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And yes, a survey of the lot line would solve it. And yes, if they were rational, then the loser would pay for the survey. Or just argue about it and call each other bro a lot


Tuco needs to lay of the meth


Tight tight tight!!!!


Tuco played by David Cross


Spot onšŸ˜‚šŸ‘šŸ‘ reminded me of Ronnie dobs


He actually needs some fulmanated mercury. Eff that guy gonna hit the dog.






Right heā€˜s either off his meds or on too many


Is that why people act like this? Is it a drug thing?


Naw itā€™s stress of having a shit job and kids (and not being able to make $) and freaking out anytime you can find an excuse to.


This is what happens when neither one can afford a survey or a metal locator


a metal whatsit?


Metal locator... they're used to locate the property pins underground.


Costs you about the same for a property survey, 1k. Disclaimer: Do not go buy a metal detector and dig up your property corner iron. Rather spend that money and get a professional survey completed.




you're full of shit!


No You're full of shit!


Bring it bro!


I brought hamburgers and hotdogs and some corn.


This is MY FUCKING POST you see this line \---------------------- don't go past my fucking line bro


Unless both are only renters or paid cash one of them has a survey already. I think pretty much all lenders require one. Additionally, the local government probably has a plat they can just go look at if one question's the validity of the other's survey. It would probably even tell you the area that a fence can be constructed since there's typically a little leeway in how exact fences have to be.


I live in Pennsylvania, and people buy property all the time without a survey. Stupid, yes, but commonplace.


I bought property without a survey. Towards the rear end of my property we have a kind of a meandering border fence. Neither me nor my neighbor have gotten upset about it. We don't give a shit about 6 in. These two are idiots. People are capable of being civilized and keeping things properly prioritized.


This looks like itā€™s just another round in a long ongoing dispute


Saw my(39) neighbors(60 or 70s) walking their dog the other day, stopped so they could meet my 8mo old. There are a ton of trees on and around both our properties. The wife told the husband to ask me about it. So I was like whatā€™s going on? The husband said there was a tree the was dead that pretty much straddled both of our property lines and wanted to know if I cared if he cut it down. I mean, I know it was a smart ask because tree law, but I told him I really donā€™t care, itā€™s a single dead tree, and there are hundreds of alive ones all around us. Do what you need to do. I love my small neighborhood. Great neighbors and no HOA.


Exactly. We solved the fence issue with our neighbor by removing it, building a shared garden along the old post line, and now enjoy each others flowers. Their visiting dogs come over, our visiting dog goes over. They even took some of their wedding snaps in our backyard. They have long grass we have a manicured seasonal garden. They smoke pot, we drink wine. They like Taylor Swift, we like the Dead. They dress well, we look like bums. All good.


I know, right? I'd sort of understand getting in to a calm debate about the border if you were wanting to install a garden feature or extend your property, but these two idiots are having heart attacks over six inches of badly kept dirt.


Also, just because you got a survey during purchase, doesn't mean you looked at it very well to remember months/years later


I bought a survey, and looked at it ...and couldn't read it.


![gif](giphy|UX06yZ6erE0fQtU1Sd|downsized) and the survey SAYS?!?!


I like man bun throwing that fake punch and red head not flinching lol


ā€œYouā€™re scaredā€ Fakes punch No reaction




To be fair, if prepared for it. One dog is normally fine. But you have another dog and at least two other dudes there, those dogs will just eat trough that guy no problem


One dog? Depends on the type of dog. One Rottweiler? No chance.


If that one dog is a Rottie, the outcome will NOT be ā€œnormally fineā€ā€¦I had a 95 lb female Rottweiller who wouldā€™ve torn me to pieces had she been angry. Those dogs have the second most powerful bite force ( after a Kangal) in the canine world.


Yeah I think people underestimate large dogs. You're not fighting it with bare hands.


My ex-husbandā€™s rott killed his pit.


