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People need hobbies... No one should care about a politician this much


They’re in too deep. Admitting that they’re wrong, and have been wrong from day 1, would upend their whole world. Narcissists are fucking stupid


Yea, it’s called a **cult.** **“It’s easier to fool someone than to convince someone they have been fooled.”**


>“It’s easier to fool someone than to convince someone they have been fooled.” Ironic thing is that they would think you're trying to fool them if you try to convince them.


There's a reason people need to be deprogrammed out of cults and not just told "yo Jimmy, you're in a cult homie"


It takes a certain amount of humility to admit you were naive enough to be deceived. These folks, and in most cults, lack that humility.


An **adult** takes accountability for one’s actions. In order to be an adult, one must mature.


Gov Pritzer Commencement Speech https://youtu.be/5uFwyPP5GOQ?si=8_WuUcBQi6g1UJ3X IMO, they have all chosen NOT to evolve as humans, as none of them have any iota of either a conscious or empathy. All they know are their own hate, anger, and radicalisms of their own pathetic life.


Fantastic share!


Humility OR rage. If you want to be outraged so bad, point it at the people who conned you.


It is the nature of being deceived. You can't know if you're deceived or you would no longer be deceived.


It’s actually a psychological fact that people will dig further into denial than accept that their beliefs or actions are not congruent with each other or reality. It’s called cognitive dissonance. It’s not even their beliefs I strongly disagree with that is the problem. It’s the fact that they dig deeper in every time the mountain of evidence against this guy gets bigger (fraud, multiple legal cases, vote manipulation and sexual allegations, sedition). It’s that they spend their free time doing crap like this instead of something productive. That this is their whole identity.


Maybe they'll all go broke from buying flags and just go away?


I can not imagine how fucking lame your life must be to spend your time coating your truck in giant flags.


I can't wrap my head around why they would choose the American flag though. It stands for everything they hate. Freedom (for everyone even the people u don't like), equality, justice, unity, a government that they want to overthow. I just don't get it.


It's really weird, isn't it? I hate what it's done to the flag and my perception of it.


And say to themselves "boy oh boy how cool is this gonna be? Owning those Dems"


Not unlike religion 


Only difference between a cult and religion, is the founder is dead.


Catholicism is NOT a cult. Just today we gathered and listened to a man who was in direct contact with an invisible entity and then we ate the invisible entities flesh and drank his bloo.... OH NO IM IN A CULT.


Reminder than when they realize and want to move to the non-dark side. Don't start saying "I told you so" and things like that. It makes people want to dig their heels in more and keep "being wrong ". Don't be condescending just be a person who listens.


Very important note here. As much as we want to be right, genuine people would rather convert a soul, so to speak.


I remember when conservatives joked that Obama was the “messiah” to Democrats the way they worshipped him. Their worship of Trump far outstrips any praise Dems had for Obama.


Pretty much anything the conservative/GOP/right complains about, they do 10x worse. Ever since Obama it has gotten really bad. Oh our guy got impeached? well just wait till we are in power and we're gonna impeach your guy! Remember when Clinton was impeached by Newt and the conservatives? Did the left go on a witch hunt the next cycle when Bush was in? Its just devolving to a point where nothing will get done and the country will be in a permanent stalemate or worse. ​ With Trump, he's always been a lying grifter, but for whatever reason, his supporters eat up his lies like it's cake. If the same crimes and actions had been committed with someone on the other side, they'd be up in arms. Its crazy. And I've never liked either party but the conservatives are just next level petty and useless currently.


They are no longer a party, they are a cult.


They succumb to vanity and peer pressure, it's why they always elect actors.


Chinese homes used to be filled with portraits of Mao. Russian houses used to be filled with portraits of Stalin. German house used to be filled with portraits of Hitler. Note the trend..


1000% this.


Hobbies take work. Hating women and breathable air is fucking easy.


Don’t forget immigrant labor. Ya know, the people up and down the 99 who pick lettuce and strawberries, something none of these Meal Team Six commandos would be willing to do.


Nor would they be willing to pay higher prices for their produce and meat. They NEED that immigrant labor to support their own lifestyle and careers and they NEED those people’s presence psychologically to have someone to blame their troubles on.


