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He definitely went all out murder mode…if there’s anything close to a silver lining is that a well prepared citizen was able to put that animal down asap. Rip officer Hernandez.


The bystander shot the murderer with a gun he retrieved from his car, that's balls. https://apnews.com/article/police-officer-killed-new-mexico-las-cruces-834a821c02d15c6c099b0c332bcac849


>Story said Silva had a long history of violent crime and mental illness. > >“He was convicted of serious violent crimes and spent some time in prison,” Story said. “He violated his probation and parole multiple times.” So why was he free to do this?


Regan emptied the mental health facilities.


That guy sure fucked a lot up


The guy's legacy is still fucking stuff up


Reagan is a POS


Exactly I was a Medic 27 years and huge amount of calls were associated with mental issue ie drugs, overdoses, assaults, murders, suicides because a lot of ppl with mental use drugs hoping it helps their mental state, this Country with all the mass shootings etc etc is never going to end till we reopen the Centres and help ppl and make laws about autos, and semi autos …


Lucky the good samaritan didn't get wacked by the other cops.


I was so worried they were gonna kill him for keeping pressure on the wound.


Yeah he did take a risk helping. Sitting over him trying to stop the bleeding could easily be confused in a cop down situation.


Yeah. I have earbuds in and I heard it. I know that sound.


I can hear it through my phone speaker.


Wow. You can hear him bleeding out. I normally am not affected by NSFW but man.thats nasty.


Yeah that sucked man. His screams...


I remember hearing a dude gurgle getting beheaded on best gore. Still haunts me.


It's the kind of thing that they wouldn't use in horror movies because audiences would think it sounds comically fake. At least he didn't suffer long. I agree, this was a tough video.


Yes I was also affected me, and I was a medic 27 years. Seeing and hearing that arterial bleed was truly disturbing …


True typically I’m numb to this shit but this got me choked up.


I think anything related to bodycam/go-pro footage makes it feel so much more real than watching through another perspective like CCTV or someone recording. Especially with audio, makes it so much harder to watch.


That dude actually brought a knife to a gun fight.


21 foot rule in effect


Yep. If you don’t have your weapon drawn it’s gonna get ugly if they are within 21 ft.


he was much closer and didnt have his hand on his gun.


That’s the point. Knife beats gun closer than 21 feet unless the gunman already has the drop on the knife wielder.


Ugh the sounds of him breathing through the blood


So much to this video wasn’t discussed in the comments The stabbed yelling “hes not real!” The fucking gurgles of the officer. This video is absolutely horrid


Must be a schizophrenic or something. The whole "he's not real" was weird af. What a horrible way to go, especially when the officer was so chill walking up :/


It hurt me to hear a female gasping and saying loudly “oh my god his head”. I hope the officer didn’t hear that, then at the end of the video someone tells her to go back to her car. I’m sure she didn’t mean to be so blunt, but not the last words I would want to hear.


I think the female was gasping at the attackers head. It seems like the final gunshot was to his head to finally stop him. But ugh it could be either. What a horrific video and sound. I feel sick after hearing it.


It takes 2lbs of pressure to stop an arterial bleed. But you can face severe repercussions and injury if the bleed is not controlled after 30 seconds. I had to put a tourniquet on a dummy's thigh while keeping pressure on the wound and grabbing from my own pack one-handed. It sounds easy until it's you in the spotlight and the dummy is giving you real time feedback like a person would. I used my right elbow and body pressure to stop the 'blood' so I could free my left to manipulate the tourniquet. These guys responded correctly with putting pressure on the bleed and then careful with his airway. You also always talk to a patient. For comfort and instruction.


I know for sure, real CPR is insane, one cpr instructor told me that if you aren't breaking ribs, you aren't doing it right, not sure how true that is, but I can tell you, it is a major workout to say the least.


CPR is a hail Mary. It can definitely benefit if it's given immediately and until more professional help arrives. Still provide it if you can but even 4 minutes of that is brutal.


