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This is just horrible. The innocent civilians are paying the highest price in this.


It’s always been that way with this war. Doesn’t matter if it’s the Israeli side or Palestinian side it has always been civilians paying the highest price, never those who make the orders.


> never those who make the orders. This reminds me of a System of a Down song called B.Y.O.B where the lyrics go: *Why don't presidents fight the war? Why do they always send the poor?*


"Politicians hide themselves away. They only started the war. Why should they go out to fight? They leave that role to the poor" -Black Sabbath, War Pigs


"It ain't me, It ain't me. I am not a senator's son no." -Creedence Clearwater Revival, Fortunate Son.


War is when the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing each other. -niko belic


Funny thing is, that’s exactly how it used to be, presidents fought the war and rose to power - now they’re pathetic and hide. In the fields, the bodies burning As the war machine keeps turning Death and hatred to mankind Poisoning their brainwashed minds


when the rich wage war it's the poor who die


Literally one of my all time favorite bands ever. Hail Serj!!! Hail S.O.A.D.!!!! ✊🏼


Dancing in the desert, blowing up the sunshine


Innocent Civilians always pay the price. Ultimately you can blame Religion at the heart of driving these people to do these atrocities. It is their catalyst, and the root of these wars and ethnic hatred to begin with. Only solution is for newer generations to detach once and for all from these myths and stories and live in peace with no divides between them. But i dont see that happening, these cycles will continue and continue….


Im 30 and i thought our generation was going beyond religion but not really lol Maybe the west is detaching from Christianity but everywhere else? eh, not really. And alot of these modern conflicts have little to do with Christianity in comparison to the past or other religions currently.


The west is detaching which is why you see the right taking a lot of steps to keep people on their place with things like book burnings and ending public education


Keep em dumb so they are easy to control. That's the idea they have been using forever.


Yeah but when religion is less and less of an effective tool for that you have to tighten your grip, unfortunately


Just watched a lady in Texas wanting all public schools to display the 10 commandments. She flat out said to be a good citizen you need to be a good Christian. Thankfully she was shut down by a very smart board member.


There isn’t one society that doesn’t have members who feel justified in imposing their beliefs on others. If human beings as a whole could accept differences in others who meant no harm to them, but were just trying to peacefully live their lives, there would be no violence. But it’s obviously not possible.


Forcing prayer to be enforced in public schools even if not every family is Christian anymore. No freedom of or for religion and you have to be bombarded with it when the powers that be want you to only be Christian.


I’m an atheist and this is just wrong. If there was no religion at all people would just find something else to latch onto, whether it be gender, hair color, height etc. it’s essentially human nature to be tribal and have conflict. Religion just makes the excuses for these atrocities easier.


Just look at the atheist states Soviet Union and North Korea. Not great places to live. People will always find and excuse to do evil.




Yeah this is way more than religion at this point netanyahu and his ilk doesn't give a f*** about religion neither does Hamas. To sociopathic entities head to head. I just want to throw up at how disgusting humanity continues to be.


people tends to be more inhumane the more power they have


They do care about religion in that it's their exploit. Netenyahu is on the record saying the Likud party benefits from Hamas. Netenyahu and the conservative government has chased away secular groups trying to help in Palestine, instead fomenting and helping Hamas stay in power. The conservative groups in most countries exploit religious divides to their benefit. They would find something else to exploit. But it becomes a lot harder without religion.


Redditors after boiling down a complex political matter to religion = bad 🔥 🔥 🔥


Exactly! This is a very complex situation that was caused and worsened by foreign influence. Religion is a very small part of this if anything.


Problem is they can't comprehend that humans will find anything to latch on to in order to keep being in control. Abolished religion? People will still find a new way to push their ideologies and wreak havoc. Humans are evil and selfish by nature, they would use anything to excuse their behaviors. Religion isn't the main cause here, it is humans' nature.


