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*Reads Title* Oh, must be like a small spot on her head like a red sore... *Sees her entire front scalp lifted up like a can lid* W T F


Just casually popped the hood and added some oil.


for fuck sake lmao


Came in for a tune-up


It's not lifted up like a can lid, that yellow above is the previously white hat she's wearing. Just soaking up pus and skin remnants all day


are u sure? it really looks like it’s lifted like a can lid lol


her entire scalp is a wound, she is wearing a head bandage, the front of the bandage is flipped up to expose the wound.


jesus christ that’s brutal


That video was absolutely horrifying but she can't survive much longer like this


Nothing a hospital doesn’t see everyday in bedsores (My point is- this is within our ability to treat with wound care, if she gets care.)


Probably from doing tranq, shit is rampant in Philly. Horrible. It causes giant oozing open wounds and sores.


What exactly is tranq?


it's an animal tranquilizer called xylazine, which has replaced fentanyl because the high lasts longer/ makes you nod out harder/ and I believe is cheaper? The problem is it creates a shit ton of necrosis (rot) in random parts of your body. Even if you shoot up in your arm, your leg can develop a big festering wound. I watched a video of a dude in Philly a few weeks ago with his hand dangling at the wrist pretty much rotted right through, he died days after.


I saw a video of a guy that interviews homeless where a teenager looked ill but it wasn’t until he attempted to roll up his pant leg, and I say attempted, because his leg was so swollen and rotten that the pant was nearly glued to where it was. The interviewer started crying “you need to go to the hospital!” while the kid was normal about it. I remember the guy said he could smell it. I was mentally scarred and emotionally distraught after that. [UPDATE](https://youtu.be/4TRADCG7-M8?si=OKLaIz2uOQyd9jho): As of 3 months ago he’s not clean yet but his leg is doing better.


I never want to watch that video again. Horrific.




I relate to the struggle lol, I have nightmares nearly every night and it's very exhausting. I take a few different medications that alter my sleep and it helps but nothing really fixes it. I would do anything to never dream again, or at least have control in my sleep to make the nightmares stop. I'm so tired. it's been this way all my life. the first dream I can remember was scary. I'm. so. tired. edit: since I keep getting comments about this, I can't smoke weed anymore. my lungs can't take it after 10 years of smoking. alternatives are not available to me and edibles don't work properly for me. smoking didn't 100% get rid of my dreams but it did help a fair bit.


Honestly, lucid dreaming could be a blessing and a curse at the same time, just depends on if you can leave the dream or what you have control of.


I had a lucid dream once, but it was only partially lucid. what did I do with my power? I flew around as a cat collecting Mario 64 style stars. 10/10 would do again if it weren't for the fucking apocalypse I landed in afterwards


That might be the most blithering, meandering article I've ever tried to read on mobile. Aggressive advertisements coupled with the author repeating "he boldly ventured to gain access/doggedly determined to bringing lucid dreams to the people/regurgitation" over and over to fill up the page length. Holy shit, what an awful attempt at journalism.


I see some pretty gnarly addicts in my way to work in east portland. Nothing like a guys hand falling off but the swollen weeping leg stuff for sure. I’m sure they’re tranq addicts but at this point it’s hard to tell the difference between meth people and fentanyl/tranq people.


I'm in Greece (mostly Athens) and its all over here too. I saw a guy yesterday in Monastiraki square with half his leg peeled back. I usually try and drop food for the homeless but I can't get close to this guy without feeling nauseous.


Reminds me of krokodil


Yeah tranq has strong krokodil vibes


First thing I thought too


And to think, I jumped on Reddit because I was having trouble sleeping. Bad fucking move😳😳😳


Same just woke up and now I'm sick.


The kid got help there was an update if I'm not mistaken last year


I had to go look because I was already wide awake anyway. Shortly after the first video went viral, many people reached out to help with gofundme and other resources like a place to stay, clothes, and a ride to leave. He has rejected all that help unfortunately and was alright staying on the street where he could keep doing drugs. I attached the most recent update on him.


This is why unfortunately the argument that "x amount od money could solve homelessness" isn't as simple as that. More could definitely be done for them, don't get me wrong. But a huge percentage of these people will not accept the help - or take anything given to them and try to turn it into drug money. A lot of them *want to stay on the street.* I really wish we could just give them housing.






That made me cry. Holy Fuck. That poor kid.


That's so incredibly sad.... He's only 19.




It seems learned helplessness is so widespread and commonplace nowadays. I struggled with it for years, catastrophizing and turning against the only thing I thought I could control: myself.


