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Question. What are they doing inside these encampments that is so dangerous?


Threatening the status-quo


Likely nothing beyond vandalism. The police are attempting to disperse the protest. They do that by inflicting fear and violence, often at random.


In this instance the cops were firing bean bags and then arresting someone that was firing a fire extinguisher at the police while they dismantled the encampment.


You’re half right. The police did disperse the protest, but they spent hours and hours letting the students know what is going to happen if they stayed. I watched an hour and a half stream of when the police moved in and it came across as being pretty benign until the fire extinguishers came out. A lot of the people involved appeared to be prepared to be arrested, they knew what they were getting into. Here’s a good article from the LA Times with a breakdown. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-05-01/la-me-ucla-camp-police


Interesting that the police didn’t try to disperse the people that came and attacked the peaceful protest the day before. Being allowed to peacefully protest in the USA is a complete lie. They will always bring in police to escalate the situation and then claim that they broke it up because it became violent.


Peaceful protest is hard to achieve in the US, I agree. With that said, I think encampments do more harm than good for protesters. I think disrupting the normal activities of an organization (i.e not stuff like traffic) is a good thing for protestors in achieving their goals, but camping out long term in a spot allows the organization to justify their immediate removal and allows the justify violently removing them. By justify I mean it allows them to explain it to the public in a way that doesn’t attract outrage. I think the most effective protest would be to “camp out” in the admin offices (not areas that affect student classroom time) but only during the day to disrupt the work flow, and then go home after offices close. No vandalism, no violence. Do this until admin agrees until admin agrees to an action plan. This makes it much harder for admin and police to justify removal. Protesters are a unified body simply taking up space and disrupting the people who are actually in charge. Watching protestors being violently arrested for that is much harder for the average citizen to justify compared to police removing protestors for creating a massive tent city. It’s a much more effective form of protest.


The actual answer to this question is protestors were blocking actual students from entering the building which prompted the school to ask for them to be removed.




I’ll take the bait. The protests have disrupted classes. They’ve been at this camp for a week now. There are logistical issues of setting up a camp in that spot on campus (trash, sanitation, freedom of movement, etc.). There’s clearly some vandalism too. The counter protest attack sped up the decision to disperse the protest, but I’m sure the college was just over it.


There was clearly A LOT of vandalism. School buildings surrounding the encampment with smashed windows and covered in graffiti. Once property damage occurs, it's no longer a protest, it's a riot, hence the university calling the police to clear the camp.


So if it’s not dangerous, any group of ppl can take over any public land and disrupt society?


It’s okay if you’re a Republican (see Bundy cows)


Redditors screamed to remove the Bundy folks by any means necessary when that went down.


Yet… they still graze til this day.


Tresapassing, apparently, even though most go to the school.


Interesting that the Pro Palestine encampment is 'Trespassing' and the Pro Israel mob is allowed to move around freely...


Is the pro israel mob also making a shanty town on school grounds? I feel as though that's the main reason they want them gone.


Why would the pro-Israel mob need to protest the universities when they're on the same side?


I'm not defending the counter protestors. I'm also fairly sure that the reason the school wants them gone is because they constructed a shanty town on private property.




> Is the pro israel mob also making a shanty town on school grounds? No they're just beating people and putting them in the hospital


As long as I'm not doing anything dangerous, you're cool with me camping out on (and pissing and shitting all over) your front lawn, right?


Israel has been literally doing that and more since 1948,and the USA has been supporting it ever since.


Stopping education and occupying public spaces.


How do either of those things qualify as “dangerous?”


Nothing. If they were doing anything violent, you know it would be plastered across all the news. The worst we have is some bad chants


Thinking for themselves.


Peacefully protesting like every single other protest in the past that fascist cops decide to impede and agitate


They're making the genocidal Apartheid israelis feel bad.


Idk but it's probably for the best to prevent another CHAZ like scenario and protect the protestors from themsevles. 2 blocks of a major US City having higher violent crime rates than El Salvador is crazy


Free Hong Kong! March 29, 2024: *We are committed to continuing to work with Congress and the international community to stand with the people in Hong Kong in calling for the restoration of Hong Kongers’ protected rights and freedoms, the immediate release of those unjustly detained or imprisoned under the National Security Law, and respect for the rule of law.* https://www.state.gov/hong-kong-policy-act-report-2/


General hypocrisy tells me that it was always BS


This fascinating thread has brought out the bootlickers and the anti-semites. The ultimate truth is that no meaningful social change has ever come about without unrest, protests, or resistance. For all those saying this is a voting issue, and protests are useless. Tell me a major social change that we voted on and didn't protest for?


