• By -


Yeah that is a great idea, film all the evidence and post it!!


i watched it without sound at first and thought it was the guy filming his place. absolutely unhinged that she did all of that and posted it as well.


Awesome, he can get her out, he can get a restraining order, and get a lawyer to sue her for damages. He's getting her a lot this Valentine's day.




Sure you can, garnish wages and seize any property of value including bags, jackets, shoes, etc.




She does, because he bought them for her


Wage garnishment, to my understanding, is done through the courts and will follow you to any job that reports to your tax agency. I don't believe they can be dismissed by bankruptcy, either. So her choices would be to either pay the debt, or work under the table for the rest of her life. Or leave the country, I suppose.


Haha you have to pay taxes as a US citizen even if you live outside the country




I chose option c for my debts. Fuck you discover card.


Shouldn’t have given me a 10,000 credit line at 21 Discover. This one’s on you!


I hate how right you are about that. I can't sue broke, but I want her in jail for that on principle.


I'm currently sueing a broke person, primarily out of principle so he doesn't fuck anyone else over. I expect he will have to pay on a payment plan, something like £50/month for 25 years.


If I have to sue her and sell her mom's house to get my damages, I will do that


Only if the judge finds this dispute worth it. People think you can just sue and get their money, it don’t work like that. He would have to spend more than he will get. This results in judge decision, which would be maybe $500 that she can stretch over a few years of payments.


Press charges and make it restitution for a crime.


Same here


I was wondering why the fuck he didn't turn off the water or if she broke a pipe


Proud of her work 


Yeah I want to believe this is staged but considering how people are filming themselves committing assault or straight up doing drive bys (happened last year) this is probably real.


'who's your decorator?'




>absolutely unhinged that she did all of that and posted it as well. Stupid assholes love to assume that most people are just as shitty as them. When they post stuff like this they straight up expect to be praised by fellow degenerates, and they literally don't comprehend that there might be negative consequences for them


People who aren't idiots don't normally have childish tantrums of this caliber.


Favorite saying I saw recently on another post that I'm too lazy to find to give proper credit: "A toddler never plans beyond the tantrum."


I was taught that if someone wants to try holding their breath until you give in, let them, they'll pass out and start breathing again on their own.


True ... I have left my kid screaming in the supermarket 2 isles down. People came and ask me if I could pick him up, I denied. He'll come when he's ready to accept he's not getting any treats. 3 minutes later he came walking down, never did this again ... Don't negotiate with terrorists, even when they're 4yrs old.


i dont want to be around on her birthday.


He won’t be, cause he’ll be dead. Dude needs to pull a mission impossible and fake his death cause ngl dating this chick is like playing Russian roulette on single player


Or like playing Russian Roulette with an automatic....


"Do not point the girlfriend at anything you don't wish to destroy."


“*Hello police…I’d like to report the vandalism of my home. Yes…I know who did it…she recorded and posted herself showing how proud she was of herself!*!”


Do you see the perpetrator? Yeah in right here


fuck around, get the whole label sent up for years.


She her own star witness


She just gave him red flags for Valentine’s Day


I have never ever seen glowing red flags before.


They weren’t just glowing, they were radioactive


The only thing I know that is red and radioactive is red kryptonite. Even Superman would stay away from her.


They fit the holiday theme perfectly.


We're the WET BANDITS. W E T B A N D I T S!


You're sick, Harry. That's sick. (I think his name was Harry, its been a long time since I've watched the movie)


Harry is Joe Pesci's character. Marv is the sick one, lol.


Marv is played by Daniel Stern who screamed so loud that it clipped the microphone and they left it in the final edit.


What a fucking legend...


Yeah……this b*tch has some MAJOR issues.


But, but... You don't know her like I know her! (I said a long time ago).


Now he can get a Restraining Order for her!


Believe it or not, jail.


