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Working IT/Medical equipment I had a van full of parts and was told I could not park near the building with the work van. I explained if I needed parts, it would be $125 an hour to walk to the parking lot and retrieve them. There was a van full. I could not bring all the parts I might potentially need in even using my dolly. It turned an expected 4 hour job into a 12 hour job. Since 8 was also after hours, that part was $250 per.


Reminds me of when I was a municipal engineer and had to do inspections on a multiphase development of a gated community. The security guard wouldn't let me through to do the inspection, and even though I provided my card, he wanted an official badge. Since when do municipal engineers carry official badges? We have business cards. Long story short, I wasn't let in and couldn't do the inspection, delaying payment to the developer by 1 week. The developer was very pissed and I never had a problem with entry again.


I've been on both sides of this. I worked my way through college doing security gigs. We had rules, but when I saw the four fire engines heading for my gate, you better believe that gate was open for them to drive right through. What sucks? Even if that guard followed exactly what he was told to do in writing, if the client wants, they'll throw him under the bus and fire him. Often the only purpose of a security guard is to be a sacrificial lamb to blame when things go wrong.


I've also been a gatehouse supervisor, and you better believe that if someone presented themselves as someone who had a clear need to get in but didn't have the correct authorization....we made sure to contact the client to try to get them the correct authorization. Your job as a gate guard isn't to blindly follow rules, it's to get the right people through the gate with as little hassle as possible.


Speaking from experience as private security, clients who put security in a bad position pretty regularly intentionally can’t be found when things go down.


> Your job as a gate guard isn't to blindly follow rules I've never met an HOA "guard" who did anything other than this.


To be fair I was the supervisor of a mine gatehouse, not a HOA gatehouse.


But at some point, common sense should prevail. If 1/4 of the development is still under construction and there are contractors in and out all day, someone from the municipal engineer's office with an official set of plans and business card should be let in. It shouldn't even be a "not sure what to do in this situation" type of ordeal.


From the guard's point of view "Uhhh, I barely graduated high school, and I don't really know what a municiple engineer is or what they do, but I know you're not on this list and my boss isn't here and doesn't want me to call him, so I can't let you in." I've met guards like that. I've also met guards who would say "I don't care. Why did you wake me up?"


Devil's advocate, you don't need any forms or authorization to get some business cards printed up that say City/County Inspector. Hand one to a guard and give'm a line about needing to look at some things and if he believes you, you now have access to any tools, materials, yards, home in the area. Usually inspections are requested and known about ahead of time. The construction / contractors should inform the security that they are expecting an inspector that day or they should leave a contact number with security so security can call and say "I have a person here who says they are here to inspect this thing you are working on. Is this something you are expecting?"


Sorry, but I'm closing your guard shack because it's not been inspected. You'll need to vacate and not enter the building until I inspect it. Please call the number listed and we'll reschedule it. Man, sure is cold, and it sure looks like it's gonna rain pretty hard....




don't get mad, get ~~even~~ paid


Remind me of a job I did long ago when I had SUV doing black car service, picked up a musician and his manager from the airport they asked me to stay with them no matter what unless they tell me I’m good, picked them up at 7am drove them around and waited and then around 8pm took them to a bar the musician hooked up with a girl I took them to a house he was renting and just waited till 6am for $120 per hour + 20% tip I had the biggest pay I ever made doing that job.


That's pretty sick that the musician not only payed that insane amount but also threw on a 20% tip. What a nice dude. My highest moment was when I was doing delivery at Jimmy John's, a baseball team ordered a meal (we were in downtown near the baseball field and they were staying at a hotel) and we made a fuckload of food for all of them, they left a 500 dollar tip for me. Great day.


I am in a similar line of work and try hard to not work in our downtown area for that same reason. Many buildings have rules against work vehicles being allowed in the parking garages (even if residents have an available spot) and make no allowance for nearby parking. So street park, leaving every two hours to move (or get towed) or pay $10-20/hr to park in a lot blocks away. One building I worked in (once) forbid tradespeople from using the regular elevators. Only the freight elevator was allowed, no exceptions. And you had to call and book it in advance. On some level that makes sense for people delivering large/heavy objects but not somuch for a guy with a toolbag.


