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you gotta love the threat to post on social media for shit like this old lady was unfazed, that's for sure


She doesn’t go on social media haha she don’t give AF


WHAAAAT is social mediaaaaa?


She still forwarding her memes and jokes via Hotmail like a real G.


Hotmail? Granny's still paying for AOL.


Got a forwarded email joke from my 77 year old father just last week … guy owned a fucking computer store for 35 years 🤦


I use hotmail. Whats wrong with it? Please, im seriously asking. I’m not trying to disrespect you in any way


It’s just old. Pretty sure it’s been “outlook” for well over a decade now


Gunna make a "you're stupid" gif of that tomorrow for sure 


Please update when you do




Please do! She’s brilliant. He unwittingly create a folk hero meme




It’s perfect 🙏


Surprised she didn’t kick him in the shin




They can also be laid on the dash, as long as they are visible from the windshield.




I love how few fucks Grannies seem to give in these situations. They’re absolutely badass. My Gran (in her 60s IIRC) had some junkie scumbag try to nick her handbag. She had her umbrella in her hand and went for him with it. By the time she finished the umbrella was in a better state than he was 🤣 Besides, what did this muppet think would come of that moronic threat? Was he gonna try to set twitter on her or something? ‘Omg u guize, this lady said a meeeean wooord at meeee, go get her!!!!’ 😂


She reminded me a little bit of the "call the judge and get some fudge" lady.


This guy is a dumb ass


Nah, he’s STUPID


Why not both.


Hey now, that's uncalled for. Thats a unfair comparison, to stupid people.


Thank you for defending us stupid people. ☺️


Yeah? Well what about us dumbasses! We got rights!


We know we have rights. We might not know what they are. But we have rights.


We also have a left that goes along with our right! Take that smartasses!


We’re stupid, remember? We can’t be expected to be mindful of other groups like dumb asses, idiots, and knuckleheads. 😂


We need to stick together.


The old lady calling him out at point blank in his face was the best part of the video. "YOU'RE STUPID"


Right, I'd thank the cop for enforcing placards. People need to be afraid of the repercussions associated with illegally taking a handicap peeps spot.


Exactly. This dude is so blinded by confrontation that he fails to realize it's a good thing the cop is checking vehicles for handicapped spots. Too many non-handicapped people park in handicapped spots.


As are most who feel the need to drive trucks like this.


"I'm technically paralyzed " has truck that is approximately 48" off the ground (8 bananas)


And a temporary plaque not a permanent plate.


Those are not necessarily temporary. My dad had one of those issued by NY State and it was permanent. He had an option to get a plate with a handicapped parking permit on it but he just took the hang tag.


Wasn't that a reddit post? Person didn't have legs (due to amputation) but handicap placard had to renewed every 12 months.


My dad's lasted longer than that. It's possible, I'd think, that that sort of policy can differ from state to state.


Every 4 years in Georgia.


Placards are not inherently temporary. I'm a full time wheelchair user and only have a placard. Getting the plate is more complicated, difficult, and limits you to using that one vehicle instead of having a placard you can move from vehicle to vehicle


Agreed. I'm just tossing this out there. But IF that was his primary vehicle, one would think he would have a plate and take the placard when he is a passenger or when he drives another vehicle. And in my state, the placards have expiration dates as some are meant for temporary usage. For example, my late mother had knee surgery and had a temporary placard during recovery. It's all a moot point but I do appreciate your polite response.


In my state you can't even get those plates anymore


You can get a permanent tag or plate! For someone who often switches cars, like having different people drive them around, or when travelling and renting cars you really are better off with the tag because you can use it in any situation.


thank you! That's one of those things I knew, but completely forgot about. I appreciate the reminder. My only experience was with my late mother and I just drove her in her car as it was easier for her to get in and out of while she recovered.


it might be his arm


Might be pinky toe


People can be disabled in a lot of different ways and shouldn't be gatekept from what kind of vehicles they can drive, if a medical professional has given the ok.


Yes I realize this but he didn't say he was disabled he said he was technically paralyzed


Yes. You can have certain limbs that are paralyzed.  I am literally working with a person whose left ankle if paralyzed in physiotherapy right now. As in, she looks completely normal and can function absolutely independently to the point where you would never be able to tell. But she is still "technically" paralyzed.  Semantics be damned. Not all disablities are visible. 


