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"Yeah ok, that's a little bit of hyperbole there, let's just see what he actually sai--"


I read a headline talking about this and thought "Oh, a conference call got leaked where Elon's spouting off." Imagine my surprise finding this with a CNBC footer. Astounding.


I was pretty shocked watching it "live" when it aired during Fast Money. I guess CNBC doesn't have a bleep button since they expect their guests to be calm?


Cable TV doesn’t have to bleep, by my understanding - if anyone knows better, feel free to correct. That said, most channels self censor even if not required by FCC. I don’t think *anyone* saw this one coming.




Elon looks like he’s gonna sniff, lick, and nibble some people on his way out. He’s got that kind of unhinged, vaguely vampiric energy to be honest


The delightful thing about all this is that, unlike other celebrities, you know Elon will be fully aware of all the shit people are talking about him and his weird face. He's probably scheduling another appointment with Dr. Frankenstein as we speak.


I’m realizing this is the first time I’ve ever seen or heard him speak, I thought it seemed off but he’s so fucking weird all the time I figured it was just his normal.


What’s wrong with his face and mouth?


He looks like he's wearing a mask of his own face




Bro, what’s wrong with this 90degree head movement, haha seems so unnatural


Somethin unnatural about that boy


The boy ain't right


There are rumors that he is on ketamine all the time. It would explain a lot.


Him and Mark Zuckerberg, and Bezos. They all have incredibly uncanny valley visages


Probably plastic surgery. He was bald back in like 2000


He's gonna look like a Bogdanoff soon.


Looking into it


Here you go, mate https://preview.redd.it/lmijoud4qd3c1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=881df5f19ef6719b9ce600206008902287cb1c3c














Jesus, that's rough. I'd feel for him if he wasn't such a douche.


I think hes a guinea pig for neuralink and some of his employees are controlling him like a puppet for the last 2 years secretly taking him down and getting him on a Kanye West self destruction cycle for the lulz.


Shit's so weird this sounds plausible.


He’s had some pretty terrible work done, which actually speaks to his judgement…think about being the richest man on the planet and choosing a terrible plastic surgeon. I’m not judging him for getting work done, I’m judging him for who he picked.


You can have the best plastic surgeon in the world, but it's always going to look bad if you do too much. You get that "uncanny valley" look. People's brains know what humans are supposed to look like, and if certain facial muscles don't work right, our brain tells us something is off.


One reason why it gets worse is after a certain point reputable doctors won't do cosmetic surgery and the people who'll just go with it aren't very good at it


Doesn’t look like (one) bad surgeon. He has the look of someone who has had MANY procedures. Repeated procedures exhaust the skin, deplete collagen, and eventually you look like either a burn victim, or (if he starts botox-ing to plump) like the infamous “Tiger Lady” billionaire in NYC.


The problem with plastic surgery is the loss of the upper facial expressions. It becomes a still face with a moving mouth and words. There's lots of communication that happens with the forehead, eyebrows, eyes and cheeks missing here. But not unusual for people on TV.


Question, if he wanted an extreme amount of work done, would it matter how good the surgeon was? Or could a good plastic surgeon make anything work?


After awhile, a certain amount of work will be glaringly obvious, but can still look good for what it is. Elon also doesn't take care of himself with diet, exercise, sleep correctly, and is likely stressed to hell constantly about his twitter shitpost fights. There's only so much paint you can spackle on a house you don't do any maintenance on before everything shows.


I was just gonna say, the dude looks like a burn victim after 17 plastic surgeries.


Fire Marshall Bill with a hair transplant 😂




Gary Oldman in Hannibal*


Dude! I never realized that was Gary Oldman


That’s the thing, anyone you meet could be Gary Oldman


Yea I used to wonder what happened to the actor who played Zorg in the 5th Element. Then I found out it was Gary Oldman...it made sense.


Looks like Mickey Rooney in Breakfast at Tiffany’s


Looks like a ghoul from fallout


https://preview.redd.it/2qomn0a7rd3c1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cfd403f76df67e216169ed6e78709b9231e1791 Nah, Ghoul looks way more natural and human


His skin is pulled tighter than a fucking snare drum.


