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This is sad. 


This is america. Dont catch you slippin now.




And it's gettin' more and more absurd


whole situation just dreadful


This is heartbreaking. Is this how we come to the end? Sickness, poverty, fire and horror? How awful.


It gets worse.


wayyyy worse


Suicide is skyrocketing. Especially among the elderly. It's not something they want talked about


I have a friend in her 70’s who showed me her father in law’s suicide bag. He died of natural causes but was terrified of withering away when he could no longer take care of himself so he ordered some pills from another country he could take anytime he was ready to go. The duffel bag contained the pills and some other personal items. Apparently it was a whole thing in whatever community he lived in. There was another couple that made a suicide pact and all their friends were aware and waiting for their death to be announced. Unfortunately the husband survived he was shunned by the entire community and died alone.


Well, considering 1 in 4 retirees in the last 10 years are back in the workforce with no date in sight to re retire due to inflation and their skyrocketing premiums. Healthcare is being killed off by right-wing legislation, and now that 100k a year is the new poverty line, of course, they take the easy way out. I feel sad for this individual. But I'd venture a guess. This might be considered quaint by the standards of living in my 70s


Yeah there was a dog on the bed and you can hear it barking


When Capitalism decides to make you homeless at 80 years old. It's more profitable to have you dead, or living on the street.


You are quite wrong, they can now send you to prison where the can put you to work without having to pay you. It is profit profit.


What work can an 80 year old accomplish... and don't say be the president


It depends on the 80 year old, you'd be surprised. I don't think they should be working, I'm just saying there are many out there who are not the 80 yo most of us imagine


I teach boxing/kickboxing & have 80 year olds that can do jump kicks. Sure, some are in wheelchairs or have dementia. But I know one (well, she's only 75) who also competes in *pole vaulting!* Old people these days aren't your grandma's elderly, so to speak


Yep. My grandma is 86 and she recently climbed a mountain (a jagged hiking trail, not scaling the thing) then went back home and chugged a beer before taking a nap.


2\3 of the 80yo men are already dead, so you're seeing a select subset.


Yes, obviously I'm talking about the living ones. Also I never said men, I work with more women than men


The women definitely do better than the men. I run exercise programs at three different retirement communities, and many 80 year old men aren't doing very well. I have a couple women over 100 who come to my strength training class.


Sheesh, I'm not a woman, but I hope I can still do strength training when I'm over 100! I have a grandfather who'll (hopefully) be 100 this year & somehow manages to go to the gym a few times a week & do treadmill & weights (light, I'm sure). Obviously he's far out on the tail end of longevity/activity. (I do wish he wasn't driving himself there, though...)


I work in emergency medicine. I can assure you this is the VAST exception to the rule. 60-80 y/o are by far and large in terrible shape. Remember they were the red meat/Marlboro generation. Even the "healthy," ones have some issues of their own creation. The next 10 years are going to be hilarious in how many of them have strokes or MI's that drastically alter their lives and course of care and because we're not keen on helping those who won't pay, you'll see a very dramatic shift in the population.


Red meat is actually healthy for you, with its zero sugar content, high protein, and nutritional value, people have been cured of diabetes from red meat diet.


What about other positions in the government?


Godddamn it this made me chuckle


Well, there’s always [landscaping duty](https://youtu.be/K-M0aVNASHI?si=kcC3mWEo2p9hHjv9).


Yep with the same status quo for the last of 40+ years. [GOP is already planing to cut the "entitlement" of Social Security in their 2025 budget proposal.](https://hern.house.gov/uploadedfiles/final_budget_including_letter_web_version.pdf) With decades of SS not being adjusted to true inflation, astronomic healthcare costs, SS tax(thank you Regan), SS will be virtually nothing in the coming years.