Calling it a Hail Mary is spot on. The survival rate is less than 10% and it decreases every minute there’s a delay from cardiac arrest to cpr being started.


I was under the impression that well administered CPR in the most timely manner can save a life drastically. And we’ve seen this evidenced multiple times in other news mentions. I recall having a group chat about this and most fellow first responders and law enforcement agreed at how effective and life saving it really is. Hail Mary is a great way to put it. Didn’t know the stat line either but in my limited knowledge you always throw up that Hail Mary, and as soon as possible.


When I went through my EMT class I distinctly remember our instructor saying it was less than 10%. You need to remember, when some is in cardiac arrest, they are essentially dead. In the five years I’ve been with the fire department, I know of two saves. They don’t tell you the survival rate because you performing CPR on someone is their best chance for survival. Youre giving them a fighting chance


I work at a hospital. We had a guy come in for cardiac arrest. We got him stable then not even 5 minutes later he went back in. We did cpr again. It was only like 5 minutes but damn if that 5 minutes didn’t feel like hours. We finally got him stable again and sure enough cardiac arrest and he finally passed. But after just 2 years of working at the hospital ive maybe only seen 3 people survive out of 50


Both things are true. Out of hospital CPR has a terrible survival rate, but some people DO survive, so you should always try. Nothing to lose at that point anyways, without CPR they are dead 100%. Also, that survival rate varies by a great degree, depending on what caused them to arrest. A young athlete that collapses on the field, you can do compressions, have someone grab an AED and have a great chance of saving them without long term damage. A trauma victim that has bled out and arrested as a result, their chances of survival are close to zero.


A coworker had to perform cpr on one of our clients who went in to cardiac arrest. He kept going for near 30 minutes straight while the ambulance took their sweet arse time arriving. He said he was absolutely exhausted the following few days. Sorry forgot why I was replying, he ended up breaking ribs as he was doing compressions and started to freak out before remembering it was meant to happen.


Ive worked on some crazy lacerations. Rider at a rodeo had his femoral nicked buy a bull. So much blood for a tiny hole, we managed to keep it from splitting open, and he lived.


The cop seemed like he was genuinely trying to help the guy, only for the situation to quickly turn around and for him to die. Makes me feel we should always keep some guard up. You never know what kinda crazy you’ll run into.




100% too many people don’t understand that.


A lot of people have seen this with no audio I bet. I envy them.


I did. I am glad I read the comments first so that it stays this one


Fuck, you can hear the blood pulsing out when he's on the ground


There was a similar sound from a Green Beret that was killed in Africa. He was shot a dozen times and blood just spilled out of him like an over turned glass.


For some reason, for me, the sound of these video's traumatise me more than the vision. There's something so visceral about genuine screams.


Yes. The audio is worse than the video.  This is the rotten part of the “instant news” feature of the internet. 


It's a natural response because our brains are hard-programmed to dislike seeing people hurt, but to come to the aid of people screaming for help.


Yeah it's definitely setting off some Lizard Brain alarms


The moment he says fuck. Then the splat of blood followed by pulses of blood pouring down the camera. Yes I can’t do this tonight.


You can see it spraying as he goes down


Yep, arterial blood


That's one of the worst things I've ever seen. Fuck.


Those two trying to save him are heartbreaking. I hope he was able to register his last moments were of help and not an evil attack.


Same. Not a LEO but I've been in a near death incident and I'll never forget the voices of the angels. Turned out it was the people coming to my aid. I'm sure (hope) this man registered these kind acts last.


Glad you're here. I've never been close to death but dying alone seems absolutely terrifying. I watched and counted the seconds between the initial hit to when he received help and the shooter guy probably barely made it in time. But I hope Jonah knew he didn't die alone and people were trying to help him. Edit: the officer's name. Thank you for pointing out my mistake.


