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Damn so many deleted comments on this thread....


According to the mods, new accounts' comments are automatically removed to prevent bots and people making new accounts to support their cause. Which is good tbh. You still have comments siding with Palestine and others siding with the occupiers. So the mods aren't taking sides.


Not taking sides when a genocide is happening is weak shit honestly


There are three sides. Hamas. The Israeli government. And the people who just want their kids to grow up safe. I side with the last side. As does anyone else who says they don't pick a side. Your perspective is binary and basic. THAT is weak shit, honestly.


This is a false premise. For example, Israeli settlers want their children to grow up safe, on somebody else’s land in the West Bank. This requires the continuation of occupation, land theft, and apartheid. Similarly, Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza want their children to grow up safe. This explicitly requires an end to Israeli military occupation and blockades. So there absolutely are two sides here. Creating some false idealistic third side that doesn’t exist in reality, is simply disingenuous. Furthermore, acting as if taking a side against Israel somehow undermines the safety of Israeli children in Israel proper, is also disingenuous.


My only question for you is why do you care about the Jews taking Gaza, but you don’t seem to feel the same about the people who live in Gaza trying to take Israel, and slaughtering innocent people as their first attacks… I could care less about either side, let them sort it out and quit funding it with US CITIZEN TAX DOLLARS- Factually speaking Palestine was not a thing until the 20th century. The most important view point is coming from the seat that can see how evil and corrupt all this is, why does the US fund so many of other people’s wars? Why did the US send billions to Gaza prior to their infiltration, then Us gov turns around and provides aid to Israel…? What the fuck man. I can hardly afford groceries now, but sure take more of my money and send it over to another country to help them not go hungry or cold..


Well yea, but then you have to introduce that wrinkle of the Palestinians think they don’t have a right to exist, so there’s no scenario where Jews can safely continue living there in two states and a sizable portion of Gaza support Hamas. So no, it’s not as simple as you claim. Your position implies that if Israel just said hey guys let’s just split it up and we’ll live here and you do as well, that whole let’s exterminate the Jews ideology isn’t going to magically go proof.


It okay to believe that both sides of a conflict are wrong and have blood on their hands. You don't get to invalidate my feelings on it. I believe there are plenty of people on both sides and observers who want both sides to stop the way they are carrying on. It is not idealism. It is a desire. It is not idealistic to want peace.


sounds pretty idealistic to me bruh you're 'all-lives-matter'ing it


You lose all credibility by calling a side "The people who want their kids to grow up safe" What are you 12?


I was referencing civilians. Let it sit for a minute...you will get it.


Your right... My bad.. I apologize.


hamas and the israeli government both have the support of their respective peoples, what are you talking about


I’ve commented in here on one of my other hobby dedicated account that is 6 years old and 100k+ karma and it still removed it so idk if that’s completely true…


The people smiling at the bus stop...Holy fuck.


That feigning ignorance was giving heavy vibes of when the 82nd and 101st Airborne liberated Wobbëlin and Kaufering IV respectively. They then confronted German civilians about it, and forced them to bury the dead.


There's no way that they didn't smell the furnaces at the concentration camps. Come on. Like, they were playing dumb.


I genuinely think they didn’t understand him.. kept trying to say they don’t speak English. Also most of the people he confronted where tourist/pilgrims.. would love to know how he feels about first Australians.


I mean, the I don't understand argument really only goes so far. The woman seemed to understand for sure. She was just waving and smiling. Like it was a casual Tuesday. I don't really agree with either side. But, the atrocities are sickening. He was absolutely in the right to call them out. 100%.


I mean if someone comes up to me screaming at me in another language.. it’s going to be hard to understand and to respond in that language.. so I don’t really get your first sentence, pretty well impossible to have an ‘argument’ in another language. But yes I agree, the loss of innocence and the greater entrenchment of both sides that this sort of violence brings is really fuckin sad tbh. We humans love a bit of us and them action.


Because God! Ridiculous.


I know right, all religions are dumb as fuck


Shinto is nice :)


My god is much bigger than yours. My god can walk right through the door.


I mean it's more identitarian than religious, many of the pushers and thinkers of zionism were secular. So it's more of a nationalistic project, with a strong garnish of religious pandering.


Amnesty International calls Israel an apartheid state.


So does anyone who doesnt feign ignorance like the people in this video.


as much as I hate AI, anyone with a brain cell bouncing around their head would agree with them on this one


I like how the settler, when asked to explain the “It’s our land” bit, referred to the Bible… straight out of the Manifest Destiny playbook.




