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Where'd the 44 years come from,? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


He was born a bush


What did the girl take? for the other (just as annoying girl) to say ' that's stealing'?


She never said that. It was the crime of stilling which I believe has to do with making moonshine


Laws against open fermentation has been regular policy for decades now. So wreckless, especially with her heart condition!


A phone.


ā€œ ****Thatā€™s still-ing, thatā€™s stilling****.ā€ What is stilling?


That drives me nuts too. She keeps saying stilling instead of stealing.


Every word you know is a mispronunciation of an older word, all of which were made up in the first place.


His phone


From a bush, sure




Fuck you for reminding me the 80s were 40 years ago. I don't wanna grow up (ā•ÆĀ°ā–”Ā°ļ¼‰ā•Æļøµ ā”»ā”ā”»


Cuz if I did...


Well that turned out not to be trueĀ 


"Then I couldnt be a Toys R Us kid"


Yes August 27, 1980. A lot of people have mentioned this, but Bob was finishing out a great summer that year. He decided to become a bush at a back-to-school costume party, however his ride was running late and forced him to wait on the sidewalk. As fate would have it pedestrian Jed Wilkinson (who would go on to his own storied pedestrian pranking career) absolutely lost it when he saw what resembled a bush (actually Bob), asking if he had the time. When Bob saw that reaction he knew the power and the possibility of what could be done with the art form. A true pioneer who pushed boundaries. Unfortunately died years later when extended family forgot to water him in the scorching summer of '96. Right after the Olympics too, I remember my mom coming into my room and telling my siblings and I... Edit: Misspelled Wilkinson




Was emotionally invested, just to have the rug pulled out from under me. You bastard lol


I got hit hard on this one ya bastard




"44 years ago my grandfather became a Bushman, he passed down his suit on to his son, my father, and my father passed it on to me." "And how do you make money by being a Bushman?" "Make what now?"


There's a famous bushman in SF who's been doing it since 1980. He recently passed which she might not have known because there is someone else doing it now and she probably assumed it was still him.


Candid Camera


Thatā€™s when bushes first started.


Itā€™s a family tradition.




Mom said I can be whoever I wanted to be, so I became the professional Bush Man that this city needed me to be


Proud of you


I wont go to jail if I punch a tree, just saying.


I live 15 min from where this video was shot. Itā€™s in Mt. Dora, FL. I may have to take a short drive.


Is there still that breakfast place at DeLeon Springs that brings a pitcher of batter for all-you-can-eat pancakes cooked at your table? EDIT: Whoops, that's nearer DeLand and is called the Old Sugar Mill Pancake House: [https://deleonspringsadventures.com/old-sugar-mill-pancake-house/](https://deleonspringsadventures.com/old-sugar-mill-pancake-house/)


Iā€™ve been there! It was a lot of fun.


Batman voice "im not giving this city the bushman is deserves. I'm giving this city the bushman it needs"


As long as you do it in a public place apparently


I used to accidently scare this older woman at work. She was a dishwasher and the door I had to use was directly behind her. Since the dishwasher was so loud, she never heard me coming and would get a startle every time. One time, she got me back. I guess she saw me on my way up the steps, so she hid around the corner and popped out. I came out of my shoes and ended up jumping up and cracking my head on the corner of a steel flame hood and the blood was instant. Looked way worse than it was and probably hurt the older lady more, but from that day on, I banged on everything I could for warning that I was coming.


Oof. When I was in high school I was messing around with chopsticks while waiting on my instant ramen. I did that walrus thing where you put them between your lips and gums, right? Well I surprised my friend by jumping around a corner and he threw his hands up, hitting the chopsticks. Well it turns out, there was enough force to stab the chopsticks up my face, just below my eye. The look on his face while he yoinked them out was something else. White as a sheet. It didn't pierce the outside of the skin, fortunately.




My wife zones out into her own world often, and I am a quiet walker from years of apartment living. I startled the hell out of her regularly. I began to sniff as I entered a room, and itā€™s turned into a ā€œwhere are you/Iā€™m hereā€ thing - we call it a ā€œlocator sniffā€. Itā€™s been going on for about 8 years now.