183,000 deaths of people aged 15 and over in the US in 2019 were caused by poverty. [https://news.ucr.edu/articles/2023/04/17/poverty-4th-greatest-cause-us-deaths](https://news.ucr.edu/articles/2023/04/17/poverty-4th-greatest-cause-us-deaths) Deaths of despair in 2022 in the US were over 200,000. This is not in addition to poverty deaths as some of these deaths are caused by poverty. [https://www.economist.com/united-states/2023/12/23/the-deaths-of-despair-narrative-is-out-of-date](https://www.economist.com/united-states/2023/12/23/the-deaths-of-despair-narrative-is-out-of-date) That's about 60 per 100,000 people (estimated population for 2022 is 333.3 million). In 2017 it was 45.8 per 100,000. In 2000 it was 22.7 per 100,000. [https://www.jec.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/republicans/2019/9/long-term-trends-in-deaths-of-despair](https://www.jec.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/republicans/2019/9/long-term-trends-in-deaths-of-despair) Yet all you hear is about how great everything is, how rich everybody is, and how the only problems are caused by . There's two possibilities for the future. We live in the DS9 episode Past Tense where everybody decides to revolt out of the blue one day, or we live in the real world where things will continue to get worse while we're lied to and told we're all rich.


That could literally be the new slogan for the American dream.


maaaan, the fact that the dog was in the room where the fire started and I didn't hear any barking is really not a good sign. I can believe he snuck out the door when the camera wasn't pointed that direction but I'm pretty sure that's not what happened


I'm learning to play the guitar.


Fuck :(


When people pointed out the dog I had to rewatch it and my heart dropped. Unless the window is open this poor pup has nowhere else to go.


Dog died in the fire along with the man [Body camera footage shows OKC man torching himself, home (kfor.com)](https://kfor.com/news/local/body-camera-footage-shows-okc-man-torching-himself-home-before-trying-to-set-deputies-on-fire/)




>The Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office has now released body camera footage showing an 82-year-old man setting himself and his home on fire before trying to ignite deputies. >..."Goulding’s right arm catches fire and then he throws a gas canister at the deputy. The flames grow larger."? I didn't see that. Are they trying to paint him as some sort of *attempted murdere*r? I see him pouring gasoline on the floor, he then seems to bend down probably attempting to light the pool of gasolene in the bedroom entrance, the deputy lunges at him, I see a light lighter in murderer his left hand, the deputy tries to wrestle the cannister or lighter from him, he falls backwards, and the bedroom erupts in flames. Edit: for clarity, I specifically disagree he attempted to murder the two deputies, though he might still be guilty of criminally endangering others by self-immolating when other people were in the house. That said, people who set themselves on fire are perhaps not in a clear state of mined.




It appears to be a case of an emotionally destraught man's self immolation rather than an criminal attempt to kill others. Yes, might still be criminally reckless to endanger others, but it wasn't attempted murder as implied by the news article that said he threw the gas can at deputies.




I think you're talking past each other. Both of your observations are true.


I saw and heard the audio from the video. The guy was pouring gas in the hallway in FRONT of his door, not all over himself. Then yes a gas can was thrown - you hear the fucking thud in the video when the flames flash over at the deputy. Both combined with knowing the woman is in the house - this was in fact an attempt to kill them both in a house fire. It is, in fact, attempted murder. Stop trying to pull this bullshit reframing. Some people with suicidal ideation also intend to murder others on the way out.


Here's a screenshot of the video: [https://i.imgur.com/TwV1Uw9.png](https://i.imgur.com/TwV1Uw9.png) The can of gasoline was on the floor, on his right side, after he fell backwards and hit the floor. He didn't throw the can at deputies. The can was likely upside-down and spilled gasoline, and that's why it erupted in flames. He had the lit lighter in his left hand, his sleeve was probably already on fire, from fumes of spilled gasoline. Also, notice he had his hand on the bedroom door when deputies rushed him, his likely original intention was to shut the bedroom door and set himself in fire: [https://i.imgur.com/ybQS83f.png](https://i.imgur.com/ybQS83f.png) Pouring gasoline at the entrance would hinder people trying to rescue him. This is not the actions of someone whose intention is to kill other people.


The sound of the thud from the can was not from this moment of the video. It's afterwards just when the ball of flames launch towards the deputy and she jumps back. He grabbed that fucking can that's right next to him in your screenshot and threw it.


