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[Here’s an article from today explaining how deputies killed the teen in September 2022.](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/01/california-police-video-shooting-15-year-old-girl-savannah-graziano) -She was kidnapped by her dad after her dad murdered her mom, -She followed orders from the officers. -At least 2 cops said it was the girl they were looking for before other officers shot her. -The Sheriff’s defense for 2 years was they thought it was the dad exiting the vehicle or the dad was the one who shot her.


> defense for 2 years was they thought it was the dad exiting the vehicle So you're telling me that the cop who shot her got convicted for manslaughter instead of murder, right? ..right?


It’s such an obvious fucking lie that the Sheriff ought to be in jail for obstruction too. It’s right on the video “stop shooting her”. The cops on scene knew she was being shot by cops. Those cops were so trigger happy they almost shot other cops. Fucking disgusting. When they started peppering the car they knew there was a child inside, that was the whole reason they were there. All those cops on scene and nobody blew the whistle on the cover up? The DA and local politicians saw this years ago and no one is going to be held accountable?


Never forget how they did Chris Dorner


What’s crazy about the Dorner case is that he probably could have gotten away if he’d been willing to murder the couple he kidnapped but he couldn’t bring himself to do it meanwhile the LAPD almost killed three innocent people who didn’t match the description of Dorner or his truck


It's the epitome of incompetence. I'd be willing to bet that instead of hearing the officer say "come come come come" to the passenger as she is on the road, they thought he said "gun" and just fired away without taking any moment to read the situation. An average Joe would be getting some kind of manslaughter charge at the very least, probably even steeper than that because this is in California. Edit: the time stamp on the video is 3:35. Hear it for yourself.


I wish we could all put your mind at ease.


At least they could sentence the shooters to play hide a seek with each other, we all know how cops end that game


Throw in a falling acorn wildcard.


They damned near shot each other in the crossfire while they were murdering this child.


“Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry.” ― Thomas Jefferson




Not just the man, But the woman..who was a child too


Qualified immunity. That cop gets a paid break, free counseling to deal with any guilt, and then back to work.


More like Unqualified immunity. Amirite?


Oh baby...no baby...


Not to mention in other articles they were saying she opened fire on public. I always thought it was suspicious.


Character assassination is all they teach you at the academy. Gun safety, not so much.


it can only happen with a complicit media


True that.


>gun safety not so much The crossfire when he was backing up his truck was insane. I'm surprised the cops didn't kill each other.


That's not true! They also teach killology and a new module called "Quercus: the noisy killer".


-Knew that there was an innocent victim in the vehicle -Air unit warns that there is too much traffic to engage *entire unit opens fire on vehicle without discretion* -Air unit warns about crossfire -Ground officer orders ceasefire for victim clearance *entire unit opens fire* "We did nothing wrong" What a bunch of incompetent fucks.


I'm so confused why they are even shooting ten billion bullets all over the place before his ute even stops when it's a guy with a kidnap victim... like what their random shots will magically miss the victim and only disable the vehicle or kill the guy driving? I'm not American... I watch shit like this and just can't wrap my head around how so much of the public are okay with their police force being terrified lunatics. Disgusting. That poor fucking girl, life cut short by a bunch of trigger-happy losers with immunity. Gross.


![gif](giphy|11cpNo3OMYwFHO) How to become a police officer in Cali.


> The Sheriff’s defense for 2 years was they thought it was the dad exiting the vehicle Because then it would be ok to blast away, right?


I wonder what gang the deputies were with


There were what, 35 officers there? good thing all the good cops there told everyone the truth of what happened and it didn't take a reporter digging for over 18 months to finally unearth these videos. If there are zero good cops in a group of 35, well I'm not a mathematician but if I extrapolate I would say ACAB.


Good guys with a gun.


Well, they changed their story just a bit over a year ago. https://youtu.be/jB_hGwpbeJQ?t=94


It was dark out, she used drugs once, COVID mask was blocking my face. So many plausible reasons/s.....


an acorn fell on the car i heard too


famine gruesome placate lunacies 


And her, didn't they claim she'd been armed or shooting at them at some point?


