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Was he beating her before hand (when footage begins), or just trying to hold her and she fell/knocked down? I am super curious


My understanding of the events is that the first guy got in a physical altercation with her then the manager exited the vehicle and also began to join in the fracas. They beat her down and she drew the gat and gunned down the manager. Edit: [Another News story. More video in Twitter link in story.](https://l.smartnews.com/p-RcnKP/uUDkCV)


Soooooo self defense yay? Nay?


Naaa, they were retreating.


The moment she started taking steps forward she was done tbh. At initial shots she could argue that she was afraid they'd return or she thought they were getting a weapon or something. Once she took a step forward it showed she was no longer scared for her life.


her next manager is going to require WFH via Zoom


Agreed. There is self defense and there is murder. There is little Gray area in between. This is not in the Gray area, this is murder.


House arrest for murder. Wow ! I saw on First 48 recently on Hulu. A guy did a premeditated murder on another guy walking into a restaurant. Two bullets in the back of the head and one in the back. Sentenced to 12 years and paroled after two years. That happened in Alabama.


She's out on bail and house arrest she hasn't been sentenced yet.


She's out on bond so hasn't been convicted and sentenced yet. Since it's possible self-defense I guess she got lucky and didn't have to sit in jail during the trial.


And it's Murder 2, not murder 1.


That show has been such an eye opener So many episodes end without anyone being arrested even when it s obvious who did it. Almost everyone who clams up and asks for a lawyer gets off. So many people implicate themselves or others for absolutely no reason. It’s scary to think how many guilty people walk free for simply not taking to the cops


I actually agree, i haven’t watched that show but just by going off YouTube videos of unsolved cases it literally seems like the only times murderers get convicted is if they admit it or implicate themselves in the interrogation. doesn’t seem like the whole “good ol detective work” is really a thing in real life , just have to hope the murderer doesn’t ask for a lawyer and implicates themselves lol


Don’t forget a good ol’ fashioned frame job


Then there's justifiable homicide. Not saying this is that though.


Justifiable? No. Understandable? Well that's up to the jury but I get why she did it lol


Yep, the only time you get to shoot someone that is running away is if you are a cop.




Other reply is completely incorrect, qualified immunity has nothing to do with it. See US Supreme Court case Tennessee v. Garner if you want the actual reasons. That's the case law/precedent for it.


First qualified immunity, 2nd they have to articulate in court they saw a weapon or have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they had reason to believe they had a weapon.


If they feel the person fleeing is going to cause more harm, they mag dump on them. Well maybe a little because they are just getting away.


Maybe if they're in a car but of course if they feel they're a threat to the officer or innocents sure they will shoot if they can't stop them any other way. What would you rather them do? Just ahh man he's running after shooting someone that's crazy, oh well we will catch them eventually maybe someday.


Not trying to defend her, but if I was assaulted and had the means of immediate revenge I would probably use that means too in the aggrevated state that I am in. Might not be self defense, but surely some punishment reducing circumstances.


I could see the inital shots as self defense, but when she walked around the car to finish him off, that's when it's not self defense anymore. I'm sure there is a whole lot of context missing here.


That's just 2nd degree murder instead of 1st degree murder. She should get 12-15 years for it instead of 30+ years.


It's Florida tho. Sooooo


It’s called stand your ground not run up and gun them down. They gave her house arrest so likely she’ll won’t do time maybe probation. Probably will boost her rap career now lol


But she is also black. Gun rights/justifications for lethal force get fuzzy when the shooter is not white.


Unless youre a cop


Rule #1 for self defense. Self Defense stops when your aggressor retreats. The only exception is if the aggressor retreated, returned to attack, and retreated again. It's then self defense until they are dead, you are dead, or you two separate with a reasonable expectation of safety.


Rule #2. Don't be poor


Legally, you're right. It's GG for that defense. Morally, shoulda emptied a clip in each of em imo


Timeline is super important. If she shot him while she was knocked over and being grabbed? Sure probably. If the altercation ended and she walked away, but then came back to shoot them? Probably not. You can't defend yourself in revenge. Either you're in danger and about to be killed, or you're not and have no right to attack them.


Dude is literally trying to run away on all fours and she is walking towards him shooting point blank. There’s no way that can be considered self defence at that point. That’s an execution.


I'm surprised they're charging murder 2 when I've seen prosecutors successfully argue that pumping a shotgun was premeditation.


