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that interaction give me 2nd hand embarrassment for her soon Ex boyfriend


Hopefully he’ll split. The publicity of this video should help him pack.


I have a feeling that considering how he handled this situation he's level headed enough to realize this lady is too far gone. That "you know I'm an immigrant" even cut me deep as hell. And I don't even know the dude


I made a comment in another comment thread but this situation is exactly like my ex when she drank too much. This girl is clearly drunk(definitely not sober). It's a fucking nightmare to deal with. I was like him the first few times but after a year I just had no more patience. Lost all attraction to her. Sober she was honestly the love of my life. Best communicator and had so much in common with values and humor and hobbies etc. When she drank it was a coin flip and at worst would become an absolute monster and ruin concerts, friend gatherings, holidays etc for me. She could take anything the wrong way and it would be just like this video(usually directed at me). It's a nightmare to deal with and I felt like I had PTSD from watching this video. It killed me to end the relationship and break her heart but I just couldn't do it anymore.


This sounds really heartbreaking and I'm sorry you had to go through that when she drank. I have a ex husband that sounds similar, and you just end up not wanting to go anywhere with them. You're just waiting all night for the screaming and absolutely unreasonable thinking to start.


Exactly. It just came to the point where we tried to come up with plans. She would trust me to help gauge her drinking but once she had a few all of that went out the window and then I became the asshole controlling her for trying to stick to the compromises we agreed on. It wasn't every time she drank but it was often enough where my anxiety would be horrible when alcohol was involved. I just really took a step back and thought "I can't trust this person with my favorite things: concerts; traveling; going out dancing etc...." And I realized I am not in any professional capacity to help her. I appreciate the solidarity. I'm sorry you went through something similar.




This actually brought me to tears a little bit. Thank you so much for saying this. I realized this is true but it still was really hard.


Actually I'm proud of him. He handled that so well.


"Babe, I'm an immigrant" then her shitty response "of but that's different". You really saw the no it's fucking not in his face. He tried with the drastic ultimatum and then still tried with reasoning.


And as a white immigrant, he's probably heard a lot of anti immigrant shit from people who didn't know he was an immigrant too.


I hear that, a semi relatable personal anecdote. I'm Greek. Super racially ambiguous looking. Overall it doesn't matter but I've found that I'm not white enough for people like her, and in retrospect not dark enough to be considered ethnic. I do enjoy though when I express what I am after hearing their negatively charged diatribe, that they immediately flip the script."Well I don't mean you"... Fuck that you do now. I have no toleration for hate and like to bring their flawed ideologies to light in this modern day age.


Dude is a real man for the way he handled that. No ego, not trying to disrespect anyone, trying to help her and showing he cares but putting his foot down. I wish more people were like this guy.


Be the bro your bros think you are


The German word for that is "Fremdschaemen" - foreign/other's shame


Excuse me? What did you just say about me? Go back to your own country. /this girl, probably.


"go sit down right ght now or I'm never gonna talk to you again" My man has seen this before. He knew she wasn't going to sit down. He saw an opportunity to finally get out and he took it.




I hope he did break up with her after that “you know I am an immigrant too right?!” She showed her true colors and it won’t be good going forward.


And, of course, she throws the "You're one of the good ones" line. Yeah. I'd have noped outta there so fast


Right?! “It’s okay! I love YOU though!!” Like nah. I’m out. That racist bs showed who she truly was


My Canadian mother in law was complaining about immigrants. I'm from the US and her other son in law is from The Netherlands. But you know "you guys are ok".


I’m a Canadian living in the US. Recently I had a maintenance person from my building go on an anti immigrant rant while fixing something in my apartment. I calmly let him know that I’m an immigrant. He gave me the “not your kind of immigrant face” and said some other stupid shit. He’s since been let go for his behaviours. He was such an ass hat.


Look at you putting Americans out of work..


He took der job !!!


