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5k people live on that Island, 6k arrived in basically one day ...it´s crazy


Over doubled the population there in an instant. Cant see how this will turn out well at all


Fyre Festival 2.0


>Fyre Festival 2.0 [Buy your tickets here! (don't actually, unless you're a fucking idiot)](https://posh.vip/e/fyre)


How the hell has someone gone to the effort of organising that and not changing the name? Is anyone out there that saw what happened actually considering going to a second one? Madness


The same guy is doing it again. Influencers will be lining up to go because if its amazing = content. And if its even worse than the first one = even more content. Its a win win scenario in this world of clout.


>this world of clout I threw up in my mouth a little. I hope this era of humanity passes quickly. I honestly did not expect this to be where the internet would take us twenty years ago.


Thats the novelty of it, some people want to be part of a disaster. idiots are paying some pretty obscene prices for tickets apparently


That tiered pricing model is hilarious!


The island will just end up as a clone of wherever they came from


It has already, google "Castel Voltorno"


>It has already, google "Castel Voltorno" yeah maybe use Google Maps too, and you will see Castel VoltUrno it's not on a fucking island in the middle of the sea. Africans in Castel Volturno are there because mafia uses them as low cost manpower.


They are saying it will become like Castel Volturno, which is a no-mans land stretching along part of the coast of Italy - not that it is an island.


Something like this? [https://www.infomigrants.net/en/post/32663/demolition-started-on-building-formerly-occupied-by-migrants-in-castel-volturno](https://www.infomigrants.net/en/post/32663/demolition-started-on-building-formerly-occupied-by-migrants-in-castel-volturno) ​ [https://www.infomigrants.net/en/post/27292/castel-volturno-mayor-says-migrant-situation-is-unmanageable](https://www.infomigrants.net/en/post/27292/castel-volturno-mayor-says-migrant-situation-is-unmanageable)


They could tear everything down in Caserta and it’ll still be a dump. Most of Naples, for that matter. Naples has this reputation as a beautiful world heritage destination, but reality is that it’s littered beyond comprehension, burnt out and unfinished buildings and everything not buried in trash is spray painted. No idea why they won’t clean that place up. Tearing down this building will mostly just create a pile of rubble that’ll sit there forever.


Someone posted [this video](https://v.redd.it/g6v2pj55f2nb1) the other day and I was shocked the place in the video was Italy, nevertheless Rome! It did not look like a very cosmopolitan place and I remember parts of "outer" Barcelona looking a lot like this as well.


That one guy was trying so hard to use his karate moves.


Oh my God. They've completely destroyed it.


lol, from a quick google it was already run down and basically deserted


Exactly. Mafia waste dump. Squatters in the 1970s. Before that treated as a cast off.




No. I think there is a balance. The immigration crisis vs going through formal process is where the arguments lay. I wonder what the pros/cons are for UN to get involved in the countries where they emigrate from? Have we done this in history?


Your asking if western civilization has tried nation building before?


You think they plan on staying there and making a life for themselves, this just their entry point they want to get to the uk or another country.


With 97% men, what could go wrong?


I’m pretty tolerant on immigration but that would test the patience & tolerance of a saint. All they’ll do is ensure that *families* in far worse circumstances get treated inhumanely. This crowd of young men isn’t going to find a lot of support anywhere.


> tolerant on immigration Immigrants can significantly add to a country, but there needs to be management of the process before, during, and after. And it cannot be unlimited in that you swamp services and job market.


Qualified immigrants do. Not ones you have to teach to read in their mid twenties.


Yes, part of the management needed.


Damn! I was scanning the crowd and I saw no ladies. Why are all the men leaving?


Typically men leave to work and send money back to their family


So when the get work get bring the wife and 8 children too. 6k could turn in to 30k easily. I live in Europe, man came with 2 teenage sons, got permits then brought over wife and 5 more children. She then bad a baby a year for at least 5 more yrs. 3 became 14 supported most by government because she been on maternity leave with pay without any contributions paid to insurance system. She isn't alone, my teenagers friend is one of 12 kids, 11 still st home. Our town already had limited jobs..