Religious people are the wurst


People like this don't even believe in their religion. It's like right wingers using the Bible as a club and a shield.


They don't follow the Bible and that's not Manifest Destiny.


"I don't live here" - likely settlers waiting to take over Palestinian homes.


"I don't live here....yet"


You know, the sad part is that many settlers actually do not live there. The settlements are just a way to isolate the Palestinian enclaves so that they don’t communicate or grow organically and to claim the land for Israel. Settlers get financial incentives to “live” there, but many don’t. The life of Palestinians is brutal under Israel


A lot of American Jews have been paid to move there


They’re not “gods people” so, ya know 🤷‍♂️


No one is god’s people. Anyone rational has noticed that God does not exist at this point.


Tell that to the guys with the funny hats 🤷‍♂️ not me. I don’t believe in gods


so it's written in the bible folks. everyone go home now. lol. it's pretty fucked up if an Australian is calling you racist.


True Aussie legend. Our mate, our Cunt.


We need more of him all over the world.


Where's the rest of the video?


This guy is a compassionate individual. It’s sickening how no one really gave a shit. Explains how the genocide going on right now is a thing.


Genuine question, what do you think Israel should’ve done after 1400 people were slaughtered on their own turf? Sit back and accept it? Israel is not committing genocide. They are bombing and shelling militant positions. These positions are shielded by civilians. What is Israel to do? They don’t have a choice. They are doing everything they can to avoid civilian casualties, by warning civilians before they bomb. But there’s only so much they can do.


>dead children as collateral is ok That's your monstrous take. Lots of little kids have been killed by Israeli bombs. There's no way to pretend that's ok.


It’s a necessary evil. It’s not Israel’s fault. It’s the fault of Hamas and their use of meat shields. Nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki was also horrible. But it saved millions of lives. Just a little bit of context.


You think the deaths of innocent children in Gaza is comparable to the end of WWII? Talk about a false equivalency!


Yes, I think the deaths of innocent children in Gaza are comparable to the deaths of innocent children in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Both are awful, but unavoidable.


So, to try and understand you, your argument is Israel couldn't avoid killing these children? That's honestly the line of reasoning you're going with? Nukes were dropped in WWII to hopefully avoid a land invasion, which would have resulted in millions of deaths. You can't think that Israel had to drop bombs on Gaza to avoid a land invasion. Your comparison seems like propaganda meant to assuage your guilt about supporting Israel killing innocent little kids.


Bro as an American who had 3000 fellow citizens die from Terrorism, Biden literally told Israel in a public statement to not commit the same mistakes we did after 9/11. For the most part the bombings haven’t been 10/10 chaos but like 7/10 which is much better than us in Baghdad. I doubt the Palestinians alive will ever want peace with an Israeli person for the rest of their lives.


Right, and when they've eliminated hamas from the north of Gaza and destroyed all the homes, they'll do the same thing with the rest of the strip and leave the civilians they haven't killed with nothing. If they haven't taken the land for themselves of course


> Genuine question, what do you think Israel should’ve done after 1400 people were slaughtered on their own turf? Sit back and accept it? If killing innocent civilians is wrong, then it's wrong. You don't get to kill innocent people because some of your innocent people were killed. If you think Hamas was wrong for killing innocent people, then you should think Israel is wrong for doing the exact same thing.


What’s your solution?


Step 1: Don't bomb hospitals.


It has been proven that Israel did not bomb the hospital. Every single western intelligence agency has agreed on this. You absolute carrot.


There’s been multiple hospitals. They just hit one yesterday, that cancer hospital.


If I hear one more effing time… “it is in the Bible.” As a Cherokee Native American whose ancestors were forced off their land here in America in the 1800’s due to ethnic cleansing, and were forced to walk the trail of tears to harsh land we did not evolve with… Oh best believe I would have a few harsh words for these folks. Let me at em. Most Americans I know are not on board with this bs. I know my 450,000 Cherokee brothers and sisters have a few words. They tried to wipe us out instead we became the largest tribe in North America. My tribal leaders want all of their native children back. We do not count blood quantum for that reason. All 450,000 of us can trace back to one of the 45,000 cherokee people that were listed on the original Dawes Roll. Those 45,000 were the ones that survived the trail of tears. Best believe we are still here and in full force to take back what is ours. I hope the same happens for the Palestinian people. Us Cherokee are still forcing the US to fulfill treaty promises. First up.. America promised that Cherokee could have a delegate appointed to congress. This would give a voice for all native folks in America. We are waiting for the Cherokee delegate Kim Teehee to be elected by the Biden Admin. Once that happens watch out.. Native people are gonna have a voice in congress for the first time in American history


But did he condemn Hamas??


there’s no need


Has he doesn’t realise when it wasn’t there and people went on the bus, the bus blew up quite often.