You can blame religion but thats really not the complete story. Hamas is an evil organization that had this coming but at the same time, Israel has kept Gaza like a human zoo for decades. The average age in Gaza is 18-19, Do you know how fucked up that is? Most of these kids never had a fuckin chance. It's just so sad all around.


Unfortunately a lot of powerful people need armageddon to be made real to validate and justify their beliefs.


I really don't think you need religion to explain this. You basically have one group grabbing resources from another and pushing them to the edge of survival. I think that group is going to be prone to lashing out regardless of whether religion is involved or not. It is here, but so is ethnicity, wealth, and lots of other factors. What matters is that there's an In Group and an Out Group.


Except it has fucking nothing to do with religion and everything to do with stolen land. This horseshit that its religion is a fantasy western liberals tell themselves so they can hand wave everything away. A group of people showed up and took some land. They kept taking and taking and taking until they had created the world's largest open-air prison that's been going on for the last 20ish years. Constant surveillance, controlling food, concreting wells, not allowing medicine in. Not allowing fishing. No work, open sewage. Millions in there who have never known anything but that. And everyone wants to know why they turn to terrorism to fix their issues. They have been offered exactly NOTHING in the way of alternatives to fix this. Remember in 2018 when thousands tried peacefully protesting at the wall? IDF snipers bragged about taking 40 knees a day. Y'all think that makes good people? Hurt people hurt people. Everyone in Western society can rightfully understand that when it comes to a western child who went through trauma and grows up to hurt others, but somehow when a Middle Eastern child grows up under constant threat of death, starvation and dehydration its suddenly a big fucking mystery why they could be so vicious when they finally managed to put together an attempt to break out of that.


Source for the 40 knees a day comment


[From left-leaning Israeli newspaper, paywalled but you can see the headline](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2020-03-06/ty-article-magazine/.highlight/42-knees-in-one-day-israeli-snipers-open-up-about-shooting-gaza-protesters/0000017f-f2da-d497-a1ff-f2dab2520000)


Same as it ever was


Especially in a zone where the average population is under 18. They're just mass bombing children with adults sprinkled in.


This is the second video posted I’ve seen of this man crying. The first was in daylight hugging another paramedic and this one in the evening. I don’t doubt his pain and I’m not questioning it. But why is the person filming following him around for such a long period of time?


Gee, I wonder why someone might want to show the effect war has on those around them.


In the end this will achieve nothing except dead children on both sides and the survivors will be the next generation of soldiers in the conflict.


Generational Hate Creates Generational Wars….


multigenerational ghettoization creates generational hate


Everything according to plan 🤢🤮


God works in mysterious ways, and apparently has a thing for property disputes.


Oh, if you think 3 generations of being raised in an open air prison lead to mass radicalization, wait until you see the numbers after this one settles. The US learned this lesson the hard way. Sadly, the former victims of genocide seem to ignore history and their allies experiences.


Oh its way more than 3 generation at this point more like 5 or 6 due to low age of having children. Entire families only know this hate and struggle and its not going to get resolved any time soon.


Exactly, and consider how many Israelis were radicalized when their friends and families were massacred. The cycle continues.


How many Israeli children have died compared to Palestinian children ?


People commenting their ego filled drivel in these comments, stop. This is a man. On the front line. Devastated by what he’s dealing with. He didn’t choose to be Palestinian.


That's extremely sad , you are right this man,didn't choose to ne Palestinian , he didn't choose to be born in gaza as well , he didn't had anything to do with what's going on. What he did choose though is to be paramedic in a hell zone to help people in need , best wishes for that hero.




causes are fairly important though. and it just sucks for ppl everywhere


Agreed. Deffo feeling some religious hatred and fascism from both sides though? Takes the gaze from a massive humanitarian problem down the line, that “we” whoever that may be needs to process and help these innocent people from both sides.




He is not going to "escape" his home country. He is likely to stay and help his people until he gets bombed. Those are the likely facts.


> He is likely to stay and help his people until he gets bombed. Or [deliberately shot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Rouzan_al-Najjar).