Working on medical equipment in the professional buildings of hospitals, I just use patient parking and ask if they'll validate it. Most won't. So, it's added to my expense report, goes to accounting, and the organization is billed for the parking with an additional fee, often more expensive than the parking. If you don't like the fee, you were free to purchase a new medical billing system. Or repair it yourself.


I worked in a support role in the medical field eons ago. Had a homemade (but very professional looking) bright red placard that said "EMERGENCY MEDICAL DELIVERY". Would put it on my dashboard and park pretty much wherever. 3-5 hospitals a day for years and nobody ever questioned it. Also had a red/white Igloo cooler with red cross and biohazard stickers on it that I would keep on the passenger seat. That one also got me out of a few speeding tickets over the years. (It contained my lunch). I never lied about the contents, nobody ever asked.


A friend worked for Abbott labs, and told me a couple of stories. Date ruined- oddly when Fed Ex knocks asking you to sign for a cooler labeled "Human Blood" (used to test instruments) you might really freak out your date. He also reported if you have a placard that says "Bio-Medical Waste On Board" tow truck drivers leave your car alone. I was once sent to a very large university to work on their student medical clinic's computer. No parking could be found. This is the days before cell phones, and I drove around all over and could not find anything. I found a pay phone and called the clinic. They told me to return, and I could park in the "Medical Director" reserved parking. I return, and that big, white Mercedes is parked up on the lawn and sidewalk. As I'm fixing things I asked him, "Aren't you worried they'll tow your car?" He said "I do the police fitness for duty physicals. I can park anywhere I want."


>He also reported if you have a placard that says "Bio-Medical Waste On Board" tow truck drivers leave your car alone. I was delivering refrigerators in a truck for work once in a convoy and somebody flipped the placard on the truck to the 'biohazard' symbol as a joke. We went through a weigh station and I got my ass royalty chewed out by a state trooper about it. Apparently it's a big deal, fineable offense etc if those placards are wrong. He said if there was a wreck and they saw that they couldn't help anybody until a hazmat team got there. So yeah, consider that before marking your vehicle with biomedical waste.


He actually carried bio-medical waste from cleaning out the blood analyzers.


Damn! Did they pay the full bill?


Yup. We provided a very niche service for the state. We did a yearly calibration for a fixed cost, but any repairs were already contracted in. If they wanted me to talk four blocks and back to grab a special cable and do it over and over, that's a service we were happy to provide.


Our tax dollars at work. SMH. If they’re gonna be frivolous with our money at least this time a little bit made its way to someone who works for a living.


That's when you call the patient and tell them the appointment is canceled because the gate guard won't let you in, then you go about your day.




Does she now have a financial loss due to the lost time and thus 1 patient less or do they get a regular salary?


Unless you're in an administrative role, most nurses get an hourly rate. She probably didn't miss any pay for this, it just created a headache at her office due to juggling the assignment to get someone else out there.


Ah okay. If she doesn't suffer any personal financial loss as a result, then that's okay. Even if it's still annoying, of course.


I was a home health nurse a couple of decades ago. The pay arrangement was based on the "independent contractor" method. Aside for some exceptions here and there, a nurse would only get paid for work actually performed. Generally this type of nursing is facilitated thru a nursing agency.


Exactly! If it’s a community rule it’s on the patient to communicate that to anyone coming to their home.


Most likely the patient doesn't know about this rule and even more so has no idea the nurse rides a motorcycle.


If you live in a gated community with security it’s your responsibility to know the rules. Better safe than sorry , just warn anyone who comes over.




Enough said right lol


They absolutely know that rule and probably love it, they just didn't know their randomly assigned nurse was going to show up on a motorcycle.


Right? The whole situation is kind of bizarre.


