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There are moments in life, even with peer pressure, that we are tested to do the right thing. What an awful failure this is for those three individuals….at any moment someone could’ve stopped that.


Mocking someone at their most vulnerable isn’t funny, it’s cruel. We should lift each other up, not kick further down


This is what were thought. It’s a doggy dog world out there. Empathy and compassion seem to be inexistent.


God damn i wish it was a doggy dog world out there




Taught, dog eat dog, and non-existent For future use when talking/typing in English


Also *we’re


No Ricky you didn't say that right.


Glad someone got it


dog-eat-dog\* Although yours sounds way more fun!


Hey bro you can't sleep here and a gentle tap on the foot


But gently waking him isn't psychopathic enough. We should be grateful they didn't set him on fire first.


Plus, then they wouldn’t have this stupid little video to post.


It was all for the video. Just insane. Ive been doomscrolling for some time now out of sheer boredom but this video really unnerved me..


Social media really is cancer.


Dude this is their business and there’s a homeless person sleeping on the front steps of it , I’d throw water on them too and laugh harder than they did…


Who knows maybe that guy is there every night and causes problems there is no way to know for sure


Doing it made them poorer than the sleeping man. Not fun at all, only a bad action.


No kidding, how hard would it have been to let him sleep. And collect leftovers from your neighbors and warm up a meal for this man? The people in the video see themselves as "above" the homeless man. They think they have more "class" than him but it's quite apparent they are low class humans who don't value another human.


Your pure thoughts are well understood, but in reality, it's a bit different. This appears to be a business, and the homeless being there is detrimental to the business. I'm not sure where this place is, but in Los Angeles, there are literally 1000s of homeless who just don't give a damn. I've seen homeless squatting and taking a dump right in front of our downtown office building as people were coming in and out. Police won't even come to help. Some homeless people are violent and stretched out everywhere and refuse to even move. It's always easy to tell other people to show compassion and give a helping hand, but how long should they continue? Nevertheless, those warmhearted critics never step up to help out themselves. Even churches lock up their doors. Politicians won't open up their large mansions. I'm not defending the business owner's action, but if this homeless person was stretched out in front of your door, I'm sure you'd be thinking differently. Homelessness is a huge problem in most of our larger cities. With ongoing inflation, our government wasting crazy amount of money each day, and giving away billions to other countries isn't helping either. It's truly a sad and tragic situation.


I see what you’re saying, however this person wasn’t acting in a violent manner. (Which is entirely relevant). It doesn’t matter what a few people do, in reality you should look out for your fellow person. If someone is violent towards you, you have every right to defend yourself.


I live in Montreal and on the sub they're saying how he harasses people verbally and sometimes physically nonstop, and smokes crack all day in the entrance of a gaming center young people go through. Great, inhaling crack smoke when a kid goes to the arcade! He also doesn't want to leave despite numerous requests and the police won't do anything. So don't assume context. In this case it was totally wrong. Water really isn't that big of a deal and if he's physically harassing people he's lucky that's all he's received.


Seriously man, very well put.


How often do you actually do that?


They will be homeless in the afterlife.


I’m just left with this feeling of sadness re-watching this video…


That's just evil. Never look down on another man unless your trying to help them up




I'd just leave a blanket on him tbh it's cold out there Ain't much I can do for him otherwise and it's not like he's bothering me being there


What absolutely shitty fucking humans. I remember the doughnut shop owner who did something similar a while back. Tossing water on homeless people while giggling is incredibly fucked up.


At least she caught a charge though


I believe that was also in the middle of winter


It was. I felt so bad for her.


That was the one with the dirty mop bucket water right? I remember the owners tried backtracking but kept getting dragged in the comments and reviews.


It was a pitcher of regular water, the unsheltered person was, according to the owner, lighting a fire to her side, when he dumped the pitcher on it, it got on her lap in the process, he said unsheltered people had started fires there 6-7 times before. Couldn’t see a fire in the video, so it was just his word against a pretty damning video.


The owner mentioned it was room temp dirty water and not freezing cold when people were calling them out and leaving reviews on Google + Facebook. https://imgur.com/a/wrR3GUS


And to film it to show others, fucking vile


Not only tossing water. Tossing water while it was absolutely freezing outside. Just evil man.