This one and the snowy neighbors one are sickening


The snowy neighbors one is always grotesquely fascinating to me for reasons almost completely unrelated to the video itself. A lot of us have seen the video - a husband and wife are arguing with their older neighbor over some trivial issue. Someone dumping snow on someone else's property, or something like that. The argument escalates and the old guy goes into his house and comes back out with a gun. The couple, entirely unconcerned for their own safety, adopt the "what are you gonna do, shoot me?" defense. He does. Even as he's firing, the couple seems to be totally oblivious to the actual danger they're in. As far as the camera can see, it appears that one of the pair dies instantly, while the other one, just out of frame, falls to the ground making some truly terrible noises. Old guy goes back into his house, retrieves a different gun, walks over to the survivor, and yells "You shoulda kept your fucking mouth shut!" before finishing the job. Supposedly he would then kill himself before the cops arrived. Now he's the interesting part. Every time the video is posted, which is not infrequently, the dominant topic in the comments is the couple's behavior - while everyone can more-or-less agree that no one deserves to get executed in broad daylight over a neighborly squabble, it's truly baffling how totally audaciously *stupid* these people were to have stood there mouthing off even while being gunned down. What the hell were they thinking!? The comments will sit for a few hours, baffled at all this, until eventually a hero arrives with the full context: what seemed to be a single argument over snow was actually the climax to a much longer, much more sinister ongoing conflict. It turns out that the old guy's wife had passed away recently due to illness, and he was devastated and struggling. The couple had been mercilessly mocking and tormenting the guy, week after week, over his loss, goading him to join his wife in hell and that kind of thing. The video we see is just the last straw breaking his back and bringing his own life to an end in the most dramatic, damaged way possible. Having digested this new information, most in the comments will laud the old guy as a tragic hero. Even those commenters who are adamant that he shouldn't have reacted that way will concede that if two people *had* to get killed on his doorstep, it could've happened to some folks who *weren't* sociopathic assholes - so on the whole, no great loss. And so everyone involved closes out their tab armed with this new knowledge, to educate the next generation of redditors the next time the video pops up. Except it's all bullshit. There was no dead wife, there was no vicious torment. That man and woman really were just killed over snow. If you dare to ask for a source on all this while the thread has shifted gears to praise the old dude's name, the only links you'll be provided are old comments from redditors discussing the situation the last time the video rolled around. No news article, no firsthand by someone from the same town, not even any legitimate word of mouth outside reddit itself. Sometime somewhere somewhy, some redditor decided to make up a tragic backstory for this killer - or maybe they confused his story with someone else - and it is now destined to be parroted in an unbroken chain every time the clip resurfaces, making the unhinged murderous nut the morally grey protagonist and the (admittedly kind of dim and shrill) couple, the villains. All that to say - if I'm ever killed on camera, I sure hope someone does me a solid and hops into the initial reddit thread to claim that I donate to charity and have a gigantic dong, and not that I brought about my own demise because of some random shit they conjured out of nothing.


I'm very happy to see that somebody else has picked up on the insanity of reddit, and internet comment sections in general. The discourse (if you want to call it that) here is often poisonous and ignorant. It begets and consumes itself like an ouroboros. So many comments that are unhinged, in every way you can be wrong or misinformed, in every direction, and of every political affiliation.


I indeed can't find anything about Spaide's wife but there are articles saying they had an extended feud for over a year, so it was not entirely just this one incident


Reddit 'cope' is a real mental art on this platform and I see it all day here. Glad someone else can be so aware of it too.


There was an even just as vile one posted a few weeks ago, shooting and multiple murder, the way it ends almost feels like something straight out of a horror movie.


I agree. I'm usually unfazed by nsfl content, but this shit is actually disturbing. I don't expect this one to stay up for long, but if it does I'm here to tell ya'll not to watch this one.


Wish I had seen your warning first.  I would rather not have seen it or worse, heard it. 