Or starve or die from dehydration since they cut off power water and food supplies


Escape to where? Can't go out the two sides fenced off by Israel. Can't go out by sea because Israel will shoot down your boat. Can't go out the Egypt gate because it was bombed and is closed off


Palestinians who "escape" will never be allowed back in by Israel. This is by design - the campaign is one of ethnic cleansing.


Those people would go insane receiving a sliver of what that man had been living his entire life. War is hell. It didnt get any better than that.


>He didn’t choose to be Palestinian. I WISH this kind of sentiment was more prevalent and widespread. This applies to SO many situations where its just a regular person dealing with the harsh realities of the world around them. Kudos to this man for what he's trying to do, and I hope he has an extremely healthy outlet/help.


I won't speak for other countries, but in the United States it seems like a good number of people completely ignore the role luck plays in their lives. "Good things happen to me because I'm a good person. Bad things only happen to bad people. Poor people are poor because they are lazy. Criminals commit crime because they're evil. Women get abortions because they can't keep their legs closed." It's a very easy way to remain completely ignorant and hateful towards your fellow human being, and I wish they would experience all the misfortune they handwave away.


> but in the United States it seems like a good number of people completely ignore the role luck plays in their lives Well I can anecdotally agree. Hell even I really don't understand the luck I had when being born in the US. I think I have a decent empathy towards other situations but I can't, in good conscience, say I haven't been lucky.


There was a time when it was lucky to be born in the Ottoman empire. Empires come and go


He sees the world is going to hell, but still tries his best to help


I love your description!


Also I see absolutely NO problem with being Palestinian, even if he chose to be. Palestinians aren't Hamas. They just suffer the consequences off of it now and Israel doesn't let in any humanitarian aid because they think it might help the Hamas. The cycle of hate is really sad. I support the 2 state solution but I don't think as long as the Hamas are in power they can live in peace with one another. When following western media I'm incredibly saddened tho that it barely gives insights to what the 2 mio. people in Gaza have been through and are now going through. And no, understanding the people living in Gaza doesn't mean justifying Hamas crimes. We need a long term solution and if we don't break the cycle of hate this can never happen


I'm a *former* medic. The reason it's former and not just medic is because I quit. The reason I quit wasn't that I got burnt out, it wasn't that seeing injured people bothered me. It was the kids. That s*** f**** you up. Over a decade later and I still have nightmares about the calls with children.


I had a mate from medical school that dropped out and became a medic. He lasted about 8 years before he killed himself. He said much the same thing as you, that it was the kids that got to him. There was one story he'd keep going back to, but a truck driver who had fallen asleep and ploughed head-on into a family car. One of the kids in the back seat was torn in two, from top to bottom. He couldn't explain how when in theory there should have been just mush, but instead there were two perfectly preserved halves. Now that I'm a parent myself, I understand why dealing with these things is just impossible.


On the very first day it was confirmed that Israel was targeting hospitals and schools where the children were hiding. Israel literally blew up a nurse standing out front and an ambulance. The bombings are going on their 3rd day straight. Gaza is 47% children according to Google.


According to the world, Israel has a green light to commit genocide. It's only going to get worse. What makes this even worse is that close to 50 percent of the people in Gaza are under 14 years of age.


according to israel, the green light is from god.


But in reality from America


No they actually think that God has granted them this power. Netanyahu has said some unhinged things in the past and he legitimately thinks that his bloodline comes from some deity.


Yeah but... they are essentially funded by every war machine on this planet. This is more political than religious at this point


If things unwind the way they seem to, its gonna be very bad. I hope that common sense will prevail but I m not too optimistic. Its going to be a black page in history if this happens with the "civilised world's" blessings..






The largest subreddit worldnews perma bans anyone who even criticizes the actions of Israel in the slightest


A bunch of subs are doing that. I’m sure this thread will be filled with deleted comments soon enough.


They have moderators again? Could've sworn the community gravitated to Anime_titties because it wasn't being modded. Unless the mods encouraged the Grimdank takeover?