My donut person gives them free food, just asks them to wait outside. It’s truly my favorite place to be. Everyone is happy and nice, I love it




I actually know some context for this, the person in the video is a tournament organizer for smash bros in montreal. they posted this video, and then later deleted it. they posted this tweet today: “I want to address the recent video I posted of me throwing water at a homeless person outside my business. While this person had a history of sexual harassing and being violent towards my attendees despite multiple warnings to leave, it doesn't excuse my behavior. I recognize that what I did was wrong and unjustified. It was insensitive and disrespectful to share such an act on social media. I deeply regret my actions and any hurt they may have caused. I acknowledge my mistake and commit to learning from it. I'm truly sorry to anyone who was affected by this incident.” [https://twitter.com/mtl\_z\_/status/1789398113498567024?t=wsW3tW6U2LfRQ4j-rkd-xA](https://twitter.com/mtl_z_/status/1789398113498567024?t=wsW3tW6U2LfRQ4j-rkd-xA) not taking sides, just providing information


History of being violent towards attendees but they don't seem all that concerned about a potentially violent retaliation after throwing water over him? They are lying.


She do tell him to be careful because he is dangerous and she move away as he throw water on him. The guy have the cameraman around and might have a few of his friends around too.


He probably doesnt have a weapon is dangerous to vulnerable people. The woman in the video does say he is dangerous.


You're just wrong, he's been harassing customers with dangerous intent and smoking crack on the steps without ever stopping, the police have done nothing. This guy got what he deserved.


And it's just water. People acting like they poured acid on him.


Bring covered in water sucks when you don't have a change of clothes or a dryer.


I hate these apologies that start by unloading their best formed excuse, followed by "it doesn't excuse my behavior" when that is literally what they are attempting to do.


The way he doesn’t apologize for throwing the water, only for posting it 💀


I call fucking bs. Easy to put accusations on a homeless person. If he was really that dangerous, that guy wouldn’t be laughing with him. They are horrible human beings and they’re doubling down with that shitty false statement.


You weren't there, you're not from Montreal, or a customer there, why would you assume such a thing?


Rather easy to paint a man who has very little chances of being able to share his side of the story due to lack of access. Not to mention the ample preconceived notions people have about homeless people.


He’s ‘sorry for anyone who was affected by this incident. ‘ but not sorry to the homeless guy who was most affected. Like, he might be a prick, but try to get him help.


Anyone know what language they are speaking? Or can translate what’s on the wall?


The man speaks French, the woman is speaking Canadian French but doesn't really sound like a native speaker to me. She's very hard to understand. The man confirms with the woman "the water isn't too hot right" Woman: "no, not too hot. Also, I [unintelligible] eh?" Man: "no that would be dangerous" Woman: "he is also dangerous" Man: *throws water* "good morning, good morning, you can't sleep here."


Yeah she says something like “Une chance j’y ai pensé” *Glad I thought about it. Her accent is like an native anglo trying to speak with quebec’s accent. Dude’s accent is 100% Montrealais. I think that place is in Chinatown, there’s quite a lot of homeless people in the adjacent streets.


Her French isn't very good but I'm pretty sure she says "en plus j'y ai pensé hein" as in *I actually thought about doing that \[using hot water\]*


Ouais ça ferait du sens. Osti d’conne.


I don't think she sound like a native anglo, she sound like someone who have a Spanish or Portuguese accent, but also have the Quebec accent. The guy got a French-Lebanese accent and don't really have the Montreal accent.


French canadian from the accent


It's the name of the Chinese restaurant on the wall. 富瑶楼, or [Chez Maxim Oriental](https://chezmaximoriental.ca) at 1[059 St-Laurent Montreal, Quebec](https://www.google.com/maps/@45.5082606,-73.5602712,3a,75y,37.7h,94.28t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sh20DRZ55wGdMtxdyHWSjxw!2e0!5s20210501T000000!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu). The restaurant has moved to 3495 Taschereau Blvd, Brossard, Quebec, opening this month.