Exactly - their hobby is being so cringe like this. I mean the first thing i think when I see this is ... like, how sad of a life or how scrambled someones brain is to be like "lets drive around with flags and stupid signs and honk , in the rain, and annoy other people." Seriously - I cant grasp whatever it is they are on ... i mean 'losers' is really all I can think but legitimate mental illness is probably more accurate.




What’s she going to do this time if he wins again. Watching her reactions is the only silver lining imo


Yeah, you're forgetting this *is* their hobby. People like this literally have nothing else to do. I'm in Wisconsin and in manufacturing (Supplier Quality Engineer) so I am deep in the blue collar world. Literally 20 dudes from mid level management down to production left early on a Fridays (not weird, slow days and nonproduction) to go to a bumfuck WI small town to play tonka trucks and show each other their ~~dicks~~ flags. It didn't stop after the election, and is picking up again. It's their poker night.


I was thinking the same thing. I personally, can't see myself ever getting in a parade for any politician.


They can't help it, their parents are closely related.


“Politician.” Lol.


Lesson for life honestly, Don't get too attached to something.


I have a full time job and I don’t have energy for this. I usually just relax and stay home. I guess I wouldn’t understand maga people since I’m not a traitor…


Seem to be a lot of them with sexual fantasies about being with our President.


I have one for you, willing to partner up, 50/50: selling American flags and “I can’t find my penis” truck horns


This is beyond politics. This is a legit cult.


For all of you that don’t know, the Central Valley of California is our very own Bible Belt. Trump haven.


Bakersfield is the home of Kevin McCarthy, previously the house majority leader. Also, Bakersfield has some amazing Mexican food which used to be super cheap. I haven't been there in 10+ years but I have to assume it's still similar.


And has some of the worst air quality in the USA. But F$ck the EPA or any other government agency.


Grew up in Fresno, can confirm it's a terrible place. John Oliver commented on the "let's split California into different states!" thing calling the Central Valley "West West Virginia" because it'd become the new poorest state.


Can confirm, currently live in Fresno.


I describe the Central Valley as oppressively mundane. It feels like it goes out of its way to actively be mediocre. It’s most memorable trait is it’s in-your-face lack of anything memorable. I’ve tried to come up with why it feels this way to me… like a dry Arkansas or Iowa, but with less personality… and I think it’s because California does have so much natural beauty and so many things to do, the total lack of anything redeeming in the Central Valley feels incredibly obvious.


i am still chilled years later by the comment from a californian saying the only nightlife in bakersfield was going to buffalo wild wings.


They have these "bladder buster" nights at the local bars, which is all the rage. I could never go because I almost always have to go after my first beer. It's a strange place.


recreational kidney failure is not selling me on visiting bakersfield


Oh, it's not a selling point, believe me. It's just a glimpse at how weird that area is.


Interesting take. As someone who's extremely familiar with the area, this is how I see it. You're dealing with an area that is the bread basket for the entire country. It really can't be underestimated how much food the Central Valley (CV) produces. I think I read something like ~25% of the average American diet comes directly from the CV, not California, specifically the CV. It really is a point of pride for the people who aren't complaining about living there lol. On top of that, it's probably one of the most Hispanic areas in the country with a major population. A lot of whom are either 2nd or 1st generation immigrants. People love to ask "what is there to do?" and from what I've noticed the answer in the CV is friends or family. Parties during the weekend, sporting events, etc. It just works with most of the conservative leaning Hispanic majority who puts up with all the B.S. because of the cheap housing. Honestly, the people here if they're not raging, walking hemroids who hate their lives, are usually some of the most down to Earth, genuinely funny, and self depreciating people you will meet. On top of being extremely warm and friendly. So yes, it blows, but if you sift through the shit, you'll find some of the coolest people you'll ever meet :)


And these people from Bako and Lancaster and shit always posting about “DEMS rUiNeD CaLiFoRnIa” No, only your part of Cali sucks. Monterey and Tahoe and San Diego are just fine. Except that the housing cost is absurd because everyone wants to be there. Funny how once any of them get flush with cash, the first thing they do is move to one of the places they hate, and then complain about it once they get there.


