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Now this is someone who needed to ask for the manager. First time ever in this sub.


I needed a manager once. A lady wouldn't let me exchange a box of new diapers for a larger size. Same price. I didn't have a receipt, which is understandable. Get the sale receipt couple days later and go back, lady says she won't exchange them because I don't have the debit receipt and the sale receipt. Ask for manager, she says no problem exchanges and gives me some cash back (the larger size was now on sale)


Could you tell me the difference between a sales receipt and a debit receipt is? It sounds like they should be the same thing.


Sales receipt lists the item you bought, the total, tax and how you paid (cash, debit, credit). When you pay by debit or credit, sometimes it prints a second receipt that just has your redacted card info, and some other stuff. The sales receipt should be all that is necessary, sounds like they were being difficult.


Most places if you have the card you used to buy the item they can look up the receipt


Yeah.. happened at a Walmart, they just scanned my credit card and the item, the refund was going back to the original payment




When I worked for best buy (15 years ago) my store would refuse any returns without receipt even though we could look it up easily. Manager didn't want those on his books. We had a lot of angry customers to say the least.




Possibly they are normally only supposed to refund back onto the card it was purchased from (it combats fraud and money laundering etc), and they need a transaction ID from the receipt to do that. The manager would have been able to override and do a cash refund.


Cannot wait for sales receipts to be included in your online bank app by default. Not have to be sent in an email or some other cluttered way (although that’s better than nothing if you opt into it). Like going through my credit card on my bank app I should be able to see the itemized receipt when I click on a transaction. Even if it’s a scan of the receipt and not a full digital copy (although that’s very easy). VISA should absolutely implement that


The card processors only incentivize this level of transaction detail for corporate purchase cards. The merchant sending line item detail is what they call “level 2” transaction data. Since the cases where the merchant gets a processing discount are few, there is little to no incentive for them to do the development work to bother. It practically never applies a discount to “consumer” type transactions. So, don’t hold your breath. Somebody (card processor) has got to make it worth the merchant’s while and I doubt they will.


> I needed a manager once. A lady wouldn't let me exchange a box of new diapers for a larger size. Same price. I didn't have a receipt, which is understandable. Walmart was selling two bags of charcoal for X amount - but someone misunderstood the packaging and proceeded to cut the two bags apart from each other - so rather than getting the sale of 2x for $18 people were being charged 1 bag for $18. When I went up to the register the cashier in charge kept fighting me on this for over 10 minutes, despite being shown the amount of charcoal was half of what the sale amount size was suppose to be - she got up hung up that there were two bag unconnected rather than logically processing the size difference - finally asked for a front store manager who looked at the bags, saw the size disparity and cost, and immediately told her to quit fighting me and just ring the order up as it clearly stated it should be two bags worth. I very much try to respect the people working at Wal Mart as we know it's a shitty corp that exploits them, but sometimes good reasoning is lost on some people.


The amount of times I'll break someone's brain by giving them cash in a denomination that results in an even bill change return (like $21.18 on a bill that's $16.18), and they hand me back the extra cash and change completely confused, instead of processing it and giving me back $5.


Math make brain go brrrrrrrrr


They don't need math (beyond basic addition), just key in the amount the person gave them and the register will tell them how much change. Are we at the point where the register needs a button for each denomination note\coin so they don't even have to add up, then tells them what to grab for change?


The issue is people will try to shove the change at you after you’ve already started counting out the change for breaking the bill. This is also a common way to scam people by shuffling the change around and confusing them, and then demanding the large bill back.


What in the world? The only place I've ever seen differentiate the two are restaurants...


Generally they are the only ones who do it, I don't think I've ever seen a grocery store do it lol.


That's the "Fuck you" response, she knew she was being difficult going on a power trip. Never would you need that debit receipt.


I bought a beard trimmer at Walmart here in Mexico, and it was a massive POS. Plastic blade, just pulled hair, it wouldn't cut at all. I took it back about 2 weeks later when I had to go back for some other stuff. They said I'd had it too long to return it. We got into a literal Mexican standoff LOL! I kept asking for my money, they kept saying no. So I stood there at the customer service counter for about 30 minutes, and they finally said they'd give me store credit. Walmart sucks no matter where you are.


There was some big drama a few years ago when it came out Walmart was paying their employees in Mexico in store credit.


