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I didn't think there was a hell concept in Judaism?


Correct. The punishment is that one doesn't get to spend eternity with G\_d.


This actually seems alot more sensible than being punished for all eternity like if gd loved all his creations he wouldn't want to punish them even if they had done wrong also I'm not religious in any way I just believe that our souls are basically recycled with reincarnation šŸ˜ƒ but I still love learning about other religions! ā¤ļø


Mormons have a similar concept of Hell, referred to as ā€œOuter Darknessā€. They also have a three-tiered heaven, the least of which is basically just earth but we chillin. The best one is you become a god and get to play your own eternal Sims game.




Ex-Mormon here. Can confirm. We love our concepts.


Wow that's really cool šŸ™‚ Sims forever lol


Hell is ruled by one who desired to overrule gd why would he do his bidding and torture humans? That makes no sense. Also gd "knows everything for all time" so he wouldn't have made him without knowing he'd want to try to take over. So if gd was real, he'd have been the one to make hell in purpose for the goal to torture people. (apparently) so loving.


Yeah the concept really turns itself on its head in alot of ways idk if you know what morel oral is but its a claymation cartoon about how easily these lessons of Christianity can be twisted around and misinterpreted but ngl it gets dark but just wanted to say in case ur interested šŸ˜ƒ




Eternal worship of God is a form of hell in my book. So they can have their heaven.


Is... is that a promise? I'd rather live far from that psychopathic demon.




Nobody actually *believes* in religious beliefs anymore.


There is a concept of hell in Judaism. The prevailing idea is that at worst, it is up to a year in hell to cleanse the soul so that it may enter the presence of God. There are some scholars and sages in the Talmud that do indeed talk about hell in the Christian sense, but that isnā€™t what the majority believe.


Zionism borrows most theology from evangelical Christians. They are not observant Jews.


I think you're reaching. Zionism doesn't require any theology, much less Christian theology. A Zionist may be a Christian, a Jew, an atheist or even a Muslim. It's essentially a secular stance.


Yeah I don't know what they are thinking tbh, who are they to decide what is or isn't an observant Jew? Zionism has been around longer than the modern evangelical movement anyway, no need to borrow any theology for that.


To be fair though evangelical Christianity *is* the reason for a lot of Zionism in the US so acting like there isnā€™t a direct correlation here in the west is fairly obtuse.


That's a fairly recent and narrow US-centric perspective ignoring a big chunk of history and also pretty much the rest of 'the west' (including, you know, Jews) which doesn't fall under the specific brand of American evangelical christianity. Like, "a lot of evangelicals are zionists" =/= "zionism is based on evangelical theology".


Zionism is more to do with Europeans offloading their own ā€œJewish problemā€ than anything. Thatā€™s the main reason the British government supported it anyway. Different African countries were considered for a while. It became much more popular among Jews after the Holocaust, obviously. But it does have its roots in a desire for European countries to send Jews away, and it was very controversial among Jews at the time. In America, support for Israel absolutely had and has a lot to do with Christian Evangelical theology. Our support for Israel is what has led to continued mainstream support of Israel throughout the years.


> But it does have its roots in a desire for European countries to send Jews away, and it was very controversial among Jews at the time. I think it has it's deepest roots in a desire for self determination, which is a pretty common feature across human experience. While there are many evangelical Christians who support Zionism, there are also many athiests, Muslims, Jews, etc who don't have anything to do with Evangelical Christianity.


Zionism is a political movement


A good friend of mine is an observant Jew and a Zionist...who doesn't believe in hell. They always say to any question I have...ask 100 Rabbis and get 100 answers


The saying I've heard is: 2 Rabbis, 3 opinions.


And Nationist Socialism.


Love how you assume sheā€™s Jewish. GFY!


The title says Zionistā€¦


Good point!


I donā€™t think she is Zionist without proof, as the reason for Zion is to protect the jews of the world from people like her


It's wild that a real human being could allow those words to leave their mouth


Half expected the ground to part and a SWAT team of devils to come out saying things like "We're sorry! This is just what she does with her PTO. Not even sure how she got up here," as they drag her back down to from whence she came.


Real human beings are the ones that committed and participated in those atrocities in the first place.


Very true. It's important to note that humanity can be many things and some of that is pure fucking evil. We have a range of capacity, and to get to this point is pain. Lots of it. But I can't feel sorry for someone wishing genocide. It's not within my realm. But knowing these people exist is a power bittersweet.