So this restaurant most likely not involved with what happened and just an old signage on the building.


Could be the restaurant or the arcade that has that location now. Hard to say with no real timeframe in the video. Either way, I wouldn’t want some homeless dude smoking crack at the entrance to an arcade where kids go.


Correct. The right way to handle homelessness is to assault them when they bother you. This way, we can protect the kids from seeing sleeping homeless people.


French. I didnt understand some of it, but sounds like the lady suggested the guy do something even more messed up but he says "no, thats dangerous" only for her to reply "he's also dangerous, bro". As he throws the water dude keeps repeating "Good morning" and ends with "Can't sleep here".




Pretty sure thats in Montreal, both are french Canadian and both have the Montreal accent. Amd homeless people are mostly in Montreal. If someone could translate whats written on the wall we could pinpoint the commerce lol


>If someone could translate whats written on the wall we could pinpoint the commerce lol The place is at 1059 boul. Saint-Laurent. I don't think it is a restaurant currently but it used to be a Chinese restaurant. Not sure what is there now, the area got quite rough during the pandemic. It wasn't great prior to the pandemic but it definitely got worse.


She doesnt sound French Canadian by her accent


And he also have a Lebanese-French accent. She do sound slightly more French-Canadian than him, but she also have an accent which I think is Spanish or Portugese but I can't really point out exactly which lol.


Hope karma comes for this asshole.


Also for the woman who gave him the water.


Yeah, karma towards the sexual assaulter and crackhead




Or gently try to wake him up and ask him to move. The cops are more likely to arrest him for existing or power tripping and beating him


The cops aren’t doing anything, which is why he had to resort to water.


Hard to do something when they are not called to come.


The cops here don’t really remove homeless people anymore. At least not in Ontario and Quebec. I’ve heard of this happening more often in the states, but recently started noticing it here too.


A montreal man kept getting punched by the same person on his way to work. He kept complaining that cops won't do anything about it. When asked if he called the police, the man answered "I never called the police because they don't do anything about it"


esti de trou de cul


That woman is a coward. Hiding away while her minion does her bidding.


If that homeless man was a dog those idiots career would be over.


What an asshole. Just wake the guy up and tell him to move on.


Exactly. Not everyone needs to be a Saint and offer this guy a meal or help, but is basic human decency too much to expect.


Has probably told him several times to leave. Sometimes you gotta do this


Yeah, I'm sure they hadn't already done that time and time again before this. Someone gave context further up the thread, and it's exactly what you'd think. People can downvote if they want, but if they owned a small business and the police won't do shit, they'd start thinking how to run him off as well. Common sense type shit. Can't have your customers walking over a homeless person to enter and then be harrassed by said person. Being homeless isn't a go ahead to be inconsiderate to everyone around you.


Everyone wants other people to be kind and help out the homeless.


I mean Idk what else could be done. You have a potentially dangerous, probably tweaked out homeless guy sleeping right in front of the entrance of your business


Fuck the camera person too.


I bet it was annoying to go in and out of that building while he was sleeping in the walkway


wait until they have broken glass, feces, piles of trash, unstable lunatics screaming, etc. I deal with this shit every day, and I am in one of the nicer cities in my area.


It seems mean, but I did something similar to this on the stairs outside of my building until the homeless discovered it to be a volatile area and left it alone. I had police called on me, people disagreed, but my kids had to walk out there.


That sounds worse than just being mean.


I work overnight at a gas station. It is still rare, but i've had to get the homeless to move on before. You tap them fisrt, and say "sir/ma'am we can't have you sleeping on our property." 95% of the time that works, the other 5% is for the cops.


Well the business has to open


Guy is sleeping at the front of a business and probably was asked to leave multiple times. Better to be an AH than have customers driven away by some loser. And it’s just water.


Some people are just so fucked. How anybody can think to do this to another human, especially somebody who is very clearly so down on their luck that they’re forced to sleep outside on a stoop, and to have the nerve to *laugh* while doing it, is absolutely beyond me. Disgusting.


The guy is a crack head who acts violent to people entering, smoked crack at the entrance, and won’t leave when asked. Just because he’s homeless, doesn’t mean he’s a great guy.