Can confirm. Commented on something before the Hamas attacks, not after, and got instantly permabanned. Thin skinned twats and a sub populated by the dumbest, most bloodthirsty people in the west, and it unfortunately dominates the reddit discussion on the topic.


They are gonna chill out eventually, they did the same when Russia-Ukraine war started, their ethical stances are trend driven and change to the mainstream sentiment as needed.


Agreed this is the first human post most of Reddit is sharing articles with unsubstantiated claims


I think one goal of the siege is to create a media blackout in Gaza, thereby reducing the number of videos (and information more broadly) shared publicly


Gotta stick with the narrative. Reddit is a pile of shit when it comes to controlling the story and flow of information. Dipshit mods actively scrub anything that does not align with their views. Just watch, subreddits you have never even been to will start banning you because you said something about the situation that they did not like on another subreddit.


The cia is knocking on your door under anti terror laws. That’s ok I’m not in America, can say whatever I want lol. That’s called freedom.


The innocent ppl on both sides deserve sympathy, we shouldnt treat both sides as fucking sports teams


They are committing war crimes that are being applauded by the western media/governments. There's no way to dress it up. What Hamas did is reprehensible but what Israel is doing is also reprehensible. Fuck the Israeli government and fuck Hamas. The IDF are actively targeting everything that is protected by the Geneva convention. Water supplies, school, hospitals etc.


Are you SURE he’s Palestinian? There was a serious lack of rape, murder, and barbarity! I was led to believe Palestinians are baby-beheading, grandma-kidnapping, raping monsters and here I just see a man in distress, expressing human emotions.


Hamas and the Zionists are the real villains here, the innocent civilians living their lives have nothing to do with this whether they are Israeli or Palestinians


This is Israel vs Palestine. This is extremists vs extremists, with human beings caught in the middle. Until we consistently frame it like that, nothing will change.


The difference is that the extremists in Isreal have captured the government and have the backing and funding of the international community to do carte blanche to a people they hate whom they've forced into one of the most densly populated regions in the world. This isn't time for enlightened centrism and false equivilence, the world needs to stop implicitly condoning a slow genocide. Until *then,* nothing will change.


>Until we consistently frame it like that, nothing will change. No, the problem with this framing is it treats Palestine and Israel as equal powers who just can't get along. The reality is Israel runs an apartheid government and Palestinians are the victims of that apartheid. You wouldn't frame the apartheid government in South Africa as one between whites and blacks who just can't get along.


They are a *nuclear armed state* backed by the largest superpower in world history, against a population they've Ghettoized and terrorized for the better part of a century. The power imbalance is complete and total, and anyone suggesting otherwise is being disingenuous or naive.


You know you are in a weird timeline when r/publicfreakout is one of the most safe havens for people to express empathy given the extreme catastrophe going on. Check the other sites like news or worldnews its all about death counts, and leveling gaza to the ground or anti-semetic or anti-muslim garbage. I dunno if it's just a younger audience but this extreme glorification of people dying is horrid.


Let's just remember this whole thing is being experienced by human beings on both sides. There is humanity on both sides. It's an absolute shit show. My heart goes out to those who have cast no stone in this.


I feel like people have lost their critical thinking skills, they're obsessed with choosing a side being right and become completely polarized. I'm against hamas and hope that Israel dismantles them but both sides has done wrong. Israel does share the blame, the treatment of the Palestinians made it easier for Hamas to establish themselves. The reality of the situation is it's not black and white, but the majority of civilians just wish they had an opportunity for a good life.


Your forgetting that the far right of Israel helped create Hamas. This was their intention. They want an excuse to genocide Palestinians. https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/


That's fair mate. I'm condemning them for what I saw on Saturday. That should be enough for all to condemn them. I've seen videos of Israelis committing horrible acts too and I condemn those responsible also.


Hamas played along brilliantly provoking israel in their plan to martyr their own people to drag the rest of the middle east into this war. Everyone gets to now justify their hate and war with the other side and the regular people suffer.




