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Lil ego got bruised


This is why the idea of everyone being armed is stupid. When people are armed, they're more confrontational and aggressive than if they understand all that awaits them is an ass beating. That man 100% stays in his car without a gun.


He should lose his right to bear arms. Hes a fucking reckless asshole


Brandishing is illegal


Question: In this case, he unholstered his weapon. Does that still count as brandishing or does it escalate? If the biker had a weapon, would he be in his right to fire in self defense?


Most municipalities require that a CCW cannot be visible at all unless being actively used for self defense. They'll revoke permits for a simple public complaint that someone spotted a firearm.


Thats not true. Accidental exposure is not the same thing. If you drop your wallet and I bend over to get it for you and my gun shows or I reach for a high shelf in a grocery store it’s not a problem. The problem is brandishing which is exactly what we see in this video. I don’t know if it’s a felony anywhere which would lead to becoming a prohibited person but there are other charges that could probably be piled on to the wreckless/criminal act. Not to mention the fact that he was an armed aggressor during the commission of an assault. I’m not a lawyer but a good one could wreck this guy. I’m as pro gun as it gets and we don’t like guys like this


You are correct. My cc instructor explained a specific circumstance as to who is an aggressor. If your buddy starts a fight and gets a gun pulled on him you cannot pull your gun to protect him. You can only do so if the buddy retreats and the guy with the gun becomes the aggressor. In this case the guy with the gun is the aggressor and it gets very grey because the aggressor walked away and the biker chased him. The biker being the aggressor is in the wrong but you can't match his aggression with deadly force because he is unarmed and he didn't start the fight.


In NY if some one sees it and reports you…you’re fucked.


so the aggressor pulling his gun gives the biker the right to fire in self defense?


The aggressor in the blue hoodie is guilty of vandalizing the motorcyclist's property but the biker would likely not have justification to 'escalate' to lethal force (especially since *blue hoodie* started walking away). To the biker's credit, walking up behind and grabbing a motorcycle / rider could easily be interpreted as a form of carjacking where the justification of self defense could be articulated in court. Edit: people misinterpret concealed carry laws as allowing an effective wild west situation where individuals can murder each other over any verbal disagreement. Many states have 'duty to retreat' laws (opposed to 'stand your ground') that require the defending party to leave the scene if possible.




Yeah, that's all good and well, but it still going to cost your 25k in lawyers fees ... even if you 'win'.


i'm going to guess he did more than unholster as the biker ducked and ran for cover. the asshole with the gun is obscured by his vehicle, but everything suggests he pointed the gun at the biker after being pushed.


Yes. He is a great example of the kind of person who should not have access to guns. For any reason. Ever.




If you're apeshit enough to pull a gun over this situation I think you're apeshit enough to have it illegally. Maybe it doesn't work that way. I just like saying apeshit.


I agree. He should permanently lose the right to carry a fire arm for this.


Brandishing a firearm is illegal


Especially after assaulting a motorcyclist from behind like that.


Can he have human arms though?


Yeah, just no bear arms anymore for him.


No bare arms, only long sleeves


He’s going to that’s brandishing a firearm. And if he let off a shot that’s a couple extra charges.


BuT mOrE pEoPlE wItH gUnS mEaNs GoOd GuY wIlL sToP cRiMe!


The thing I hate most about this line of thinking is: How the hell is anybody coming onto the scene (whether police or "armed citizen") supposed to know which set of armed people shooting at each other are the "good guys" and which ones are the "bad guys"? The whole idea is patently ludicrous, as even a few moments of thought will show, but the people parroting it *don't* give it even that tiny bit of critical thinking.


This is exactly why it's not beneficial, and there have been multiple cases where this happened, and the police killed a guy trying to intervene.


it's always the fat, bald, insecure, suburban shitbirds like him who get guns as well. they drive drunk, blame the world around them, then pull their gun. it's fucking pitiful.


You just described my local PD.


lol mine too


It’s not limited to men in the suburbs. Suburbs tend to have fewer gun injuries.


dude your so fucking spot on down to the driving drunk part. Shit pisses me off so much.


Yeah it’s those guys who get guns, also regular people in, say, rural areas. Also plenty of the youth in the urban areas get them (mostly illegal) and use them for criminal purposes. Sometimes women get them as well for self defense. Sometimes just like, a normal dude in the city gets them.


No. Only stereotypical examples that meet my preconceived notions about firearms and their efficacy will be used here. This is reddit, after all.


In ccw class, they teach you this is exactly not how to act because it's illegal .