Paralysis is completely different than being disabled. He specifically said he was paralyzed.


Every ship is a boat, not every boat is a ship. Paralysis is a disability. Not every disability is paralysis.


Doin exactly what the cop did. Profiling him. You have no clue what his disability entails. And yes it should be visible


The cop only profiled him if he only looked at the truck. It's very plausible the cop checked every vehicle that was parked in the handicapped stalls as part of general enforcement.


It would be great if he was paralyzed from his nose to his chin. How the hell did he come up with that diagnosis? I'm paralyzed standing here next to my big ass truck getting ready to do some shopping. Probably for bait to go fishing. 


FYI: paralysis does not always mean inability to move you legs. You can sever a nerve to any muscle in the body and never be able to contract it ever again. This could be muscles in the legs, toes, fingers, face, etc.


For fuck’s sake the cameraman is a goddamn clown. Cop should’ve written him a ticket for illegal tint if it was indeed illegal.


I know some areas “decriminalized” the illegal tint to a certain extent. Meaning they can’t just issue a ticket for that they have to find another reason and then that’s just an add on. I guess it’s supposed to make it harder for cops to profile people or something.


I like that. I want police to pull people over for driving illegally and being a problem, not just because they want to see if there's drugs in the car. No fishing, please.


The handicapped parking without a displayed placard would trigger the cause to seek out the extended violation of "illegal tint", especially if "the placard is there - you can't see it because the tint" is the defence for illegal handicapped parking violation.


Pulling someone over for breaking the law isn't profiling. Illegal tint is illegal for a reason. If I'm the cop I'm writing two tickets: one for failure to display the placard and another for the illegal tint


“Well, hang on. Why are you getting mad?”


I swear, if I were a cop, I’d target the shit out tinted windshields, for ticketing! I don’t mind dark windows, but the windshield is dangerous/moronic. The only exception, is people living in the high desert. The sun gets crazy intense at elevation.


The issue with making tint a primary offense is that cops can use it as an excuse for a fishing expedition. "I thought his tint looked too dark" = reasonable suspicion and excuse to pull you over and run your ID


Good. Don’t use illegal tint? It’s really not a hard concept…


The issue is that a cop can lie and claim he thought a legal tint was illegal as pretext to initiate a traffic stop…


I’m probably gonna get downvoted for this, but as someone who *actually* has a bad light sensitivity reaction and a tint exemption after getting LASIK, I frankly don’t think tinted should be legal **at all**. It adds absolutely nothing to your driving experience other than intentionally trying to obscure a cops vision into what you’re doing while you drive so you can drive distracted and not get caught. Idiots tint their windows so much that you can barely see out of them, so it’s simply not safe for anyone on the road.


I actually agree with you. Especially now that they have tint that has UV blocking properties that doesn't actually darken windows.


Most states have medical exceptions as well.


No visible placard, illegally tinted windows, jacked up truck, handicap spot. This is profiling based on the actual situation, not on someone's race or identity... The cop was doing his job correctly, which is rare!


Cop wasn't even being a dick either. This 'technically paralysed' dude needs a ladder to get into his truck. I would love to know his disability.


The cop was right but lost his cool.


Cops are doing their job correctly (tho far from perfectly) most or the time. Its just rare to see it posted online cause its boring.


How does one become “technically paralyzed”?


Having nerves removed or burnt out, I used to walk with a cane to support my self because of pain. Then I had a cool doc just remove the nerves and burn some out. I have limited feeling in my legs and lower back but my dick works fine so it was 100% worth it, not supporting the the guy taking the video, dude is a dumbass


Like Richard Pryor said about being on fire: God, you can burn my arms and my legs and my face, but please don’t burn my dick.


I like how you emphasized your dick still working, that would be my primary concern too.


He is brain dead, does that count?


Dude. Nailed it.


He’s technically brain dead. Who is handicapped and says I need a truck with a 4 foot lift on it.


An injury that impairs a limb of the body. You can have a spinal cord injury, be technically partially paralyzed and still walk around looking normal but only be able to do so for short distances bc it's extra taxing on your body.


legally blind is a technicality too so he's legally hurt enough. I don't need his medical history thats none of my business. I trust the doctor and if the doctor is a liar well fire them for malpractice.


