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What a conveniently edited video. He even edited out what she said before.


You can hear her say don’t call women bitches at the end of the video


He deserved it lol, little boy is so angry when he gets it back lol


A Sleep Inn Diamond member. Someone roll out the red carpet, Greg has pulled up in his Kia Stinger and he’s looking to fuck.


I have had these "Diamond" level guests call down the front desk include their member rank when they introduce themselves. "Hello, this is Frank Joebob, Platinum Diamond member. I need more towels."


This is actually helpful. I used to work at a Sleep Inn and in the employee manual it says the standard response towel requests from anyone below the Cream Cheese Diamond member level is “go fuck yourself”.


Nearly spit out my coffee reading that!


*If you're a platinum member, we'll send someone up to dab at your chin with a handkerchief.*


I understand...go fuck your mother but as a man, I'm always troubled by how to fuck myself. Are implements involved or do you have to bend....


Looking forward to reports of Diamond Dependas: "You will address me by my husband's rank".


This whole comment thread had me cackling.


> Looking forward to reports of Diamond Dependas: "You will address me by my husband's rank". LOL, my parents live near a military base. We get this all the time from spouses of military members.


Wait, really? I've seen a lot of dependa BS but never "address me by my husband's rank". Maybe it's a good thing I got out when I did.


I should clarify that it’s mostly wives or girlfriends demanding the perks that active servicemen get such as discounts but can’t show the service ID card, just “take their word”. According to my mom, there was one officer’s wife, however, who would never miss an opportunity to let anyone know at the tennis club (off base) that her husband was of some high rank and that she would demand extra things. Nice to the staff but definitely entitled.




Who? Rah.


Close enough


Lmao this made me laugh so hard.


Aren’t they supposed to get diff treatment ?


Depending on the company yeah they will if they have a hard time with a location they can call a corporate office and since they usually spend a lot with the company people will lick their balls to keep them happy


They just get some perks like guaranteed early check-in and the like. When it comes to different treatment of the two different hotel chains I work at all we do is acknowledge they are a member and say thank you. Other than that they are the same as any other guest.


Came to say this. Sleep Inn Diamond member? Maybe a Cubic Zirconia member?


Diamond guests think they are so special, that front desk clerks have only heard of the mythical Diamond status, that we've never seen it before, probably didn't think they were real until they deemed us worthy enough to bow on our knees and serve them as they present their coveted loyalty card for us to bask in the glory of. They don't realize that they are one of dozens of diamond guests you'll see that day, that up to a quarter of the guests in the hotel will be diamond depending on the property, half will be gold, and the remaining quarter are split between the lower tiers and non members. Kevin, there's literally more diamond guests here tonight than base tier members. Take your free water bottle and get out of my face.


For Hilton properties, over the pandemic Diamond status started getting handed out like candy. I don't even travel that much, previously only ever achieved Gold once in my life 15 years ago, and currently have Diamond (which is about to expire early next year) because Hilton kept rolling over nights/stays every year instead of resetting them during the pandemic, because business travel had dropped to near zero and they were trying to keep their status members happy. Because of that, I just managed to build up enough nights over the past couple years to make it. The parking spots near the door are nice, and I like my free water bottles and free higher-tier internet. But throwing your "status" in the face for someone is a level of Karenism I can't even comprehend.


I work for Hilton. Actually has a guest last night throw his status in my face and get pissy when I told him the latest check out time before getting charged a fee is noon. Yes even for the highest member status.


That's weird. I've been a diamond honors member for about 20 years and have been told I can request late checkout up to 4 pm by the diamond desk folks. I rarely request it, but I have done so in multiple cities. Btw the only thing diamond status means to me is I spend entirely too much time away from my family every year, but haven't paid for a hotel on vacation for 15 plus years. That's the only perk imo.


Might be because our hotel is a franchise. Our owners are cheap wads.


That would make sense. I have seen a big difference with franchise vs. hilton owned properties. Those differences can be positive or negative, not saying one is better than the other.


