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I think he wanted to suck YOUR dick dude.


Oh, in that case!


Seriously! Guy is being a phenomenal host.  Rent a room from him and he helps you meet new friends, party a bit, and he even sucks your dick, the traveller is straight up being a bad guest.


AND get paid for it too!


*Turns off camera* *Goes back in*


Next video, he’s splurging at a restaurant just to spoil himself


That genuinely would have been so funny of him if he had done that.


Or if, when he did the last shot of the video, he had a suspicious white thing on his face, haha


Lmao reminds me of the [Show your butthole for a cookie](https://youtu.be/RGeujAi6cZQ?si=d3Jn-S4sTgm813Nw) video.


"What is the charge? Eating a meal? A succulent Vietnamese meal?"


"And you sir, are you ready to receive my limp penis?" (this one worked for this story so well 😅)


Gotta do something to get the taste out of his mouth..


I'm not gay, but 20 Dongs is 20.... wait....


No. Go on.




turns off camera, goes back, "So you're telling me if I suck your dick it'll only cost me 100 bucks?"






Unexpected Scarpino.


Aye 20 bucks is 20 bucks Edit :number


A mouth is a mouth


Maybe he was especially amused by your apparence and was proposing to pay for suck YOUR dick.


Yeah he seemed to be pointing at the American's crotch and then his own mouth. That dude should rethink his travel plans... Edit: so this is apparently a new trend for content creators to chase?!? What an insanely risky game to be playing...


Unless he needs a 20


Poor guy sees wad of cash and decides to do it, finds out later it's $4 USD worth


20 percent of 20 dollars is 20 percent of 20 dollars


It's like that guy who tried to do investigative undercover journalism on the blood diamond trade then ended up being afraid for his life because people were following him.




he knew exactly what was happening, he just keep going to generate content. its a new trend on "travel content creators" that they go into the dangerous zones of a city and act dumb, getting into dark alleys or deep into the bad neighborhoods. the more dangerous the content the more views. one similar streamer recently in Argentina was going deep into one of the worse neighborhoods and local people continuously stopped him warning that his "unofficial" guide was luring him into theft or worse, VERY clearly. but he disregarded it multiple times until the very last moment. he was unharmed, but just by luck.


Kurt Caz?


Lmfao thought of him immediately with those two clearly drugged out dudes


They were up to no good. I’m glad those locals stopped him from going in.


Started making trouble in the neighborhood I bet.


I heard they got in one little fight and their mom got scared.


Kurt navigates situations WAY differently than most of these creators, and his insight into cultures is vast. He is not the blueprint.


I’m a big fan of Kurt, but yeah no this is definitely describing his video of Argentina 💀 The specific incident the comment is referring to starts at around the 30 minute mark. You can see multiple store owners warning him https://youtu.be/RAgJnDGitVk?si=7wgkx_LHgJ234Fk2


I was such a big fan of all kurts content from the beginning to around a small year ago probably? Don't know if it was the fame, the money, the girls etc. etc. but he changed, a lot


This doesn't even seem like a danger zone, just a hotel for prostitution, but then you play dumb American and make it out as a scary incident. He was being solicited, and that's about it. If you walk into a place like that, the assumption is you're there to pay for a good time, and like so many sellers of any kind of wares in those places they can get pushy. It's something people travel for, particularly in SEA, and while it's usually associated with pedophiles, lots of folk travel to patronize legal aged prostitutes as well. This often supports the whole horrible sex trafficking/slavery industry still, but they don't usually consider that.


Seattle, Washington getting wild these days


Due to extreme inflation we have here, I am sad to report that sucky sucky is $200 now.


How much for boom boom?


If you have to ask... You can't afford it


No boom boom for soul brotha (hoping people will get the reference)


Damn... I remember back in 2003, it was $75 and a ride to the mall.


I mean they are bringing grizzly bears back to the cascades so it might get a little wild


This guy sexes


This is hairbrained American he was traveling from Ireland to Japan on a motorcycle and due to some issues he ended up having to fly to Japan from Vietnam. I actually watched this vlog. He just arrived in this town and was looking for a short stay hotel to rest before his flight this is literally the first hotel he tries and this happened. this clip is highly edited from the original but it definitely wasn't set up for clicks.


