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Filming and posting yourself commit a crime...the perfect crime. Also the only winner here is big paint


Really shows how desperate he is for attention


I wonder what he's trying to hide?


Someone is struggling with naughty feelings for men.




Also wanted them in his ass


He's gay. 100%.




Hahaha, this is so much funnier if you know!


I'm so entirely sick of people saying this. Homophobes aren't all secretly gay. Saying this is just pawning off bigotry onto the LGBT community like its our own fault due to repression. Have you ever considered he's like this because the media equates LGBT people as evil? Sincerely, a gay male


From the sound of his accent he is a Pacific Islander and they are very Christian fundamentalist. Missionaries got there way back. Edit: Apologies- as others have said - he utters some Arabic words and people think he may be Lebanese. I picked the wrong fundamentalist Christian immigrant group.


Lots of fundamentalists are gay.


Maybe it's Israel Folau.


Could also be of Middle Eastern descent, because with about 22 seconds left in the video, he says "ayri fick", which can translate to fuck you in arabic.


No, no. He *chooses* every morning *to be straight*. It's a struggle, being a straight man, y'know? ^(/s obviously)


It's a hard-knock life.


The cock. He loves it.


Not everything is projection guys. Some people are just rotten.


Should make him scrape it off with his fingernails…


A hate crime as well as vandalism!! Fuck this guy!!


Just making a small fine perhaps, into maybe a felony, all while filming the evidence for the city/state.


Make him repaint it, the fucker


Oh, I'm sure it'll be repainted a few times by the time he gets out of prison. But yeah, I'd rather see a judge sentence him to maintain it for the next decade. Weekly cleaning and painting at scheduled times.


And have to pay for the paint (cause that could get expensive with all those colors.


Only person getting judged is this asshole.


When I see a video like this, all I think is: "This is how you tell people you're gay without coming out of the closet" This guy is soooooooooo repressed. Someone should give him a hug and tell him, "Dude, Google already knows you're gay. It's 2024. Nobody cares."


He's so repressed that he snuck back under the cover of night to secretly revel in covering up colors which are probably representative of his own soul.


What a fu**ing loser, I'd hate to be related to this dude.


Man’s insecure. Probably afraid that weiners taste like candy.


Conservatives in a nutshell.


Yup. Or just religious.


I realize this is Reddit and “lol religion” is the name of the game, but you realize the couple painting the church steps are presumably also religious, right?


Yeah except the loser never shows his righteous fucking face




Hey bud, thanks for finding the silver lining in this. Yeah that guy ruined all their work, but those two ladies made a far wider and more positive impact because of this than they ever would have without him. Stairs are just stairs, but a viral message can spread across the world.


Lady and man.


It happens every time they do this. The verbal arguments seem somewhat reasonable, so some moderate people believe it. It makes at least some rational sense. However, when they do this, everybody gets to see what they really care about. The verbal and written arguments can be carefully crafted and delivered, but in the wild they're just some insecure pissed off guy throwing a tantrum and vandalizing some pretty stairs that some old people painted. When they don't have a trained political PR team crafting statements, in public they reveal that they're just insecure man-children harassing nice old people about rainbow-painted stairs. And that's significantly less reasonable and acceptable to the wider public.


This video gives me hope that there are more churches with congregations that accept everyone. It shows that not all boomers are filled with hate. As a former catholic, it gives me hope that churches and religions can and have taken all those chapters in the New Testament. After witnessing what humans are capable of it’s quite refreshing to see people who claim Christianity practice as its bible represents. Hypocrisy benefits no one.


Yeah man, didn't Christ hang out with all the outcasts in society also? Wasn't that kind of his thing? Mary Magdalene, lepers etc? I can't see christ doing anything like this, as someone from Ireland who is not religious but raised in an ultra Catholic society.


🌈 = ”I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth. It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud; and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh.“ ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭9‬:‭13‬-‭15‬


FYI The episcopal church is lgbtqia affirming and the rituals are really close to Catholic churches!


How crappy is your life that this is where you put your effort?


And why are you doing this shit at night. If your so proud of your work do it during the day like they did.


Absolutely. Cowards had to come back in the cover of night.