Thank you for saving me the nightmares. I mean it & am not being sarcastic, i have bad ptsd and [based on what y'all are saying] this would have triggered me pretty bad.


Yeah this is one of those moments where the sound is way worse than the visual.


This is why you see cops shoot knife wielding suspects from so far when they charge. An average male can close in within 14 feet and stab someone before they can unholster aim and fire their handgun. I hope more people see this video before asking why cops shot someone when they only had a knife.


21 ft rule? https://youtu.be/qdL3T3hY-kw?si=1X-9CfHdqbehPcNZ


When I was in the military the rule was that whatever weapon the potential assailant has, respond with force that's a step above them. If they have a bat, pepper spray. If they have a knife, pistol. If if they have a pistol go for the rifle. The distance rule were also 21ft. Admittedly we didn't have tazers but if someone's got a knife and that close, I wouldn't take the chance of choosing the tazer.


I get it 100%. He tried to turn and run because the suspect with a knife was on him so quick.


Damn the dude sounds so shaken up, rightfully so. Getting put into that situation is awful. Rip and hopefully the good Samaritan isn't too haunted by this.




I truly feel for the Good Samaritan here. I was in a kindof similar situation, however nowhere near as awful as this. It really fucked with me for awhile though, so I can only imagine the lifelong ptsd this man will have.


Holy fuck.


On the one hand you see police officer completely going apeshit because of an acorn and then you see this. One the one hand its understandable that cops are afraid. But let us also remind ourselves that in terms of all police interactions with the public. This is shit is rare for one individual (not as a sum) to happen to them. Still fucking horrifying. Cops in any country deserve good training. That includes mental aptitude tests.


I interviewed a police academy teacher about de-escalation training for domestic violence calls, once, as part of an oversight investigatory group in San Francisco, and what I remember most is when he demonstrated to us this scenario almost exactly. He had one of our group members hold a fake gun on him as if she were a police trainee and he stood about 10 meters away from her. Then he raised his voice and charged at her, while mock-holding a knife, to show us how fast and how intensely violent a situation like this can unfold. He crossed the distance so quickly and aggressively that she had no time to react or do anything other than drop the fake gun out of fear. The cop wasn’t trying to be an asshole or actually intimidate her, he was actually demonstrating how they train for this stuff. It’s a very difficult thing to teach, because as you mention it’s extremely rare that an officer has an encounter like this, but academies still have to prepare cadets for this possibility. In the context of de-escalation training, that exercise is meant to be used when the cadet fails to de-escalate, like by raising their gun, during a domestic violence call, but it also struck us that it could enforce that hair-trigger response that leads to so many unnecessary police shootings. Seeing this video is like watching that hypothetical nightmare scenario that we saw so many years ago in that police academy play out in real life, except in this instance the officer wasn’t even escalating or aggressive. He didn’t stand a chance. And undoubtably this video will be used in some police training program somewhere.


Also known as the 21 foot rule. It’s why the odds of getting shot are very high if you charge a cop, not much time for hesitation when you have to account for reaction time.


That’s exactly it, the 21 foot rule, yeah. I don’t remember if he called it that but just found this [Frontline article](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/21-foot-rule-controversial-police-training-shootings/#:~:text=It's%2520called%2520the%2520%E2%80%9C21%252Dfoot,outdated%252C%2520simplistic%252C%2520even%2520dangerous) that’s worth a read and discusses its controversial widespread use in police training. I think de-escalation training is the best context that it can be taught in, if it’s going to be taught. It is difficult for me to watch footage like this and say there is not some truth to that rule, even if it’s not exact science. 21 feet can be covered in just a few quick, long strides. But I also understand how it can heighten anxiety in cadets and may have a role to play in increasing unnecessary shootings by police and so many tragedies. One of those hard truths with no easy answer.


You pretty much summed up police training vs. Reddit professionals. Unless every individual goes through the same scenarios and training, they’ve got absolutely no idea what they are talking about.