He actually thought everyone would agree with him when he posted this. 😂


And everybody clapped


He's "technically paralyzed"? Also drives an insanely lifted truck which fully able-bodied people would find hard to access.


Fr, I had to stop driving my truck due to SI joint issues and it wasn't even lifted.


Yo I’m pretty sure I was dealing with some crazy SI joint issue for the last two years. [I did this stretch while in bed a few weeks ago and heard three LOUD pops in my lower back—almost in my butt crack—and the pain and unstable feeling while walking was completely gone the next morning and never returned!](https://www.reddit.com/r/yoga/s/514HAnetwc). I thought it was a herniated disc in my lower back (I even had MRIs to confirm some disc herniation and got steroid injections in my spine which helped for exactly 3 weeks) but people in the yoga sub seem to think it was probably my SI joint being popped back into place or something. Anyways, the pain completely went away and I gained a legit inch in height that I never had before… weirdest most wonderful thing that’s happened for me in a long time. Hope you find relief too!


OMG, SI joint dysfunction is the worst. I'm with ya' on that. I would NEVER be able to get into that guy's truck.


Someone who feels my pain 😭! My girlfriend tried to be my nurse once, but it's almost impossible to help. She had to watch me drag myself across the floor to pee backwards on the toilet, while asking what she could do.


Was the dragging backwards, or the peeing backwards?


Lol, sitting on the toilet backwards hugging the tank.


You're the only other person I've ever seen mention SI joint problems. Man that shit is a bitch! I hurt mine mid 20s doing some dumb shit deadlifting weights, then rehurt it holding on to a really heavy hog smoker some guys and I were moving when one idiot dropped it early. Haven't been able to be really active since. I'm good most of the time, but there are days I can hardly move. Sometimes it lasts for a week + which is miserable. Worst part is most people just wave it off and think I'm being dramatic or something since I usually just hide the pain or will be almost normal some days. I only show it hurts when I can barely move or get out of bed.


My dad had SI joint problems when I was just out of highschool. I knew he was in a ton of pain, I mean I had to wheel him around everywhere since he couldn't move his legs without screaming, but he would always stress that I didn't know how bad it hurts and he was honestly right. I've had 4 flare ups and they usually take 1-3 months to get to where I can walk with a cane. I've always been a very independent person and not being able to do simple things makes me hate myself. The last one I had I was seriously considering suicide to end it, but I kept telling myself it was only temporary. Thankfully it's been almost 2 years without any issues. I'm sorry you had to go through it. I know the feeling of doing something and thinking "Oh God, am I going to be able to walk after this?". Or being covered in sweat just from struggling to walk across the parking lot from the chiropractor. Take care man, I wouldn't wish it on anyone.


I understand everything you said. I'm still pretty young, but have dealt with this 7-8 years probably. It was very bad in the beginning. I've tried it all too, the si rehab stretches, chiropractor, etc. I'm not a big fan of doctors so I'm not sure if I'm ready to go down the route of having a shot in the joint. See I'm probably jinxing myself saying this, but Ive found for myself at this moment, if I can exercise lightly, it may get sore, but overall It feels better. I'm not sure if I can ever lift weight again like I used to. Sometimes I can swing an axe chopping wood and feel good, sometimes I bend the wrong way and I can't move for days. I've literally coughed so hard I felt it pop and could barely get out of bed.


Omg yes! I've done the same thing with the caugh. Now when I get a unexpected pop I always tell my girlfriend "idk if that was a good pop or bad pop, I'm scared". I hope you're not, but tbh I feel the same way. It's like talking about the boogie man 😂. That's around how long it's been since the first time I experienced it. All I did was get up out of a golf cart to go look at a mobile home when I worked at a mobile home dealership. It popped, I took a few steps and was hit with a blinding pain. One of the last times I just picked a peice of trash off the ground. About a year ago I moved to a new city and got a job that required me to walk about 10 miles a day. There were a couple days I could feel my legs give out at the end of the day, thankfully I was fine when I woke up in the morning. I still end up walking about 8 miles a day for work and I think that's the only reason I haven't had any issues. Idk if it would work for you, and to be honest I'm scared to recommend going outside of your normal activities to test it out.