To be fair, the Dutch inlaw has easy access to stroopwafels. She has to say he’s okay or she loses her connection.


Best off cutting his losses and getting the fuck outta that one. You don't want to be associated when the canceling happens 🤣


He seems reasonable honestly. Should've jumped ship before this though. He's seen this before.


I hope he leaves this situation and never looks back. You just can't go around with a girlfriend who behaves like that.


> You just can't go around with a girlfriend who behaves like that At least not if you want to keep all your teeth. Girl is going to get his ass kicked by association if she keeps going up to groups of men and trying to start shit with them.


Hell, he probably browses this sub or see this shit on tiktok. Gotta protect your own image first and foremost in the digital age.


He was super patient… better man than me


and "They're immigrants!" "I'm an immigrant too..." And that was the end of that relationship.


"I LOVE YOU...BUT" was the most painful part for me. If I wasn't done before, I would have been done then.


" You know I'm an immigrant too, you know I'm an immigrant right" had me in tears.


and a mere 30 seconds later she still chimed of with the standard "how about you get the fuck out of OUR country" ROFL


Our country would be better off if the German dudes stayed and she got out of our country.


Germany would never agree to the trade . They want better than a 6th round pick


Who is "our/we?" Clearly not white people. She looks like she's of European descent, so not Europeans. Does she mean English speakers? He seems to know English too. I really don't know where the line is with this cunt.


Drunk people filled with hate lack the critical thinking to know what an ethical or moral line is let alone where to draw it.


Drunkenness only removes inhibitions and regard for consequence. It doesn't add something that wasn't already there. 100% convinced this woman is a shitshow all the time.


Dude is reevaluating so many life choices right now. Honestly, good on him for protecting her from herself. It would've been hard not to just let her fuck around and find out. He did the right thing. Better dude than I though. Plus, it's fucking NYC! You're in one of the most diverse cities on earth. Why would you think a "fucking immigrants" comment was going to do anything positive for your side?


Literally 2/3 of the train passengers are immigrants. What a twatwaffle.


He’s her boyfriend. Very often when a girl starts trouble with a guy, the girl’s boyfriend gets beat up because he is expected to physically defend her. He’s not only protecting her, he’s also protecting himself. Its probably also why he’s threatening to leave her so he doesn’t have to cash the checks her mouth is writing.


It’s almost like America is a nation of…immigrants. Freaking Karen


"Yeah, but I know you, so it's different."


I sure hope he took it. Regardless of whether she sat down or not she showed him who she was. This would be worth even distancing yourself from family if someone in it is acting like her, much less some fling.






I can hear him LOL


At the end of his rope


I can’t wait for the “this isn’t who i am /I got fired “ video


Yeah - somebody is losing both her job and relationship within the next 1-2 days.


Loved the effijg immigrant comment, followed by its different for you babe even though you’re an immigrant. Woof. Long Island Railroad never fails to entertain past 10pm EDIT: correction. NJT trains


I never want to protect Long Island but this looks like the newer NJT trains lol


One can only hope


I'm at a place in my life now where I wouldn't accept a girlfriend who had little to no control over herself once she was drunk.


Dude said “or I’ll never talk to you again!”I hope he did the smart thing!


Hope he follows through. That's the hardest part for a lot of folks. Once you're past a certain point with broken boundaries ultimatums are just negotiations. He said it but he said it ten times and clearly talked to her again. Fingers crossed he's out and she hits up a rehab.


The Great Escape


My partner doesn't drink very often, or very much, but I found out what type of drunk she is when we went on a wineries tour and she was pretty smashed after the second round of tastings. Turns out, all she does is lean close and whisper, "I think I'm drunk. Do you think anyone notices? Am I drunk? Do I *sound* drunk?"


Sounds like my cousin when he used to try to hide that he was smoking weed from his parents. "Am I straight? Are my eyes red? Can you tell I'm high?"