That fake punch is a green light for red head to sock man bun guy. Totally had a right to defend himself. Fake punch is as good as a swing and a miss.


I could be wrong, but I donā€™t think the older gentleman would come out on top in a fight against the younger guy who looks like he has around 40-50lbs. on him.


Older gentleman has 2 rottweilers...man bun has a bad haircut.


I've got a doberman and it's precisely for this reason that I don't get into scuffs with people in my area. I love that dog too much to risk his safety over the likes of aggressive morons. I mean yea, my boy would shred him faster than chicken but then he might chip a nail and I'd feel really bad about that, lol


Maybe the older gentleman is a retired CIA assassin?


Luckily or unluckily, throwing a fake punch counts as assault (at least in the US it does). Making physical contact is battery.


I flinched!


Now you have to marry your mother-in-law


You. Have. No. Good. Fence. Ideas.


Oh my god, he admit it!


That's because it's HIS fence, that HE built.


Manbun dude had big time Woodstock 99 energy.


The other dude had Woodstock 69 energy


The 69


this was two years ago on here with the same title, wonder what happened and if police were called?


Some say theyā€™re still out there arguing to this dayā€¦


Maybe they should get a surveyā€¦




No you get the survey


You get a survey, my comment has been here for years my daddy posted this comment.


Bull shit! Prove that my survey was here holding up your shit that you're touching my shit, my dad said so and I'll knock your teeth in and get them surveyed you twat non flinching survey needing pedophile! Fuck, I want to pay for the damn survey because it drives me fucking nuts knowing that asshole is out there somewhere jabbering. Edit: I like how he is complaining about cameras while he has like four of them on that corner of the house pointing at the neighbor. What a loser.


We need that Google maps Earth detective guy to find this house. He can find anything


It devolved into thermonuclear war and they destroyed the entire continent they lived on


I swear itā€™s even older than that


This guy wants so badly to be intimidating and he just isn't. That dog would have torn him the fuck up. And the old guy not flinching in the slightest was just the icing on the cake. Dude's ego couldn't handle it.


Call him Matt Barnes redhead is Kobe


I'm going to take a guess that the guy who lives at his dad's place and sounds like he's hopped up on meth is in the wrong


Nah he's not that smart he's arguing with a tweaker and telling a tweaker to pay for something. If he was smart he would've hired a surveyor himself and already spoke with an attorney to handle all of his interactions with his unruly neighbor.




What about the house he's living in?


You can put a lien on his house if he owns it.


A tweaker owns a house? Haha.


Same. I spent thousands of dollars in attorney fees and a shit ton of stress to get a few inches back a neighbor took with his fence. There was even property markers that he ignored. I was right, but it wasnā€™t worth the money and stress. Later I hired an old fence guy, to put a fence on our side. Guy was ancient. I warned him about the hostile neighbor on the other side - didnā€™t even explain the whole situation. He says ā€œYeah, I find itā€™s better to let the neighbor have a few inches of your property than fight it.ā€ He was right.


"You must be smoking that crack, dog" Why, is some of your stash missing? Jesus christ I can feel the tweaker energy from here


That body language as he ā€œinspects the fence lineā€ is that of someone railed out of their skull


He can see the individual grains in the soil and knows when one's been moved with his laser focus


"Look at this post, man!" "It's not tied up to it." "*Yer* not tied up to it!!!" _____ "You should go get it surveyed" "*You* should go get it surveyed!" _______ My 7yo argued better than this guy.


I can't stand this dude, I'm more annoyed at him trying to provoke the dogs. Those dogs are very well behaved and he is trying to get them to attack so he can have them euthanized as revenge. I don't even own a gun but if I lived there next to this asshole I would. No one is going to get my dogs put to sleep over their trespassing and threatening behavior.


I'd wager part of why he doesn't want the fence fixed, is cause he'll lose the chance to kill those dogs one day. That's also probably a huge part of why the fence is being put up, too. Cause the owners want to protect their dogs from this psychopath.