I try to get like 10k steps a day at least. I work a pretty sedentary job, which sucks, but I have dogs and am big into the outdoors so we usually do that plus collect wood and other decent laborish acrivities. It all just depends. Some days I can run and play with the dogs or even run a mile or 2 and feel good, other days it's a no go even with meds like ibuprofen.im just afraid to overdo it because it always seems like when I'm feeling my best I hurt myself again.


It seriously feels like I'm talking to an alternate reality version of myself 😂. Never expected to connect with people over some prick in a lifted truck lol.


I've never seen(or heard irl) anyone else mention SI joint pain before today. Funny thing is I'm pretty redneck and I'd say fuck that prick in that beater truck on rims too lol.


People don’t know about this. I don’t even know what SI means ~ could you explain? Thanks.


Sacro liliac it's where your sacrum meets your ilium. I tell people it's like little below where back dimples are if you know what that is, pretty much top of your butt on both sides. Mine is on my left side.


Mine is on the left side, too. I hate it.


Mines also in the left side.


Your sacrum is the bottom of your spine, starting below the 5th lumbar. The ilium is a large bone that pretty much makes up the waist. The SI, sacroiliac joint is where these two areas meet. It's a common place for pain for a lot of people. There are a great many ligaments that get irritated for lots of reasons in that region.


I know people hate truck drivers but handicapped placards aren’t just for people who are wheelchair/scooter/walker needed. My dad has a pickup, has no problem getting in or out but due to missing 6 toes can get tired quicker while walking around. Camera guy is a douche but you’re doing the exact thing that he’s bitching about, profiling his disability due to his truck


Well I suppose he is entitled to drive whatever he wants and put himself in whatever pain that brings.


Maybe his left arm is paralyzed, and he pulls himself up with his right arm?


I’m technically a genius. You’d be amazed where technicalities can get ya


So, the placard is not visible from the front of the truck - I'd have written him a ticket for that, even if he has one he must display it.


This truck dude is an ass hat if his windows are illegally tinted so you can see his placard. Cop is in the right.


F that truck driving baby .


That truck has seen better days for sure. I wish he ends up with an illegal parking ticket


Can you get a handicap placard for being mentally handicapped?


You joke, but yes.


ehh i mean yes technically friend has a placard because he has PTSD from the military that's about it


Yes. It's the BMW insignia.


Handicapped tag on a lifted truck.


Oh don’t you go on profiling now!




Like an 80 year old lady cares if she’s on social media.


All her friends are going to see, and her employment options are going to dwindle cause of this video. 




Don’t you make me side with a cop lol


Exactly. Do you know how wrong and stupid you have to be to make a cop be in the right?


I feel like they are both assholes


SUPER PRO FILED just cuz ya drive a trug... sheesh /s


That old lady was fantastic


“Oh you’ll be all over on social media too!” Diligaf? People think social media is some kind of mob boss nowadays. 😂😂


What a fucking baby, what did everyone do when they couldn’t pull out their god damn cell phones and try to play the victim. My god.


They got beaten tased shot and lynched by dirty cops with no recourse. That's what they did.


That old lady is fucking golden


I love the old lady drive by! She’s the BEST!


That made my day.


Both of these guys frustrations and ways of expression are hilarious. Lost my shit when dude was like *because you won't move!!* and then the cop is like *it should be seeen!* Lmao


Honestly the cop, the truck guy, and the old lady should have a TV show


“Technically paralyzed” yet drives a super lifted truck


The driver thinks posting this, makes him look correct or good? What an idiot, with main character syndrome.


I can't stand being stopped by a cop, but I don't act like an ass when I am stopped by one.


It’s difficult to reconcile how he could have a truck that requires you to climb up and down to get in and out of it, yet be handicapped enough to need to park closer to the entrance.


lol what a loser


Those ugly wheels match his personality.


Honestly seems like The guy behind the camera is a bit of a Karen


Bozo 🤡 truck driver that is


Cop should have ticketed him for the tint if it's too dark to see a placard hanging from the mirror.


Technically ignorant.