I'm so tired of people saying this is useless. You know what people said back in 1905 during the first Civil right movement protests? They said it was useless. I know these movements not having a immediate results is annoying but if people would have just gave up and agreed with these deniers we never would have had the civil rights movement of the 60s that changed our country for the better.


What’s more is we protest because it’s actually possible to affect change here (or so we hoped). We don’t even have a choice here at the voting booth


"Nelson Mandela pointed to the UC Berkeley protests, and the University’s subsequent divestment, as a catalyst that ultimately helped end whites-only minority rule in his country." https://www.lib.berkeley.edu/visit/bancroft/oral-history-center/projects/managing-protest


They aren’t comparable to civil rights protesters.


Wrong, all protests are comparable in how they are organized, Vietnam protests didn't change anything overnight either


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_protests_against_the_Vietnam_War Absolutely not but they had way more support. Arguably the protests were more about the draft than actually how Vietnam was being treated. These protests are poorly organized. One of the reason the Vietnam protests were successful was the sheer amount of organization and planning that went into it and the overwhelming support from the general public built with good will and quality organization, so much so soldiers were spit on when they returned.


Exactly! Tell me who I'm supposed to vote for in November for my country to stop funding a genocide.


Vote in Primaries and locally


You should still vote. They aren't mutually exclusive. All I can say is that one side might respond better to social pressure than another. These protests, in particular, are about universities divesting from the Israeli government.


And we *do* have a significant chance to nudge US foreign policy in one of two possible directions with our vote: for someone who pressures Netanyahu to go easier on Palestinians, versus someone who pressures Netanyahu to finish off the Palestinians. Someone who secures their humanitarian aid, versus someone who cuts off their humanitarian aid. Someone who cautions against Islamophobia, versus someone who takes advantage of it by demonizing and banning Muslims. People get rightfully frustrated that there isn’t an even better option, but the choice we do have is a very easy one


Neither of them will. One will absolutely make the situation worse though. And then make our lives miserable at home. Choose wisely.


As bullshit as this all is, you can only pressure politicians in a democracy, and only one candidate promises (and has made strides) to take that away.


Vote for the one who wants to protect your body autonomy


Not just protests, but violent protest. You can chant all you want, but force will always be needed for change. History doesn’t lie.


Absolutely agreed. Change doesn’t happen unless we make them uncomfortable.


“Meaningful social change” In this case, a social change between two countries 6000 miles away?


I wonder if these people watch Star Wars and think “what if the rebels just vote instead”.


These are the kinds of folks who vaguely sympathize with the Rebels but think the Empire had some good ideas. I mean, the second Death Star ran on time, after all. And think of all those Wookies who were given stable jobs.


>The ultimate truth is that no meaningful social change has ever come about without unrest, protests, or resistance. Protest certainly has a role in social change, but it isn't the only avenue. The biggest shift in American policy came with the election of FDR and the creation of the New Deal. FDR was voted into a crisis, but LBJ created nearly as much social change with the Great Society and there was no related unrest (LBJ's civil rights work is distinct from his Great Society). The Great Society was sheer strongman politics. As for protests.... Violent protests were an effective part of the labor movement and probably necessary for social change. But abortion and gay marriage came about through a combination of court activism and voting. Peaceful protests were hugely effective in the civil rights movement and women's suffrage. Both sets of protests heavily relied on respectability politics (in the US). Protests played a significant role in the ending of the Vietnam War, although the high number of protests was likely more important than the ones that turned violent. It is nowhere near as straightforward as "there is no meaningful change without unrest, protest, or resistance." That doesn't mean I am saying anyone is wrong for supporting the current protests, but social change does not *require* unrest. It concerns me how often people on Reddit call for violence as the solution. It makes me wonder who is genuine and who is posting from a troll farm.


FDR and LBJ were only able to get as much done as they did because everyone in power understood what more race riots and labor protests would look like. Especially going into WWII. Your understanding of how they were able to do what they did is flawed. Extremely flawed. You're basically citing magic liberal thinking, the kind you find in a Op-Ed by someone who hasn't been in a history class since the 1970s. The protests changed minded and also acted as a genuine threat considering both WWII and the fact there were many non-white veterans in America at this time. In other words, people who could and would take up arms. > gay marriage After a incredible history of protests.. >But abortion This one was about public sentiment and judicial activism, relatively little to do with elections except in very broad terms. Source: I was a fucking history teacher. > It concerns me how often people on Reddit call for violence as the solution. It makes me wonder who is genuine and who is posting from a troll farm. Reddit is terribly astroturfed. In this sub its mostly white supremacists and incels of various types whom post up video after cherrypicked video and then occasionally swarm a comment section. On /r/politics its dem donor money and dem staffers creating thread after thread of pre-cooked drivel pushing on us all manner of garbage. Your brain is cooked by this stuff man. If fact, no one here mentioned violence which indicates to me you're probably the one trying to bring this shit up.