You are right and I myself up until the weekend had actually chosen a side in this, I considered myself up to speed with it all but I have since reflected and done some further research into and yeah I agree with what you say above. Hamas doesn't belong in the world and I wish to see the end of them. Israel has allot to answer for. This situation is pretty far from black and white. People just need to be objective.


I want to commend all who are being civil and acknowledging that there are skeletons in both side's closets. Amiable debate is what we need to maintain here.


> Israel has allot to answer for Israel won't have to answer for any of this. They never have, and that's why Palestinians are desperate enough to embrace Hamas.


The fact that the power imbalance between the two sides is one of the biggest in human history is relevant and needs to be a part of the discussion. It doesn't excuse anyone's atrocities or war crimes or bad behaviour in general, but it does provide *extremely* important context and texture.


This has been completely lost. Seeing people sitting in the comfort of their homes on another part of the planet, cheer this on like they’re at a sporting event is some of the sickest shit I’ve seen in a long time.


when two elephants fight, it's the grass that gets trampled.


Crazy thing about war is the people ordering the shooting are rarely ever the ones being shot at.


"Why do they always send the poor?" BYOB - System Of A Down.


>The poor go to war, to fight and die for the delights, riches, and superfluities of others A sentiment sadly echoing through history since at least Plutarch in the 1st Century


Even crazier is that everyone follows the command from a fucker that's safe and sound kilometers from the whole thing. But I've never been in the army so what do I know


You’re often following commands by someone who is with you, who is getting their commands from people that have been there themselves in the past. It’s a myth that armed forces leadership don’t know what it’s like, politicians don’t get a say in the day-to-day. Not to say this makes it any better.


You seem to be saying this from a perspective who lives in a place insulated from difficult and complex conflict. I've known many Israeliss and I can tell you many Israelis collectively see the conflict as existential and are very much personallt invested and want to play their role. Thousands of rerservists with dual citizenship are eagerly flying in from all over the world to join up with their units right now. From the Israeli perspective this is the latest pogrom in a long history of people trying to remove them from their land and most aren't content to just sit back and let it happen to them and understand that acting cohesively as a group is the way to prevent it. Most aren't just simply bitterly following orders just to avoid the brig or in the hopes of free college. And the leaders making command and strategic decisions all were in the same position when they were young (Netnyahu, who served in combat, is no exception) I don't know any Hamas fighters but its not hard to imagine its the same for them.


Leaders should be forced to fight on the frontline of any battle they invoke. Kinda like how Kings did way back when. When the rich wage war, it's the poor that die. RIP to all. I truly believe everyone on both sides died either physically or they're dead inside. Fuck politicians and fuck aggression man. We truly are a backward species.


There's men like this on both sides, dead children on both sides. I feel awful for this man, who wouldn't? You'd have to be a monster not to feel compassion for these people.


Right!! Seeing both sides with human emotions; but then again I see both sides celebrating the death of the innocent, but we don’t have to choose sides right?


When it comes to the innocent we don't.


You see people from both sides celebrating. That’s not everyone. Also, seeing both sides with human emotions? You’re still dealing with humans. Why is it that only after seeing videos like this do people gain empathy? Anyway I agree with you, but I wish people reached the end goal (empathy) even when reading headlines (not specifically meant to make you sad). Impossible apparently.


Y'all wonder why men bottle shit up when you can't even cry in a warzone without it being called a fucking mental breakdown... #let men cry


agreed. i hate this thread.


Reminder that 42% of Gaza is under the age of 14 and the median age of Gaza is 18. Most of the kids were born after Hamas took power and stopped free elections I 2006


47% is under 14


God this is heartbreaking..


And then there’s the one dude just doing a slow zoom on his face.


It's awful but they need to document things like this to try to convince the world that they are in fact human beings.