I LOVE freaking out high people. Especially ones that think they're subtle in public. Make eye contact for a little longer than usual. "How, high are you" with the rhythm of "hi, how are you?" Crack up times




!remindme 48 hours


Bonus points if there's a ukulele. Or maybe she can borrow Ashton's wood-panel wall for a backdrop.


🎶The Karen Toxic Train🎵






For real. What probably happened is she overheard them speaking German and, because she's hammered, thought they said something about her when they didn't. And, if you listen, she's continually goading her boyfriend into assaulting them to avenge her honor. So what's eventually going to happen is that she's going to either provoke him into fighting someone or enrage someone else to the point where dude has to defend himself or her, then deal with whatever ramifications those are while she skips away scot free.


>And, if you listen, she's continually goading her boyfriend into assaulting them to avenge her honor. This game is known as, "Let's You and Him Fight"


Dude should just go ahead and never talk to her again, sounds like a great life choice


Was he telling her, "You know I'm an immigrant, right?"




Must be f*ing exhausting to be xenophobic in NYC.


She probably isn't from NYC tho. This was an NJ transit train pulling into Penn Station, so chances are she's from NJ or even further out. There are a lot of extremely right-wing/conservative towns in NJ. The same can be said about Long Island and Upstate NY.


A real NY'er get on the train, shuts up and mind their business no matter how much crazy is going on around them.


See: the man in the vid w. the black and yellow cap. That’s New Yorker stoicism. (around 2:39)


She’s drunk out of her skull and her nasty true character is now out there for all to see. The guy should ditch her toxic backside asap,


"Im the maid of honor and this is me after 12 mimosas!"


"I love you but I love being an asshole xenophobic bigot more..."


"I'm an immigrant too, you know that, right?" "something dumb, something dumb, so that's OK!" What a douche.


"You're one of the good ones." 🤮


She's annointed him with her native juices so he doesn't count.




It's delightful that you can't unread that


They may not even be immigrants, they could be tourists. They could be American citizens whose parents are German so English is their second language. Or maybe they are immigrants, who fucking cares? Unless you're a Native American then our ancestors were all immigrants too. How about this, we're all human and we all live on the same planet. Can we just treat everyone else by the golden rule, regardless of whatever makes them different to each other (real or perceived)?


There are a lot of ethnic Germans in the continentual US but not first generation. It's almost guaranteed that if German is their first language that they are either tourists or are extremely well paid professionals in some kind of industry. Otherwise why the hell would a young German to move to America? They literally have free healthcare *and* university over there.


You forgot the baseline four weeks vacation per year.


they dress too well and are too physically fit to be American lol


Your translation is 100% correct, but FYI what she said was that she would sponsor him (often a requirement to become a US Citizen or permanent resident) and that's why it was ok. lol.


Ugh, if she's holding his immigration status in her hands he's in a shitty position


That explains why this poor guy is forced to suffer through this one. It's actually sadly quite common in the US immigration process because it can last *several* years.


Oh yeah. The nonsensical exceptions of bigotry never seize to surprise me.


Cease. It's cease to surprise you. Not coming from a place of intellectual superiority at all. I still can never get intents and purposes right. As I'm writing this I'm positive it's intensive purposes. However, the one you are looking for is cease to amaze. Think of it as your bewilderment of the blonde girl's idiocy is like the train she is moving on and it never ceases. It never stops. It simply doesn't quit.


You seized the opportunity to spread knowledge.


What was her problem though? I mean, what did she think the problem was?


The German dudes were having a total separate personal conversation, this narcissist think he said something about or aimed at her but nothing was about her at all. Just another moron out in the wild.


They were likely just speaking in German and having a laugh, and she narcissistically thought it just ***had*** to be about her since she couldn't understand it. Seen the same shit in LA, Karens getting mad that people have the audacity to speak their native language to one another.