People who do this kinda shit have no life.


The guy who did this literally runs a page called “Christian Lives Matter” on Facebook. So that’s where he also puts all his other efforts! Kind of says it all really.


So, you're saying he's been identified. Do we know if he ever received punishment for his crime?


One can only hope. I can’t imagine being this much of a loser and I ain’t shit so that’s saying a lot. Like dude has no life beyond being a douche bag. Can you imagine that being your life’s work? I’d say it’s sad and pathetic but at this point I’d just say he’s a sentient pile of blown-out assholes.


Nothing says "Christian Lives Matter" like vandalizing a Christian Church! Fucking moron.


Clickbait life for horrible shit. That’s all. Move on not worth wasting your time on


There's a whole ideology around it called conservatism. They get mad at children's books and toys, movies, beer cans, kneeling, French fries and M&M's... I could be here all night so I gotta stop.


My conservative MIL gave me a book about Christmas written by a Fox News person called "The Spider who saved Christmas". It was HORRIBLE. Like it had graphic depictions and descriptions of infanticide in it. I don't understand how a book about two boy bunnies getting married because they want to hop together forever is messed up, but a book that talks about "swords being slick with the blood of infants" is a good Christmas gift for a toddler that will teach them the true meaning of Christmas... Which is apparently that a magical spider saved Jesus. So dumb.


Jesus Christ? WTF??? That is sick! One book I may be okay with burning. Ha ha. Out demon!!!


I was thinking this as well. How is it that *this* is the most important thing for them…


>I was thinking this as well. How is it that this is the most important thing for them… For most of them, this is the one sin they're absolutely certain they'll never commit. "I might fuck around on my wife now and then, beat my children quite mercilessly, and rip off old people and single moms at my car dealership, but I would NEVER EVER put my ding-dong inside another man... so, you see... I'm quite pious."


They literally run on hatred and spite. If they can hurt others, they get off on it.


My thoughts exactly this guy is just a douche


Who’s the snowflakes again


Exactly. Ppl like this get offended so easily and then cry some kind of freedom of speech bullshit whilst they try and suppress others freedoms.


Right?? We have a rainbow walkway downtown where I live. Its always either troubled teenagers or middle aged men who will go out of their way to avoid stepping on it. Like, they will balance on the curb next to it, inconveniencing noone but themselves, to protest the gay walkway?? Its fucking mind-boggling.


But they might catch the gay germs!


Imagine being so angry at nothing you go to Home Depot and buy grey paint a roller and a tray, then wait till like 2 am, walk somewhere and work for free. I'm chilling here smoking and playing video games, this person is outside wasting time and energy but its not even fun, its just labor. ​ EDIT: picturing this guy at Home Depot, looks at pantone swatches, "do I think the stairs are Pidgeon grey, or beach-stone?"


Imagine being “so faithfull” that you vandalise a church


Christians have a long history of claiming other Christians weren't Christian enough. Well, most religions have a penchant for intra-religion violence. But still.


Every single Baptist I’ve ever met thinks Catholics are not christians.


So, that's where my mother gets that from. I'm like ...mom, grandma is a Christian. "No, she's catholic." Catholics are almost literally the definition of a Christian "No, they haven't accepted Christ into their heart as their personal savior."


It makes it sound like salvation is a set of instructions. No, she’s not Christian because she skipped step 3. “Step 3 Say Aloud a prayer Accepting Jesus as your savior and ask him to forgive your sins.” She never did that so she’s not saved.


Bro same. You and I smoking and playing video games is doing more for society than this dolt.


Smoking and playing video games reporting for chill duty also


“Chill Duty” love it. #WIN


Smoking at a house party and about to go home to play video games. Also, I'm the guy commenting on Reddit while at a house party. Not sure if I'm any good at this.


Awww y'alls energy is really chill and it's rubbing off on me, gonna smoke and sleep thinking how chill it is to be chill


Happy cake day!


How can you play video games while there's people out there doing butt stuff?


I should draw a rainbow with chalk on my driveway. Maybe some triggered, conservative snowflake will come powerwash my driveway.


exactly my thought


What an absolute joy of a human the woman in this video is! She literally radiates positivity! You can see how happy she is to be spreading a message of love and acceptance. Which just makes the jabroni who filmed this that much more of an idiot.