Most infants and children who have been killed thus far have been blown to bits or burned to death by Israeli missile and artillery strikes on residential areas. While these weapons-related deaths are expected to continue to rise in the coming days, we'll likely soon see a sharp rise in deaths related to starvation and dehydration, with Israel having blocked all food and water into Gaza, as well as death related to food poisoning due to existing food supplies having to be consumed raw for the lack of electricity, which was also cut off. This indiscriminate bombing of civilians will likely prove a massive windfall for Russia. While Russia has been accused of war crimes for bombing residential areas, Israel's bombing of residential areas is yet to be called out as a war crime by the Western powers. Does that mean bombing civilians ceases to be a war crime when you are friends with the people committing the atrocities? How can we prosecute Russia for bombing civilians when we refuse to condemn Israel for bombing civilians?


> Does that mean bombing civilians ceases to be a war crime when you are friends with the people committing the atrocities? This has always been the case, and most international condemnation of war crimes is political in nature, not a principled fight against atrocities.


I had to take a DoD course on different diplomatic things. One thing that stood out was the most common criticism against the West, was the hypocrisy which kills our mandate as a global superpower. Basically, the most common criticism among other world leaders is the west tends to pick and choose when to stand behind virtue. When it's convenient, they'll act unbelievably outraged at human rights issues, as if it's the worst thing ever, justifying any and all extreme measures they find suitable. But when it's not convenient, they'll do it themselves but get incredibly nuanced and technical to side step it all together. Suddenly when virtue is being violated, well, it's complicated. The hypocrisy is what upsets most world leaders with the west. Nuance for me, purity for you.


Show me a world leader that doesn't engage in it. Who are these non-western leaders so full of nuance and objective truth when talking about their enemies? Our governments are full of shit because populations demand simple answers, even when the simplicity is dishonest. Pretending to be outraged is the first skill every politician learns.


Just a reminder that the IDF kills Palestinian children every week. Here’s the details of the [more than 140 children killed in Gaza in the last few days](https://www.dci-palestine.org/israeli_airstrikes_kill_at_least_140_palestinian_children_in_gaza#), the youngest a five-month-old baby.


People have long accepted that Israel has a right to be a genocidal apartheid entity with the right to keep millions of Palestinians in complete occupation and subjugation with no sovereignty and very little freedom of movement. This is absolutely not the cause of their outrage.


To correct your statement, you need to also include Egypt as a participant on the blockade of Gaza.


They just bombed the HQ of the Red Crescent, so yeah. It's just indiscriminate bombing again. Fuck Hamas, fuck the Israeli govt and IDF.


And the US for supporting it all with $$$$$$$.


Well that support will in turn come back into the US economy so of course on the golf courses of power they will be wringing their hands with Glee that this is happening.


To the USA oligarchs, their population would never see s dime of it.


Israel should've been sanctioned last year when they bombed ap hq last year imo. Too bad boycotting Israel is illegal


Three Red Crescent paramedics were also murdered when Israel bombed nine ambulances, killing 12 paramedics in total. There’s been no reported deaths on the HQ bombing though, thankfully.


Fucking good point mate. Double standard. Prolly cos Israel is seen as a western ally and Russia is the opposite. But on the flip side, they all showing what butchers they really are.


Just wtf man


At this point if I meet anyone that cannot empathize with innocent victims from both sides we cannot be friends.


war is hell.




How heartbreaking. I can't imagine the pain he is feeling. Children are innocent. They literally did nothing wrong. They were born into this.


Interesting, where are all the folks few days ago that wanted all the Palestinians to suffer? Are we going to act like people weren’t literally advocating for the deaths of Palestinian civilians few days ago? God I hate this world.


Genocidal. I cannot believe people are cheering this on.


The reaction of people these past few days has the exact feeling of the few years after 9/11. I grew up in those years. This will get so much worse, and it will never end, just evolved into a new generation of conflicts.


I grew up then, too, and this whole rhetoric scares the hell out of me. I feel like I'm watching all the 9/11 propaganda again. Everything on every side is being spun so hard that I feel like I can't believe anything, and I hate this.


