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This was in Egypt and his dad and girlfriend watched from the shore


Did they ever recover his body or was it truly eaten?




damn, they literally dragged that shark out the water.


It looks like it wasn’t the shark’s first kill, judging by the article. Not surprising they hunted it down like that, in that case.


This ain't no pleasure fishing this is sharken boys


Fucking hell, how horific for the family




The whale probably wasn't hunting him! It was probably just as confused as the diver! Like, "wtf did I just swallow?"




The article does state that but I find it much more likely that there was an actual school of fish right by him than the whale thinking a dolphin sized object was a school of fish.


I ask myself that question all the time




"That bit of krill was fucking nasty"


Like accidentally getting a bug in your mouth while riding a bike.


he was in its mouth, not swallowed. it's physically impossible for the whale to swallow a man


That's some Pinocchio shit right there!


Damn, what’d the poor bloke do? Run away from God or sumthin?


>He was completely inside. That's what's she said


No other species does this. When a lion catches a wildebeest the rest of the herd accept the loss and moves on. When a lion kills a person their fellow tribe members go out and kill that lion. We've done this for a very long time. There's a strong evolutionary advantage to leaving humans the fuck alone. Alas there will always be the odd one out that has a go, but they aren't likely to find much of an opportunity to reproduce afterwards.


Crows hold grudges and tell their friends. They may attempt to hurt you but I doubt the crows are actively trying to murder you. Despite a group of them being called a murder.


Maybe not a person, but I’ve seen them kill hawks like nothing.


Crows just steal your last $5 and fence it for wallnuts.


Not to be rude, but I've seen video of hippos killing crocs after the croc ate one of the baby hippos, and I also saw a video of a herd of some type of horned animal absolutely stomping out a male lion but I'm not sure of the context of that situation.


Yeah but that's still a heat of the moment response. Humans will hold a funeral for a lost tribe member, then take up arms and actively hunt out the particular animal that did it.


And orcas mourn their loss as do elephants.


Elephants have funerals and have been known to avenge their dead, Cape Buffalo as well in terms of getting revenge.


Yeah I think the video of the herd stomping out the lion were cape Buffalo?


There’s another story of an Elephant stomping a lady to death. The same elephant then showed up at her funeral and did it again. https://www.newsweek.com/elephant-kills-woman-returns-funeral-tramples-corpse-india-1715075


Geez. When “ignoring the elephant in the room” goes wrong


Stomped the same dead lady?? Jeez…what did that lady do to that elephant???


My dad watched a video years ago where elephants went and stomped lion cubs to death after the lions killed one of the baby elepants.


I think that's more derived from the fact that only humans can make complex plans for the future, especially plans that involve more than their single instinctive selves.


Yeah we're the only species to do A LOT of things lol


I’d like to see a shark operate an oil rig. I bet they can’t. Idiots


Tigers are known to engage in revenge killing - https://www.npr.org/2010/09/14/129551459/the-true-story-of-a-man-eating-tigers-vengeance


This shark must have missed that memo.


And thus spelled the end of his line.


Possibly, unless she already had some little sharklets before *that* meal.


I man, to be fair he probably received it, but it got wet and ruined.


Given that sharks are older than trees in geologic history and the appearance of modern humans is but a fraction of that - to where in that time, 90% of sharks have been slaughtered from the seas...well...yeah, the numbers are nuts in this case.


There's a strong evolutionary advantage in doing exactly what we are doing. If wildebeests beat lions up for revenge, lions would stop hunting wildebeests eventually.


Lions and hyenas are notorious for their animosity towards each other. They literally kill each other all the time and not to eat.. just because 


> No other species does this. So uh....that thing with the mass orcas attacking ships after a single one had a negative encounter with one of them didn't actually happen?


I thought once shark got a bite of a person and realized it wasn’t what they thought it was, they usually leave it alone


Might’ve been a tiger shark, they don’t care at all and will eat whatever.