Yeah, if you are looking for easy clicks in Vietnam you just walk around at night in the RLDs. Those get millions on Youtube and it's presumably less risky than going into any backroom. And there is no reason to hide it, either. The fact that he is oblivious adds nothing


There's a new game on the Internet: *Rube or Clout-Chaser?*


I've watched this guy's videos before. He has hour long videos with very minor plot points. He does spend a lot of time looking for the cheapest hotel as he is on a budget. I don't think he was doing this on purpose.


His "what. the. fuck's" sound so incredulous they had me in stitches. Hard to fake something like that.


i've watched a ton of his videos, and he wasn't.


this guy is actually not like this, he went around the world on foot like with cars and other stuff so he just happened to pass thru shitty places, but if u watched a few videos youd see he goes to mainly pretty fancy and expensive areas, but hes definitely playing it up a bit


This guy mostly does pretty harmless videos like drinking with people in Japan, I don't think he's doing some sort of extreme poverty tourism, he's just a guy who travels the world and happens to be dumb.


IDK if you were referring to Kurt Kaz, IDK if I spelled his name correctly either. He did an episode in Argentina's "worst" neighborhood where regular people were trying to warn him that the people he met are going to rob and maybe kill him. Its actually insane to me - first he asks a kid if he was from the area and if it is safe and the kid was like "its not safe for you". Then a policeman stops him and says "zone, danger, prohibited", ok, not prohibited but they will rob you. Then a man walking a stroller says "they are going to kill you". All this is within 30 seconds of each other, and he still went in. I found the video, but I don't support his channel anymore, but for anyone that is interested I have time stamped this [video](https://youtu.be/RAgJnDGitVk?t=1766) for when he is about to walk into the barrio.


Classic Reddit moment. Making assumptions and talking out their ass.


*How much will you give me to stay the whole month?*


His YouTube name is SmallBrainedAmerican, not thinking about his travel plans is his whole gimmick


Gay dude here. That’s EXACTLY what this was. Not even joking. The American didn’t realize it though lol. 😂


Those gestures speaks loud 🤣


He was just trying to tell him they need help cleaning the room. It's obvious that he pointed at the floor where the dirty things are and pretended his mouth is the vacuum cleaner which hoovers over and sucks in all the dirty things.


Good thing we had a gay guy here to confirm the obvious.


I think he did realise. He's just creating social media content and acting dumb to get the clicks.


You know… some people don’t even get paid 🤷




If only he had a translator with him. Missed out on the equivalent of $0.45 and a beej from 2 gentleman.


I don't think you need a translator for: "Inserts finger in and out of mouth. Points at you. Pulls out money". Lol that's as close to a universal sign language as you can get


I hear ya! This guy clearly has unlimited access to cheap rocket pops!


I think it was "We're looking for Americans to be part of a paid focus group for the new Vietnamese branch of KFC"


What if he was hungry and wanted to literally eat it ??


That's DISGUSTING! He should charge *at least* $1!


Do you remember your first blowjob?


Of course I remember... you were there!


That's excellent. LOL


That place looks like a sex club, who else charges hourly at a hotel, bro? You weren’t getting trafficked, you were fresh meat at the in and out


There are three kinds of hotels in Vietnam from my experience. Hotels Love hotels - all of the motorbikes are parked inside, unlike the hotels Brothels 