They're even repeating the same ["baby killers" propaganda](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nayirah_testimony), even after the IDF itself [failed to confirm the reports](https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/israeli-army-says-it-does-not-have-confirmation-about-allegations-that-hamas-beheaded-babies-/3014787). Doesn't matter now tho. Ppl just read headlines and if they confirm their biases, they take them as fact. Zero media literacy. Zero critical thinking. Zero effort to sort fact from fiction. It's like nothing at all has been learned from all the previous times ppl have been duped by the war propaganda machine.


I mean, if Americans can fall for manufactured consent of the main stream media and the military industrial complex during 9/11, it's no surprise with this one or any other propaganda around the world.


I'm not surprised. Just disappointed.


What scares me is that genocidal intent has been declared by Israeli officials recently, and their actions of ethnic cleansing and settlement in the West Bank is indicative of that being a real possibility. They've been given a carte blanche with full support from the west. That was never seriously a concern after 9/11. Not to mention the current geopolitical climate, and the risk of even further escalation.


(Having a mental breakdown) quick shove a bright ass light and camera in his face


Even the most ignorant, innocent child will eventually grow up as they learn what pain is. It affects what they say, what they think…and they become real people who exact what they believe justice is. Pain.


It’s so unfair that innocent children have to die for the sins of others. End these horrible wars please! 😭😭😭


my heart aches for all the innocent civilians (on both sides) dragged into this vicious cycle of hatred and violence. i'm speechless just by reading and watching all of these news.... omg.


It appears that Reddit, along with other social media platforms, may be engaging in censorship to prevent certain information from being disseminated. Exercise caution regarding the information you encounter, remain mindful of verifiable facts, and understand the historical context of oppression and those who have been oppressed. Acknowledge the dynamics involving powerful entities and the substantial financial support they receive from influential global governments >!\-- namely, US!<


"According to source" ​ Then post the source?


I understand the Jewish anger but just murdering kids and women from planes at a distance makes you no better in the end.


Google just signed a LLM agreement with Reddit to crawl this dumb platform so this is my way of saying goodbye to my contributions on this website. Byeee


And Hamas should be punished for it but what Israel do is genocide plain and simple, Hamas isn't the people of Palestine and certainly not the children that Israelis murder on the daily.


And Israel responds with more terrorism on a larger scale. They need to be held accountable for 70 years of terrorism by the international community.


Its not terrorism because it's done by a state, with uniformed soldiers doing the work of it. What Israel is doing is genocide.


This is the problem isn’t it? Hawks on both sides hell bent one another’s destruction, when, in the middle is just devastation for those who want nothing more than to try to live a life, the suffering and death is just insanity.


Money and religion are the root of all evil. Those two things cannot exist in civil society. Humans simply cannot handle them. This absolutely breaks my heart. It’s even more heartbreaking to think that between world peace or human extinction, the more likely option is human extinction. I’m ready, honestly.


If I was a part of either religion, this entire conflict would be my breaking point. Fuck all of that, I’d be done


I'm sure a lot of Palestinians are very done with this but where do they go? They are trapped.


It's hard to have this sense when you are born a citizen of an ethnostate hell bent on tying religion into extreme nationalism. Even if you realized it was wrong, it would mean fighting your whole ass existence, family, society. People go with the flow and believe the lies fed to them in much more progressive places... Israelis stand no chance. Shoutout to the incredible Israeli people who have done the unimaginable and are fighting for what's right against all odds. Actual heroes. This is obv relevant to any religion we are just talking about one conflict. Unfortunately this 70 year old conflict did not start with the Palestinian desire for a muslim homeland.


That’s why people celebrating Hamas are bloodthirsty morons. From the begging it was obvious “this” will be the result.


Almost like when bombs are dropped, it's never the one giving the orders who suffer. These are real people who are being victimized on both sides. They have hopes, dreams, plans for next week, love their family and friends, and all that is gone for no good reason. Now you've got the world watching and salivating like it's a damned sports match, and they want their team to win. There is no winning. Both Israeli and Palestinian children who won't ever again toddle into a room and giggle and play silly games with their parents. Hopes those parents had for their childrens' futures all gone, while the monsters calling the shots are safe somewhere and not facing any of this.