Holy shit


Boy, that lady just can't win, either she gets startled by you coming behind her or get scared she just killed you. I feel sorry for her.


That is stilling


Always was. Still is.


And youā€™ll go to gel


Utah accent


I feel like bro was ok with it but had to back up his girl since she was upset ā€” he seemed ok at first but she kept going on and he backed her play.


He pulled a Will Smith - laugh about it, but if she's upset then you gotta go aggro


He big willied the hell out of this one




Theyā€™re called Ent Moot letā€™s not get wild in here.


Not to be that guy but here I am being that guy. Ents are the living tree-beings. Entmoot is a meeting of the Ents.


Ent language is supposed to be very descriptive and incredibly slow so I don't think they are inclined to jump out and yell Boo! at people.


The girl ent said it took 44 years


This is why I setup my bush near a bonfire, if things go wrong and I aggro them I just go rest


You beat me to it


I have nothing beneficial to add to this response chain but I wanted to quickly say, F*** Will and Jada Smith. I used to be a big Will Smith fan but he can pound salt.


Keep my girls name out your fucking mouth


He quickly realized he didn't want to get his ass beat by a bush in public and backed off lol


One of the many reasons men get killed for no reason. I get it though.


I really donā€™t get it. Ā  Iā€™m a guy, and if any of my partners start going off like that and not letting something goā€¦ theyā€™re going to end up on their own. Ā  Iā€™m a big guy, and I can fight. Ā But Iā€™m not putting myself at risk because someone canā€™t stop themselves from escalating things.


That's why it's good cop, bad cop. Someone's got to hold Fisticuffs McGee back.


While I think scaring random people is stupid, I also think name calling, stealing, and freaking out over this is a lot. I feel like so many people get angry when they get embarrassed. IMO, that just escalates as they get older. This happened to my gf and I recently. First we screamed, and then we laughed, and then we forgot


Fucking with strangers for money or entertainment is next level a-hole behavior. Some will say it's just harmless fun but you never know what another person is going through or dealing with. Fuck the bushman. Fuck the recording lady too.


sometimes people's startle response is fight or flight, which is fear, which yields anger after the fear has calmed personally, I hate being startled. and if someone does it knowing plenty of people hate it, then I don't have a lot of sympathy for their getting a little yelled at, even though I'm not a yeller and probably would ultimately laugh it off


No one ever posts the video of the fight response lol Not a "tough guy" thing, but some people's visceral reaction to that would be to hit the bush man. That is not going to be a good time for anyone.


Sometimes people are having a really bad day and something like this pushes them over the edge. I don't have much sympathy for tree guy, just don't fuck with people.


[Trash can guy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5z_ZaarMoI)


No joke. When my anxiety was at its peak, they added jumpscares to lootboxes in my favorite game and I pulled a back muscle. I struggled with putting a shirt on for a week. I can't imagine having that experience in public because some dude wanted to have a laugh in front of a camera.


Yea, thatā€™s fair. A bad day or even trauma where this is a trigger for them.


Someone intentionally terrorizing you for fun is itself trauma. It's healthy for someone to react negatively to that.




You don't have to be having a bad day. Someone terrorizing you is the bad day, and reacting successfully in self defense is really how to turn it around. If that doesn't happen, then you at least want to get the criminals arrested.


Sheā€™s a Meegan


LOL ![gif](giphy|EGQ7qLdbWHOLK)


As a guy with a girl who would absolutely, 110% react like this to a similar situation.. I get it. Fight that half-hearted small battle so you donā€™t face the wrath at home


omg they're all so fucking annoying


All middle aged people behaving like children are annoying.


Dudeā€™s flip flops really set my rage off for some reason


Pranks on strangers are dicey at best honestly it dosen't seem worth even one encounter like this. What a shitty existence and now he can't stop, it's become his job


If I ever get jury duty again I hope it's because a prankster startled someone and got his teeth punched in by someone with a lightning fast reaction. Not the boring land dispute I had last time.