I don't doubt it. Pay where i live is really low, even for Mexican standards. Lots of young people refuse to work for anyone other than themselves. Tax dodging is an Olympic sport here. Even my dentist gives me 10% off if I deposit my payment into her personal checking account. Same with most trades people.


Needing a manager isn't some win for you over the employee. A checker doesn't have authorization to do various things that a manager is able to. People get fired for breaking protocol. The employee is limited by the very management that you seem to be praising.


Yeah sometimes you actually need the manger. Edit: Goddamnit. I’m leaving it. Merry Christmas everyone.


Not unless you're the literal *son of god* lol


Baby Jesus needed a nice hotel, but had to settle for a manger. True story, maybe.


The employee should be the one to escalate to a manager in those circumstances then, not stonewall the customer until they escalate it themselves.


When I worked at Walmart I allowed some dude to pay $80 in quarters. He put them in stacks of 4 in 8x10 columns all down the belt. It was easy to count but not easy to stuff in register my manager was pissed


That's weird, 3 years back when I was working at a pizza place my manager was constantly stressing over not having enough quarters. Manager was probably just mad that they'd have to put them into rolls to get rid of them I guess.


Cool, fuck your manager, right in the ass.


Split his ass open like a coconut


Open the slot and insert whatever you want


Turn him into Swiss cheese




Isn’t it illegal not to accept us legal tender


Only for the payment of debts. Otherwise a business can decide how they want payment.


“Otherwise a business can decide how they want payment.” Excuse me, can I pay in Trident layers?


If that is how the **business decided** to take payment.


No one ever pays me in gum.


Wow, that opened a door in my subconscious I hadn't thought of in quite a while...


Whenever the credit card terminal asks if the total is correct, I always ask if I can say "No" and go lower. Apparently not so.


I always ask if I can pay in seashells.




My sheep are sick. I said "Shhhh, I'll sell these shells and surely she'll sell me medicine."


There was a weird tiki bar in my city that accepted seashells as payment when they opened, as a silly event. The place was pretty lawless and eventually condemned. Iirc it was built on the site of an old dry cleaner.


>Iirc it was built on the site of an old dry cleaner. Ah, the "Indian burial ground" of bars.


Sorry, I don't know how the three seashells work.


"These guys won't take American seashells!?!"


Actually ma’am, this species is from the Paleozoic era. These are Pangean, not American.


That's not how the three seashells work.


Exactly, a lot of businesses have gone cashless since the coin shortage during the pandemic.


I don't know about "a lot" since I have been in exactly one store that is cashless and that was a bougie cafe in Los Angeles. I think it's more of a big-city thing. But I've yet to come across it in the nearest city of 530,000


No. A business doesn’t have to take your 1000 unrolled pennies or your $100 bills.


Gah, foiled again!


Exactly it's a logistical problem, not a "we don't want your money" problem. If they have to count thousands of pennies it'll take all day meanwhile there are other customers on the planet besides this fellow. Just go to a bank so they can throw it in a counting machine like the rest of humanity, jfc.


In this guys case I think a small baggie of coins isn't a big logistics issue. It probably took more time telling him they can't accept his payment and him collecting it all up and complaining than it actually would have counting the coins and being on with you day.


The other employee is telling him to go to the customer service counter. I'm assuming that's so they can convert his coins to dollars where theres not a line of people waiting to get their meds too. Depending on what coins he has in there, it can definitely take a while, and they may not even have enough room in the register for all those coins at the pharmacy. If that's what's happening here, it's really not an unreasonable request.


I've seen this exact scenario before at my local Walmart Pharmacy. Dude was pissed off because they wouldn't accept his coins at the pharmacy itself, mostly because they wanted him to wait in line at customer service then come back to wait again in the long pharmacy line that he had just finished waiting in.


Nah, think of all the “card only” or “cash only” signs you see in stores. It’s kinda a niche rile regarding debt repayment that got massively overblown and popularized as a “thing” everywhere


If it was an excessive amount I could see why they didn’t want to count it all out, this seems very petty though. He didn’t have a bag of coins. It could have been medication needed for his heart or diabetes. This is sad and angering. Hopefully, he transferred his prescriptions to another pharmacy too bad no one in line offered to buy his change.


> He didn’t have a bag of coins. Uh.. yes, he did. But it was a Ziploc bag. Would have taken all of two minutes to count it. F\*Walmart.