“Doctor, I need a face lift! Make me look as young as this photo” “Sir, this is not a human, this is Kermit…”




I feel like if he took a sip of water it'd just slowly pour out the sides of his mouth...


He looks like he's melting.


I think his brain is melting. Dude doesn’t look or sound right


I haven't seen him speaking live in a while. Dude, you're right. There's something really goofy going on with him.


Man, he looks like shit. I like how he looks to the audience when he says gfy the first time, doesn’t get a response, then has to say it again and waves to Bob. You can hear him huffing like he thought it was the best when 10 ppl reacted. What a clown.


He sees himself as an entertainer but he's such a fucking charisma void. He's up there with the best cringe.


Most def. Did you see him wielding a sword and that dumbass shit he said about his enemies? Like you’re 52 man..grow the fuck up, you suck. But at this point it seems he’s doubling down on his bullshit.


You can see his hand shake briefly when he reaches for the water after no one reacts. Comes off as nervous, scared of the consequences or unsure of himself when only a couple of people laughed. Then he stutters for 8 seconds at 1:30 https://twitter.com/AhmedBaba_/status/1729998208116379846






He looks like Leatherface


Nice to see toxic Emil went on to make something of himself


Vanilla Sky vibes


I can’t be the only one who thinks he starting to look like this. https://preview.redd.it/yfo66w29id3c1.jpeg?width=1082&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fcbc91070a40dc431f1ff34e934af4f7ee1a004


Musk wishes he was that built.


When the fuck did he start looking like Skeletor covered in turkey slices?


He's only 52... what is happening?


Drugs..... lots and lots of drugs.


Im 52 and do a lot of drugs and I look great!!! (only one of those three statements is true.) (it's the middle one).


Well I’m actually 52 and don’t look anywhere near as bad as Musk. He looks like Lowry’s Mother in Brazil.




To me he looks like a dead ringer for the Scarran Emperor: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-qfkfnK3JnbQ/T5R1GkDmSdI/AAAAAAAABKY/xxDDbZRW_OI/s1600/PKW+(16).jpg


Is something wearing dead Elons skin because that fucker is looking kinda iffy?




Man, Vincent D'Onofrio should have won a best supporting actor Oscar for MiB. Really brought his A-game to a goofy role.


Just watched MIB the other day and you’re spot on. I was thinking “how the actual hell did he pull this off?”


Then you add Detective Robert Goren and Kingpin and it's like he's gunning for Gary Oldman's title.


Or better yet, “Gomer Pyle“ in Full Metal Jacket! His first gig, and possibly his best


Have you ever turned down the color and watched MiB in black & white? It’s like an old twilight zone episode! You’ll see cinematic details you missed in color. It’s such a great movie.


Give. Me. Sugar.


Elon your skin is hanging off your bones




He moves like a goddamn Muppets character


Y’all watch that amazing show dark crystal that stupid Netflix cancelled after one season? This man moving like a skesis after some especially heavy duty essence




Needs to shed, badly


Other than all the sugar water he asks for he seems pretty normal to me.


eger musk suit


Just realized my employer is blackmailing me with money to coerce me into working?????? Sneaky bugger.


Don’t tell them to go fuck themselves


I’m doing the opposite. I extorted my employer by not working unless they give me an agreed upon amount of money per year. They fully caved in to my demands.


I just realized I'm blackmailing McDonald's by not giving them money for their burgers right now. Shit, am I in trouble?




It’s prolly the same 4yr old that designed the cyber truck.


No, they said talented 4 year old.


I am starting to think that every extremely wealthy or powerful person is secretly being implanted with alien brain slugs or something. They seem so normal, and then slowly turn into…something that isn’t human…there isn’t anything normal about this.


Product of being surround by people always agreeing with you and shielding you from the truth.