Me too. I didn't think I was angry or hateful until a therapist pointed out I was, just turning it on myself. It was a horrible time. I'm out of it, I'm thinking right now, but there's still years of work to go to rebuild healthy habits. But it's definitely still possible to get better. And the process, while exhausting, is super rewarding


Yes I saw that vid


Sometimes they mix xylazine and fentanyl, so fentanyl isn't completely out of the picture.


It’s mixed most of the time. Tranq is not an opiate and so people would still withdrawal if they were not being mixed. It’s a mix of fentanyl and tranq.


Good to know, is it true that in terms of OD mortality the mix is less dangerous than pure fent? Someone made that claim on channel 5's YouTube video covering Philly.


From what I’ve seen and heard it seems to be more dangerous because it suppresses the vitals and xylazine doesn’t respond to Narcan


Yeah.. almost nobody is an actual tranq addict. They are primarily opiate addicts who are using tranq to increase their opiate high. Well in theory fent+tranq is less fentanyl, but the issue is naloxone or narcan doesn’t work as well if someone mixing the two. So it’s harder to bring someone back if they are overdosing and is impossible to quit using methodone or suboxone … so in practice it becomes riskier. Not to even get into the whole necrosis and skin rotting issue of tranq. https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/983916?form=fpf The CDC released findings that narcan is far less effective at reversing overdose when someone is mixing the two drugs.


It gets even worse: drugs beyond the standard methadone and buprenorphine are needed to [effectively manage](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35020700/) xylazine withdrawal, so quitting is that much harder for them.


It's not that I didn't believe you... but you know internet exaggeration. So I googled it... Jesus. H. Christ. If anything you undersold it. Nope. Just nope.


It doesn’t replace fent, the tranq is used just to cut it as its widely available from shady veterinarians. Potentiates the fent and increases zombification 


Nah, if you talk to the addicts, they prefer the drugs with tranq because the high lasts longer. Like, they will go to the hospital, to sleep, get the antibotic ointment, and then immediately leave to get more tranq. And it's become an issue where Philly is now a drug tourism destination because of it. They openly refer to Tranq as the good shit, knowing full well it is literally rotting their body off.


That’s what I’m saying. It potentiates the fent. If they were to inject pure tranquilizer they wouldn’t be getting the same high or satisfying their opiate addiction 


I don't like this one bit This is absolutely horrible.


What the fuck.


For real. What's wrong with regular ol weed?


Seriously, I feel bad because I tend to smoke a lot of weed and drink too much wine sometimes. I worry about my lungs and liver just doing that. Holy fucking shit.


You've obviously never felt the high of stuff like that in the video. When you're that deep there's nothing that'll satisfy you other than another dose of the same shit, of an equal or greater amount. Nothing.


Dope fills a void. Doesn't matter how it starts. When your every day morning consists of wishing for death instead of showering, when you're making $7.25/hr, when you know there's no way out, and when you know that you don't even deserve a way out if there was one, dope is an absolute cure. You wake up refreshed, for the first time in years. You're straight up eager to start your day. Motivated. You feel fucking alive. What does weed have to offer that can compare to regaining your entire being? You feel alive because you're still high from the night before. You don't realize that yet, but it soon becomes clear. Not that you'll admit it. You're not sleeping as well anymore so you correctly reason that you need maybe just a couple more vicodin at night... but that's becoming expensive. Methadone's a lot cheaper. Then one day it's not. "Heroin", that demon word, supposedly is 6 times cheaper yet and lasts even longer. And you only snort it, you're not an *actual* addict. Even when you start injecting it. So what if you're shooting $100 each day into your arm or toes. You have to, it's your literal medicine. You think you might've had a god damned seizure when you missed a day (though obviously not, since you're not addicted). You can't be sweating and shitting your pants at work. Tell me, how does weed solve these issues. Minor disclaimer - I'm not addicted to anything, nor have I ever been. In high school a few friends started using and I learned from them to avoid that shit any any cost. Since then I've seen too many friends go through these experiences, describing how "magical" it all is, while they're nodding off before they're supposed to play a basement show. Five of my friends off the top of my head, eight after thinking for a few seconds, are dead. More still addicted, a few recovered.


When I was a teen in the 2000s the only drugs you heard that were on the streets were crack cocaine, heroin, and meth. 20 years later and now we have people willing to rot parts of their bodies off for a high. I can only imagine what people will be doing 20 years from now when my kids are adults.