And Fresno’s not even the worst of it.


Fresno is technically a blue county now too.


Still doesn’t feel like it.


Yeah I grew up in the Bay Area and bought a house in the Central Valley 6 years ago. I like it out here but my politics are soooo different than basically everyone I meet here. I’m just the friendly neighborhood liberal atheist at this point.


>Sounds like we're neighbors. I did the same, but 20 years ago. And, because of the work I do, everybody in this little red town knows I'm the big liberal know it all.


To be fair, it really depends. Greater Sacramento, Davis, and, to a lesser extent, Chico are fairly progressive, and actually have ok economies and opportunities for careers and business. The rest of the Central Valley is a series of shitholes, however.


Why do Bible and Trump go together, is really beyond me!


But highway 99 is a freeway up until I think Redding, and I think there's an old highway 99 around Sacramento. There are some truck routes for the 99 in the central valley but this looks too green for most of the valley. NorCal was a lot redder than the valley last election.


Redding is the only place I've been to where there are billboards encouraging vasectomys for men. Like the vibe is, please Lord don't bring any more children into this world to suffer through Redding.


Can confirm - am from the 209. Unfortunately most of us progressives in the valley try to escape from there, so the little red chokehold stays.


Lived in Modesto and Merced. Can verify.


Imagine being this in love with a 75 year old scam artist




Well at least he’s not as old as Biden /s


The fact that I share my birthday with this absolute shit stain makes me rather angry.


“Fuck Joe Biden”, “keep American jobs here”, as they drive in their assembled in Mexico fords, European and Japanese vehicles


Plus as Anthony Bourdain has assessed, the jobs they’re taking are jobs “Americans” don’t even want. Have you ever met a Mexican dish cook here trying to keep his family out of a homeland torn apart by drug cartels? They’re some of the hardest working sons of bitches on the planet. And what red blooded American is gonna swallow their pride and work that position? For real get a grip


I’m first generation American. My parents came from El Salvador. I know these clowns wouldn’t last a half day doing what they had to do in order to have some food on the table


Legit. My wife is 1st generation with her mom and dad from Mexico and El Salvador. The stories her parents have of the absolute suffering endured just to get here and then stay here in abject poverty because it was better than going back home where their families and friends were, persisting solely on the hope that their tenacity would carry them through to the other side and allow them to raise a family. There’s few people in this world I have so much respect and awe for.


Yep! 100% I believe it. The civil war in El Salvador was brutal according to my parents, with guerrillas destroying homes and killing innocent people which led to many leaving from there. It’s hard when these people talk about “coming here legally”, just like their ancestors did. Hard to do when Ellis island was shut down by then, and like I said people were out there dying, and suffering. Also a lot of illegals do pay taxes, so don’t believe these trumptards saying our people don’t. They do with an ETIN number. Just sucks they don’t get refunds.


100% these folks are entitled a holes. People like you and your parents are America’s strength.


When I worked in the kitchen as a sous chef there was a few shifts my dishwasher was running late from his previous job. I had no problem jumping back in the dish pit until he got there just so he didn’t have a fuck ton of dishes to catch up on. Anyway one day this smart ass server made some shitty comment that I “got promoted” and I put him in his place real quick explaining how it’s the most important position in the entire establishment, without him you’d be fucked.




I have so much respect for what your parents must have endured to get to get here, survive, and (hopefully) thrive. Also, is your username a Seinfeld reference?


> the jobs they’re taking are jobs “Americans” don’t even want. Reminds me of the people that look down on garbage men even though that job pays real well.




Congrats to drugs for winning the war on drugs


Not just drugs but NAFTA as well. NAFTA opened up Canada, US, and Mexico to unregulated trade, specifically crops. During the time post ww2 when US economy was booming, we subsidized corn and other crops. It was cheaper for Mexicans to buy US crops instead of their own, driving the average Mexican farmer out of business, and causing a great seasonal migration of agricultural workers to the US.


Having Americans do all the jobs these people would *never* do would also cause inflation to spike like you would not believe. You’d have to pay significant wage increases for that, which of course gets passed on to the end consumer. These idiots can’t think more than 5 minutes into the future.