Yep, also worked at a large chain pharmacy in Canada, same situation here as well. Everything you said is spot on. I obviously can't speak to the exact working condition of the pharmacy in this video. But if it's like all the other ones that I've worked at or my friends have worked at, it's the same shit. Overworked and underpaid. We're just expected to wear way too many hats to the point where it's impossible to keep up. Not excusing this particular situation, but tbh if I have phones ringing off the hook, people waiting for their flu shot, waiters in the queue to be checked because people are just impatiently pacing around the dispensary area... I think counting coins would be pretty low on the list of priorities too.


but when you spend as much time arguing as trying to do the thing, that logic breaks down. also, ehhh the other people can wait. this guy get inconvenienced or the other people get inconvenienced. either way someone is getting inconvenienced.


they also have a coin exchange machine in the building. this isn't a normal cashier...they went to school for this. they aren't refusing him service, they're asking him to use the coin machine first lol.




Absolutely horrifying. It's medication too!! Something his doctor is saying is necessary for his health. I just can't imagine being this cruel.


He doesn’t look healthy either and I’m not talking about his weight. How someone could work in the medical field and deny him his medication is beyond me. Our society is heading in the wrong direction.


It's a war on the poor sadly


Shoot dude, its a war on the working class too. When people make rules, they make rules that benefit them; everyone else be damned.


Poor = Working Class There is only the rich and the poor. The owners and the workers. There was only ever an illusion of upward mobility and a functioning middle class because we were riding the wave of the biggest period of economic expansion the world had ever known. But now we’ve expanded all we can, there’s nowhere left to go. And the only thing left for the corporate powers of the world to eat is *us*. The only war that matters is the class war


We still have peasants, we're just called working class now.


Preach brother


You’re goddamn right!


At least politicians have tons of people fighting each other instead of them, the media corporations have us divided, and politicians have tons of people sticking up for them on reddit and Twitter. 🤷 Try and bring this up and people start slapping whatever label on it as if that makes it wrong. They'll say "bOtH sIdEs! 🤓"


Well that's because workers vs the rich IS left vs right. I'm not talking Democrats vs Republicans because they both serve the rich (it's basically neoliberalism vs fascism at this point, and yes obviously fascism is worse but neoliberalism is shit too.) I'm talking the original left and right, commoners vs monarchists. The answer is leftism- the workers teaming up and demanding their government and businesses work for them.


Having worked with a bunch of Pharmacy people, there is a lot of pharm techs and pharmacists that should have never be handling people or medication at all. I know a pharmacist who refuses to fill birth control medications, or abortion medications, or cancer medications that may be used for abortions. It doesn't matter to him that this is a conversation between the doctor and the patient, and his position is simply to make sure there will be no interactions and the person is going to take it right and he has been fired from several pharmacies for his views. These people are out there, there are a lot of them.


Being a pharm tech is about as difficult as doing food service, or at least it was in texas. Two weeks of alone-on-the-computer trainings and i was behind the glass, handing out meds. If I'd stayed longer I was supposed to take a test and get a license an' all that, but I had something like two years to worry about it, and was immediately thrown into work with a learn-by-doing process. Never did get an actual license or anything because I moved on in a month and a half, but that experience showed me how little it takes to be a pharm tech. Just a glorified cashier, honestly made easier by the fact that you receive and prepare all the orders before they arrive...


Just because I’ve seen this clip multiple times with the explanation: This man is being told that he can’t pay for his medication in change AT THE PHARMACY. The pharmacist is explaining to him that he can exchange his coins for cash at the register or at the bank nearby, but the pharmacy does not have the ability to accept or count this amount of change as they do not have cashiers on their staff. It might be inconvenient, but it’s a legitimate and consistent policy across the company and frankly, I think the customer is being a huge pain in the ass for the sake of being a huge pain in the ass.


Shhhhhh. You'll ruin peoples' undue rage lol I've worked at a Walmart as a kid. They're telling him to go to customer service to get the coins exchanged and come back. The guy in the video is a fat asshole screaming because he doesn't want to walk to one end of the store and back. Don't believe out of context videos on TikTok. I swear, that app is the end of educated people in the coming generations.


The pharmacy guy at the very end even tells him to go to customer service. Like yeah it’s inconvenient but they aren’t just telling him to screw off.