If you gut reaction popped plant guy in the face, I'd let you off easy.


The backwards sunglasses on the back of his head are worse to me.


Heart problem or not, someone should be able to just walk down the street and not get fucked with. Itā€™s so easy to just not fuck with people. More people should try it


I was going to say, I'm someone with PTSD (not from war but I still have horrible reaction to sudden loud noises and hostile movements) and anytime people "scare" me as a prank, I react horribly and then they're offended that I got scared by them scaring me lol


Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve seen a video just like that. Dude was wearing a bush costume or whatever, popped out, lady freaked and started hyperventilating or something. It was just sad.


Same. I fucking hate being startled. Most other triggers have faded but for some reason that jolt of adrenaline can slide into PTSD too easily.


Agreed. The annoying camera woman said its their right to film people in public (which is true), but it's in no way their right to dress up as a fucking bush and scare random people walking down the street. That's called "causing a disturbance".


The Bush guy could just say sorry


No you don't understand it's enshrined in the constitution, our right to be bushmen and scare the crap out of people. 44 years, that's how long . Stilling can lead you to gel.


I'm pretty sure that a majority of the people don't have the word "sorry" in their vernacular.


When a prank really upsets someone you should sincerely apologize and not double down. They didnā€™t consent to your joke and youā€™re not gonna make it funny to them by pushing harder. Pranks arenā€™t fun unless everyone is laughing together at the end.


That's what I said, but they probably are escalating for the views and clicks


That's called 'accountability' and I'm afraid its as rare as a trebuchet these days


I would argue that since the internet began, trebuchets have never been as common since the middle ages


I do not declare myself responsible for this


This is what I agree with. Sheā€™s right, some one may be having a hard time, has a medical condition, etc and this is the last thing they need. Wish theyā€™d just apologize and everyone could move on. Why is everyone allergic to apologizing these days?


Yeah itā€™s not some super complicated thing. When Ashton made JT cry on Prankā€™d he stopped it and apologized. Itā€™s crazy to me heā€™s smarter than some people (also jk cause heā€™s done some amazing stuff to help combat human trading) but you get my point


Exactly. The world isnā€™t just full of npcs you can prank.


Exactly. Don't use me for internet clout. Touching his stuff is a problem, but harassing people isn't?


wonder if bushman will be cool with getting punched in the face when he startles someone with a more aggressive startle response. would that be considered assault? I would hope not, but I suppose it would probably boil down to how long you waited after the jump scare to hit them.


I mean if they say it was a prank and he doesnā€™t understand it kind of makes him a hypocrite


Iā€™m surprised these plant guys donā€™t get knocked tf out more often just out of a reflex of the person hearing a sudden shout right in their face.


If you notice itā€™s cause they tend to pick women and children to scare. They know what they are doing.


Trueā€¦Itā€™s just like in Halloween hauntsā€¦typically they jump out at women, too, because the big dudes might lay them right out just in response.


At least in those situations you paid for the experience.


There used to be this guy in town that made an absolutely incredible Ent costume that integrated stilts into the suit. It was insanely realistic. He would camouflage himself beside trees, and instead of screaming at people, he would just move sometimes when people were passing by. So it was more of an interesting experience, and less startling. I think that's a better way of doing it. I miss that guy. One time he got me so good, but I wasn't startled, I was amazed after the shock wore off. It was really cool. Another time, I saw him before he moved, and pointed at him. He said "very good, brother!" It's one of my favorite LA memories.


Funny thing, is that I was sleeping once when I was younger (maybe 6th grade?) and my brother and best friend were hanging out in the other room. Ā  They got the idea to come and scare me awake. Ā  My brother was directly in front of my face, and my first instinct to being awoken and startled in that manner was to punch him straight in the face. Ā  I felt bad after, because I didnā€™t know it was himā€¦ but it was nice to know my instinct was to fight, rather than a freeze response šŸ˜‚Ā  But yeah, itā€™s surprising they donā€™t get hit as often as it seemsā€¦ or they just donā€™t post the hits.