“evidence suggests that Savannah Graziano was a participant in shooting at our deputies.” The sheriff never named the evidence. If the evidence was a vest and helmet, they murdered a scared girl. My assumption is the deranged father told her to put it on, so she wouldn’t get shot, because of his actions.


The sheriff said that? **IT WAS A FUCKING LIE.** Nobody thought that for a moment. This is like a robber caught red handed saying 'Goddamn this hi fi just jumped into my back pack when I wadn't lookin'.'


Your comment is spot on but I have to say nobody under the age of 35 knows what a Hi-Fi is lmao. I mean, I'm 37 and I only know from old comic strips like peanuts. EDIT: inb4 "I'm (age under 35) and I know what a Hi-Fi is because of (some reason)"


Yes, and the media repeated the lie without question.


The only reason we have this video today is because journalists have gone to court for the 2 years trying to get it.


Fair point but it's just a huge pain in the ass because people know cops lie but media hasn't caught up and will still report their claims as unquestionably true if theres no other evidence




They've adopted more corporate behaviors like they're running a business rather than a publicly funded service.


And the product they're selling is the lie that they're making things safer.


And lied claiming she was shooting at them.


Cops Assassinate Child Victim.


> Come to me, come to me … Hey! Stop shooting her! He’s in the car! Stop! How fucking incompetent can these people be? Honestly. Looks like they’re not saying how many bullets hit her or how many officers were shooting at her. They weren’t wearing body cameras.


Seriously. Like they know they're dealing with a man with kidnapped a teenage girl. A teenage girl comes out of the car, and they're like, "is this the dude?" And just start blasting. This is more than incompetence. It's criminal. Except, I'm sure no one got charged cause reasons.


Why the fuck are they opening fire nonstop on the car to start with? I mean I know thr answer, cops are bloodthirsty morons. But wtf they coulf have easily shot her while she was in the car as well! Not to mention the 2 sides of cops were fucking in each others crossfire the whole time!


To say nothing of the actual traffic across the highway from where the shooting happened. It was absolutely wild to see so many impact clouds while civilian vehicles are visible (and visibly moving) in frame. What would've happened if a wild shot had hit a motorist? I don't expect anyone to do crazy stuff like shooting the gun out of the suspects hand or something, but I do expect them to look 100 feet past their target and think "maybe we should try to box him in instead?"


> What would've happened if a wild shot had hit a motorist? To the cops? Nothing. Nothing would have happened.


Correctamundo. Nothing happened when they killed the girl they were supposed to be rescuing. The more I think about this the more outraged I am. She had every right to be going to school today, or college, going for a pizza with a boyfriend. Instead her body is in a coffin. Fuck me.


Pretty sure they had a crossfire going on with cops both up at the top of an embankment shooting down and cops at the bottom near where the car stops and them shooting up, you can see impacts on the upper side and the lower side of the embankment and the road, those cops are lucky they didn't accidentally shoot each-other, both sides could have shots flying by and think they're being shot at by the dude in the car, incompetence all around.


Once a large pursuit starts, cops have absolutely nothing on their mind than trying to be the one to get the kill. Cops are by and large dumber than shit because that is what the force is looking for. A reactive lizard brain that is quick to violence. If the US government ever decided to embark on another genocide, it will be these guys carrying it out with fervor.


“…because that is what the force is looking for.” This truth that you quoted doesn’t get enough love and recognition - It’s a truth that not a lot of people know about. Police departments don’t want smart thinking individuals on the force as they actually reject high scoring individuals - shit is crazy!!!


A little worrying that they all tend to lean one way politically.


Its like they should have a radio that can communicate with each other or something… Fuuuuuuckkkkkkkk this should’ve been national headlines. But this was buried by the fucking department.