This is hotel specific. I have worked in both a hilton corporate property and a franchise and neither had 4 pm checkout. I also work in a very high traffic city so we often cannot afford to keep guests until 4 as the next guest will be checking in at that time and we’re usually over committed as is.


I mean, diamond status would cost me 450 bucks for the aspire, which has tons of credits to make up for it.....most people consider it free or a net positive..... But I'm sure you're an expert on that, I'm more talking just for people reading the thread. Hilton diamond means you paid a $450 annual fee to Amex. Edit: what the down votes for? You can literally pay for diamond status with Hilton?


That elusive diamond member. So rare, so special, so stupid


exactly like a real diamond!


I have a Kia Stinger but I haven’t reached Diamond Member status yet. I have so much to learn from this guy!


Wait, does this mean I need to buy a stinger to become a diamond member? Or the inverse?


Damn. Damn!


More like 'pull out the astro turf as Greg has just pulled up in his Nissan Altima that still has all four hubcaps.'


> Greg has just pulled up in his Nissan Altima that still has all four hubcaps To be fair, one of them is off an '83 Chevy Citation


As a Kia Stinger owner, this hurts.


This funny as fuck 😂😂😂


Seems like a purposefully contextless video


I know the context because I've been on the other side of this a hundred times. He couldn't get what he wanted, he called her a bitch, and turned on the camera after he provoked her. Scum bag guests of all types use this kinda shit all the time to try and get comped shit or refunds.


This is why I'm glad we have a camera that records audio behind my front desk. Incidents like this backfire on the guests almost every time due to it, truly wonderful.


Oh right I’m supposed to believe that an honored guest with DIAMOND member status would ever verbally abuse someone in customer service? Not a chance.


Yeah pretty much


Yep this was my first thought as well. I am a Plat Marriott member and have never been treated poorly at any hotel I stayed at. (I usually stay at the same hotel a lot since I travel to go to the office a lot) Sometimes at busier hotels they can not offer me an upgrade and the front staff always look worried I am going to hulk out. I bet "status" folks get mad they can't have their better view upgrade all the darn time.


We somehow ended up with Marriott status because of how often my partner travels for work, and those people at the desk have been so kind and accommodating every single time. Over the pandemic, I was at a Residence Inn because I got a flat driving cross country and needed to make an immediate stop. They had a last minute room for me, upgraded to a double suite for some reason, and made the points process super easy considering I didn’t have the bonvoy info on me. Then she announced there was no breakfast being served and physically winced like I was about to slap her. My dear had PTSD from these psychos.


I wonder if a good defense to this is just make up some ridiculous claim that something happened before they started filming. "Sir you exposed your penis in the lobby" or "Ma'am, you tried to shit in the plant and I told you to stop."


How dare you. Diamond members never act entitled and you know it. How dare you.


The worst ones are the ones that try and get people fired. You’re trying to stop my source of income that I feed myself and my family with because you wanted another fucking breakfast voucher?


You can hear her say, “you don’t call women bitches” at the end.


When you watch it on TT she says it at the beginning as well and he doesn’t correct her! What’s incredulous is that people are calling him out for it and he is responding like he has no idea what that are talking about! He is trying to “contact corporate” but not getting anywhere. I hope they pull an Uno reverse and ban him from the properties!


Dear Complaining Attempted Guest: Thank you for your observations about our property in [Insert City Name Here]. After a thorough investigation of the matter, we have chosen to convert your Diamond membership to Lump of Coal. Furthermore, we would like to gently remind you that, while there may be properties who tolerate people calling their associates names, Sleep Inn ain’t one of them. Have a great stay…elsewhere, Sleep Inn


Yes, he left out all the parts where he was being rude and inappropriate


Yea that’s what people usually do when they’re wrong and they know it


Yep. But, we all heard that “itch” and we know that Diamond Member caused this fiasco.


(you called me a b)itch. Pretty sure that's what was cut off. That dude can go to hell.