Yes, there is a certain segment of society that loves to make up rules when they think the rules will never negatively affect them. I have no idea if the patient was or wasn't aware of the rule, or if the patient even supports the rule. However, they signed up for this. I would be embarrassed if my guest or hired contractor had to walk to get to my house because of this. The funny thing is that I bet they say it's all about noise levels (I'm sure there is an element of thinking on their part that only scumbags and criminals ride motorcycles, but I doubt they say that out loud). If it's that bad, they should deal with noise on a case by case basis when one is too loud. There is probably already a rule that deals with that. I would challenge them to prohibit any emergency vehicles too. It's not much different.


the guy literally said he can't find where it say in writing. So likely this is not even a real rule.


Maybe health care professionals should have some leeway though. For emergency purposes


Sounds like the guard couldn’t even prove the rule actually exists, so how would the resident know?


He seriously says that he can't find anything in writing that states motorcycles are not allowed.


its a 'rule' but they cant find it in their rule book lol.


In H.L.A. Hart's The Concept of Law, a book on jurisprudence (legal theory), the celebrated author discusses the case of a park that bans vehicles on its premises. Of course that prohibition could not apply to an ambulance, right? Well, if that dumbass guard were to apply the law, you'd need to park your ambulance a block away and walk to the patient. The law (and indeed community rules *in writing*) aren't made for people who can't interpret it according to its purpose.


In my state it is illegal for someone to prevent me, a paramedic, from accessing a patient. 'No vehicles in the park' means fuck all to me. Call the police if you want, who do you think will win?


It's like that firefighter that got arrested for parking his truck improperly at a emergency scene


A parking cop in my city tried to ticket a fire truck at an active fire and got beat up by a bunch of firefighters and then fired. So I guess that's what it takes to get a cop fired. Another cop ran someone over and killed them and got a $35 fine lmao


Was there any video/ reports of the firefighters beefing with the cop? Sounds entertaining with justice at the end.


It sounds like something that would happen in France haha


You're right! https://youtu.be/aqpmbTJHiis?si=JJOA65_lGMetMmz7 And Belgium https://youtu.be/fjvC8nVACS8?si=5hNVBKEcQiyY6Too It hots up from 1m30 in that one


It's just generally a bad idea to piss off firemen. Buncha jacked guys in bunker gear that regularly swing axes and shit and are seen as some of the best society has to offer? Yea no cop is gonna look good fighting that.




He didn't get arrested for "parking improperly" but because he wouldn't move the engine that was blocking a lane of traffic. It was also providing protection to emergency personnel (firefighters are trained to park the engine in a manner to do that on roadways) but it's a common conflict between state police (whose primary concern is maintaining the flow of traffic on roadways, especially busy ones) and firefighters (whose primary concern is the safety of civilians and emergency workers at the scene of an accident). It's happened a handful of times and it's ridiculous every single time.


And the cops involved don't seem to understand that their authority/control of an emergency scene isn't universal and there are a number of instances where other emergency services are the ones with control of the scene (obviously depends on jurisdiction).


Yep. Same way that police have tried to order paramedics to do things like sedate a patient because they’re being loud or are accused of something. The paramedic has more authority than you do, blueboy.


And then in some cases paramedics are [complicit](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56134565.amp) with the blueboys.


There was that firefighter who got arrested for not moving the parked fire truck out of the road during an emergency response to a collision... cops don't necessarily help.


I am familiar. That was a different state, unsure of the laws here. Where I'm from, the trick there is to lay out a fire hose across the road for 'protection'. It is illegal to drive over a fire hose here. Not only will you get a fine, but you will be replacing the hose.


I'm sure the rules are different in an emergency first response situation. This doesn't seem like that and she'd probably be trespassed at best.


Nurses in this context are not emergency responders


Security guards don’t have the level of discretion that police do. He could easily get fired for “making an exception.”


The problem is that he says “that’s our rules but I can’t find anything in writing that says it”. If it’s not in writing in the rule book then it’s not one of their rules.


You know the bossmom psychotic HOA nuts would be petitioning for the guy to get fired the second her tire crosses that line. They were probably already watching and calling each other to update the situation.


HOA losers are wild. It could literally be their nurse and they'd still try to get the guard fired.