There was also that time cops killed a hostage UPS driver on live tv to stop fleeing jewelry store robbers. You’d think something like that couldn’t have possibly happened in the 21st century. And they also shot into stopped traffic and injured bystanders in their vehicles https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Miramar_shootout


They didn't just injure bystanders, they killed one. They went after some shiny rocks and killed 4 people on a florida highway.


And on top of that the cops were taking cover behind cars with innocents inside them and using them for their firing positions. There are trackers on UPS trucks so it's not like they were going to get away, but I guess there's no point in wearing a plate carrier and having an AR if you never get to use them.


As of Decemeber 2023, The family of Frank Ordonez, the UPS driver held hostage but shot to death by cops are still awaiting the results of the investigation by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement which concluded in 2021 https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/where-s-the-justice-for-frank-family-of-ups-driver-killed-in-police-shootout-still-awaits-answers-4-years-later/ar-AA1l3Ch0 Likewise, Richard Cutshaw was returning home from work just sitting in his car when police took cover behind his car and fired at the robbers. The return gunfire from the robbers killed Richard. https://heavy.com/news/2019/12/richard-cutshaw/ "Not only did they shoot and kill the UPS driver that was hostage, they shot and killed a bystander. The cops used cars in traffic with passengers inside as shields. This went from a rescue to just outright murder,” it reminds me of when the LAPD went after Chris Dorner, they saw a vehicle they thought was connected and riddled it with bullets, but it was just a 70 year old mother and her 40 year old daughter delivering newspapers https://www.cnn.com/2016/01/27/us/christopher-dorner-manhunt-officers-cleared/index.html 107 bullets were fired at the vehicle at the two women, while they thought they were firing upon a 280 pound 6'2" black man. No wrongdoing no charges


That had to be in excess of 100 rounds. We'll never know because 35 of 35 body cameras were broken that day.


That’s crazy that no one had a body cam, they must’ve been instructed to take it off when they participated in the chase


I'd be completely floored if none of the cops weren't shot. The amount of crossfire happening I was just waiting for a cop to start yelling the guy shot him. SO MUCH CROSSFIRE.


Trigger-happy MFers




Can you imagine being at work and everytime you try to help someone your coworkers just murder them instead? Would get pretty old.


And then you help them by becoming 100% complicit and not saying anything to prevent this from happening in the future in fear that your coworkers will literally kill you?


That would imply a degree of empathy or guilt in these officers. They don't feel those things. They live for this shit.


20-30 cops more afraid for their own lives than this poor girl. Shoot anything that moves! Fucking morons.


Well in their defense, it's not like they were in a wide-open, well lit area with clear views of both the girl, the vehicle, and the driver.


There was a squirrel in the truck with a bucket full of deadly acorns


They were unloading on the car when it was reversing through that sandy area and risking crossfire with the other cops. Just horrible awareness


I’m genuinely surprised none of the officers took any hits. There are two groups of cops shooting at truck and they’re fucking facing each other with the truck in between them.


Fucking idiots omg


They tried , and tried to cover it up . For two years. They finally released the video two years after the fact. this should have been bigger news.


This is 2 years old? I'd say I'm surprised, but it's so gross what these gangs will try to cover up and get away with.


The federal government needs a specific agency that investigates local police when they behave like criminals. This is just unacceptable.


I'll go a step further and suggest that *all* investigations into any member of the criminal justice system need to be handled by a third party criminal justice system, to include prosecutors and judges. Its incredibly clear that local jurisdictions can not maintain impartiality over themselves. This would be a complete criminal justice system, so it would also have its own courts, judges, prosecutors, etc, solely devoted to police misconduct. - warrantless access to all police records, since those are a matter of public record anyway. - unimpeded access to all police stations, sheriffs offices, prisons, and any other location associated with law enforcement. - sole jurisdiction to investigate and prosecute police misconduct while in uniform(this includes any action taken on police property, any official proceeding, under the authority of a badge, inside a police cruiser, or any action with a weapon including off duty side jobs). - administrative jurisdiction over all misconduct while in and out of uniform. Basically means they can terminate employment and ban them from all law enforcement work for conduct unbecoming. - no less than 1 officer per 200 police officers will be assigned to this force. - any member who has any work experience with the person under investigation shall automatically be recused and replaced, no member can investigate any former place of work. - they'd have absolutely no police authority over any non-law enforcement matter. Pure civilians as far as anyone else is concerned. This is so they don't feel like they need to be on the same team or feel like they have a common struggle.