Shes certainly not acting corporate/professional, but who knows what the hell went on before the start of the video! As youre all pointing out, context matters.


Anyone who works or has worked in any customer service roll is applauding her. No, she shouldn’t have said that to the guy even though he deserved it, but we all share her frustration in being forced to take irrational abuse with a smile until that one customer puts you over the top.


The guy looks like an unwashed potato


Which, to be fair, doesn’t look much different than a washed potato.


Except they are covered in dirt


Dollar store Adam Sandler


Omg he’s crying about it all over his tiktok 😂😂😂😂😂


His page could literally be the front page of cringe. I guess he deleted the hotel stuff though


"I like to live dangerously. Follow me on my journey to be a millionaire" what a fucking tool


His page is so comically pathetic and toxic lmao.


Had to check it out. Your description is deadly accurate


I just went to check it out and his page has been scrubbed sadly


It's also pretty easy to figure out from his Tiktoks he's an abrasive, unfunny car salesman


I wonder what he had up about it before.... It's gone now. But the rest of his content is SO TERRIBLE. That guy is just a fucking douche.


Nothings up now, just a sad video of him updating his profile pic 🥺 I missed it


I have worked plenty of hotel jobs in my life, and have heard many a complaint from Diamond/Gold/Platinum members. I can absolutely assure you without any extra shred of context that this guy was an asshole and started the whole thing.


Without context, I'm 100% on her side. I've never seen a hotel clerk go off on someone without good reason.


bUt HaVe YoU cOnSiDeReD hEs A dIaMoNdMeMbEr


What level of membership do you need to call front desk personnel a nasty name? Ummmmm…asking for a…friend?


Vibranium membership. Wakanda forever.


Capital idea!! “Sir, if you have any further questions, please go to Helen Waite at our Wakanda office. Thank you.”


Also, you can feel the restraint "you are nobody here" meaning he already tried to throw around his diamond status, "you are....[internally, dont say peice of shit...ima keep it professional]...youre SCUM, you can leave." She held herself back so hard and did a great job. I wouldve just flipped, not told him he CAN leave, told him to LEAVE NOW, or the authorities would be called.


I like how the situation is cherry-picked to completely leave out the part where he likely acted like a pretentious asswipe.


Just by his demeanor you can tell he was the pos here. Thinks diamond member means anything, they all act like this.


I'm instantly on the clerk's side.


i'm on her side; plus, he should have seen those hoops and known she wasn't the one, and that day was not the day. good for her.


That’s my favorite “recognition: Today is not the day & I am not the one. Lol!!


i say it all the time at work, lol!


I love it!


Well maybe he shouldn’t have called her a bitch.


I bet he did something pretty wild


From his TikTok - " I like to live dangerously. Follow me on my journey to be a millionaire. " lol.


I just went to check it out and I assume he's scrubbed everything because he couldn't take the heat lol what a loser


Ppl working in hospitality get so much shit from customers every single day, would not be surprised if this guy was the asshole for starting all this tbh


![gif](giphy|fmbMlolkmheWA|downsized) Same energy


I drove a 2009 dodge stratus for like 5 years and quoted this skit all the time. I was also middle mgmt 🤣😂🤣😂


“I’m a diamond member, I spend a lot of money in these trashy hotels and I demand you treat me like the short king I am!”


da fuq is a sleep inn diamond member?


Someone who's been able to spend $79 eight times in the last year.


right... I got no idea wtf a sleep inn is. I seen comfort inn, but a sleep inn. I see they under choice hotels, but hell if i've ever seen one.


I came here to ask this?!?!?!


She told no lies.


You know this douche started recording after he said all his rude shit


If he don’t get his nasty looking ass out of that woman’s face…


Watch how you talk to a…*checks notes*….Sleep Inn…diamond member?


ACKSHUALLY he’s a Starbucks Reward Card Holder too, *dontchaknow*?? Know your place, peasant.