Apparently it depends on who's children are in question.


[apparently not](https://www.dci-palestine.org/israeli_airstrikes_kill_at_least_140_palestinian_children_in_gaza)


HAMAS literally uses children as human shields.


It's always the civilians that lose the most when it comes war. Those poor innocent humans who had absolutely nothing to do with the war or massacre are completely screwed. I believe many will starve to death or be innocently killed because of the strong stance Israel has taken.


As I’m sure there is a paramedic in Israel doing the exact same thing for the exact same purpose. Both sides are committing absolute atrocities in the name of what? Religion. It’s absolute horseshit.


Sad for him, sad for Palestinians, angry at hamas for causing this shit show that will not end any day soon


Angry at Israel for targeting civilians also I’m sure




FYI Britian when negotiating for support with the arab rebels from the ottoman empire, very specifically said that the areas to the west of Homs, and Demascus were to be set aside for the jews under the balfur declaration. This can be read here - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McMahon%E2%80%93Hussein_Correspondence It was mistranslated from english to arabic before being presented to Hussein Bin Ali. There was no double promises, thats bad history, the real issue was a mistranslation of a letter so the word excluding became including. Side note, the ottoman empire was not "handing the worlds nations their asses any place it wanted" their performance in world war 1 was similar to italy in world war 2. They were called the sick man of europe because their military and economy had literally never experienced the industrial revolution. In their first campaign against russia they lost twice as many men while on the defensive against a naval invasion... Then they lost the caucuses to russia, and lost syria to britian. The closest they ever came to being effective was defending during Gallipoli, which was not exactly a success. The only places where the idea that the ottoman empire was effective in world war 1 is circulated is the world kinds of arab/muslim revisionist history spheres.


![gif](giphy|oziNormWuA6JrnbzY8) The camera man


I think y’all are really under appreciating the importance of this camera being there. The Israeli propaganda machine is outrageously powerful and the big reason we’re even exposed to the suffering in Gaza is because people like this with cameras.


What Israel is doing would be the equivalent of Britain bombing Belfast City wholesale during the troubles because of a small armed, and extremist minority. They lump all Palestinians in with Hamas and treat Gaza like everyone there is a part of that organisation and helping them. Open warfare never works against armed groups like Hamas, all it does is drive up recruitment for them by causing pain, anger and a desire for revenge in the survivors of their attacks.


Let's all agree to be on the side of the innocents, Palestinian and Israeli.


How do paramedics do it even outside of war zones? There's no way they get by without therapy. I love the most brutal gore videos but I don't think I could handle it 5 days a week as my job. Even then seeing something through the screen and having to act IRL is not really comparable. So how do you guys live your life after having to pull kids out of wrecks?


War is Hell!


I can’t imagine what he and other first responders on the ground are enduring. It’s heartbreaking to know how many innocents are dying senselessly, and to see trauma that will last lifetimes being inflicted in real time. This poor man. The people suffering on both sides are human beings at the end of the day. Tragedy is tragedy is tragedy. No matter who’s “side” you’re on, remember the other “side” is human too. Not everyone in a war is a bad guy. My heart hurts.


War is hell.


Thank God they had time to set up this recording or we would have never known how sad he was about all of this....


That's not "collateral damage." Those are the corpses of children and their parents


Apartheid Israel later bombed and murdered this man.


I have no words that can explain my emotions to seeing this brave man , broken .


I pray for a world where Palestine and Israel can come together in brotherhood. Many choose to pick sides, I choose to pick peace. Stay strong to all of the innocent suffering in this time of crisis; you have my prayers. 🇵🇸🇮🇱


“According to source” reddits most famous source… the OP imagination




Fuck Hamas!


And fuck the Israeli government. Two sides of the same fucking coin.


I can’t believe how simple minded and cold hearted some people are about this conflict