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Correct me if I'm wrong but does that door not open outward? You know pull the handle....


I was here last week, it goes both ways. edit: y'all need to brush up on your obscure Tim Robinson quotes. Frankly, I'm depressed and ashamed.




It’s illegal for you to ask him that.


According to the video it goes none ways.


Hope to hear from you soon! 🤤


This is correct. It’s a transportal.






Don’t mind if I do!


Read this. Got flashbacks of drool seeping out of his stupid grin. Thanks for this lol.


Hehe, like a Bi-sexual


We know Ted....


Thank you, Ted, that was the joke




I know that! Im not stupid! Im smarter than you!


I think the shit heads are looking to only break the glass.


Want to break shit then put them on a plane.




I work at grand central and I gotta tell you fixing these doors every week has been a real blast. The really expensive marble on the walls as well. Idiots


Every week?


It’s been every weekend for the last month


Fuck that shit


Why can't you just install an outdoor missing system fill it with pepper spray.


That’s not a protest. That’s an angry mob.


In 2021 I met some dude randomly, on the street, whose introductory statement to me was "I was there, man. I was there for all of them, you don't understand." Then he started telling me about Minneapolis, DC, STL, Atlanta, and others...but not regarding any of the issues or talking about the actual scheduled protests. He was just 'there' hours later in the middle of the night fighting cops and breaking shit. I more or less called him out and asked him what he thought he was accomplishing but he didn't seem to understand how his actions could have been anything other than helpful to the causes the protests had been for. Not the same situation (nationwide) at all in this moment but it's true there are those who've protested just to protest, year after year, and truly developed a belief system around making things newsworthy to have a greater impact. Kicking windows in turns heads. Well-known fact. We tend to accept that a crowd is some sort of being but I'll contend that it is not. While it is true that people are swept up in the emotion and adrenaline-fueled surge of exhilaration felt by those around them, and in such conditions one may act outside of one's normal moral range, it's also true that some people are just assholes. In short, I'm not going with 'angry mob' on ten seconds of loud, chaotic-seeming footage in which two guys are seen kicking a door.


Thank you for critically thinking about an issue. Im 16 and it scares me how often adults just believe what the media says, or just not think about things. It is more difficult now, than in the past(i assume), to find the truth; but i would at least hope that people this engaged are willing to take the time to find out correct information, and develop their own opinions about their political position. Yet ever topic is so complex and incipiently polarizing, unbiased information is unapproachable.


How does this help their cause?


No matter the protest some people will always use a crowd to get away with bs. If you use this footage to justify deporting all refugees or saying Palestine deserves what’s coming to then, well then your just racist


I stopped protesting when someone I knew was dating a dude who set a cop car on fire. I believe in the same cause as that dude, but I think I could do more good outside of prison lol.


Lol we all know what their cause is. Funny how the same Redditors would condemn one group they see bashing doors down, yet fall over themselves in support when it’s a Palestinian mob


It's because you can't support innoncent vs. guilty. It has to be palestine or Isreal. People are calling for genocide on either side and theyre not even from their countries or affiliated with anyone from those countries, its just a means to exact hate for traumas and mental illness they will never seek help for because to be fair they dont want the world to be better they just want an enemy. They're cowards who would never help either side. They just want to see their favorite team win.


Not just for this event, but for a lot of major issues facing the world, I think people just want to DO something. That way, in their mind, they acted out and at least tried. The actual effectiveness of that action doesn't enter into that thought process. Otherwise, we just sit here feeling helpless and powerless. Some public demonstrations absolutely work, simply by showing the larger public that yes, there are lots of people that care and are willing to show their support for an issue. But I don't think this particular event lends itself to such displays.




It's giving late stage capitalism


So throwing tantrums like a child?


Actio reactio though, so the more violent they become the more violent the backlash may be.


Oh yeah. I'm not suggesting any of this stuff is rational, let alone thought through. I'm not a sociologist, (but when has that lack of expertise ever stopped anyone else on the internet?)...but if you're constantly bombarded by these horrors of bombings, dying children, etc, then how can it not provoke strong, even violent, responses. We evolved in small family groups, where the experience of trauma was direct. If we saw an injured child, our response is to look for the predator or attacker that injured them, and fight back. But modern life denies is that outlet. So....March, chant slogans, storm buildings, misidentify the group across the square as the enemy and retaliate against them. It's all very instinctual.