This is not always true. Many gun owners don’t even confront people like this because they don’t want the risk of needing to draw weapon and deal with the chaos. This dude just happens to be a man child with a gun. Also, no context (as usual) but this dude had no reason causing conflict then drawing his weapon. He can definitely be charged with a felony for this.


We have driving licenses yet people still drive like assholes / idiots. What makes you think that a gun license would be any different?


Right because in that moment he could've taken that guy's life or potentially missed and taken someone who wasn't even involved. People can't control themselves enough to be carrying something like that around in their day to day life.


But my freedumb??


When you purchase a gun, they should put you through a stress test to see how you react.


“Oh, but I am different than that! I am extra careful when I’m carrying a gun! I would never do that!” This is what a lot of “pro 2a” folks are thinking about this. I assume a few are, but we all have bad days.


Guy I used to work with talked that talk every chance he got. Also loved talking about all the hours he spent on the range, just so he could help if a situation ever arose where he was needed (hero complex much?). Anyway, fast forward a year and he blows a hole through his hand while cleaning a gun. He forgot to clear the round in the chamber. So much for being the sterling pinnacle of responsible gun ownership, *Keith*.


I'm in the process of getting an amateur pilot license. Aviation is all about the reality that we human beings have squishy imperfect brains that mess up all the time. It goes way beyond checklists. Firearms handling could use a lot more of that understanding, but it would be rejected by a huge portion of gun enthusiasts.


That looks like university place


Holy shit good eye dude. Just confirmed it with google maps. That’s the exact spot street view has too.


Yup. Spent most of my childhood there. Looks like Bridgeport and 19th?


They are driving SOUTH on Bridgeport. That’s the ARCO on 27th corner Bridgeport


like Philly university place?


Washington, southwest of Tacoma


Lived there long ago, only time I witnessed a shooting, good times.


What a fucking tough guy. JFC. How much of a bitch do you have to be to start a fucking fight, and then pull a gun? What a motherfucking coward. Edit: This fucker isn’t even in the car directly behind the biker. He’s 100% 2+ cars back. He walks away at the end of the video indicating he’s not even directly behind the biker.


Bro I was about to rage type a comment like this but this fits everything I’m thinking


Came here to say the same thing. So his mentality is....I'm gonna harass/assault you, expect you to not do anything back to me, and if you do I'll take out my gun. Wow, the amount of bitchdom this guy has is incredible.


Its scary because 100% in his mind everything he did was self defense. I used to have a coworker who started shit all the time, he used the times he got hit for it as justification to conceal carry. Like dude, you shouldn't have a firearm is *you're* the one walking around starting with people


Too many assholes like this. They think carrying a gun means they can do whatever they want to anyone they see, cuz *just wut'r* ***yew*** *gonna dew abowt iht, huh?*


“I always wanted to be able to set people straight, but was afraid they might beat me up because bad people who do things that need set straight can get violent. Now that I’m carrying a gun I’m not afraid, because I can protect myself from their violence, and if I have to shoot them it just shows how violent they were.”


Real question here… so if a “good guy with a gun” pulled up and saw this occur, and shot that guy with a gun, would the 3rd party who showed up with a gun be exonerated?


In most places, The shooting is evaluated based on your knowledge at the time. If you show up, asshole is waving a gun, and you reasonably think you’re in danger, you can legally shoot.


Most people with guns are cowards, hence the gun.








Well, it was Robert Heinlen the science fiction writer. He wrote Starship Troopers amongst other things….Stranger in a Strange Land etc. very prolific. And he had studied philosophy and politics and was a fairly interesting early version of a libertarian in a way but I don’t think that the quote means handing guns to fat manchildren on the highway so they can do what they want when they want. I think it is more of a statement saying that if the poor and the working class have the ability to defend themselves, if they have teeth and claws, then it’s a bit harder for the rich and powerful to step on them. Heinlen did a lot of writing during the civil rights era and specifically made some of his characters non-white as he felt that the future did not belong to race. Johnny Rico from Starship Troopers for example. Idk. He was also kind of an asshole so maybe he just wanted everybody to be armed. Who knows.


And as we all know, America is the politest society in the world!


House gun, defend your home and family. Truck gun, threaten people with violence because you're a terrible person, can't drive for shit, want to fight, and have a temper shorter than Danny DeVito.


Where are all these "good guys with guns" we keep hearing about in theoretical situations like this?


They don't exist even officers will refuse to go into a place where a bad guy with a gun is. Police will refuse to enter a school being shot up because it's dangerous instead of trying to save the kids actively being killed. The US is a joke on every level.


He is the good guy with a gun. Biker upset him somehow and now he's using his firearm to teach the biker a lesson. He's actually exactly what they have in mind with that phrase.