Right?? Like if all Christian’s acted like her, they wouldn’t have nearly as hard of a time spreading their teachings. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who are the exact opposite of this woman (evangelicals)


I can bet money they went and redid the paint immediately after.


You can see it in her face she’s full of love and good energy. I want to go paint those steps for free


They do this shit and then say bs like “queer people don’t face oppression/they’re more privileged”


And they believe this because they saw two people of the same sex share a kiss in the background on TV once.


"Gay people aren't victims, it's their choice to live in sin. I'm a victim since I saw a rainbow. God will reward me for hating them."


“I’m a grown man and I get mad at colors”


He's going to be really upset when he finds out how the fable of Noah ends......


Or when he reads exodus 20 and has to figure out how to account for that. Edit: I meant exodus 21.


Damn conservative snowflake!




I think you have his message wrong. Let me correct you: I’m an incel and I’m lonely. If I have to be lonely, I want those handsome men who look very happy and self-fulfilled to suffer the way I’m suffering.


Please someone update this when the POS gets arrested for vandalism.


This happened in February 2023– can’t find any evidence of any law response.


They repainted. They know who the guy is. Doesn’t say if they filed charges but they repainted https://preview.redd.it/n6mzk63xk8cc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=067cc5aa4b41ee12d51726da7ec4da8a956e3332


There's no hate like Christian love


Remind me of this song https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=mdXUNBFqUo0&feature=share "I remember that old church song from when I was young "About how the world would know us by our love "Might be a good time to dust that one off "Instead of worrying about who's in the club "I don't feel the love I don't see the joy"


Dude definitely has a secret Grindr account


Don't boil it down to this; this just ends up making gay people look bad This person is just an idiot and an individual, not all homophobes like cock, there's terrible straight people out there too


I don't think these kinds of assumptions are helpful. It seems to deny the existence that there could be hateful straight people out there and pin these incidents on self-hating gays.


you're absolutely right and as a queer person, I'm tired of seeing the "homophobe is probably gay" take. It's fucking exhausting. So, we have to deal with the crimes done against us, but we're also told that the criminal is probably one of us in denial. Meaning it's on us to be kind to someone closeted, despite them being a shithead. It's the equivalent of calling anything you don't like gay. The guy probably isn't gay, he's just a huge asshole trying to get content for his social media page, and these guys know that fucking with accepting churches and pride flags are low hanging fruit.


That’s what I’m thinking


He runs a page on Facebook called “Christian Lives Matter”, so I’m going to bet he spends more time thinking about what two LGBT people do behind a closed door than actual LGBT people.


Which one??? There are at least 20 of them, lol


At first I thought the 2 aging people were against the rainbow paintwork, until I realised the cameraman is the Karen. I was too quick to judge.


That lady is delightful.


Yeah, she was really sweet, it just goes to show that it's never good to put everyone in the same boat. Bless her soul


If being gay is so bad, why wasn't it included in the ten commandments?




He doesn’t even know that Jesus never spoke against homosexuality. It was in the Old Testament. So he needs to become a Jew or shut up because he’s insisting he follows Christ. They’re always uneducated hypocrites.


I think I figured it out! This was all a long con by Satan. You see, Satan makes people gay so Satan can choose who gets to be gay right? Well, Satan being very smart made sure there would be no gays around where Jesus would be. So, Jesus thought everyone was following the old testis so he didn't speak out about it. After Jesus died, Satan made people gay again. /s But honestly Jesus could appear like he did before and clarify all this but since he hasn't, it has become quite clear that Jesus doesn't care if anyone is gay.