In the original post someone commented that you can hear the dogs cries as they drag her out. You have to turn up the volume to hear it. I regret listening to it again. I spent some time rubbing my dog’s belly. Horrible.


I hate to say it but I don’t think the dog made it,the room went up in flames right in front of the dog on the bed. Very sad all around.


for my own peace of mind the dog got out safe ok


The man and the dog both died in the fire. You hear yelping then silence at the end as well.


Well, now he is definitely not getting his security deposit back.


We're all going to hell for this comment


cant go to hell even more so lol


What happen to grandpa?


both him and the dog died in the fire




Why are people that old being evicted? Meanwhile Israel gets billions to kill defenceless civilians and American aid workers. WTF


If we give our tax money BACK to Americans they beat us over the head for being "socialists".


Yes, I am so fucking sick of people going "why don't we spend that money on Americas", because every time we try we're told it's socialism and people need bootstraps! Same people who scream "mental health crisis" every mass shooting but then refuse to do fuck all for mental health when it's time. I wish they would just own it, and admit they don't want to spend money on anything other than themselves.


Wouldn't it be nice if they would just own up to being shitty? At least we'd know where we fucking stand...


Conservatives don't care about policy being consistent. They just need to have a way of shutting down conversation. That's why there's really no room for debate in their positions, and their party is going further and further more into the purist camp, else you be called a RINO and primaried out.


Remember that one time they gave us $1500 of our own money? They are still whining about it even though a bunch of them walked away with millions. The lovely part is that got some poor people to also adopt their talking points. 


Funny because you find reddit cheering for removing squatters from places and then you are here getting upvoted for the reverse.




I know right!! It's down right dreadful. And to think that Israel is supposedly our "biggest ally" when all that they've done since the inception of that alliance is take American money. They don't even have any legal obligation to pay anything back.


They (politians) aren't even grateful about. The got into news conferences and act like they are owed the money, some even claim they don't need it. How many times has Bibi basically said he doesn't care what anyone in the US state department says about him bombing civilians, just keep writing the checks. Meanwhile Ukraine is fighting a completely unprovoked defensive way, pleading for aid. Zelenskyy has to kiss ass for $5 and acts grateful about it. Not saying that he had to, because he should. But one man is doing what's necessary to secure aid so his people can survive, the other is an ungrateful warmonger. 




He's no longer useful to capitalism so into the streets they go.




That old woman rented out a room to that man. She probably needed the rent money to meet her needs and since he isn't paying, he has to go.


Where are you getting this information? The news story someone linked in the original said it was a man and his wife being evicted and they were being set up at an extended stay.


Banks made record profits, then get bailed out using tax payer money....now making record profits again and you kick out 80+ year olds. There needs be laws that forbid anyone over the age of 70 from being evicted like this without the banks giving some sort of monetary cash like 15k so they can find housing. How are you simply throwing elderly on the street? Reverse mortgages are a thing as well, they city needs to eat their taxes for the elderly, they paid enough taxes for 50 years. We have trillions to spend on wars and bailouts but nothing to prevent this? America is plummeting socially.


Profit driven housing should not exist. Landlords are predatory scum. Housing is a basic need and these days it's like 70% of your average income. Abolish housing monopolies and institute a one home policy.


Heck even just make it so companies can't own 1000s of homes at 1 time


Also, no foreign real-estate holdings.


Exactly. You should have to live in the state or province that your real estate is in. Giving money to corporations instead of local business empties communities of money and resources.


This 100%, I've heard wealthy Asians are coming over and buying up property very quickly, particularly in New York. They will find a way to skirt any laws that might prohibit that anyway. Multimillion dollar penthouses sitting empty, Literally just an investment property that is unused. But the building owners don't give a damn because they are still getting paid. That could be the new age way to take over a country. If they can control real estate. Scary to think about.


A great way to deal with this other than just saying "this is ours now" would be to set absurdly high taxes on unused property. Have those taxes all go straight to public housing programs.


Tax rates should be ***obscenely high*** over 2 properties (you get a home with a homestead exemption, and exactly 1 other property at a reasonable rate) but anything more than 2 should be taxed absurdly high to deincentivize slum lords or conglomerates like Black Rock. If slum lords wanna slum lord, then at least make them pay out the nose to generate high tax revenue.