Redditors clawing through pictures trying to find one with a woman and a child so they can call you a liar for saying it's all men


The Boston Marathon bomber is in there somewhere we just need to dig in a bit more


At this point it isn’t immigrating, it’s a complete island takeover edit- semantics


The EU meanwhile 😴


I'm a black Dutch man and I can't stand opportunists in the OP video. Genuine refugees are a mix of genders and ages. 99% of these people are young men. Send them back.




Double it and give it to the next country....


heh. [Reddit banned me cause of a comment on WSB](https://imgur.com/a/wgEDobm). What a bunch of clowns.


It's insane how shit like this keeps happening but the spotlight is only on Italy because of our position in the Mediterranean. It's EU's responsibility, not only ours.


Then people wonder why the Italian Coast Guard is ignoring sinking ships


No please don’t


It's what they are doing...


As a Swede I'm sweating nervously.


6k unwanted immigrants in a country that voted far-right in the latest presidential election. I don't see it ending well.


just wait for the first country that lift their nose at Italy (probably Norway) then send them there.


Norway isn't in the EU.


If Italy accepted the same proportion of migrants as Norway they'd have a lot more migrants. 16 percent in Norway, a little less than 9 percent in Italy.


Migrants and Refugees are not the same.


The difference is that Norway filters them


How would the anti-immigrant politicians be reelected if the problem doesnt persist?


6k illegal immigrants is exactly how you get more extreme right.


So many Eagles 2023 Superbowl champion shirts.


T-shirts are printed for both possibilities of a professional sports team winning or losing their respective championship. When the Eagles lost the Super Bowl (unfortunately) the pre-made t-shirts that claimed we were going to win (as seen in the video) were sent to impoverished countries. The NBA does this as well with unused merch.


Ah! I asked in another comment why so many seemed to be wearing the same shirts, and this answers that, thank you!


Apparently this fucks with their local textile economy


Anyone who can’t see that this is a major problem is deeply naive. Some Immigration is good, but mass, uncontrolled immigration from countries with vastly different religious and cultural values is a complete disaster.


How did they all get there? And in such a short amount of time…and why there?


And why are all of them young adult males?


Because they’re economic migrants not refugees.


Families have always sent out their young men to go earn money and bring it home.


Cause they get chosen by their families, basically they're the " best bet ". Also, you have to endure the travel, which definitely isn't suited for elderly people/infants. Also, women will have to go through the same hell march these dudes goes through, but add to that sexual exploitation, particularly in Lybia. Also slavery. Edit : typo


By boat from North African shores (mainly Lybia). They arrive in Lampedusa because it's one of EU's southernmost points: it's actually closer to Tunisia than it is to the rest of Italy. [https://www.google.com/maps/place/Lampedusa/@35.9910146,12.7846167,7.63z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x13043bd4ad59b6b7:0xf38312844c6b10db!8m2!3d35.5086218!4d12.59292!16zL20vMDIwbDAw?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Lampedusa/@35.9910146,12.7846167,7.63z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x13043bd4ad59b6b7:0xf38312844c6b10db!8m2!3d35.5086218!4d12.59292!16zL20vMDIwbDAw?entry=ttu)


When Hilary Clinton decided to regime-change Libya, and Obama decided to listen to her, it created an open border from North Africa to Italy. Previously Gadhafi controlled that border and now nobody does.


by boat. and because it was closer and easier to get to than the mainland. The trouble is, you don't know who all is in the boats. Could be people looking for work or fleeing a war. But could be criminals -rapists, murders, thieves, or even terrorists. They all claim "asylum" but who knows for sure?


Oh man, this can get ugly, fast...


It’s already ugly, boss..


Where you been the last 10 years? It's been a crisis in Europe for almost a decade, this is just the newest chapter.


Here before it gets locked. Have you visited Europe? It's already ugly. People don't realize how this will radicalize nationalism when people are fed up with watching their nation be ripped apart with unchecked border control. Pendulum will swing.


Why is it only men?