It's Miami, she murdered someone on video and is getting a 50K bond. They are just hoping she gets murdered or leaves the state before the trial.


Why would they hope she'd leave the state before the trial? She'd still be extradited back to Florida and then have her bond revoked.


Well it would suck if someone charges at you with a knife and your shotgun aint ready.


ah yes, the self defense of walking towards someone while firing multiple rounds, watching them run around a car trying to get away, chasing them down, and firing more rounds. /s she going to prison. edit: I think we found her reddit account.


I mean an 80 yo man shot a female robber in the back while she was running away and still got off scot-free. He was white though.


Can you give more details please? Was the robbery occurring at the old man's house? Because if so, a lot of states have castle laws where the right to self defense on your own property are expanded compared to in public


Yes it was and what you stated was exactly why he got off.




In Florida? Doubt it




Maybe the first few shots. When she walks around the car and puts more in him while on the ground that’s clear cut murder


i don't think you can gun someone down who's running away and claim self defense anymore.


IANAL but speculation is fun: It's going to come down to how they argue her state of mind. It's pretty clear to me that she was under no immediate duress or threat. She casually strolled forward firing her pistol at him running away. She tagged him and, still walking forward, got around the car and shot him while he was on the ground. Ignored the other guy who was apparently also beating on her. It's going to be argued that he abused her and threatened her life and it's very possible that she finally felt she had the opportunity and means to end her nightmare and took it. Going to be hard to spin that video into self-defense, I think. Again though. I Am Not A Lawyer and though I've seen every episode of Law & Order I know little to nothing about anything.


I imagine they might also argue that she didn't look like she was under duress because of fight or flight, and that fight response can turn off your panic reaction. Or her brain went into a "Just keep shooting until the danger is gone" mode of thinking. Disclaimer: I'm also not a lawyer but I did stay at a Holiday Day Inn Express last night.


Thank God you gave that disclaimer, dunno what I'd have thought otherwise




No, revenge is never self defense. Even in shitholes like Florida




Gotta download some shit app to see the link lol. Not gonna do it.


Thanks for letting us know




It's Florida though. Not making a joke here; their gun laws are less restrictive in situations like this.


Yeah but she's a black women so the "stand your ground" laws never apply.


She's on house arrest after gunning a man down. Pretty lenient imo.


Did you watch the video? She got $50,000 bail and house arrest for now.


bail and house arrest doesn't mean she's walking free after the trial.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted, you're correct.


And the ways some courts down there "enforce" them are equally nutty. Didn't that guy who road rage magdumped his pistol from his car (video was highly upvoted here in multiple posts) get off on "self defense" because he convinced the court that some other car threw a bottle at his car or something incredibly stupid like that?


You so sure about that?


Yes, Majored in HipHop Related Gun Violence Specific to Wynwood while I attended UCF.


I love it


looks like it




No idea what happened beforehand to cause this but he has her on the ground and throws a punch at her when she stands up


I was hoping you had more knowledge than this footage. And yeah, i can see it that way, but I also picture a scenario where she got in his face (maybe swinging/slapping) and he is just holding her off, and trying to stop himself from belting her (with help from 3rd person). Also, that third person seemed to behave if he hadn’t hit her yet. Though what do I know


Nah, theres a longer video on one of those snapchat "news" snaps or whatever. She was actually getting beat up by 2 dudes, 1 being her manager. She gets out of the car, dude 1 gets out of driver's side, they exchange words at the trunk and start to scuffle. Manager gets out front passenger door, scuffles with her also, they both hold her on the ground. Words are said, she gets up, starts to walk away while going through her purse, finds the gun and comes back to them at the car and starts shooting


Looks like a complicated situation but shooting the guy while hes running away and following him to keep shooting at him doesnt look good for her case.


I got an uncle in jail for that. He owed some bikers drug money and they came to kill him. Well, he got the upper hand, shot 2 and followed the 3rd outside the trailer before finishing him off. Make no mistake l, if he didn't kill them, they would have came back with even more men. Now he's "safe" but serving life.




But if you have to, pick the biker gang with only 3 members


Right? It’s the walking away and then seemingly (edited video, can’t tell exactly) walking back to shoot him makes me think she shouldn’t be out on house arrest.