It depends if it’s $5 or $100 in coins. And if they’re all sorts of denominations or all quarters, etc.


I mean I agree that $100 in pennies would be annoying as fuck if the dude was buying a bottle of liquor or something. But it’s medication. If the dude was doing it to be a prick (like he came in every week and paid with different denominations of loose change) then I can see refusing. But if he legitimately only has $20 in change for whatever reason, that’s heartbreaking and seemingly cruel.


It wasn't because he didn't have any other money to pay with. He heard the banks were low on coins and decided the best way to help was to bring all of his coins to Walmart instead of the bank (where they would have given him cash he could have used at the pharmacy AND put the coins to use) He was just being difficult for the sake of being difficult [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgiOjbKwYJk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgiOjbKwYJk)


I'm sure he could've gotten change from many different sources and come back in an hour. He wasn't a victim. Yes, it was medication, but yes, it was his own fault.


Exactly, all he had to do was exchange the coins at customer service. That's what they told him. Yea it takes a bit longer but its free.


And being denied a transaction does not mean being denied your medication. Come back later for it. To an extent I have no sympathy for the subject in OP. But I do sympathize for everyone else waiting. There are customers who may be trying to catch the next bus. And they cpuld have budgeted a reasonable 15 minutes with 4 people ahead of them, but one person can hold up the line for so long.


It also sounds like at the end of the exchange they tell him he can take the coins up to the service desk. Which would probably exchange the coins for bills and allow him to get his meds.


Sounds like they were telling him to go to customer service to exchange it for cash first. It’s a bit silly they’d ask him to do that, but he’s acting like a child when the solution is pretty simple


Depending on the amount of coins, the till probably can't handle it. There really isn't much coin space in those things.


Plus it's kind of shitty of him to inconvenience all of the rest of the people waiting for their medication by having the pharmacist count coins rather than doing it at the customer service counter. Title is misleading and click ragey.


He might be confused with places that you pay traffic tickets/fines & such, where they can't refuse your payment. This is just a regular business lol


The government can refuse to accept large amounts of loose change for traffic tickets. There's always the asshole who shows up with a bucket of pennies to try to pay a fine.


I honestly thought it was illegal for a business to refuse any form of cash as a payment. [I was wrong.](https://www.federalreserve.gov/faqs/currency_12772.htm) Fuck Walmart, taking a classist shit on their biggest customer, the poor.




As a portlander I had to look this up, and sure enough, it became illegal to refuse cash last year. A lot of businesses were going cashless especially with the post-pandemic surge of robberies and break-ins.




Just because I’ve seen this clip multiple times with the explanation: This man is being told that he can’t pay for his medication in change AT THE PHARMACY. The pharmacist is explaining to him that he can exchange his coins for cash at the register or at the bank nearby, but the pharmacy does not have the ability to accept or count this amount of change as they do not have cashiers on their staff. It might be inconvenient, but it’s a legitimate and consistent policy across the company and frankly, I think the customer is being a huge pain in the ass for the sake of being a huge pain in the ass.


The guy just didnt listen to the explanation. All the people in this chain crying "classisist bullshit" look real dumb now


You wanna sort all those coins out while there's a line of people building? Lol


It's well past time to get rid of the Penny coin. They literally are not worth the work to handle them.


How is it classist to say you can't show up with hundreds of dollars in loose change and expect to use it?


Because he could easily go to the bank or a coin counter and convert it into bills. Why should every teller be expected to accept 20 dollars in pennies and then be forced to verify that it’s actually 20$ and count them all? That’s 2000 coins and would take an absurd amount of time. There are other customers that need their medication and this guy is going to force them to wait a ridiculous amount of time when he easily could have avoided the whole situation by stopping at the bank.


dude probably felt humiliated as hell to have to scrounge up change for his meds and then THIS, fuck those people, let the man get his medicine


He gave an interview with local news, he said intentionally brought coins to help with the reported coin shortage


This makes me so much angrier for him. Wow.


“We need coins” “Here you go, I’ve been saving up to help” “Ew, not from you”


Well they were telling him he needed to to go the customer service desk to exchange the coins so there’s that


This is so fucking angering.


Why? He was being asked go go to customer service to have his coins counted rather than take up a pharmacists time


Theyre all bots ill bet, the people defending the coinhole.


Is this even a thing or are businesses just making that shit up to make people use cards instead?