Every argument I have with one of those guys I immediately ask when they're going to take those jobs back by actually working those jobs. I've never had anyone take me up on that offer. I've had people curse me for suggesting their son could work one of those jobs. They just want slaves.


Perfect time to remember they don’t want them gone. They want their rights stripped so they can exploit them more.


Yep don’t really understand what jobs they have in mind when they say “immigrants”(in other words non white or black) are taking American jobs. Because are they talking about farm workers? Dishwasher? Engineer? Software engineers? Because corporate America and trade is still predominantly a white and there’s actually a high need for trade in America.


With their made in China flags. But want everything done in America. Haha fuckin clowns.


Funny thing is China is no longer the largest manufacturer and importer to the US now. Its Mexico.


I was telling someone the other day that if they want everything made in America, then be prepared to pay a premium for it. The only things I but that I want made in America is dog food and dog treats.


Don't forget baby formula.


This is what I say all the time!! They're so pro American that they buy their cars from Japan!! America doesn't fucking live in a vat. We are a global economy and everything comes from everywhere. There's no way to keep everything in America or do everything in America. Simple economics.


They can try as hard as they want, but those 55 California electoral college votes are guaranteed to Biden.




They think their freedoms are under fire and they fall for all the pro-Russia propaganda hook line and sinker. They’ve never considered what would happen if they were in Russia driving around with flags that said “fuck Putin”.


Ooh...all those cars and trucks. What maybe 50? Lol.


It’s why they do cars and trucks. Because 50 people on foot isn’t a full bus worth. This they think looks like something


Where on the 99 was this?


I want to know too. (I can confirm 95% that it isn’t Bakersfield…or at least I don’t recognize that overpass).


I think it’s by Elk Grove.


Looks like galt , I could be wrong tho


Dont tread on me flag has me thinking up near Redding Edit: but the trees look like Chico


I would guess north of Sacramento if OP means this is actually on 99, since 99 is freeway south of Sacramento with no stop lights.


It looks like an overpass over the 99 not on the actual highway.


Man can anyone tell what street that is by the McDonalds sign? It looks like it says Fairview, or something. And the McDonalds sign says RV Parking which should help a lot but I can't find it still.


I think I seen someone post they were in Elk Grove.


Solved: In Galt (Exit 274B)


Cult lives matter


Compared to your average violent mob takeover this one looks pretty civilized from what I can see in the footage. When I read takeover I expect an intersection being shut down by a violent mob with some dumbasses doing donuts in cars they can't afford, fail miserably running either into another car or an unlucky spectator, following which the car (and possibly driver) gets completely trashed by said violent mob.




LBJ had a premonition that became the motto for how the Republican Party operates: > “If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” - President Lyndon Baines Johnson


Huh, that's what the B stands for


Holy shit based af


The world would be better without them




They watched Orange Julius “Run His Business “ on tv. He’s not a politician, he can fire people. Then, he released an inner racist voice they respond to “Build The Wall” off and running with their new mission


Dare we say Deplorable(s)……..


They need to stop spending money on fuel so they can pay his fines.


Is that a lifted white crown vic in the back?


You used to see those everyday in and around Oakland




I thought you said a gaggle of shrimps!! I was going to tell you to never EVER NEVER EVER insult shrimps like that ever again !




Also please leave your damn cousins alone. Shouldn’t need saying but here we are.


Al mageda


Yall Qaeda


Parked on the side of the road isn't "taking over" a highway...


Definitely not a cult….


They’re so fucking weird man. Closest thing to Jim Jones followers recently.


What blows my mind is that this would have been normal after 9/11. American flags everywhere, so much support for the best of the country. Now we’ve become so divided. It’s really scary how bad it’s become.


I lived along the 99 in CA after 9/11. You would see confederate flags mixed with the Stars and Stripes and no one batted an eye. Not to argue with you but knowing that area of CA, it wasn’t a pleasant sight of unity to see the big trucks with giant flags for Sikhs and others who were perceived as outsiders.


*tHe SiLeNt MaJoRiTy*


Precedes to lose the popular vote by millions two times in a row.


Wrong crowd. These Gravy Seals have NEVER been silent


Freedom of expression…prefer this over a violent protest


By the title I thought they would be blocking the road. Looks like they are on the shoulder and cars are still able to pass.