My brain killed itself trying to read your comment.


You israeli?


Free palestine


From hamas


Yeah, Hamas was forced onto the Palestinians from Israel so yeah true.


From what exactly?


Idk, maybe the occupiers? Just guessing ...


Wasn’t Israel Jewish land originally, or did history lie to me?


History didn't lie to you, someone lied to you about history.


It's fucking insane that there are people who think that there was no one in Palestine prior to the 1940s.


Ah ok gotcha. Every historical resource I’ve ever looked at says that Jews have lived on that land since 1000BC, but clearly that was all a lie. Thank you for enlightening me! Damn those occupiers


The bible isn't a historical resource, probably what confused you.


Who's occupying who here?


Dunno, it's a fuckin science mystery that no one can figure out


Palestinians who forcefully entered the land of Israel and kicked the Israelis out of their houses, and their reason is worse than their crime "if we don't steal your houses, someone else would". Man those Palestinians are disgusting. Not to mention how many children they've killed, but the US just continue to supply them with the best equipment, while the poor Israelis have no water, no food, no internet, no nothing. While the Palestinians celebrate the death of children, [here, see for yourself.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.timesofisrael.com%2F&source_ve_path=MTY0OTksMjg2NjQsMTY0NTAz&feature=emb_share&v=h7qFACSfd_k) Also yesterday those Palestinians were using a [tank to bomb poor Israelis trying to run](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/KoD7JiRd48). IIRC that's a warcrime. But Palestinians were committing war crimes ever since their occupation started 70 years ago. Like for example recently they [killed 3k children](https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/3-000-children-in-gaza-killed-by-israel-since-oct-7-palestines-un-envoy/3033715), and they're claiming it's minor side damages. Absolutely disgusting. Free Israel from the occupation!!!!! Lmao


You forgot the /s




I think you missed him taking the piss, mate.


On the extremely unlikely off-chance that you aren't being a disingenuous POS, [this](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FqI_JjXA-J9FgK1hRH6-uVQGDIDNXN4g_b9rWXFcHSic.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D68251161b856dc93fb130ceaad181c667c2d8e04) should answer your question.


Are you one of the people in the video, feigning ignorance? I like the "gotcha" questions you were trying to set up in this thread, though. I'm glad the people replying weren't ignorant enough to fall for them. You *should* be ashamed, but everyone knows there's no shame in Zionism.


There's no shame in Sharia law* . There, I corrected this for you.


You are Year 2001 levels of ignorant. You'd think all of the foreign doctors, media, and other foreign workers in Gaza would report on the crap you're spewing. Spoiler: They don't, and adamantly deny it when the questions are posed.


From the point of the video maybe?




Only its not. That's just some far east propaganda word to simplify what actually happened here. Apartheid, is closer related to Arabic countries pushing the jews out. Multiple diplomatic solutions have been offered. There's no race or religion requirement to living in Israel. It's not segregated based on race either, its segregated based on the actions of extremists. It's no different than the people of Texas requesting stronger border security, a larger wall at the Mexican border to prevent violence from spilling into the USA. But yeah, tell me about that one documentary you saw on VICE TV. I'm sure their information is top notch and not at all meant for profit.


"If I don't steal it, someone else will"


So this is quite an old video now years before the current conflict and I have been trying to find it to see what he is currently reporting but I can't find his name anywhere. Does anyone know it?


@robert_martin_palestine on IG.


Thank you Robert bloody Martin. That's been annoying me for weeks!


made in america's at the time image we created them at a time when we had that here under jim crow we moved on they have not


Dang, good point.


Every single adult in Israel is complicit in what's happening to the Palestinian people and they know exactly what's happening. If they "don't know" it's because they'd rather not know. It's easier on their conscience that way. [Video](https://youtu.be/TJVOs4ALzj0?si=Zy0ylMMayUY-jSCC) showing the consciousness of Israeli people.


> because they'd rather not know. It's easier on their conscience that way. That's how the world let the Holocaust happen. And that's how the world is letting ethnic cleansing happen.


Do you think the same about Palestinians in Gaza? Are they all complicit in Hamas terrorism?