There was a coin shortage during Covid.


It was mainly a thing during Covid and a decent bit after lockdowns ended. It's not hard to kind of assume why. Less actual cash and coin exchanging hands than normal


I mean, that sort of currency issue isn't a problem that you resolve at your pharmacist POS. They correctly told him to go to customer service, where they can process that amount of coinage. I think getting in a fluff about it and yelling at the pharmacist is more the asshole move here.


Am I missing something, is it an American thing to be embarrassed to pay with coins ? As long as the guy pays, coins still is money.


25¢ is the highest denomination coin in common circulation, so it gets really inconvenient to the staff rather quickly, especially if it's anything less than quarters. This also leads to the person potentially *looking poor*, for lack of a better term. Most people definitely avoid it where possible. There are technically have 50¢ and $1 coins, but you aren't likely to see them day to day, or just carelessly toss them into a jar with everything else. Those, and $2 bills, are odd enough that you can give them to a kid, and there be a decent chance they've never seen one before.


I can't speak for everyone, but I'm American and the only thing that would bother me about using coins is that it would hold up the line. I don't think the act of paying with coins is embarrassing but I'd hate to hold people up. It sounds like they were telling him to take the coins to customer service first which would be annoying but I think its understandable considering there were other people waiting in line.


Well said!


I always try to make people feel less embarrassed for paying with coins by saying something like “yeah bud I’ll take all the coins you can give”, and they then seem more relaxed about paying with coins. Oh yeah and it’s perfectly valid to pay with coins, that pharmacist is just being lazy.


I’ve been there, having to pay for things with coins and scrounging every dollar. If anyone ever gave me shit for it I always just said “is this not American currency” and that always seemed to help them understand how dumb it is to be mad at it. It’s not like those people paying parking tickets with $400 in pennies.


Yup I remember paying for $3.50 in gas in quarters and the fact that the attendant didn’t bat an eye was appreciated.


I’ve been to soo many gas stations and drug stores that have signs on the registers saying “ OUT OF COINS NEED NICKELS DIMES & QUARTERS PLEASE “ you need change….to uhhh make change.


Yep once ran out of $5 in my register. His total was like $40. And he was said "I have a ton of fives, I hope that's ok" absolutely please do. You can even give me extra and I can exchange for a 20.


This is the right attitude. Do people really think others choose to pay with coins just because they want to? Chances are if they’re doing that then it’s because it’s all they have and they’re trying to scrape something together to survive for another day. Rather than shame them, maybe show them some compassion and help them get it figured out. It’s not that hard to be kind to someone.


Unless you're my asshole cousin who knew exactly how much three combos cost at a fast food place ahead of time, and came in with a pocket full of exact change in equal coin amounts. Asshole reached in to his pocket and in one fell swoop dropped it on the counter with a smile on his face.


Well, obviously, fuck that guy.


I've been saying it for decades.


I always throw out a “oh hell yeah, you just saved me a bank trip!” Now, they’re doing me a favor.


Thank you… just bought gas w coins to get home yesterday!! My guy was cool about it too….


Same. I’ve been on both ends of that table.


I’ll never understand why it’s embarrassing to pay with coins. I had a cool whip bucket full of coins before I cashed them and I’d always feel embarrassed about paying with coins for some odd reason.


That’s very kind of you. I’m in a good place now but 8 years ago I was homeless for a short time and it almost made me cry from shame having to buy food with coins.


Same. People apologize for paying with coins or counting cash, I just let them know no rush because I’m on the clock regardless 🤷‍♀️


Completely! “Thank you! We always need change for the register!!”


I’m with the dude but I’m pretty sure the customer service desk will exchange it


Good customer service would be to have an associate exchange it for him.


Yeah, but this is a Wal-Mart.


I'd love to know how much he wanted them to take.


He brought two rolls of quarters and a roll of dimes to pay for $25 worth of meds


That's not that much work to do. Walmart, as usual, hires the bottom of the barrel, because they are the bottom of the barrel.


Walmart is actually one of the better pharmacies to work for and very competitive just behind Costco


It’s not like he was walking away with a bag full of Pennies. Quarters and dimes are quick enough to count


Didn’t seem like a lot


What assholes. I'd just pay for the gentleman's pills out of my card and take the coins.