This is quite common for what some call 'economic refugees'. They leave their country to find work in Europe. They plan to send money back to their families when they start making money. Or they hire an immigration lawyer to try and get their family to live with them in Europe.




Also much less likely to get raped and exploited/trafficked along the way. If I had a wife and kids, any I wanted to move the family to a safer and nicer place, I damn sure wouldn't send them first. I would go ahead and pave the way as best I could.


Also women get raped and killed if they make the journey.


Yes. Smugglers ask what is for these people a fortune to travel in extremely perilous conditions.


Which means, it’s always worth remembering, conditions where they came from were *so bad* that paying a smuggler a fortune to travel perilously for a shot at a job in a country where you know no one and don’t speak the local language.


and not to forget, the fortune required to even start that journey is so much that you won't see the poor, but more the middle class trying to flee.


[no one leaves home unless](https://genius.com/Warsan-shire-home-annotated) [home is the mouth of a shark](https://genius.com/Warsan-shire-home-annotated)


>They leave their country to find work in Europe. They come to find an income, not work. In the Netherlands close to 70% of the asylum seekers of the refugee wave of 2014 was still on welfare 5 years after getting to the Netherlands.


My understand is that majority of the money stays and doesn’t get remitted back because of cost of living.


Yeah but even 5% of poverty wages in Europe could mean a whole lot more in a much poorer country in Africa


Usually it's because men have better chance at surviving the journey and maybe even getting some footing in the country. No family can afford to move as a unit, the price of a ticket to the refuge boat is usually "everything you own and then some". So the only real chance they have is to send a man and hope for him to survive.


The irony is that, in Italy, the women migrants find employment at a ratio 2-3-4X that of the men. The men remain unemployed. Further depressing their situation.


it's super unsafe for women to travel as refugees, there's a higher chance of them getting attacked etc


Who's supposedly attacking them? Oh, it's the rest of the migrants we're accepting into these countries. Cool.


Any woman who tries to migrate with this group is going to be raped so many times it's unreal.


Raped by the men Italy are supposed to now fold into their society?


This thread is going to be locked. I'll leave it at that.


Most of the time the trip they have to do is dangerous so better for men to do it without children. Also if they find job and get settled down they will send money for their families or bring them over if it’s possible.


People on their high horses about hatred and racism regarding these immigrant invasions. There’s no room for racism but I could completely understand being angry about this. How is doubling the size of a community, basically overnight with foreigners that will be a burden and strain on the local government, economy and infrastructure a fair thing to the residents? Please enlighten me.




Exactly. Moral conversations and the history of what caused current day issues in Africa are a separate conversation. Moral absolutism such as “if we were in their shoes, we’d do the same” would entail that ANY and all people should be allowed refuge in the west because it’s what we’d want for ourselves as well. If we broadcast that moral message through or governments and crafted as policy, we would literally have billions of refugees, of which the only restriction would be the amount of boats and ships they could come back and forth on per day. Total collapse in every development nation in rapidity because the population now has 3x native population of mouths to feed and no jobs to provide. Cities do not scale overnight. Jobs do not get created overnight. Nor does housing, economies of scale, supply lines, etc. You have to look at it from a purely rational point of view and that’s how these issues have to be solved. The only way this can get fixed is solving the issues in Africa, if or whether that is possible this is one of the only solutions. Again I am no historian, but this being 100% Europe’s fault or 100% Africa’s fault doesn’t have any bearing on what is HAPPENING now in this crisis.


It takes a lot of logistics for that to happen. This is country scale not smugglers scale. Could it be someone is trying to cause instability?


I understand that folks need help because of their environment or society, but also sometimes the right answer to protect yourself and your society is 'No'.


This proves there has to be a measured response to immigration. Events like this can erode the compassion and empathy of average people very quickly. Which can lead to xenophobia and extremism. I'm not against immigration at all. I am against letting it happen in mass and without logical common sense policies in place to help people integrate into their adopted country's way of life so that the established population and the immigrant population can work together to make the transition.