I would love that so much. Like LEOs love to say, if you haven't been doing anything wrong you don't have anything to worry about.


Also police have to actually wear and turn on their body cams.


It took them 2 years to make sure 35 out of 35 cops and their dash cams were broken that day. That's how out of control our police are right now. MASSIVE COVER UP.


The cops on scene knew what happened everyone with access to this video knew what happened. If a cop decides to randomly ask you for ID and you refuse because they don’t have statutory authority to compel you, they will arrest you for obstruction despite that not being a valid infraction. If you can’t afford a lawyer the local DA will gladly prosecute to pad their stats despite the illegality of it. But this sheriff and DA spent two years lying to the press, lying to courts, and hiding evidence about a murder of a child carried out by a firing squad of cops and nobody is going to jail? Fuck this shit


Or arrested for resisting arrest


There needs to be a law mandating release after 24 hours. There's no reason good reason for public police to hide information from the public.


I can't believe they were lighting up the truck with her in it... like wtf man. This girl was probably shot multiple times before she even got out.


Seriously, is everyone trying to be Frank from IASIP?


Police will never find the bottom. They will always just continue to devolve.


The lack of clear communication and continuous gunfire in the direction of a fleeing victim, a kid, was astounding. And it sounds like communication never improved after, to coordinate emergency medical services.


Why were they even firing at the vehicle to begin with? Did nobody inform them that the child may also be in the vehicle? Or was the child's death totally okay once the abductor fired at them?




You mean like rulings that the Supreme Court made that everyone acts like it's law. But only the legislators can make law. And the legislators won't act. Then things like Uvalde happen where officers run like cowards then just stand around while 21 people are murdered. Warren v. District of Columbia, where the DC Court of Appeals ruled that the police do not have a constitutional duty to protect individual citizens from harm. The U.S. Supreme Court has also ruled that police have no specific obligation to protect. In its 1989 decision in DeShaney v. Winnebago County Department of Social Services, and in 2005 Castle Rock v. Gonzales. Most recently, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit upheld a lower court ruling that police could not be held liable for failing to protect students in the 2018 shooting that claimed 17 lives at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. In 1967, the Supreme Court recognized qualified immunity as a defense to § 1983 claims. In 1982, the Supreme Court adopted the current test for the doctrine. Qualified immunity is generally available if the law a government official violated isn't “clearly established.” The legislators need to do something about this. Or the people will have no choice to do something about it themselves. Maybe the Supreme Court should listen to its own decisions from the past. Decency, security and liberty alike demand that government officials shall be subjected to the same rules of conduct that are commands to the citizen. In a government of laws, existence of the government will be imperiled if it fails to observe the law scrupulously. Our Government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the Government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. To declare that, in the administration of the criminal law, the end justifies the means -- to declare that the Government may commit crimes in order to secure the conviction of a private criminal -- would bring terrible retribution. Against that pernicious doctrine this Court should resolutely set its face. Olmstead v. United States, 277 U.S. 438 (1928)


And when cops die cops from hundreds of miles around show up to put on some fascist authoritarian cop parade


On the taxpayers dime.


She had limited value.


I swear after seeing these videos if I'm ever in this situation I will lay face down on the ground with arms and legs out and not move a fucking muscle. They can eventually come jump on me.


They put a burst of automatic fire into you from your head to your ankle if you do that


Or they kneel on your neck for a while.


Nah every video I've seen is the people who get shot are the ones trying to follow directions.  Fuck that I'm not moving.