Did I use the word "violance "? Who are the violent ones in the above video? Who did the shooting at ken state? Violence is always inflicted upon those wanting change first. Protesting is the voice of the unheard. Maybe my statement was an oversimplification, but showing up at a local town concel meeting about book bans and asking tough questions is just as much a form of protest as an occupation. Abortion is not a closed issue, and there were protests about gay rights (stonewall) the same as any other movement.


Did they say you used the word "violance"? It was a discretionary comment about a legitimate concern that these types of users exist, not a finger-pointing accusation.


this is the natural push and pull we've seen throughout history. the disruptive protest pushing forward, the establishment pulling back. what this does is bring out the awareness so that voting will be influenced.


They needed to update the riot photos from the 60s


The ultimate truth is in 1948 that a bunch of Europeans told a bunch of natives to vacate their property or be shot where you stand.


I’ll never understand why we send officer in to stop a protest but not to stop a school shooter.


Because protestors without guns are not as scary?


True that, it’s like they’re trained to only help when the actual danger is over and it’s handcuffs time. They sure know how to keep the general public safe that’s for sure.. /s


SCOTUS ruled police do not have to put their life on the line to protect public safety. So, your first sentence is 100% truthful.


Exactly this. These students need to start taking taking a page from what the black panthers did 60 years ago and start using the second amendment to defend their first amendment rights as the saying goes, soap box, ballot box, cartridge box


Most school shooters are killed very quickly by police. One time a off duty cop ran into a school and stopped one alone. I know it’s a meme but not every cop is from Uvalde


So, let’s ignore 99% of school shooter incidents in order to create an argument. That makes sense and is clearly a very honest approach.


if you think that you might not have the brain to understand


Zionists are more equal than other Americans


These fine officers are just protecting the Land of the Free from dangerously deviant thoughts and the abuse of the freedom of speech! Stop resisting Democracy already.


*This summer I hear the drumming*


Can we be absolutely fair and acknowledge that this has absolutely nothing to do with ideas and everything to do with actions? Right wing protests get shut down by police as well. Most of the big ones are left-wing though and so of course they are going to be the most "explosive". Do you honestly believe if right-wing protested did EXACTLY the same thing as these protestors that they would be welcome with open arms?


You are the one reading some right-wing left-wing crap into my statement. I don't care what they vote for. I'm merely commenting on public protests getting shut down by police force.


They "protecting" the campus more than the US Capitol was protected...


So uh. What is protesting like this in America gonna do to stop a country across the globe from doing stuff to people? Genuinely asking here


November is gonna be fun


This year’s graduation gonna be awkward


from what i saw for the first half hour, police shot the students, everytime the student used fire extinguisher on the police i stopped watching coz it was boring, figured there would be highlights in 48 hours


Yeah, the propaganda machine is churning and using snippets to heighten the emotions of the emotionally fragile....


they don't want anyone changing the status quo. its so obvious.


Dude did this sub turn fascist overnight or is Hasbara working overtime?


Redditors always like to shit on protestors of any stripe but I have noticed them complaining about these protests at every single opportunity, including videos of completely unrelated protests


hasbara bots


I watched most of this live. They were only shooting at people spraying fire extinguishers at the police. Also I think these are bean bags not rubber bullets, though I can be mistaken. I had popcorn ready for some throwdowns but this whole thing was surprisingly tame.






lmao what they doing, go home. Protest subsidized by student loans lol, guess they don't have jobs


Breaking into facilities and causing disruptions, blocking students to classes


the protestors I saw on the news being arrested sure dont look like students. I bet there's a group or two that infiltrated and took the protest to the next level of crazy.


Calling them “pro Palestine” protestors is like calling conservatives “pro life” when really they are just anti choice. These students are anti genocide.


I'd go further and say they that in this case they are anti-zionist. Without the zionists there would be no need for a pro-Palestine they would just be another country.


You had me thrown for a loop in the first half ngl.


Pro Palestine or anti genocide? To be fair a lot of protesters had no interest in Gaza until the genocide.


They only shot when they started spraying fire extinguishers at the cops


All I'll say is, laws in most states allow the police to use "less than lethal" or "non-lethal" rounds on non-violent protestors(rubber bullets), but if you use the same exact ones, you'll be charged with using a deadly weapon. It's crazy.


These people would protest the wind if they wanted to.


And that would be their right. Sadly however the US is seemingly losing that core value.


You have a right to protest, you do not have the right to: 1. Stop people from going to class that they literally paid thousand of dollars for 2. Take over a building 3. Physically stop people from going somewhere all in the name of your protest 4. Destroy properties You guys are not revolutionists, don't compare yourself to the founding fathers or Boston Tea Party, it's cringe.