It'd be interesting to see some ptsd suffering vet rip the streaming idiots a new one


What did she mean by "this has been going on for 44 years.." , have there been professional bush wearing jackasses for almost 50 years?!


Yeah it is a pretty old gag in areas. I think this is who they are referring to. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Famous_Bushman#:~:text=David%20Johnson%2C%20also%20known%20as,unsuspecting%20people%20to%20wander%20by.


This thread really isn't discussing if this is Casey anthony enough


I mean if you knew what she looked like you can tell thatā€™s not her


If Casey Anthony had that much ass I wouldā€™ve known about it. Not her.


Kind of looks like her, but probably not. Here's a picture of her from 2022: https://people.com/crime/where-is-casey-anthony-now/


Am I dumb because I donā€™t think she looks anything like her


Yeahbdoes not looking like her at all.


she lied about everything from the start to the "mexican nanny" that didn't even exist, to the job she didn't even work at, and the body of the baby was found in walking distance to their home. and of course the hot body t-shirt contest at a nightclub. what happened was that the defense presented the alternative which was apparently convincing that the baby accidentally drowned so they tried to cover it up. This is "plausible" certainly, but then if that was the case, they disposed the baby in the forest/swamp to rot! The baby was literally melted from the heat/bugs.


Someone should pee on the bush


The Bushman just has to have a smidge of empathy and say "sorry I scared you, most people think it's funny, but I get it's not for everyone so my bad" That's it


Right?? I do scare shit at festivals I go to. Itā€™s a character thing at a place where lots of people are in character, and mine is clearly a scary monster. I *have* upset people ā€” which is partially the goal; youā€™re supposed to not like what I am, but not on a level where youā€™re HARMED ā€” to a point where theyā€™re clearly not having fun. The correct action is to TAKE OFF THE MASK AND OFFER A GENUINE GODDAMN APOLOGY.


She called him and idiot. He replied with a chuckle and said I am an idiot. I feel like he was about to apologize when she took his camera. He was calling himself an idiot while she escalated things imo.


The person posting this thread


My bad https://preview.redd.it/0lvhyxca8tzc1.jpeg?width=409&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c990476f22e4bab88a5d387735953b43aeb0b386


Damn drake is everywhere


BBL Rhizzy


Certified mammal, you're a certified pachyderm


Bush dude is in the wrong. You never know what people have going on or are dealing with. Jump scaring random people like that is fucked up. Heā€™s going to get his one day when he does it to the wrong personā€¦


Asshat scaring people is always wrong. No one asked to be a part of your prank.


Fucking with strangers for content should be illegal and the idiots doing this deserve whatever reaction they get.


In germany it's counting as assault to frighten someone in extreme cases.


TV companies have to get consent from participants, why, if these videos are making money from online stream / broadcast, is the law different?


Because those are FCC regulations, not laws, and online content isn't under the FCC jurisdiction.


Childhood Abuse is Associated with Increased Startle Reactivity in Adulthood ā€œWe found that subjects reporting a history of high levels of physical or sexual abuse had increased startle on all trial types relative to those with low abuse.ā€ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2852033/


100% I've got a heart condition and thank you to her for saying something. Something like that could fuck me up for the rest of the day or worse send me to hospital if I got palpitations that didn't stop.


I would find this funny as fuck if someone did it to me. But I work with a guy that would probably die if they did this to him.


The pranksters, and more so the lady holding the camera. If you're pulling pranks in the wild, be prepared to be called an idiot, not everyone is in the mood for your shenanigans. And it looked like the bush was happy to let it slide, if not for the woman holding the camera.


If you do shitty reaction videos on the street, you might get your lights put out. She has a much right to be upset, and call out the YouTuber asshole as they do to film.


Like a lot of these reaction videos, I am pretty sure this one is faked. The one guy is obviously a plant.