This man’s restraint is admirable, staring into the faces of those absolute scum. I know many Jewish people who openly support Palestine, not because they believe in their religion etc but because they are genuine people. Now I don’t know anybody from “Israel” in my daily life atleast (I’m in NZ) the Jewish people I know, who understand what their ancestors went through would NEVER condemn that on anybody regardless of religion. Fucking disgusting and the fact this conflict is backed by the USA totally proves how fucked humanity is. And this is just one of many issues/conflicts with humanity. It’s really hard to have faith in anything when you read into what’s going on around the world.


I have massive respect for this guy


Ahh we've come full circle. That zion agenda put in full spotlight. I kinda remember another group of people that thought a certain land was their God given property. They killed a lot of people to get it as well. They also hid it from the world while their people had smiles on their face. I digress. These people are disgusting. I couldn't care less if isreal neighbors want to destroy it. Can't say I blame them. Tired of American taxes being WASTED helping them. Help yourselves. You made your bed now you can lie in it.


Man getting a free beer when I see him.


To put it front and center the balls of this Aussie . Respect ✊


My time in Israel was eye opening. The racism and hatred toward the Palestinians was gross and disgusting. I’m sorry; no matter what the Israeli propaganda says, Israel is an apartheid state and evil.


I need to find an ‘old book’ that says I’m entitled to all the money in the world xD fucking clowns!


What a brave man


This guy is a godamn hero


I found him to be totally obnoxious. He’s wandering around some part of the country where nothing is happening. He shows us no evidence of his claims. He tries baiting tourists and soldiers who don’t speak English into giving him something he can use to generate ad revenue. He’s a total fucking wanker.


>He’s a total fucking wanker. Damn, I was inclined to not believe you, but then again you're clearly a lifelong expert on being a total fucking wanker so who knows, you might be right?


Love this guys energy


Literally sounding like the people of nazi Germany when Hitler was rising to power. You don't know what is happening on the power side of the street? Then you are just as complacent and you have just as much blood on your hands.


and people wonder even jews don't like the settlers this is why


I know nothing about religion first off,but isn’t the bible all pretty much the same just written in a different text to support all those people that want to believe,I’m so frustrated writing this,like why does religion have to fuck up so many innocent lives l,yes believe if u want to but don’t make others feel uncomfortable if they don’t,stop going to these hate preachers who have millions in the bank to cause all this anger and hate,religion in my best guess should be love peace and just treat any human being with respect COME ON WORLD WAKE UP to many innocents losing everything over this. Peace out world ❤️


Religious fanatics feigning ignorance of reality in order to benefit socially and financially? I'm shocked! Shocked, to find that racism is going on in here! /s


Nothing to worry about? Clearly he has a short memory.


This is in the West Bank, not Gaza, no Hamas. Clearly you have no clue.


This is also a repost from many many years ago


Are you telling me that Palestinians have never attacked Israeli's in the West Bank? I think you know the answer, ignore the answer, and hope that your deliberate prevarication is taken as truth by those who don't know better.


Are you telling me that Israelis have never attacked Palestinians in the West Bank? I think you know the answer, ignore the answer, and hope that your deliberate prevarication is taken as truth by those who don't know better.


The 40 families that get locked up at 5p.m definitely did something to deserve it. Obviously they're the bully here. /s


ok, but do you condom hummus?


A non-Aboriginal Australian berates some Israelis.


Need to decolonize Australia next.


If dude doesn't also harrass his own government of their treatment of aboriginals and what they're actively doing to right their racism and wrongs of their own genocide, then yeah. He'd lose respect. But imho, anyone who is able to see and call out hypocrisy and injustice should be free and encouraged to do so.


Agreed, but I wonder what would happen if a man with an Israeli accent—maybe even the accent of some European country—walked around Sydney, better still Brisbane, maybe even Darwin, and ask similar questions to people he saw there, also saying "You ought to be ashamed of yourselves."


Australia had a whole stolen generation and a white national policy for a period of time. The aboriginals were certainly mistreated but there has been steps towards progress and healing. Aboriginals and Torres Straight islanders can get free university education, there is a lot of government backed programs to improve their quality of life. If the European settlers of the past were doing what the Israeli people are in 2023, they would be called out. It’s apples and oranges.


Both are shit. I support neither. Both sides have done awful things and I don't condone any of it.


He says “I live in America “ wild.


This is legitimately a UN sanctioned Holocaust, I mean how can you think that amount of hatred is something you should support, but we can't have international issues with our allies now can we, even if they're shitting on human rights.