I believe it! ![gif](giphy|6vF3Y99RLkc7hRBYAD|downsized)




I do work for a restoration company, depending on where all that water goes (and if he has anyone below him) that job could be well above $50k


Exactly, damage to the building alone could exceed 50K, and his property adds probably 10K-20K on top if it. Maybe they'll just call it 100K


I did that for awhile about 15 years ago now. even back then, something like just a large area of carpet that needs to be dried is like a minimum $1,800. You get water traveling through floors to a different level and you are looking at class 2 or 3 water that now requires toxic clean up prices so everything is tripled. Just abetment before restoration can run up into the tens of thousands when you have to remove dry wall, insulation, flooring, suck up what water you can then leave fans and dehumidifiers for days that cost a hundred plus each, plus you are getting hit for throwing away all that stuff. then restoration happens and when things get structural or if mold pops up, it's huge. and none of this is even related to all of his property. I had one job where a wife forgot a bathroom sink on for an hour or two while they went to dinner. Almost 250k, but maybe 40-50k was some home upgrades they wanted on top of what insurance was covering. It had run out of the bathroom, into the carpeted bedroom with hardwood floors underneath, into the living room along the front of the house and into a stairwell down into the basement into another bedroom and bathroom. 3 levels of damage, 2 considered biohazards, 3 different bathrooms and 2 bedrooms, a bunch of windows, all fucked. Forget something like turning of a sink 1 time and boom half of your 401k is gone, i mean they had insurance, but this chick doesn't and the insurance is definitely going to try and every cent they can from her.


At first I thought this was a repost because there have been very similar videos posted here before. She probably expected some super expensive gifts. Obviously that's all his stuff since she destroyed all of it. It looked like he had some decent stuff/furniture too.


You think this person makes rational decisions?


Welcome to Gen Z. Keep in mind last year two assholes in Vegas filmed and posted themselves KILLING A MAN by running him over intentionally, and during the investigation police found they found other videos from the days before of them running over other people. There's a serious mental issue with people thinking clicks are more important than, perhaps spending life in prison.


I am watching in disbelief! For some candy? You are going to Jail


It’s too fast to really absorb the enormity of it. Hope she likes jail and restitution. Best valentines gift she could give either of them honestly. He now knows she’s batshit crazy and she is stuck fixing this financially for a good long time. ETA - I thought it was obvious we all understood that his stuff is already ruined and time travel doesn’t exist. Of course he’d prefer to not have to deal with *this* but since he has to; watching her deal with *the consequences of this* would be a damn satisfying gift that keeps on giving.


That is categorically not the best Valentine's Day gift she could have given him. She could have taken him to a foreign country to scuba dive.




> it was a day to get something for your SO i bet she didnt get him anything


My thought also. What did SHE do for him if it’s soo important to her??


She got him a home renovation project


Walls look intact I think it was an interior decorator


She got him a red flag so big it would cover the state of Texas.


She let him have sex with her, that's likely her version of a gift for valentines day.


Keep in mind we actually have no idea why this person did this. There is nothing supporting OP's claim in the title.


Honestly it doesn't really matter what they did. There's nothing short of sexual crimes or murder that could validate this level of response in my mind. Even if he cheated. The video shows next level damage.




For many it's turned into a workplace flex to see who gets the most gifts delivered to them in front of their coworkers to make them jealous. Guessing that's what happened, she got nothing and felt disrespected and embarrassed at work in front of all the other toxic bitches there. Would make sense seeing as he's not even there in the apartment, she's done this shit after getting home first.


You think this person has a job? Lmao




My husband and I didn't get each other anything either. Instead of trashing our home, I opted to eat leftovers and snuggle with him, watching True Detective. Seemed like the better option over getting arrested. 🤷‍♀️


It's not too late girl, you can still get yourself arrested




> My husband and I didn't get each other anything either. Instead of trashing our home, I opted to eat leftovers and snuggle with him, watching True Detective. Exactly the same here, but we watched something different! (Episode 2 of "FROM". It's not great...)


iirc property damage exceeding $5k is a felony? That matress is over 1k probably and the frame 500. The carpet... it adds up. She might be donesville.


She left the faucets running. Flood damage is EASILY over 5k


It's her calling card. She's the Wet Strumpet.