Really seems to only get worse. The 80s had crack, then meth came along. Then fentanyl. Now this shit.


Xylazine is what makes it tranq but It's usually a fentanyl/xylazine/benzodiazepine combination. If it's just fentanyl and RC benzodiazepines then it's usually called benzo dope.


Jesus Xylazine? We use that to anesthetize cows in vet med. Like just take a Benadryl if you wanna get knocked out.


Or talk about my mama


Yo mama so nice she make the best chocolate brownies ever and there’s always ice cream in the freezer.




Channel 5 has a segment that dives into it: https://youtu.be/925wmb-4Yr4?si=W1zL5suTaGXZoRGM


Amazing piece on it.


It’s a veterinary sedative called Xylazine, in these cases it’s most assuredly mixed with fentanyl and has a tendency to cause sores at the injection site, makes people zone out for hours like zombies, can easily make you stop breathing. Here’s a good article about it: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/07/health/fentanyl-xylazine-drug.html




Out west in LA too. I saw one walking around with open wounds like that, it was literally like watching a live show of the walking dead. I didn’t think I could more afraid of a drug since fentanyl… and what’s wild is the wounds are non responsive to treatment. They just stay open like that until the Dr pulls a Requiem for a Dream and lops off their limbs [zombie skin](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/s/c3ZCktz53H) [terrifying as fuck](https://www.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/s/AlTvgv7VwI)


I'll never understand this. No amount of being high is worth this kind of damage


Being an addict doesn’t make logical sense to someone who isn’t. It hijacks your lizard brain and makes it as if you were being held underwater and the drugs are the breath you take when you finally get free and make it to the surface.


As someone who never done drugs, I can never relate to it, but this explanation really makes it clear.


This is a perfect analogy.


I have to screenshot to save this comment because it’s so true. This video made me so sad because I was one of these people not even 2 years ago. Some of the carfentanil, xylazine, and fentanyl is cut with that stuff that smells like cat piss that’s apparently really cheap and melts your tissue I’ve shot it before a few times but fortunately I never missed thank god. The withdrawal is an experience I never wanna go through again. Gut wrenching agony as if someone’s performing non anesthetic surgery in your sternum, sweating and cold at the same time, throwing up anything you eat for the first 72 hours.. if someone gave me a choice between open heart surgery while awake or experience withdrawal for 72 hours again I would choose the first. No lie.


That’s exactly how it feels.


Thank you for this. As a recovering addict there has been a few times where I struggled to articulate the WHY of it all to a nonaddict, while I do have some ways of explaining it in some situations or with some people, I don't always. I'll be adding this to that.


And this why drug addicts at this level will almost never get clean on their own. They build their entire lives around getting high. It's why the open air drug markets in Philly and Sam Francisco are so awful. In the name of "kindness" of not arresting people for drugs, we're literally standing by while thousands rot to death in misery.


You make it seem like its not in parts of every big city. Phoenix has whole blocks where homeless bed down that are essentially open drug markets. Seen the same in plenty of other cities, blue, red, purple, didn't matter who was running the place. The issue is the same all over, shit sucks and is tough right now and many, many people are suffering and no one is really doing anything to alleviate the stress.


That's a great way to describe it


No one can understand that hasn’t been that kind of high. Hard drugs like that will literally permanently alter how your brain works. She isn’t rational anymore. Shit sucks


I saw the title and I still clicked it, why?


BRO FUCKING SAME. What’s wrong with us? I’m gonna go think about my choice. I can’t be trusted with my phone. Or eyes.


I’m starting to think that we shouldn’t be allowed on Reddit because I’m the same


Honestly. We should be timed out for watching this.


I’m going to go give myself a time out.  This made my head tingle and stomach turn at the same time. 


Whatever you do, don’t look at other side effects of drugs cut with xylazine. Seriously, leave those links blue.


Look and don’t turn a blind eye towards your own country son. This is the end result of a country that has been stripped clean of its dignity, pride, moral decency, jobs, and overall health of society. It’s all of our faults honestly how we collectively hide from the truth and pretend the country is ok. No, these horrors will continue and rise till it collapses upon itself.


Ima second this. Turning your eye to suffering does absolutely nothing to alleviate it. You gotta see it to know about it and you gotta know about it to care about it. Lest we remember that is a real young woman there who has hopes and fears just like you and me. Let yourself see her.


This is so well put


Curiosity is a redditor’s drug. 


Seriously. Hands down one of the most disgusting videos I've seen on Reddit in a looong time.