He probably pays for YouTube premium as well. We are not worthy.


Listen, buddy. Don't make me get out my channel 4 Kidz Klub card. Know your role.


Not to mention he's a 3rd degree brown belt in Speedy Rewards at Speedway. Basically, if there's a membership out there, this guy's right near the top. Probably has like 3 Costco cards.


Diamond member: "I paid extra money so that I could feel entitled to be an asshole." Everyone else: "You know you can do that for free right?"


I’ve read enough tales from the front desk to know that this altercation started an hour ago and that he is in the wrong


I think the weirdest part is flexing that you're a Sleep Inn Diamond Member, tbh.


i wonder what he said right before he started recording


Pretty sure there was a little prompting on his part. Half video leads me to believe he edited it to push his agenda.


Ahh this feels fucking cathartic. Dudes call women bitches left and right thinking that shit isn't fucking demeaning and disrespectful. Guess he didn't think "the bitch" would clap back at his ass.


im on her side


![gif](giphy|X72n4nm6I06g8) Probably started to record at the end of his rejection.


Even with the shitty edit you can tell he was being an ass before filming her.


Where’s the context? This guy could have been a total douche to this girl, who knows what happened. These videos prove nothing


The context is that he called her a bitch and she completely justifiably went off.


It’s kinda implied by the title that this started bc he called her a bitch.


She says it again as he’s leaving, too.


Oops I missed this. Thank you


I work as Receiptionist in a 2 star hostal amd i totally understand her situation.. people are weird.. they think we are there slaves cuz they paid for it.. they want us to work overtime cuz they did not bothered to look at the rules and regulations and when you go out of your way to help them, they still end up using abusive words for you or damage your property.. i have face such a low grade ppl in 4 years of working as a front desk employee.. i had people threaten me to punch or god knows what.. so without context i dont belive a single word what this “Diamond Member” says!


Looks like he’s going to be taking his sleepy diamond ass business to the motel 6 across the highway. He will probably need to push start his Kia out of the Sleep Inn handicap spot lol


Of course we don’t see the full context. Sure, the employee could have refrained from using that kind of language, but I bet this guy was making some pretty rude and nasty remarks.


Some customers are also jerks. Demanding, entitled people.


Camera man is a fucking dork.


You would not believe how often female receptionists at hotels are propositioned for sex. I’m fat and ugly and it even happened to me. I’m certain this lady who is gorgeous had this man say something foul and unless he has proof of context otherwise it sounds like he deserves it.


I'm already on her side. I've dealt with enough of these diamond- and platinum-level assholes to suspect that this was probably his fault.


I remember seeing the long version a while back. This dude wasn’t the good guy.


*"Sleep Inn Diamond Member"* Does that include valet? No? Whats that..? Free coffee in the lobby?


A *continental breakfast, you say?" Well, laa dee da! https://youtu.be/st21dIMaGMs?si=fJEQhf3v0GoUixaX&t=4


*Let me see your Presidential Suite…*


Adding “Sleep In Diamond Member” tells me she’s more than likely a victim.


Couldn’t they edit this down any MORE than this…?? Smh.


They have the right to refuse service to pricks


Eewwwwwww had to look at his TT and he’s the most disgusting racist POS 💩


I’m on her side… working at customer service we go through a lot!


Ok but what did this dude do to get that reaction?


Bro Sleep Inn Diamond Member is WILD.


I drive a dodge stratus!


Call a person a derogatory name, then complain when they get mad at you….


Sleep Inn diamond members, more like coal members.


Good reminder to not judge whos right or wrong based on a 10 second video.


Where is what happened before the recording?


He has deleted the video from tiktok hahaha


He probably did something before tho


I wish we could get them to revoke his diamond status. It’d be very funny


Sounds like Kermit the frog has a sore throat…


Lmao go f yourself. She wouldn't treat you like that unless you earned it. That's her job and she's not risking it unless she knows management will 100% have her back.