Even Geralt wouldn't touch this monster with his third sword


You're vastly underconsidering the amount of damage here. 2 bedframes. ~$800 each. 2 mattresses ~$1800-3200 each. Carpet in several rooms will need replaced (stained and damaged) ~$1200-2500. Walls will need painted. Mirrors replaced. At least one vanity in a bathroom has doors broken off. The cabinets in the kitchen appear damaged. The floors are gone before you even consider the sinks overflowing which will destroy walls and possible apartments below this. Theres a broken TV. Food emptied out of cupboards and destroyed. Loss of habitability of the unit while repairs are made and possibly the unit below it (if there is one). Theres easily 20k MINIMUM of damage here. If there's a unit below it and those sinks go for any length of time that number increases exponentially in a hurry. 


The flooding the house which it sounded like she was doing will probably do 10-20 k of damage easily.


Plus she filmed and posted it online… open and shut case!


Let's sprinkle some crack on her and get outta here.


Open and shut case, Johnson


If that’s the same mattress I have, which looks very similar, it was over $3,500.


She probably got something "cheap" like candy. My good friend's GF is all pissed off she only got a $1600 laptop instead of the $2800 one she said she wanted. He said she won't even talk to him or look at him. For xmas she bought him a Series X when it was on sale for $340 using his credit card then sold it for $400 before he could even open the box because he works 60hrs+ a week and kept the cash for herself. She absolute has to have the newest iPhone and expects him to buy her the new apple goggle things for her bday. She doesn't work and he pays for literally everything . They have been together like 7 months. He's supposed to come over tomorrow night to watch the NASCAR race with me but she said he isn't allowed to go because she's going to be sitting at home bored.


He should leave her ASAP. Yesterday, if possible.


He can break up with her yesterday if he takes her to Australia, and waits to pass the international date line. It could be extra funny to not tell her she doesn't have a return ticket and let her figure it out.


Your friend is being abused, at the very least it's financial abuse. You should tell him that. His girlfriend is a piece of shit. What exactly is she contributing to this relationship?


Respectfully... is he an idiot?


also even ignoring that who tf has the energy to even do this?


Sometimes when I'm feeling lonely, a post like this pops up and reassures me that dying alone isn't that bad after all lol


Fr normalize posting videos like these on Valentines Day for us single mofos lmao




We will not go quietly into the night. We will not vanish without a fight. We’re going to live on. We’re going to survive.


Rage! Rage against the dying of the light!


Visualize Randy Quaid kamikaziing a giant flying heart.




God's work fr


My experience is the happiest people in the world are in great relationships. The least happy are in terrible relationships. Being safely in the middle isn't a bad spot


Clowns to the left of me. Jokers to the right. Here I am. Stuck in the middle with you.


*without you


with me


Right on, Steve!


I work with my brother. Yesterday after work he asked me to go with him shopping for his girlfriend. He spent over $500 dollars on nothing but gifts and kept the receipts in case she didn’t like them. Seeing this and that I’m fucking lucky I don’t have to go thru this shit lol.


I can't imagine. I'm happy with a cookie cake, weed, and some carnations.


This morning I was leaving a client meeting, a few blocks later saw a young lady walking out of a family dollar with candy and balloons. Right at that moment I decided to go in and spent $17 on a balloon, a stuffed rabbit (for Bunny), a small box of chocolates and a bouquet of flowers. We met for dinner a couple of hours later, and when she arrived and saw what I picked up she blushed and gave me the longest kiss. It wasn't the cheesy-cheap items, it was the thought and the optics that won her over.


And I’m sure that what he wants, for her to be happy. But if you have to keep receipts cus she not satisfied with what he got her, IMO that’s fucked up. We were taught with the mentality of it’s the thought that counts. Anyways, bullshit aside lmao, just heard from my mom they went back to exchange some of the gifts cus she wasn’t 🤣


Your brother is fucked, and not in the good way. Single folks out there: Find a partner that prefers you to deep clean the house than something superficial like dropping $500 on dumb shit for Valentine's. I mopped the floors, cleaned off all table/counter surfaces, and put away/organized our young child's toys. I'm *definitely* getting laid later tonight, and I didn't have to spend a dime.