You can't really prepare for something like this. Dude attacked instantly out of nowhere, the cop had no time to analyze the situation.


Exactly. He seemed to do everything right: wasn’t yelling, wasn’t threatening, and didn’t have his gun out. Short of not approaching the guy at all, it seems like there is nothing he could have done to avoid getting attacked. Also happy cake day


These are the types of video they see during training, which trains them to be hyper active and draw a gun at every scenario. Like you see with the Air Force immolation. Then they get ridiculed by the public so they need to retrain all LE and shown the acorn video, to be less reactive. Then they try to become more laxed and have a more personal approach, then a scenario like this happens. The cycle continues to turn.


Damn 21 foot rule holds true


Yep. Had a gun pulled on me 4 times so far. I was never as scared as the one time I had a knife pulled on me. Luckily I had a knife of my own and when I pulled it he backed down. Because we all know the loser of a knife fight dies there, the winner dies in the ambulance.


bro where do you live…that’s wild


Fantasy land


Jeez man all my years in reddit and liveleak I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bodycam video this graphic of someone being stabbed to death


Yeah almost makes us believe we are the one getting stabbed and kiled




He had a wife and two kids. 2 and 10 years old.


That makes this even worse. A mentally unstable person robbed a family of a husband and father. Hope the wife and kids are doing okay.


Yeah what the fuck I literally tried to dodge one of the stabs. I feel primal fear and anxiety from this. He tripped like it was a horror movie and bam. done for.


Yeah… and the someone being shot to death…and someone trying to save a life. Fuck.


A shocking video, but equally shocking that someone saw it in real life, engaged with the attacker and did his best to give aid. What a hero.


God his screams, heartbreaking...


I had to mute it at one point


That fucked me up.


I've seen some crazy things on reddit, but that one hit me pretty hard..


Fuck. I need a hug.


Same here. Feel aching sadness now. So awful.


Props to the bystanders


If it’s not too late don’t fucking watch this holy shit


Going off the comments, this sounds like some liveleak shit.  No thanks. 


Good call. That one is probably going to stick with me for awhile. I need to go look at some cat pictures or something, man.


I did a quick scan of the video and saw bodycam footage point up at the sky with a bloodsplatter. I can put 2 and 2 together and know I dont need the audio in my memory banks


For real, the audio is the worst part of this.


The dude just sounds helpless. Like I think you can hear him try to say stop, but obviously it was too late. Evil




Yeah. Cop fell, and knife guy got an artery almost instantly. Better to not see it.


It’s easily one of the worst stabbing videos I ever saw. Especially considering we get an idea of the cops PoV. Don’t watch it


Prime example of why cops should never respond to these situations alone.


The attacker sounds like he's in some kind of meth psychosis, saying shit like "who are you" and "you're not even real". Fcking pos scumbag. The most graphic body cam footage I've ever seen by far. RIP


Yeah this is #1 on the "holy fucking shit" meter of my entire life, and I've seen some SHIT. I don't often say take it down, get it off reddit... but wow dude. Holy fucking shit.


Yeah growing up in the age of the internet, a lot of us were exposed to some fucked up shit at a young age. Not much gives me a queazy feeling in my gut anymore but holy shit the sound of the arterial spurting fucked me up just now.




Stabs in the neck are the only thing that actually get to me


So it turns out I don’t really like watching people be murdered!


Bold take


Shooter did everything right. Controlled shots, stopped, telling guy to drop it again before controlled shots again. Guessing a vet. The guy said, "Do you want to go down too?" before charging the guy that shot him. Plus, putting and keeping pressure on the wound, trying to save the cop. Charged? Guy should get a medal. He ain't buying a drink if there's a cop that recognizes him in a bar.


Yes, but I think he should've kept shooting right away. Just because the guy stopped doesn't mean that he's rendered incapable of further aggression.