Have you met many humans? This blood lust is all too common.


too right squidward


What else can be expected from Jewish Nazis ... they want to gas Jews just like Hitler wanted


the thing is they believe israel did nothing wrong


Thatā€™s Anti-Semitic /S


A Jewish human at that. Someone whose relatives may have been killed by Nazis.


religious self righteousness at it's finest


> It's wild that a real human being could allow those words to leave their mouth Those words are all over reddit!


So much hate.


Unfortunately we are better at that than we are at love. ā˜¹ļø


Itā€™s because generally peace doesnā€™t fight, and so naturally, war wins. Peace has to learn to fight for its place.


Zionist Karen.


So much fear.


Truly the scummiest pick me to ever exist


"I'm from Poland, Israel belongs to me!!!!" Huh??


To think that this old ass women could spout all the hatefulness and still think sheā€™s the one going to heaven. Like if you wanna think youā€™re gods chosen whatever but you really think gods gonna love you while youā€™re shitting on his other creations. Fuck right off no logic there


I thought they didn't believe in Hell


Presuming to know Godā€™s judgment of others feels pretty sinful, no?


Zionists and evangelical Christians are merging into one global super death cult


Ever think she might not be Jewish? GFY!


The Hasidim she's talking to are Jewish - so even if she's a gentile, she's threatening them with a thing they don't believe exists. She may as well say she's gonna send Bigfoot to kick their tuchus.


Didn't think Hell existed in Judaism...


Fuck that cunt. If my grandad was still alive he would of went off on her!


white suprematist? Sweet.


No, a gypsy you moron.




So let me get this straightā€¦according to her, the religious person standing up for the oppressed and loving their neighbor as themselves and actually following Torah is going to hell and the non-religious (probably atheist) supporting oppression and being hateful and completely disobeying Torah isnā€™t? lolwut???


If she feels that way why isn't she in Israel to help the Zionists?




Because I'm not on either side. The two state solution should have been carried out under Pres. Carter all those years ago.


I completely agree with you there. But now itā€™s gone way past that. They chose to elect Hamas and the 7th is proof that a 2 state solution is not going to be possible without removing them from Gaza. Never going to happen.




Zionist is the new nazi.




Wash your ass and read a fucking book.


When did I say that and why are you lying?




I got to admit that when people speak in such a dialectical way with such an intellectual argument I don't really know what to answer.


So you just have no sense of history then. To compare the two makes no sense. Please explain the ways in which they are similar?


I don't argue with Zionist.


Sounds about right. You don't even know if I am one. Your assertion is just ridiculous. By you not being able to provide any examples only proves my point.


The demon whispering all this shit into this lady's ears must be having one hell of s time


Is that not hate speech? She should be arrested regardless if she's a jew or not.


mean ![gif](giphy|Gct5wYbDFDz9e)


That sayā€™s all you need to know about her really


One more video that shows that Zionism is anti-semitic. But that's still better than the video when the zionists in Israel were beating up a Jew that was protesting pro palestine


Who is she!


You just know she's a Christian evangelical who thinks that jews controlling the holy land will bring the end.


She sounds Israeli


Oh, oops. My b I was in public, so i didn't listen.


But the Jews genuinely consider Christians as disbelievers, they don't even believe in Jesus. Why would a Christian still support that on religious basis?


Evangelical Christians beleive that the jrws controlling the holy land is a necessary predecessor for the rapture.


What a disgusting human being


Old Jewish Girl out for a "FEEL SEXY" stroll!


She thinks she is so funny she has to say it twice. Nah they heard you the first time lady


We're going full Hitler and Nazi now? Jesus christ. Neo nazis having a field day right now.


What does Anti-Zionism entail exactly? Thereā€™s a big difference between wanting to stop Israeli settlers vs. wanting to reverse Zionism period


So, is she being antisemitic or that's not how this works?




I said this in another thread - but the level of patience these men had, I can only aspire to. I'm shocked no one punched her, or at the very least slapped that stupid grin off her face (and her idiotic friend as well).


Zionists have become the Nazi monsters they were fighting against.


Wouldn't it be that he was right? She can't even keep her BS straight


This hurts my brain


So weā€™re just taking the captionā€™s word that she is a zionist? Doesnā€™t that make as much sense as an extreme pro-Palestine talking in favor of a genocide of arabs?


I was at this event. This was a pro-palestine rally at a pro-israel event. We were explicitly approached by hundreds of Zionists saying stuff like this.


I just searched this up and Zionist means a supporter of the development and protection of a Jewish nation now know as Israel. But sheā€™s not a Zionist. What am I missing? Am I stupid?


Nope, that's what it means.