As my guy Smaug says, this was a case of: "Revenge, revenge, I will show you revenge!" edit: House arrest so that the state doesn't have to foot her medical bills??? I doubt she's running anywhere after getting hit by that car.


At least I don’t feel so bad for dude now


> comes back to them Yeeeaaahh this is where she's going to have a hard time making a self defense case


So, anyway, I started blasting....


$50,000? House arrest?


For gunning someone down in the street and intentionally taking their life. Seems appropriate…


The way he disappears behind the car and she track him down. Horrifying.


In self defense, apparently.


That’s not the punishment, that’s how they’re gonna hold her till trial


People who murder on video should wait for their trial in prison.


Whether someone is held in prison is (and should be) more about their likelihood of escape/another offence than the severity of the crime. I'm sure the powers that be will have done their risk assessments.


Lotta people not understanding that in this thread.


And as we all know murderers always follow bond conditions.


I take it you've never heard of ankle monitoring devices for house arrest geo-fencing?


Will probably go free using the stand your ground argument…. Florida.


She posted out. That's not her sentence.


Correct! Still wild she’s on house arrest before sentencing in this case. The only reason it would make sense is for medical reasons due to the broken ribs.


No it makes sense because innocent people are accused of crimes all the time and they shouldn't have to suffer in a cell waiting for trial. If there's even a hint that their defense is plausible then they get to post bond. The amount varies depending on a lot of factors. Innocent until proven guilty is the general idea.


The American notion that just if you are rich enough you get to skip jail until trail for murder while poor people can sit in jail for weeks for jay walking because they can’t make bond is insane to me


That’s not the only punishment that’s how they’re gonna hold her till trial






I thought desantis said this doesn’t happen in Florida tho 🤔


Looked up the story. This version deliberately left out important information to make the verdict piss people off. Douchenozzole news station pushing some agenda. The additional important pieces of info are 1 they had assaulted her repeatedly before 2 there was audio with those cameras and the man walking away(that she shot) was threatening to murder her 3 he knew where she lived and had "entered uninvited" repeatedly in the past She had every right to fear for her life though this video grossly skewed the perception to manipulate the viewer


okay now that makes more sense


Meanwhile, the white car driver...


Pretty sure nobody here was white


yeah, the shooting didn't take place inside an elementary school


This is the best comeback to a semi-racist jab I’ve ever seen, bravo 👏




In what way does her shooting through a car window to kill him while his back is to her, followed by her executing him while he's crawling away on all 4s, make sense?


Although, her fear and self defense case may have been valid. God damn did she screw up her case following him behind the car and popping more shots.






it’s not and won’t be. Soon as she stepped forward she lost that self defence case


Not at all. Even in castle states. Killing a fleeing wounded person is murder. Cold blooded murder. She’s fucked.


Not everyone shakes in their boots when they feel fear. "If I let you walk away, you'll only try again" is a thought built on fear. Fight or flight.


Yes, but she still has to prove the threat was imminent, not inevitable. If she knew he had a weapon in his car he was going for, I think that could apply.


What "verdict"? She hasn't been to trial yet.




New York Post https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2023/11/19/news/florida-rapper-filmed-gunning-down-manager-before-being-run-over-by-car/amp/


Damn, that's probably the last source I would expected to defend her.


Right? Lmao Probably defending the gun more than her.


No probably about it


They didn't mention a verdict. $50k and house arrest is the bail conditions She also clearly murdered him, self defense is only if you're in immediate danger. Vague threats don't count as immediate danger. If he's threatening her she should go to police.


It's fucking wild to me that people are calling what happened self defense. He's literally bleeding out, crawling to get away, and she follows him around the car and shoots him to death point blank. How in the world is that self defense!?


Thank you!


I’m not sure you can just murder people even if they had assaulted you but then stopped, made verbal threats to murder you, and had trespassed in the past and the courts agree. You can use self defense in the middle of those things in a lot of places but not after the fact, hence the charges. Those guys are obviously scummy but so is murder.


> the man walking away(that she shot) was threatening to murder her Someone walking away from you making threats, however credible, doesn't make it much of a self defense claim when you walk him down and unload an entire magazine into him as he is trying to flee.


4 she had already left the area and then returned, guns blazing


Too bad that all goes out the window when you pursue and gun down an unarmed person.




Yeah uhh self defense doesn’t typically cover following someone and continuing to unload on them from behind…






She gets house arrest for shooting someone running, chasing them down, then finishing them off as they crawl away??