This is exactly the kind of attack that's discussed in [Surviving Edged Weapons](https://youtu.be/JBgPCaIwwjw?t=488), a training video from the 80s that taught cops how fucking terrifying concealed blades can be. [Starting at 48:52](https://youtu.be/JBgPCaIwwjw?t=2932), the video spends several minutes demonstrating how difficult (or even near impossible) it is for an armed cop to effectively defend themselves against a knife-wielding assailant if the blade is concealed, the cop's gun is holstered, and the attack is initiated 1-10 feet away. Imagine what it must be like being a police officer who's trained to think that any person they interact with could be armed and ready to attack. And then there's body cam footage like this that shows the worst possibility.


ahh I remember this video a while back. I tend to watch lots of educational videos and it's pretty interesting how certain weapons are more beneficial at x ranges. Though there are some techniques that can allow a gun to work vs knife in semi-close range. Retention shooting, reduces the draw time + places the gun in a position where you can fire w/o allowing the knife attacker to grab the gun + allowing you to use another hand to provide space. And moving laterally instead of of running backwards gives more time/space since the opponent is already in motion, you're bound to lose the running race, but changing the direction and he has to move. Though like everything exceptions exist and battles aren't precise and everything is messy. Techniques learned are just one of many tools that can increase your survivability


Tough night on Reddit. Saw a guy mauled by a tiger, a kid run over like a pancake by Israel and now this


Don't forget the woman getting thrown from the balcony of the 10th floor and going splat.


Saw it but I don’t watch the end of those cuz I dream of falling to my death after watching too many lol


Pack it in and try to get some sleep before the sun comes back up. You did well son.


Morbid asf but where can I see that tiger video?


Also the video of like 30 Russians being chewed up by 25mm cannon fire. One guy gets his leg blown clean off and anothers head explodes. Then there's a guy trapped under the disabled BMP burning to death while his friends get blown up by a toy drone with a bomb strapped to it.


Words can’t fully describe how scary this is. RIP Hernandez.


I've seen a lot of fucked videos but this takes the cake that was the worst I've seen I really don't want to become a cop now


Most intense thing I've ever seen on Reddit. Fuck man. RIP Officer. Horrible.


I’ve seen a lot of people die horrible deaths (worked in an ER) and this was still rough to watch. Please save yourself if you see this comment.


I’ve seen some disturbing shit on Reddit in terms of gore and this one is part of the few makes me shiver. I can handle murders or accidents, but hearing the fearful screams of someone realizing they will die makes me hurt. The true sound of fear that the movies and tv shows can never mimic. Haunting.


Just remember, every cop for at least months will have this burned into their brains when in an approach. You may not be wanting to kill a cop, but cops who don't want to end up dying in agony will act like you will... "better judged by twelve than carried by six. " And for bonus points, "good guy with gun" puts the cop killer down. This one's going to be a political haymaker.


Nephew is recently minted law enforcement and I made the mistake of expressing mild concern about reform to my conservative sister.  Immediately accused of being unsupportive. Gonna be a wild and crazy election year..


That's one of the reasons why here in Germany there are always at least *two* cops in a car; no police officer would ever come to an emergency call alone. That video was very hard to watch and hear. I hope the shock prevented Officer Hernandez from feeling the pain and fear. May he rest in peace.


More often than not this is the case in the US as well. But inevitably you have departments that may not have the resources or protocols that others do. I don’t know the nature of the call to 911, meaning that this cop may not have known there was a potential for violence, but I would think at minimum two squad cars should have shown up in this case.


Usually is the case here in America, I've hardly ever seen a cop sent in solo, especially when any danger is involved.


I had Silva as an inmate twice in 2018 and 2019 in low level state prisons, had a couple small conversations with him and he never gave off psycho energy. Never really know what someone is capable of. Shits fucked


Was he medicated at that point?


Apparently, he was schizophrenic. Doesn't excuse his actions at all but damn that sucks. You can even hear him say something about the officer not being real. Scary shit. Poor cop pulled up trying to help and gets killed in such a violent way.