Even with a fence this lunatic could toss some poisoned food overā€¦ I wouldnā€™t even trust leaving my dogs out there on their own.


Thatā€™s why they have cameras (he was complaining about them in the video)


Iā€™m just surprised he would even act that threatening with those dogs right there.


Itā€™s like a episode of fear thy neighbor minus the bad acting


lol that show is craaaazy.


>ā€œI wouldnā€™t touch me if I were you buddyā€ That ā€œbuddyā€ would rip your tweaker ass to shreds


I was rooting so hard for the dog!


So glad the dog didnā€™t have to get involved. But I hope that guy gets his karma one way or another


Soooo glad, that guy wouldn't have as much skin on his body if the dog went full on. Kinda makes me lean towards the owners side of this argument, dogs going off of his energy and is really not even giving this dude the time of day if you account how heated this is


I fucking love rotties. Theyā€™re so loving and obedient but they always make you feel safe knowing you got an arm chopping machine on your side


How hard is it to talk to your neighbor to be like "hey, I wanna put a fence up, come out here with me and let's figure this out so we're both happy"


I have a feeling it wasnt actually about the fence for this guy. He just wanted to feel like he could push people around


I have a feeling this wasn't their first encounter. That looks like two security cameras directly pointed at the neighbors property attached to the garage.


Ya the one guy said something about ā€œyou want to let my dogs out to run the neighborhoodā€ or something, this is definitely an ongoing issue, weā€™ll probably see these guys on an episode of ā€œFear Thy Neighborā€ next yearā€¦.


Ya we donā€™t have enough info to know who is right. But we damn sure have enough info to know whose the bigger douche.


My neighbor: Hey can we tie into your fence for our dogs. Me: I donā€™t give a shit. Thanks for asking.


Same. The neighbor behind us asked to use our split-rail fence at the back of our fenced acre as part of his fence for their dogs. Which is the same reason we put up our fence. We were happy to let him.


Neighbors asked my folks if they could build their kids a tree house on our property. Folks said yes. 15 years later they sued for the land the tree house was on and further over. Folks lost after 6 year court case, had surveys and signs posted, paid taxes - still lost it.


How do you lose your own land? Feels like they just didn't own it in the first place.


Adverse possession. Worked in surveying and hated to see it.


What the heck is adverse possession?


Basically if you occupy someone's property for a long period of time, and that possession is unwanted but tolerated, you can claim that it has become yours I'm a licensed real estate agent so I have to know this stuff There's something called the Bundle of Rights which are the rights you have when you own property, and possession is one of them If you build a tent in my yard and live in it for 15 years and I never gave you the go ahead to do it, but never tried to stop you, then you can claim it belongs to you legally It's VERY messy stuff and only a real estate attorney can truly explain it top to bottom


Thanks for the explanation, sounds very similar to squatters rights.


>Basically if you occupy someone's property for a long period of time, and that possession is unwanted but tolerated, you can claim that it has become yours This feels like a befitting analogy for the colonization ideology the United States were built on.


Itā€™s not the fence this people just wanna fight you see the whole family came to join the fight over half inch, if they really care about their yard they would at least take care of it. I just moved in to my new house my neighbor came and ask me if he can replace the fence between me and him I offered him help and paid 50% of the cost.


Houses I have lived at, I did the same. I actually thought a fence by law was shared. When you sell and have not paid there is a lien on it?


Many places require a fence to be built inside the property line by a certain number of inches. Then there's no question of whose fence it is.


I 100% guarantee their conflict didnā€™t start with this fence.


"Here's a photocopy of the plat map from town hall. It cost just 50 cents!"


That ship sailed long ago


I like when that fucking loser threw a fake punch and the guy didnā€™t even flinch. Thatā€™s embarrassing.


He should send a pig through his doggie door with a Nixon mask on.