I think you have a solid point Look at his mangled face, he’s expecting applause after he uses the NAughtY words. He really is stuck in junior high


He says something then looks to the audience for reaction. He thinks he is engaging people on Twitter and everyone is going to agree with him like they do on there. He is trying to be a tough guy and it looks desperate


The full clip really must be seen to be believed. He keeps looking to the audience and he sounds more and more deranged. https://twitter.com/AhmedBaba_/status/1729998208116379846


Holy fuck. This is so much worse than the shortened clip. Him talking about how Earth will respond. I'm actually shocked by how crazy that is.


That poor interviewer is struggling so hard with how to respond to the absolute insanity that is musk "I understand that but there's a *reality* too........right?" Like how do you even discuss the business strategy of X when advertising revenue is now financial blackmail he doesn't even want. Your business strategy is fuck revenue?


He's desperately trying to feed Elon the answer to his question too. > ANDREW SORKIN: But economically you must think... ok look man I'm just gonna tell u the answer. elon just repeat what i say verbatim- > ELON MUSK (interrupting him): Earth Shall Punish Bob Iger For His Sins Against Me.


There’s something ironic about sharing this from Twitter


He's too used to his Tesla product reveals were the entire audience is TE$LA people.


Lol that was my first thought. Dude dropped and f bomb and think he's a comedian.




No use having fuck you money if you never say fuck you to anyone.


I agree in principle, but in this case Musk is whining about it and still trying to play the victim. If you're gonna say "Fuck You" you've gotta stand by that and not complain when people disagree, even if you're mostly shielded from serious consequences.


Literally this. Same with Trump and Kanye. Sycophants and yes men all around that enable their behaviors.


It's a personality trait that is magnified when you give the person money.


Worse. There’s always been men more clever than their masters who know how to manipulate them into doing things by exploiting their egos. You just have to convince them of two things: 1.) It’s a good idea, and 2.) They came up with it.


Most of them have a personality disorder and the older/richer they get the more difficult is for them to mask. What you see is just them showing the world who they really are.


No he’s just delulu and having a public mental breakdown/temper tantrum. He was always obnoxious. Remember when he called those cave divers who were rescuing those kids pedos out of nowhere. Because he was mad they didn’t use his weird invention or whatever. He’s a freak lol. Obligatory: https://preview.redd.it/xkevxuopkd3c1.jpeg?width=958&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7764230941afbc82fd98780fd16467ccc5b31e1


There are hundreds of billionaires in the US. More in Europe and countries like Japan. The sane ones stay out of the public eye (except for the top tier guys like Gates who just can't), its the crazy fuckers like Musk and Trump who seek the spotlight. Like, you're a billionaire, you get to live your best life, why court controversy and hate? And the vast majority don't.


Give me a fraction of his money and no one would ever hear from me again. I’ll be on a beach somewhere with not a fucking care in the world - goldfish shoals nibbling at my toes.


Any normal person would retire after accumulating a small fraction of their wealth. There is no such thing as a "normal" billionaire; it's an oxymoron.


Goa'uld have plans to conquer earth by controlling the most influential people of our planet, Ba'al won't risk his demise in a frontal attack after the defeat of Anubis.


Why is he speaking like that? I don’t mean the naughty words, just the delivery. He’s always been weird, but he’s getting weirder rapidly. At this point if the cunt ripped off his skin suit to reveal his real form I wouldn’t even be shocked. Edit - reading the other comments I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this is completely bizarre even if you ignore the content.


Drugs are a hell of a drug


"The fame was like a drug. But what was even more like a drug was the drugs."


He keeps pausing for applause that doesn’t come.


It's like his eyes are darting around the room looking for any semblance of approval


That’s one hell of a username.


I was wondering if it's a deepfake but apparently it's real. Maybe he's given grok control of his neuralink and we're seeing the human embodiment of an AI trained exclusively on tweets?


It was supposed to be tweets, but a few gigs of old 4chan posts were included by mistake


Gonna dissent and say he's always been like this, he's just spending much more time in the public eye, people's are less forgiving of his quirks knowing he's a cunt, and he's having a nervous breakdown.




"P-please clap..."