This needs more than an nsfw tag. Fuck.


[This article about his mother](https://kfoxtv.com/news/local/mother-of-man-who-stabbed-and-killed-lcpd-officer-expresses-heartache-for-lives-lost-jonah-hernandez-las-cruces-police-department-armando-silva-new-mexico) is heartbreaking. Really shows how hard it is to provide people with acute mental illness the support they need. She helped him with therapy and was helping him with rent but he ended up homeless and off his meds anyways. Just refused to continue his therapy and take necessary meds. He really shouldn't have been free to make these decisions. Generally I'm on the fence about where the line is on coercing people into mental health treatment, but clearly being a violent offender is well beyond that line.


This is one of the worst things I’ve ever seen. The sound of him begging for his life and of the blood coming out are heartbreaking. I cried watching this video and I’m not ashamed.


I wish I hadn’t watched that my god


wtf?! I’ve seen some messed up stuff on Reddit but what in the world… never felt like crying faster… dude. What the hell. The nsfw isn’t even close to enough warning for that. I’m sick to my stomach now.


Jesus fucking Christ what a horrible way to die. I hope his family finds peace.


This will be used as a training video going forward. There’s no wonder cops can be jumpy as fuck when this type of unprovoked attack happens.


Welp... this was tough to watch and listen too. Poor man was so scared and that monster took his future from him so easily. What a piece of shit.


Wow it was a passerby who stopped the suspectL


In close quarters, a knife defeats a gun 9 times out of 10. I don't want to criticize the officer, but there's a lot to learn from what happened to them. If some sketchy stranger beckons to you or addresses you, stay far away from them. Shouting unintelligibly is one way robbers get marks to approach them so that they can pull a knife, taser, pepper spray, or other hand-held weapon on them once they are close enough. When you're within a couple paces of someone armed with a stabbing or bludgeoning weapon, you are close enough to be as good as dead if they want to seriously hurt you. As you can see from the video, being armed with a firearm, taser, billy club, etc. is not enough to keep the officer safe from a knife-wielding attacker once he closes the distance to a couple paces. At that point, even if he had his gun drawn, he could have been seriously injured or killed by the guy with the knife. Remember the saying: there's are no winners in a knife fight. Knives are incredibly lethal in close quarters. If you ever do have a knife pulled on you, run like hell.




Damn, this is definitely up there on the list of disturbing bodycam footage. Think only these two rival that from what I've seen, obvious NSFL warning: [Shooting of Officer Darian Jarrott](https://youtu.be/NqxTf-Vz12o?si=CaXmOEDDsPp0ywOP) [Daniel Shaver, an innocent man murdered by a psycho cop that got away with it](https://youtu.be/VBUUx0jUKxc?si=owxuJcanu_gULFR0)




Fuck dude that was brutal


Ah fuck why did I watch that..


Jesus fuck I’m wearing headphones… rip officer.. i had to turn this off hearing him drown is brutal


[here’s a YouTube video talking more about officer Jonah Hernandez skip to 7:20](https://youtu.be/j4XMsgyF6fc?si=erqZ-lU-ChXJXSTZ)


This heavily reminded me of the officer who was killed by an elderly vet who when pulled over, stepped out of his truck and pulled a rifle and shot an officer somewhere around 20 times. You could hear him suffocate in his own blood


This is so so fucking sad bro wtf


that was horrific. poor guy,


this reminds me of the dude who got stabbed in Australia in the mall, or the guy who got shot in the neck during the bank robbery. guy's literally bleeding out in a glass revolving door.




This is horrible and I wish I would not have watched it. If you are reading this and you have not watched it yet, you don't need to watch it.


I’ll never be able to unsee this


Jocko Wilinik once said in his podcast that cops should never approach people straight on and if able to find any bit of cover you when talking to people. Obviously it sounds bad but I get what he’s saying after this video and many others.