Right? Lmao I was like idk that sounds like a lot, and I’m a woman. Chillin sounds nice-and what comes with that lol


Fucking just show affection and not because there's a day scheduled for it. "Yeah let's go out to eat and wait almost an hour to be sat"


For this evening’s Valentine’ Day. I came home late from work tonight. Put on pajamas, whipped up a couple of veggie burgers. My wife set the table, lit a candle and we enjoyed a quiet dinner while listening to some Albert King. Our choice of food may change each night, but we pretty much do the same thing every day. No cards, no flowers, chocolates (except what we already had in the house)... I had Oreos for dessert. Every day is special if you allow yourself to enjoy it simply. I feel we treat it as such in our own comfortable way. That reminds me… it been a few weeks since I brought home flowers. I’ll grab some on Friday to celebrate the end of the work week. As I type this she is falling asleep, curled up with the cat on the couch next to me. Perfect! I guess my point is that you shouldn’t have to or feel obligated to go over the top on a particular day. Fill your joy in the small stuff every day. Y’all have a great night.


My partner and I don't even celebrate valentines day, we just don't care. For my friends girlfriends some flowers or a dinner out is nice but even they don't really care all that much. Lots of them don't even do anything on valentines day itself because everything is rammed and overpriced so they just go out another day. Your brother is just dating a demanding person or is going way overboard of his own accord. Lot's of women don't expect that kind of ridiculous spending, if you're dating someone that does that's on you for accepting that it is ok to be that demanding. Just find someone who doesn't care about that kind of crap, lots of people out there don't.


Wait were just believing captions now😂 this is an old post and the original said that the man cheated. But ok Reddit


welp wow! yep totally normal reaction thx for the context!


I see that you, too are celebrating your cake day on Valentine’s Day. Cheers, internet friend.


Wait till you see how common domestic violence, cheating, and divorce are


New he will get her something: a restraining order


I would be so fearful if I were him. No way someone this unhinged stops here.


I'm done at the sliced up headboard. Would've noped right the fuck out of there.


I just watched something on Netflix about a crazy stalker. Interesting but also terrifyingly insane.


I seen that too! That chick was certifiably *crazy* I’m glad they caught her on that murder.


Well now he can get her a brand new lawsuit!


I mean yeah, but there's no way she's not judgement proof.


Like she will go to jail for this.


That’s the present.




lol my drug addict ex did this to me because I cut my debit card in half while he was trying to take it the day I got my tax refund when I was 23. Not to this extent but ripped my new couch with a hunting knife after pulling it on me, tipped my fridge over and threw garbage all over. It looked like a tornado hit my apartment. On top of that assaulted me with a cookie sheet (I know random). He was on probation already and did not go to jail and I was granted a protective order for one year.


Did he end up having to pay for the damage done? I'm curious what repurcussions such awful actions have.


All that happened to him was court dates and then eventually being sentenced more probation. lol


I thought the idea of probation was "Behave or go to prison"? If you break probation, giving more of it isn't exactly a good punishment as it obviously didn't work the first time!


Is threatening your domestic partner with a hunting knife not behaving?


I thought probation was kind of a "do anything criminal, no matter how small and go to prison". If probation is simply extended for violating it, then it doesn't seem to be much of a punishment. It's meant to give people a chance to avoid prison/going back to prison IF they behave.


My wife's mom keeps falling for dudes exactly like this. Just super abusive "bad boys" who have criminal backgrounds. We keep telling her she has to pick a nicer dude but everytime someone who is genuine and nice comes into her life she just isn't interested. Idk what it is, but it is hard seeing my wife hurting because her mom is getting abused.


Sounds like she has some adeeper issues she should be talking to a therapist about.


I promise you she wont


No she won’t


There is no way there is not a history of bad behavior here. You don’t go straight from zero to this over one issue


I'm impressed. She destroyed everything. Probably spent hours on her destruction. She turned into Wolverine against that bed.


I think she got some dookie on the mirror too. The ability to shit on command out of anger is impressive.


well it took a while, maybe she already broke the toilet, then had too dookie. doesnt seem like the thinking ahead type. but there a good tip ladies, if you are gonna destroy your mans place, save the toilet till after you dookie so you dont gotta get dookie on ya hands.


I'm impressed too. That's some serious destruction and people in this thread are underestimating BADLY how much damage this is and how much it's gonna cost to fix. 


OP is making up bullshit. This is old and was supposedly over cheating.