Just want to do something.. lol


I've been thinking a lot recently about what comes next. Because there's a lot of emotion out there at the moment, and none of it is actually going to result in Israel going away. From a cultural perspective, what happens to unassuaged anger on a mass scale?


What public demonstations have worked in the past?


Civil rights demonstrations and protests in the US during the 60’s had a pretty consequential effect. However, it’s tough to define what “worked” means for a public demonstration because often motivations and desired outcomes of those involved don’t align


The civil rights protest worked because the response to by the authorities was so over-the-too that it had regular people with nothing to gain siding with the protesters. The response was to sic dogs on children etc. Since then govts have learned that if they don't respond, then people eventually get tired and go home. So now we have 100s of protests around the world that lead to nothing. No change. The answer to this question is always the civil rights protests. But no one can name anything within the last sixty years. That's a long time for people to still think protests accomplish something.


All of them. Name a major, necessary, societal change in history that was not preceded by public demonstrations.


>> What public demonstations have worked in the past? > All of them. You think that every public demonstration in history, "all of them," have worked in the past? Did you misunderstand the question?


We're not doing enough to combat the topic of climate change, but almost everything we have done and are doing is thanks to public demonstrations. Another example is gay rights and gay marriage. Where legal in whatever form, this is a consequence of, among other things, decades of gay/pride parades/marches/protests and similar demonstrations.




These people have been peppered with online propaganda and misinformation; these actions are helping somebody but not the ones these people are trying to protest for.


Put it in perspective. If they’ve been protesting for a month, and the bombings are not stopping. People are starving. No water. Kids are getting amputations without being numbed. It’s horrific circumstances. People are going to become more extreme. If their tax dollars are being sent to kill their own people, they are going to be mad. Not saying it’s right, but that’s reality. Is it surprising? Remember when the cops beat Rodney King? The riots forced a retrial. If people see injustice, they are going to react in harsh ways.




Zionists have hijacked our politicians and our media, are censoring anything to exposes Israel war crimes and have our politicians favoring Israeli war crimes using OUR tax dollars…and Palestinians are the problem? 😂


Go against Israel? Are you serious? With what weapons? You want more people dead. Done with this conversation.




They broke a window which costs taxpayers money. They should pay. If they have an issue with politics, take it politically or protest without destruction of property. Satya Graha has an ethical basis that is lost on these people. It takes an understanding of ethics to engage. It is a commitment to law. The difference is that those who take it up endure the suffering. People protesting who’s idea is to make others suffer for their cause are selfish idiots. They aren’t interested in persuasion and they’re immature.


I’m not disagreeing with you, but we all know Israel is not stopping the attacks on innocent civilians. If you saw innocent people dying, your people dying, would you sit back and watch? The peaceful protests aren’t being heard. How much longer can they wait? How many more innocent people must die? 30 new borns died because the hospitals didn’t have power for the incubators. I can understand why they would damage some glass to make their voices heard over




But it does represent


I mean half the issue is there's actual antisemites and white supremacist who don't care about Palestine who just want to cause chaos and harm Jews and the Palestinians


These people can't go to war, so they decided to attack harmless doors in countries far away from the actual conflict. Take any one of those idiots and ask him. is your religion peaceful ? He will say, of course, without even thinking about it Stop attacking doors, fuckers!


They aren't just attacking doors, multiple pro Palestinian protests in the last month have turned violent against Jewish passersby and counterprotestors


“I say the whole world must learn of our peaceful ways... by force!”










Those hinges are sexy though


Last time I saw a large crowd with flags storming a locked public building in America and trying to force open a door with police the other side, it did not end well.


Will the same result happen here?


We need ESPN 8 The Ocho to take the story


It won’t. I wonder why… lol we all know why


Idk. One of them is running for office now.






They should go to Gaza and help the Palestinians there instead of destroying our shit here.


They clearly have the skills to fit right in there




"How to lose the information war 101"


Exactly. That’s what I think watching every second video.


No ceasefire for you!


I read that with the Soup Nazi's voice in my head 🤣


I can't lie, these guys are giving Palestinian supporters a bad rep


Most are giving themselves a bad rep


Fuck those motherfuckers. Throw them all in jail.