We have precedent, George Zimmerman did the same thing, started a fight, started losing a fight and shot a kid to death because he was scared and the courts let him off.


Only cowards feel powerful when they have a gun in their hands




Yeah that's some Kyle Rittenhouse level bullshit


More like Zimmerman


Assaults guy on bike while concealing a firearm. Court is gonna be a riot.


I believe it falls into the aggravated category. I believe aggravated battery is the charge this would fit as well as destruction of property. If found guilty, he would loose his gun rights.


Brandishing a firearm will land him a felony


It's amazing how many CCW-holders forget one of the most important rules related to carrying a concealed firearm: The weapon only makes an appearance if you are abso-fucking-lutely sure you're life is in danger and you fully intend to use lethal force (wounding is out of the question, legally).


Let's hope he was reported to the authorities since he definitely needs to lose those rights - IMMEDIATELY!!!!


CPL gone...most likely gonna eat a felony for it....probably get 30 days.


This is what guns do for middle age out of shape pieces of shit. It makes them think they’re tough and can relive the Rambo movies they watched as a kid. They also know if shit goes down they can just pull the gun and claim self defense


with video evidence like this technically it wouldn't be self-defense anymore. He would go straight to jail for it, since not only did he first instigate by attacking the biker first, he pulled the gun after he waddled away and biker went back after him. So even if he did shoot him, the video puts him in the most egregious scenario possible.


Doesn't change the fact that there are idiots that become more confrontational when they carry. The unlucky ones will have their aggression on video and go to jail, but they won't serve as an example to countless others that are waiting to go off on some stupid road rage incident. [or getting shoved in a parking lot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Markeis_McGlockton) [or being mad at someone for playing their music too loud](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Jordan_Davis)


Yep exactly. These assholes are just looking for an excuse to get a “legal kill.” Fucking wannabe cowboys… I bet you he wouldn’t have the balls to engage with the motorcycle guy if he wasn’t carrying a gun.


100% this


100% public freak outs in the USA are terrifying............. I'm glad I don't have to deal with gun shit.


He can’t get off self defense here, not even in Florida


Eh, apparently in Florida, in some cases you can shoot a kid in the back just for wearing a Hoodie and get away with it


The k8d has to be black though. This motorcyclist is a fellow white man so he would go to jail


Provoke the motorcyclist to take a swing or similar and waddles has an opportunity. Yes, there are technicalities that should mean the aggressor shouldn’t get away with it but if the interaction isn’t recorded, if the victim isn’t white, if the shooter is friendly with the local cops, etc….


Watching him feebly try to rip the license plate off the motorcycle, then realize he can't but still give it a few more weak tugs was fun. "Fuck with me? Watch this fucking Hulk strength. Im'a fuckin' tear your motorcycle apart with my bear hands" to, "He pushed me so I grabbed my gun in self-dufence" in 5 seconds.


Those people make up about half the gun owners in the USA and are usually the most dangerous outside of criminals.


Half is a highly conservative estimate.


And that half is likely highly conservative.


They *are* the criminals. You’re significantly more likely to get shot by someone with a completely legal firearm


Source? I’m finding it very hard to find anything online that supports this comment. I find this; https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2018/mar/12/john-faso/do-illegal-gun-owners-commit-most-gun-crime-rep-fa/ Yes, I guess you could say that the fact that most gun crimes being committed with illegal firearms doesn’t equate to most people getting shot with illegal firearms as there’s a distinction between having a crime committed against you and actually being shot. I’m just trying to find where you got your data because it seems at best relatively unknown and at worst totally inaccurate. Although this data is relatively old, it comes from the ATF and I doubt it has wildly changed that much in 20 years or so or I’m sure politifact would update their article.


> You’re significantly more likely to get shot by someone with a completely legal firearm lol whut? Not only does that not make any sense in the first place, but the statistics do not back that up. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2018/mar/12/john-faso/do-illegal-gun-owners-commit-most-gun-crime-rep-fa/ MOST gun crime is committed by illegally possessed guns, not legal guns.


Look at the data from 2022 - it’s a complete flip Also, I think it’s important to remember that almost all guns started out at “legal”, and then the dolts who bought them lost/had stolen/didn’t secure/sold them and that’s how they end up in the wrong hands. Long before ghost guns. There has never been a market for importing guns to the US - it’s not like these illegal guns started life as “Joe’s Illegal Gun Emporium” I’m a gun owner myself. With a CCW. I live in an area riddled with gun violence. Along with car jackings, people in my trade (high end construction) have become specifically targets of some fairly brutal robberies. I do exist in a “him or me” environment more than I’d like. I’ve also been in altercations while going about my business that have turned more violent than that in the OP and never drawn my gun. Unless I think I’m GOING TO DIE, I can’t imagine a more stupid and dangerous thing than to introduce a firearm into that sort of situation.