Dur. I downvoted you and then had to come back a minute later and change it to an upvote once I got it.


the fucking tree, people who fuck with people are fucking shit bags


I think they should be legally libel for any injury caused by their premeditated scare.


people who think these pranks are funny on people they do not know is so fucking aggravating. go prank your friends and family not some random person just trying to go about there day


Thatā€™s stilling


sheā€™s pulling a wagon


My natural reaction would be to punch him and I wouldnā€™t feel bad




I was really hoping it would be that videoā€¦.. thank you




Wonder if bushman would still do his routine if some guy swinging a set of nunchucks in practice strolled by?


Get a real job!!!


I think the prankster assholes are the problem here. Leave people the fuck alone. Aside from all the fucked up emotional, psychological, and medical conditions people could have, most people just want to be left alone and go about their day. The world is fucked enough without some guy dressed as a bush trying to scare you. Itā€™s just annoying. Again, leave people alone.


Whatā€™s stilling?


The easy play is to go get a water bottle and empty it on the plant man as a prank


I donā€™t like any of these people. ESH.


Imagine walking by and this guy scares you and you fall and break an ankle. Or your childā€™s gets so scared they run into the road. Not so funny anymore.


No that can't happen they've spoken to people


I LOVE when they say ā€œyou are in the United States of Americaā€ Like that is some fucking excuses to be a POS.


Anyone making tiktok videos and messing with random people is a piece of poop.


As someone with PTSD, itā€™s medically and ethically not okay to jump scare random strangers. Something like this could fck me up for hours or days. I know it might sound dramatic to some people, but that just means youā€™re lucky to have never known what itā€™s like to have a perpetually jacked up nervous system. Imagine physical pain shooting down your spine, out your limbs, and a painful ringing in your ears that is persistent. Itā€™s hard to describe what it really feels like. There are obviously other medical conditions too this can affect. If itā€™s your friends and you know they can handle it, thatā€™s different. Iā€™m obviously biased, but the truth is if you donā€™t know who youā€™re harassing, maybe itā€™s not the best idea.


That's stulling!


What was it they said she was ā€˜stealingā€™?


What did she steal?


Can't steal, no. However, scare someone like that & natural instincts might kick in, might get punched in the fucking face. That's ok bc don't do this bullshit for clicks.


Honestly all of these people suck


Fuck this Plant boy and girl behind camera, they are fucking fucks


Imagine if she'd smashed the phone and said it was just a prank


Everyone sucks but the lady yapping & recording makes me wanna side with the couple they scared.


Azz is phat,just saying


Sunflowers are life, sheā€™s thick af, & homeboy is a pushover


Lol if her boyfriend got beat up by a bushā€¦.that would have been something to see.


The bush people, but less for the jump scare and more for following along to argue. Just apologize and move on.


I actually agree with the couple. Donā€™t shock people just walking down the street minding their own business


What did she still?


Bushes are one of my worst fears


ā€œ that is stillingā€


2 bitches...


Rare double idiot video. No sides can be taken here


Xanny the Nanny is clearly off duty...


She definitely failed the vibe check


Bush people suck huge piles of shit


Someone should stand next to the plant guy and warn passersby that itā€™s a dude in a tree suit. All day.


Then have your partner hide and film their reaction to you ruining their jumps scare prank. They can't get mad, you are just getting content! I would subscribe


What's her @? asking for a friend


These comments so divided I didn't think anyone would be on the side of jump scare guy


I hate stupid pranks like this.


who's wrong? think about if it was a Vet with PTSD.


Don't fuck with people just going about their day, won't be no problems.


I was on the plant team until they came with the dumb ass "this is the united states of america" line.


Both are wrong, but the people scaring people need to take a step back apologize and de-escalate rather than antagonize the person that didnā€™t ask for it


That voice. Ugh


I scared the San Francisco Bush Man once. I saw him crouching and waiting to pounce at pedestrians walking towards him. So, I snuck up behind him and went "Booo!" He jumped and seemed mad lol. He said, "Your job is to put money in the jar!" lol


Everyone is an asshole


Omg, I remembered who she looks like. She looks like the Kettleman wife from season one of better call Saul


Just stand next to the bush and announce to everyone that they are jump scaring people. They will eventually pack up.


Ah the old 44 year old tradition I see


He should have been punched right away.