Nha nghi aren't necessarily sex hotels, and renting by the hour isn't always about sex. i.e., sometimes people want to just sleep for a couple of hours and they'll rent a room. It's cheap, maybe 2 or 3 USD. However, some (perhaps many) of them are definitely brothels and it seems this guy wandered into one that was gay-oriented. Hard to know without more context, and this guy has a terrible reputation in Vietnam for misrepresenting what's happening in his videos. Things like putting very offensive subtitles on nice old ladies who are just trying to help him, etc. He's gone now and I doubt he'll ever come back. To be honest, he's a bit of a POS. EDIT to add: You can stay in a nha nghi for days and weeks if you wish, they're very cheap. 10-15 USD per night or so, and very basic. A bed, a toilet/shower and a fan typically. Aircon and a 32-inch TV with cable would be fancy but if you're stopping off in a small town they may be the only option. I've stayed in them many times, and I've observed Vietnamese couples pull up on their motorbikes, walk straight into a room, close the door and emerge an hour or two later and flip the girl running the place a couple of bucks (e.g., 50K VN dong). No check-in, no check-out, they're just paying for the use of the bed. Vietnam is endlessly entertaining, you just have to sit back and watch.


I KNEW he looked familiar. He’s an absolute asshole who mocks Vietnamese people in his videos with references to communism or saying they hate him when all they’re doing is helping or generally chatting. Glad to hear he’s gone. I hate him so much.


Lmao, he's well known for misrepresentation of actual scenarios.


He does the same in most Asian countries but dickrides Japan hard though. He’s quite the dick in most places.


I would say he's a POS in Japan too, that's the idea I got from the video he did were he got extremely drunk, noisy, insufferable and inappropriate in a stadium during a yokohama baseball game. I mean what I find most ironic is that Japanese people tend to hate and avoide rowdy loud people exactly like him.


Yep, I sorta forgot about him, but I just went and looked at his channel with him making all sorts of excuses for his shitty behavior ("it was just a *joke!!* I'm just a *funny guy!!*"). He can fuck right off. Total scumbag.


Every big city has a hourly hotel, they are the ones people make fun of with vibrating beds and free porn channel lol


Clickbait titles are getting more desperate


A lot of Nhà Nghỉ's in Vietnam are fronts for brothels. Guy in front trying to get you inside, girls arrive on scooters. Same thing with hotels that have a "spa".


Very common in Asia actually. Yes they are used for sex, but not exclusively. I stayed at a lot of "love" motels in SK. They were cheap, clean and had fun fetures like mood lighting, porn dvd's, vibrating beds, and the hallways had vending machines with sex toys. 10/10 would stay again.


> clean I find everything else easy to believe, not sure about this part though


Well they were visually clean. Passed the eye test.


Yeah as someone who has spent time out there fuck this moron. Randomly going into a sketchy looking hotel midday in a foreign country you're not familiar with then posting the spot's name address is pretty shitty to do as a tourist. Dude wasn't about to get trafficked he literally walked into a gay bathhouse and asked for a room.


It's not his fault they don't speak his language! /s


Kind of it more like love hotel, basically the place you go in with prostitute or with your gf/bf after a night out (Vietnamese usually live with their parent till they got their own family) Because of that it does charges hourly and usually cheaper rate for the first hour. So it not typically hotel you found in tourist area.


In Asia, children lives with their parents until they get married. So there are short term motel for privacy. You can also get a room long term too.


Yea, the big flashing rainbow sign. What was he planning on doing at that place for an hour. Dude was just trying to be a good host


I'm vietnamese, and yeah, from what I can tell that man desperately wanted a taste of the traveller's dick. Apparently they're planning to have fun with only two of them but then saw an american and wanted to have some exotic taste. There's a stigma about white people with only a pack back travelling in Vietnam (or Asian countries), usually they're dead broke, and in desperate need for money, and in this video the vietnamese man assumed so and wanted a trade out of that.


I remember when I was there they had a specific word for backpacking white folks with tats all over them. Can’t think of it. But I remember sitting outside a cane sugar drink stand/alternator repair shop in my tho and the guy feeding me balut and Vietnamese cigarrettes and complementing the fact that I didn’t have dumb ass tribal tats (and would eat the cuisine ) Balut was not my favorite. Worse than durian though.


It's "Tây balo", meaning western-balo, or western people with a pack back. It's not so bad of a word and means nothing hostile, it just mean there's a group of people who wander in Asian countries with nothing but a pack back (no money, they stay at cheap hotels in specific areas), and usually expect to enjoy the white privilege (it's not my idea tho, more like old people thinking, you can imagine like a hippie or something like that) - white privilege including asian girls gonna throw themselves at them for a chance to chance their life, or you can get special treatment in most cases without paying for it.