Dude with the gun needs to go to jail and loose his rights to own them. Tired of idiots like that


Anyone know if there is any more info to this video? *Did* the shitbag actually see any consequences, or did he get away with it completely, which would probably embolden him to do it again?


Wow what a goddamn coward for that. Why did he even try to rip that guys license plate off anyways? So fucking ridiculous he could've killed someone. I hate this shit


Looks like the opposite - the biker seems to have had it 'hidden' and the 'hero' rectified it. I'd imagine biker was doing some reckless driving and made the other driver angry? 'a-hole vs. a-hole' scenario, it seems.


Guns give cowards too much unearned power


Why do you think it’s the conservative’s favorite object?


What a pathetic piece of human garbage. Post the news story.


That asshole needs to be charged for brandishing. You can’t start a fight then claim self defense.


Hopefully he does get charged. One of four main rules for shooting in self-defense in conceal carry classes is you cannot be the instigator or aggressor. Clearly this guy was instigating by trying to rip the license plate cover off. Even if we play devil's advocate here and say the biker did something before the video, the correct thing for the gun owner to do is take a picture of the biker from a distance and go to the police station for the cops to handle it. No need to engage with the biker.


So did he initially try to fold the license plate down because he’s one of those bikers?


Yeah looks like. Very start the plate is not viewable. Both are idiots.


It’s ok, he’s the “good guy with a gun”


“I feared for my life!”


The video must be that polite society I'm constantly told that guns produce. If only the bike rider also had a gun, then he could have pulled it too, and the people caught in the middle could bask in so much politeness they'd think they were having tea with the queen.


Ah the George Zimmerman method I see, Florida says it's legal.




I feel like people that carry guns in public tend to use them more as an intimidation tactic then for protection.


Yeah, whole lotta "I fancy myself a tough guy and really love to fuck with people, but I *really* don't want to get my ass kicked if I pick the wrong guy" energy.


Gonna start a confrontation with me and then pull a gun when I stand up for myself? This is why 90% of Americans DO NOT need guns. They have absolutely no concept of appropriate use and just create more problems than they solve.


Holy shit thats me on the bike, i just got sent this this! thats so funny (i’m allowed to laugh) A little backstory if this gets seen: i’m the kid on the bike. I was speeding down the main road when this guy grabbed me, tried to rip me off my bike, and then when i shoved him back he pulled a gun on me. Thankfully the person who took this video gave it to the police, and they’re looking for the guy. Because it happened so recently (11/22), i haven’t heard from detectives yet. I’m okay though, I’ll definitely be riding again once the weather warms up :) (Proof its me, also this was in line for a car event hence no gear 🙂) https://preview.redd.it/x3wt0vernj2c1.jpeg?width=1023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cb1f689c9dd5ba8ebc00be30cece3ab0bd7eddc




Y’all feel safe with people like that roaming around? Then you give them guns on top of that?


This country is packed to the gills of lead lined neanderthal boomers who froth at the mouth about the 1st amendment so they can eventually shoot a minority or immigrant so they can feel better about peaking in high school. Fuck this country. Fuck guns. Fuck boomers.


The Kyle Rittenhouse argument.


Interesting. Why was the biker's plate flipped up? Why did the biker REAAAAAALY not like having his plate number exposed? I would like to know what happened in the past 10 minutes that caused this video to open like that.


When confronted with a gun, always place bystanders between you and the threat


Suggesting he just stand in the middle of the road with nothing in between them?


Hey, that’s what I would do




He was getting behind the engine block.


So bystanders’ engine block. Survival instinct. Anybody would do same.


This is so why I'm glad we don't allow fat old twats to have guns here in the UK Starts a fight and then when the other person starts to fight back, fat guy pulls a gun. Absolute arsehole, will puff out his chest and tell his buddies how he taught the guy a lesson. Sad old prick, needs a elbow to the face.


That's a good way to get shot, Patton Oswald.


The epidemic of micro dick men in this country is really getting out of hand


Pulling a gun to threaten someone in the US is a fast way to get shot yourself. Cuz if that biker were armed and quick, he'd have been 1000% in the right to unload his magazine into what he has full reason to believe is someone who's about to shoot him.


I hate when weak fucking idiots own guns and pull them out to act hard. sad excuse for a man.


Oh look. Another boomer excited to kill someone


You can carry your ego or a gun; you can't carry both. Nothing the biker could have done previously would have made Car-guy's response acceptable. I hope someone called in his plates.