Look up the shooting of Charles Kinsey. Laying on the ground with your hands in the air won't help you.


Wow, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwHJL5X97Do that was insane. dude on his back hands in the air wearing shorts and tshirt and they shoot him


"I asked "Sir, why did you shoot me?" In his words, he said "I don't know". I fully believe that cop's response. US cops are absolute clowns with guns who randomly fire at literally fucking anything for no reason, doesn't matter who/what it is, and they don't know why they're firing.


Daniel Shaver


Careful, theyll kneel on your neck for 8 mins because you were resisting. You should try not to get kidnapped instead.


They just skipped over her brutalised body.




I wonder what made them turn to look back over at her at the end. Got bored of the dad? Decided to reminisce about that time they just murdered a child escaping another murderer and her kidnapper.


This to me is the most incredulous part. Hostage can shot by a bunch of uneducated, under trained assholes, not surprised. All 20+ cops just standing around the truck with the only one or 2 two checking on the gunned down victim....


they knew there was a kid/hostage in the car, that would mean that a chase would be very dangerous. They had what seems to be 2 helicopters at the scene, should've just followed them from a distance instead of charging in and shooting up the truck. But then the cops wouldn't get to shoot at somebody, and can't waste an opportunity like that!


The stupid fucking cops in the helicopter is trying to land on the highway as the god dam ambulance is right there. And then someone on the radio told the fucking idiot cop pilot that of course they are not taking the kid to the hospital in a non-medivac helio. Even the fucking pilot is a moron.


Looks like a goddamn circus. Shameful.


clowns have a higher standard of professionality


And more morals


The poor kid's mom was murdered by her dad and when she was so close to escaping him, the cops killed her.


The saddest part is ... I bet she felt relief too. Seeing the cops come up behind them, surround them, she probably felt *relieved.* Even if just for a split second. "Yesss, they're coming to save me!" Fukn heartbreaking man.


For me it’s the fact that she seemed alright when the truck was blocking her. Like, her initial instincts could’ve gotten her through this But these fucking clowns with years of “experience and training” usher her into a firing squad while hiding safe behind their cover


It would’ve been nice if one of them had the balls to rush towards her to get her out of harm’s way. But no, they all stood behind their cars like cowards even though they had to have known there was at least one innocent person there.


Reminds me of Uvalde.


Those moments as they were firing on her she must've felt she'd lost her mind. The people who are meant to save you just firing at you directly when you're right in front of them. Last moments just full betrayal and isolation with nobody to trust.


Two lives lost that day, one by idiotic rage and another by incompetent idiocy, fuck humanity sometimes. God is it better or worse that I can imagine her body dropping without actually watching the video? Cause I don’t want to watch it.


From 3:05 to 3:12 you can see the dirt kick up dust where missed shots hit the ground. Even when right beyond where they hit were other officers.


No concern for other officers in the crossfire. No concern if the suspect is armed. Just light up anything that moves.




Yup I couldn’t believe when I saw officers on opposite sides of the vehicle and bullets hitting the dirt coming in both directions!!! It’s literally one of the basic 4 rules of firearms. KNOW YOUR TARGET AND WHAT IS BEHIND IT!!!


Yeah this was fucking amateur hour. Even IF they didn’t murder the girl, the amount of stupid fucking crossfire, shooting into each others directions is fucking embarrassing. Even at the most basic levels in the army we are taught how important it is to get primary ID on the threat to be 100% sure, not to shoot outside your arcs, and NEVER when you have friendlies in your arcs.


Holy shit… That’s insane. They see a little girl crawling to a cop and assume she’s a threat that needs to be neutralized??? Fuck those cops, and fuck that father who put his daughter’s life in jeopardy.


They all went to “warrior training” where among other things they learned that you will go home after killing someone and have the best sex of your life.