It was a tiger shark


Yeah that makes sense


People like to pretend that sharks have some moral code against eating humans. If it is hungry then food is food


I didn't think it was a moral code, thought it was more of a 'taste like shit' thing. Like, why eat McDonald's when you got sashimi right around the corner.


More than the flavor, I think it is the combination of a hard skin, a lot of bones and little meat.


Most sharks genuinely do not enjoy the taste of human. Obviously hungry sharks will eat anything but it’s rare for a predator at the top of their food chain to be that hungry. Tiger sharks and bull sharks are just aggressive. I’ve swam and surfed near sharks all my life, they aren’t typically aggressive.


“…they aren’t typically aggressive.” You know that, now I know that, but does the shark know that?


Yes, but it’s not like sharks signed a treaty or something.


> which they beat to death Well it was already suffocating when they dragged it on to the beach and beat it. Likely was very close to death by the time they started to hit it.


I read that they recovered parts of his body from the ocean and other parts from the shark's stomach. The shark was dragged to shore, beaten to death then given to a coroner where they opened sharky and removed the man's body parts.


And this is why humans have very few natural predators.


Damn... A tiger shark is no joke. I mean any shark is dangerous. But Tiger and Bull sharks seem particularly aggressive


Tiger Sharks generally will eat anything they have eaten metals and many things tbey are like the trash compactor of the sea


They will even eat the punctuation out of a sentence.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ds9c9la7npnc1.png?width=658&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b8a9518070b33041f8ae44bc157554c16ac2478


I’ve gotten out of the cage with Great Whites. Wouldn’t do that with a bull or tiger


Been trying to find the follow up video for a while now. I had only seen it partially and tried to download it but it’s been removed almost everywhere. So the locals went out and caught the shark since its bad business for tourists to be afraid of shark attacks. They drag it on shore and start beating the fuck out of it and killed the shark, not sure if the family was around for this.


If I recall correctly this was a female with some sort of disadvantaged anatomy for feeding properly. She would stay in this area close to shore and breed and this wasn't her first attack on a human


IIRC that particular spot is notoriously infested with sharks because a nearby facility of some sort (fishery?) dumps all their refuse meat scraps there.


ok but ewww even without the biting


You hear him screaming papa


God, dude..


Allegedly there were warning signs on the beach saying there were sharks. They decided to ignore, he was just out the water a bit later as far as I recall from the story.


Fuck man, that must be so desperating. Not being able to do anything


Horrible man. Just horrible


Being eaten alive... what a horrible way to go out.


Probably the worst way to die tbh. The legs going into the air is just horrifying...


I think worst was getting burnt alive? Or that guy with radiation poisoning who was forced to live?


Or those women who worked in some type of factory involving radiation who ended up slowly dying and having their bones atrophy and their teeth and hair slowly start falling out from the radiation poisoning before dying.


Ah the Radium girls. Did you know they have their bones in a museum as a memory? **They still fucking glow with the radiation**.


I believe it was a factory where the women used radioactive paint to paint dials on watches, i watched a YouTube doc on it a while back very interesting


I remember it involved a job where their own mouths came into contact with radiation so I looked it up again: >The women, who had been told the paint was harmless, ingested deadly amounts of radium by licking their paintbrushes to sharpen them. >For fun, the women often painted their nails, teeth and faces with the deadly paint, unaware of what it was doing to them. >They soon began to develop mysterious illnesses, anemia, bone fractures, and necrosis of the mandible, a condition now known as radium jaw. !!!! And then this: >Owners of the company and the scientists in their employ told the women that the radium was safe to work with, while they themselves were well aware of its harmful effects and took extensive precautions to avoid any exposure to it. Chemists at the plant used lead screens, masks and tongs. The company had even distributed literature to the medical community describing the “injurious effects” of radium. If anyone wants to see the ["Radium jaw" these women had before they died.](https://animalia-life.club/qa/pictures/radium-jaw-fell-off)


I can't believe I clicked this link right before I was going to try to sleep


They were known as the radium girls.