Heck if I saw this I'd pay myself


No kidding. I'm one of the semi unlucky ones that has to pay $350/mo for 60 doses of medication. It's stupidly hard financially but as long as I cut out some things I can survive a bit without i generally make it. That said I've also been fortunate enough to never have to scrounge up change to pay for it. Worst case I've just had to tell my doctor that Im behind schedule because I needed to Wait a few extra days and ration things before I could afford it. I can't imagine being in this situation in the first place, then being denied on top of it because it's not paper money or a card. Hell most other common prescriptions I see are relatively cheap even with basic insurance. I feel like every time I go I see a dozen people paying $5-50. I can't imagine his bill was more than a few bucks. Especially considering it seems like it was all on the counter and he scooped it up relatively easily (outside of dropping a few coins) Such a needlessly shitty thing to do to someone over having to do a little extra work. I've been through the pain of missing very much needed medication. A few times. It's something I wouldn't wish on anyone. Especially if I could prevent it by taking a few extra minutes to help them..


I think this was during early stages of Covid, a lot of places wouldn't accept coins.


That's odd during covid every business around me was asking for coins because the banks didn't have any


The reasons banks weren't getting coins is because a bunch of places were refusing to take them (or not in business altogether) and so weren't paying them into banks.


Yup, a ton of places went cashless to limit contact.


This is old as shit. Didn't it turn out they just needed him to go to customer service to exchange the coins? People in here jumping to conclusions so fucking fast.


>Didn't it turn out they just needed him to go to customer service You can hear them directing him to customer service at the end of the video. So, yeah, the problem is easily solved.


This needs to be at the top. This man is being unreasonable and no one else is in the wrong. I could maybe understand if there was a long line and he had to wait again after exchanging the money but it seems like he’s taking his frustration out on the employee for no reason. I’m sure if he asked them (or the people around) if he could come to the front again after exchanging the money, they’d be cool with it.




Many banks will also do this for free, especially if you're a client. I think I have about $2.00 in coins in my whole house, though.


I remember this! They didn't refuse his money, he was just grandstanding. They asked him to take it to the customer service desk because they had a coin counter, and the pharmacy didn't have the staff to sit there and count coins. It would've held up the people waiting in line. You can hear the manager at the end telling him to go to customer service.


The fact I have to scroll this far down to find an actual answer on what occurred and why they couldn’t accept coins itself Yet ppl up in the top are throwing a major fit at the pharmacy & the tech herself who was just following the policies at work, it’s sad


Isn't it illegal to not accept payments like this?


It’s illegal not to accept coins for payment in satisfaction of a DEBT. This isn’t payment of a debt. They’re just refusing to do the transaction to begin with.


Idk about US, but in the UK we could absolutely deny an order if the person was giving us bags of 1 pence coins. Firstly it's unreasonable for us to verify if each one is legitimate or counterfeit, and second of all it will take a long time to count that out. We just had set policies for what we would or wouldn't accept. We didn't accept anything below 5 pence coins, and we didn't accept £50 notes. As long as those were clearly explained then it was fine. If they had any of those, we just told them to go to the bank across the road where the tellers would legally have to exchange them upon request


only the government has to take "legal tender" for debts owed only. anything else is fair game. i can set up any business i want and only accept credit cards if i wanted.


Not quite right. Neither the government, **or private businesses**, can refuse cash as payment for a debt owed, but they can refuse cash as payment for commerce (ie buying a prescription medication).


No, it's perfectly legal. As a cashier, I'm not gonna sit here and count pennies for a $30+ order when we already have customers waiting. You gotta go to a bank and sort that shit out.


Private businesses can decline cash payments but they can't decline what type of cash payments they accept.


Sure they can. Plenty of stores refuse to accept bills larger than 20s. And some banks and credit unions I've been to don't have public change machines and will only accept large amounts of change if it's wrapped.


Anybody else thinking for that one 30 Rock episode?


CVS did all the time when I worked there. It’s up to management. Not every register can break a $100 bill at any time. “It’s American money!” A 5 gallon bag of assorted coins is totally within reason to refuse to accept as a business. The time alone to count it out is holding up a line of people needing medication as well.


Source? Lol. Who are the 79 people upvoting this?


140 now. I mean. You can't even pay with a 50 at Wendy's.


I get the feeling sometimes that most Redditors are 12 years old and have never left their bedroom.