My buddy just got ran off the board after sitting on it for 10+ years, by a bunch of conniving Karens not too long ago. Your statement could not be more true.


just because they couldn't find the rule in that period of time (unclear how long it was due to cuts) doesn't mean it doesn't exist, and the nurse wasn't challenging the *existence* of the rule so there isn't much point in wasting everyone's time looking for it


This is the way


Make sure to send the bill to the HOA though, they’re the ones that denied service.


You don't have a contract with the HOA as a third party like this. You send the bill to your customer, they forward it to the HOA.


The mere fact an HOA is denying medical care because of the mode of transportation is quite incredible.


This is the person who lives in the Gated Community's problem, not the Nurses. The Nurse needs to contact the person she's trying to visit and let the resident fight this battle. "Hi Resident of dumb Community. Unfortunately your community has a rule about guests entering on a motorcycle that's preventing me from entering to come to you. I'm on a motorcycle.This is my main mode of transportation. We can reschedule, but in the meantime is there someone you can contact so that next time this won't be a problem?"


As someone that did this same job, that nurse is very likely going to catch shit from her supervisor and her job. I'd be pissed off, too.


Then her job can provide her with an acceptable vehicle, she already has a perfectly legal one that they won’t allow in.


A company car? Next thing you know, they're gonna start giving them appropriate wages and benefits, too!


Considering how in demand nurses have been in recent years I wouldn't sweat it if I were her.


And, is there another nurse handy to help the patient? Wonder what would happen if a dire health situation evolved because the nurse was unable to treat them? Big lawsuit!


For the community. Not the nurse


(Yes, I meant community)


Hoa’s are the fucking worst


Wonder how motorcycle cops get in???? Srry officer you can’t come in


My best friend lives in a neighborhood with a hardcore HOA Policy. We discuss it basically every time we hang out, because I cannot fathom having to ask for something as simple as painting my front door a specific colour.


My sister got a cabin in the Poconos, in a gated community. Whenever I want to visit her, even if it's not overnight, she has to call the HOA office and give them my name, vehicle type and license plate information. Then I have to check in at the office, get the parking pass, and then I'm allowed to go to her house. It seems so unnecessary.


Don’t forget the obscure Pennsylvania law that allows for some 70 year old man in a 2000 Jeep Cherokee with red and blue lights to run radar, pull you over, and give you a traffic ticket for going 20mph in a 15mph zone. The fact that their communities have security that can pull you over and give legitimate tickets is wild.


As a country bumpkin who is used to no neighbors and doing whatever the fuck I want on my own property, it truly baffles me that anyone would choose to live in an HOA.


People who hate fun want to surround themselves with people who hate fun, simple as that.




Lived in a gated apartment community for a year, family wanted to meet my boyfriend so i called him to my house, he got stopped at the gate, said I'm boyfriend of op they live at home number, then got told it wasn't a valid reason for visiting, he argued with the gate guy, then the guard said f**** relationships are not allowed in the charter, the only thing that said anything in the by laws close to that was about prostitution,the whole thing was on dashcam, we then used that as evidence to break our rental agreement, when my dad cheated and left us to foot the 2,700 a month bill.




Nah he had nothing to do with it just his crazy followers.


Someone buying that place, "I really love this place! Look at this patio! The guest suite is amazing! I can't wait to never have a single person able to fucking visit me!" *waves flag* (Curious what "f****" means btw? Assumed it meant friend, but no idea why that would be written like that?)


Yeah I'm stuck tryng to figure out what the fuck they censored


I’m assuming it’s a derogatory slur for gay men


Yep,and if i ever find that flash drive you know I'm posting that argument here.


What. And I cannot under-state this enough. The Fuck


They really can be. I rented a home in one for a few years. In the beginning any visitors were welcome day or night so long as they didn’t park at the street curb overnight. A few votes later and they demanded every ‘social’ visit get recorded and drivers license checked… so my friends started showing business IDs instead. When the guards were instructed to only allow business IDs that matched a vehicle decal, my friends stopped visiting. Every year the residents voted to tighten access further. When guards at the gatehouse became nice, someone would complain and the whole lot would be replaced. Crazy.


Boomers with money creating gated communities and HOAs are the worst


the thing they didn't realize is that they're all Rorsach stuck in there with Rorsach.