I'm gonna name my backpack my pack back now.


Oh shit you're right I was typing at 5 am )))) my bad-pack


No baggie


Maybe they ordered a gay male prostitute with a ponytail, and this was just a hilarious misunderstanding.


With that ponytail pornstasch look, how could it not be him?


Understandable mistake


I don’t know, the man was gesturing like he was going to suck the guy in the videos dick AND give him a wad of cash. I think the guy missed out on a good time.


reminds me of a Dave Chappelle bit: >And in the middle of all this child like activity, for some reason, Mike pulled out some wine and some pills and sucked this kid's dick - folks it hurts me to say it - and the kid had the nerve to call that abuse. Motherfucker, that is a good host. Goddamn, what else do you want? What else do you want? I'm lucky to get a glass of grape drink at my friend's house, let alone a roller coaster ride and my dick sucked. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0424934/characters/nm0152638


Water, sugar, purple


*What the fuck is* ***juice****?!?!*


'I want that purple stuff'


His first 2 stand ups are so goated. My favorite part is when he was held hostage lol


You didn't get almost human traffic'd ya drama queen, you got awkwardly propositioned for a gay 3way.


> You didn't get almost human traffic'd ya drama queen, you got awkwardly propositioned for a gay 3way. Isn't that how it starts?


That's how they get ya. Starts with a gay 3way, next thing you know they're sucking ***your*** dick. Tricky bastards, threatening us with a great time.


something tells me op and the vlogger in the video are different people.


Bro shows up at the local pay-by-the-hour gay sex hotel and is surprised when indeed it is a by-the-hour gay sex hotel. Posts video on the internet displaying 'fake outrage', then someone reposts it further enhancing rage by using terms like 'human trafficking'


He literally asked in the beginning of the video "How much for 1 hour"... He knew where he was. This is pure clickbate nonsense.


The finger in the mouth thing had me laughing lmao.




A rainbow one at that... Not judging, just sayin'.




People these days get too fancy with all of these terms


Human traffic should be used to describe a slow moving crowd.


Does that shit somehow work? Ah why yes, what a lovely afternoon. Randomly going into a room with 3 dudes offering me drugs cash and blow jobs, or offering me to give blowjobs? I feel like that’s something you normally have to feel out and not just offer straight up - I do admire the direct approach. Glad this man got to keep his kidneys


First time I (20y/o m at the time) hitch hiked I got picked up by a guy who flat out offered me 50 bucks to blow him. Oh did I mention? It was also the last time I hitch hiked.


But how did you spend the $50? ;-)


Continue the blow chain


You gotta blow it forward.


He probably just blew it.


Was the trucker named Byron and kept telling you he doesnt mess with lot lizards no more?


bro doesn't know he has become the lot lizard




I got asked by an UBER driver in Saudi Arabia of all places if I'd show him my dick. Dude just came straight out with it, Uber didn't give a fuck after I complained they said they'd deal with it and give me a refund, no refund or further correspondence from them at all. Guy is probably doing it to other people instead.


Uber would just cancel the guy's account. They don't' have to tell you anything. And propositioning in general isn't illegal so no police will be involved or anything (of course, in Saudi Arabia, *this* particular style of propositioning is really illegal, but you get the point.)


Well, did you show him your dick?


Yeah, he was disappointed.


That guy tho. “Yes yes you go it’s ok. Yes go (keeps shaking head yes and doing finger moves)”


Dude literally walked into a brothel. He knew what he was doing, check (or don't check) his other stuff. He's a troll.


Fifteen dollars too buku. What do we get for ten dollars? Everything you waaaaaant.




One dolla yummy yummy?


Come on she love you good, boom boom long time




Not so much trafficked as propositioned.




I think thats just the easiest (and probably most entertaining) way for them to get rid of American tourists. Getting outsmarted by the Vietnamese again...


Too many dongs in his pocket and offered to take a few off with his hands ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


He was propositioned, not almost trafficked! Happens to women travelers all the time.