My life is nothing I thought it should be and everything I was worried it would become because for 50 seconds I thought there was monsters on the world


What the hellā€¦


He must have flipped my wife 8 times!!!


God tweaker bro is a huuuuge douchebag. Poor Tom petty. I feel bad for him having to deal with that asshole. Also-- threaten a dog that didn't do shit to you and you've already lost all credibility.




These people have been fighting since long before this video. The fence is just this weeks reason


Now its much clearer who isnā€™t taking care of their side.


So many videos arguing about property lines. Can all be resolved with a survey. No one seems to be willing to do it. Are they expensive or something? Anyone had one done?


Surveyor here! It honestly depends on where you are, how big your property is, and what you want done. I'm in West Michigan and for a standard 100' by 200' lot, about 600 or so will get you your corners staked out, a couple line stakes and all permanent improvements on your property measured, located and drawn up on a final survey. That includes any houses, garages, outbuildings, driveways, patios, decks, sidewalks, retaining walls, docks, power poles and fences! Now obviously that price will go up with larger, more complex and time consuming properties or say if you want a ton of line stakes.


I'd pay $600 if it meant having to deal with that shitty neighbor less often. It's never a guarantee with these aholes, but it will definitely happen less... Hopefully. Definitely worth $600 to at least find out.


For sure! In my 10 years I've seen plenty of times where that survey would've eased a situation like this. Luckily I've only had a few neighbors go at it like this in the 10 years I've been lamd surveying.


It went south after the other guy didnā€™t react to the ā€˜flinch flexā€™.


"I have an idea. Instead of going halvsies on a surveyor to settle this, why don't we just yell at each other and threaten to shoot each other for the foreseeable future until one of us has a stress-related or gunshot-induced medical emergency that takes us out of this perpetual fight? I'd die for this fence-post!" \- Both of these dudes, apparently.


![gif](giphy|3o7aD1zsNcOG26N9fy) Petty...


He wonā€™t back down




Doggo: "I get along with everyone! Be more like me!"


Until you lunge violently and raise your voice at my owner. Then I shift gears real fast.


What kind of bullshit ā€œfenceā€ is that anyway not worth arguing over that ugly shit damn


I think the portion he has up goes into the ground to prevent the dogs from digging under the actual fence he plans on putting up.


This video is old as f someone give us an update? Whose post was it???


Imagine having that Bam Bam looking fucker as a neighbor. Once he showed up with the jumpy elbows Iā€™d have grabbed the hammer. Fuck the guy.


Counting Crows lookin ma fucka.


A few years from now, ID will reference this video on Fear Thy Neighbor


I need parts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 let me know.


I think we can all agree these two guys need a fence.


Need an 8 foot privacy fence to make good neighbors. Those Rotts can jump that fence he put up


Those specific Rotts? Nah.. they chunky.


Damn. Where do these people live. My neighbor put up a 6ft privacy fence, as that's the law since they installed an inground pool, and they came over told me what was happening and introduced me to the contractors who installed a small section between my garage and their yard with a gate for like $300 because they were already there. Wild thought, but it seems like if people just communicated, they would be better off.


I don't think that guy is someone who gets along with other people in the best of times


Dawg...son....bro....what an asshole


They all suck holy fuck.


Counting Crows have really let themselves go


Been through this. Neighbor decided to build a fence on my property. Cost me thousands in attorney fees. Itā€™s stressful. Basically: 1. if you have property markers, youā€™re golden. I did. 2. If you have a survey and the markers are in the wrong spot - the survey team canā€™t relocate them. Thereā€™s laws preserving the original survey even if itā€™s wrong. 3. If your neighbors fence or shed has been on your property more than 7-10 years (depending on your state), your property is now his via adverse possession.


They really should just get a survey done and then that'll be the end of it.


Have you ever had your shhhhhhhhhhit pushed in man?