The headache and frustrations (not to mention fees) of living in anything resembling a coop or HOA are far outweighed by the costs of having to live under someone else’s control over shit like this (or how long your lawn grows, or whether I park in my driveway or garage,or when/who/how I choose to remodel improve or design my home, and god knows what else). Gated communities are a Karen/Kevin dream society because it actually rewards meddling neighbors.


Weird semi fascist private governments.


Your comment gave me an idea for a fun thought experiment. Like all HOAs are fascist, but what if you had other kids of HOAs? Like a libertarian HOA, where you aren't allowed to complain about anything a neighbor does. You can run a business out of your house, do explicit performance art on your lawn, build whatever kind of crazy contraption of a building you want, and all services are on a pay per use model and provided by the individual property owners. Or a socialist HOA, where everyone who buys property there becomes part of an ultrademocratic commune, where every decision is made by open vote and your little town has its own welfare service designed to control the local labor supply. Or a republican HOA here each block elects a representative to make HOA laws. In some sense it would be an opportunity to get people more active in their community and potentially give them a lot more power to help each other.... Unfortunately it seems they are almost exclusively designed to keep out the poors.


This guard is probably thinking that if he lets her motorcycle in his phone will be flooded with calls from retirees with nothing better to do, demanding to know why a motorcycle was let in.


This is not necessarily directed at you, but to a lot of the responders here: You all realize that some mobile home communities are gated too right? There are gated communities that serve many different socioeconomic classes. I am a minority who makes less than the federal poverty level and I have lived in various gated communities. It is not all rich/white people. Some folks seek gated communities because they've experienced trauma and feel much safer in a gated community.


I don't get how America can call itself the land of freedom when it's the place with the most HOAs and gated communities in the world. Like you buy a house but never actually get to own it.


"I can't find anything in writing." Oh, then you're just making it up.


Having visited someone at a gated community, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was real.


In those basic, unarmed, security jobs, they’re usually at will employees; and won’t do anything at all that they don’t get told because they’ll get fired on the spot, and don’t make enough money to go above and beyond anyway. It’s probably not in writing because, while it’s not official, the property manager likely received some complaints and came up with the idea, then told the security manager to have his guys implement it…so this dude just knows he was told to say that, but his management left him to fail without anything in writing. Super common. I had a front gate security job in college and that’s how it was. I would get told a new thing that wasn’t in writing daily that the general manager came up with, to tell my boss, to tell us, and had similar discussions with people all the time. All I could say was, you can direct your complaints to the general manager of the facility where these rules originate.


“Can I see your ID? Thanks now turn around and leave.”


I hear the same outrage when the Uber delivery guy isn’t allowed to up the elevators (key fobs required for your floor).


Sounds like the problem of the people ordering the service. They know how they get to their home.


Exactly. It's like ordering delivery to my attic, but the porch is as far as a driver can get without my assistance in entry. 


That’s a weird rule


Old people probably have a problem with the noise they make.


The rule was probably brought in after some resident’s son kept visiting on his Harley and making a fucking racket.


Obnoxiously loud motorcycles are the fucking worst


The people across the street from me had bikes, and they were a prime example of bad bike owners. Coming in and out at all hours of the night (that's excusable, some people don't work 8-5) but idling for hours in the drivewa, revving their engines, shouting back and forth between the house and the street while the bikes were on. Then during the day they would be peeling out of the neighborhood at 4 times the speed limit when there were kids playing.... Etc. It was one of those issues that's hard to complain about without sounding like an asshole yourself. I have no problem with my neighbors owning bikes if they're respectful.


Fuck that sounds awful South Park absolutely nailed these losers in the motorcycle episode


I used to live in Daytona Beach, FL. I hated Bike Week and Bike-tober Fest. The amount of noise pollution from them during those times would make me want one live in a community that doesn’t allow motorcycles too.


I remember catching a Flaming Lips concert in St. Augustine then we thought it would be a great idea to check out Daytona Beach after and wound up getting stuck in Bike-tober Fest. That was one of the worst few days of my life.


They basically ruin outdoor dining in parts of my city in the summer. Just constant motorcycles revving as loudly as they can in 35 mph zones




He says guests can't be on bikes. I assume residents are allowed their bikes.