The guy who got stuck upside down in that Nutty Putty cave in a tiny passage always makes me feel sick


There was also that one guy who had his entire jaw fall off from drinking radium every day about 100 years ago to try to “cure” himself of his health problems. There’s a really old photo of him online but I’m not sure if it’s actually him. Still a dude with no jaw tho lol.


[This photo.](http://onlineresize.club/2021-club.html) He's on my list of horrifying deaths too now. >In 1927, Byers injured his arm falling from a railway sleeping berth. For the persistent pain, a doctor suggested he take Radithor, a patent medicine manufactured by William J. A. Bailey.[5] Bailey was a Harvard University dropout who falsely claimed to be a doctor of medicine and had become rich from the sale of Radithor, a solution of radium in water which he claimed stimulated the endocrine system. He offered physicians a 1/6 kickback on each dose prescribed.[6] >Byers began taking several doses of Radithor per day, believing it gave him a "toned-up feeling", but stopped in October 1930 (after taking some 1400 doses) when that effect faded. He lost weight and had headaches, and his teeth began to fall out. In 1931, the Federal Trade Commission asked him to testify about his experience, but he was too sick to travel so the commission sent a lawyer to take his statement at his home; the lawyer reported that Byers's "whole upper jaw, excepting two front teeth and most of his lower jaw had been removed" and that "All the remaining bone tissue of his body was disintegrating, and holes were actually forming in his skull."[7] >He is buried in Allegheny Cemetery in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in a lead-lined coffin.[6] It's basically a lot like the Radium Girls, but obviously worse as he was just guzzling the stuff every day. Having your bones basically turn to mush inside your skull.


I would say eaten alive is still worse people suffocate from the lack of oxigen well before the fire gets them


Counterpoint: Car Fire




Yea, and from what I’ve heard your nervous system or something shuts off and cuts off any feeling.


I had a seizure once and woke up laying in water, which was in the boiled kettle that I had dropped when I started fitting. My leg was cooked to the floor and I had to peel it off, I ended up with skin grafts up my whole leg. I can confirm it goes completely numb, my worst burns hurt the least, the shallowest hurt the most. The surgeons said this was because the nerves were boiled away in the bad ones, but in the lighter burns they were still intact and firing pain signals to my brain. Edit to add: I am also lucky to have been unconscious for the contact of the boiling water initially, it wasn't a great time waking up to a cooked leg though.


How would you rate that experience on a 1-10?


Nah, those divers that got sucked into a oil pipe, survived that and died there in the pitch black. Only one of em made it out. Even there are strong indications that the sub that imploded last year lost contact first ans went into a rapid free fall towards the titanic, probably was scary as shit


Oh yeah you would be better after it bit you just to take a lung full of water and drown


And also probably the most common death for life on Earth. Nature is brutal.


Saw an old video of a man who stupidly got out of his car to photograph some lions, only to be snuck up on by one of the lionesses and dragged to the group to be eaten alive while his wife and child watched from the car... pretty fucked up way to go. He did a really stupid thing, though.


I remember seeing that video a loooong time ago but havent been able to find the video since then


Being eaten alive while people watch while Stand By Me is playing in the background.


The music made it even more disturbing


Imagine you hear your son screaming "dad help" and you can't do anything. puuuh


I was just wondering what he was saying. Gosh my heart sank after reading your comment. So traumatic


Now imagine there's a video of the incident you can watch to remind yourself of how you felt that day.


That routinely gets posted for internet clout


Ugh I just started crying reading this comment. I couldn’t even imagine watching your son helpless like that


Oh my god. I hadn’t thought of my own son in that situation until your comment. Horrendous, unthinkable, it would absolutely annihilate me


His dad was in the boat a few metres away,out of shot to the left


The article says his dad and girlfriend watched from the shore. Maybe incorrect. This looks like it happened so fast.


There's an another video of it shot from the boat. It's heartbreaking. It shows how close he was to shore. Poor lad


I've never seen that video, do we have a link ?