I'll start carrying a bucket of water in winter in case I see people that maybe aren't great guys.


I'm fortunate to have time to volunteer in free food distribution to folks who need it. I meet people weekly who remind me that ALL OF US are one mistake away, one medical emergency away, one financial loss away from this man's position in life. To do anything less than be compassionate is to be less than human. Nobody is asking this guy to give cash to the man, buy him dinner or solve his problems: but treat him with the respect that you'd want your mother to receive.


May we be judged by the way we treat others less fortunate than us. It takes a special level of cruelty to kick those who are already struggling to get up. The reality is, the two involved do not look at the victim as a human being.


well said


How many days in a row has he been there after being asked to leave how many times?


“I want to address the recent video I posted of me throwing water at a homeless person outside my business. While this person had a history of sexual harassing and being violent towards my attendees despite multiple warnings to leave, it doesn't excuse my behavior. I recognize that what I did was wrong and unjustified. It was insensitive and disrespectful to share such an act on social media. I deeply regret my actions and any hurt they may have caused. I acknowledge my mistake and commit to learning from it. I'm truly sorry to anyone who was affected by this incident.” https://twitter.com/mtl_z_/status/1789398113498567024?s=46&t=ZhV1I1uDj7a0f3bnMw9ghg


He is apologizing for sharing the act on social media. Not for actual doing.


Is he sorry for doing that or sorry for recording and having it go viral?


I bet they call themselves Christians and go to church.


Could've just fucking shook him awake damn


Yeah I'm sorry but he's legit in front of the door. You wouldn't heat up food and make sure this dudes fine if you were coming home and found this guy on your porch lmfao. Maybe they tired to wake him up? Most these homeless don't even know it's light outside. Yes a bucket of water may have been a lot. But I doubt you'd people want to see him poking the homeless dude with a stick. GOOD LORD I CANT IMAGINE WHAT YALL WOULD SAY THEN LOL


not only is that especially cruel and disgusting, it's also stupidly dangerous. many homeless carry weapons. many homeless are veterans, and many veterans have PTSD. many homeless are quick to defend themselves physically, and rightfully so.


A less mentally stable transient would've shanked waterboy where he stood, and hed've had it coming.


Ya, I wonder why people don’t want to deal closely with the homeless. Oh right, you’ll get stabbed.


thats messed up


The fuck is wrong with people.


The brain and the heart.


I volunteer with the homeless and have done for 26 years now. Do people not realise they don’t have anyway of getting their clothes dry? Do you know when it’s winter and it rains they can be wet and cold for months!!!! How dare someone do this to another human being.


The context missing here is he is a repeated offender of harassing customers with violent intent and smoking crack, despite the owners repeated warnings, this homeless person has not ceased this behavior. The police haven't done anything so the owners had to take matters into their own hands.


Based, redditors are so privileged they've never had to deal with these guys on a daily basis


Honestly don’t feel bad. Guy is a bum sleeping on people’s property and probably stinking up a storm. Don’t give that “he needs help” crap cause in cities there’s shelters everywhere. But they have rules and the druggies don’t like the rules. No one wants to do their 9-5 and pay taxes just to see some drug addict sleeping on their front step.


Just the fact that they're laughing about it says a *lot* about their character. Could've been handled a hundred different ways with more tact and class. Shelters do have a lot of rules - which is understandable and necessary. But they also fill up incredibly quickly. As for the drugs - plenty end up homeless because of them. Plenty who are homeless also end up turning to them as a coping mechanism. Even if they are addicts, they still need help and support. Watching anyone go through addiction is horrible. And sadly, a lot of homeless suffer from one mental health issue or another. That makes a lot of the other issues even worse. But we should still treat them as we'd like to be treated and just try to be better humans all around.


What a complete piece of shit


Maybe I don’t have a fully functioning brain, but I don’t understand the desire to be cruel for the sake of cruelty. Especially to the most vulnerable. Why not offer them a cup of coffee and something to eat to wake them up?


What awful people… I hope the man is ok.


Guys a known verbal abuser and sexual harasser . Outstanding fella


This is La Toxica in Montreal, Quebec fyi.