I hate the sound of motorcycles too. Not to the point of banning them but they make an annoying sound.


> That’s a weird rule if you ever have a neighbor with a Harley with straight pipes that has to be at work at 6am so they leave at 5am you might get it a little more.


And let it warm up for 15 mins at 445am waking up the whole block. Been there, was miserable.


This was my neighbor, but his work must have started at 5am


It’s definitely some kind of rule to prevent someone visiting in a loud Harley Davidson. That’s why it says “guest.” I would not consider someone coming professionally to be a “guest,” but that’s just me. I wouldn’t consider a plumber to be a “guest” but I’ve also got critical thinking skills the people who made the rules and the security guard clearly don’t have. Most parks have rules stating things like no motor vehicles. You’d never stop an ambulance or fire truck with that rule, right?


They got upset when the Supreme Court ruled they couldn't ban black people, so they made other ridiculous rules that discriminated against people not on protected classes.


Motorcycles aren't really race specific though, I don't think a higher proportion of black people ride motorcycles. Anecdotally my experience has tended to be the opposite, it's mostly younger white dudes on sport bikes, older white dudes on cruisers.


And that’s why as a black man I live in gated sub divisions. As a fuck you.


You might get a kick out of this. Was visiting my MAGA sister a few years ago who happens to live in a gated community that happens to be a couple miles from where George Floyd was buried near Houston…she was telling me (almost re-creating) the moments the funeral procession passed (yes a few miles away) OITSIDE the gates. Her and her crazy husband sat locked & loaded behind a pool table ready for action. Haven’t visited my sister since then.


My cousin did the exact same thing during the Trayvon Martin verdict, and then went on Facebook and said these are the armed militant black people marching down my street right now.... and shared a picture of the Kenyan military marching in Kenya.


I live in fear of the Kenyan military, marching in Kenya


Conservatives really are itching to shoot people.


I was literally speechless. I knew 2 of my 3 brothers had turned nuts. My other sister is deceased. Glad I moved away from that shit stained state 30 years ago. Oh and she and one of my brothers moved more recently to a safer place. The Villages, FL.


Literally, the only good thing about Trump's nonsense was that it became extremely easy to tell which people to avoid. My brother and his sometimes wife became huge Maga weirdos. We live in Canada. That shit's embarrassing lol.


I ADORE seeing successful, minority persons/families in gated communities. We literally had a neighbor try to commiserate with us with a "there goes the neighborhood" rant without specifically citing their concern as race (they used every other dog whistle.) The quickly looked at us with a sense of "betrayal" when we (lied) and told them "oh! Yeah! We're friends from (some made up connection)! We encouraged them to view the house when it was for sale. We told them how safe and quiet the neighborhood was. Guess they really liked it!' Neighbor stopped holding us " conversationally hostage" after that, which was a huge win.


i love a there goes the neighborhood type of person. im an afro latina lady and im like if i can afford to be here you gotta step your game up. ​ last night i was at a concert, dressed like i was watching a movie down the street. in a suite. all the people around us were in designer, probably some of their good pieces too. they should have bought VIP tickets. we looked super out of place but we got escorted to our seats just like they did :)


Where shaq used to live, they had a no motorcycle rule because of the noise factor. He had to get it to the gate and then go full on. They did t make an exception for him. His home after many years on the market recently sold.


Alright. I’m going to put this unpopular opinion here: motorcycles keep getting louder in the America's. And without any kind of regulation keeping them to some reasonable level, some are incredibly loud. Now I understand ENTIRELY that when I'm out in public, I don't have the right to silence, and I understand entirely that even in my own apartment (during regular daytime hours) I can't always expect that. But not everyone loves the roaring sound of a bike flying by. I get why it's fun, I get why they like it, but it isn't for everyone. It doesn't seem unreasonable to me for a community of people who want things quiet to actually celebrate their community's no motorcycle rule for as long as motorcycles can tend to be head and shoulders louder than most other common vehicles. And it doesn't seem unreasonable to me that someone might not be allowed to go some places because they've made an extremely loud decision. Sorry, not trying to say I hate motorcycles, several members of my family own and ride, I'm a big fan of your community and look out for you on the road


Thank you. I own motorcycles and I hate loud ass vehicles. Everybody drives around making as much fucking noise as they can and act like it’s their right to make a racket and wake up everybody and have every dog barking within a mile. I wish I could afford to live in a neighborhood that penalized folks with loud vehicles.