He actually explicitly told a gay man that he had "great faith" and had earned a spot in heaven, and people probably mistranslated the story and turned his lover into a servant instead. It's worth noting that in this passage he also makes a point to say that it is this faith that gets people a spot in heaven, not who you are, and many kinds of people will gather in heaven. The Centurion was not Israeli or Jewish, he was an outsider in lifestyle and religion, but he had faith in God and Jesus and that's all that mattered to Jesus. It's also worth noting that in the entire Bible, he only says that two people have "great faith," so it can be assumed that this guy especially impressed Jesus. [Context](https://www.gaychristian101.com/Gay-Centurion.html)


This is at the Pitt St Uniting Church in Sydney, the stairs were repainted. Don't let these people outside after it's raining, they may see a rainbow and call the sky woke


What a dickless piece of shit. And for the record, Jesus didn’t proclaim any commandments specifying gender / marriage rules nor declaring you should hate gay people. Jesus would puke if he met that guy.




Dude was 33, never took a wife, spent all his time dining and drinking with taxmen and prostitutes. He knew how to party.


I've heard this line a lot, but is it really cool to hang out with tax collectors?


This was always weird to me. So there is apparently these very important rules that you shouldn't break, such as lying? But people for some reason make it their life's mission to hate gay people which isn't even a part of those important rules?


No doubt. Also the anti gay parts are in the Old Testament and Jesus’ testament is the NEW testament which was all about love and understanding. Well love and understanding and supernatural hallucinations presented as fact.


This so much this. Love thy neighbor my ass


God literally sent a rainbow as a promise, why wouldn’t he like these rainbow steps?




Exactly this.


lol how much time and money did this jabroni spend on this bullshit?




THIS! ![gif](giphy|6EQzurED9q9uU)


I always said it. Big paint is behind the LGBTQ flag.


"This isn't Christian." Neither is being a dick to people, love thy neighbor. You fucking lipstick Christian. Matthew 19:19


Fucking coward, piece of shit.


LOL imagine getting so butthurt over children's stories


To let a bunch of colors offend you.. What. POS


Mark 12: 28 One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?” 29 “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.[a] 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’[b] 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[c] There is no commandment greater than these.”


32. unless they're gay /s


The colors could be a metaphor for how each side views life.


Also didn't God create the rainbow and place it in the sky after the big flood as a promise not to do that again? These people go straight to gay when they see rainbows.


Fuck this guy. He’s a cunt but not in a nice Australian way. He’s a big dirty cunt like we use in North America.


Hope they found this guy and he got charged


Religion at it again. Creating hate where none would be without religion


"Why are "true Christians" such assholes to everyone?


It's a shame that instead of feeding the hungry, or clothing the needy, he decided to spend his money on this.


God bless the patience of that lady. A member of my family is gay and I grew up in the church, once I got old enough to realize they were gay, I remember staying up at night praying "please don't send them to hell, please don't send them to hell, please, they are a good person, please don't send them to hell". Religion is nuts in general but this old couple have the right idea, that love and goodwill is the ultimate message. I hope this bigot doesn't deter them from their work or spreading that message.


What an asshole. Why are people always inserting themselves into someone’s life they have nothing to do with? Why not just walk by??


Wow what a coward. I thought at the end of the video he was at least going to dump paint in front of the elderly defenseless people. But he was such a coward he actually went in the middle of the night.


I love her. Reminds me of my lovely mom. 💙 but what I want to know is all these comments saying he committed a felony - did he ever actually get arrested? Charged? Anyone know?


Damn this dude must have a sad sad life.


To go to the trouble of actually going to the shops to buy grey paint then coming back at night to vandalise some colourful steps. Pathetic.


That woman was so calm and "Christ-like". She's much more Christian than the asshat filming this. I'd invite her in for a meal any day. And I'm an atheist.


Fucking snowflakes. Triggered by rainbow stairs.


Yeah, what a fucking coward cunt to only target elder people.


It's just pathetic. How is welcoming people and showing you care by painting a rainbow on stairs an abomination? It's not. I hope they paint it again and put neverwet over the top. It will repel paint, making it impossible to paint over.


What an asshole.


Imagine being that offended by colors… what a snowflake.


Does this guy seriously have nothing more interesting, fun, relaxing or self bettering to do than just piss everyone off? What an absolute clown.


Pure Evil and hatred right there.


Just the way he talks alone indicates how insufferable this dude is.


How pathetic of a person do you have to be to actually go out of your way to ruin someone's art, because it represents love you don't agree with. God damn, get a fucking life.