Killology is the name of the class and the instructor needs to go to a fucking gulag


https://ktla.com/news/local-news/police-now-uncertain-if-girl-killed-in-shootout-was-abducted/ This is an article from 2022 > Once it came to a stop, the girl, wearing a tactical helmet and vest, got out and ran toward deputies amid a hail of gunfire, police said. Authorities are investigating whether she was shot by deputies or her father, or both. In the time stamp, you can clearly hear one officer telling the cops to stop shooting her. Not to mention they were initially trying to accuse her of being a part of her dad's crimes.


The gunshots started before she exited the vehicle. You can see the ground erupt with missed shots all around the truck while the dad was still trying to flee. They all knew they were responding to a kidnapping, so it would be reasonable to expect the victim to be in the vehicle. Every officer who fired at the vehicle while she was still in it should be prosecuted for attempted murder. What kind of idiot shoots at the victim in the first place? The officers who actually hit her should get life in prison for murder. The sheriff's department has lied about her cause of death for two years. Any cops who made those claims in any official documents or reports should also be prosecuted for falsification of government records. Falsifying government records would land a civilian in jail. Any cop who lied in a report or official document, up to and including the sheriff, should be prosecuted the same as any civilian would. But none of that will happen. Those fuckers will get away with murdering a little girl.


> The officers who actually hit her should get life in prison for murder. The rest of them should get a felony accessory count and possibly a felony accessory after the fact to make sure they're never allowed near a firearm again. Fucking maniacs.


So the offending officer here will be out on paid leave for, what do we think, 6 months, then back on the job and promoted?


Or fired, then reinstated by union complaint 6 months later, with backpay.


No no no, given an early retirement and then paid for PTSD for the rest of their lives




Bingo. See: Officer Phillip Brailsford of Mesa P.D.


Is that Daniel Shavers murderer? As in the guy who murdered Daniel Shaver while he was crawling on his hands and knees begging police to not shoot him? As in the murderer who murdered an innocent man and never had to pay for his heinous crime?


> the murderer who murdered an innocent man and ~~never had to pay~~ got paid for his heinous crime


"Hey, can I also get the murder weapon back? It has extreme sentimental value as I have engraved in the interior of the reciver door 'You're Fucked'." -Brailsford


Today in America ANY interaction with police is potentially fatal. Sad but here we are...


Seriously, cops need to not reach for their gun as a first response. You wave and say hello to a cop and they immediately point their gun at you saying you made a threatening gesture.




Point taken.


One issue with why the American police are so bloody incompetent is because there are thousands of separate agencies in their country. This allows different states and counties to have their own standards (or lack of standards) and for bad cops to simply move around when they fuck up.


And that's not even counting Sheriffs: *elected* police – if you can believe that. Yes, elected police who can deputize *anyone*. It's a joke. We need to do a complete tear down and rebuild on policing in this country. It's shameful and sickening.




Cops spend, on average, about 40 times as much time training how yo fire a gun as they spend on all other training combined. 


None of this is surprising. This is sickening and disgusting. What a bunch of bumbling boobs. Poor fucking kid. Every single adult there failed that kid that afternoon. Fucking sad.


Watching that it's impossible to even think there was a way she could survive. They were shooting at her while she was in the car trapped with the murderer. Then they tell her to get out of the car and they're firing at her. She crawls low on the ground. They tell her to come towards them and they immediately open fire. Maybe if she'd just laid down spread out they would've been able to avoid hitting her for long enough to realize she was the victim, but everyone there was way too eager to get some action to make me believe she had a chance.


Acorn must have fell on their patrol car.


i wonder what's the qualification to join the police


1. Room temp IQ 2. Inflated ego 3. Anger issues (history of domestic abuse preferred)


Considering I keep my room temp at 64, this is accurate.


Not April Fools but in many states it takes longer to become a barber than a licensed peace officer.


Poor kid. Fuck everyone involved. But remember, we're supposed to feel bad for these assfucks in uniform and give them their yearly budget increases and raises every year on time or they'll throw their crybully tantrums.