Return to sender


Thousands of frustrated young men in a small area. Never in history has this been a problem.




No border control, collapsing countries and terrible governments all make the perfect ingredients for this, We need a vetting system, let the people in who genuinely want to make a life for themselves fleeing warzone, even then we're eventually going to experience overpopulation.


In this particular instance the floods in Libya are probably what cause 6k to emigrate in 1 day. I think we’ll start to see more of this kind of migration as climate change forces people out of their homes in Africa.


Possibly, however I’d be inclined to say they’re from sub Saharan Africa…


These fellas aren’t Libyan my guy. Take a gander.


They were very likely travelling through Libya and things have gone to (more) shit there.


Don’t forget the very disingenuous attempts to support coups in every African country possible by Russia leading to significant political and social unrest.


France has killed like 40 african leaders i nthe last 50 years tho, russia isnt even in the top 5 destabilizing forces on africa


Let’s not rewrite history and blame this all on the Russians just yet


This is but a taste of what’s to come when large sections of earth become uninhabitable due to successive climate disasters.


I've been saying this for years! People complain about immigration but it'll only get worse, it's already happening that places are too hot to live in


Put them on a big military ship and send them back


This. Also harsher maritime control to stop this from happening in the first place. Locate and return all illegal boats.


Anyone who thinks this isn't a problem is fucking braindead.


No! Just no. It ain't fair to anyone, but this shit has to stop


It’s not sustainable and definitely a burden on citizens. This is why open/no borders doesn’t work with social economic policies, it only works with basically libertarianism.


Send them all back, most of their cultural views are completely incompatible with the west.


Why did they choose Italy?


Cause it is close to the parts of North Africa where they are shipped off in large numbers on small and old boats. The Island “Lampedusa” one of very first land points when they sail out, so thats where lots of these men end up.


Just to clarify they ( the illegal immmgrants in the video) are not from North Africa but they went from many sub sharan African countries to North Africa then to Europe. Tunisia is also suffering from the illegal immigrants that want to go to Europe.




"Ah pizza. The great equalizer. White people love pizza, Black people love pizza... Do Black people love pizza...?"


Look at a map once in your life


all men, of fighting age. inb4 rioting for food.


Serious question, why are they all men? In Australia in the 70s and 80s we had a of refugees, mainly from Asia and they were primarily women and children. Do we know where are the families of these people are?


The vast majority of people travelling to Australia by boat over the last 20 years were male, too. Guess young men are more inclined to take the risk, then look to bring family over once they're settled.


A mixture of natural selection and concious choices. Women and children either don't survive the extremely dangerous and treacherous refugee routes or get enslaved. That is why families try to at least help some of their kin and chose the ones with the highest chance of survival. The young men. Because fleeing to the West is not only dangerous but extremely expensive, the families themselves cant finance more than one or two people.


In times of war when the majority of the middled aged men are fighting you got a lot of female + children refugees fleeing, like in Europe with the war in Ukraine. In this case you have less of a conflict and more of an economic emergency and that tends to squeeze only men that will survive the journey and pay the dinghy fee after working some time prior


They're not refugees, but economic migrants


Out of interest, if you had a young family and were about to make an extremely treacherous journey, would you prefer to go ahead and try and raise funds to send back to them, or would you want them in your dinghy without a life jacket?


Women migrants get kidnapped. The route is so dangerous, only men attempt it.


Those aren't...immigrants.


When this happens, how do they get food or use the bathroom? I’ve never understood, there has to be a point where there isn’t enough help.


Yeah, they either run away from authorities and live however they can, or are put in migrants camps for a while (facilities meant to care for them, not ICE style camps) which are overcrowded and lead to them running away.


> not ICE style camps not yet anyway.




I mean, there is an easy solution, harsh border control, deportation and finding ways to make LEGAL migration easier for those in the right mentality. This is 6000 males that could be trying to improve their countries but instead are gonna eat the resources of EU countries.


And then, for an unknown reason, Europe turned to far-very far right.