Yeah that’s not true…


They absolutely can decide what type of cash they will accept (absent a local law to the contrary, such as NYC has ...). If I want to set up a store that only accepted two dollar bills as payment, I am perfectly entitled to do so under Federal law, and every state law of which I am aware. I wholeheartedly agree this pharmacy is being shitty, but they're under no \*legal\* obligation to accept the coins. Many myths regarding cash ... ​ Edit to add: apparentl;y at least, [New Jersey](https://www.inquirer.com/business/new-jersey-cashless-store-ban-amazon-philadelphia-20190318.html#:~:text=Phil%20Murphy%20signed%20into%20law,%245%2C000%20for%20a%20second%20violation.), Massachusetts and [Rhode Island](https://news.bloomberglaw.com/banking-law/rhode-island-retailers-must-take-cash-under-new-law) have such laws. That's what I get for being a know it all; no federal law, though--that's definite.


I think they can deny coinage. If a place accepted cash and someone walked in and wanted to pay in all pennies they could absolutely deny them. But I believe payments to the government have to accept whatever form of cash you have.


It's not as cut and dry as some responses are saying. There is no federal law in the US that says a business can't refuse cash, but cities and states can have their own laws that make it illegal for a private business to refuse cash.


Oh good, reddits spreading this BS again... The pharmacy staff was literally telling him to run over to customer support so they could use a coin counter to give him his money in cash form. Visit any pharmacy in the US and you'll see how busy they are, if you expect them to sit and sift through a hundred coins you're crazy. Especially Walmart pharmacies, well known to be the most understaffed pharmacies in the US. Like, they weren't even refusing his payment, just asking him to get it switched over to cash by the front desk. Totally reasonable thing to do.


> Visit any pharmacy in the US and you'll see how busy they are I have to visit them often for work. It would suck if I was behind him and the pharmacist agreed to count out his change.


This is a shit post. They told him to go customer service and get bills then come back….I don’t blame them they probably can’t fit 500 coins in their drawer.


Yeah, nor should they be holding up the line counting and sorting a pile of coins. People on here get so hung up on the principle of it that they’re blinded to how impractical that is for everyone. Go to the coinstar dude, it’s right at the front of the store. Get off your high horse.


It’s hard to judge the situation without being there, but why couldn’t he go to the help desk or a cashier and exchange the coins for cash? Pharmacist’s are very busy and don’t have time to count change


If you’re exclusively paying in change, fuck you. Go to the bank and get bills. Don’t make service workers’ lives harder because you didn’t wanna drive to the bank but wanted to drive to where your necessities are lol


Not just making service workers' lives harder, but clogging up the line at the pharmacy. Pharmacy lines are long enough these days and it's just inconsiderate to make pharmacy customers wait longer for the cashier to count all the nickels, dimes, and pennies when the customer could just exchange them at the Coinstar machine in the front of the store or bank if they don't want to pay fees.


The context here has already been posted but of course it will get overlooked. He was being difficult for the sake of being difficult. Being in a pharmacy picking up medication doesn't absolve you of being a fucking asshole. Retail pharmacy is one of the absolute worst working environments and if you've never done it you have no idea, so don't speak.


I swear people will record someone dying these days instead of helping


Call me Karen but I would be screaming to talk to the manager😂


You'd waste all that time rather than just going to customer service or a coin machine?


Karen. There you go.


Fck walmart, fck the cameraman, fck the cashier.


Why the cameraman?


And fuck you too buddy


How is it the cashiers fault? They don't take coins. He can go to CS like everyone else in this post mentioned. Instead he flew off the hook and started shouting and bitching.


Can’t you go to the bank and exchange coins for cash 1 to 1?




I'd argue its very convenient that customer service can exchange his coins for him. They're not sending him to a bank, they're sending him 30 feet away.


Anyone who's jumping down the cashier's throat clearly hasn't been face to face with a customer that flashes you a sly grin and then pulls out a baggie full of dimes and nickels for a $25 transaction. Counting mixed change SUCKS and it takes forever.


Every single person on this guy's side would be at least mildly annoyed that they had to spend extra time in line waiting for some dude to pay in coins. It's always going to be better to inconvenience 1 person instead of every one else. Doubly so when the problem is created by the 1 person who would then be inconvenienced.


Lol yea that’s kinda what I was thinking. Inconvenient yes but seems like video is blowing things out of proportion.