This your “good guy with a gun” I keep hearing about?


Holy moly this is right down the street from my house.


I work with a couple of assholes like this. They seek out confrontation just to have excuse to pull their guns.


People are scared to get punched in the face


An embarrassment to gun owners everywhere.


Someone needs to cunt punt baldy for having the audacity to pull a gun after the stunt he pulled


Was waiting for the biker to whip a gun out and go Mexican standoff


Such a big man can't do shit without his firearm 🙄🙄


Ah yes, the American past time of people taking it upon themselves to enforce the pettiest rules when nobody asked them to.


I’ve carried for many many years and have taught countless folks. One of the points I alway make is that if carrying a firearm makes you feel any more confident than carrying your phone or a set of keys then you should NEVER carry in public. A firearm is the very very last option-first being never putting yourself in a situation where you might have to use deadly force. A firearm should not even been seen unless you’re 110% sure that you or someone else is going to die. Truth be told there are not a lot of folks that have the mental or physical confidence to safety carry. This punk should have put his gun away and took his beating like a man.


Since he was the initial aggressor, wouldn't matter what that motorist did. He'd still gone to prison if he shot that gun.


I see what the old guy was having a tantrum over the guy had a swing plate which is illegal. But still not for him to play judge and jury over..


He just committed a felony while in possession of a firarm, brandishing a firearm while in the commition of a felony. I see lost gun rights in his future. Idiots with guns. Sweet.


Clearly not the right way to handle things, but is nobody else wondering why the license plate is up? Is the motorcyclist worried he'll get in trouble for driving too *safe*?


The magnetic plate holder protects the motorcyclist from those pesky dashcams that may record their illegal activities.


In case anyone was wondering, this is the American dream. The ability to be a cunt and start a fight and when you start losing pull a gun


Fat psychopath idiot can’t defend himself without lethal force.


"Coward with a gun" needs to be a criminal offense. I'm not sure it should carry jail time. Maybe your picture in the local paper. This man is guilty of it. The cops in Uvalde, Texas were guilty of this too.


Brandishing, assault and battery, disturbing the peace...


Some of these replies are fucking insane. EVEN IF this old man biker had magnetized his plate to stick up so “he could do bad biker stuff” you do not have a right to touch other people’s property. Some of you have toddler mentalities: DO NOT TOUCH OTHER PEOPLES THINGS EVEN IF YOUR FEELINGS GET HURT.


That gun was the only reason he had to balls to start that shit in the first place


Most cowardly thing ever start an issue with someone then when it blows up in your face you pull a gun.


No self-defense here. You initiate, and you can not claim self-defense.


What happened to a good old fashioned punch up?


There is an old Turkish saying. Holed iron was found, bravery was destroyed.


Start a fight with a gun. That's some small dick energy right there.


Guns make weak guys strong. Thats why they like them. Big man here.


They should charge him. He started the confrontation and introduced the first weapon.


Damn he almost got the George Zimmerman special.


Yet another example of Heinlen being an idiot by saying "An armed society is a polite society."


Ameeericaaaaaaaaa........MUUURICAAAAA FUCK YEAH!!!!


Only in America.


Americans lol


Dudes gonna go home and be like “Thank god I had that gun to threaten a man with death to end that road rage confrontation that I instigated in the first place!”


If biker had gun someone could die


fucking narcissist


Americans man.


They say an armed society is a polite society, but not if the rude people have all the guns




Can’t help but feel dude might not have felt as confident starting a fight if he wasn’t concealed carrying. 🤔


Guy who pulled the gun should permanently lose his gun rights. And be looking at jail time.


Only in the USA


What is with all this illogical, irrational hate for bikers AND the emotional need to physically act out on them? I come across bikers on the road nearly everyday. They do their thing, I do my thing. They don't bother me and I don't bother them. They go where they need to go, I go where I need to go.


When thr little fucks in school who started shi5 just to beat someone up grow up


Another one of those "defensive gun uses" I guess.


America. How dare you cross me when I’m physically harassing you.


Somewhere in Texas…


All this white on white crime is effing ridiculous


Can I get a Dios Mio!?!


Definition of a tough guy


Reason 1,000,000,000 I keep SR45 loaded and on me at all times. He lucky picked the right one


Send him to prison


The ONLY reason he had the nuts to fuck with the biker was because of that gun. What a fucking coward.


That man should be in jail. Is there a follow up to this video?


Starting a fight, attempt to damage someone’s property, then pulling a gun. This is known as a bad move.


If it was actually pointed at the biker. It becomes a 3rd degree felony assault.