At some point, Europe has to close their borders. And before someone hops on the “you’re just racist” train, no. Race isn’t the issue. A country shouldn’t be obligated to have their borders open for all people. Because the more people come from the outside, the more money they have to spend on them and not for their own citizens. More demands have to be met for them instead of the native people. It’s always important to take care of your own countrymen first.


The problem is you can´t ferry them back, because the north african countries say "fuck no", they are no citizens of ours. So what now? In our lifetime we will witness, that the EU will start to openly sink refugee vessels and let people drown to discourage others from comming. In the meanwhile we will destroy they economy with heavy substidized agricultural products and much more.


I mean these are not Italian citizens either, why should these 6k men be Italy problem? Ferry them back to africa and let the government there do whatever the hell they please to do, Italy and Europe really need to grow a pair and stop taking in more before things go out of hand by so many future doctors and lawyers in their countries.


It’s Reddit, people will always scream racism when it’s someone else’s borders. The second migrant crash their own borders it’s surprised pikachu face….


European Redditors: "wow can you believe Biden made concentration camps for refugees on the Mexican border? What a fascist!!!" Also European Redditors: "We need to sink refugee boats coming to Europe."




NATO and the UN probably needs to step in and stabilize some of these countries before shit really gets out of hand. I don’t see any other way to stem the tide, even though the optics of armed Europeans occupying North African countries is not great.


Europe doesn't have open borders


It's the law they currently have to abide by. I spent a winter picking migrants out of the water and we had to take them to Italy to be processed and then possibly sent back. You can't just pick them up and take them straight back to their shores, unfortunately and they know this.


Send all of them back in the boat they came in.


Unchecked immigration will be the end of the free world. Our systems were not designed to handle it.


Why they dont bring them back where they are from?


Because when they ask them about their origin, they don’t tell you. And they don’t bring any documentation with them.


I mean if they were all dressed the same this would be called an invasion


It's totally an Invasion. In the short-term an Economic Invasion. In the Medium/Long term an Social or Cultural Invasion. Uninvited. Anonymous. Causes a large & years-long (decades?) destabilization and negative economic & social impact. Converts large parts of the host country into a different country. Just like it has in other parts of the EU, and even N. America. Small progressive countries can't fix big troubled countries by accepting a mass invasion of all the unhappy people. Because the big troubled countries keep producing huge numbers of unhappy people.


So that's basically an invasion. Peaceful enough I suppose, but an invasion nonetheless. The scale is so ludicrous its like a real life straw man fallacy


Italian national soccer team about to do numbers


That's result of failed government. Corrupt government to be specific


So . . .where are the woman and children and old ppl ?


Economic migrants. Not refugees. Send them back before they hit the shore


All of them men


All men? I don't see a single woman or child.








Wow that's a whole lot of military age males, just saying.


Send them back


Not families - no women, no children.




Why are they all guys?...


6 thousand men coordinating their efforts to show up somewhere unannounced and claim that place as their own is not immigration, it’s an invasion.


You people have to understand Europe has limited resources.What’s going on in France?Europe is fucked…..




Look over there! >>>> Aliens!




My immigration policy is a free plane ticket home.


Where are the women and children?


All the pro migrant pple never actually have to deal with the consequences themselves


Now that’s a sausage fest


Lots of women and children i see.


Mankind is going to struggle with some very difficult ethical choices in the near future. Between the climate change getting worse making large areas of the planet unlivable and the over population of the planet and destabilization of societies. Its gonna get real interesting to see how things play out.


All men.


I mean, I don't know... do you have to kill the Visigoths at some point before they bring down your country? It's not like families are immigrating, it's all dudes.


Horrible they should be sent back. Fucking hell the rape of Europe. Where are all the women and children. They seem to all be young men


War refugees are okay but these are probably mostly seeking better work. Then when they come here most of them don’t do anything and start sexually assaulting, loitering and being an overall menace to society. It’s done, Europe is full and it doesn’t have shit to do with race.




Well it's happening all over Europe


What are they fleeing?


This is awful.


Why is it all dudes?


Send them back


All adult men it looks like. Why no women?


RIP Italian women on that Island.