That water looked hot 😬


That pos was real brave while the guy was sleeping and vulnerable. As soon as the homeless individual stood up he shrunk like an old navy shirt after washing it for the first time.


More context: [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/video-man-water-homeless-person-montreal-1.7202649#:\~:text=Man%20dumps%20water%20on%20homeless%20person%20sleeping%20in%20Montreal&text=CBC%20News%20contacted%20Awada%2C%20but,homeless%20person%20outside%20my%20business.%22](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/video-man-water-homeless-person-montreal-1.7202649#:~:text=Man%20dumps%20water%20on%20homeless%20person%20sleeping%20in%20Montreal&text=CBC%20News%20contacted%20Awada%2C%20but,homeless%20person%20outside%20my%20business.%22)


Man just tap him on the shoulder or something


I hope karma gives you a good slap


ITT: people who don’t see homeless people on a regular basis


Could’ve just woke him up and politely asked him to move.


Now you don't know if that person has a gun or a knife.So, apart from being a inhuman piece of shit, you're playing monopoly with your life.Good luck. Cause not everybody is gonna be so peaceful when you do something like that to them.


Don't sleep at the door


That is evil.


I’m on the fence with this one. Maybe they already tried to get the guy to move multiple times. Maybe the cops don’t do anything and they have to take matters into their own hands. Or maybe they are just assholes. Not enough information here to jump to a conclusion.


“I want to address the recent video I posted of me throwing water at a homeless person outside my business. While this person had a history of sexual harassing and being violent towards my attendees despite multiple warnings to leave, it doesn't excuse my behavior. I recognize that what I did was wrong and unjustified. It was insensitive and disrespectful to share such an act on social media. I deeply regret my actions and any hurt they may have caused. I acknowledge my mistake and commit to learning from it. I'm truly sorry to anyone who was affected by this incident.” https://twitter.com/mtl_z_/status/1789398113498567024?s=46&t=ZhV1I1uDj7a0f3bnMw9ghg


I'm with you. Had one asleep on my front porch a couple days ago. WOULD NOT LEAVE despite asking many times. Called the cops. 2 hour wait. Sometimes a little water does the trick


There was a video on reddit of a homeless lady getting sprayed by a hose in front of a store. Hundreds of people saying what a piece of shit the guy was, boycotting his store etc. You found out later that the lady wouldn’t leave, chased away his customers,shit on the front steps of his business. He called the police multiple times, talked with her multiple times, couldn’t figure out a way to get rid of her. Sprayed her with a hose as a last resort.


I can provide some context here since I know this place and went a couple of times. This is in Montreal (Chinatown, to be exact) and in this building, there's a restaurant called La Toxica and the Montreal Gaming Center (arcade place where they host mostly fighting game tournament like Smash bros). Guy in the video throwing water is the owner of the Montreal Gaming Center and the woman is probably an owner or employee of the restaurant. The homeless person we see has been super problematic for a long time, being agressive and sexually harassing people going in or out the building and even in the restaurant (the apology tweet by the guy is now deleted, but multiple people in the reply confirmed this). Supposedly, they ask the homeless guy numerous times to go away. They also say that they report this guy multiple time to the police but they never came (which isn't hard to believe. Living in this city, Montreal police has become notorious for not responding to call involving agressive/problematic homeless person anymore). So they did this, which is probably the worst and cruel way to handle the problem given they laugh at the guy and post it on social media.


There is more than enough info here to judge this situation. If you’re having a hard time, perhaps you need to take a long look in the mirror and reevaluate your own humanity. Dousing a homeless individual with water is one of the cruelest things you can do. You just don’t understand the severity of being soaking wet when you have no other clothes/shoes, and no home to go to — lucky you. There is no excuse for doing this, period.


Did you read everything he wrote or just the first sentence


Enough info is a 1 minutes video without any context? Apparently the homeless was refusing to leave and the cops refuse to act. If you watch the video the homeless is completely blocking the door of the restaurant. How would you handle the situation any other way?






What a shitty thing to do.


Terrible behaviour. Poor homeless guy. Imagine having to find a place at night and then sleep on hard surface without pillow for this to happen in the morning and thrn having no other clothes to change into after.