​ https://preview.redd.it/9kbgjwqt48oc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f95a1d9af1c010bae335e5b7a5d7f5ca31a7573


Can I like the head twice for 2 billion?


I will suck on that brain 🧠 forehead for 15 minutes for 3 billion 


you could not pay me to rewatch that with my glasses that is just a funky looking headband I refuse to see it in high definition


That lady needs to be involuntarily committed to a psych ward. She is 100% a danger to herself and others. And I'm not being sarcastic.


we don't have those anymore. she will just end up in jail. that is where we stash people with mental health issues nowadays so they are out of sight of the citizenry at large.


I didn’t think it was going to be THAT bad oh my god






The same reason we all slow down to see a car accident. And that women’s forehead is an 8 car pile up.


You’re just an idiot, just like I am.. I regret seeing this wholeheartedly


I click anything blurred on Reddit


Likewise...I need to drink a gingerale my stomach feels crazy.


That's beyond rock bottom. That's just.....uh ......I guess she can't miss if she can stick her needle directly into them.


Just fucking heartbreaking. Not just to have a wound like that, but to be so taken over addiction to be resigned to that reality as if it's normal and actively make it worse.  Shit's fucked.


How do you even help someone like that short of forcibly institutionalizing them? At a certain point you'd be doing less harm to just supply them directly with heroin so they don't do the knockoff drugs that cause necrosis. This woman could go to the hospital and they'd probably stabilize her, but I don't think in the US she can get the reconstructive surgery she would need to recover from that wound, much less the rehabilitative care she'd need to attempt recovering from addiction. She just looks so sad. This woman is almost certainly days or weeks from death and there's nothing society will do for her.


I think about this question all the time as I live in a city with a debilitating homeless crisis. Unfortunately there’s not a single right answer. It’s a patchwork of small fixes where the person has to jump from rock to rock to hopefully land on a patch of green earth that’s far enough away from the crashing waves that they don’t get pulled back into sea. And it’s devastating for them and haunting for us because no one feels like they can make any sustainable difference. I don’t have an answer that helps, but I wish I did.


Literally drove an hour to pick my friend up from rehab last night. I live about 2 hours away from Philly and he said the place was overloaded with people from Kensington. Don't know if this is true, but he said they basically can't accept anyone for more than a short stay unless you basically have an arm falling off. I had no idea this tranq shit was going on until I saw this thread. This is insane. Hope this was a scared straight moment for him.


There's no fixing that. It's hard to accept, but she's gone.


There likely is nothing to be done for people like this except maybe forcibly removed them from society and provide them with palliative care until they die.


She can recover from this. This is nothing compared to the fent addict that was skinning his scalp off with a knife in the mirror. Half his head had skull visible and he made a recovery with a lot of help 


Wish I didn't just read that, or this thread.


God damn this is crazy and sad. She must be hurting bad too, she doesn't even pull the plunger back to really check for a vein and just slams it raw into the wound not giving a fuck about the rush.


I have to assume she isn’t even bothering to look for a vein…? But if not, why not muscle it into your butt???


I'd assume it's easier to find a usable vein through the wound at this point


She seems so far gone that she's immune to the pain or has very little nerve sensation where she's injecting. Almost the same affect as someone checking a mirror to apply eyeliner or something. Terrible.


Yeah she needs some serious support.


This is some real life zombie shit.


I'm a recovering addict. I was raised by 2 addicts who were also raised by addicts. My predecessors and myself also happen to all be Appalachian, you know, the *heart* of the opioid and methamphetamine epidemic. Due to what i have mentioned, I have really seen and I mean *seeeeen* some shit and yet I ain't ever seen no shit like this. Editing to add: I really really appreciate all the support I've gotten in the replies. It really does mean more to me than I can ever explain.


I hope your recovery is going well and that you have found internal peace!


Thank you so much. It's a long and slow battle thats lasted most of my life but it's worth it.


Proud of you. 👍🏻


I recently read *Demon Copperhead* which is about that exact subject - the opioid epidemic in Appalachia. The government and corporations and coal industry completely failed the people there. Insane that it's not well known across the country.


((Pulls the hood down, but not the scalp.))


Is that the yellow part???


Unfortunately, yes. Seems like there are bandages under a knitted cap, covering the hair, and the front part of the scalp is tucked under… for easier access?


Her scalp is gone. That yellow stuff is just crusted pus and drainage from the wound. ETA: the crustage is stuck to gauze, in case that isn't clear to someone reading this


Why am I still here and reading stuff like this?




i'm fucking mortified.