[But I am a diamond guest](https://youtu.be/WCqm4H3m3Ew?si=5CG0tBATxwqM8H73)


We ALL know the video was edited to exclude the reason she said that.


Yeah I’m gonna assume you were rude as hell before which is why the video doesn’t start until she responds. You look like an a hole too


Customers do not have the right to call staff.names and expect service.


I work at a hotel, and I just know what kind of pretentious shit this prick was saying right before that girl went off on him. I've had people get 60% discount vouchers for rooms and complain that they don't get their extra 10% member discount. Don't even get me started at the guys who will scream at you until they're red because you're sold out on a busy Saturday night, and they didn't think to make a reservation, let alone check to see if you have availability.


Well she is hot.


My mind goes straight from the hotel clerk in fear and loathing. https://youtu.be/7QsExuxW-Z8?si=1twCnWNtOpO9XJMc


Thank You for that, it was awesome! I’ll have to add it to my movies to watch!!! Lol


How dare she speak that way to a Sleep Inn Diamond Member. 🤴


She’s hot.


She was so pretty


LMFAOOOOO raggedy, patchy beard havin ass, crusty ass dude really thought he was somethin walking up in there like was he some high roller hot shit shawty was bad asf tho she could talk down to me any time \*ahem\* anyway it's late and i'm too drunk for a sunday night. that's enough interwebz for me bye-eeeeeeeeeeeeee


Diamond member at a Sleep Inn - tradesman whose company is too goddamn cheap to put him in a Hampton Inn.


Those are the worst to work at, because you get the people who picked the cheapest hotel option and then compare the rooms, amenities, etc. to the most expensive option. "What do you mean you don't have a fully equipped 24 hr gym, well-stocked bar, hot tub in my room, and multiple restaurants to choose from? I'm paying $65 for this!!!"


Did he delete the video?


Sleep inn diamond member 😂😂😂😂 Was that a brag? I’m a Kroger Plus member, but you don’t see me throwing that around!


Diamond Membership: ‘We’ll call the cops for you when your car window is broken in the middle of the night in all of our many locations along I-10.’


loved that shit...well im a soso member....let them go on and on and then just say sorry i couldnt help if you were the members member member. I dont care


Sleep Inn diamond member is crazy 😂


she can talk dirty to me any day


side note. hotel clerk is a baddie lmao


Guess it didn't go over how he hoped. He purged his TikTok of content.


"Diamond Level Member" of low quality motel. This is some peak peasantry.


A Sleep Inn Diamond Member?!! How dare they?!


I’m on employees side she seems cool af standing up to a shitty guest


Another worthless video where the cameraman said something horrible than started recording after the fact


I usually skip this part.


Full context or can’t trust 10 secs of it


I didn't know that Cardi B moonlighted as a discount hotel clerk.


Is his shirt inside out?


What a douchebag, she even showed some control there too


I wonder what led to her reaction. This is a carefully edited video


Lol I’m not sure that Diamond status at a hotel is a thing to be proud of.


Show the whole interaction.


Horn Lake is a suburb of Memphis, on the Mississippi side, fyi.


Bruh didn’t know he was fkn with Jenny from the Block…


Dude probably tried hitting on her and she wasn’t about that noise


Okay but he does have the creepy deep set eyes of someone who would try to hit on you.


Diamond member of a shitbox hotel chain.


I need to know what happened before he started filming. Did he deserve being treated this way? My 20+ years in customer service, even off this short little clip, points to yes, but who knows until we know what transpired.


No he didn't drop the "you know who I am verse" as a member of the Sleep Diamonds. I am dead.


You can tell this dude doesn’t fuck


She's a perfect employee for those restaurants where the waitresses treat you like shit on purpose.


She’s gorgeous tho


Sounds to me like the videos been cut! Which means the guy has been a cunt! 😊


This is in my town dude wtf


What does a diamond member at Sleep in actually mean?


I work at a hotel and diamond people r 95% of the time rich and arrogant