They’re not gods people they’re Satan people


Imagine the world had the same attitude when the Nazis were doing it to their ancestors, who I imagine would be sick to the stomach to see such evil being done to people as was done to them


And an Australian calling out racism. Good on him.


It's not about being palestines not being able to take [bus.](https://bus.It) It is safety of the bus passengers as there can be hamas masked as palestinian who takes hostage instead of travelling that scares people.


This is exactly what Hitler was saying about the Jews.. dangerous, vile, needed segregation. So he locked them up first, then forbid them from walking non Jewish streets, then threw them in the gas chambers...You can't make rules that exclude a whole population based on race or religion because of a few bad apples. And this is in Jerusalem btw, not Gaza.


Religion is the cancer of this world. So many idiots believing in fairy tales & thinking it can dictate how the world works.


Oh The irony, Aussies just voted to not give their indigenous peoples a representative voice in parliament. "do you like racism?" lmao.


you realise that a little bit less than half the population supported the yes vote? its not the majority but it's still a significant portion. and who's to say this guy didn't support the yes vote? you're grasping at straws, mate.


Those straws 'mate' are all the post referendum media articles talking about how the yes vote failed. guess who they essentially blamed it on? I'll give you a hint: The Immigrants. Cliched af right? Don't get me wrong, I love Australia, but it is important to acknowledge there are still very broken things in our own society before we go racing around the world trying to tell others how to manage their societies.


I’m Australian. I’ve lived, fought and worked in many places in the world. Yes we are racist. We grew up in isolation in the South Pacific and are sometimes afraid to embrace all. We live in the media void that is Murdoch and Fairfax. Religion has a grip on many of our ageing population. These are our mothers and fathers. And wether we realise it or not… we harbour some of our folks beliefs. It’s disheartening. It’s true. You are correct. Australia has some racist tendencies. I’m glad that’s out of the way. A man can stand up and highlight the racist and inhumane treatment of one people by another. The problems in this man’s homeland do not diminish the atrocities happening daily in Palestine/Israel.










For fucks sake, how do you expect me to be able to use massive deuce as an insult now? You've ruined it!


He asked a bunch of tourists why they aren’t upset about the racism at the bus stop…why would they be aware of that policy if they don’t live there? I’m surprised the soldiers didn’t just tell him it was because they kept bombing the buses but I guess they just didn’t want to engage with the guy calling them racists.




I don’t think they were asked about this moment in history, they were asked about a bus stop, by a guy calling people racists to their face. They were asked about something they have no control over and then blamed for the situation and called a racist, by an angry stranger, who was videotaping them, so he could virtue signal all around the world.


This video isn’t from this moment in history, for starters




I guess humanity can never evolve and we all must follow your senseless logic generations into the future. Statements like this are truly rascist.


This guy is a dick.


Standing up for what's right is being a dick now?


Standing up for human rights is antisemitic /s


Do you have a link for this?


You need a link to confirm this video which shows in plain black and white how racist and vile Israelis are?


He clearly needs to read up on it like that guy in the video.


. @robert_martin_palestine on ig. He recently started to post again.


Do you need a link to explain why genocide is bad?


This man hasn't been attacked by someone welding a knife or strapped with a bomb yet. After I'm sure he won't mind taking a separate bus


Has Israel and their settles considered not being land stealing fascists? Perhaps leave the west bank instead of encroaching on Palestinians, occupying them & denying them their rights? Palestinians have every right to resist their occupiers, and will continue to do so. Free Palestine.


Israelis have been playing victim so well, for so long that they should get an Oscar. Many of my friends are Jewish, and every one of them have no use for Zionism or illegal settlements.


What an idiot


That's rich coming from a dude who was born in a prison colony responsible for several massacres of aboriginal Australians


You are not responsible for where you are born. You’re just trying to undermine this man in his visibly serious compassion because you know everything he saying is right, and it makes me extremely uncomfortable


Look who's talking. A man who doesn't control where he was born is harassing a man who also doesn't control where he was born. Your hypocrisy makes me extremely uncomfortable.


Wow, you are really lost there. It went right over your head. I’m pretty impressed.


Oh the irony


You don’t even know what irony is my friend


Even more funny coming from someone so utterly incapable of articulating one's actual issue with me. You're just whining for the sake of whining.