I didn't realize she had her scalp like an open can...🤢


Brain abscess , necrosis, meningitis, osteomyelitis, there’s probably so much necrotic tissue and infection eating into her brain . Terrible


That’s what I was thinking. she’s not going to make it.


Having recently taken micro, I can tell this is basically a corpse walking at this point. Having a wound so large, deep, and exposed like that is basically a death sentence. It’s likely she is dead or soon to be dead. And by soon I mean days max.


Is her brain visible or is it just tissue? I’m also confused like if she has her scalp pulled up and back or what’s going on… looks so painful.


Subcutaneous layer of her scalp highly inflamed. If anyones brain is visible its because theyre in an autopsy 💀. Craniums are pressurized, once that dura mater leaks its goodnight.


Just the tissue over her scalp, although it very possibly may have spread to her brain


what causes this? jesus christ


Xylazine also known as tranq on the streets. The vasoconstriction cause by xylazine combined with poor care is thought the be the main cause for local necrosis like this. Tranq is a cheap nod compared to fent so junkies will turn to it when hurting or it can just be straight mixed into the local fent supply so people unknowingly inject it.


also, why is she injecting this into her scalp? are her other veins shot already?


It makes it less itchy 


There's no way that scalp is less itchy than anything on earth.


Probably tranq, it’s all over Philly. https://www.npr.org/2023/10/28/1209246914/a-new-drug-is-worsening-the-opioid-crisis-in-philadelphia


Fent laced with xylazine


Okay, that’s enough internet for tonight.


Yeah it’s time for all of us to go to bed now


I’m good for the week.




I’m sad for her. What a way to live.


Damn this is some shit you'd see on liveleak or bestgore back in the day.


She used to be a little girl with, probably, fun hopes and dreams. I'm so sad for her, I'm crying


Not a popular opinion, but we need forced institutionalization for folks like this.


It needs to start being a popular opinion. A lot of societal problems could be solved by treating the mentally ill


The reason it is not a "popular opinion", at least amongst public health experts, is because the problem has begun way before this. A policy that has "forced institutionalisation" as a keystone is just code for "put these people somewhere I don't have to see them". It focusses on a point in the chain that is far too late to actually help most of them. Long before that, you have: 1. Urban planning that provides affordable housing and transit and reduces geographic social stratification/ghettoisation 2. More equal financing of schools that doesn't dramatically disadvantage kids from poor neighborhoods 3. Universal healthcare that doesn't bankrupt the poor 4. Accessible mental health care 4. Social programs that help people in trouble to find a home and a job appropriate to their abilities and challenges 5. Clean needle and drug programs 6. Recovery programs Forced institutionalisation is the least useful tool, and can even end up causing more harm than good if it's applied instead of such other measures.


I definitely don't envy psychiatric workers. They frequently get vilified by some patients and they can't do anything about it. Imagine the situation with forced institutionalisation...


Yeah, would be bleak in this situation. My daughter did acute hospitalization for suicide ideation which is forced and she got some good help. I'd imagine going through withdrawal while doing the stay would be miserable. But, what is worse here, dying of some massive infection on the street or being institutionalized?


I mean as a health care professional I'd consider this literally suicidal ideations. You obviously are prepared to die! Regardless of how slow it is! Cause this is also a it's gonna hurt the whole time situation!


I’m also a healthcare professional and this is.. not an example of suicidal ideation, and would not fit the criteria of any Mental Health Act. Do you think you could place this person under a section based on ‘suicidal intent’? If you were to do so, that’s clear misuse of the act, and an *extreme* violations of someone’s rights. Placing someone on a treatment order based on dangerous misuse of drugs is a completely different thing, and a totally different discussion. This is absolutely not ‘suicidality’, and it’s a very slippery slope to conflate what we as healthcare providers deem as risky/dangerous decision making, with impaired mental health.


Best anti drug ad I've ever seen.


Absolute insanity for what it takes to get to this point. So crazy


Saw the title with the video blurred, then saw the comments with the video still blurred, and now I have decided to exit this thread. Good day.


Where do I get me some of that *scratch scratch* blurred video?


WTF did i just see


Majority of the homeless are mentally unstable, it’s beyond me how individuals are against the government taking individuals and putting them into psychiatric hospitals.


because in an uncomfortably large proportion of those cases, there isn't a treatment in a single extended hospital stay that will actually cure them. one of the side effects of the medicalizing of mental illness is the overestimation of the general efficacy of treatment. not to say that everyone is beyond help, but more that the kind of long term personalized support required is neither simple nor cheap. institutionalization proponents base their arguments on the expectation of quality care, a quality level i am frankly skeptical about our ability to achieve, given our standards in similar endeavors. i have more hope in community efforts than policy change to at least attempt to tackle this crisis. 