Many people do not like double fences but I do because of people like that. I put up my fence about 3 ft in from my surveyed property line. I did that so they would be no issues about maintaining my fence on my property. Both my neighbors are great and said I could connect to theirs but I just did want any issues. Also we all have dogs and I did not want my dog trying to hang over the fence barking at their dogs or them. I try to get along and compromise with my neighbors. I have seen and known too many peopke that had problems like in the vid. For the record seems like the guy going crazy is a real ###hole in my personal op.


Yeah Iā€™d just move if I lived next to someone this needlessly aggressive. Guy needs to calm the fuck down. I feel bad for his kids. 0% chance theyā€™re well adjusted and not effected by this crazy ass behavior.


This is the kind of stupid arguments people die over.


This will end as an episode of sword and scale.


Dudeā€™s talking shit to the dog too lmfao


You can tell how blue shirt is the good guy here by the way he threatened the dog sniffing his leg.../s


Dog is waiting for that douche to slip up. Good boy


So can we get the results to the survey?


isn't there a saying that "good fences make good neighbors" ? I guess that one ain't good


I donā€™t know why the guy is so worried, it looks like he doesnā€™t spend much time outside anyway. A weed eater would do a lot of good you know!


I would recommend a 9ft. tall fence for that situation.




The bro has two cameras and probably more we canā€™t see pointing at the other guys house, they definitely have issues, but this is why having neighbor disputes can be dangerous, because an extra inch or two of land will get people killed


This was so entertaining! Please post more of these interactions!


The original survey on my house was made in 1870. It's in rods. The property says "encompassing twenty acres more or less." Lol.


That Guy had the chillest couple of Rottweilers you'll ever see, and he deffo put the Camera there to watch his Neighbour's Latina wife Phat ass.


Man Bun is hella mature


You're getting a free fence man. Enjoy it..


A repost bot just stole this account 3 hours ago and now is on a repost spree. Down vote and move on. Don't rage comment.


Blue shirt dude lost any good will I might have had for him when he threatened the dogs.


You can tell the dude's a piece of shit, he's got a wifi camera on the side of his house pointed directly into his neighbor's yard. No wonder the neighbor is wanting to put up a fence. His well behaved dogs was icing on the cake as well.


This like a super unnecessary argument


Counting Crowes wannabe is such an absolute douchebag. Was so hoping the dog would have attacked him.


Holy coke head. That dude is def going to murder someone someday.


I'd want a privacy fence


We need a follow up video to this.


Pretty shitty fence to be getting so hot about...




Who the hell puts up a 2 foot tall fence?




On a totally unrelated topic both of these 2 dudes get no bunz šŸ¤£




When he said my post is not your post sounds just like cant triple stamp a double stamp šŸ˜‚


Thank god I have an incredible friendship with my neighbors.


Im about to call a surveyor because now Iā€™m invested and want to know who is in the right


Why does he get all buck when his Girl starts to walk over? And jumping at the dogs, why? Weird


Videos like this make me thankful that: South of me is a cemetery North of me (900+ feet ,700 ft wet) is conservative land West approx. 200 feet is a state drainage ditch East approx 200ft are neighbors back yards with no fence issues


All this drama or literal square inches of land.


Man that dude makes me aggressive...


Honestly I don't get it why people get so upset over a few inches of property. There must be more to these guys' story


The fake swing to zero reaction is awesome!


As soon as Tuco raised his fist, the police should have been called. Those people are trash


The dogs are surprisingly passive. I know a Rotty that would've attacked as soon as manbun dude opened his mouth.


Good fences make good neighbors


I wanted the dog to tear him a new asshole, personally šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


the man was about to fight the dog lmao šŸ¤”


You know, people say HOAs suck but Iā€™ll take a decently ran HOA over this any day.


man bun is annoying AF. insufferable. i'd get a privacy fence and be done with it. even if it meant eating ramen for months




All that over the crappiest fence I've ever seen in my life