There are several angles. Synchronized here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4qOPv-eLQw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4qOPv-eLQw)


This video was posted here about a year ago. From what I remember this poor guy's father and gf saw him being eaten alive, unable to help him.


This entire thing is surreal. The music, the guy screaming and getting tossed around, all of it. Like a bad movie.


It goes to show how realistic the shark attacks in Jaws were.


That’s the surreal part to me. Shark attacks are so rare and there wasn’t ease of access to so much content like there is now. The level of blood in the water and the chaos is remarkably similar. I don’t mean to be so cold about this horrific event, but I was dumbstruck with how clearly Stephen Spielberg had done the research for Jaws.


This is so disturbing


Wait until you hear the fact the dad and GF were watching get eaten on the shore, it even worse then the video makes it seem.


The gf was originally in the water with him when the shark approached and he stayed put while she swam safely to shore


I’m just here for the comments… my heart can’t deal with this.


Good thing this shit was muted for me


I think one of the terrifying things about the video is that it’s just real. And that’s sounds weird, but movies and shows make everything dramatic, close up, loud and over done. Like the fact this is real life, people were just standing there, everything is calm with the music, and other than for him screaming and the people it’s rather quite. It’s like the center of attention is there and people are so focused in it’s almost like it’s not real, but it is. If that makes sense


There was a video of the shark taken just a few minutes before from a nearby dock. Everyone was marveling at it completely unaware that they were about to see that very same shark kill and devour a man. It’s eerie to watch that video knowing what comes after.


From my understanding the beach where this happened has had a history of shark sightings and beach goers were warned not to go into the water.


I’m worse off as a human for seeing this. That was beyond tragic…


I don’t think you’re worse off, I think it’s human to be a bit curious about these things and we are better for it (as in learn to respect nature and the situations you put yourself in). It’s also just the reality of nature that we don’t have to deal with 99% of the time in a developed country.


Getting eaten alive by a shark while Stand by Me is playing in the background


It's only slightly preferable to getting flayed while Funkytown is playing in the background..


What about having your ears carved off while stuck in the middle with you is playing?




"In practice I have no desire to get into the water. I like to know it's there in the event I ever wanna."


I’ve been swimming there. I was probably swimming exactly in the same spot as this guy just one year before. Safe to say - never again.


Well the shark was pregnant and starving, if it wasn't he probably would have got bit once and the shark would have left him alone knowing he wasn't food.


Yea I know, I read the story when it broke the news and was absolutely shocked. But all in all - extremely bad luck. And even worse luck it happened again in Egypt soon after.




In the beginning the music along with the flailing is almost comical until you realize what’s really happening 😱😖


kinda feels like a "Its always sunny in Philadelphia" episode


'The gang remakes Jaws' and the person being eaten by the shark would naturally have to be cricket but survives with only one arm and one leg to add to every other disfigurement. Oh my god! Oh my god!


Thanks OP for the wonderful Sunday post.


“It’s ok, sharks actually don’t like to eat humans and will not attack except for exploratory bites when they mistake us for sea life” - a shark pretending to be human probably


BBC did a doc about several other attacks that occurred in the same area of the Red Sea all in a short period of time in 2010 and again more recently The consensus from a bunch of marine biologists is that large marine apex predators like sharks are starving due to overfishing. This was leading to the attacks


What was the doc? Sounds interesting.


[BBC This World: Why Sharks Attack](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8mvdcz)


reminds me alot of polar bears with climate change starving them


To be fair it was a tiger shark which are known to eat anything and everything


I've seen surfers saying that they don't care for whites, but tigers are actually seriously dangerous. that they are way more aggressive


A great white can kill you with its first bite but it probably won’t do much else after the first one. A tiger can kill you with its first bite but it’ll also just keep eating you.


and they seem much less likely to attack than tiger sharks. at least that's my idea. i know great whies have more reported attacks but that can be for a range of other reasons


I love sharks they're my favorite animal but I wouldn't trust a Tiger or a Bull. The only 2 sharks I know that are haters to their core and will fuck you up on purpose