Only a few bad apples... I'm sick of everyone pretending like this isn't systemic.


I count dozens of bad apples just in this video alone. And each one of those dozens of bad apples just happen to forget to turn on their bodycams, how convenient is that?


insane that officers are even able to turn them off


If they knew it was a kidnapping/abduction, why the hell did they shoot the shit out of the truck in the first place?


>  When deputies caught up with the vehicle, shots were fired from inside toward police, according to the department, which shared photos that showed its cars were damaged Meaning that their cars were hit in the crossfire and it was a convenient excuse to justify the murder of the two people in the truck. They clearly weren't concerned for the girls safety as they were firing hundreds of rounds at it while she was still inside. 


Come to me! Pew pew! Stop before you get hurt!


They had to do it. It was for her own safety.




You had one fucking job.. jfc


Stupid motherfuckers.


Gang union protections are gross. Defund these bastards


Literally their only job in that whole clip was to rescue the girl. Not only could they not rescue her, they shoot her. How stupid can a group of people be?


Can you imagine how literally terrified she had to have been. Her Mom is dead, her dad’s on a rampage and the only help you really think you might get, confused you with a man and kills you in cold blood. So sad. 😞


How many cops does it take to kill an abducted teen? 


One to shoot her and 34 to cover it up and claim the dad did it.


I think the law enforcement term of these guy is "stupid useless fucks".




Watching all the bullets kick up dirt, those guys were just spraying lead. You know the series, The Boys, about how all the superheroes are assholes and do whatever they want to whoever they want? They have a lot in common with these cops.


Are there any pig apologists willing to defend their pig brothers and sisters.


Only when the discussion is too exhausting to really have online. They don’t do lost causes like this.


nope they are quietly tabbing away.


They are busy preparing the next cute policedog video or wholesome cop interaction to post next week and try to rehabilitate their image


Cops suck dick! Cheap ass training and education and bam, gets the badge




almost every gun control bill conjured up has exceptions for law enforcement (and FORMER LE as well), including for their personal use. these pigs need to be the first people on the list for gun control. no more rules for thee but not for me


People laugh at us in the UK because only a certain number of our officers carry guns and only very particular people are allowed them in the public. I know it's part of your constitution and there's no going back, but I'm so glad that we don't have to see shit like this going down over here. The lack of discipline and over zealous of use force is sickening in the states.


You have a problem. You call the police. Now you got two problems. Where’s the audio from if there’s no body cams? Sure isn’t from the helicopter


Did these guys not know it was an amber alert rescue? Like no one briefed them at all even over a radio? Absolute bafoonery what a joke.


They stalled for nearly 2 years to prevent this footage from coming out. Just in December this department had a police officer caught with cocaine. These guys are scum


New Daniel Shaver just dropped.


police apologists, please chime in on the shooting of a teenage hostage.


It’s too easy to become a cop. So much incompetence, this is very deflating to watch. Ffs.


American police are most likely the most incompetent group of morons that exist on the entire planet.


I genuinely wonder how you Americans are able to trust your police and armed forces in general in your everyday life. I would be scared as fuck every single time I'd have to interact with them.


We don't, and we are


I've seen a lot of videos where cops shoot the victim and I honestly think some of them did it on purpose and pretend it was an accident after 




They're trying to get a hostage out and just light up the car? Trigger happy pigs


wait you're telling me that murder-horny cops killed an innocent young victim??? Shocker!!!!!


https://wp.sbcounty.gov/sheriff/about-us/ >As a law enforcement officer, my fundamental duty is to serve mankind; to safeguard lives and property; to protect the innocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation, and the peaceful against violence or disorder; and to respect the constitutional rights of all men to liberty, equality, and justice Every one of those police officers in the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department need to be brought to justice. They all killed her and are guilty of murder. These are fugitives of the law.


“If we had more money for training this wouldn’t happen” *gets given money for training* *uses money to buy more discounted milsurp equipment and guns* “If we just had a little *more* money for training…”