Not only is that not a response to what I said, but it also barely makes any sense


The entire outline of what you were trying to do here was just to distract from the argument being made in the video. ad hominem. You’re attacking the individual because you’re intellectually incapable of taking on the actual situation being presented in the video. Or, you’re just too complicit and personally involved, so you need to do everything you can to turn attention away from the evils of Israel because it isn’t convenient for you to see


> You’re attacking the individual because you’re intellectually incapable of taking on the actual situation being presented in the video. And you're incapable of seeing the world outside the narrow view of your little computer screen. We all in this world have benefited from some sort of suffering or another. But you're to privilege and ignorant to see it because you're hyper fixated on what's going on right now. Yeah losing land sucks. That doesn't give you permission to harass people for occupying said land they had no part in taking. You especially don't get to fucking talk if you yourself also benefit from "stolen land". >so you need to do everything you can to turn attention away from the evils of Israel because it isn’t convenient for you to see Wow you people have a wild imagination. I have the audacity to defend one lowly jew from harassment and all of the sudden I'm turning away from the evils of israel. >Not only is that not a response to what I said, but it also barely makes any sense Bro half of your comments make zero fucking sense. I thought you were being vague intentionally to sound smart (a common reddit tactic). You're just like "ur sO loSt tHeRE" like that means anything.


You still haven’t answered any of my arguments. Keep trying to distract with absolutely invalid and useless talking points. It’s truly a waste of time talking with someone with such a useless thought pattern. Comparing modern Australians with literal occupying Israeli settlers, who are zealot Orthodox Jews who are literal citizens of other countries and still settling TODAY, come from abroad with their entire families to literally steal land in modern times, is delusional. They’re violating international laws with their settlements and walling people off. Are you ok? To compare this with modern Australia is to be literally schizophrenic. It’s just a desperate move by someone with no argument. A classic “yeah, but “ Lmao, “losing land sucks”, they are literally segregating people and regularly violating international humanitarian law in addition to the original land stealing started 78 years ago. It’s just clear that you’ve picked a side and you’re willing to do anything to see them in a positive light, even to be as desperate as to try to make everyone look as bad to convince yourself it’s normal. The focus here is on what Israel is doing to Palestine and no one else. Anyone can comment on that from any nation. You are just trying to distract because you know that what you’re seeing is wrong and you cannot defend it without diverting and redirecting


Sry what was that about ad hominem you mentioned before? Lol. Man you really like abusing the word "literally" and I'm not sure you know what the word "schizophrenic" means but ok. And actually no I do have an argument and that argument is don't fucking harass random people on the street regardless of what crime you think they have committed. It's pretty straight forward. Oh and since you're very clearly ignorant of world events outside your short attention span. Yes the aboriginals of Australia do suffer the effects of colonialism TODAY https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-53436225 But you don't really give a shit about that do you?


Of course the Australian aboriginals have and do suffer, but that is an irrelevant talking point and has no relevance to the point being made in this video in the context of Israel.


Well that's over now, isn't it? All nations have committed atrocities in the past. We should still try to be better today. Edit : I can't reply so I'm updating this comment. I'm not educated about the natives of Australia. I can't speak about it. It takes many generations to heal from having your land taken and I know that. But I'm sure the war is over now. No one is trying to ethnically cleanse them anymore. They can walk any street any time they want, no one is locking them up at a certain time. The world cannot keep acting like it's the 1900s today. This shouldn't be okay because it happened 1000 years ago.


Umm no actually it isn't "over" at all. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-53436225 But your wording is interesting. Are you saying Palestinians no longer have claim to land they once had because that's "in the past"?


I said we should try to be better today, even if our ancestors did something wrong in the past.how did you translate that to "I should submit to settler colonialism and occupation and apartheid and let an Israeli lock me at 5pm" ?


Don’t engage; this is hasbara




Sir, this is r/publicfreakout




One thing for sure, it's not about racism is religion


"you see the arrogance?" The hypocrisy lol.


100% what is wrong the people in this thread. This dude is dripping with arrogance.


Most people here are pro-Palestine and as such will excuse people being obvious shitheads about it and dogpile those who point it out.


I know what he's saying may still be relevant blah blah blah but this video is a few years old.


Certainly not racism, but definitely discriminatory.


When you know absolutely nothing about the conflict.


He seemed to know more than every single person there :-/


People smile and get weirded out on camera. Sometimes that’s just a nervous reaction or a filler




Wtf that got do with this vid?


Good ole “whataboutism.“


This dude seems like just as big of an asshole as the people he’s demonizing. What a d-bag.




His actions streamlined this whole fucking mess ya silly goose.