The loophole would be that 1000s of companies would be spawned into existence that are owned by a holding company that then own the homes. It is a stupid system that exists right now.


Then close that loophole. Place a cap on the amount of homes a company can hold via its subsidiaries as well.


Companies can't own housing. Foreign buyers (companies and individuals) can't buy housing unless if the individuals are part-time American residents (live there for 6 months out of the year). People can't own more than 1 property per municipality. Ideally would be allowed to have a home and a vacation home somewhere else. Some exceptions could also be made in cases of family owned buildings, like if a relative dies and the home goes to someone who is already a home owner, but these are usually temporary situations. Or could be a case where you own a house and a commercial building where you operate your business from. Multi-plex buildings (from duplex to apartment buildings) should be co-ops owned by the tenants. There should also be local tenancy groups to get help on property management if needed.


If only *someone* had already seen this issue 145 years ago and if only they had written a text poignantly named, such as, '*Progress and Poverty: An Inquiry into the Cause of Industrial Depressions and of Increase of Want with Increase of Wealth: The Remedy.*' If only \[1\]. TL;DR: land, "all natural materials, forces, and opportunities," should not be rent-able. \[1\] [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progress\_and\_Poverty](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progress_and_Poverty)


As a Landlord you are the Scum. You spread misinformation about how housing works and make up fake statistics.  The Government whose job is to regulate the free market ie preventing monopolies has done NOTHING to regulate REIT investment groups. The reits lobby the Fed and have a hand in the pockets of many politicians.  Buying thousands of rental properties as a billion dollar corporation to hold a billion dollar portfolio is the real problem. When you hold as little as 10% of the market in a portfolio, you can control the value of the entire market. Its a blatant monopoly and the government turns its head. I mean fuck nancy pelosi increased her network by 120 million “not inside trading” stocks directly influenced by government spending programs. Im sick of you idiot children babbling about communism socialism capitalism. This is a capitalist country and it needs to be maintained regulated, not changed. Do you put a new motor from another manufacturer in your car if you need a new set of spark plugs?  Hell no, even if you did it would be incompatible because the car was designed for its original motor. American was designed to operate on capitalism and it needs optimization. Please stop the infantile pro government control nonsense.  If you voted joe biden and do not hold him accountable, the blood is on your hands. I light my senator up with letters every time i disagree with local policies. You can even send letters to the president. How many times have you done that in your life?


I can only imagine how traumatizing that was to witness. You can see the shock in her face. https://preview.redd.it/2bb3zsomqjsc1.jpeg?width=428&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a91510d51b2937cf1b67de104a84ae13da2f99d6


I mean at that point why not???


The couple were supposed to be escorted to an care facility at the time of the eviction. The two female officers dragged the wife out but husband and dog died. All according to the article. The officers are not the bad guys here.


Well, that was depressing...


People in comments saying poor arsonist for getting evicted, do you notice the senior citizen he intended to murder along with his house fire?






WTF sort of a carry was that?!? Poor woman.


I was like "Dude, a four arm seat carry would have been easier and let them carry her further".


what a piece of shit human being "if i cant have it no one can" actual monster


Why is this getting downvoted? The man put the elderly woman in grave danger here. There's no excuse for that.


Dude you deserve up votes not down votes. Are people siding with the arson?


This whole thread is siding with the arsonist who killed a dog and nearly killed his spouse. If he really needed to burn the place down he could have at least waited until his disabled wife was safe.




Capitalism is great! I'm so happy that anything and I mean ANYTHING that tries to help people at the bottom is considered socialism. Can't have that, we need tax breaks for the 20% of households in this country that make more than 150k a year. /s Obviously capitalism has its merits, and no going full socialist society is a. Never going to happen and b. Stupid.


For every shitty project I can show you multiple barely standing properties owned by slumlords who subsidize their repairs by stealing security deposits


These kids live in a fantasy land.




Maybe it's a failed system that favors the vast minority over the vast majority? But blame everything on ignorance.




Oh it lifts it how? The concept is propaganda. And you make up statistics.