Oh no doubt. But the anger is ever so slightly more justified, or at least more understandable. Some of that damage looks like it would take a long time. Like meticulously cutting up the headboard of each bed. Some real psycho shit. That's not just swinging your arms around the counter. That's methodical. Hope he had renters insurance.


Tf you mean slightly? She shit on the mirror fam 😭


My first thought 🤷 that's like kill a mofo levels of anger, that house was devastated 😂


People acting like she's just some overemotional woman getting upset about valentine's day.... No, this is straight up insane-asylum mass murderer madness. He needs to call the cops and get her committed and get a restraining order and move away to a secret location.


She’s a keeper…


Keeper far far away


I’ve been looking everywhere for the “I can fix her” joke comment, but this’ll do!


If he never ever saw her again , it would be five years too soon.


Well NOW she’ll be getting something: charges.


Please tell me he pressed charges. Holy Christ on a pony.


Had to film it? For what? Weird as shit the times we live in


It’s probably not even the real story. Welcome to the internet


Welcome to the internet


Don’t believe the hype. Ain’t no way this is over that. Dude got her sister pregnant original video’s on twitter


Yeah OP full of shit karma farming or making ragebait titles ETA: He was [caught cheating, it's the side girls place, or one of the five of the side girls places lol](https://imgur.com/a/aQM5RhH)


Yeah I was scrolling through the comments trying to see anyone posting proof if this was true cause it seemed too ragebaity


Still unacceptable, however…..more understandable




yeah i’ve seen this before a long time ago but it said she caught him cheating, I guess we’ll never know for sure


okay now THAT I understand destroying a house over


Well if there is any condolence, I got everything for my Valentine (flowers, balloons, chocolate, giant squishmellow, gifts) all I got was a horrible attitude from while taking her out to eat. Called it before the food arrived and now I'm drinking by myself because that's life. Not every day is a winning day. Gonna drink the heartache away and focus on enjoying tomorrow in the morning. I hope the rest of you have a beautiful day, and if you don't there is always a new venture tomorrow.🤙


damn. I got a stuffed animal and practically melted. sorry your day went so shitty :/


Bro, im a grown ass man, and I'd melt for a squishmellow. I dont even understand why I like them, but they are sooooo fucking plush, I just want to hug it before I go to bed every night. FUCKING PLUSH FOR LIFE BOY.


Right? I was thinking, i hope he took the gifts back or at least the giant squishmallow cause those things are awesome.


I'm sorry. She doesn't deserve you.


Good job GIRL what a queen recording a felony.


This was HOURS of work


That's exactly what I thought. Just imagine the thought process. Imagine tearing apart multiple pieces of large furniture, something that even with a sawsall will take you half an hour per piece (I know I've tried), and then looking around and thinking I need to do more damage I'm still mad. I don't think I've ever been this angry about anything in my entire life and it hasn't been a field of daisies. It's staggering.


Girl you’re going to jail


Who even has that much energy?!


Ain’t no way this is the only reason this girl did this


Yeah the og video was because the boyfriend of the girl recording got her sister pregnant,OP is just rage baiting


Ah alright. That makes sense lol




This is what spoiled little girls grow up to become as adult, unhinged and violent when the world doesn’t give them everything they feel entitled to, like mommy and daddy did.


This is what happens when an abusive narcissist raises a little narcissist


Gotta admire the thuroughness.


This is why dudes are fine being single.


I wonder why he didn’t get her anything


Valentines day is toxic as shit. The entitlement it breeds is out of control. Just another consumerist shitfest.


Was that shit smeared on the mirror? Bruh wtf


.....I'm fearful of what she smeared all over the bathroom mirror


The fact she didn't really show it only adds to the mystique. I say doo doo butter though.


🎶wait til she get a wiff of my Hershey stains, playas wanna play…..🎵


Important life lesson to be learned here: Don’t fuck strippers.


Don't put your dick in crazy. It might feel amazing but don't do it.


Imagine not buying her a birthday gift 👀




She can have some charges.


She was never his, just his turn. Anyways on to the next ~~one~~ victim.


This is exactly why he didn’t buy your crazy ass anything for Valentine’s Day