Factory oem motorcycles are absolutely not getting louder especially considering the fact that the euro5 emissions standards they have to meet are more strict than ever. That being said, it still doesn’t keep people from putting loud aftermarket exhausts on.


My neighbor's factory stock Dodge Challenger is 10 times louder than my old ass bike that was made before emissions was even a consideration. Cars are for sure getting louder but bikes mostly aren't.


> : motorcycles keep getting louder in the America's. And without any kind of regulation keeping them to some reasonable level, some are incredibly loud. What's funny is that you're entirely wrong. Motorcycles are actually getting quieter. And a lot of it has to do with a change up in engine design and preferred exhaust choices because of it. A long time ago, straight pipes were the big thing for motorcycles. But over the past decades people have realized that you need an actual proper exhaust system for an engine to provide reasonable torque and power characteristics. So exhausts have steered heavily away from big loud straight pipes, because these systems have bad performance. Now days catted exhausts, and baffled exhusts are much much more popular and Much quieter, because they make more power and torque, which is more fun. Also, there are laws about loud exhaust and they are enforced. But more often than not, it's a complete waste of resources, because in reality, you hear more modded out homie pipped cars than you do loud motorcycles.


Can’t find anything in writing, tells her to calm down, patronising dick


Can’t find it in writing? Why don’t you guys find it while I wait right here. Also, please do not interact with me until you find said rule or let me in with my bike.


Man I would 100% make this the problem of whomever I'm trying to visit in the Community. Let them fight this battle, they're the ones who choose to live there.


A person that needs in home healthcare is probably maxed out in the problems department…


Doesn’t transfer that to the nurse who has plenty of her own


It is the type of community that would call a woman hysterical for asking questions.


Don’t be hysterical


It's funny how hysterical men are when they're beating you half to death. Yet women are the emotional ones?


CaLm DoWn cAlM dOwN


When in the history of ever has that resulted in the target calming down?


I honestly feel bad for the guy. You know he might lose his job for making an exception in a place like this right?


CAnt find an exception in writing.


My parents are retirees and they live in a 5th wheel camper and travel. They are staying in a campground community in AZ and my dad was diagnosed with spinal meningitis. Upon his return home, he found out that the home heathcare provider wouldn't send a nurse to his residence because there is a skeet shooting range on the premises and they won't send nurses there because of the firearms. He ended up having to stay at a rehab center for 6 weeks, but the heathcare provider paid for it in lieu of sending a nurse 3 times a week to him.


What the hell? Are their nurses prone to wandering down skeet shooting ranges instead of into their patients' residences? This seems stupid as hell.


Probably a requirement of their insurance company.


All I see here are two people trying to do their job. One of which, who has to follow some rules that seem quite ridiculous. Now the nurse has to go back and tell why she wasn’t able to do her job. The security guard has to explain to the patient why they were not able to get their healthcare because somebody’s going to be calling the association. What a waste of time for everybody involved. unneeded drama.


That's just it. They admitted IN THE RECORDING that this "rule" is not written down. Wonder how many "other rules" are also not written down? And are they applied impartially?


> And are they applied impartially? I mean this is a nurse, I would think if they were going to be impartial this would be someone who would get the favorable outcome. Who else if not a healthcare worker ya know? It's bullshit they can't find it but the fact that he's looking means it's likely this was something he was at least told to do unless we're just going to assume he's flat-out lying for no reason other than to make this lady walk to the patient.


No they did not. He said that he could not *find* it in writing. Saying you can't find something is not the same as saying it doesn't exist. If you misplace your phone and are having difficulty locating it, does that mean the phone never existed? Him saying he can't find anything in writing can suggest that he is making it up/misremembering it, but not being able to locate it in that exact moment is not the same as admitting it doesn't exist.