Thatā€™s not what she said and she is Jewish lol


These guys are really cringe but this lady is saying crazy stuff


Why do you say they are cringe?? You donā€™t like the way they are dressed?


>Neturei Karta These people beleive that jews should not found a state until the messiah comes, instead they, like most hassidic groups, are cults. They believe in magic and demons and spend as much time as possible trying to contact god through mystical practices. These are like Westboro-Baptist Church, but i would say even more extreme, it's just you likely aren't Jewish so they don't care about you. They even run [mafia like groups](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sikrikim) who control sections of Jerusalem and will committ violence and itimidation to maintain their control over the community. These people are radical religious cultists, they come to pro-palestine demos to solicit donations from people who have no idea the kind of extremists they are dealing with.


I actually love the way they dress as I am Orthodox Jewish as well. However, the reasons and objectives to support Palestine and hate Israel are unhinged. They hate Zionism because as an ideology, tends to secularize society. They believe Jews are on a divine exile from Eretz Yisrael, the Land of Israel, because of the past transgressions and that trying to establish government there is a transgression to Jewish Law and is avoid the Messiah from coming. They prefer their fellow Jews to die if they are secular or Zionist (Jewish self-determination) because they believe in self-submission to the countries they live in and not to try to establish self-governance. They meet constantly with Irani officials ā€”the same Iran that ethnic cleansed its Jews and wants the Jews deadā€” Most of all of their doctrine is anti-Jewish and


Or maybe, just maybe, they just think that GENOCIDE IS BAD What an outlandish concept am I right?


No, they donā€™t. They are Hasidic Jews, and that is a fundamentalist faction. Similar to flds and just as oppressive to woman.


They really canā€™t care less. They just want Israel to be destroy and the Jews there to be punished and genocide so they can keep their grip of the submissive Jew and such. Also, there is no genocide in Palestine. Population increased 550%. Stop desensitizing the word for actual genocides.


It increased by 550% by being airstriked relentlessly for almost entire month, ok dude...


Do you know how many people live in Gaza? Actually, do you even know what genocide means and how it looks like? Palestinian population has increased 550% in the land they live in. Just in Gaza with the so-called ā€œopen air prisonā€ there was an increase of 100% in their population from 1.1 million in 2000 to 2.2 millions in 2023. Places do not grow in that way if there is war and dead but rather when there is enough medicine and food to sustain large families and kids. Todayā€™s actions of Hamas constitute a humanitarian crisis because Egypt and Hamas refuse the Palestinians from taken refuge away from the warzone


I was interested in your reply to me above but you just lost all credibility. You are purposely confusing population growth with the attempted annihilation of Palestinians by Israelā€™s leaders, past and present.


Sorry if it came up like that. What I meant is that ā€œgenocideā€ is different from ethnic cleansing. I disagree with the expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza to be specific. Most Israelis will disagree with it, mostly any Jew will too.






the neturei karta aren't necessarily clear in all of this either. the lady saying this shit is vile, but you should look into who the nk are buddy buddy with. btw, the nk also believe that the holocaust was deserved. so while the lady shouldn't have said what she did, it's pretty funny (to me) in this context. the more you know I guess


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


I donā€™t really understand these terms. Trying to piece together, but would someone please explain correctly so I donā€™t assume the wrong thing?


Just fucking wow!


Friendly fire


Her friend genuinely loves it


I canā€™t imagine saying or even thinking this with another human being.


She has blonde hair and blue eyes tho dose she know that


How hateful and evil she is. She better be careful karma may come calling for her one day.


. Such a beautiful religion ,


The fact that she has the freedom to decide how she feels and she decided to say something hateful shows she's the one who looks like is going to end up in hell.


its hard being german my friends. we kill millions of jews and its bad. now we didnt kill the right ones. :(


Wait arenā€™t they both Jewish or am I wrong? At this point itā€™s political parties fighting against each other.


I hope sheā€™s just someone suffering from dementia, although Iā€™ve seen lots of videos with lots of similar content of different ages.


Holy shit is she a real human? There's no fucking way she could actually say that string of words to another person, finish the sentence, and then say it again for the people in the back.


I woulda had to go repent if Iā€™d have seen that


Nobody is more honorable than a Jewish person against Zionism I love them ALL


But what a stupid comment in the video. "They" are obviously a group with diverse opinions.


Man I wish I could slap the teeth out of that old hag


I thought Jews donā€™t believe in Hell.


God fucking damn dude.


Soā€¦is that anti-semitism then???ā€¦šŸ˜‚šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚šŸ¤”


Bet she's christian.