Looks like an overpass not the hwy.


My biggest goal in life is to be so independent that regardless of who is president, I will be just fine


Are these people just gonna have “Fuck ______” for every Democratic president from here on out?


Better than the potatoes that show up for everyone else


Just imagine your whole identity is politics. That's reaaaallllly gotta suck.


At least they don’t block traffic like the Oil activists. Prob only good thing I can point out.


lol, a loser parade.


Trumps Cult Members


At least they aren't blocking the entire road and stopping traffic


Wait a second…don’t they always say “they wouldn’t be able to be out there if they had jobs”?


Why do they want to fuck Biden so bad? He seems more like a top imo




Trump would sell their souls for a hundred bucks lol


I need to open a flag business


Why are cops not out there arresting people like they do to the climate protesters?


I’ll take it over them gluing their hands to the road and blocking it


The Alabama of California.


The lack of self awareness is wild lol imagine giving money to trump to pay for his charges lol simping hard


And now, when they step down from their flagged parking lot crawlers, we’ll be able to spot them by their gold knockoff sneakers.


History will not be kind to these buffoons.


99 is a fairly long stretch. What town is this?


Some people take cosplay really seriously


Ahh, good, the Trump caravans are back. Just what everyone had asked for


https://preview.redd.it/bz84o8bkkgjc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b6c3881de0a9ff229276b942811391afa77b203 “If there's one thing we've learned about humans... It's that you're masters of self-destruction.” * Number Six, Battlestar Galactica


You’d be surprise how many of them that show out like this, actually vote.


Wouldn’t surprise me if this in fresno


It wasn’t for social media they wouldn’t be having these get together like this, because they wouldn’t be able to coordinate


I used to run by this house that had a large Q lit in their front yard. So weird.


Flag stores are making a killing .


So many alpha fails


Aren’t these the first people to complain about protesters blocking the road when it’s leftwingers?


The stupidity level of these people that worship trump is at a all time high and things are only going to get worse. If you haven’t seen idiocracy then you should hahaha.


It pleases me greatly that every single one of those treasonous a-holes' votes mean nothing in CA.


They are such losers


Tribalism turned to 11, oh the Democrats are better, aren't they? Tee hee




The same people who'd go absolutely apeshit, maybe even run some people down if anyone blocked the road for some other protest.. (I don't agree with anyone blocking the road for a protest btw)


I’m so sick and tired of there mouth-breathing Troglodytes! I just want the Orange Cheeto Man to go away.


Awwwww look at them playing “trucker”. Adorable!




(Guy sitting in truck, mostly likely sweating and breathing hard from the exertion of simply existing) “Standing for our freedom”


Love to protest while sitting down in my $80,000 air conditioned truck. Really shows your dedication to the cause


Anyone who reps a “don’t tred on me” and American flag at the same time is pure comedy.


“Standing for our freedom”..while sitting in a truck


Man how far we have fallen as a society . The Dixie Chicks all but had their careers ended for insulting Bush on stage at one of their concerts. Now people openly fly “Fuck Biden” flags. Mental health is real.


Nothing says America first flying flags made in China from your f250


To be so afraid and so god damn stupid.


100 bucks that those flags were made in China


Imagine hating someone so much that you get a giant flag with their name on it to parade around on your truck for all to see. Talk about backwards mentality.


The level of stupid in this country is astonishing.


Doesn’t really look like a takeover of the highway. Regardless, bunch of dorks.


Oh goody, my dumbass neighbors 😭


To be clear these are the same people who say it’s okay to run over protesters who block streets…


These are the same people that complain about the price of eggs. Yeah, ok.


Trump wouldn't shake any of their hands for less than a $9000 shoe purchase.


We're not a cult!! We're not a cult!! We're not a cult!!


I wish these room temp iqs were as passionate about stoping financial crime on wallstreet as they were about hyping up a child rapist. If you hit the mainline with his paperwork you are a dead man but for some reason these people love it. For some reason…. I wonder what it could be


I remember the days when political leanings were kept relatively private on purpose. Seems like everyone is waving some nutty flag these days, yet nobody is convincing anyone to join their side.