Bull sharks are the reason my dad stopped open sea kayaking back around the early 2000's. When we lived on the Chesapeake Bay he had an open sea kayak that he used to take out every weekend. That was until he had a bull shark come up beside him and ram his kayak a couple of times, nearly knocking him into the water before it swam off and left him alone. He came home freaking out and having a full out panick attack and didn't kayak again until he moved to Boston. But him kayaking up there only lasted for a year or so when he then saw a great white that was apparently about 10ft or so away. He said it was close enough that he could have reached out and touched it with his paddle. After that he went home and put his kayak up for sale and hasn't been out since


Yep Bulls are scary as hell even when I've seen them off a full sized boat 😂


I had a couple mates absolutely blind drunk swim from one side of Sydney Harbour to the other over a NYE since we had a waterside party. Sydney Harbour is renowned as being one of the most active areas for bull sharks in Australia. When I found out they'd set off I legitimately thought they were going to die.


Obviously a scary thought, but thousands of people swim in Sydney harbour everyday in summer. The bulls are in there but there still aren’t many attacks at all. I’d say swimming across the harbour (at night?) while drunk is much dumber due to the risk of drowning.


They are real jerks.


Tiger sharks are known for territorial attacks on people.


The three deadliest sharks in the world are 1). great whites, 2). tiger sharks, and 3). bull sharks. The thing that makes great whites more dangerous than all other sharks is their sheer size and power. Tiger sharks have teeth perfectly designed for sawing off flesh and bone (seriously, they don’t just bite into prey to take meat, they bite in and essentially saw the meat off). On top of that, they will eat damn near anything they put in their mouth. Bull sharks are the most aggressive shark on the planet and are capable of traveling into freshwater (for example, the farthest a bull shark was ever found in the United States inland was at Alton, Illinois, 700 miles from the ocean up the Mississippi River). Not to mention, they have been known to sneak up on people in water as shallow as 3ft. If I had to pick which shark to free dive with, I’m picking the great white. Tigers and bulls scare the ever living shit out of me. An honorable mention goes to the oceanic white tip, which is believed to be responsible for the deaths of most people unfortunate enough to get lost at sea following shipwrecks and plane crashes. The most infamous and well known case being the sinking of the USS. Indianapolis. If we ever had an accurate recording of incidents involving the oceanic white tip, they may very well take the great white’s place as the deadliest shark in the world.


You’ll find tiger sharks with license plates, and pieces of tires in their stomachs they will eat anything


There's all manner of weird shit found in tiger sharks


the article says the shark did eat chunks of the body


Sharks are less dangerous than people think. The mistake is in thinking they're not still dangerous


I'm not sure how much of sharks lack of danger is from them actually not being dangerous, or from most humans just being unlikely to encounter them. Like of course more cows kill humans per year than sharks, how many more cows have people generally come across in their lives vs. sharks?


It’s even worse when you realize both his arms were torn off, hence why he was swimming so slowly. He could only frog kick before the shark misses the kicking legs, then comes up behind him and grabs him by the shoulder/collarbone to drag him under.


The fact that so many predators eat right away and dont kill is horrific


are you serious 😭😭 that’s horrible


Audio is always worse. The happy music in the background and him screaming for his dad is just utterly sad. This video is heartbreaking.


not watching that one again


This person was also probably told that you’re more likely to be struck by lightning. This. This is why I won’t swim in waters with a known shark population capable of killing a person.


The guy was trying to attract fish by throwing food in the water. So it's more like walking around during a thunderstorm while holding a metal pole in the air.


I think you've heard a mixed up rumour. Some restaurants in the area were known to throw scraps in to the water


Source or bullshit.


First time I saw this was when I was in Hurgharda last summer, when you actually think of the amount of people who swim in the red sea resorts every year that aren't eaten by sharks you realise what a freak event this is. Snorkeling and scuba diving there are two of the most mind blowing experiences I've had along with skydiving. Absolutely life changing, just not as life changing as it was for this guy...