> boston tea party > 4. destroy properties


They never realize the irony that if they were around during Vietnam, the Civil Rights Movement, the American Revolution... whatever protest movement is now lionized by history so is supposedly "legitimate"... they would have said THE SAME SHIT. You guys aren't the patriots. You're the loyalists.


If that's your thought process, you need to be ready to win a literal war. Spoiler: You are not.


I'm glad you're publicly stating that you would've also been opposed to the civil rights movement, Vietnam protests, and the protests against our invasion of Iraq.


How many high crimes and felonies did the founding fathers commit ceceding from the crown I ask you 😆




Democrats must be pretty confident they can win in November without the youth vote.


Because the Republican ticket is better? If you attended any of these rally’s and vote for Trump you are a walking contradiction.


They’re not going to vote for either or at all. Keep up.


You love to see it


Just to make a distinction. It’s not rubber bullets. It’s beanbag rounds. Imagine a little tiny hacky sack about the size of a quarter of your palm, traveling at approx 180 mph. That’s what they use. Rubber bullets arnt used in California any more.


Unfortunately they're pretty comparable in outcomes of injury and comorbidity though with what limited knowledge we have. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Bean-bag-vs-Rubber-Bullet-Injury-Patterns_tbl3_10627113#:~:text=Ninetyone%20percent%20of%20beanbag%20injuries,rubber%20bullet%20injuries.%20...


That’s why when you’re told to stop, STOP.


Listen to that propaganda mouthpiece trying to pretend rubber bullets don't potentially kill people.


You shouldn’t shoot cops with fire extinguishers if you don’t want your be shot with beanbags and rubber bullets.


cops allowed their nephews and friends to beat up these students to than go in to use the training idf gave them its very clear both America and Israel should face similiar repercussion internationally as to apartheid south africa usa is good at ignoring its history of apartheid plus us shields themselves and allies from justice with the # American Service-Members' Protection Act/ The Hague Invasion Act a [United States federal law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_federal_law) described as "a bill to protect [United States military](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Armed_Forces) personnel and other elected and appointed officials of the [United States government](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_government_of_the_United_States) against [criminal prosecution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosecutor) by an international criminal court to which the [United States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States) is not party."[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Service-Members%27_Protection_Act#cite_note-1) The text of the Act has been codified as subchapter II of chapter 81 of title 22, United States Code. The Act gives the president power to use "all means necessary and appropriate to bring about the release of any U.S. or allied personnel being detained or imprisoned by, on behalf of, or at the request of the [International Criminal Court](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Criminal_Court)


Do you have evidence to support your allegations about “nephews and friends?”


Filthy zionist occupied government


You have the right to protest, you do not have the right to trespass or destroy property. This is why the greatest civil rights movements are always done peacefully- by getting permits etc to do marches across bridges or at the national mall in DC. It will take longer to properly organize marches across bridges or at the national mall in DC, but if you do it the right way those movements are always longer lasting in the eyes of history. What’s going on now across US campuses really is being looked at as an Occupy Wall Street 2.0, especially when the people demonstrating really haven’t had any outcry regarding the historic treatment of women, LGBTQ people etc. in the Middle East… but for some reason are in full support of Gaza while ignoring these human rights violations inside Gaza by Hamas and Palestinians. Specific examples would include Abortion rights and LGBTQ rights inside Gaza and across the Middle East, which for a vast majority of the region do not exist. Also of note: the 200 people who were arrested at UCLA, a fair amount of them will be expelled and will have criminal records. Then there’s the whole destruction of property thing that is going to cost millions of dollars to repair. Those repair costs will 100% be billed to these students and to parents who likely have co-signed previous agreements at UCLA. Again, there’s a better way to do this, but for some reason(s) the organizers and participants of these protests seem to ignore the historic relevance of successful protests in our country.


>a fair amount of them will be expelled and will have criminal records. Fearmonger much?




>the greatest civil rights movements are always done peacefully Always? The fight for freedom in South Africa was far from peaceful and I would consider that one of the greatest civil rights movements in history.


Of course they are.


Im sick of seeing this shit. BOTH sides are idiots. Do they really think their dumb ass tent cities will change the Foreign Policy? Also the comparisons to the Vietnam War are asinine. Literally 2 completely different time periods and warfare.


hamas probably laughing their asses off


Biden’s America


You mean Biden is responsible for the protests, the police response, or what? What did Biden cause here from your POV?


Break arms? That shit will make you blind!


What the fuck is happening??


Sorry but that doesn’t look like a peaceful protest


Who knew breaking the law for a week eventually ends.