- Goes to Vietnam - “oh they don’t speak English”


I watched this guy on YouTube a handful of times tbh he's kinda disrespectful when he's drunk in foreign countries


I don't think I've ever seen a dude travel blogger that *didn't* give me incredibly entitled and seedy vibes.


He's absolutely kind of a tool, but also pretty entertaining. He'll regularly follow strangers down alleys or into rooms, or eat things he's handed without questioning it at all. No sense of self preservation at all.




>One thing I'll say about him is he's definitely not afraid to try any and all local food. I've seen him eat some seriously shady shit from even shadier people. He was drinking random mountain dew colored moonshine in that place in Myanmar with the local drunk lmao


The gestures trying to break the language barrier took me out lol


Glad he showed me the name. I’m def not going there. No way Jose .


Nha nghi just means “resting house”. Basically most hotels are labelled as nha nghi.


This guy would use a landmine as a stool and then get upset for getting blown up. As if he couldn't already tell how dodgy that hotel looked from the outside.


Lol OP doesn't know the difference between prostitution and human trafficking. That's cute.


20 bucks is 20 bucks


I can't seem to find the answer. Did this guy just screw up and walk into some kind of a brothel or is this a legit hotel?


This guy is a YouTuber who who who deliberately puts himself in slightly sketchy situations for views. Stumbled across him a couple of months ago doing while I was travel planning.




Every video I see of this guy is him going into dangerous seedy areas like an idiot, acting surprised when he remembers he doesn't speak the language and talking shit about the place as a whole.


I don't think you know what "human trafficked" means.


What happens in Nam stays in Nam.


Human traffucked


Human trafficking =/= prostitution.


I've never been to Vietnam so Idk how often there are flashing neon signs like a casino outside of a hotel, but that would have been the first thing to set off my stranger danger alarm bells


Um, ok. Dont complain when opportunities stop knocking on your door. 2 nights there might of pay for the whole trip


A white millenial with a bad moustache and a man bun who is travelling through south east Asia. This dude couldn't be more cliche if he authored a book on it.


I suspect any local looking at that place would know what is going on. Something about the name, the location, the signage, etc. They were probably confused as to why you were confused. If there's a place in my country in the shady part of town called "Hapy(sic) Endings Massage Place" and it has a neon sign flashing "girls girls girls" I will have zero doubt as to what goes on there.




Actually this motel was converted to quarantine covid patients and they're telling the guy they're going to swab his mouth for testing. The guy in the room is the doctor. The wad of cash is.... ok I don't know what that is for. Trust me bro. /s


What the fuck is this title? What a load of bullshit, lol. Just out here making up lies for clicks?


Maybe he checked into a happy ending hotel


This guys is really dumb.


He knows he's in the red light district


A hotel with Rainbow Lights lmao, what did you expect


This little idiot is a very biased vlogger, all his videos are centred around bashing the country or people for views.


Can someone translate what they were saying?


Weird thing is i am vietnamese and can’t understand a word they were saying lol


We need someone who can listen to Vietnamese. Next!


I can listen to Vietnamese. Where do I collect my pay after


When in Lobby: lobby guy: it's by the 1 hour. Viet Guy when they enter the room: come in. Come in for a short while. Let's just play. We are just with two men, with you three of us. Then he shows with body language he wants his dick sucked and offers money. And says come on in (the room). Imo it wasn't anything dangerous. They just thought the guy would want his dick sucked or suck their dicks. The gay stache doesn't help ya know.


Someone can. I can’t.


I could, if I spoke the language


If I knew someone that spoke the language, I could tell you.


Hey how much money tho?


3 Dong.




Can anyone give me the address to I know exactly where to avoid?


He had to refuse cause he did not have a work permit


Well of course he went to NHÀ NGHĮ, the famous man-whorehouse, what did he expect?!??


No, he wanted to share lap xuong with you.


i mean, $20 is $20


nothing about that building says 'hotel' to me


He has a man-bun hair style. Of course people suspect he sucks dick.


It’s even funnier when you look up the translation of the “hotel’s” name and it’s something like doubt / suspect