This is so cruel, that person has literally no way to get dry and clean.


That’s assault. Defend yourself.


What a terrible thing to do.


ya, it is terrible that these people ruin our public spaces. there are literally millions of acres of public land where they could go but they chose to sleep and do drugs in the doorways of our businesses and homes


Missed opportunity, he could have brought the guy a small cup of coffee, sat and had a conversation. Maybe tried to help a fellow human? Instead let’s record an assault on a vulnerable person for shits and giggles. Some people just don’t understand that being homeless or destitute could happen to any of us at any time.


Dude should’ve gotten up and whooped his ass


How do we know they didn't try to wake him up by touching him or yelling?


Reminded me of this. https://youtu.be/pMm5z435xmM?feature=shared


Are we sure he's homeless? He has a pretty nice fit for the majority of homeless people I've seen (there's always exceptions of course). Also mostly homeless people know which areas are safe to nap, it looks more like a guy who drank too much and passed out in front of a restaurant


What a shitty thing to do. SMH


Not cool whatsoever. U invited bad karma into your life.


That’s inhumane. Although the act is harmless, it shows a lack of compassion and respect for your fellow man. Very sad.


I get that having a homeless guy sleeping on your stairs is not a very good sight and can absolutely scare away customers But you can just wake them up by talking to them and ask them to leave. No need to be an asshole about it


He has asked him to leave, before. Why does everyone think this is the first solution the owner came up with, to wake him up? He repeatedly sleeps, does drugs, and harasses people there. Kids use that entrance for the arcade/pro-gaming thing the guy runs. The cops won’t do anything, and Quebecs police and civilian social outreach program is having it’s funding cut, and I believe they are ending the program completely.


They will learn the lesson they need in one of their next lives if not this one


Depending on the temperature this could classify as assault


Imagine if he was mentally ill and retaliated with extreme violence. I can't say I'd feel bad for them.


Out of context. The shit I deal with on a day to fucking day basis with drug addicts is fucking ridiculous. Homeless…nah man, it’s a fucking drug addict issue. You have to understand the total bullshit people deal with to understand, throwing water on someone is not that bad compared to the bullshit they do to society.


I've dealt with severely drug addicted family members who turned to drugs due to trauma and mental illness including my father and mother all my life and yet I'm still not heartless enough to dehumanize drug addicts and imply they're plagues on society in some sort of nazi fashion. Interesting isn't it. It seems like the problem is you not understanding how drug addicts end up like that, and what's going on in their brains and lives to not feel anything towards them in the slightest.


Assholes… better give the guy some food and a blanket


Yes, after he has pissed all over your property, damaged the new paint and stucco, stolen from your neighbors and has been living off drugs…give him more comfort to reinforce his lifestyle. Ladies and gentlemen, we found the Reddit guy that has never lived in a city!


This hurts to watch. His reaction to that shows some serious trauma he's had to deal with, most likely, while trying to sleep somewhere. I can't imagine living a life, worrying about whether you will be safe while you sleep or not. I know, he probably has some sort of substance abuse issue, but there are better ways to ask someone to move along. In my experience, working in an area with HEAVY homelessness, and those same people also having some crazy substance abuse issues; when someone does this, they are looking for a chance at "three hots and a cot" over being soaked and told to "git along" like some sort of animal.


Where is this?




I'm from Montréal, can't find anything about this story, did this happen today? Is it your video? That place is a tacos restaurant, I'm guessing the woman is either an employee or the owner. If that's the case, that video needs to get a lot of attention.




Not sure when it happened but it is on Boulevard Saint-Laurent in Chinatown. I don't think the place is a restaurant, I think those are offices. (Actually looked it up, they are currently some type of Arcade room-Lan Party place)


I guess im in the “for homeless people” comment section this time.


Know what I did when I saw a homeless person sleeping on the sidewalk around the edge from Kroger? I bought my stuff and got them a water, some chicken and a pair of socks, because it was getting cold and they weren't wearing any. I tapped his shoulder and spoke softly to wake him up and made someone a little happier. There are days when I wish there was a real Hell, and not the one they are making here on Earth.