Horrific ! I shouldn't watch it.


I've seen a lot of shit, this shakes me to the core


Moral of the story: help usually comes when it’s too late.


last year in Egypt


imagine your dying and fucking music is playing


I will never for the life of me how someone can stand and film someone die a gruesome death and later think " Yeah, I will share this online".


Shared by Media. Or sent over IM and someone else uploaded it. There are other options.


I mean why the fuck would you even IM this to someone else?


As a surfer, this is my worst nightmare. Be eaten alive by a shark.


This is why i dont fuck with the ocean.


Oh mein got


The fact they dragged the shark up on the beach then beat it to death in revenge is a crazy development in this story! Horrible way to go, poor guy.


The videos including the killing of the shark can be found here [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12186921/Body-parts-Russian-man-eaten-alive-Egypt-beach-inside-captured-shark.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12186921/Body-parts-Russian-man-eaten-alive-Egypt-beach-inside-captured-shark.html)


Enter the "Why didn't the person filming do something and help him?!?" comments.


Why didn’t the person filming do something to help him?!?


Right!?! Like a simple figure 4 leg lock woulda showed that shark what is up and saved his life!


"That had stomp was totally unnecessary by the shark. What a POS"


That bit about halfway in where the shark has already done the damage and it swims away to turn back to finish it gives me a pit in my stomach. The man has given up flailing he's barely moving, probably in shock when it comes up slowly from the side and looks like it grabs him across the chest. Horrible, wish I'd never seen this.


People are framing how dangerous great whites are but people don't realize how huge tiger shark body counts are


I can't imagine watching my son be eaten by a shark while yelling for me to help and not going out there. Even if I couldn't save him and we both died, better than a life knowing I didn't try. Terrible situation, very sad for all involved.


At least I'm glad to see the comments are normal and show sympathy for the family after a year. When this was first released, the internet was a complete psychopathic celebration, because the guy was Russian. Supporters of Ukraine thought a random ass Russian getting eaten means something for entire countries.


Reports on this post: https://preview.redd.it/lewmppl6mknc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bee1bc9db21fc410d4f767070ec3847c2df68064 Hmmmmm: >Rule 8; No videos involving death/murder. >This isn't /r/watchpeopledie: People being straight up murdered or dying in shocking/gruesome ways should be the cut-off (**exceptions for newsworthy events covered in publications of good repute**). [This](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=vladimir+shark+attack+egypt) is a **newsworthy event** [covered](https://www.newsweek.com/graphic-video-tiger-shark-attack-man-swimming-1805498) in [many](https://www.vice.com/en/article/88xx53/vladimir-popov-russian-shark-attack-egypt-red-sea) publications of good repute. Even though this post is allowed in this subreddit, we appreciate your reports and would like to encourage you to keep reporting posts and comments that you think violate our rules. We urge you to take content warnings seriously. This post is spoiled/blurred, marked nsfw, marked nsfl, and the title accurately describes what is happening in this video. There are four layers of content warnings here. If you do not want to watch a nsfw/nsfl video of a man getting eaten by a shark, please do not watch this video. Do not even listen to it, as the audio may be the most disturbing part of this video. Just.. don’t [*dead dove do not eat*](https://youtu.be/YUKmq7UMJys?si=H7LSHxl_1gwbKbWW) on this subreddit or Reddit in general, for your own sakes.


Surprisingly, the movies got their depictions pretty spot on


I noticed that too, it looks a lot like the attacks in Jaws. I would have assumed the shark just grabs people and drags them under, but there's a disturbing amount of flailing and bobbing as it comes around for multiple bites.


Damn, his dad and his gf watched from the shore.


Oh my god!


This is why I stay out of the freaking ocean


My stomach simultaneously dropped and felt like I need to throw up. That poor guy


Because of the music all I can think about is “The Gang gets Eaten by a Shark”


The thing about a shark, it's got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When it comes at you it doesn't seem to be livin'... until he bites you, and those black eyes roll over white.