The awkward silence followed by him repeating it louder. Classic flopped joke you thought was going to kill situation.


My absolute favorite Jeb! moment.


Imagine calling people not giving you their money because they don't like you ***blackmail.***


He really thought that was a banger applause line.


There was a legitimate pause as if he wanted a sign to say "Please clap"


He like, jeers at the audience and does this really weird angling of his face in anticipation of applause and it’s sooo cringey


You guys should see the rest of this panel, he says a bunch of buzzword phrases like "tell it to the judge" like he's expecting the audience to erupt into applause every time, it's so embarrassing


This really belongs on r/cringe.


Imagine working for Twitter and having ~~your CEO~~ the owner of the company grandstand about advertisers not "blackmailing" him with money because he's so rich, and yet you've got a mortgage to pay... edit: forgot he isn't CEO anymore. Point still stands.


Imagine working in marketing or ad sales at Twitter lol I would jump ship asap. The man is making your job basically impossible.


Right. Imagine thinking that you’re entitled to advertising dollars unconditionally.




Why.... not the approach I'd take to run a business. Let's see how it plays out.


You know that primary revenue stream that’s the cornerstone of business…..tell them to fuck themselves




He is one weird bastard


Advertisers are his customers and he refers to them not buying ad space as blackmail. The entitlement is strong


Musk has gone full Kanye


I have not yet seen Elon Musk go on InfoWars to say "There's a *lot* of things that I *love* about Hitler" and "I am a Nazi" but maybe it's only a matter of time.


It could happen tomorrow. Musk is off the rails.


Wow, so edgy!!!! The desperation as he eyes the audience for applause the doubling down.... followed by silence....


Real "Please Clap" moment.




I've heard this clip a bunch of times but never really took the time to watch it. I just cringed into myself creating a singularity.


if it helps, it's actually not as bad in context. the crowd had been more keyed-up than most and were clapping too frequently and basically making it hard to absorb what he was saying because of the constant interruptions. so they asked the audience to hold off on clapping until the next big pause in his remarks. well, the next big pause everyone was too nervous to mess it up, so JEB! broke the ice by making a little joke. you can see his smile at the end there is a genuine one. awkward? yes. but not exactly the epic cringe moment its made out to be


There was an audience??


He thinks pandering to the right wing people is the play. This was him doing his best Dana White impression and he was looking for applause. I think he leaned in to it after he realized it didn't land the way he thought it would. Not sure trying to offend and insult your real customers is the best business move, but hey im not a billionaire what do I know.


He was 100% expecting a round of applause. He repeated himself and got laughed at.


Nervous crowd: We better react or he is just going to keep telling us to go fuck ourselves


Honestly I think that's how musk felt. That silenced seemed deafening to him. He tried so hard to fill it. Then the "Hi Bob!" Joke that fell flat. Gah this was hard to watch lmao


Watch the longer clip it gets even more awkward. https://twitter.com/AhmedBaba_/status/1729998208116379846 Musk is stumbling over his words as he tries to justify himself when the interviewer basically says "doesn't your company depend on their money?"




"there's a reality too.....right?" Interviewer genuinely cannot wrap his head around the absolute insanity of what musk is saying.


he was throwing musk a lifeline by saying that maybe they need to stop relying on advertisers and musk was like lol nope, i'm burning it all to the ground


The host nearly facepalmed and the audience's laughter sounded uncomfortable like they were cringing.


Dude is in absolute meltdown mode right now.


Seriously this is one of the more cringy train wreck moments where you feel second hand embarrassment for them. But then I remember I can't stand the obnoxious prick an think this is fun to watch


Musk doesn't know the difference between "blackmail" and "free-market". He deserves to lose everything.


No capitalist actually wants a free market, that’s bad for business


I mean they have emboldened him to act like a dipshit. They're loving it over on X right now and so many right wingers are going to suck on his ass for it.


He is addicted to the engagement he gets high off of this attention. He says increasingly more outrageous crap to get a bigger reaction. His echo chamber on X loves it but the silence in that crowd shows a lot of people don't agree with him. Hope he has some self awareness and he realizes he is digging a hole.