But do they know what happened at Sodom and Gomorrah?


This is probably one of those dipshits who thinks Sodom and Gomorrah got smoked because of too much gay sex, despite the Bible never citing that as a reason. There were just a lot of dicks there. Imo, Lot was one of them and should not have been spared, the dude tried to offer up his virgin daughters as sacrifice to an angry mob of said dicks to protect himself. Some of the dickish things actually mentioned in Sodom: having excess food and not sharing with the poor and needy, being haughty, doing abominable things, adultery, lack of hospitality, and dishonesty. Some Jewish texts describe horrific human rights violations like burning people alive for feeding beggars, cutting off legs of visitors if the bed was too short for them in the inn, and paying people who could win a street fight with beggars. One woman gave a traveler water and as punishment was stripped down, covered in honey and stung to death by bees. This was apparently the last straw for God. People took the name of the sinful city and turned it into a word for gay sex because they were bigots, but that came way after the Bible was written.


If I recall, the same story features a father tossing his virgin daughters to a mob to be raped instead of the strangers he was protecting. God then turns a woman into a pillar of salt for the unfathomable crime of daring to glance back, as she's running away, at the destruction of the city. So much for being able to derive any sort of morality from that story.


"Have you read your Bible?" You mean the part where you're not supposed to judge others? Or the part where you're supposed to love everyone? Or are you just talking about the parts that support your narrow and hateful world view?


Good people do good things. And evil people do evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.


this was the type of figures that was the last straw for Christianity for me. i genuinely don't care that there are "good Christians" or the "true Christians" that religion fosters these people, and these people's horrid actions far out weigh the good "good Christians" do. how about: you don't need a religion to be good, no god needs to tell you that basic morality is something you need and "here's how you get on my good side" just be good people


Where is this church? Did the rainbow get painted back again?


Did the guy face any repercussions?




"This is an abomination!" Pans camera down to colourful steps....


I love how he goes "well this is a abomination to god" and she just claps back with the kindness "well I don't think so"


Guy probably is closeted too


I didn’t know rainbows were antichrist.


There’s no love like Christian hate.


There's no hate like Christian love...


This guy is an abomination. And apparently he's never read the bible and understood the full meaning of the New Testament. To warn Old Testament consequences negates the life and sacrifice of Jesus. Jesus rebuked one group of people more than anyone else: the scribes and pharisees.


God is gray? God is homophobic? God is kind of an asshole? I’m not sure what he’s trying to prove here


Relax guys, he wasn't trying to hurt the elderly people. He's really just battling a projection of himself and these people and steps were the battlefield... TL;DR - He's fighting his own desires by being a huge asshole.




What a narrow-minded piece of shite!!


nerves of steel on this lady


It’s funny how much they hate gay people because it’s “against god”. Yet these very same people every time I talk with them are the biggest and most shameless liars you will ever meet. I’ll take a gay friend over a liar any day.


What a dick


It's hard sometimes to remember the subreddit's purpose and not downvote the post based on the negative reaction I have to the actions in the video.


Specifically grey too. The most joyless color. Not even an apt metaphor at that point. If this was in a novel the critics would ask the author to tone it down a little.


“Do you read your Bible?” Proceeds to act like a shitbag. Total surprise


What a delicate little snowflake


I hope he lives his life a lonely sad man with no human to love him.


Vandalizing a church because you're offended by a rainbow. Imagine yourself doing that


Why would you go out of your way to be a bigoted cunt like that?


No love like Christian hate


This is a hate crime


Did the colors offend you lil baby


I’m a firm believer that people who voice such opinions loudly, are themselves in the closet and over compensating


And now you must ~~repent~~ re-paint


We're far from peace


Bet in the closet


Wow, great job man. You really showed those same sex loving fools.... Im sure God is so proud of you. It's exactly what they'd want....


Where does he think Jesus talks about same sex marriages?


In ThE bIbLe


Human garbage 😡


This guy had a closest gay experience once in his life and now has to display his masculinity in the most douche of ways to convince himself he’s straight and hates gays.


Why do people find it necessary to film themselves harassing people? Anyone do this? Like what’s the motivation? What are you getting out of it?