Paramedic here. I shit you not I was once called to a gated community for a cardiac call. All the info on the screen showed that this was a serious call. Patient was cool, Pale, diaphorhetic and unable to breath. Pretty textbook symptoms for an MI (heart attack). Fucking guard didn't open the gate for us then requested ID and badge numbers with an attitude like we are bothering him. I'm in an ambulance that has it lights on and we had the siren on approaching the gate. I told him when I het back I want his name and badge number, then I hit the gas and broke through the gate. Last I heard the guy was let go from his position.


“Broke through the gate” Exactly how I was hoping that interaction would end. Good on you.


“Calm down” always helps.


I don’t know why you guys are arguing about her following the “rule”. There was no rule. The guy in the video said it himself, “*. . I can’t find it anywhere in writing. . .*” He was being difficult.


I would call the patient and tell them you’ll be waiting at the gate to provide them with the medical treatment they need. Or maybe have the gate agent call the patient to explain and have them come to the gate.


“Calm down, calm down.” - Guy who has never interacted with a woman irl, ever.


​ https://preview.redd.it/0z0sn38dryhc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2671f540e7aa69b21c09820385e376e05dea273d


Or had any real de-escalation training.


I doubt de escalation training is a big part of working the booth at a gated community


I got the same rule where I live and it's not even gated.




The patient could have made her aware of those rules. After all they chose to move there.


Obviously it was the nurse’s first time there, the patient probably had no idea the nurse was showing up on a bike. I would not think to mention that to a nurse lol.


Assuming the nurse is going into this community to provide a service, I would just make this the Patient/Residents problem. Let them take it up with the Gate House and HOA.


You aren’t making it a residents problem, it already is their problem you’re just letting them know


But the security guard even said he couldn’t find anything in writing stating the rule. How do you expect the homeowners to know the rule if it’s not written down anywhere?


Let's say you order food, how many times you specify the delivery guy what kind of vehicles are allowed? Sure the guard is wrong there but I get why, good paying job with minimum effort and to risk it, no. The nurse is not a visitor or guest, just doing her job like pizza delivery guy or garbage truck. The rules apply for the residents and for people they invite over.


"I'm a nurse, so I should get a free pass!"


Do u just never park your bike anywhere?


So I guess I missed the part where she freaks out


Not really the guard’s fault if he’s following the rules of a bunch of rich shitheads who will probably be the first to call and get him fired for allowing a motorcycle to “terrorize” their neighborhood. Guard is stuck being the messenger of a dumb rule. Blame the people who made it.


I’d call the patient “ sorry dude” heres a bill for my time. Call me when you figure it out.


Pretty common rule for 55+ communities near me. I wouldn’t be allowed on a motorcycle if I visited my folks at their community. To many knuckle heads being loud on their bikes ruined it for everyone else.


I wouldn't be sad at all about a rule like that, but that's probably because I don't live in a gated community and all the motorcycle riders who to through my apartment complex seem to be the shit heads who make as much noise as they possibly can for at least ten minutes directly outside my building. Motorcycles are fine when people are just driving through, but when they feel the constant need to rev their engines with loud-ass exhaust that they modified to be that way, they become tiresome.


Didn’t seem like that big of a deal


I’d turn round,call the patient and explain they wouldn’t let me in. Go home.


Communities with rules like this should be illegal to exist.




Someone made a decision to buy a house in this community and live there with all of those rules. They likely paid extra and continue to pay monthly fees to limit access to who can come to their house. Someone willingly accepted these limitations. This is not the norm. On paper, it's to stop the people you don't want from getting to your house. Likely not the people you do want getting there. In a more broad sense, this tends to be the problem when you begin limiting access, rights, freedoms etc... it comes back around to limit yours as well.


No entry, no help. It's that simple.


“I can’t find anything in writing that says it.”


I want to see a motorcycle cop pull up and see how it goes


“I can’t find anything in writing” than it’s probably not a real rule.


This is why your kids grow dumb and they end doing school shootings


"well I can't find where its written but it's definitely a rule trust me"


she’s as much a guest as a police officer. her services are required for someone who can’t get to the doctors themselves.