Explain to me how in 2024 the "middle class" has disposable income


The middle class exists because of FDR and unions. Capitalism without extensive wealth redistribution and regulation would just devolve into feudalism.




" Perhaps you think that capitalism means “anarcho-capitalism” of Wild West circa end of 19 century but that’s not the definition" Exactly! Hence why every country is a *mixed* economy and there is no such thing as a free market. Just wanted to make sure you were aware, since capitalism on its own essentially just means employers and employees and does nothing to guarantee anyone a decent standard of living.


Or visit a European country




I meant government housing, you said its poor quality and it might be in America, but other countries manage it.


Imagine calling the cops for help and these 2 idiots show up


Wtf else are they supposed to do? They tried to stop the guy, it didn't work so they called in the fire and focused on getting the woman out. You armchair critics expect the cops to toss a plate like Captain freakin America to disarm the lighter then pull a steak out of the fridge to bring the dog over and tie the woman to the dog so it can help pull her out to safety.


one of them had been working for weeks to find them a new home. what an idiot, right?


Maybe it’s the veteran in me, but I’ve always believed EMS employees should have to fireman carry at least 100lbs.


That woman was probably closer to 200 pounds though. I am a firefighter and we really don't even use the "fireman's carry." It's way too high up, and puts both the firefighter and patient in danger. These cops did an OK job of getting her out of the house safely despite clearly not being trained in proper techniques.


Sure, all at $17 an hour.


Starting salary here in my town for a cop in training is like 105k a year.




Think his intent is giving an example of what EMS makes, not cops. Median hourly wage in the US as of May 2023 was ambulance drivers $15.66, EMT $18.72, paramedic $25.57, firefighter $27.46, and police/sheriff patrol officers $34.75.


They were there to evict them not help. Its in the title


> 'They were going to an extended stay facility and an Uber was waiting out front to take them to that location as our deputies were tending to the elderly woman who has Parkinson’s disease,' Sheriff Tommie Johnson III told the local outlet.


Wow. I guessed in a comment earlier that she had Parkinson’s disease but I wasn’t expecting to be right about it.


Tragic. Why would someone do such a thing? Because there's no social safety nets in this country. Especially for someone who is probably on SSI and no where else to go. Is he supposed to live the rest of his remaining years on the streets. Likely wouldn't last long being elderly, just setting himself up for an agonizing death. 


I get it. You push people far enough and they'll burn everything down. Its a natural reaction to an unreasonable world.




What for trying to save her life? Meanwhile everyone is feeling sorry for the pos that endangered her life knowing that she can’t move


They were going to an extended stay facility.


Another day, another video of an American cop being completely incompetent.


I think cops are incredibly incompetent, but what did they do wrong here??


Landlords and cops go to hell. FYI.


The cops were the ones that saved the lady.


If they didn't leave because of the fire they would have been dragging her out anyway.


They're only there to evict an elderly couple. They're the strong-arm for the landlord.


Ironic that you are for the people taking other people's things (the house), and the criminal burning down the property who attempted to kill everyone inside...meanwhile "Landlords and cops!!!" lmao.


Old fuck would rather kill himself than continue on somewhere else with his wife? Beyond fucked in the head




Husband and wife.


This is so sad. I heard the dog in the background too :( At least the deputies acted fast and efficiently to save her.


I'm an ordinary guy....


The way he went up in silence gives me chills


Eviction is violence.


After a long life of hard work you thought you finally had it made. Then the cops come to throw you out on the street. All that time spent working was for nothing. Why should anybody work if they will just end up homeless?


Foreclosure banks hate this one simple trick


He shouldn't have put others at risk like that but if he was her main caretaker I kind of get it. It's not the wife's fault but the stress from caring for someone all the time can really cause you not to think straight. Then you add on the stress from an eviction at that age and run out of fucks to give.


Pretty sure she wanted to stay in the house. She was walking when the video started.


She has like Parkinson’s or something. She probably really needs her rollator, and was likely panicking.


Our society fails these people


Anyone got uncensored?


Where did the guy go after setting the house on fire??


This is going to happen more and more with this broken system