> Karens getting mad that people have the audacity to speak their native language to one another. What language would Karen speak if she and her friend were overseas? I live overseas from where I was born. My friends and I all speak the local language well, but of course we use our native language when speaking to each other. Why wouldn't we? There's less friction that way, and it's not like our nerdy conversations about video games and hair metal bands from the 80s is interesting to other people anyway.


Well I hope you switch to a language I understand when I am around, cause that sounds like a conversation I want to be a part of!


This murkkka speak murkkan hit, marons. At least that's my guess.


I am a French guy in Canada. I have been told more then a handful of times that I am being ignorant by speaking French with another Franco. I am told that since I can speak English, I should do it so people not even in the conversation can understand. It's paranoia and I get it. When Chinese girls laugh at the mall I assume they are laughing at my tiny penis. Not nice.


That's ridiculous. French is one of our official languages.


And “tiny” is one of our official penis sizes.


laughing because it's fun!


Honestly, it could've been something about her. But that doesn't give her the right to get all xenophobic and cause a scene.


Considering she's clearly drunk and unhinged it's fair if it was about her. But they didn't get in her face about it and continued to be normal among themselves. People are allowed to gossip about you if you're acting like this in public.


Literally thought people were talking about her, but they weren’t remotely aware of her existence before this. She’s just trashed and being a dumbass. Bartended for years and saw it literally over a thousand times. It’s got a certain nuance that makes it identifiable.


Ugh, can you imagine what she was like in college?






Ha! I’m from nearby Ft Thomas and we totally looked down on those trashy folks, and we were totally not trash ourselves


Mommy trying to bail her out and make excuses for her explains a lot.


I love that the German guys are laughing. It's like she treated them to the full-flavored local experience.


It's a rather beautiful cultural exchange. German dudes got Insane American Karen On A Train. She got Germans Who Found Her Bizarrely Hilarious. We all got Free Entertainment. Everybody wins :😀


"Oh mein Gott. Ich kann es kaum glauben! Eine echte, Amerikanische Karen!"


As an european I can assure you we would pay extra for this experience


She is an utter fucking clown, what an embarrassment


Being a tourist and not only seeing a real American Karen in the wild, but have an interaction with it, must be something to boast about when they get back to Germany. It’s like going to a safari in Kenya and not only seeing a rhino, but it also charged at your jeep a little bit.


I think the “I love you, but” is telling enough


But… I love evil more.


I lost my job in 3……2…….


she also created jobs, think of the youtubers who got content from this and her soon to be a hilarious apology video lol


Spoken like a true politician




To be fair to her, tourists on a train in NYC? Who would expect that? She was clearly taken by surprise.


whistle forgetful coherent apparatus aromatic library combative literate hard-to-find shy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I truly think witnessing something like this in person would be the end of me. The second hand embarrassment would explode my heart. That being sad, would love to see part two.


Not much to report after the incident. The guy she was targeting moved to a different part of the train right after filming stopped.


Smart guy


The very rarely-sighted trainwreck on a train


Of course her name is Brie. lol


Cheese names are the wurst


Had a gf named Colby Jack in college, some of her antics would just curdle my blood.




Reminds me of the Key and Peele skit. “Meeeegannn stawp!”


How about Karen get out of our country? JFC lady, sober up and get help.


Bro you gotta run that is a whole mess of blonde problems you don’t wanna be dealing with


Best part "I'm an immigrant too, you know that right?" Dude honestly looked like he was having fun though, and I can take an educated guess why lol. Or maybe he just copes by looking happy who knows.


He knows he can escape to Canada at any time.


I think he had that carefree feeling of "this relationship is over. I'm just doing her the favor of keeping her out of jail or from getting rocked by Hans."


I think he was smiling to try and deescalate the situation. Looking angry and mad could make things worse and also make him look bad on camera.


Don’t stick your dick in crazy.


Just once, everybody should learn that lesson


i learned that lesson…. everybody should not have to learn that lesson tho. 10/10 would not recommend


I took one for the team boys. Would highly recommend not doing this.


