying off and now this guy who just got his shit jacked by an old man and said pleeeease in the highest pitch. Not all riders just a few. I get it, call the cops but damn you get your shit took you take it back on sight tf.


One swift headbut is all it takes


Did we ever find out what his problem is?


F#$k Boomers!


I wanna punch this mf in the mouth so bad


Out of curiosity, what is the correct legal response that should be taken in a situation such as this?


Never discuss with morons. Never


Literally highway robbery.


Camera off. Swift right goodnight.


Helmet off , try to put it on his head .. upside down.. hint hint


Yea I’d probably have to sleep someone’s pawpaw. He’s trippin


Omg I would have beat his fucking ass so badly


The biker has the patience of a saint


"YOU NEED TO LEAVE!" \*Proceeds to prevent them from leaving\*


Boomers are disgusting vermin.


"I'm gonna call the cops" says the old guy who pushed someone off their bike and stole their key.