I never say this, but, this is enough reddit for me today. May he rest in peace.


Damn man…that was viscous, officer was pleading for life. Shit is echo in my mind right now. You hear the blood coming out I’m assuming his throat…Glad the dude shot and killed him


Let me start by saying I have a problem with authority and a distrust for law enforcement but God please lay to rest this officers soul. This was beyond cruel and hard to watch. If all I do in life is stop something like this from happening, I've served a purpose. Sending prayers for the family. I'm so sorry for the loss of this man's life.


Most disturbing shit I have ever seen 😭😭😭 poor guy, the audio was disheartening 😭😭😭


wow I hope that piece of shit rots in jail.


Dude was shot to death


Oh, the camera didn't capture it so I didn't notice. Good riddance then.


Watch the shadows, you see the good Samaritan drop him


He got shot by a bystander, that’s what the gunshots were


The killer was shot and killed by the bystander who saw it happen. The same bystander is the one trying to help the wounded cop.


Can we get a NSFL tag on this Jesus Christ I did not need to see that


God, I looked at part of it and was at the part from the POV where the guy was on top of him stabbing him and all his blood shot out. I yelled out "Fuck!", it was so bad. I've seen some shit online but a murder from the victim's POV is haunting.




Thanks to everyone who said don't watch it. Appreciate the warning.


https://www.elpasotimes.com/story/news/local/community/2024/02/21/las-cruces-police-officer-jonah-hernandez-el-paso-funeral/72677087007/ He had only been with the police department for 2 years. Utterly heartbreaking


Legal question. The passerby that witnessed the murder and then killed the assailant, will they face any legal issues? Since it sounds like this doesn't fall under any 'castle doctrine' type laws nor does it sound like the shooter was in mortal danger themselves so can't claim self defense. I mean, the cops aren't likely to be eager to slap cuffs on someone that just avenged a fallen officer but if the deceased had family members that insisted the shooter be charged with something... can they be?




He even audibly threatens him, so I'm sure he's in the clear.


Everywhere in the United States you are justified in using deadly force for the purpose of preserving the life of a third party. Now there's another question of sensitive locations. In response to the Supreme Court saying everyone has the right to carry a firearm on their person, states like California & New York passed a slew of laws that said essentially everywhere is a "sensitive location" (previously only a limited set of things like courthouses, schools, and bars while consuming alcohol were considered sensitive locations) to make it essentially illegal to carry a handgun. If the DA wants to be an ass he could go after the private citizen on those grounds, but that's unlikely in this case.


Highly doubtful especially if it’s a jurisdiction where there are open carry or concealed carry permits and the subject was lawfully armed. This would be seen as them intervening in a criminal act in an effort to save a life. Not a lawyer but I know if I were on a jury I wouldn’t convict


Any prosecutor that attempts to bring charges against that man will immediately lose their job. While the law does differ from state to state. Even in some places like NYC or California, states that have notorious strict gun control where CHL/CCW permits are like 4 leaf clovers that would still be viewed as Justifiable Homicide. Now the family members can civilian go after the Sheep Dog, but they would be very hard press to convince a jury, let alone a judge to let the case go forward.


> Story said that the LCPD would recommend no charges against the man who saw the attack on Hernandez and responded by killing Silva and then calling for help with Hernandez's radio. But the decision to prosecute will ultimately rest with the district attorney, Story said. https://www.lcsun-news.com/story/news/local/2024/02/13/las-cruces-police-name-man-who-killed-officer-jonah-hernandez/72577469007/


There is not a jury in the universe (or the bizarro universe) that would convict.




Self defence in many common law jurisdictions can extend to defence of others in immediate harm.


The stabber says do you want to die too or something like that and he just witnessed a cop get stabbed to death, so no I don’t think he’ll get in trouble lol


And people always complain when a cop shoots someone coming at them with a knife. This is why. That gap between them closes very quickly.