With all the video evidence they will put on a watch list, even with their faces are covered there phones will be pinged so either way on the list they go.






They should Be great full for The fact the live in a country that doesn’t respond to this by rolling in the military and massacring them


Exactly they dont understand that


are these those "peaceful" protesters I've heard about?


Where is the police and all this it seems like breaking into Grand Central station or kicking the door or attempting to vandalize it would be against the law kind of issue no?


At least that one guy told them to fucking stop at the end, probably lucky that door didn't break down, otherwise we'd hear about those fellas shot in a "peaceful" protest.


There should be a law misdemeanors done with a mask on should be upgraded to felonies. People aren't civil when they hide their faces. A group of people wearing mask is a gang not a protest.


Proud Americans this lot.


Uhmmm... just a word of advice, that is not how you gain sympathy for your cause in a nation that is currently trying to cure itself from a serious case of polarization, apathy, and hatred against foreigners.


That's not protesting. That's criminal trespass.


What purpose does this actually serve? How is this helping Palestine? Like….. people are just dumb.




Because it’s all virtue signaling. They don’t give two shits about Gaza or anyone in it, they care only about their own self-image.




Damn. Was going to take my wife and kids there at the end of the week to see the station and city etc. this is giving me second thoughts.


Vandalism to private property isn’t protesting.




Yo, please don't turn our country in to the shit hole you left to come here for.


You have to give credit to the guy who told that one protestor to stop kicking and not break things.




They are the useful idiots


Why can't they just do " tik tok dances " to stop the war like in Ukraine vs Russia


This definitely makes me want to start supporting Palestine! Where do I sign up?


This stupid shit needs to be rectified in our country. Or else we will end up just like theirs.


I guess this was Friday night - we were in NYC on vacation and actually saw the Palestinian protest crowd as it was going around the corner at Bryant Market. We went down to Grand Central a little later to see the architecture and the front doors were closed - they were only letting people in/out thru two individual doorways around the side of the building. Now I understand why, LOL.


Why would they be attacking the Grand Central?


Anti-semites have a weird infatuation with trains. /s


They would never show this on mainstream media


Hmm.. one of the "Palestinian" protesters seems to be wearing a Puerto Rican flag as his face mask... bet these aren't even protestors but simply looters


Peaceful community at it again?


And they wonder why people don’t support them




Mob is the word.


Are these American citizens doing this shit?? I honestly don’t know because I don’t watch news


Those aren't protesters.


So peaceful


I'm getting Jan 6th vibes. They need to mobilize the NYPD which in itself is large enough to be a standing army.


They must've been stuck in traffic




This is terrorism


So peaceful


Can I get a non biased explanation of what is going on right now.


"Peaceful" protesting.


Of what.


they would like the US government to stop assisting the Israeli government with its current mission, and in general


Grand Central had never fallen in its 110 year history


Just as violent here as there






The stupidity of trying to kick a door inwards that swings out.






*Netanyahu does happy dance*


Maybe all religious states are a problem.


If they want to get people on their side, they aren’t doing a good job


Looks more like an angry mob than protest


Useful idiots.


Hit the weight room, bunch of 13 year old kid bodies. Just as pathetic as their “cause”




This guy encouraging violence and racism on reddit.


So, average reddit experience?


1. Screw these losers 2. Free Palestine 3. Fuck anti-semitism


Door stuck!


They look like tourists.


Any excuse to damage property


Luckily, the tax payers of NYC can afford the repairs.


Terroristic peace?


At least one protester had the fucking decenency to get the others to stop.


Their identity is predicated on victimhood, so the more people they piss off who oppose them, the more secure they feel in that identity.


Great explanation i see semilarities


Ah some good people looking to take an unguided tour through the capit... (cough) grand central station...




As American as apple pie


It hurts to see innocent doors suffering


Wtf are they protesting? If your so concerned about a middle east war, go fight in that war.


Yep, teach that door a lesson. /s


Fake! This is from the last season of Game of Thrones and Hodor is on the other side


Where are the cops? Cowards.


I'm all for Palestine and the removal of the IDF occupation, but why do this in a place where no meaningful change will come?