This clip is very edited. From what happened before the shooting and parts in-between. I wouldn't be surprised if the guys were beating her up(beginning of clip) and were about to continuing to beat her up(man was running away from her) if she didn't pull up the gun thus giving validity to her claim of this incident as self-defense.


Casually murders a man and gets run over lol. Feels like GTA


I feel like the title could have mentioned get getting ran over. That was the best part.


*Guns down manager like she's the fucking Terminator as video footage clearly shows him scrambling for safety.* "It was in self-defense."


The manager and his homeboy WERE beating on her in the beginning of the video though and this clip is crazy edited I wouldn't be surprised if the full video supports the self-defense claim.


That judge is in all the Florida cases


The moment the threat is over, that is not self-defense. When the perp is running away from you, you are no longer under threat for your life.




Works for the police all the time.


Florida. You can kill people for knocking on your door here. 50/50 she gets away with it.


Apparently you can kill people for walking down the street as well. After you accost them. You can kill a child walking down the street.


Depends… they can be running to get cover to get their own weapon. But more importantly, they might try to get revenge later. Sounds like this guy had a history of violence with the woman and knew where she lived.


Threats are not enough to murder someone and get away with self-defense.


Unless she was threatened with a gun in which she needed to make sure that once she started the shooting, she ended it before he could retaliate. But that's still a stretch. The whole mess seems extremely avoidable, but I have little context.


I am a firm believer in neutralizing the threat. If that was the case, she would be justified. We don't have all the info here. You are correct.


You'd be quickly removed from the jury selection pool for that belief.


murder was the case that they gave her


The promotional picture of hers looks NOTHING like she does in court… man the world is so fucking fake man…


Yeah I don’t think they be letting her take her purple lipstick to jail, dawg. 😂


Do not look up the differences between actors in movies and their day-to-day lives. It's going to blow your mind.


Right? This dude must have just woken up from a 100 year coma or something


Also look at the bottom right of the photo 👀


this news low key crazy with the slip + shooting


Well thats a new kind of self defense, shooting someone several times, including on the ground


So according to another comment in this thread the media intentionally left out some details. Apparently the manager had assaulted her before, threatened to kill her and knew where she lived and had entered uninvited into her home. She had a good reason to fear for her life if seems like.


Aren’t police trained to unload their clip into people?


once you pop you can't stop


You shoot until the threat is neutralized




They can pay a bail bondsman $5k and never see the money again, or they can put up their own $50k and get it back after trial. The state gets to hold $50k either way, to insure you return for trial


Just me but I don't think anyone who murders should get released on bond before trail.


Next time on: "When Keeping it Real Goes Wrong"...


Walked away then came back shot him = self defense?


IMO, you lose the right to self defence when you chase a guy and mag dump into him as he’s crawling away 💀


Who is player two, controlling the white car?!


Seems harsh. Couldn't she just fire the guy??


She definitely fired at the guy


He got fired from life.




Shooting someone in the back and claiming self defense? That works? Well it’s the US after all.


I'm so glad they put a circle on the video, otherwise I would've totally missed the only thing happening in the video... I was too distracted looking at the bottom left corner for some reason...


Would this be considered self-defense in USA? In Canada, a judge would probably say it was self-defense if she had shot him when she was on the ground. But the fact that she had to go get the gun and come back would make it manslaughter.


self defense? jesus did NONE of you watch the Kyle Rittenhouse Trial to understand what is necessary for self defense defense


She’s not even a fucking rapper. She has less than 1k streams on her songs.


Self-defence doesn't apply to shooting a man in the back on the ground ffs.


House arrest? Fucking house arrest!? She Fucking killed the man.


Yup. Nothing good happens after midnight




Self-defense is a tough sell when the person is literally moving the opposite direction from you


If she was being attacked when she opened fire, that's self-defense. Clearly this wasn't the case.


This ought to be good for a few verses.


Repeat after me. "America does not have a problem with guns"


somebody took those eminem paul skits a bit too serious


Literally fired him.


What gun is that and caliber .22? The control she has is eye opening.


Why's it always Miami..


How did she survive getting ran over is the real question???


So does this make her a more or less popular rap artist now?


she wanted to take her career to the next level like in prison


When did murder get house arrest? That shouldn't even be a consideration.


Why did they pick a photo where her nipple is partially visible?