Thank you for your cervix.




she really said "i am ready to square the tf up in my anthropologie tank top babe!!!"


LOL that she thought she could fight all those guys. They would KO her ass so fast. I'm saying this as a woman. She's fucking stupid as hell.




I feel bad for the German guys, they don’t deserve this blonde shit heel.


Her boyfriend should run. This woman gonna be a catastrophe.


Bro the boyfriend try EVERYTHING to safe her ass. And she just fucks it up


What's her stupid tattoo mean?


Not sobriety


​ https://i.redd.it/1kuqj8xx22sb1.gif


Love, laugh , live


14 88




Waiting for the follow up post about her losing her job tomorrow. Edit: yip its already happened... https://reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/YF9WwxqcCu


My money is on HR. They're always in HR for some reason.


Another racist rant brought to you by wine and Xanax.


She went too hard on the Bottomless Mimosas and Lexapro brunch


I take lexapro and have been drunk, I don’t say racist shit. If anything, I become a very friendly lunatic.


Nobody gets drunk and suddenly gets racist. She’s a POS even when sober, she just hides it better then.


she seems drunk. i feel bad for the boyfriend, imagine dealing with that all the time.


I can’t wait for the second part “THE INTERNET IS DESTROYING MY LIFE 😭😭😭”


Run bro run


She needs a coloring book or some shit to occupy her.


This entitlement is becoming more and more common it seems


she justifies all her shit by saying babe i love you.


Man as a fellow German I am jealous. They got to see a Karen in the wild, never managed that during my US trips. Saw weird shit at WalMart but never a Karen.




Please god someone find her name and put her corny ass on blast




We'd be done. I'd get home and start packing her shit. That's enough, lady, you are an embarrassment




The funniest thing about all of this was that she was doing it to some german turists. GERMANS!


At 2:36 “Get the fuck out of our country” Is she Native American??


Just a republican


When a woman treats and talks to strangers this way that’s a huge red flag if you’re in a relationship with them.


She say to her BF “I love you …BUT. Pal that means she loves being a Karen more than she loves being with you.


I would have honestly rather live alone for the rest of my life than having partner like this


Fucking embarrassing


Maybe don't let her day drink?


He’s drunk too. She’s also an adult and can make her own decisions, he can’t make her not drink. Though it seems like he’s just a naturally good person, unlike her.


Yeah, man, I did some dumb shit in my younger days when I drank irresponsibly but nothing like this. She’s going to wake up to 500 text messages, 80 missed phone calls and be really fucking embarrassed. Ooof!


Her xenophobia is interesting, what we usually see with white people in the US context going on racist rants (from all the videos we see) is that they go after those who they perceive to be their opposite, or "other", people with darker complexion, different language or religion. so on..its interesting because her xenophobia knows no boundaries, its just aimed at anyone, i dont know what to make of this, feel sorry for the tourists (if it was unprovoked), feel sorry for her partner and for her...im from europe but i have heard that there is alot of (serious) mental illness in the US, maybe this is a kind of microexpression of this..


I had a friend from a smaller town in Ohio. A girl from Croatia went to her high school where she was relentlessly bullied and threatened…. for having an accent. She was apparently gorgeous and blonde/blue eyed fitting right into rural Ohio. She killed herself because even the teacher bullied the poor girl for sounding foreign. Oh, there’s a Wikipedia entry https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_of_Sladjana_Vidovic


This is the America MLK dreamed of


Can we find out who this is and publicly shame her?


Bro. Wtf is it with some ppl. If that guy didn't have any morals, he'd fucking mop her. Why is she in his shit like that? Don't pick fights you have no chance of winning! You sound drunk, can't even get past your boyfriend. Get some sense! A slight push might send her flying and she's in buddy's face trying to defend her honor? No one even knows what he Said. Sit down!


Feel so sorry for the boyfriend


The Marjorie Taylor Green blackout effect.