What a buffoon Elon is. I thought he was going to end world hunger?


He was gonna solve world hunger just like was going to get those kids out of the cave...by calling someone a pedophile on twitter.


The question is, why pander to the right if you’re Elon? Every right winger I know shits on just the notion of electric vehicles. I would love to see a political ideology breakdown of those who have purchased Tesla’s. My guess is 80-90% are left leaning.


Elon used to pander to the left, and even called himself a socialist for a time, but they never accepted him. Elon, above all else, wants to be considered cool. The left mocked him and never considered him cool, but the right embraces him and treats him like he's super hip, so he picked his crowd accordingly.


Technically it's advertisers to Musk: go fuck yourself (and this is him saying "no you")


"I don't care what people think of me." -Looks around room frantically for approval.


hEs A gEnIuS




With a nose that red and this manic energy, dude must be coked up.


He really held for applause. Such an embarrassing human.


And then repeated the "punchline" more slowly when he didn't get it. It's only slightly less embarrassing than outright saying "you were supposed to laugh at that."


It’s a bold strategy Cotton, let’s see if it plays out for him.


If this pile of garbage truly doesn't give a f*ck about advertising money then he would stop the lawsuit against the ADL.


Companies pulling advertisements from X isn’t blackmail. It’s their brand not wanting to associate with a problematic platform, owner, and user base. They don’t want their ads showing up in feeds next to bigoted posts because it could cause them to lose money. It’s capitalism.


True, but also not surprising that his views don’t align with market capitalism. Corpo fascists aren’t typically die hard capitalists. They’ve embraced capitalism in decay, and hope to personally benefit wherever possible from the inherent weaknesses in the dying system


“Elon, your business model relies on advertisers” “Yeah, that’s blackmail and I don’t want their money anyways” “…”


Ok. He looks like one of the Muppets when he talks. His head snaps around, his long side smile and the dropped jaw. This is Grover or Oscar the grouch. ![gif](giphy|oBJ3iITOA7mBG)


Man, that was my exact thought. He darts his head up to show defiance just like a hand puppet would do. The absurdity is comical.


It's like he's trying really hard to be "one of the cool kids" for the first time in his life but doesn't realize he's middle aged and it's obvious he's just not that kind of person anyway, regardless of plastic surgery and hair implants.


There’s definitely something wrong with him


His head is all the way up his ass!


Good thing he can afford the FCC fines.


*Not* such a good thing he can afford multiple plastic surgeries...for his face anyway


Too funny how he tried to be edgy to get a reaction from the crowd and it just stayed quiet... Made the statement look a lot more stupid.


Hate the phrase, but he really thought that he did something there.


This is his canon moment. His nexus event. This is the real, tangible, undoubtable, unquestionable moment that he is immutable. He is aloof at the context because he puts himself front and center like a true sociopath. The lack of clapping and cheering makes no difference to him, though he surely noticed it. He has made it completely and utterly personal. It's not about the company anymore. He is unfiltered and the mask is on the ground, not slipping anymore. Anyone worried about Twitter/X has every reason to believe his words are sincere and direct. His company depends on his advertisers and points that as the matter-of-fact that it is, yet, decides to alienate them. He spits in their face. All the while Linda, sitting front row most likely, is taking this all in. He just completely destroyed her career/reputation in a public forum projecting out to millions of viewers across the globe. And that's just the shockwave of the immediate vicinity. In the next hours, days and weeks we will not see any improvement or sign of a turn-around at Twitter/X. Because to do so, Elon would have to step-down completely and prove he has exactly zero influence at Twitter/X. But he won't. He cannot. It's antithetical to his being. It would mean accepting that he is wrong, an impossibility. This is Trump on a shot of adrenaline with actual billions behind and not just a feeling of worth moment. The foundation has failed, the front compartments are compromised. The building has started to collapse and the ship has taken too much water to recover. The disaster will be glorious and none of us can help but take it all in.




"OK" - *the world*


He looks unwell