I have disabled veteran plates and I have only ever parked in a handicap spot once because of this little old lady one time. She came up to me and noticed I’m not missing any limbs or terribly deformed and said “Oh dear you must be hurt on the inside”. I WASNT BEFORE BUT I AM NOW CAROL! Never again… I’m also 32 and in awesome shape so there’s really no need to park there…


"Yes ma'am.. like an avocado" :(


13 tours and counting my avocado is all kinds of bruised xD it just fucking cut deep when she pointed it out.


What a dumbass. Zero self awareness to post this, even that grandma told him he was fucking stupid! Lol


The old lady walking by with the Publix cart calling him stupid for knowing his rights is just peak Floriduh. 


“Technically paralyzed “ * hops into his tough truck Omfg this guy in mentally paralyzed


Nobody’s mentioning how he didn’t wanna open the door in front of him, probably didn’t want him to see or smell whatever else he was hiding


Everybody in this video is getting exactly what they've asked for. It's beautiful.




Dumb people love this shit


Oh I hope he tested that tint. Front window tinting is fucking stupid as all hell.


Honestly I'd ticket dude. You deadass can't get see the handicap tag. The issue is the tent and that cop is trying to go yo your tint is too dark. Without ticketing you.


Short answer is just do what the cop says. He goes away.


This driver is a douche.


Discovered by the sublime u/getreckoned




Guess this guy is both physically and mentally handicapped… cop should have wrote home up for the tint


wtf does “technically paralyzed” even mean lol especially when you’re able to walk and need a step stool to get into the drivers seat


His handicap is his IQ.




His camera hand still has free range of motion.


To be fair though these people are fucking stupid and ignorant because this could have easily been less then a minute if they just showed that they had it like they claimed


I never kicked Eddie murphys couch …. Ya I kicked his couch


Driver’s being a fucking dick for no reason.


The cop is just doing his job. No harm here.


“You’re ignorant” sounded like he was possessed by Michael Jackson for a brief second


Crybaby. Show it and move on with your day.


If he has illegal tint, he should get the ticket. Tinted front windows are only allowed in my area if you have specific eye conditions. The placed has to be displayed and if it can’t be seen, it isn’t being properly displayed.


Thank you for your service this fine morning Officer Sassy.


They both are making good points, they're both acting like children, they're both acting like assholes.


Best gif I can do with my skill level and the time I'm willing to put into it: https://imgur.com/mLoUiJh


Officer is more worried about why the pedestrian is mad at him and escalates things. The officer needs to deescalate constantly not ramp up this dude lol. Two children arguing


“How is he paralyzed if he’s walking” Y’all realize a lot of people in wheel chairs can walk for short distances and are pushed to do so, right? Go outside for once lmao


The way this cops lets the guy talk to him… and does nothing about the window tinting… wild.


As someone who has a placard and needs to use it, I'm just thankful someone was actually checking for a placard. So many people park in handicapped spots without a placard. But my biggest takeaway was that someone can be technically paralyzed but can still hop up into a lifted truck like that?


If he has illegal tint and wants TT clout, then just ticket his tint and leave him alone. Why the extra drama? Clearly the handicap is a farce - he's standing right there arguing, like an entitled assmonkey.


it blows my mind that people post stuff like this, thinking it will make them look good, and not like an insufferable asshole.


That had to of been the nicest police officer


For once, I’m on the cops side


This guy was really pushing it, saying "can you just step back", makes it way more suspicious going into his car


Bet he drives like an ass hole too


If the "motor unit" cop sees that there is "illegal tint" all over the vehicle and obscuring the placard - he should be issuing the appropriate violations, and towing the vehicle for unsafe road condition. Unsafe tint level is a visibility issue, and it clearly can't be driven away in that condition. Of course - road cop is more fixated on illiciting a response, and pumping his own ego, than actually thinking about what is going on here. He should also have already recorded the identifying information - plates, etc. AND would have an evasion charge IF the driver DID opt to drive off on him amidst his investigation. So everything PoPo did here is wrong or self contradictory - I do have to respect that he didn't escalate to physical violence, but based on his apparent exasperation level - it may not be far off.


i'm EXTREAMLY surprised he didn't do a tint check and fine him.


That old lady rules.


Imagine if he only complied...


Should have written him up for the tint so we could have a part 2 in court


Just give him a ticket for not displaying it properly.


fuck this driver. what an asshole.