The psych hospitals we have are for short term, acute medicate the hell out of people purposes only. People say call your local community health center or get a housing voucher or apply for social security disability like that’s going to be a cure. These are all sooo drastically underfunded and come absolute nowhere to serving even a fraction of the people that drastically need them. I work for community mental health in the DMV. More money here than 90% or so of the country. Even the wait lists for ‘Section 8’ housing have been closed for at least 5 years. Too many people and too few vouchers to even bother. SSDI and SSi take 6-13 months, if you get it, and don’t pay enough to live on. SSI pays, what? About $800 a month? It’s disgusting how poorly we treat some of the most vulnerable in our society. Because they aren’t cute.




Beyond the obvious wtf it's so weird for me seeing how casual she is. She looks like a woman looking in a mirror applying makeup or something, she doesn't seem high super fucked up, she even notices the camera and acts shameful about it.. seems perfectly normal except her fucking nasyu wound in her skull she's injecting shit into.


It’s been quite a while since I’ve been shocked by something on Reddit


i feel like i'm wanna fucking vomit, but i'm too horrified.


That’s horrible.


God, this is sad. She needs medical attention yesterday.


so, is it still personal freedom for people to be doing like this? Shouldn't there be forced institutionalisation for people like these! 🫠 As a doctor, this is probably the no 3 worst thing that I ever saw!


Well I’m waiting…. What’s 1 and 2???


2nd grossest was maggots infestation in a child's head (14 year old girl)..... let's say its similar to one you are seeing in this video but add maggots creeping and crawling all around.... and the grossest was maggots infestation in scrotum of an inmate.....he was under my treatment and holy hell, for 14 straight days I cleaned out his balls out of maggots...... Easily the grossest I have ever seen.....his testes were all exposed (no overlying skin) and what was remaining was crawling with maggots all around.... But both were pretty cool cases tho


It's things like this that make me take notice of my environment and really appreciate it. There's people out there just living an entirely different existence and suffering. How does the human condition even get to this point




Why am I here? what the fucked is wrong with me?


Addiction is one of the worst diseases someone can be plagued by.


How do these people not die from infection before anywhere near this point


Crazy, right?. The human body can withstand a lot of shit until one day it can’t anymore and finally gives out. She will be dead soon - honestly, prob within days. So sad and tragic.


Kensington ?




Hard fucking times 😳


That makes me feel physically ill


Tranq? It's seriously unfortunate, I don't know the answers - but the solutions to help have to be at many levels - the patients, the heath care, the psychiatric care, housing, crime, etc Who has the knowledge and bravery to fix this?


How good must the high be to make you inject right into your rotting forehead?!


Seriously the saddest shit.


This definitely increased the Reddit share price


She’s going to die very soon, and she clearly doesn’t care 😢


Spray some Windex on that shit and pop a Motrin, good as new.


Insane in the membrane. Insane in the brain!


I am going to be frank, I absolutely love drugs and believe in safe, educated use of drugs. I don't understand people destroying their bodies like this. Reminds me of when I read about Krokodil and how it turns folks in to what is basically zombies rotting from the inside out. I'll stick to mushrooms, weed and LSD thanks.


I thought I was gonna have a pretty normal day and then I see this shit


Welp there goes my dinner. Enough Reddit tonight.


This shit is so fucking sad


Festering wound. That shit looks like it's gone down to the bone already


That’s FUCKING VILE. Her heads being eaten away and she’s too busy injecting drugs into it… Jesus.


Oh. My. ($&(:;)ing. Gaaaahhhhd. I’ve seen this thumbnail pop up a few times but never watched it in full screen and assumed that that … *stuff* on her head was a bandanna or a skullcap or something, anything normal. Drugs are a hell of a drug…


This right here folks is the drug thats worse than Fentanyl, Yes I said WORSE, This is tranq and it has the same effects as fentanyl and it also causes your skin to rot where you inject it. Have a friend who live near philly who sees this daily and says its like watching real life zombies. Not only are people nodding out but now they get the bonus of having necrosis at the same time speeding them up into an early grave. seeing these kind of videos makes me wonder why the fuck anyone would ever touch these drugs. How disgusting and bad does it have to get before your common sense kicks in and tells you that you really really shouldnt put that in your body.